public function execute(SymfonyStyle $io = null)
     $currentProfiles = $this->em->getRepository('CampaignChainLocationGoogleAnalyticsBundle:Profile')->findAll();
     if (empty($currentProfiles)) {
         $io->text('There is no Profile entity to update');
         return true;
     foreach ($currentProfiles as $profile) {
         if (substr($profile->getProfileId(), 0, 2) != 'UA') {
         $gaProfileUrl = $profile->getLocation()->getUrl();
         $google_base_url = 'https:\\/\\/\\/analytics\\/web\\/#report\\/visitors-overview\\/a' . $profile->getAccountId() . 'w\\d+p';
         $pattern = '/' . $google_base_url . '(.*)/';
         preg_match($pattern, $gaProfileUrl, $matches);
         if (!empty($matches) && count($matches) == 2) {
     return true;
  * @param SymfonyStyle|null $io
 public function updateCode(SymfonyStyle $io = null)
     $io->title('CampaignChain Data Update');
     if (empty($this->versions)) {
         $io->warning('No code updater Service found, maybe you didn\'t enable a bundle?');
     $io->comment('The following data versions will be updated');
     $migratedVersions = array_map(function (DataUpdateVersion $version) {
         return $version->getVersion();
     }, $this->em->getRepository('CampaignChainUpdateBundle:DataUpdateVersion')->findAll());
     $updated = false;
     foreach ($this->versions as $version => $class) {
         if (in_array($version, $migratedVersions)) {
         $io->section('Version ' . $class->getVersion());
         $io->text('Begin data update');
         $result = $class->execute($io);
         if ($result) {
             $dbVersion = new DataUpdateVersion();
             $io->text('Data update finished');
         $updated = true;
     if (!$updated) {
         $io->success('All data is up to date.');
     } else {
         $io->success('Every data version has been updated.');
 public function updateBitlyAccessToken($access_token)
     $activeSystem = $this->getActiveSystem();
  * @param $id
 public function removeOperation($id)
     try {
         $operation = $this->getNewsItemByOperation($id);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
 public function execute($id)
     /** @var Campaign $campaign */
     $campaign = $this->em->getRepository('CampaignChainCoreBundle:Campaign')->find($id);
     if (!$campaign) {
         throw new \Exception('No Campaign found with id: ' . $id);
     $now = new \DateTime('now');
     // The campaign ended.
     if ($campaign->getStartDate() < $now && $campaign->getEndDate() < $now) {
         $this->message = 'The campaign "' . $campaign->getName() . '" ' . 'with ID "' . $campaign->getId() . '" ended, ' . 'thus its status was set to "' . Action::STATUS_CLOSED . '"';
     return self::STATUS_OK;
  * @param Operation $operation
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
  * @throws \Exception
 public function readAction(Operation $operation)
     $newsItem = $this->contentService->getNewsItemByOperation($operation);
     $activity = $operation->getActivity();
     $locationModuleIdentifier = $activity->getLocation()->getLocationModule()->getIdentifier();
     $isCompanyPageShare = 'campaignchain-linkedin-page' == $locationModuleIdentifier;
     $isLive = true;
     if (!$newsItem->getLinkedinData()) {
         $connection = $this->restClient->getConnectionByActivity($activity);
          * Below calls to the Linkedin REST API will throw errors if the
          * Linkedin App has not been approved by Linkedin as part of their
          * partner program.
         try {
             if ($isCompanyPageShare) {
                 $response = $connection->getCompanyUpdate($activity, $newsItem);
             } else {
                 $response = $connection->getUserUpdate($activity, $newsItem);
             if (!is_null($response)) {
             } else {
                 $isLive = false;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $isLive = true;
     return $this->templating->renderResponse('CampaignChainOperationLinkedInBundle::read.html.twig', array('page_title' => $activity->getName(), 'news_item' => $newsItem, 'activity' => $activity, 'is_live' => $isLive, 'is_company' => $isCompanyPageShare));
  * Removes the not assigned tokens.
  * @param Token[] $tokens
 public function cleanUpUnassignedTokens(array $tokens)
     foreach ($tokens as $token) {
         $token = $this->em->merge($token);
  * @param string $operationId
  * @return string
  * @throws \Exception
 public function execute($operationId)
     /** @var NewsItem $newsItem */
     $newsItem = $this->em->getRepository('CampaignChainOperationLinkedInBundle:NewsItem')->findOneByOperation($operationId);
     if (!$newsItem) {
         throw new \Exception('No news item found for an operation with ID: ' . $operationId);
     //have images?
