# To run this sample, define these variables first define('USER', "xxx"); # name of your Rambla user account define('PWD', "xxx"); # password of your Rambla user account define('DOWNLOAD_PATH', '/path/to/local/download/location'); # path to a file in which to store the transcoded file require_once 'raws_json/json_client.php'; require_once 'raws_json/rats_service.php'; try { $rats = new RatsService(USER, PWD); $transc_filename = null; echo "\nGetting transc list:"; $transc_list = $rats->getTranscList(); foreach ($transc_list->feed->entry as $o) { echo "\n Transc has filename = " . $o->content->params->filename; $transc_filename = $o->content->params->filename; } # retrieve a single transc instance based on the filename $transc = $rats->getTranscInstance($transc_filename); echo "\nRetrieved transc with filename = " . $transc->entry->content->params->filename; # retrieve a single transc instance based on the filename $downloaded_filepath = $rats->getTranscFile($transc_filename, DOWNLOAD_PATH); echo "\nDownloaded transc to location = " . $downloaded_filepath; # delete transc $rats->deleteTransc($transc_filename); echo "\nDeleted transc with filename = " . $transc->entry->content->params->filename; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "\nAn exception occurred with code = " . $e->getCode(); echo "\nError msg = " . $e->getMessage(); }