  * Gets the DN of a user based upon settings for the domain.
  * This function will set $this->LDAPUsername
  * @param string $username
  * @return string
  * @access private
 function getUserDN($username, $bind = false)
     $this->printDebug("Entering getUserDN", NONSENSITIVE);
     if ($bind) {
         // This is a proxy bind, or an anonymous bind with a search
         $proxyagent = $this->getConf('ProxyAgent');
         if ($proxyagent) {
             // This is a proxy bind
             $this->printDebug("Doing a proxy bind", NONSENSITIVE);
             $bind = $this->bindAs($proxyagent, $this->getConf('ProxyAgentPassword'));
         } else {
             // This is an anonymous bind
             $this->printDebug("Doing an anonymous bind", NONSENSITIVE);
             $bind = $this->bindAs();
         if (!$bind) {
             $this->printDebug("Failed to bind", NONSENSITIVE);
             return '';
     $searchattr = $this->getConf('SearchAttribute');
     // we need to do a subbase search for the entry
     $filter = "(" . $searchattr . "=" . $this->getLdapEscapedString($username) . ")";
     $this->printDebug("Created a regular filter: {$filter}", SENSITIVE);
     // We explicitly put memberof here because it's an operational attribute in some servers.
     $attributes = array("*", "memberof");
     $base = $this->getBaseDN(USERDN);
     $this->printDebug("Using base: {$base}", SENSITIVE);
     $entry = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_search($this->ldapconn, $base, $filter, $attributes);
     if (LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_count_entries($this->ldapconn, $entry) == 0) {
         $this->printDebug("Couldn't find an entry", NONSENSITIVE);
         $this->fetchedUserInfo = false;
         return '';
     $this->userInfo = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_get_entries($this->ldapconn, $entry);
     $this->fetchedUserInfo = true;
     if (isset($this->userInfo[0][$searchattr])) {
         $username = $this->userInfo[0][$searchattr][0];
         $this->printDebug("Setting the LDAPUsername based on fetched wgLDAPSearchAttributes: {$username}", NONSENSITIVE);
         $this->LDAPUsername = $username;
     $userdn = $this->userInfo[0]["dn"];
     return $userdn;