     $images = $this->em->getRepository('CampaignChainHookImageBundle:Image')->getImagesForOperation($newsItem->getOperation());
     // if the message does not contain a url, we need to skip the content block
     if (is_null($newsItem->getLinkUrl())) {
         // LinkedIn accepts an image link only if we also provided a submitted URL.
         if ($images) {
             throw new \Exception('To include an image, you must also provide a URL in the text message.');
             return self::STATUS_WARNING;
         $content = ['comment' => $newsItem->getMessage(), 'visibility' => ['code' => 'anyone']];
     } else {
          * process urls and add tracking
          * important: both the urls in the message and submitted url field must be identical
         $newsItem->setLinkUrl($this->ctaService->processCTAs($newsItem->getLinkUrl(), $newsItem->getOperation())->getContent());
         $newsItem->setMessage($this->ctaService->processCTAs($newsItem->getMessage(), $newsItem->getOperation())->getContent());
         $content = ['comment' => $newsItem->getMessage(), 'content' => ['title' => $newsItem->getLinkTitle(), 'description' => $newsItem->getLinkDescription(), 'submitted-url' => $newsItem->getLinkUrl()], 'visibility' => ['code' => 'anyone']];
         if ($images) {
             //Linkedin can handle only 1 image
             $content['content']['submitted-image-url'] = $this->cacheManager->getBrowserPath($images[0]->getPath(), "campaignchain_linkedin_news_item");
     $activity = $newsItem->getOperation()->getActivity();
     $locationModuleIdentifier = $activity->getLocation()->getLocationModule()->getIdentifier();
     $isCompanyPageShare = 'campaignchain-linkedin-page' == $locationModuleIdentifier;
     $connection = $this->client->getConnectionByActivity($activity);
     if ($isCompanyPageShare) {
         $response = $connection->shareOnCompanyPage($activity, $content);
     } else {
         $response = $connection->shareOnUserPage($content);
     // Set Operation to closed.
     $location = $newsItem->getOperation()->getLocations()[0];
     // Schedule data collection for report
     $this->message = 'The message "' . $newsItem->getMessage() . '" with the ID "' . $newsItem->getUpdateKey() . '" has been posted on LinkedIn. See it on LinkedIn: <a href="' . $newsItem->getUrl() . '">' . $newsItem->getUrl() . '</a>';
     return self::STATUS_OK;
  * In case of an exception in scheduler console command
  * the message should be saved into the scheduler entity
  * @param ConsoleExceptionEvent $event
 public function onConsoleException(ConsoleExceptionEvent $event)
     /** @var SchedulerCommand $command */
     $command = $event->getCommand();
     if ($command->getName() != 'campaignchain:scheduler') {
     // if scheduler is null exception happened in early stage
     // maybe email should be sent
     if (!$command->getScheduler()) {
     /** @var Scheduler $scheduler */
     $scheduler = $command->getScheduler();
     $scheduler->setExecutionEnd(new \DateTime());
 public function execute(SymfonyStyle $io = null)
     $existingLocations = $this->em->getRepository('CampaignChainCoreBundle:Location')->findAll();
     if (empty($existingLocations)) {
         $io->text('There is no Location to update');
         return true;
     $supportedLocationModuleIdentifiers = ['campaignchain-twitter-user' => $this->twitterUserMetrics, 'campaignchain-facebook-page' => $this->facebookPageMetrics];
     foreach ($existingLocations as $existingLocation) {
         if (!in_array($existingLocation->getLocationModule()->getIdentifier(), array_keys($supportedLocationModuleIdentifiers))) {
         //do we have already a scheduler?
