public static function dup($class_name, $old_id, $new_id) { $obj = self::select($class_name, "id={$old_id}"); if (!$obj) { throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . ": error! did not find [{$class_name}] with {$old_id} to duplicate"); } $temp_obj = self::select($class_name, "id={$new_id}"); if ($temp_obj) { throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . ": error! [{$class_name}] with {$new_id} already exists in db. cannot duplicate"); } $new_obj = $obj->copy(); $new_obj->save(); $stored_id = $new_obj->getId(); // echo "stored_id: $stored_id\n"; $db_connection = Propel::getConnection(); $db_connection->begin(); $db_connection->executeUpdate("UPDATE {$class_name} set id={$new_id} WHERE id={$stored_id};"); $db_connection->commit(); //$db_connection->close(); Propel::close(); }
public function execute() { requestUtils::handleConditionalGet(); $flavorId = $this->getRequestParameter("flavorId"); $shouldProxy = $this->getRequestParameter("forceproxy", false); $ks = $this->getRequestParameter("ks"); $fileParam = $this->getRequestParameter("file"); $referrer = base64_decode($this->getRequestParameter("referrer")); if (!is_string($referrer)) { // base64_decode can return binary data $referrer = ''; } $flavorAsset = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveById($flavorId); if (is_null($flavorAsset)) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::FLAVOR_NOT_FOUND); } $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPK($flavorAsset->getEntryId()); if (is_null($entry)) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); } myPartnerUtils::blockInactivePartner($flavorAsset->getPartnerId()); myPartnerUtils::enforceDelivery($flavorAsset->getPartnerId()); //disabled enforce cdn because of rtmp delivery //requestUtils::enforceCdnDelivery($flavorAsset->getPartnerId()); $syncKey = $flavorAsset->getSyncKey(flavorAsset::FILE_SYNC_FLAVOR_ASSET_SUB_TYPE_ASSET); if (!kFileSyncUtils::file_exists($syncKey, false)) { list($fileSync, $local) = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyFileSyncForKey($syncKey, true, false); if (is_null($fileSync)) { KalturaLog::log("Error - no FileSync for flavor [" . $flavorAsset->getId() . "]"); KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::FILE_NOT_FOUND); } // always dump remote urls so they will be cached by the cdn transparently $remoteUrl = kDataCenterMgr::getRedirectExternalUrl($fileSync); kFile::dumpUrl($remoteUrl, true, true); } $path = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyLocalFilePathForKey($syncKey); $flvWrapper = new myFlvHandler($path); $isFlv = $flvWrapper->isFlv(); $clipFrom = $this->getRequestParameter("clipFrom", 0); // milliseconds $clipTo = $this->getRequestParameter("clipTo", 2147483647); // milliseconds if ($clipTo == 0) { $clipTo = 2147483647; } if (is_dir($path) && $fileParam) { $path .= "/{$fileParam}"; //echo "path($path),file($fileParam)"; kFile::dumpFile($path, null, null); die; } else { if (!$isFlv) { $limit_file_size = 0; if ($clipTo != 2147483647) { $mediaInfo = mediaInfoPeer::retrieveByFlavorAssetId($flavorAsset->getId()); if ($mediaInfo && ($mediaInfo->getVideoDuration() || $mediaInfo->getAudioDuration() || $mediaInfo->getContainerDuration())) { $duration = $mediaInfo->getVideoDuration() ? $mediaInfo->getVideoDuration() : ($mediaInfo->getAudioDuration() ? $mediaInfo->getAudioDuration() : $mediaInfo->getContainerDuration()); $limit_file_size = floor(@filesize($path) * ($clipTo / $duration)); } } kFile::dumpFile($path, null, null, $limit_file_size); die; } } $audioOnly = $this->getRequestParameter("audioOnly"); // milliseconds if ($audioOnly === '0') { // audioOnly was explicitly set to 0 - don't attempt to make further automatic investigations } elseif ($flvWrapper->getFirstVideoTimestamp() < 0) { $audioOnly = true; } $seekFrom = $this->getRequestParameter("seekFrom", -1); if ($seekFrom <= 0) { $seekFrom = -1; } $seekFromBytes = $this->getRequestParameter("seekFromBytes", -1); if ($seekFromBytes <= 0) { $seekFromBytes = -1; } $bytes = 0; if ($seekFrom !== -1 && $seekFrom !== 0) { list($bytes, $duration, $firstTagByte, $toByte) = $flvWrapper->clip(0, -1, $audioOnly); list($bytes, $duration, $fromByte, $toByte, $seekFromTimestamp) = $flvWrapper->clip($seekFrom, -1, $audioOnly); $seekFromBytes = myFlvHandler::FLV_HEADER_SIZE + $flvWrapper->getMetadataSize($audioOnly) + $fromByte - $firstTagByte; } else { list($bytes, $duration, $fromByte, $toByte, $fromTs, $cuepointPos) = myFlvStaticHandler::clip($path, $clipFrom, $clipTo, $audioOnly); } $metadataSize = $flvWrapper->getMetadataSize($audioOnly); $dataOffset = $metadataSize + myFlvHandler::getHeaderSize(); $totalLength = $dataOffset + $bytes; list($bytes, $duration, $fromByte, $toByte, $fromTs, $cuepointPos) = myFlvStaticHandler::clip($path, $clipFrom, $clipTo, $audioOnly); list($rangeFrom, $rangeTo, $rangeLength) = requestUtils::handleRangeRequest($totalLength); if ($totalLength < 1000) { // (actually $total_length is probably 13 or 143 - header + empty metadata tag) probably a bad flv maybe only the header - dont cache requestUtils::sendCdnHeaders("flv", $rangeLength, 0); } else { requestUtils::sendCdnHeaders("flv", $rangeLength); } header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="video.flv"'); // dont inject cuepoint into the stream $cuepointTime = 0; $cuepointPos = 0; try { Propel::close(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logMessage("serveFlavor: error closing db {$e}"); } header("Content-Type: video/x-flv"); $flvWrapper->dump(self::CHUNK_SIZE, $fromByte, $toByte, $audioOnly, $seekFromBytes, $rangeFrom, $rangeTo, $cuepointTime, $cuepointPos); die; }
