if (empty($_REQUEST['product_id']) && empty($_REQUEST['category_id'])) {
fn_add_breadcrumb(fn_get_lang_var('home'), $index_script);
$request_params = $_REQUEST;
$request_params['location'] = fn_get_blocks_location(CONTROLLER);
list($blocks) = fn_get_blocks($request_params);
$view->assign('blocks', $blocks);
$view->assign('location_data', fn_get_location_data($request_params['location'], true));
// Get quick links
Registry::register_cache('quick_links', array('static_data'), CACHE_LEVEL_LOCALE);
if (Registry::is_exist('quick_links') == false) {
    Registry::set('quick_links', fn_get_static_data_section('N'));
// Get top menu
Registry::register_cache('top_menu', array('static_data', 'categories', 'pages'), CACHE_LEVEL_LOCALE_AUTH);
if (Registry::is_exist('top_menu') == false) {
    Registry::set('top_menu', fn_top_menu_form(fn_get_static_data_section('A', true)));
$quick_links =& Registry::get('quick_links');
$top_menu =& Registry::get('top_menu');
$top_menu = fn_top_menu_select($top_menu, $controller, $mode, Registry::get('current_url'));
// Init cart if not set
if (empty($_SESSION['cart'])) {
// Display products in comparison list
if (!empty($_SESSION['comparison_list'])) {
    $compared_products = array();
    $_products = db_get_hash_array("SELECT product_id, product FROM ?:product_descriptions WHERE product_id IN (?n) AND lang_code = ?s", 'product_id', $_SESSION['comparison_list'], CART_LANGUAGE);
    foreach ($_SESSION['comparison_list'] as $k => $p_id) {
 * Get all schema files (e.g. exim schemas, admin area menu)
 * @param string $schema_dir schema name (subdirectory in /schema directory)
 * @param string $name file name/prefix
 * @param string $type schema type (php/xml)
 * @param bool $caching enable/disable schema caching
 * @param bool $force_addon_init initialize disabled addons also
 * @return array schema definition (if exists)
function fn_get_schema($schema_dir, $name, $type = 'php', $caching = true, $force_addon_init = false)
    static $permission_schemas;
    if ($schema_dir == 'permissions' && !empty($permission_schemas[$name])) {
        return $permission_schemas[$name];
    if ($caching == true) {
        Registry::register_cache('schema_' . $schema_dir . '_' . $name, array('settings', 'addons'), CACHE_LEVEL_STATIC);
        // FIXME: hardcoded for settings-based schemas
        if (Registry::is_exist('schema_' . $schema_dir . '_' . $name) == true) {
            return Registry::get('schema_' . $schema_dir . '_' . $name);
    $files = array();
    if (file_exists(DIR_SCHEMAS . $schema_dir . '/' . $name . '.' . $type)) {
        $files[] = DIR_SCHEMAS . $schema_dir . '/' . $name . '.' . $type;
    $addons = Registry::get('addons');
    if (!empty($addons)) {
        foreach ($addons as $k => $v) {
            if ($v['status'] == 'D' && $force_addon_init && file_exists(DIR_ADDONS . $k . '/func.php')) {
                // force addon initialization
                include_once DIR_ADDONS . $k . '/func.php';
            if ($v['status'] == 'A' || $force_addon_init) {
                if (file_exists(DIR_ADDONS . $k . '/schemas/' . $schema_dir . '/' . $name . '.' . $type)) {
                    array_unshift($files, DIR_ADDONS . $k . '/schemas/' . $schema_dir . '/' . $name . '.' . $type);
                } elseif (file_exists(DIR_ADDONS . $k . '/schemas/' . $schema_dir . '/' . $name . '.post.' . $type)) {
                    $files[] = DIR_ADDONS . $k . '/schemas/' . $schema_dir . '/' . $name . '.post.' . $type;
    $schema = '';
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        if ($type == 'php') {
            include $file;
        } else {
            $schema .= file_get_contents($file);
    if ($caching == true) {
        Registry::set('schema_' . $schema_dir . '_' . $name, $schema);
    if ($schema_dir == 'permissions') {
        $permission_schemas[$name] = $schema;
    return $schema;
// Second-level (a) cache: different for dispatch-language-currency
// Init addon multilingual options
// init revisions
if (AREA == 'A' && Registry::get('settings.General.active_revisions_objects')) {
    require DIR_CORE . 'fn.revisions.php';
// select the skin to display
// initialize templater