         $existingScheduler = $this->em->getRepository('CampaignChainCoreBundle:SchedulerReportLocation')->findOneBy(['location' => $existingLocation]);
         if ($existingScheduler) {
         $service = $supportedLocationModuleIdentifiers[$existingLocation->getLocationModule()->getIdentifier()];
     return true;
 public function execute()
     $connection = $this->em->getConnection();
     $statement = $connection->prepare('SELECT * FROM campaignchain_campaign_repeating_instance');
     $instances = $statement->fetchAll();
     try {
         foreach ($instances as $instance) {
             /** @var Campaign $campaignParent */
             $campaignParent = $this->em->getRepository('CampaignChainCoreBundle:Campaign')->find($instance['repeatingCampaign_id']);
             /** @var Campaign $campaignChild */
             $campaignChild = $this->em->getRepository('CampaignChainCoreBundle:Campaign')->find($instance['scheduledCampaign_id']);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
 protected function testInternet()
     $connected = @fsockopen('', 80);
     if ($connected) {
         return true;
     } else {
         $errMsg = 'No connection to Internet.';
         throw new \Exception($errMsg);
  * @param array $files
  * @param bool $doDrop
 public function load(array $files, $doDrop = true)
     try {
         $userProcessor = new UserProcessor(realpath(SystemUtil::getRootDir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), $this->userService, $this->mimeTypeGuesser, $this->extensionGuesser);
         // Create Alice manager and fixture set
         $set = $this->fixtureManager->createFixtureSet();
         // Add the fixture files
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $set->addFile($file, 'yaml');
         $set->setSeed(1337 + 42);
         // TODO Keep Module data intact
         $bundles = $this->em->getRepository("CampaignChain\\CoreBundle\\Entity\\Bundle")->findAll();
         $modules = $this->em->getRepository("CampaignChain\\CoreBundle\\Entity\\Module")->findAll();
         if ($this->fixtureManager->load($set)) {
             // TODO: Restore modules data
             foreach ($bundles as $bundle) {
             foreach ($modules as $module) {
             return true;
         return false;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return false;
  * Store a module's system parameters.
 private function registerModuleSystemParams()
     if (!count($this->systemParams)) {
      * If a system entry already exists, then update it. Otherwise,
      * create a new one.
     $system = $this->systemService->getActiveSystem();
     if (!$system) {
         $system = new System();
     if (!is_array($system->getNavigation())) {
     foreach ($this->systemParams as $moduleParams) {
         foreach ($moduleParams as $key => $params) {
             switch ($key) {
                 case 'navigation':
                     // Does the app override the modules' navigation?
                     if (isset($this->appComposerJson['extra']) && isset($this->appComposerJson['extra']['campaignchain']) && isset($this->appComposerJson['extra']['campaignchain']['navigation'])) {
                     } else {
                         // Merge existing navigations with new modules' navigation.
                         $navigation = array_merge_recursive($system->getNavigation(), $params);
 public function execute($operationId)
     /** @var Status $status */
     $status = $this->em->getRepository('CampaignChainOperationTwitterBundle:Status')->findOneByOperation($operationId);
     if (!$status) {
         throw new \Exception('No status message found for an operation with ID: ' . $operationId);
     // Check whether the message can be posted in the Location.
     $isExecutable = $this->validator->isExecutableByLocation($status, $status->getOperation()->getStartDate());
     if ($isExecutable['status'] == false) {
         throw new JobException($isExecutable['message'], ErrorCode::OPERATION_NOT_EXECUTABLE_IN_LOCATION);
      * If it is a campaign or parent campaign with an interval (e.g.
      * repeating campaign), we make sure that every URL will be shortened to
      * avoid a duplicate status message error.
     $options = array();
     if ($status->getOperation()->getActivity()->getCampaign()->getInterval() || $status->getOperation()->getActivity()->getCampaign()->getParent() && $status->getOperation()->getActivity()->getCampaign()->getParent()->getInterval()) {
         $options['shorten_all_unique'] = true;
      * Process URLs in message and save the new message text, now including
      * the replaced URLs with the Tracking ID attached for call to action tracking.
     $status->setMessage($this->cta->processCTAs($status->getMessage(), $status->getOperation(), $options)->getContent());
     /** @var Client $connection */
     $connection = $this->client->connectByActivity($status->getOperation()->getActivity());
     $params['status'] = $status->getMessage();
     //have images?
     $images = $this->em->getRepository('CampaignChainHookImageBundle:Image')->getImagesForOperation($status->getOperation());
     $mediaIds = [];
     if ($images) {
         foreach ($images as $image) {
             $streamPath = 'gaufrette://images/' . $image->getPath();
             $imageRequest = $connection->post('', null, ['media_data' => base64_encode(file_get_contents($streamPath))]);
             try {
                 $response = $imageRequest->send()->json();
                 $mediaIds[] = $response['media_id'];
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if ($mediaIds) {
             $params['media_ids'] = implode(',', $mediaIds);
      * @TODO
      * If there are URLs in the tweet, they have been shortened. Thus, we'll
      * pass the expanded URLs as entities in the API call, so that Twitter
      * can display them when hovering the mouse on a short URL.
     $request = $connection->post('statuses/update.json', null, $params);
     $response = $request->send()->json();
     // TODO
     // If status code is 403, this means that the same tweet with identical content already exists
     // This should be checked upon creation of tweet (same with FB!)
     // Set URL to published status message on Facebook
     $statusURL = '' . $response['user']['screen_name'] . '/status/' . $response['id_str'];
     // Set Operation to closed.