/** * Close the propel connection from initPropel */ private function closePropel() { Propel::close(); $this->initPropel = false; $this->initPropelRoot = false; }
public function executeAccept_group(sfWebRequest $request) { $invitacion_id = $request->getParameter('invitacion'); $token_seguridad = $request->getParameter('token'); $email_token = $request->getParameter('email'); $user_token = $request->getParameter('account'); /*vamos a aceptar permanecer a un grupo aca realizo validacion en 5 capas 1 reviso que la session de usuario exista 2 que la el valor obtenido en la consulta sea un object(que la consulta sql resulte con el registro solicitado) 3 el token de la solicitud sea correcto 4 el email sea correcto 5 que el usuario id sea correcto (este es id del usuario que envio la solicitud en md5) */ $user = $this->getUser()->getAttribute(sfConfig::get('app_session_current_user'), null); if ($user != null) { $solicitud = SolicitudGrupoTrabajoScPeer::retrieveByPK($invitacion_id); if (is_object($solicitud)) { if ($token_seguridad == $solicitud->getToken()) { if ($email_token == md5($user->getEmail())) { if ($user_token == md5($solicitud->getUserId())) { $solicitud->setRespondido(1); $solicitud->setFlag(json_encode(array("estado" => false, "respuesta" => true))); $solicitud->setUpdateAt(time()); $solicitud->save(); //falta cambiar los indicadores que esten relacionados al grupo /*vamos a obtener todos los arboles que esten relacionados con el grupo depues vamos a obtener todos los indicadores donde el usuario se encuentre asignado y vamos a aumetar el ID en cada registro que encontremos*/ //admemas vamos hacer lo mismo en las asignaciones para tener un mejor indexacion //a la hora de hacer las consultas. $criterio_tree = new Criteria(); $criterio_tree->add(TreeScPeer::GRUPO_TRABAJO_ID, $solicitud->getGrupoId()); $list_tree = TreeScPeer::doSelect($criterio_tree); foreach ($list_tree as $row) { $con = Propel::getConnection(); $criterio_busqueda = new Criteria(); $criterio_busqueda->add(IndicatorsScPeer::EMAIL_RESPONSABLE, '%' . $solicitud->getEmail() . '%', Criteria::LIKE); $criterio_busqueda->add(IndicatorsScPeer::TREE_ID, $row->getId()); $criterio_update = new Criteria(); $criterio_update->add(IndicatorsScPeer::RESPONSABLE_ID, $user->getId()); BasePeer::doUpdate($criterio_busqueda, $criterio_update, $con); $con = Propel::close(); } $con = Propel::getConnection(); $criterio_asignaciones = new Criteria(); $criterio_asignaciones->add(AsignacionScPeer::GRUPO_ID, $solicitud->getGrupoId()); $criterio_asignaciones->add(AsignacionScPeer::EMAIL, '%' . $user->getEmail() . '%', Criteria::LIKE); $criterio_update = new Criteria(); $criterio_update->add(AsignacionScPeer::USER_ID, $user->getId()); BasePeer::doUpdate($criterio_asignaciones, $criterio_update, $con); $con = Propel::close(); $grupo_trabajo = new DetalleGrupoTrabajoSc(); $grupo_trabajo->setEmail($user->getEmail()); $grupo_trabajo->setUserId($user->getId()); $grupo_trabajo->setGrupoId($solicitud->getGrupoId()); $grupo_trabajo->save(); $this->redirect('@list_working_groups'); } else { return sfView::ERROR; } } else { return sfView::ERROR; } } else { return sfView::ERROR; } } else { return sfView::ERROR; } } else { return sfView::ERROR; } }
public function execute() { //entitlement should be disabled to serveFlavor action as we do not get ks on this action. KalturaCriterion::disableTag(KalturaCriterion::TAG_ENTITLEMENT_CATEGORY); requestUtils::handleConditionalGet(); $flavorId = $this->getRequestParameter("flavorId"); $shouldProxy = $this->getRequestParameter("forceproxy", false); $fileName = $this->getRequestParameter("fileName"); $fileParam = $this->getRequestParameter("file"); $fileParam = basename($fileParam); $pathOnly = $this->getRequestParameter("pathOnly", false); $referrer = base64_decode($this->getRequestParameter("referrer")); if (!is_string($referrer)) { // base64_decode can return binary data $referrer = ''; } $flavorAsset = assetPeer::retrieveById($flavorId); if (is_null($flavorAsset)) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::FLAVOR_NOT_FOUND); } $entryId = $this->getRequestParameter("entryId"); if (!is_null($entryId) && $flavorAsset->getEntryId() != $entryId) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::FLAVOR_NOT_FOUND); } if ($fileName) { header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$fileName}\""); header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); } $clipTo = null; $entry = $flavorAsset->getentry(); if (!$entry) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); } KalturaMonitorClient::initApiMonitor(false, 'extwidget.serveFlavor', $flavorAsset->getPartnerId()); myPartnerUtils::enforceDelivery($entry, $flavorAsset); $version = $this->getRequestParameter("v"); if (!$version) { $version = $flavorAsset->getVersion(); } $syncKey = $flavorAsset->getSyncKey(flavorAsset::FILE_SYNC_FLAVOR_ASSET_SUB_TYPE_ASSET, $version); if ($pathOnly && kIpAddressUtils::isInternalIp($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { $path = null; list($file_sync, $local) = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyFileSyncForKey($syncKey, false, false); if ($file_sync) { $parent_file_sync = kFileSyncUtils::resolve($file_sync); $path = $parent_file_sync->getFullPath(); if ($fileParam && is_dir($path)) { $path .