// Second-level (b) cache: different for dispatch-language-currency
define('CACHE_LEVEL_DISPATCH', AREA . '_' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] . '_' . str_replace('.', '_', $_REQUEST['dispatch']) . '_' . (defined('CART_LOCALIZATION') ? CART_LOCALIZATION . '_' : '') . CART_LANGUAGE . '_' . CART_SECONDARY_CURRENCY);
Registry::register_cache('lang_cache', array('language_values'), CACHE_LEVEL_DISPATCH, true);
if (!defined('NO_SESSION')) {
    // Get descriptions for company country and state
    if (Registry::get('settings.Company.company_country')) {
        Registry::set('settings.Company.company_country_descr', fn_get_country_name(Registry::get('settings.Company.company_country')));
    if (Registry::get('settings.Company.company_state')) {
        Registry::set('settings.Company.company_state_descr', fn_get_state_name(Registry::get('settings.Company.company_state'), Registry::get('settings.Company.company_country')));
    // Unset notification message by its id
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['close_notification'])) {
// Include user information
 * Get list of templates that should be overriden by addons
 * @param string $resource_name base template name
 * @param object $view templater object
 * @return string overridden template name
function fn_addon_template_overrides($resource_name, &$view)
    static $init = false;
    $o_name = 'template_overrides_' . AREA;
    if ($init == false) {
        Registry::register_cache($o_name, array(), CACHE_LEVEL_STATIC);
        if (!Registry::is_exist($o_name)) {
            $template_overrides = array();
            foreach (Registry::get('addons') as $a => $_settings) {
                $odir = $view->template_dir . '/addons/' . $a . '/overrides';
                if (is_dir($odir)) {
                    $tpls = fn_get_dir_contents($odir, false, true, '', '', true);
                    foreach ($tpls as $k => $t) {
                        if (empty($template_overrides[md5($t)])) {
                            $template_overrides[md5($t)] = 'addons/' . $a . '/overrides/' . $t;
            if (empty($template_overrides)) {
                $template_overrides['plug'] = true;
            Registry::set($o_name, $template_overrides);
        $init = true;
    return Registry::if_get($o_name . '.' . md5($resource_name), $resource_name);
function fn_get_rss_feed($data)
    if (!empty($data['feed_url'])) {
        $data_key = 'rss_data_cache_' . (isset($data['block_data']['block_id']) ? $data['block_data']['block_id'] : 0);
        Registry::register_cache($data_key, SECONDS_IN_HOUR, CACHE_LEVEL_TIME);
        if (Registry::is_exist($data_key) == false) {
            $limit = !empty($data['max_item']) ? $data['max_item'] : 3;
            static $included;
            if (empty($included)) {
                require DIR_CORE . 'class.rss_reader.php';
                $included = true;
            $rss = new RssReader();
            $rss_items = $rss->getItems();
            if (!empty($rss_items)) {
                $rss_items = array_slice($rss_items, 0, $limit);
                $rss_chanel = $rss->getChannel();
                $rss_data = array(array($rss_items, $rss_chanel['link'], $data['feed_url']));
                Registry::set($data_key, $rss_data);
                return $rss_data;
        } else {
            return Registry::get($data_key);
    return array();
 * Cache query
 * @param string $query query which must be cached
 * @param string $value value received after the query was fulfilled
function db_cache_query($query, $value, $args)
    $memc = new Memcache();
    $memc->connect('', 11211) or die("Could not connect");
    $cache_name = serialize(array('query' => $query, 'args' => $args));
    preg_match_all("/\\?:(\\w+)/", $query, $m);
    $key = "c" . md5($cache_name);
    $memc->set($key, serialize($value), false, 60);
    return $value;
    Registry::register_cache('cquery_' . md5($cache_name), array_unique($m[1]), CACHE_LEVEL_STATIC);
    Registry::set('cquery_' . md5($cache_name), $value);
    Registry::register_cache('cached_queries', array(), CACHE_LEVEL_STATIC, true);
    $cached_queries = Registry::if_get('cached_queries', array());
