    $spam = $spam || preg_match('{\\[url=}i', $_POST['msg']);
    $spam = $spam || preg_match('{<a href=}i', $_POST['msg']);
    if (!$spam) {
        @mail($CONF['feedback_to'], "[pastebin] Feedback", $_POST['msg'], "From: {$CONF['feedback_sender']}");
        $page['thankyou'] = "Merci pour votre feedback :-)";
    } else {
        $page['thankyou'] = "Euh, cela ressemble un peu trop à du spam, pouvez-vous éviter tous ces liens ?";
// show a post
if (isset($_REQUEST["show"])) {
    $pid = intval($_REQUEST['show']);
    //get the post
    $page['post'] = $pastebin->getPost($pid);
    //ensure corrent format is selected
    $page['current_format'] = $page['post']['format'];
} else {
    $page['posttitle'] = 'Nouveau post';
//use configured title
$page['title'] = $CONF['title'];
//on a subdomain, label it as private...
if (strlen($CONF['subdomain'])) {
    $page['title'] = $CONF['subdomain'] . ' :: pastebin privée :: ' . $page['title'] . '::';
} elseif ($page['current_format'] != 'text') {
    //give the page a title which features the syntax used..
    //$page['title']=$CONF['all_syntax'][$page['current_format']] . " ".$page['title'];
    $page['title'] = 'Pastebin :: ' . $CONF['all_syntax'][$page['current_format']] . ' :: ' . $page['title'] . '::';
} else {