  * group char
 function testCreatePlayerObjectHasUsefulInfo()
     $char = new Player($this->char_id);
     $this->assertTrue((bool) positive_int($char->health()));
     $this->assertTrue((bool) positive_int($char->speed()));
     $this->assertTrue((bool) positive_int($char->stamina()));
     $this->assertTrue((bool) positive_int($char->strength()));
     $this->assertTrue((bool) positive_int($char->level()));
     $this->assertTrue((bool) positive_int($char->damage()));
function level_up_if_possible($char_id, $auto_level = false)
    // Setup values:
    $max_level = maximum_level();
    $health_to_add = 100;
    $turns_to_give = 50;
    $stat_value_to_add = 5;
    $char_kills = get_kills($char_id);
    if ($char_kills < 0) {
        // If the character doesn't have any kills, shortcut the levelling process.
        return false;
    } else {
        $char_obj = new Player($char_id);
        $username = $char_obj->name();
        $char_level = $char_obj->level();
        if ($auto_level && $char_obj->isAdmin()) {
            // If the character is an admin, do not auto-level them.
            return false;
        } else {
            // For normal characters, do auto-level them.
            // Check required values:
            $nextLevel = $char_level + 1;
            $required_kills = required_kills_to_level($char_level);
            // Have to be under the max level and have enough kills.
            $level_up_possible = $nextLevel <= $max_level && $char_kills >= $required_kills;
            if ($level_up_possible) {
                // ****** Perform the level up actions ****** //
                // Explicitly call for the special case of kill changing to prevent an infinite loop.
                $userKills = change_kills($char_id, -1 * $required_kills, $auto_level_check = false);
                $userLevel = addLevel($char_id, 1);
                change_strength($char_id, $stat_value_to_add);
                change_speed($char_id, $stat_value_to_add);
                change_stamina($char_id, $stat_value_to_add);
                change_karma($char_id, 1);
                // Only add 1 to karma via levelling.
                change_ki($char_id, 50);
                // Add 50 ki points via levelling.
                addHealth($char_id, $health_to_add);
                addTurns($char_id, $turns_to_give);
                // Send a level-up message, for those times when auto-levelling happens.
                send_event($char_id, $char_id, "You levelled up!  Your strength raised by {$stat_value_to_add}, speed by {$stat_value_to_add}, stamina by {$stat_value_to_add}, Karma by 1, and your Ki raised 50!  You gained some health and turns as well!  You are now a level {$userLevel} ninja!  Go kill some stuff.");
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

$private = true;
$alive = false;
if ($error = init($private, $alive)) {
} else {
    require_once LIB_ROOT . "control/lib_status.php";
    // statuses for quickstats
    require_once LIB_ROOT . "control/lib_player.php";
    // Player info display pieces.
    require_once LIB_ROOT . "control/Skill.php";
    $skillsListObj = new Skill();
    $player = new Player(self_char_id());
    $level = $player->level();
    $class = $player->class_display_name();
    // Just to be displayed in the template.
    $starting_turns = $player->turns();
    $starting_ki = $player->ki();
    $status_list = get_status_list();
    $no_skills = true;
    $stealth = $skillsListObj->hasSkill('Stealth');
    if ($stealth) {
        $no_skills = false;
    $stealth_turn_cost = $skillsListObj->getTurnCost('Stealth');
    $unstealth_turn_cost = $skillsListObj->getTurnCost('Unstealth');
    $chi = $skillsListObj->hasSkill('Chi');
    $speed = $skillsListObj->hasSkill('speed');
    $hidden_resurrect = $skillsListObj->hasSkill('hidden resurrect');
    $midnight_heal = $skillsListObj->hasSkill('midnight heal');
         $generic_skill_result_message = 'You do not have the necessary ginsengroots or energy to create any Kampo formulas.';
 } else {
     if ($command == 'Poison Touch') {
         $covert = true;
         // Weakness kills strength.
         $target_damage = rand($poisonMinimum, $poisonMaximum);
         $victim_alive = $target->subtractHealth($target_damage);
         $generic_state_change = "__TARGET__ has been poisoned!";
         $generic_skill_result_message = "__TARGET__ has taken {$target_damage} damage!";
         $msg = "You have been poisoned by {$attacker_id}";
         send_event($attacker_char_id, $target->id(), $msg);
     } elseif ($command == 'Fire Bolt') {
         $target_damage = 5 * ceil($player->level() / 3) + rand(1, $player->getStrength());
         $generic_skill_result_message = "__TARGET__ has taken {$target_damage} damage!";
         $victim_alive = $target->harm($target_damage);
         $msg = "You have had fire bolt cast on you by " . $player->name();
         send_event($player->id(), $target->id(), $msg);
     } else {
         if ($command == 'Heal' || $command == 'Harmonize') {
             // This is the starting template for self-use commands, eventually it'll be all refactored.