    if (!isset($cached_queries['cquery_' . md5($cache_name)])) {
        $cache_handler = array('cquery_' . md5($cache_name) => array_unique($m[1]));
        $cached_queries = array_merge($cached_queries, $cache_handler);
        Registry::set('cached_queries', $cached_queries);
    return $value;
function fn_get_filters_products_count($params = array())
    $key = 'pfilters_' . md5(serialize($params));
    Registry::register_cache($key, array('products', 'product_features', 'product_filters', 'product_features_values'), CACHE_LEVEL_USER);
    if (Registry::is_exist($key) == false) {
        if (!empty($params['check_location'])) {
            // FIXME: this is bad style, should be refactored
            $valid_locations = array('index.index', 'products.search', 'categories.view', 'product_features.view');
            if (!in_array($params['dispatch'], $valid_locations)) {
                return array();
            if ($params['dispatch'] == 'categories.view') {
                $params['simple_link'] = true;
                // this parameter means that extended filters on this page should be displayed as simple
                $params['filter_custom_advanced'] = true;
                // this parameter means that extended filtering should be stayed on the same page
            } else {
                if ($params['dispatch'] == 'product_features.view') {
                    $params['simple_link'] = true;
                    $params['features_hash'] = (!empty($params['features_hash']) ? $params['features_hash'] . '.' : '') . 'V' . $params['variant_id'];
                    //$params['exclude_feature_id'] = db_get_field("SELECT feature_id FROM ?:product_features_values WHERE variant_id = ?i", $params['variant_id']);
                $params['get_for_home'] = 'Y';
        if (!empty($params['skip_if_advanced']) && !empty($params['advanced_filter']) && $params['advanced_filter'] == 'Y') {
            return array();
        // Base fields for the SELECT queries
        $values_fields = array('?:product_features_values.feature_id', 'COUNT(DISTINCT ?:products.product_id) as products', '?:product_features_values.variant_id as range_id', '?:product_feature_variant_descriptions.variant as range_name', '?:product_features.feature_type', '?:product_filters.filter_id');
        $ranges_fields = array('?:product_features_values.feature_id', 'COUNT(DISTINCT ?:products.product_id) as products', '?:product_filter_ranges.range_id', '?:product_filter_ranges_descriptions.range_name', '?:product_filter_ranges.filter_id', '?:product_features.feature_type');
        $condition = $where = $join = $filter_vq = $filter_rq = '';
        $variants_ids = $ranges_ids = $field_filters = $feature_ids = $field_ranges_ids = $field_ranges_counts = array();
        if (!empty($params['features_hash'])) {
            list($variants_ids, $ranges_ids, $_field_ranges_ids) = fn_parse_features_hash($params['features_hash']);
            $field_ranges_ids = array_flip($_field_ranges_ids);
        if (!empty($params['category_id'])) {
            $id_path = db_get_field("SELECT id_path FROM ?:categories WHERE category_id = ?i", $params['category_id']);
            $category_ids = db_get_fields("SELECT category_id FROM ?:categories WHERE id_path LIKE ?l", $id_path . '/%');
            $category_ids[] = $params['category_id'];
            $condition .= db_quote(" AND (categories_path = '' OR FIND_IN_SET(?i, categories_path))", $params['category_id']);
            $where .= db_quote(" AND ?:products_categories.category_id IN (?n)", $category_ids);
        } elseif (empty($params['get_for_home']) && empty($params['get_custom'])) {
            $condition .= " AND categories_path = ''";
        if (!empty($params['filter_id'])) {
            $condition .= db_quote(" AND ?:product_filters.filter_id = ?i", $params['filter_id']);
        if (!empty($params['get_for_home'])) {
            $condition .= db_quote(" AND ?:product_filters.show_on_home_page = ?s", $params['get_for_home']);
        if (!empty($params['exclude_feature_id'])) {
            $condition .= db_quote(" AND ?:product_filters.feature_id NOT IN (?n)", $params['exclude_feature_id']);
