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' ( VIP )' : ''; if ($is_ottob2b) { $orderinfo[] = ': OTTO B2B'; } else { $orderinfo[] = ': ' . $o['customer'] . $vip_status; } //$orderilbl[] = 'Order Source / Customer Name'; //$orderinfo[] = ': '.$o['customer_type'].' / '.$o['customer']; //$orderilbl[] = 'Product Qty x EAN (ID / Code)'; //$orderinfo[] = ': '.intval($i['quantity']).' x '.$ean.' ('.$p['p']['products_id'].' / '.$p['p']['products_model'].')'; $orderilbl[] = 'Product Qty x EAN'; $orderinfo[] = ': ' . $product_qty . 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$item_page_count++; $YPOS = $margin; } $lineheight = 4; $imgbig_width = 60; $imgsml_width = 25; $rowpos = $YPOS; $colpos = $margin + 1; $pdf->SetXY($margin, $YPOS); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Product Information'); $YPOS += $lineheight + 1; $rowpos = $YPOS; $imgbig = $this->getImageForPDF($p['p']['products_image'], '', '212'); //if($imgbig!='') $pdf->Image($imgbig, $colpos, $rowpos, $imgbig_width); if ($imgbig != '') { $colposmainimage = $colpos; $image_metadata = getimagesize($imgbig); //MAKE IMAGE CENTERED WHEN SIZE IS PORTRAIT if ($image_metadata[0] == 147) { $colposmainimage = $colpos + 9; } $pdf->Image($imgbig, $colposmainimage, $rowpos, 0, $imgbig_width); } $pdf->Rect($colpos, $rowpos, $imgbig_width, $imgbig_width); $rowpos_main_image = $YPOS + $imgbig_width + 2; $rowpos = $YPOS; $img_h_resized = 0; //SHOW LOGO DIAMORE AND ELLI PREMIUM FOR NON OTTO B2B ORDERS if ($i['products_id'] > 0 && ($is_diamore || $is_elli_premium)) { $pb = $class_pb->retrieveDetail($p['p']['products_brand_id']); $img_path = DIR_WS_IMAGES . $pb['brand_image']; $imgsize = getimagesize($img_path); $img_w = $imgsize[0]; $img_h = $imgsize[1]; $h_ratio = $img_h / $img_w; $img_w_resized = 50; $img_h_resized = $img_w_resized * $h_ratio; $pdf->Image($img_path, 150, $YPOS, $img_w_resized, $img_h_resized); } /*USE IMAGE DIAMOND if($class_pm->productContainMaterials($i['products_id'], 52)) { $img_path = FPDF_IMGPATH.'diamond.jpg'; $imgsize = getimagesize($img_path); $img_w = $imgsize[0]; $img_h = $imgsize[1]; $h_ratio = $img_h/$img_w; $img_w_resized = 40; $img_h_resized = $img_w_resized * $h_ratio; $pdf->Image($img_path,165,$YPOS,$img_w_resized,$img_h_resized); } */ if ($is_gold_product) { $lineheight = 6; $leftpos = 150; $rowpos = $YPOS + $img_h_resized + 2; $pdf->SetFontSize($fontsize_big + 5); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->Cell(50, $lineheight, 'G O L D', 0, 2, 'C'); } //SPECIAL TREATMENT $product_finishing_array_st = ProductAttribute::getOldStylesFunction()->retrieveList(ProductAttribute::GROUP_ID_PRODUCT_FINISHING); $finishing_product_st = ProductAttribute::displayAttributeName($i['products_id'], ProductAttribute::GROUP_ID_PRODUCT_FINISHING, '2'); //echo "<pre>";var_dump($finishing_product_st);die(); if (empty($finishing_product_st)) { unset($finishing_product_st); } if ($finishing_product_st == NULL) { $isset_product_finishing = false; } else { $isset_product_finishing = true; } if (!$is_diamore && !$is_elli_premium) { if ($isset_product_finishing) { $rowpos = $YPOS + $img_h_resized; $lineheight = 6; $leftpos = 150; //special treament $pdf->SetFontSize($fontsize_big + 3); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->Cell(50, $lineheight, 'SPECIAL TREATMENT', 0, 2, 'C'); if ($i['products_id'] > 0 && ($is_gold_product || $is_pearl)) { if ($is_gold_product) { //gold $rowpos = $rowpos + 7; $pdf->SetFontSize($fontsize_big + 1); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->Cell(50, $lineheight, 'G O L D', 0, 2, 'C'); } /* if ($is_elli_premium) { $products_used_materials = $class_pm->retrieveProductMaterialsUsed($i['products_id']); if (in_array(52, $products_used_materials)) { $rowpos = $rowpos + 5; $pdf->SetFontSize($fontsize_big+1); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->Cell(50, $lineheight, 'D I A M O N D', 0, 2, 'C'); } if (in_array(5, $products_used_materials)) { $rowpos = $rowpos + 5; $pdf->SetFontSize($fontsize_big+1); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->Cell(50, $lineheight, 'P E A R L', 0, 2, 'C'); } } if ($is_diamore) { //diamore $rowpos = $rowpos + 5; $pdf->SetFontSize($fontsize_big+1); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->Cell(50, $lineheight, 'D I A M O N D', 0, 2, 'C'); } * */ if ($is_pearl) { //pearl $rowpos = $rowpos + 5; $pdf->SetFontSize($fontsize_big + 1); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->Cell(50, $lineheight, 'P E A R L', 0, 2, 'C'); } } //$pdf->Rect(150, 120, $img_w_resized, 30); } } $leftpos = $colpos + $imgbig_width + 2; $rowpos = $YPOS; $lineheight = 4; $linesep = 1; $pilbl = array(); $pinfo = array(); $pilbl[] = 'Product Category'; $pinfo[] = ': ' . $product_categories_name[$p['categories_id']]; $pilbl[] = 'Product ID'; $pinfo[] = ': ' . $i['products_id']; $pilbl[] = 'Product Code'; $pinfo[] = ': ' . $p['p']['products_model']; /* HIDE PRICE (REQUESTED BY CANTY & WAYAN TO PREVENT SMITH SPOTTED THE PRICE) $pilbl[] = 'Product Price'; $pinfo[] = ': '.displayCurrency('EUR', $p['p']['products_price']); */ if ($p['length'] > 0) { $pilbl[] = 'Product Length'; $pinfo[] = ': ' . textLength($p['length']); } $pilbl[] = 'Product Quantity'; $pinfo[] = ': ' . $product_qty; $lbl_width = 30; $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); $pdf->MultiCell($lbl_width, $lineheight + $linesep, implode("\n", $pilbl), 0, 'L'); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos + $lbl_width, $rowpos); $pdf->MultiCell($lbl_width, $lineheight + $linesep, implode("\n", $pinfo), 0, 'L'); $rowpos += count($pilbl) * ($lineheight + $linesep) + 2 * $linesep; // $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); // $pdf->setFont('Arial','B',$fontsize_med); // $prodinfo = 'Product ID: '.$p['p']['products_id']; // $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, $prodinfo); // $rowpos += $lineheight + $linesep; // $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); // $pdf->setFont('Arial','B',$fontsize_med); // $prodinfo = 'Product Code: '.$p['p']['products_model']; // $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, $prodinfo); // $rowpos += $lineheight + $linesep; // if($p['length']>0) { // $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); // $pdf->setFont('Arial','B',$fontsize_med); // $prodinfo = 'Product Length: '.textLength($p['length']); // $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, $prodinfo); // $rowpos += $lineheight + $linesep; // } $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Product Name:'); $rowpos += $lineheight; $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', $fontsize_big); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, $p['pd'][2]['products_name']); $rowpos += $lineheight + 2 * $linesep; if ($p['pnc']['production_instruction_id'] != '') { $rowpos += $lineheight; $piids = explode(",", $p['pnc']['production_instruction_id']); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Production Instruction:'); $pdf->setFont('Arial', ''); $pims = array(); //MERGE ALL MANUAL PI THAT ATTACHED TO PRODUCT foreach ($piids as $piid) { $pim = new production_instruction_manual($piid); $pi_temp = "\n" . $pim->cat_name . ' - ' . $pim->name; if (trim($pim->description) != '') { $pi_temp .