// if we get this far, we're going to be displaying some HTML, so let's kick
// off here...
$page = array();
//figure out some nice defaults
$page['current_format'] = $CONF['default_highlighter'];
$page['expiry'] = $CONF['default_expiry'];
$page['remember'] = '';
//see if we can come up with a better default using the subdomain
if (strlen($CONF['subdomain']) && isset($CONF['all_syntax'][$CONF['subdomain']])) {
    //cool, domain is something like ruby.pastebin.com, so lets go with that
    //as a default
    $page['current_format'] = $CONF['subdomain'];
//are we remembering the user?
$cookie = $pastebin->extractCookie();
if ($cookie) {
    //initialise bits of page with cookie data
    $page['remember'] = 'checked="checked"';
    $page['current_format'] = $cookie['last_format'];
    $page['poster'] = $cookie['poster'];
    $page['expiry'] = $cookie['last_expiry'];
//add list of recent posts
$list = isset($_REQUEST["list"]) ? intval($_REQUEST["list"]) : 10;
$page['recent'] = $pastebin->getRecentPosts($list);
//send feedback mail?
if (isset($_POST['feedback']) && strlen($_POST['msg'])) {
    $matches = array();
    $spam = false;
    //more than two links?