        $filters = db_get_hash_array("SELECT ?:product_filters.feature_id, ?:product_filters.filter_id, ?:product_filters.field_type, ?:product_filter_descriptions.filter, ?:product_features_descriptions.prefix, ?:product_features_descriptions.suffix FROM ?:product_filters LEFT JOIN ?:product_filter_descriptions ON ?:product_filter_descriptions.filter_id = ?:product_filters.filter_id AND ?:product_filter_descriptions.lang_code = ?s LEFT JOIN ?:product_features_descriptions ON ?:product_features_descriptions.feature_id = ?:product_filters.feature_id AND ?:product_features_descriptions.lang_code = ?s WHERE ?:product_filters.status = 'A' ?p ORDER by position", 'filter_id', CART_LANGUAGE, CART_LANGUAGE, $condition);
        $fields = fn_get_product_filter_fields();
        if (empty($filters) && empty($params['advanced_filter'])) {
            return array(array(), false);
        } else {
            foreach ($filters as $k => $v) {
                if (!empty($v['feature_id'])) {
                    // Feature filters
                    $feature_ids[] = $v['feature_id'];
                } else {
                    // Product field filters
                    $_field = $fields[$v['field_type']];
                    $field_filters[$v['filter_id']] = array_merge($v, $_field);
                    $filters[$k]['condition_type'] = $_field['condition_type'];
        // Variants
        if (!empty($variants_ids)) {
            $join .= " LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id, GROUP_CONCAT(?:product_features_values.variant_id) AS simple_variants FROM ?:product_features_values WHERE lang_code = '" . CART_LANGUAGE . "' GROUP BY product_id) AS pfv_simple ON pfv_simple.product_id = ?:products.product_id";
            $where_condtions = array();
            foreach ($variants_ids as $k => $variant_id) {
                $where_condtions[] = db_quote(" FIND_IN_SET('?i', simple_variants)", $variant_id);
            $where .= ' AND ' . implode(' AND ', $where_condtions);
        // Ranges
        if (!empty($ranges_ids)) {
            $range_conditions = db_get_array("SELECT `from`, `to`, feature_id FROM ?:product_filter_ranges WHERE range_id IN (?n)", $ranges_ids);
            foreach ($range_conditions as $k => $condition) {
                $join .= db_quote(" LEFT JOIN ?:product_features_values as var_val_{$k} ON var_val_{$k}.product_id = ?:products.product_id AND var_val_{$k}.lang_code = ?s", CART_LANGUAGE);
                $where .= db_quote(" AND (var_val_{$k}.value_int >= ?i AND var_val_{$k}.value_int <= ?i AND var_val_{$k}.value = '' AND var_val_{$k}.feature_id = ?i)", $condition['from'], $condition['to'], $condition['feature_id']);
        if (!empty($params['filter_id']) && empty($params['view_all'])) {
            $filter_vq .= db_quote(" AND ?:product_filters.filter_id = ?i", $params['filter_id']);
            $filter_rq .= db_quote(" AND ?:product_filter_ranges.filter_id = ?i", $params['filter_id']);
        if (!empty($params['view_all'])) {
            $values_fields[] = "UPPER(SUBSTRING(?:product_feature_variant_descriptions.variant, 1, 1)) AS `index`";
        $_join = $join;
        // Build condition for the standart fields
        if (!empty($_field_ranges_ids)) {
            foreach ($_field_ranges_ids as $rid => $field_type) {
                $structure = $fields[$field_type];
                if ($structure['table'] !== 'products' && strpos($join, 'JOIN ?:' . $structure['table']) === false) {
                    $join .= " LEFT JOIN ?:{$structure['table']} ON ?:{$structure['table']}.product_id = ?:products.product_id";
                if ($structure['condition_type'] == 'D') {
                    $range_condition = db_get_row("SELECT `from`, `to` FROM ?:product_filter_ranges WHERE range_id = ?i", $rid);
                    if (!empty($range_condition)) {
                        $where .= db_quote(" AND ?:{$structure['table']}.{$structure['db_field']} >= ?i AND ?:{$structure['table']}.{$structure['db_field']} <= ?i", $range_condition['from'], $range_condition['to']);
                } elseif ($structure['condition_type'] == 'F') {
                    $where .= db_quote(" AND ?:{$structure['table']}.{$structure['db_field']} = ?i", $rid);
