文件: chinese.php 项目: hugcoday/wiki
 function GetStringWidth($s)
     if ($this->CurrentFont['type'] == 'Type0') {
         return $this->GetMBStringWidth($s);
     } else {
         return parent::GetStringWidth($s);
  *   Affiche la grille des lignes de factures
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 function _tableau(&$pdf, $tab_top, $tab_height, $nexY, $outputlangs)
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  * Splits the text into lines to fit into a giving cell
  * and returns the last lines width
  * @param PDF $pdf
  * @return array
 function getWidth($pdf)
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     // Check for the largest font size in the box
     $fsize = $pdf->getCurrentStyleHeight();
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     // Returns the Object if already numbered else false
     if (empty($this->num)) {
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     $lw = ceil($pdf->GetStringWidth($this->numText));
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     $lfct = substr_count($this->numText, "\n") + 1;
     // If there is still remaining wrap width...
     if ($this->wrapWidthRemaining > 0) {
         // Check with line counter too!
         // but floor the $wrapWidthRemaining first to keep it bugfree!
         $wrapWidthRemaining = (int) $this->wrapWidthRemaining;
         if ($lw >= $wrapWidthRemaining or $lfct > 1) {
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                 $lw = ceil($pdf->GetStringWidth($line));
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                             $wrapWidthRemaining = $this->wrapWidthCell;
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                     $newtext .= $line;
                 // Check the Line Feed counter
                 if ($lfct > 1) {
                     // Add a new line feed as long as it’s not the last line
                     $newtext .= "\n";
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                     $lw = 0;
                     // Reset the wrap width to the cell width
                     $wrapWidthRemaining = $this->wrapWidthCell;
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 // Anzahl der Teilnehmer durchlaufen
 $pdf->SetFont('Times', '', $font);
 if ($p1 == false) {
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     $p1 = false;
文件: ex.php 项目: rohmad-st/fpdf

require 'mc_indent.php';
$InterLigne = 7;
$pdf = new PDF();
$pdf->SetMargins(30, 10, 30);
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 12);
$txt = "Cher Pierre";
$txtLen = $pdf->GetStringWidth($txt);
$milieu = (210 - $txtLen) / 2;
$pdf->Write(5, $txt);
$txt = "Voici venu le temps pour toi de renouveler ta licence-assurance, en effet celle-ci expire le 28/9 prochain. Tu trouveras joint à ce document le certificat d'aptitude à faire remplir par le médecin.";
$pdf->MultiCell(0, $InterLigne, $txt, 0, 'J', 0, 15);
$txt = "Je me permets de te rappeler que cette licence est obligatoire et nécessaire à la pratique de notre sport favori, tant à l'occasion de nos entraînements qu'à toutes autres manifestations auxquelles tu peux participer telles que compétitions, cours fédéraux ou visites amicales dans un autre club.";
$pdf->MultiCell(0, $InterLigne, $txt, 0, 'J', 0, 15);
$txt = "Dès lors, je te saurais gré de bien vouloir me retourner le certificat d'aptitude dûment complété par le médecin accompagné de ton paiement de 31 € ou de la preuve de celui-ci par virement bancaire. Le tout dans les plus brefs délais afin de ne pas interrompre la couverture de ladite assurance et par la même occasion de t'empêcher de participer à nos cours le temps de la régularisation. Il y va de ta sécurité.";
$pdf->MultiCell(0, $InterLigne, $txt, 0, 'J', 0, 15);
$txt = "Merci de la confiance que tu mets en notre club pour ton épanouissement sportif.";
$pdf->MultiCell(0, $InterLigne, $txt, 0, 'J', 0, 15);
$txt = "Le comité";
$pdf->MultiCell(0, $InterLigne, $txt, 0, 'R', 0);
 function automaticSummaryInPDF($submission)
     $countryDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('CountryDAO');
     $articleDrugInfoDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ArticleDrugInfoDAO');
     $extraFieldDAO =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ExtraFieldDAO');
     $journal =& Request::getJournal();
     $submitter =& $submission->getUser();
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     $articleTextLocales = $journal->getSupportedLocaleNames();
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     $purposes = $submission->getArticlePurposes();
     $articlePrimaryOutcomes = $submission->getArticleOutcomesByType(ARTICLE_OUTCOME_PRIMARY);
     $articleSecondaryOutcomes = $submission->getArticleOutcomesByType(ARTICLE_OUTCOME_SECONDARY);
     $coutryList = $countryDao->getCountries();