= "\n" . $pim->description; } $pims[] = $pi_temp; } //EXPLODE EACH MANUAL PI WITH LINE FEED $pi_manual = implode("\n", $pims); $rowpos += $lineheight; $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->MultiCell(0, $lineheight, trim($pi_manual), 0, 'L'); $manpi_rows = explode("\n", trim($pi_manual)); // $rowpos += $lineheight * 3; } else { if ($p['pnc']['products_instruction'] != '') { $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Production Instruction:'); $pdf->setFont('Arial', ''); $rowpos += $lineheight; $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->MultiCell(0, $lineheight, $p['pnc']['products_instruction'], 0, 'L'); $manpi_rows = explode("\n", $p['pnc']['products_instruction']); //$rowpos += ceil(($lineheight-1)*count($manpi_rows)); } } $rowpos_manpi = $pdf->GetY(); $rowpos = $rowpos_manpi + 5; $leftpos = $colpos + $imgbig_width + 2; $rowpos_addimage = 0; $nei = 0; if (strtoupper($o['type']) == 'JG' && $i['custom_img'] != '') { //$imgcus_width = 37; //150px $imgcus_width = $imgsml_width; //100px $imgcus = $this->getImageForPDF($i['custom_img'], '100', '100'); if ($imgcus != '') { $pdf->Image($imgcus, $leftpos, $rowpos, $imgcus_width); $pdf->Rect($leftpos, $rowpos, $imgcus_width, $imgcus_width); } $leftpos += $imgcus_width + 2; // } elseif((count($p['pei'])>0 && ($p['categories_id']==2||$p['categories_id']==3||$p['categories_id']==30)) || (count($p['pei'])>1 && $p['categories_id']==9)) { //Show Extra Images only for NL,BL,SETS OR CH that have 2 extra images (only show 1st extra_images) } elseif (count($p['pei']) > 0) { // show extra images for all categories since tends now extra images is used for explain detailly of a product $rowpos = $YPOS + $imgbig_width + 2; $pdf->SetXY($margin, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Additional Images'); $rowpos += $lineheight + 1; foreach ($p['pei'] as $pei) { $nei++; // if($p['categories_id']==9 && $nei>1) continue; //display only 1st extra image for CH $reset_leftpos = true; if ($is_diamore) { //IF DIAMORE PRODUCTS $print_image = false; if (($p['categories_id'] == 2 || $p['categories_id'] == 30) && in_array($nei, array(1, 3))) { $print_image = true; } if ($p['categories_id'] == 4 && in_array($nei, array(2, 3))) { $print_image = true; } if (($p['categories_id'] == 29 || $p['categories_id'] == 3) && in_array($nei, array(1, 2))) { $print_image = true; } if (($p['categories_id'] == 9 || $p['categories_id'] == 28) && in_array($nei, array(1))) { $print_image = true; } if ($print_image) { $leftpos = $colpos; if ($rowpos > 214) { $pdf->show_footer_page_info = true; $pdf->AddPage(); $YPOS = $margin + 5; $rowpos = $YPOS; $rowpos_manpi = $YPOS; } $imgsml = $this->getImageForPDF($pei, '212', '212'); if ($imgsml != '') { $pdf->Image($imgsml, $leftpos, $rowpos, $imgbig_width); $pdf->Rect($leftpos, $rowpos, $imgbig_width, $imgbig_width); $rowpos += $imgbig_width + 2; } } } else { //IF NOT DIAMORE PRODUCTS $check_nei = $nei % 2; if ($check_nei == 1) { if ($nei != 1) { $reset_leftpos = false; //print additional image using 2 columns when manual pi is exceeded bottom of main image if ($nei > 2 && $rowpos_manpi > $rowpos_main_image) { $rowpos += $imgsml_width + 2; $reset_leftpos = true; } } } else { $reset_leftpos = false; } if ($reset_leftpos) { $leftpos = $colpos; } else { $leftpos += $imgsml_width + 2; } $imgsml = $this->getImageForPDF($pei, '100', '100'); if ($imgsml != '') { $pdf->Image($imgsml, $leftpos, $rowpos, $imgsml_width); $pdf->Rect($leftpos, $rowpos, $imgsml_width, $imgsml_width); //$rowpos += $imgsml_width + 2; } } } if ($is_diamore) { //IF DIAMORE PRODUCTS $rowpos_addimage = $rowpos + 2; } else { $rowpos_addimage = $rowpos + $imgsml_width + 2; $leftpos += $imgsml_width + 2; } } //CUSTOMIZE PRODUCTS & PRINTED GIFT VOUCHER FROM JULIE & GRACE if (strtoupper($o['type']) == 'JG') { if (strpos($p['p']['products_model'], 'GIFT-P') !