                } elseif ($structure['condition_type'] == 'C') {
                    $where .= db_quote(" AND ?:{$structure['table']}.{$structure['db_field']} = ?s", $rid == 1 ? 'Y' : 'N');
                if (!empty($structure['join_params'])) {
                    foreach ($structure['join_params'] as $field => $param) {
                        $join .= db_quote(" AND ?:{$structure['table']}.{$field} = ?s ", $param);
        // Product availability conditions
        $where .= ' AND (' . fn_find_array_in_set($_SESSION['auth']['usergroup_ids'], '?:categories.usergroup_ids', true) . ')';
        $where .= ' AND (' . fn_find_array_in_set($_SESSION['auth']['usergroup_ids'], '?:products.usergroup_ids', true) . ')';
        $where .= db_quote(" AND ?:categories.status IN (?a) AND ?:products.status IN (?a)", array('A', 'H'), array('A'));
        $_j = " INNER JOIN ?:products_categories ON ?:products_categories.product_id = ?:products.product_id LEFT JOIN ?:categories ON ?:categories.category_id = ?:products_categories.category_id";
        if (Registry::get('settings.General.show_out_of_stock_products') == 'N' && AREA == 'C') {
            $_j .= " LEFT JOIN ?:product_options_inventory as inventory ON inventory.product_id = ?:products.product_id";
            $where .= " AND IF(?:products.tracking = 'O', inventory.amount > 0, ?:products.amount > 0)";
        $_join .= $_j;
        $join .= $_j;
        // Localization
        $where .= fn_get_localizations_condition('?:products.localization', true);
        $where .= fn_get_localizations_condition('?:categories.localization', true);
        $variants_counts = db_get_hash_multi_array("SELECT " . implode(', ', $values_fields) . " FROM ?:product_features_values LEFT JOIN ?:products ON ?:products.product_id = ?:product_features_values.product_id LEFT JOIN ?:product_filters ON ?:product_filters.feature_id = ?:product_features_values.feature_id LEFT JOIN ?:product_feature_variants ON ?:product_feature_variants.variant_id = ?:product_features_values.variant_id LEFT JOIN ?:product_feature_variant_descriptions ON ?:product_feature_variant_descriptions.variant_id = ?:product_feature_variants.variant_id AND ?:product_feature_variant_descriptions.lang_code = ?s LEFT JOIN ?:product_features ON ?:product_features.feature_id = ?:product_filters.feature_id ?p WHERE ?:product_features_values.feature_id IN (?n) AND ?:product_features_values.lang_code = ?s AND ?:product_features_values.variant_id ?p ?p AND ?:product_features.feature_type IN ('S', 'M', 'E') GROUP BY ?:product_features_values.variant_id ORDER BY ?:product_feature_variants.position, ?:product_feature_variant_descriptions.variant", array('filter_id', 'range_id'), CART_LANGUAGE, $join, $feature_ids, CART_LANGUAGE, $where, $filter_vq);
        $ranges_counts = db_get_hash_multi_array("SELECT " . implode(', ', $ranges_fields) . " FROM ?:product_filter_ranges LEFT JOIN ?:product_features_values ON ?:product_features_values.feature_id = ?:product_filter_ranges.feature_id AND ?:product_features_values.value_int >= ?:product_filter_ranges.from AND ?:product_features_values.value_int <= ?:product_filter_ranges.to LEFT JOIN ?:products ON ?:products.product_id = ?:product_features_values.product_id LEFT JOIN ?:product_filter_ranges_descriptions ON ?:product_filter_ranges_descriptions.range_id = ?:product_filter_ranges.range_id AND ?:product_filter_ranges_descriptions.lang_code = ?s LEFT JOIN ?:product_features ON ?:product_features.feature_id = ?:product_filter_ranges.feature_id ?p WHERE ?:product_features_values.feature_id IN (?n) AND ?:product_features_values.lang_code = ?s ?p ?p GROUP BY ?:product_filter_ranges.range_id ORDER BY ?:product_filter_ranges.position, ?:product_filter_ranges_descriptions.range_name", array('filter_id', 'range_id'), CART_LANGUAGE, $join, $feature_ids, CART_LANGUAGE, $where, $filter_rq);
        if (!empty($field_filters)) {
            // Field ranges
            foreach ($field_filters as $filter_id => $field) {
                $fields_join = $fields_where = '';
                // Dinamic ranges (price, amount etc)
                if ($field['condition_type'] == 'D') {
