  * 点赞一条feed
 public function praise()
     $feedid = intval(I('post.feedid', ''));
     $redis = new \Predis\Client();
     if ($redis->zscore('feed:' . $feedid . ':praise', ACPopedom::getID())) {
         $res = $redis->zrem('feed:' . $feedid . ':praise', ACPopedom::getID());
         $rs = $redis->hincrby('feed:' . $feedid, 'praise', -1);
         $this->ajaxReturn($res && $rs ? array('status' => true) : array('status' => false, 'message' => '由于服务器君罢工,取消点赞失败失败啦..'));
     } else {
         $rs = $redis->zadd('feed:' . $feedid . ':praise', time(), ACPopedom::getID());
         $result = $redis->hincrby('feed:' . $feedid, 'praise', 1);
         $this->ajaxReturn($result && $rs ? array('status' => true, 'message' => '点赞成功了,么么哒') : array('status' => false, 'message' => '由于服务器君罢工,点赞失败失败啦..'));
$value = $redis->get('foo');
echo $value . "\n";
// Here we go incrementing unset values. No need to run messy UPSERT stuff.
echo "You've run this script " . $redis->incr('counter') . " times btw.\n";
// Tom is a simple associative array
$tom = array('name' => 'Thomas Hunter', 'age' => 27, 'height' => 165);
// The predis library makes setting hashes easy
$redis->hmset('tom', $tom);
// Now lets load that hash
$tom = $redis->hgetall('tom');
// As you can see, the object is exactly the same
echo "\n";
// We can get a single field from our hash if we want
$tomsage = $redis->hget('tom', 'age');
echo "Tom is {$tomsage} years old.\n";
// We can increment a single field from the hash as well
$redis->hincrby('tom', 'age', '10');
$tom = $redis->hgetall('tom');
echo "\n";
// Here's another simple associative array
$jessica = array('name' => 'Jessica Rabbit', 'age' => 30, 'height' => 140);
// Lets convert it into a JSON string
$jessica_json = json_encode($jessica);
// I'm just going to set it like any other string
$redis->set('jessica', $jessica_json);
// Now, lets load it, and JSON decode it (as an array not an stdClass, thanks to the second argument)
$new_jessica = json_decode($redis->get('jessica'), TRUE);
echo "\n";