= "/{$fileParam}"; } } $renderer = new kRendererString('{"sequences":[{"clips":[{"type":"source","path":"' . $path . '"}]}]}', 'application/json'); if ($path) { $this->storeCache($renderer, $flavorAsset->getPartnerId()); } $renderer->output(); KExternalErrors::dieGracefully(); } if (kConf::hasParam('serve_flavor_allowed_partners') && !in_array($flavorAsset->getPartnerId(), kConf::get('serve_flavor_allowed_partners'))) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ACTION_BLOCKED); } if (!kFileSyncUtils::file_exists($syncKey, false)) { list($fileSync, $local) = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyFileSyncForKey($syncKey, true, false); if (is_null($fileSync)) { KalturaLog::log("Error - no FileSync for flavor [" . $flavorAsset->getId() . "]"); KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::FILE_NOT_FOUND); } // always dump remote urls so they will be cached by the cdn transparently $remoteUrl = kDataCenterMgr::getRedirectExternalUrl($fileSync); kFileUtils::dumpUrl($remoteUrl); } $path = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyLocalFilePathForKey($syncKey); $isFlv = false; if (!$shouldProxy) { $flvWrapper = new myFlvHandler($path); $isFlv = $flvWrapper->isFlv(); } $clipFrom = $this->getRequestParameter("clipFrom", 0); // milliseconds if (is_null($clipTo)) { $clipTo = $this->getRequestParameter("clipTo", self::NO_CLIP_TO); } // milliseconds if ($clipTo == 0) { $clipTo = self::NO_CLIP_TO; } if (!is_numeric($clipTo) || $clipTo < 0) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::BAD_QUERY, 'clipTo must be a positive number'); } $seekFrom = $this->getRequestParameter("seekFrom", -1); if ($seekFrom <= 0) { $seekFrom = -1; } $seekFromBytes = $this->getRequestParameter("seekFromBytes", -1); if ($seekFromBytes <= 0) { $seekFromBytes = -1; } if ($fileParam && is_dir($path)) { $path .= "/{$fileParam}"; kFileUtils::dumpFile($path, null, null); KExternalErrors::dieGracefully(); } else { if (!$isFlv || $clipTo == self::NO_CLIP_TO && $seekFrom < 0 && $seekFromBytes < 0) { $limit_file_size = 0; if ($clipTo != self::NO_CLIP_TO) { if (strtolower($flavorAsset->getFileExt()) == 'mp4' && PermissionPeer::isValidForPartner(PermissionName::FEATURE_ACCURATE_SERVE_CLIPPING, $flavorAsset->getPartnerId())) { $contentPath = myContentStorage::getFSContentRootPath(); $tempClipName = $version . '_' . $clipTo . '.mp4'; $tempClipPath = $contentPath . myContentStorage::getGeneralEntityPath("entry/tempclip", $flavorAsset->getIntId(), $flavorAsset->getId(), $tempClipName); if (!file_exists($tempClipPath)) { kFile::fullMkdir($tempClipPath); $clipToSec = round($clipTo / 1000, 3); $cmdLine = kConf::get("bin_path_ffmpeg") . " -i {$path} -vcodec copy -acodec copy -f mp4 -t {$clipToSec} -y {$tempClipPath} 2>&1"; KalturaLog::log("Executing {$cmdLine}"); $output = array(); $return_value = ""; exec($cmdLine, $output, $return_value); KalturaLog::log("ffmpeg returned {$return_value}, output:" . implode("\n", $output)); } if (file_exists($tempClipPath)) { KalturaLog::log("Dumping {$tempClipPath}"); kFileUtils::dumpFile($tempClipPath); } else { KalturaLog::err('Failed to clip the file using ffmpeg, falling back to rough clipping'); } } $mediaInfo = mediaInfoPeer::retrieveByFlavorAssetId($flavorAsset->getId()); if ($mediaInfo && ($mediaInfo->getVideoDuration() || $mediaInfo->getAudioDuration() || $mediaInfo->getContainerDuration())) { $duration = $mediaInfo->getVideoDuration() ? $mediaInfo->getVideoDuration() : ($mediaInfo->getAudioDuration() ? $mediaInfo->getAudioDuration() : $mediaInfo->getContainerDuration()); $limit_file_size = floor(@kFile::fileSize($path) * ($clipTo / $duration) * 1.2); } } $renderer = kFileUtils::getDumpFileRenderer($path, null, null, $limit_file_size); if (!$fileName) { $this->storeCache($renderer, $flavorAsset->getPartnerId()); } $renderer->output(); KExternalErrors::dieGracefully(); } } $audioOnly = $this->getRequestParameter("audioOnly"); // milliseconds if ($audioOnly === '0') { // audioOnly was explicitly set to 0 - don't attempt to make further automatic investigations } elseif ($flvWrapper->getFirstVideoTimestamp() < 0) { $audioOnly = true; } $bytes = 0; if ($seekFrom !== -1 && $seekFrom !== 0) { list($bytes, $duration, $firstTagByte, $toByte) = $flvWrapper->clip(0, -1, $audioOnly); list($bytes, $duration, $fromByte, $toByte, $seekFromTimestamp) = $flvWrapper->clip($seekFrom, -1, $audioOnly); $seekFromBytes = myFlvHandler::FLV_HEADER_SIZE + $flvWrapper->getMetadataSize($audioOnly) + $fromByte - $firstTagByte; } else { list($bytes, $duration, $fromByte, $toByte, $fromTs, $cuepointPos) = myFlvStaticHandler::clip($path, $clipFrom, $clipTo, $audioOnly); } $metadataSize = $flvWrapper->getMetadataSize($audioOnly); $dataOffset = $metadataSize + myFlvHandler::getHeaderSize(); $totalLength = $dataOffset + $bytes; list($bytes, $duration, $fromByte, $toByte, $fromTs, $cuepointPos) = myFlvStaticHandler::clip($path, $clipFrom, $clipTo, $audioOnly); list($rangeFrom, $rangeTo, $rangeLength) = requestUtils::handleRangeRequest($totalLength); if ($totalLength < 1000) { // (actually $total_length is probably 13 or 143 - header + empty metadata tag) probably a bad flv maybe only the header - dont cache requestUtils::sendCdnHeaders("flv", $rangeLength, 0); } else { requestUtils::sendCdnHeaders("flv", $rangeLength); } // dont inject cuepoint into the stream $cuepointTime = 0; $cuepointPos = 0; try { Propel::close(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logMessage("serveFlavor: error closing db {$e}"); } header("Content-Type: video/x-flv"); $flvWrapper->dump(self::CHUNK_SIZE, $fromByte, $toByte, $audioOnly, $seekFromBytes, $rangeFrom, $rangeTo, $cuepointTime, $cuepointPos); KExternalErrors::dieGracefully(); }