             $harmonize = false;
             if ($command == 'Harmonize') {
                 $harmonize = true;
             $hurt = $target->is_hurt_by();
             // Check how much the TARGET is hurt (not the originator, necessarily).
             // Check that the target is not already status healing.
             if ($target->hasStatus(HEALING) && !$player->isAdmin()) {
文件: dojo.php 项目: reillo/ninjawars
 $userLevel = $player->vo->level;
 $userKills = $player->vo->kills;
 $user_turns = $player->turns();
 $userClass = $player->class_identity();
 $user_class_display = $player->class_display_name();
 $user_class_theme = class_theme($userClass);
 // Pull info for the class requested to change to.
 $destination_class_identity = isset($requested_identity) && isset($classes[$requested_identity]) ? $requested_identity : null;
 $destination_class_info = $destination_class_display = $destination_class_theme = null;
 if ($destination_class_identity) {
     $destination_class_info = $classes[$destination_class_identity];
     $destination_class_display = $destination_class_info['class_name'];
     $destination_class_theme = $destination_class_info['theme'];
 // Pull the number of kills required to get to the next level.
 $required_kills = required_kills_to_level($player->level());
 $current_class_untrusted = whichever($current_class_untrusted, $userClass);
 // Initialize the class record to prevent double change on refresh.
 // Requirement functions.
 // Returns an error if there's an obstacle to changing classes.
 function class_change_reqs($char_obj, $turn_req)
     $error = null;
     if ($char_obj->turns() < $turn_req) {
         // Check the turns, return the error if it's too below.
         $error = "You don't have enough turns to change your class.";
     return $error;
 // Returns an error if the requirements for getting a dim mak aren't met.
 function dim_mak_reqs($char_obj, $turn_req, $str_req)
 $hurt = $target->hurt_by();
 // Check how much the TARGET is hurt (not the originator, necessarily).
 // Check that the target is not already status healing.
 if ($target->hasStatus(HEALING) && !$player->isAdmin()) {
     $turn_cost = 0;
     $generic_state_change = '__TARGET__ is already under a healing aura.';
 } elseif ($hurt < 1) {
     $turn_cost = 0;
     $generic_skill_result_message = '__TARGET__ is already fully healed.';
 } else {
     if (!$harmonize) {
         $heal_per_level = 10;
         // For standard heal.
         // Heal at most either: hurt, or heal capacity.
         $healed_by = min($hurt, $player->level() * $heal_per_level);
         // Call the heal method on the targetted player object.
         $new_health = $target->heal($healed_by);
     } else {
         // Harmonize some chakra!
         // Use up some ki to heal yourself.
         function harmonize_chakra($char_obj)
             $ki = $char_obj->ki();
             $healed_by = 0;
             $hurt = $char_obj->hurt_by();
             if ($hurt > 0) {
                 // If there's anything to heal, try.
                 // Heal to whichever is lowest, ki, hurt, or 300.
                 $heal_for = min(100, $hurt, $ki);
                 // Subtract the ki used for healing.
 public function testPeasant2AbstractNpcIsSimilarToOriginal()
     if (!DEBUG) {
     // Peasant damage is 0-10
     // Peasant gold is between 0 and 20.
     // 1 in 20 chance of being disguised ninja.
     // Has added bounty if attacker is below level 21, and greater than 1.
     // added bounty is 1/3rd of attacker's level.
     // If they were a disguised ninja, they should drop the max inventory.
     $peasant = new Npc('peasant2');
     $this->assertLessThan(13, $peasant->max_damage());
     $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $peasant->max_damage());
     $this->assertLessThan(21, $peasant->gold());
     $mock_pc = new Player();
     $mock_pc->vo->level = 10;
     $this->assertEquals(10, $mock_pc->level());
     $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $peasant->dynamicBounty($mock_pc));
  * @access    private
  * @since     0.1.0
  * @param     Player $player The player to find
  * @return    Player The closest player to the given one
 private function closestTo($players, $player)
     $playerLevel = $player->level() + $this->debt;
     $diff = 0;
     while (true) {
         foreach ($players as $opponent) {
             $opponentLevel = $opponent->level();
             if ($playerLevel >= $opponentLevel - $diff && $playerLevel <= $opponentLevel + $diff) {
                 $this->debt = $playerLevel - $opponentLevel;
                 return $opponent;
文件: Npc.php 项目: reillo/ninjawars
 public function dynamicBounty(Player $char)
     if ($char->level() <= 2) {
         return 0;
     } else {
         return $this->bounty();