== false) { $gift_amount = substr($p['p']['products_model'], 7); $cgq_query = "SELECT c.coupon_code, c.coupon_amount, c.coupon_expire_date FROM coupon_gv_queue cgq"; $cgq_query .= " LEFT JOIN coupons c ON c.coupon_id=cgq.coupon_id"; $cgq_query .= " WHERE cgq.order_id={$o['id']} AND cgq.amount={$gift_amount}"; $cgq_result = tep_db_query($cgq_query); $vouchers = array(); while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($cgq_result)) { $vouchers[] = $row; } $vcounter = 0; foreach ($vouchers as $v) { $vcounter++; $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_med); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Voucher ' . $vcounter . ':'); $rowpos += $lineheight; $vilbl = array(); $vinfo = array(); $vilbl[] = '- Code'; $vinfo[] = ': ' . $v['coupon_code']; $vilbl[] = '- Amount'; $vinfo[] = ': ' . number_format($v['coupon_amount'], 0) . ' EUR'; $vilbl[] = '- Expired Date'; $vinfo[] = ': ' . date('d. M Y', strtotime($v['coupon_expire_date'])); $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', $fontsize_med); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->MultiCell($lbl_width, $lineheight, implode("\n", $vilbl)); $pdf->SetXY($leftpos + $lbl_width, $rowpos); $pdf->MultiCell(100, $lineheight, implode("\n", $vinfo)); $rowpos += count($vilbl) * $lineheight + 2 * $linesep; } } if ($i['custom_text'] != '') { $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Custom Text:'); $rowpos += $lineheight; $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', 12); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 4, $i['custom_text']); $rowpos += 2 * $lineheight + 2 * $linesep; } if ($i['custom_img'] != '') { $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Custom Image:'); $rowpos += $lineheight; $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', $fontsize_big); $pdf->Cell(0, $lineheight, basename($i['custom_img'])); $rowpos += $lineheight + 2 * $linesep; } if ($i['custom_imgcm'] != '') { $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Custom Image Comment:'); $rowpos += $lineheight; $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', $fontsize_big); $pdf->MultiCell(0, $lineheight, basename($i['custom_imgcm']), 0, 'L'); } } else { if ($p['article']['text'] != '') { $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Custom Text:'); $rowpos += $lineheight; $pdf->SetXY($leftpos, $rowpos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', 12); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 4, $p['article']['text']); $rowpos += 2 * $lineheight + 2 * $linesep; } } //$YPOS += (($rowpos>($YPOS+$imgbig_width)) ? $rowpos : $imgbig_width) + 10; //CHANGE THIS TO BELOW //if($rowpos>($YPOS+$imgbig_width)) $YPOS = $rowpos + 5; //else $YPOS += $imgbig_width + 10; if (in_array($p['p']['products_brand_id'], $DIAMOND_BRAND_IDS)) { if ($rowpos_manpi > $rowpos_addimage) { $YPOS = $rowpos_manpi + 5; } elseif ($rowpos_addimage > $rowpos_manpi) { $YPOS = $rowpos_addimage + 15; } //if manual pi printed smaller than displayed additional images if ($rowpos_main_image > $rowpos_manpi && $nei == 0) { $YPOS = $rowpos_main_image + 5; } //if manual pi printed smaller than displayed main images and theres no additional images printed if ($rowpos_manpi == $rowpos_addimage) { $YPOS = $rowpos_manpi; } //if manual pi printed and additional images were the same row