public function rss_header() { $version = SMOBTools::version(); $owner = SMOBTools::ownername(); $title = "SMOB Hub of {$owner}"; $ts = date('c'); return "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n\n<rdf:RDF\n\txmlns:rdf=''\n\txmlns:dc=''\n\txmlns=''\n\txmlns:dcterms=''\n\txmlns:cc=''\n\txmlns:content=''\n\txmlns:admin=''\n\txmlns:atom=''\n> \n\n<channel rdf:about='" . SMOB_ROOT . "'>\n\t<title>{$title}</title>\n\t<link>" . SMOB_ROOT . "</link>\n\t<atom:link rel='hub' href='" . HUB_URL_SUBSCRIBE . "'/>\n\t<description>{$title}</description>\n\t<dc:creator>{$owner}</dc:creator>\n\t<dc:date>{$ts}</dc:date>\n\t<admin:generatorAgent rdf:resource='{$version}' />\n\t<items>\n\t\t<rdf:Seq>\n"; }
function get_uris() { $uri = "" . urlencode($this->item) . "&qt=term&format=json"; $res = SMOBTools::do_curl($uri); $json = json_decode($res[1], true); foreach ($json['entries'] as $j) { $r[$j['title'][0]] = $j['link']; } return $r; }
private function get_location() { $loc = SMOBTools::location(); if ($loc) { $uri = $loc[0]; $loc = SMOBStore::query("SELECT ?lat ?long WHERE { <{$uri}> geo:lat ?lat ; geo:long ?long .}"); return array($loc[0]['lat'], $loc[0]['long']); } else { return array(0, 0); } }
function get_uris() { $uri = "" . urlencode($this->item) . "&QueryClass=&MaxHits=10"; $res = SMOBTools::do_curl($uri, null, null, 'GET'); $xml = simplexml_load_string($res[0]); foreach ($xml->Result as $x) { // That shall work with an XML method $vars = get_object_vars($x); $r[$vars['Label']] = $vars['URI']; } return $r; }
function get_uris() { $uri = "" . urlencode($this->item) . "&maxRows=10"; $res = SMOBTools::do_curl($uri); $json = json_decode($res[1], true); foreach ($json['geonames'] as $j) { $uri = "" . $j['geonameId'] . "/"; $name = $j['name'] . '(' . $j['countryName'] . ')'; $r[$name] = $uri; } return $r; }
private function load_tweet($tweet) { $id = $tweet->id; $username = $tweet->user->screen_name; $local = $this->user; $uri = "{$username}/status/{$id}"; $content = $tweet->text; $userid = $tweet->user->id; $name = $tweet->user->name; $ts = date('c', time($tweet->created_at)); $user_uri = "{$username}"; $user_foaf_uri = "{$username}#me"; $depiction = $tweet->user->profile_image_url; $triples = array(); $triples[] = array(SMOBTools::uri($uri), "a", "sioct:MicroblogPost"); $triples[] = array("sioc:has_container", SMOBTools::uri('')); $triples[] = array("sioc:has_creator", SMOBTools::uri($user_uri)); $triples[] = array("foaf:maker", SMOBTools::uri($user_foaf_uri)); $triples[] = array("dct:created", SMOBTools::date($ts)); $triples[] = array("dct:title", SMOBTools::literal("Update - " . $ts)); $triples[] = array("sioc:content", SMOBTools::literal($content)); if (strpos($content, '@' . $this->user) !== false) { $triples[] = array("sioc:addressed_to", SMOBTools::uri(FOAF_URI)); $triples[] = array("sioc:addressed_to", SMOBTools::uri('' . $this->user . '#me')); $triples[] = array(SMOBTools::uri(FOAF_URI), 'sioc:name', SMOBTools::literal($this->user)); $triples[] = array(SMOBTools::uri('' . $this->user . '#me'), 'sioc:name', SMOBTools::literal($this->user)); } $triples[] = array(SMOBTools::uri($user_foaf_uri), "foaf:name", SMOBTools::literal($name)); $triples[] = array("foaf:depiction", SMOBTools::uri($depiction)); $opo_uri = $uri . '#presence'; $triples[] = array(SMOBTools::uri($opo_uri), "a", "opo:OnlinePresence"); $triples[] = array("opo:declaredOn", SMOBTools::uri($user_uri)); $triples[] = array("opo:declaredBy", SMOBTools::uri($user_foaf_uri)); $triples[] = array("opo:StartTime", SMOBTools::date($ts)); $triples[] = array("opo:customMessage", SMOBTools::uri($uri)); $graph = SMOB_ROOT . "data/twitter/{$id}"; $rdf = SMOBTools::render_sparql_triples($triples); $query = "INSERT INTO <{$graph}> { {$rdf} }"; $res = SMOBStore::query($query); }