public function executeEspejo_reportes($tree_id, $list_data_indicador, $fecha_update) { // $tree_id = $request->getParameter('idTree'); // $user = $this->getUser()->getAttribute(sfConfig::get('app_session_current_user'),null); if ($tree_id != 0) { $tree_espejo = TreeScPeer::retrieveByPK($tree_id); if (is_object($tree_espejo)) { try { $conn = Propel::getConnection(); $conn->beginTransaction(); $tree_bean = new TmpTreeSc(); $tree_bean->setConfigureFlag($tree_espejo->getConfigureFlag()); $tree_bean->setFlag("ok"); $tree_bean->save(); $criterio = new Criteria(); $criterio->add(IndicatorsScPeer::TREE_ID, $tree_espejo->getId()); $criterio->add(IndicatorsScPeer::FLAG, '%habilitado%', Criteria::LIKE); $criterio->addAscendingOrderByColumn(IndicatorsScPeer::ID); $list_indicadores = IndicatorsScPeer::doSelect($criterio); $list_relation = null; foreach ($list_indicadores as $row) { $indicator_bean = new TmpDataReports(); $indicator_bean->setIndicadorId($row->getId()); $indicator_bean->setValorMinimo($row->getValorMinimo()); $indicator_bean->setValorDeseado($row->getValorDeseado()); $indicator_bean->setValorOptimo($row->getValorOptimo()); $indicator_bean->setTreeId($tree_bean->getId()); $indicator_bean->setUltimoNodo($row->getUltimoNodo()); $indicator_bean->setUpdateAt($fecha_update); $indicator_bean->setFlag("ok"); if ($row->getPreviousId() == 0) { $indicator_bean->setPreviousId(0); } else { $id_relation = $this->return_relation_id($list_relation, $row->getPreviousId()); $indicator_bean->setPreviousId($id_relation); } if ($row->getParents() != "") { $parents = $this->return_parent_relation($list_relation, $row->getParents()); $indicator_bean->setParents($parents); } //preguntar si es ultmo idicador //->getUltimoNodo() //si es ultimo nodo tengo que pasar la data actual //a data que se esta creando -> $indicator_bean->setConectoresConfigure($row->getConectoresConfigure()); $indicator_bean->save(); //actualizo el valor actual entregado $relation = array('array' => '' . $row->getId() . '-' . $indicator_bean->getId() . ''); $list_relation[] = $relation; } foreach ($list_data_indicador as $obj_data) { $criteria = new Criteria(); $id = $this->return_relation_id($list_relation, $obj_data->getIndicadorId()); $criteria->add(TmpDataReportsPeer::ID, $id); $obj_update_tmp = TmpDataReportsPeer::doSelectOne($criteria); $obj_update_tmp->setData($obj_data->getData()); $obj_update_tmp->save(); } $conn->commit(); $conn = Propel::close(); // VOY A DEVOLVER UN ARREGLO CON DOS VALORES 1) ID DEL TREE TEMPORAL, 2) LA LISTA DE LA RELACION $result = array('array' => $tree_bean->getId(), "lista" => $list_relation); return $result; //$this->list_relation = $list_relation; //$this->redirect('@edit_strategy?id_tree='.$tree_bean->getId()); } catch (Exception $e) { $conn->rollBack(); // $this->message = $e->getMessage(); $conn = Propel::close(); return sfView::ERROR; } } else { // $this->message = 'tree not definitive'; $conn = Propel::close(); return sfView::ERROR; } } else { // $this->message = 'session expired'; $conn = Propel::close(); return sfView::ERROR; } }
public static function closeDbConnections() { // close all opened db connetion while we end an action with a long executing operation such as dumping a file. // this will limit the number of concurrent db connections as dumping a file make take a long time try { Propel::close(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logMessage("closeDbConnections: error closing db {$e}"); } }
public function execute() { requestUtils::handleConditionalGet(); $entry_id = $this->getRequestParameter("entry_id"); $ks_str = $this->getRequestParameter("ks"); $base64_referrer = $this->getRequestParameter("referrer"); $referrer = base64_decode($base64_referrer); if (!is_string($referrer)) { // base64_decode can return binary data $referrer = ""; } $clip_from = $this->getRequestParameter("clip_from", 0); // milliseconds $clip_to = $this->getRequestParameter("clip_to", 2147483647); // milliseconds if ($clip_to == 0) { $clip_to = 2147483647; } $request = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; // remove dynamic fields from the url so we'll request a single url from the cdn $request = str_replace("/referrer/{$base64_referrer}", "", $request); $request = str_replace("/ks/{$ks_str}", "", $request); // workaround the filter which hides all the deleted entries - // now that deleted entries are part of xmls (they simply point to the 'deleted' templates), we should allow them here $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPKNoFilter($entry_id); if (!