height } else { if ($rowpos_manpi > $rowpos_addimage) { $YPOS = $rowpos_manpi + 5; } elseif ($rowpos_addimage > $rowpos_manpi) { $YPOS = $rowpos_addimage + 5; } //if manual pi printed smaller than displayed additional images if ($rowpos_main_image > $rowpos_manpi && $nei == 0) { $YPOS = $rowpos_main_image + 5; } //if manual pi printed smaller than displayed main images and theres no additional images printed if ($rowpos_manpi == $rowpos_addimage) { $YPOS = $rowpos_manpi; } //if manual pi printed and additional images were the same row height } //PRODUCTION if ($YPOS > 240) { $pdf->show_footer_page_info = true; $pdf->AddPage(); $YPOS = $margin + 5; } $lineheight = 5; $pdf->SetXY($margin, $YPOS); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); $pdf->Cell(100, $lineheight, 'Production'); $YPOS += $lineheight + 1; //IF NEED NEW QC COLUMN, ONLY NEED TO ADD BELOW ARRAY $col = array(); $col[1] = 'Workshop'; $col[2] = 'Beading'; $col[3] = 'Enamel'; $col[4] = 'Ferido'; $col[5] = 'Packing'; $leftpos = $margin + 1; $pdf->setXY($leftpos, $YPOS); $qc_table_max_width = 198; $colwidth = number_format($qc_table_max_width / count($col), 1); //$colwidth = 39.6; foreach ($col as $cval) { $pdf->Cell($colwidth, $lineheight, $cval, 1, 0, 'C', true); } $YPOS += $lineheight; $leftpos = $margin + 1; $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big + 5); $pdf->SetTextColor(209, 209, 209); $pdf->setXY($leftpos, $YPOS); for ($x = 1; $x <= count($col); $x++) { $pdf->Cell($colwidth, 15, 'QC', 1, 0, 'C'); } //PRODUCT FINISHING //echo "<pre>";var_dump($finishing);die(); $finishing = array(); /* UPDATE: NOW WE USE PRODUCTS FINISHING IN PRODUCT ATTRIBUTES TO FLAG WHETHER THE PRODUCTS NEEDS RHODIUM OR MICRON */ /* RHODIUM RULES Rule1: OttoB2B, Elli Premium which Silver "without plated" and whitegold product Rule2: Diamore */ /* $rhodium_rule1 = ( ($is_ottob2b || $is_elli_premium) && ($obj_product->metal_stamp_code == Product::METAL_STAMP_CODE_925 || $obj_product->metal_stamp_info == Product::METAL_STAMP_INFO_WHITEGOLD) ); $rhodium_rule2 = $is_diamore; */ //$rhodium_and_micron_rule = in_array_r($finishing_product, $product_finishing_array); //if ($rhodium_rule1 || $rhodium_rule2) { //if ($rhodium_and_micron_rule) { //$finishing[] = 'Rhodium'; //} $is_partial_plated = $p['p']['is_partial_plated'] == '1'; $is_goldplated = false; foreach ($p['finishing'] as $ftext => $fval) { if ($fval) { $is_goldplated = $fval == 'Goldplated' || $fval == 'Rose Goldplate'; if ($is_partial_plated) { if ($fval == 'Goldplated' || $fval == 'Rose Goldplate') { continue; } } //OttoB2B and Elli Premium goldplated products need to be added with 1.5 micron /* if (($is_ottob2b || $is_elli_premium) && ($fval == 'Goldplated' || $fval == 'Rose Goldplate')) { $ftext .= ' 1.5 micron'; } */ $finishing[] = $ftext; } } if ($is_partial_plated) { //OttoB2B and Elli Premium goldplated products need to be added with 1.5 micron //if (($is_ottob2b || $is_elli_premium) //$finishing_micron_key = array_search('micron', $finishing); //if ($finishing_micron_key !== false //&& ($fval == 'Goldplated' || $fval == 'Rose Goldplate')) { //$finishing[] = 'Partial Plated 1.5 micron'; //} else { $finishing[] = 'Partial Plated'; //} } $product_finishing_array = ProductAttribute::getOldStylesFunction()->retrieveList(ProductAttribute::GROUP_ID_PRODUCT_FINISHING); $finishing_product = ProductAttribute::displayAttributeName($i['products_id'], ProductAttribute::GROUP_ID_PRODUCT_FINISHING, '2'); if (!empty($finishing_product)) { $finishing[] = $finishing_product; } /* if ($is_goldplated || $is_partial_plated) { //If using plating, removed finishing Rhodium since it will antitarnished as standard for plated products $finishing_rhodium_key = array_search('Rhodium', $finishing); if ($finishing_rhodium_key !