# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # To run this sample, define these variables first define('USER', "xxx"); # name of your Rambla user account define('PWD', "xxx"); # password of your Rambla user account define('LOCAL_PATH', '/path/to/local/image/file'); # add path to local (image) file, to be uploaded to the CDN require_once 'raws_json/rats_service.php'; try { $rats = new RatsService(USER, PWD); # upload overlay file $overlay = $rats->createOverlay("test_rats_api_overlay", LOCAL_PATH); echo "\nUploaded overlay: " . $overlay->entry->id; echo "\nOverlay has filename = " . $overlay->entry->content->params->filename . " and position = " . $overlay->entry->content->params->position; # update overlay position $overlay->entry->content->params->position = "10:10"; $overlay = $rats->updateOverlay($overlay); echo "\nSet new overlay position: " . $overlay->entry->content->params->position; # retrieve a single overlay instance based on the ID $overlay = $rats->getOverlayInstance($overlay->entry->content->params->id); echo "\nRetrieved overlay with filename = " . $overlay->entry->content->params->filename . " and position = " . $overlay->entry->content->params->position; echo "\nGetting overlay list:"; $overlay_list = $rats->getOverlayList(); foreach ($overlay_list->feed->entry as $o) { echo "\n Overlay has filename = " . $o->content->params->filename . " and position = " . $o->content->params->position; } } catch (Exception $e) {