$entry) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::ENTRY_NOT_FOUND); } myPartnerUtils::blockInactivePartner($entry->getPartnerId()); // set the memory size to be able to serve big files in a single chunk ini_set("memory_limit", "64M"); // set the execution time to be able to serve big files in a single chunk ini_set("max_execution_time", 240); if ($entry->getType() == entryType::MIX && $entry->getStatus() == entryStatus::DELETED) { // because the fiter was turned off - a manual check for deleted entries must be done. die; } else { if ($entry->getMediaType() == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE) { $version = $this->getRequestParameter("version", null); $width = $this->getRequestParameter("width", -1); $height = $this->getRequestParameter("height", -1); $crop_provider = $this->getRequestParameter("crop_provider", null); $bgcolor = $this->getRequestParameter("bgcolor", "ffffff"); $type = $this->getRequestParameter("type", 1); $quality = $this->getRequestParameter("quality", 0); $src_x = $this->getRequestParameter("src_x", 0); $src_y = $this->getRequestParameter("src_y", 0); $src_w = $this->getRequestParameter("src_w", 0); $src_h = $this->getRequestParameter("src_h", 0); $vid_sec = $this->getRequestParameter("vid_sec", -1); $vid_slice = $this->getRequestParameter("vid_slice", -1); $vid_slices = $this->getRequestParameter("vid_slices", -1); if ($width == -1 && $height == -1) { $width = 640; $height = 480; } else { if ($width == -1) { // if only either width or height is missing reset them to zero, and convertImage will handle them $width = 0; } else { if ($height == -1) { $height = 0; } } } $tempThumbPath = myEntryUtils::resizeEntryImage($entry, $version, $width, $height, $type, $bgcolor, $crop_provider, $quality, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $vid_sec, $vid_slice, $vid_slices); kFile::dumpFile($tempThumbPath, null, strpos($tempThumbPath, "_NOCACHE_") === false ? null : 0); } } $audio_only = $this->getRequestParameter("audio_only"); // milliseconds $flavor = $this->getRequestParameter("flavor", 1); // $flavor_param_id = $this->getRequestParameter("flavor_param_id", null); // $streamer = $this->getRequestParameter("streamer"); // if (substr($streamer, 0, 4) == "rtmp") { // the fms may add .mp4 to the end of the url $streamer = "rtmp"; } // grab seek_from_bytes parameter and normalize url $seek_from_bytes = $this->getRequestParameter("seek_from_bytes", -1); $request = str_replace("/seek_from_bytes/{$seek_from_bytes}", "", $request); if ($seek_from_bytes <= 0) { $seek_from_bytes = -1; } // grab seek_from parameter and normalize url $seek_from = $this->getRequestParameter("seek_from", -1); $request = str_replace("/seek_from/{$seek_from}", "", $request); if ($seek_from <= 0) { $seek_from = -1; } $this->dump_from_byte = 0; // reset accurate seek from timestamp $seek_from_timestamp = -1; // backward compatibility if ($flavor === "0") { // for edit version $flavor = "edit"; } if ($flavor === "1" || $flavor === 1) { // for play version $flavor = null; } // when flavor is null, we will get a default flavor if ($flavor == "edit") { $flavorAsset = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveBestEditByEntryId($entry->getId()); } elseif (!is_null($flavor)) { $flavorAsset = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveById($flavor); // when specific asset was request, we don't validate its tags if ($flavorAsset && ($flavorAsset->getEntryId() != $entry->getId() || $flavorAsset->getStatus() != flavorAsset::FLAVOR_ASSET_STATUS_READY)) { $flavorAsset = null; } // we will throw an error later } elseif (is_null($flavor) && !is_null($flavor_param_id)) { $flavorAsset = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveByEntryIdAndFlavorParams($entry->getId(), $flavor_param_id); if ($flavorAsset && $flavorAsset->getStatus() != flavorAsset::FLAVOR_ASSET_STATUS_READY) { $flavorAsset = null; } // we will throw an error later } else { if ($entry->getSource() == entry::ENTRY_MEDIA_SOURCE_WEBCAM) { $flavorAsset = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveOriginalByEntryId($entry->getId()); } else { $flavorAsset = flavorAssetPeer::retrieveBestPlayByEntryId($entry->getId()); } if (!$flavorAsset) { $flavorAssets = flavorAssetPeer::retreiveReadyByEntryIdAndTag($entry->getId(), flavorParams::TAG_WEB); if (count($flavorAssets) > 0) { $flavorAsset = $flavorAssets[0]; } } } if (is_null($flavorAsset)) { KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::FLAVOR_NOT_FOUND); } $syncKey = $flavorAsset->getSyncKey(flavorAsset::FILE_SYNC_FLAVOR_ASSET_SUB_TYPE_ASSET); if (kFileSyncUtils::file_exists($syncKey, false)) { $path = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyLocalFilePathForKey($syncKey); } else { list($fileSync, $local) = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyFileSyncForKey($syncKey, true, false); if (is_null($fileSync)) { KalturaLog::log("Error - no FileSync for flavor [" . $flavorAsset->getId() . "]"); KExternalErrors::dieError(KExternalErrors::FILE_NOT_FOUND); } $remoteUrl = kDataCenterMgr::getRedirectExternalUrl($fileSync); $this->redirect($remoteUrl); } $flv_wrapper = new myFlvHandler($path); $isFlv = $flv_wrapper->isFlv(); // scrubbing is not allowed within mp4 files if (!$isFlv) { $seek_from = $seek_from_bytes = -1; } if ($seek_from !== -1 && $seek_from !== 0) { if ($audio_only === '0') { // audio_only was explicitly set to 0 - don't attempt to make further automatic investigations } elseif ($flv_wrapper->getFirstVideoTimestamp() < 0) { $audio_only = true; } list($bytes, $duration, $first_tag_byte, $to_byte) = $flv_wrapper->clip(0, -1, $audio_only); list($bytes, $duration, $from_byte, $to_byte, $seek_from_timestamp) = $flv_wrapper->clip($seek_from, -1, $audio_only); $seek_from_bytes = myFlvHandler::FLV_HEADER_SIZE + $flv_wrapper->getMetadataSize($audio_only) + $from_byte - $first_tag_byte; } // the direct path without a cdn is "".