     $articleDrugs = $submission->getArticleDrugs();
     $pharmaClasses = $articleDrugInfoDao->getPharmaClasses();
     $drugStudyClasses = $articleDrugInfoDao->getClassKeysMap();
     $articleSites = $submission->getArticleSites();
     $expertisesList = $extraFieldDAO->getExtraFieldsList(EXTRA_FIELD_THERAPEUTIC_AREA, EXTRA_FIELD_ACTIVE);
     $fundingSources = $submission->getArticleFundingSources();
     $pSponsor = $submission->getArticlePrimarySponsor();
     $sSponsors = $submission->getArticleSecondarySponsors();
     $CROs = $submission->getArticleCROs();
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     $firstICD10 = null;
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         $code = $healthCond['code'];
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             $firstPurpose = true;
         } else {
             $purposeTitle = '';
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             $pdf->MultiRow(50, $purposeTitle, Locale::translate($purpose->getTypeKey()), 'L');
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             $pdf->MultiRow(50, '', '        ' . Locale::translate('proposal.purposes.studyDesign') . ', ' . Locale::translate('proposal.purposes.allocation') . ':    ' . Locale::translate($purpose->getAllocationKey()), 'L');
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         foreach ($articleOutcomeLocales as $key => $articleOutcome) {
             if (!$firstPOutcome) {
                 $outcomeTitle = Locale::translate("proposal.primaryOutcomes");
                 $firstPOutcome = true;
             } else {
                 $outcomeTitle = '';
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             $pdf->MultiRow(50, '', '        ' . Locale::translate('proposal.primaryOutcome.measurement') . ':        ' . $articleOutcome->getMeasurement(), 'L');
             $pdf->MultiRow(50, '', '        ' . Locale::translate('proposal.primaryOutcome.timepoint') . ':        ' . $articleOutcome->getTimepoint(), 'L');
     $firstSOutcome = null;
     foreach ($articleSecondaryOutcomes as $articleOutcomeLocales) {
         foreach ($articleOutcomeLocales as $key => $articleOutcome) {
             if (!$firstSOutcome) {
                 $sOutcomeTitle = Locale::translate("proposal.secondaryOutcomes");
                 $firstSOutcome = true;
             } else {
                 $sOutcomeTitle = '';
             $pdf->MultiRow(50, $sOutcomeTitle, $articleOutcome->getName() . ' (' . $articleTextLocales[$key] . ')', 'L');
             $pdf->MultiRow(50, '', '        ' . Locale::translate('proposal.primaryOutcome.measurement') . ':        ' . $articleOutcome->getMeasurement(), 'L');
             $pdf->MultiRow(50, '', '        ' . Locale::translate('proposal.primaryOutcome.timepoint') . ':        ' . $articleOutcome->getTimepoint(), 'L');
     $pdf->MultiRow(50, Locale::translate("proposal.age.minimum"), $details->getMinAgeNum() . ' ' . Locale::translate($details->getMinAgeUnitKey()), 'L');
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     $pdf->MultiRow(50, Locale::translate("proposal.recruitment"), Locale::translate("proposal.recruitment.status") . ': ' . Locale::translate($details->getRecruitmentStatusKey()), 'L');
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     foreach ($articleTexts as $atKey => $articleText) {
         if ($articleText->getRecruitmentInfo() != '') {
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     //Drug products
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         $classesToDisplay = '';
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  * print_PDF prints the Repertory result table in an PDF file.
  * @param string $task 'save_PDF'|'print_PDF': if 'save_PDF' the PDF should get downloaded, if 'print_PDF' the PDF should open in the browser
  * @return void
  * @access public
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 $pdf->Cell(60, $zelle, utf8_decode($mannschaft[$x]->name), 0, 0, 'L');
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//Ränder links ,rechts, oben
//Calc size of each field based on its title, then total width ex. products description field,
//and asssign max. possible value to products description field
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$total = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($x_text); $i++) {
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$products_field_width = $pdf->w - $pdf->lMargin - $pdf->rMargin - $total - $tax_field_width;
$x_width[$products_field_item] = $products_field_width;
  *   Show table for lines
  *   @param		PDF			$pdf     		Object PDF
  *   @param		string		$tab_top		Top position of table
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  *   @param		string		$currency		Currency code
  *   @return	void
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