                    $fields_join = " LEFT JOIN ?:{$field['table']} ON ?:{$field['table']}.{$field['db_field']} >= ?:product_filter_ranges.from AND ?:{$field['table']}.{$field['db_field']} <= ?:product_filter_ranges.to ";
                    if (strpos($fields_join . $_join, 'JOIN ?:products ') === false) {
                        $fields_join .= db_quote(" LEFT JOIN ?:products ON ?:products.product_id = ?:product_prices.product_id AND ?:product_prices.lower_limit = 1 AND ?:product_prices.usergroup_id IN (?n)", array_merge(array(USERGROUP_ALL), $_SESSION['auth']['usergroup_ids']));
                    } elseif (strpos($fields_join . $_join, 'JOIN ?:product_prices ') === false) {
                        $fields_join .= " LEFT JOIN ?:product_prices ON ?:product_prices.product_id = ?:products.product_id";
                    if ($field['table'] == 'product_prices') {
                        $fields_join .= db_quote(" LEFT JOIN ?:product_prices as prices_2 ON ?:product_prices.product_id = prices_2.product_id AND ?:product_prices.price > prices_2.price AND prices_2.lower_limit = 1 AND prices_2.usergroup_id IN (?n)", array_merge(array(USERGROUP_ALL), $_SESSION['auth']['usergroup_ids']));
                        $fields_where .= " AND prices_2.price IS NULL";
                    $field_ranges_counts[$filter_id] = db_get_hash_array("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ?:{$field['table']}.product_id) as products, ?:product_filter_ranges.range_id, ?:product_filter_ranges_descriptions.range_name, ?:product_filter_ranges.filter_id FROM ?:product_filter_ranges LEFT JOIN ?:product_filter_ranges_descriptions ON ?:product_filter_ranges_descriptions.range_id = ?:product_filter_ranges.range_id AND ?:product_filter_ranges_descriptions.lang_code = ?s ?p WHERE ?:products.status IN ('A') AND ?:product_filter_ranges.filter_id = ?i ?p GROUP BY ?:product_filter_ranges.range_id HAVING products != 0 ORDER BY ?:product_filter_ranges.position, ?:product_filter_ranges_descriptions.range_name", 'range_id', CART_LANGUAGE, $fields_join . $_join, $filter_id, $where . $fields_where);
                    // Char values (free shipping etc)
                } elseif ($field['condition_type'] == 'C') {
                    $field_ranges_counts[$filter_id] = db_get_hash_array("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ?:{$field['table']}.product_id) as products, ?:{$field['table']}.{$field['db_field']} as range_name FROM ?:{$field['table']} ?p WHERE ?:products.status = 'A' ?p GROUP BY ?:{$field['table']}.{$field['db_field']}", 'range_name', $join, $where);
                    if (!empty($field_ranges_counts[$filter_id])) {
                        foreach ($field_ranges_counts[$filter_id] as $range_key => $range) {
                            $field_ranges_counts[$filter_id][$range_key]['range_name'] = $field['variant_descriptions'][$range['range_name']];
                            $field_ranges_counts[$filter_id][$range_key]['range_id'] = $range['range_name'] == 'Y' ? 1 : 0;
                    // Fixed values (supplier etc)
                } elseif ($field['condition_type'] == 'F') {
                    $field_ranges_counts[$filter_id] = db_get_hash_array("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ?:{$field['table']}.product_id) as products, ?:{$field['foreign_table']}.{$field['range_name']} as range_name, ?:{$field['foreign_table']}.{$field['foreign_index']} as range_id FROM ?:{$field['table']} LEFT JOIN ?:{$field['foreign_table']} ON ?:{$field['foreign_table']}.{$field['foreign_index']} = ?:{$field['table']}.{$field['db_field']} ?p WHERE ?:products.status IN ('A') ?p GROUP BY ?:{$field['table']}.{$field['db_field']}", 'range_id', $join, $where);
        $merged = fn_array_merge($variants_counts, $ranges_counts, $field_ranges_counts);
        $view_all = array();
        foreach ($filters as $filter_id => $filter) {
            if (!empty($merged[$filter_id]) && empty($params['view_all']) || !empty($params['filter_id']) && $params['filter_id'] != $filter_id) {
                // Check if filter range was selected
                if (empty($filters[$filter_id]['feature_id'])) {
                    $intersect = array_intersect(array_keys($merged[$filter_id]), $field_ranges_ids);
                } else {