$entry->getDataPath(); $extStorageUrl = $entry->getExtStorageUrl(); if ($extStorageUrl && substr_count($extStorageUrl, 's3kaltura')) { // if for some reason we didnt set our accurate $seek_from_timestamp reset it to the requested seek_from if ($seek_from_timestamp == -1) { $seek_from_timestamp = $seek_from; } $request_host = parse_url($extStorageUrl, PHP_URL_HOST); $akamai_url = str_replace($request_host, "", $extStorageUrl); $akamai_url .= $seek_from_bytes == -1 ? "" : "?aktimeoffset=" . floor($seek_from_timestamp / 1000); header("Location: {$akamai_url}"); die; } elseif ($extStorageUrl) { // if for some reason we didnt set our accurate $seek_from_timestamp reset it to the requested seek_from if ($seek_from_timestamp == -1) { $seek_from_timestamp = $seek_from; } $extStorageUrl .= $seek_from_bytes == -1 ? "" : "?aktimeoffset=" . floor($seek_from_timestamp / 1000); header("Location: {$extStorageUrl}"); die; } // use headers to detect cdn $cdn_name = ""; $via_header = @$_SERVER["HTTP_VIA"]; if (strpos($via_header, "") !== false) { $cdn_name = "limelight"; } else { if (strpos($via_header, "akamai") !== false) { $cdn_name = "akamai"; } else { if (strpos($via_header, "Level3") !== false) { $cdn_name = "level3"; } } } // setting file extension - first trying frrom flavor asset $ext = $flavorAsset->getFileExt(); // if failed, set extension according to file type (isFlv) if (!$ext) { $ext = $isFlv ? "flv" : "mp4"; } $flv_extension = $streamer == "rtmp" ? "?" : "/a.{$ext}?novar=0"; // dont check for rtmp / and for an already redirect url if ($streamer != "rtmp" && strpos($request, $flv_extension) === false) { // check security using ks $securyEntryHelper = new KSecureEntryHelper($entry, $ks_str, $referrer); if ($securyEntryHelper->shouldPreview()) { $this->checkForPreview($securyEntryHelper, $clip_to); } else { $securyEntryHelper->validateForPlay($entry, $ks_str); } } else { // if needs security check using cdn authentication mechanism // for now assume this is a cdn request and don't check for security } // use limelight mediavault if either security policy requires it or if we're trying to seek within the video if ($entry->getSecurityPolicy() || $seek_from_bytes !== -1) { // we have three options: // arrived through limelight mediavault url - the url is secured // arrived directly through limelight (not secured through mediavault) - enforce ks and redirect to mediavault url // didnt use limelight - enforce ks // the cdns are configured to authenticate request for /s/.... // check if we're already in a redirected secure link using the "/s/" prefix $secure_request = substr($request, 0, 3) == "/s/"; if ($secure_request && ($cdn_name == "limelight" || $cdn_name == "level3")) { // request was validated by cdn let it through } else { // extract ks $ks_str = $this->getRequestParameter("ks", ""); if ($entry->getSecurityPolicy()) { if (!$ks_str) { $this->logMessage("flvclipper - no KS"); die; } $ks = kSessionUtils::crackKs($ks_str); if (!$ks) { $this->logMessage("flvclipper - invalid ks [{$ks_str}]"); die; } $matched_privs = $ks->verifyPrivileges("sview", $entry_id); $this->logMessage("flvclipper - verifyPrivileges name [sview], priv [{$entry_id}] [{$matched_privs}]"); if (!$matched_privs) { $this->logMessage("flvclipper - doesnt not match required privlieges [{$ks_str}]"); die; } } if ($cdn_name == "limelight") { $ll_url = requestUtils::getCdnHost() . "/s{$request}" . $flv_extension; $secret = kConf::get("limelight_madiavault_password"); $expire = "&e=" . (time() + 120); $ll_url .= $expire; $fs = $seek_from_bytes == -1 ? "" : "&fs={$seek_from_bytes}"; $ll_url .= "&h=" . md5("{$secret}{$ll_url}") . $fs; //header("Location: $ll_url"); $this->redirect($ll_url); } else { if ($cdn_name == "level3") { $level3_url = $request . $flv_extension; if ($entry->getSecurityPolicy()) { $level3_url = "/s{$level3_url}"; // set expire time in GMT hence the date("Z") offset $expire = "&nva=" . strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time() - date("Z") + 30); $level3_url .= $expire; $secret = kConf::get("level3_authentication_key"); $hash = "0" . substr(self::hmac('sha1', $secret, $level3_url), 0, 20); $level3_url .= "&h={$hash}"; } $level3_url .= $seek_from_bytes == -1 ? "" : "&start={$seek_from_bytes}"; header("Location: {$level3_url}"); die; } else { if ($cdn_name == "akamai") { $akamai_url = $request . $flv_extension; // if for some reason we didnt set our accurate $seek_from_timestamp reset it to the requested seek_from if ($seek_from_timestamp == -1) { $seek_from_timestamp = $seek_from; } $akamai_url .= $seek_from_bytes == -1 ? "" : "&aktimeoffset=" . floor($seek_from_timestamp / 1000); header("Location: {$akamai_url}"); die; } } } // a seek request without a supporting cdn - we need to send the answer from our server if ($seek_from_bytes !== -1 && $via_header === null) { $this->dump_from_byte = $seek_from_bytes; } } } // always add the file suffix to the request (needed for scrubbing by some cdns, // and also breaks without extension on some corporate antivirus). // we add the the novar paramter since a leaving a trailing "?" will be trimmed // and then the /seek_from request will result in another url which level3 // will try to refetch from the origin // note that for streamer we dont add the file extension if ($streamer != "rtmp" && strpos($request, $flv_extension) === false) { // a seek request without a supporting cdn - we need to send the answer from our server if ($seek_from_bytes !== -1 && $via_header === null) { $request .