function query($query, $ask = false) { global $arc_config; if (!$arc_config) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../arc/ARC2.php'; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config/config.php'; } $store = ARC2::getStore(SMOBTools::arc_config()); if (!$store->isSetUp()) { $store->setUp(); } $query = "\n\tPREFIX sioc: <>\n\tPREFIX sioct: <>\n\tPREFIX foaf: <>\n\tPREFIX rdf: <>\n\tPREFIX dct: <>\n\tPREFIX tags: <>\n\tPREFIX moat: <>\n\tPREFIX opo: <>\n\tPREFIX opo-actions: <>\n\tPREFIX ctag: <>\n\tPREFIX smob: <>\n\tPREFIX rdfs: <>\n\tPREFIX xsd: <>\n\tPREFIX rev: <>\n\tPREFIX geo: <>\n\tPREFIX rel: <>\n\n\t\t{$query}"; $rs = $store->query($query); if ($errors = $store->getErrors()) { error_log("SMOB SPARQL Error:\n" . join("\n", $errors)); return array(); } if ($ask) { return $rs['result']; } else { return $rs['result']['rows']; } }
if (array_key_exists('REMOTE_HOST', $_SERVER)) { //&& ($_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'] == HUB_URL_SUBSCRIBE)) { error_log("DEBUG: request from host: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST']); } if (array_key_exists('HTTP_USER_AGENT', $_SERVER)) { error_log("DEBUG: request from user_agent: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST']); } // Getting hub_challenge from hub after sending it post subscription if (isset($_GET["hub_challenge"])) { // send confirmation to the hub echo $_GET["hub_challenge"]; error_log("DEBUG: received and sent back hub challenge:" . $_GET["hub_challenge"], 0); } elseif (isset($_POST)) { $post_data = file_get_contents("php://input"); error_log("DEBUG: received POST with content: {$post_data}", 0); SMOBTools::get_rdf_from_rss($post_data); } elseif (isset($_DELETE)) { $post_data = file_get_contents("php://input"); error_log("DEBUG: received DELETE with content: {$post_data}", 0); } elseif (isset($_PUT)) { $post_data = file_get_contents("php://input"); error_log("DEBUG: received PUT with content: {$post_data}", 0); } } elseif ($t == 'private') { // TODO: The private profile graph is the same as the profile graph, privacy preferences will decide what is visible // TODO: Authorize depending on the WebID URI if (!SMOBAuth::check()) { error_log("not authenticated"); //if($a && $a == 'edit'){ // header( 'Location: '.SMOB_ROOT.'auth?redirect=private/edit' ) ; //} else {
public function tweet() { $dest = ''; $postfields = 'status=' . urlencode($this->content) . '&source=smob'; $userpwd = TWITTER_USER . ':' . TWITTER_PASS; SMOBTools::do_curl($dest, $postfields, $userpwd); print '<li>Notified on Twitter !</li>'; }
private function followers() { return SMOBTemplate::users($this->type, SMOBTools::followers()); }
function setupUser() { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config/config.php'; $foaf_uri = $_GET['foaf_uri']; $twitter_read = $_GET['twitter_read'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0; $twitter_post = $_GET['twitter_post'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0; $twitter_login = $_GET['twitter_login']; $twitter_pass = $_GET['twitter_pass']; $auth = $_GET['auth']; if ($foaf_uri) { if (!SMOBTools::checkFoaf($foaf_uri)) { print "<p>An error occurred with your FOAF URI. <b>Please ensure that it dereferences to an RDF file and that this file contains information about your URI.<b><br/>You will have to <a href='{$smob_root}'>restart the install process<a/></p>"; unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config/config.php'); die; } } else { if (!$foaf_uri) { $foaf_uri = SMOB_ROOT . 'me#id'; $username = $_GET['username']; $depiction = $_GET['depiction']; $profile = "\nINSERT INTO <" . SMOB_ROOT . "/profile> {\t\t\t\n<{$foaf_uri}> a foaf:Person ; \n\tfoaf:name \"{$username}\" ;\n\tfoaf:depiction <{$depiction}> .