== false) { unset($finishing[$finishing_rhodium_key]); } } */ //echo "<pre>";var_dump($finishing);die(); if (count($finishing) > 0) { if ($YPOS > 250) { $pdf->show_footer_page_info = true; $pdf->AddPage(); $YPOS = $margin + 5; } $finishing = implode(', ', $finishing); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $YPOS += $lineheight + 15; $lineheight = 4; $pdf->SetXY($margin, $YPOS); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', $fontsize_big); 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/** * * @global array $DIAMOND_BRAND_IDS * @global string $server * @global jng_sp $class_sp * @global products_minierp $class_pm * @global logger $logger * @global string $icon_diamond * @global string $icon_gold_585_w * @global string $icon_gold_585_g * @param string $timestamp * @param int $jng_sp_id * @return boolean */ function generateReports($timestamp, $jng_sp_id) { global $DIAMOND_BRAND_IDS, $server, $class_sp, $class_pm, $logger, $icon_diamond, $icon_gold_585_w, $icon_gold_585_g; $log_date = strtotime($timestamp); $sp_detail = $jng_sp_id > 0 ? $class_sp->retrieveDetail($jng_sp_id) : array('package_prefix' => 'JG.DE'); $filter_sold = 1; $filter_age = 56; $logger->write("GENERATING REPORT {$sp_detail['package_prefix']}"); /* * Query get new products which: * 1) age <= 8 weeks (56 days) * 2) total sold >= 1 */ $q = "SELECT p.products_id, p.products_model, p.products_image, p.products_price, p.material_expenses, p.stars "; $q .= " , ptc.categories_id AS catid, cd.categories_name"; $q .= " , IFNULL(plps.sold_monthly_1, 0) AS sold_monthly_1, IFNULL(plps.sold_monthly_2, 0) AS sold_monthly_2"; if ($jng_sp_id > 0) { $q .= " , ((jc.total_returned / jc.total_sold) * 100) AS returned_rate, jc.active_age"; } else { $q .= " , 'N/A' AS returned_rate, DATEDIFF(NOW(), p.products_date_added) AS active_age"; } $q .= " FROM products p"; if ($jng_sp_id > 0) { $q .= " INNER JOIN jng_sp_catalog jc ON jc.jng_sp_id = {$jng_sp_id} AND jc.products_id = p.products_id"; } else { $q .= " INNER JOIN orders_products op ON op.products_id = p.products_id"; } $q .= " LEFT JOIN products_log_per_sp plps ON plps.products_id = p.products_id AND plps.jng_sp_id = {$jng_sp_id}"; $q .= " LEFT JOIN products_to_categories ptc ON ptc.products_id = p.products_id"; $q .= " LEFT JOIN categories_description cd ON cd.categories_id = ptc.categories_id AND cd.language_id = 1"; $q .= " WHERE"; if ($jng_sp_id > 0) { $q .= " jc.active_age <= {$filter_age}"; $q .= " AND jc.active_status = 1"; $q .= " AND total_sold >= {$filter_sold}"; } else { //$q .= " p.products_date_added >= '2013-01-01 00:00:00'"; $q .= " DATEDIFF(NOW(), p.products_date_added) <= {$filter_age}"; $q .= " AND p.products_status = 1"; $q .= " AND op.status NOT IN (10, 12)"; $q .= " GROUP BY p.products_id"; $q .= " HAVING SUM(op.products_quantity) >= {$filter_sold}"; } //$q .= " LIMIT 5"; $dbq = tep_db_query($q); $products = array(); while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($dbq)) { $row['margin'] = $class_pm->calculateMargin($row['products_price'], $row['material_expenses'], 1); $products[$row['catid']][$row['products_id']] = $row; } if (count($products) == 0) { $logger->write("NO DATA RETRIEVED"); return false; } //Start Creating PDF Reports $margin = 20; $ypos = 10; $col_width = 48; $col_height = 77; $line_height = 5; $cell_text_width = $col_width - 3; $no = 0; $row = 1; $icon_w = 4; $icon_h = 4; $first_page = true; $pdf = new PDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); $pdf->setTitle('New Comer Report'); $pdf->SetAuthor('JULIE GRACE'); $pdf->SetCreator('Manobo PDF Generator'); $pdf->SetDisplayMode('real'); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 25); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->AddPage('L'); $pdf->setXY($margin, $ypos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', '14'); $pdf->cell(240, 5, 'SALES REPORT NEWCOMER PRODUCT ' . $sp_detail['package_prefix'] . ' (' . date('d.m.Y', $log_date) . ')', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', '10'); $ypos += 15; $pdf->setXY($margin, $ypos); $catids = load_config('products-categories-sorting'); foreach ($catids as $catid) { $xpos = $margin; if (is_array($products[$catid])) { foreach ($products[$catid] as $pid => $p) { $obj_product = new product($pid); $no++; if ($ypos >= 150 || $no == 1 && !$first_page) { //Reset vars to new page state $xpos = $margin; $ypos = 25; $row = 1; $pdf->AddPage('L'); $pdf->setXY($margin, $ypos); } //Draw product box $pdf->Cell($col_width, $col_height, '', 1, 0); //Start drawing contents $pdf->drawProductsImage($xpos + 10, $ypos + 1, $p['products_image']); if (is_object($obj_product) && in_array($obj_product->brand_id, $DIAMOND_BRAND_IDS)) { $ypos_icon = $ypos + 3; $pdf->drawIcon($icon_diamond, $xpos + 39.5, $ypos_icon, $icon_w, $icon_h); } if (is_object($obj_product) && ($obj_product->metal_stamp_code > 0 && $obj_product->metal_stamp_code != 925)) { $icon_gold_selected = "icon_gold_" . $obj_product->metal_stamp_code . '_' . strtolower(substr($obj_product->metal_stamp_info, 0, 1)); $icon_gold = ${$icon_gold_selected}; $ypos_icon += $icon_h; //gold icon dimension is 21 x 16 $icon_gold_w = 21 / 16 * $icon_h; $pdf->drawIcon($icon_gold, $xpos + 38, $ypos_icon, $icon_gold_w, $icon_h); } $pdf->setXY($xpos + 2, $ypos + 3); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', '10'); $pdf->Cell($col_width, $line_height, $no . ". " . ($no == 1 ? $p['categories_name'] : '')); $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', '10'); $pdf->drawStar($p['stars'], $xpos + 15, $ypos + 29); $pdf->setXY($xpos + 2, $ypos + 35); $link = "http://{$server}/?open=product-detail&products_id=" . $pid; $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'U'); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 255); $pdf->Cell($cell_text_width, $line_height, $pid . ' / ' . $p['products_model'], 0, 0, 'C', 0, $link); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', ''); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->setXY($xpos + 2, $ypos + 40); $pdf->Cell($cell_text_width, $line_height, 'Price: ' . displayCurrency('EUR', $p['products_price'], false) . ' EUR', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->setXY($xpos + 2, $ypos + 45); $pdf->Cell($cell_text_width, $line_height, 'Margin: ' . number_format($p['margin'], 1) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->setXY($xpos + 2, $ypos + 50); $pdf->Cell($cell_text_width, $line_height, 'Return Rate: ' . ($jng_sp_id > 0 ? number_format($p['returned_rate'], 1) . '%' : $p['returned_rate']), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->setXY($xpos + 2, $ypos + 60); $pdf->Cell($cell_text_width, $line_height, 'Age in ' . ($jng_sp_id > 0 ? 'SP' : 'JG') . ': ' . $p['active_age'] . ' days', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->setXY($xpos + 2, $ypos + 65); $pdf->Cell($cell_text_width, $line_height, 'Sold L30D in ' . ($jng_sp_id > 0 ? 'SP' : 'JG') . ': ' . $p['sold_monthly_1'], 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->setXY($xpos + 2, $ypos + 70); $pdf->Cell($cell_text_width, $line_height, 'Sold L60D in ' . ($jng_sp_id > 0 ? 