= "/seek_from_bytes/{$seek_from_bytes}"; } requestUtils::sendCdnHeaders("flv", 0); header("Location: {$request}" . $flv_extension); die; } // mp4 if (!$isFlv) { kFile::dumpFile($path); } $this->logMessage("flvclipperAction: serving file [{$path}] entry_id [{$entry_id}] clip_from [{$clip_from}] clip_to [{$clip_to}]", "warning"); if ($audio_only === '0') { // audio_only was explicitly set to 0 - don't attempt to make further automatic investigations } elseif ($flv_wrapper->getFirstVideoTimestamp() < 0) { $audio_only = true; } //$start = microtime(true); list($bytes, $duration, $from_byte, $to_byte, $from_ts, $cuepoint_pos) = myFlvStaticHandler::clip($path, $clip_from, $clip_to, $audio_only); $metadata_size = $flv_wrapper->getMetadataSize($audio_only); $this->from_byte = $from_byte; $this->to_byte = $to_byte; //$end1 = microtime(true); //$this->logMessage( "flvclipperAction: serving file [$path] entry_id [$entry_id] bytes [$bytes] duration [$duration] [$from_byte]->[$to_byte]" , "warning" ); //$this->logMessage( "flvclipperAction: serving file [$path] t1 [" . ( $end1-$start) . "]"); $data_offset = $metadata_size + myFlvHandler::getHeaderSize(); // if we're returning a partial file adjust the total size: // substract the metadata and bytes which are not delivered if ($this->dump_from_byte >= $data_offset && !$audio_only) { $bytes -= $metadata_size + max(0, $this->dump_from_byte - $data_offset); } $this->total_length = $data_offset + $bytes; //echo " $bytes , $duration ,$from_byte , $to_byte, $cuepoint_pos\n"; die; $this->cuepoint_time = 0; $this->cuepoint_pos = 0; if ($streamer == "chunked" && $clip_to != 2147483647) { $this->cuepoint_time = $clip_to - 1; $this->cuepoint_pos = $cuepoint_pos; $this->total_length += myFlvHandler::CUEPOINT_TAG_SIZE; } //$this->logMessage( "flvclipperAction: serving file [$path] entry_id [$entry_id] bytes with header & md [" . $this->total_length . "] bytes [$bytes] duration [$duration] [$from_byte]->[$to_byte]" , "warning" ); $this->flv_wrapper = $flv_wrapper; $this->audio_only = $audio_only; try { Propel::close(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logMessage("flvclipperAction: error closing db {$e}"); } return sfView::SUCCESS; }
/** * Returns a writable propel connection to the database of the Crontab. * * @param bool $reconnect Whether to force a new connection. * * @return PDO */ protected function getPropelConnection($reconnect = false) { static $connection; if ($reconnect or empty($connection)) { if ($reconnect) { Propel::close(); } $connection = Propel::getConnection(CrontabPeer::DATABASE_NAME, Propel::CONNECTION_WRITE); } return $connection; }
public static function shutdown() { Propel::close(); }
/** * Fork the process into two * You can create an optional method called preFork() which is called before the fork * Also an optional method called postFork() which is called after the fork on any remaining processes * (ie if you choose to daemonize then the original foreground process will not call the postFork() method) * * @param bool $daemonize kill the parent (original) process and let the new child run * * @return void */ protected function fork($daemonize = false) { if ($this->node !== 0) { return false; } // call any user created preFork method if (method_exists($this, 'preFork')) { $this->preFork(); } // force Propel to close connections so that it will reconnect on next query if (class_exists('\\Propel')) { \Propel::close(); } $pid = pcntl_fork(); switch ($pid) { case -1: Logger::emergency('Unable to fork process'); return; case 0: // this is the child $this->node++; break; default: // we are the original process if ($this->node == 0) { \Cli\line('Child node : pid=%y%s%n', $pid); if ($daemonize) { // exit; } else { $this->pid[] = $pid; } return; } } // promote the daemon process so it doesn't die because the parent has if ($daemonize && posix_setsid() === -1) { Logger::critical('Error creating daemon as session leader'); exit(1); } fclose(STDIN); fclose(STDOUT); fclose(STDERR); $this->stdIn = fopen('/dev/null', 'r'); // set fd/0 $this->stdOut = fopen('/dev/null', 'w'); // set fd/1 $this->stdErr = fopen('php://stdout', 'w'); // a hack to duplicate fd/1 to 2 // Silence any console output from the logger Logger::setSilentConsole(true); // call any user created postFork method if (method_exists($this, 'postFork')) { $this->postFork(); } }
private function evaluar_solicitud($email, $grupo, $userBean) { //solo puede enviar otra solicitud a la misma persona si //-es otra solicitud de otro grupo //-si el flag es 2 == Solicitud vencida $criterio_solicitud = new Criteria(); $criterio_solicitud->add(SolicitudGrupoTrabajoScPeer::GRUPO_ID, $grupo); $criterio_solicitud->add(SolicitudGrupoTrabajoScPeer::EMAIL, '%' . $email . '%', Criteria::LIKE); //FLAG,'1' == activa $criterio_solicitud->add(SolicitudGrupoTrabajoScPeer::FLAG, '%estado":true%', Criteria::LIKE); $cantidad_registros = SolicitudGrupoTrabajoScPeer::doCount($criterio_solicitud); try { $con = Propel::getConnection(); $con->beginTransaction(); if ($cantidad_registros > 0) { //no le envio solicitud $obj = array("success" => true, "message" => "no le envio solicitud"); $con = Propel::close(); return $obj; } else { $solicitudBean = new SolicitudGrupoTrabajoSc(); $solicitudBean->setGrupoId($grupo); $solicitudBean->setEmail($email); $solicitudBean->setCreateAt(time()); $solicitudBean->setUpdateAt(time()); $solicitudBean->setUserId($userBean->getId()); //formar el token $token = md5($grupo . $email . rand($userBean->getId(), 1000)); $solicitudBean->setToken($token); $solicitudBean->setFlag(json_encode(array("estado" => true, "respuesta" => false))); $solicitudBean->setRespondido(0); $solicitudBean->save(); try { $message = $this->getMailer()->compose(); $message->setSubject('Te invintaron a unirte a practil-scoredcard'); $message->setTo($email); $message->setFrom(array('*****@*****.