\n}"; SMOBStore::query($profile); } } $config = "\ndefine('FOAF_URI', '{$foaf_uri}');\n\ndefine('TWITTER_READ', '{$twitter_read}');\ndefine('TWITTER_POST', '{$twitter_post}');\n\ndefine('TWITTER_USER', '{$twitter_login}');\ndefine('TWITTER_PASS', '{$twitter_pass}');\n\ndefine('AUTH', '{$auth}');\n\t\t\n?>"; $f = fopen(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config/config.php', 'a'); fwrite($f, $config); fclose($f); print "<p>Enjoy, you can now access your <a href='.'>SMOB Hub</a> !<br/>\n\tLog-in using the 'Authenticate' link and start writing microblog po.<br/>\n\tAlso, be sure to restrict access to the <code>config/</code> directory.</p>"; }
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/smob/SMOBTools.php'; $query = $_GET['query']; $uri = "" . urlencode($query) . "&maxRows=10"; $res = SMOBTools::do_curl($uri); $json = json_decode($res[1], true); foreach ($json['geonames'] as $j) { $uri = "" . $j['geonameId'] . "/"; $name = $j['name'] . ', ' . $j['countryName'] . ' (' . $j['fcodeName'] . ')'; $suggestions .= "'{$name}',"; $data .= "'{$uri}',"; } $s = substr($suggestions, 0, -1); $d = substr($data, 0, -1); print "{ query:'{$query}',suggestions:[{$s}],data:[{$d}] }";
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/smob/SMOB.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/config/config.php"; // Get tweets if (TWITTER_READ) { echo 'on lit twitter'; $tweet = new SMOBTweet(); $tweet->getposts(); } // Purge messages if (PURGE > 0) { SMOBTools::purge(PURGE); }
public function person($person, $uri) { $names = SMOBTools::either($person['names'], array("Anonymous")); $imgs = SMOBTools::either($person['images'], array(SMOB_ROOT . '../img/avatar-blank.jpg')); $homepage = $person['homepage']; $weblog = $person['weblog']; $knows = $person['knows']; $name = $names[0]; $pic = $imgs[0]; $ht = "<div class=\"person\">\n"; $ht .= "<img src=\"{$pic}\" class=\"depiction\" alt=\"Depiction\" />"; $ht .= "{$name}\n"; foreach ($homepage as $h) { $ht .= " [<a href=\"{$h}\">Website</a>]\n"; } foreach ($weblog as $w) { $ht .= " [<a href=\"{$w}\">Blog</a>]\n"; } foreach ($knows as $k) { $enc = get_uri($k, 'user'); $ht .= " [<a href=\"{$enc}\">Friend</a>]\n"; } $ht .= "</div>\n\n"; return $ht; }
function rss2rdf($post_data) { // Function to convert RSS to RDF, some elements as tags will be missing //@FIXME: this solution is a bit hackish $post_data = str_replace('dc:date', 'dc_date', $post_data); // Parsing the new feeds to load in the triple store $xml = simplexml_load_string($post_data); if (count($xml) == 0) { return; } error_log("DEBUG: xml received from publisher: " . print_r($xml, 1), 0); foreach ($xml->item as $item) { $link = (string) $item->link; $date = (string) $item->dc_date; $description = (string) $item->description; $site = SMOBTools::host($link); $author = $site . "/me"; $query = "INSERT INTO <{$link}> {\n <{$site}> <> <> .\n <{$link}> <> <> .\n <{$link}> <> <{$site}> .\n <{$link}> <> <{$author}> .\n <{$link}> <> <{$author}#id> .\n <{$link}> <> \"{$date}\"^^<> .\n <{$link}> <> \"Update - {$date}\"^^<> .\n <{$link}> <> \"{$description}\"^^<> .\n <{$link}#presence> <> <> .\n <{$link}#presence> <> <{$author}> .\n <{$link}#presence> <> <{$author}#id> .\n <{$link}#presence> <> \"{$date}\"^^<> .\n <{$link}#presence> <> <{$link}> . }"; SMOBStore::query($query); error_log("DEBUG: Added the triples: {$query}", 0); } }
function get_uris() { return array($this->item => SMOBTools::get_uri_if_found("" . $this->item)); }
function view_private_profile() { $turtle = SMOBTools::triples_from_graph(SMOB_ROOT . "me"); header('Content-Type: text/turtle; charset=utf-8'); return $turtle; }