'SP' : 'JG') . ': ' . $p['sold_monthly_2'], 0, 0, 'C'); if ($no % 5 == 0) { $row++; $xpos = $margin; $ypos += $col_height * ($row - 1) + 5; } else { $xpos += $col_width + 5; } $pdf->setXY($xpos, $ypos); } $first_page = false; } $no = 0; } $filepath = 'sales-report-newcomer-products/'; $yeardir = $filepath . date('Y/', $log_date); if (!file_exists(DIR_FS_ARCHIVES . $yeardir) || !is_dir(DIR_FS_ARCHIVES . $yeardir)) { mkdir(DIR_FS_ARCHIVES . $yeardir); } $monthdir = $yeardir . date('m/', $log_date); if (!file_exists(DIR_FS_ARCHIVES . $monthdir) || !is_dir(DIR_FS_ARCHIVES . $monthdir)) { mkdir(DIR_FS_ARCHIVES . $monthdir); } $path_location = DIR_FS_ARCHIVES . $monthdir; $filename = date('YmdHi', strtotime($timestamp)) . '-sales-report-newcomer-products-' . $sp_detail['package_prefix'] . '.pdf'; $pdf->Output($path_location . $filename, 'F'); $logger->write("PDF CREATED: {$filename}"); //$pdf->Output($filename, 'D'); return true; }
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$pdf->setTitle('Sales Report Weekly Products'); $pdf->SetAuthor('JULIE GRACE'); $pdf->SetCreator('Manobo PDF Generator'); $pdf->SetDisplayMode('real'); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 25); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->AddPage('L'); $margin = 30; $ypos = 10; $cellstart = $margin; $cellsize = 48; $cellsize_half = $cellsize / 2; $cellsizecollweek = $cellsize + $margin; $cell_height_col = 55; $cell_height = 5; $pdf->setXY($margin, $ypos); $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', '14'); $pdf->cell(240, 5, 'SALES REPORT WEEKLY PRODUCT KW ' . date('W') . ' (' . date('d.m.Y', strtotime($filter_date)) . ')', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', '10'); $ypos += 10; $pdf->setXY($cellstart, $ypos); $firstorder = true; $no = 1; $catids = load_config('products-categories-sorting'); if (SERVER_IS_LOCAL) { use_class('CategoryTop'); //load all categories which not sorted while ($ct = CategoryTop::getOneByOneAsObject()) { if ($ct->getCategoriesTotalCount() > 0) { while ($cat = $ct->getCategoriesOneByOneAsObject()) { if (!in_array($cat->id, $catids)) {
// เพิ่มฟอนต์ภาษาไทยเข้ามา ตัวหนา กำหนด ชื่อ เป็น angsana $pdf->AddFont('angsana', 'B', 'angsab.php'); // เพิ่มฟอนต์ภาษาไทยเข้ามา ตัวหนา กำหนด ชื่อ เป็น angsana $pdf->AddFont('angsana', 'I', 'angsai.php'); // เพิ่มฟอนต์ภาษาไทยเข้ามา ตัวหนา กำหนด ชื่อ เป็น angsana $pdf->AddFont('angsana', 'BI', 'angsaz.php'); $x_absolute = 25; //พิกัด X $y_absolute = 20; //พิกัด Y $r = 7; //ระยะห่าง ##-- PAGE 1 ##---- เลขหน้า ---------- $pdf->SetFont('angsana', '', 12); $pdf->setXY($x_absolute + 160, $y_absolute - 10); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 0, iconv('UTF-8', 'cp874', 'Page 1')); ##---- เลขหน้า ---------- ##-- head table ----- $pdf->head_table(70, 20, 25, 'b'); //($x_absolute,$y_absolute,$fontSize,$b) //หัวโปรแกรม $pdf->SetFont('angsana', 'BU', 20); //$pdf->setXY( $x_absolute, $y_absolute + ($r*1) ); $pdf->setXY(60, $y_absolute + $r * 1); $pdf->SetFont('angsana', 'B', 18); //$pdf->MultiCell( 0 , 0 , iconv( 'UTF-8','cp874' , 'คลินิคผู้ป่วยนอกโรคลมชัก โรงพยาบาลศรีนครินทร์' )); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 0, iconv('UTF-8', 'cp874', "" . 'Academic service and Research Unit: Pharmaceutical care service')); $pdf->setXY(60, $y_absolute + $r * 2); $pdf->SetFont('angsana', 'B', 19); //$pdf->MultiCell( 0 , 0 , iconv( 'UTF-8','cp874' , 'คลินิคผู้ป่วยนอกโรคลมชัก โรงพยาบาลศรีนครินทร์' )); $pdf->MultiCell(0, 0, iconv('UTF-8', 'cp874', " " . 'Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences KKU'));