**' => 'Practil')); $html = $this->getPartial('send_email/send_invitation_group', array('uri' => sfConfig::get('app_url_scorecard') . 'confirmation/confirmation_group?token=' . $token . '&email=' . $email . '&group_id=' . $grupo)); $message->setBody($html, 'text/html'); $this->getMailer()->send($message); $con->commit(); $con = Propel::close(); $obj = array("success" => true, "message" => "le envie solicitud"); return $obj; } catch (Exception $e) { $con->rollBack(); $con = Propel::close(); $obj = array("success" => false, "message" => $e->getMessage()); return $obj; } } } catch (Exception $e) { $con->rollBack(); $con = Propel::close(); $obj = array("success" => false, "message" => "se general"); return $obj; } }
public static function dbShutdown() { $databaseManager = new sfDatabaseManager(); $databaseManager->shutdown(); Propel::close(); }
public function executeCreate_mirror_tree(sfWebRequest $request) { $tree_id = $request->getParameter('idTree'); $user = $this->getUser()->getAttribute(sfConfig::get('app_session_current_user'), null); if ($user != null) { $tree_current = TreeScPeer::retrieveByPK($tree_id); if (is_object($tree_current)) { try { $conn = Propel::getConnection(); $conn->beginTransaction(); $tree_bean = new TreeSc(); $tree_bean->setName($tree_current->getName()); $tree_bean->setUserId($tree_current->getUserId()); $tree_bean->setConfigureFlag($tree_current->getConfigureFlag()); $tree_bean->setConfigureDesign($tree_current->getConfigureDesign()); $tree_bean->setCreateAt(time()); $tree_bean->setUpdateAt(time()); $tree_bean->setFlag($tree_current->getFlag()); $tree_bean->setProduccion('not'); $tree_bean->setGrupoTrabajoId($tree_current->getGrupoTrabajoId()); $tree_bean->setPeriodoId($tree_current->getPeriodoId()); $tree_bean->save(); $tree_user_bean = new TreeUser(); $tree_user_bean->setUserId($tree_bean->getUserId()); $tree_user_bean->setTreeId($tree_bean->getId()); $tree_user_bean->save(); $criterio = new Criteria(); $criterio->add(IndicatorsScPeer::TREE_ID, $tree_current->getId()); $criterio->add(IndicatorsScPeer::FLAG, '%habilitado%', Criteria::LIKE); $criterio->addAscendingOrderByColumn(IndicatorsScPeer::ID); $list_indicadores = IndicatorsScPeer::doSelect($criterio); $list_relation = null; foreach ($list_indicadores as $row) { $indicator_bean = new IndicatorsSc(); $indicator_bean->setTitulo($row->getTitulo()); $indicator_bean->setDescripcion($row->getDescripcion()); $indicator_bean->setValorMinimo($row->getValorMinimo()); $indicator_bean->setValorDeseado($row->getValorDeseado()); $indicator_bean->setValorOptimo($row->getValorOptimo()); $indicator_bean->setResponsableId($row->getResponsableId()); $indicator_bean->setTreeId($tree_bean->getId()); $indicator_bean->setEmailResponsable($row->getEmailResponsable()); $indicator_bean->setUltimoNodo($row->getUltimoNodo()); $indicator_bean->setDetNetworkAttributeId($row->getDetNetworkAttributeId()); $indicator_bean->setUsernameInNetwork($row->getUsernameInNetwork()); $indicator_bean->setGaFecIni($row->getGaFecIni()); $indicator_bean->setGaFecFin($row->getGaFecFin()); if ($row->getPreviousId() == 0) { $indicator_bean->setPreviousId(0); } else { $id_relation = $this->return_relation_id($list_relation, $row->getPreviousId()); $indicator_bean->setPreviousId($id_relation); } if ($row->getParents() != "") { $parents = $this->return_parent_relation($list_relation, $row->getParents()); $indicator_bean->setParents($parents); } $indicator_bean->setFlag($row->getFlag()); $indicator_bean->setConectoresConfigure($row->getConectoresConfigure()); $indicator_bean->save(); $relation = array('array' => '' . $row->getId() . '-' . $indicator_bean->getId() . ''); $list_relation[] = $relation; } // $conn->rollBack(); $tree_current->setFlag(2); $tree_current->save(); $conn->commit(); $conn = Propel::close(); $this->list_relation = $list_relation; $this->redirect('@edit_strategy?id_tree=' . $tree_bean->getId()); } catch (Exception $e) { $conn->rollBack(); $this->message = $e->getMessage(); $conn = Propel::close(); return sfView::ERROR; } } else { $this->message = 'tree not definitive'; $conn = Propel::close(); return sfView::ERROR; } } else { $this->message = 'session expired'; $conn = Propel::close(); return sfView::ERROR; } }
public static function closeDbConnections() { // close all opened db connetion while we are dumping the file. // this will limit the number of concurrent connections as the dumpFile make take // a long time try { Propel::close(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logMessage("dumpFile: error closing db {$e}"); } }
public function is_the_last_record($data) { $connection = Propel::getConnection(); $query = 'SELECT MAX(group_data) AS max FROM data_indicadores WHERE indicador_id = ' . $data->getIndicadorId(); $statement = $connection->prepare($query); $statement->execute(); $row = $statement->fetch(); $ultimo = $row['max']; $connection = Propel::close(); if ($ultimo == $data->getGroupData()) { return true; } else { return false; } }