     $location = $status->getOperation()->getLocations()[0];
     // Schedule data collection for report
     $this->message = 'The message "' . $response['text'] . '" with the ID "' . $response['id_str'] . '" has been posted on Twitter. See it on Twitter: <a href="' . $statusURL . '">' . $statusURL . '</a>';
     return self::STATUS_OK;
     //            }
     //            else {
     //                // Handle errors, if authentication did not work.
     //                // 1) Check if App is installed.
     //                // 2) check if access token is valid and retrieve new access token if necessary.
     //                // Log error, send email, prompt user, ask to check App Key and Secret or to authenticate again
     //            }
  * @param  string $operationId
  * @return string
  * @throws \Exception
 public function execute($operationId)
     /** @var StatusBase $status */
     $status = $this->em->getRepository('CampaignChainOperationFacebookBundle:StatusBase')->findOneByOperation($operationId);
     if (!$status) {
         throw new \Exception('No Facebook status found for an operation with ID: ' . $operationId);
     // Check whether the message can be posted in the Location.
     $isExecutable = $this->validator->isExecutableByLocation($status, $status->getOperation()->getStartDate());
     if ($isExecutable['status'] == false) {
         throw new JobException($isExecutable['message'], ErrorCode::OPERATION_NOT_EXECUTABLE_IN_LOCATION);
      * If it is a campaign or parent campaign with an interval (e.g.
      * repeating campaign), we make sure that every URL will be shortened to
      * avoid a duplicate status message error.
     $options = array();
     if ($status->getOperation()->getActivity()->getCampaign()->getInterval() || $status->getOperation()->getActivity()->getCampaign()->getParent() && $status->getOperation()->getActivity()->getCampaign()->getParent()->getInterval()) {
         $options['shorten_all_unique'] = true;
      * Process URLs in message and save the new message text, now including
      * the replaced URLs with the Tracking ID attached for call to action
      * tracking.
     $status->setMessage($this->cta->processCTAs($status->getMessage(), $status->getOperation(), $options)->getContent());
     /** @var \Facebook $connection */
     $connection = $this->client->connectByActivity($status->getOperation()->getActivity());
     if (!$connection) {
         throw new JobException('Cannot connect to Facebook REST API for Location "' . $status->getOperation()->getActivity()->getLocation()->getUrl() . '"', ErrorCode::CONNECTION_TO_REST_API_FAILED);
     $paramsMsg = array();
      * If an image was attached, we'll first upload the photo to Facebook
      * and then use the Facebook object ID of the picture in the message.
     $images = $this->em->getRepository('CampaignChainHookImageBundle:Image')->getImagesForOperation($status->getOperation());
     if ($images) {
         $paramsImg = array();
         $paramsImg['caption'] = $status->getMessage();
         // Avoid that feed shows "... added a new photo" entry automtically.
         $paramsImg['no_story'] = 1;
         //Facebook handles only 1 image
         $paramsImg['url'] = $this->cacheManager->getBrowserPath($images[0]->getPath(), "campaignchain_facebook_photo");
         try {
             $responseImg = $connection->api('/' . $status->getFacebookLocation()->getIdentifier() . '/photos', 'POST', $paramsImg);
             $paramsMsg['object_attachment'] = $responseImg['id'];
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             throw new ExternalApiException($e->getMessage() . '. Parameters of REST API call: ' . json_encode($paramsImg), $e->getCode(), $e);
     if ($status instanceof UserStatus) {
         $privacy = array('value' => $status->getPrivacy());
         $paramsMsg['privacy'] = json_encode($privacy);
     $paramsMsg['message'] = $status->getMessage();
     try {
         $responseMsg = $connection->api('/' . $status->getFacebookLocation()->getIdentifier() . '/feed', 'POST', $paramsMsg);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new ExternalApiException($e->getMessage() . '. Parameters of REST API call: ' . json_encode($paramsMsg), $e->getCode(), $e);
     // Set URL to published status message on Facebook
     $statusURL = '' . str_replace('_', '/posts/', $responseMsg['id']);
     // Set Operation to closed.
     $location = $status->getOperation()->getLocations()[0];
     // Schedule data collection for report
     $this->message = 'The message "' . $paramsMsg['message'] . '" with the ID "' . $responseMsg['id'] . '" has been posted on Facebook';
     if ($status instanceof UserStatus) {
         $this->message .= ' with privacy setting "' . $privacy['value'] . '"';
     $this->message .= '. See it on Facebook: <a href="' . $statusURL . '">' . $statusURL . '</a>';
     return self::STATUS_OK;