                    $intersect = array_intersect(array_keys($merged[$filter_id]), $variants_ids);
                if (!empty($intersect)) {
                    foreach ($merged[$filter_id] as $k => $v) {
                        if (!in_array($v['range_id'], $intersect)) {
                            // Unset unselected ranges
                // Calculate number of ranges and compare with constant
                $count = count($merged[$filter_id]);
                if ($count > FILTERS_RANGES_MORE_COUNT && empty($params['get_all'])) {
                    $merged[$filter_id] = array_slice($merged[$filter_id], 0, FILTERS_RANGES_MORE_COUNT, true);
                    $filters[$filter_id]['more_cut'] = true;
                $filters[$filter_id]['ranges'] =& $merged[$filter_id];
                // Add feature type to the filter
                $_first = reset($merged[$filter_id]);
                if (!empty($_first['feature_type'])) {
                    $filters[$filter_id]['feature_type'] = $_first['feature_type'];
                if (!empty($params['simple_link']) && $filters[$filter_id]['feature_type'] == 'E') {
                    $filters[$filter_id]['simple_link'] = true;
                if (empty($params['skip_other_variants'])) {
                    foreach ($filters[$filter_id]['ranges'] as $_k => $r) {
                        if (!fn_check_selected_filter($r['range_id'], !empty($r['feature_type']) ? $r['feature_type'] : '', $params, $filters[$filter_id]['field_type'])) {
                            // selected variant
                            $filters[$filter_id]['ranges'] = array($_k => $r);
                            $filters[$filter_id]['ranges'][$_k]['selected'] = true;
                            // mark selected variant
                            // Get other variants
                            $_params = $params;
                            $_params['filter_id'] = $filter_id;
                            $_params['req_range_id'] = $r['range_id'];
                            $_params['features_hash'] = fn_delete_range_from_url($params['features_hash'], $r, $filters[$filter_id]['field_type']);
                            $_params['skip_other_variants'] = true;
                            unset($_params['variant_id'], $_params['check_location']);
                            list($_f) = fn_get_filters_products_count($_params);
                            if (!empty($_f)) {
                                $_f = reset($_f);
                                // delete current range
                                foreach ($_f['ranges'] as $_rid => $_rv) {
                                    if ($_rv['range_id'] == $r['range_id']) {
                                $filters[$filter_id]['other_variants'] = $_f['ranges'];
                } else {
                    if (!empty($params['variant_id']) && !empty($filters[$filter_id]['ranges'][$params['variant_id']])) {
                        $filters[$filter_id]['ranges'][$params['variant_id']]['selected'] = true;
                        // mark selected variant
                // If its "view all" page, return all ranges
            } elseif (!empty($params['filter_id']) && $params['filter_id'] == $filter_id && !empty($merged[$filter_id])) {
                foreach ($merged[$filter_id] as $range) {
                    if (!empty($range['index'])) {
                        // feature
                        $view_all[$range['index']][] = $range;
                    } else {
                        // custom range
                        $view_all[$filters[$range['filter_id']]['filter']][] = $range;
            // Unset filter if he is empty
        if (!empty($params['advanced_filter'])) {
            $_params = array('feature_types' => array('C', 'T'), 'plain' => true, 'category_ids' => array(empty($params['category_id']) ? 0 : $params['category_id']));
            list($features) = fn_get_product_features($_params);
            if (!empty($features)) {
                $filters = array_merge($filters, $features);
        Registry::set($key, array($filters, $view_all));
    } else {
        list($filters, $view_all) = Registry::get($key);
    return array($filters, $view_all);