  * Fetch the host from LDAP and initialize the object
  * @return void
 function fetchHostInfo()
     global $wgAuth;
     global $wgOpenStackManagerLDAPInstanceBaseDN;
     $this->ip = $wgAuth->getLdapEscapedString($this->ip);
     $result = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_search($wgAuth->ldapconn, $wgOpenStackManagerLDAPInstanceBaseDN, '(dc=' . $this->ip . ')');
     $this->hostInfo = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_get_entries($wgAuth->ldapconn, $result);
     if ($this->hostInfo["count"] == "0") {
         $this->hostInfo = null;
     } else {
         $this->hostDN = $this->hostInfo[0]['dn'];
  * Deletes a sudo policy based on the policy name.
  * @static
  * @param  $sudoername
  * @param $projectName
  * @return bool
 static function deleteSudoer($sudoername, $projectName)
     global $wgAuth;
     global $wgMemc;
     $project = OpenStackNovaProject::getProjectByName($projectName);
     $sudoer = new OpenStackNovaSudoer($sudoername, $project);
     if (!$sudoer) {
         $wgAuth->printDebug("Sudoer {$sudoername} does not exist", NONSENSITIVE);
         return false;
     $dn = $sudoer->sudoerDN;
     $success = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_delete($wgAuth->ldapconn, $dn);
     if ($success) {
         $wgAuth->printDebug("Successfully deleted sudoer {$sudoername}", NONSENSITIVE);
         $key = wfMemcKey('openstackmanager', 'sudoerinfo', $projectName . $sudoername);
         return true;
     } else {
         $wgAuth->printDebug("Failed to delete sudoer {$sudoername}", NONSENSITIVE);
         return false;
  * Binds as $userdn with $password. This can be called with only the ldap
  * connection resource for an anonymous bind.
  * @param string $userdn
  * @param string $password
  * @return bool
  * @access private
 function bindAs($userdn = null, $password = null)
     // Let's see if the user can authenticate.
     if ($userdn == null || $password == null) {
         $bind = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_bind($this->ldapconn);
     } else {
         $bind = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_bind($this->ldapconn, $userdn, $password);
     if (!$bind) {
         $this->printDebug("Failed to bind as {$userdn}", NONSENSITIVE);
         return false;
     $this->boundAs = $userdn;
     return true;
	 * Hook to add objectclasses and attributes for users that already exist, but have
	 * missing information.
	 * @static
	 * @param  $auth
	 * @return bool
	static function LDAPSetNovaInfo( $auth ) {
		global $wgMemc;

		$result = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_read( $auth->ldapconn, $auth->userInfo[0]['dn'], '(objectclass=*)', array( 'secretkey', 'accesskey', 'objectclass' ) );
		$userInfo = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_get_entries( $auth->ldapconn, $result );
		if ( !isset( $userInfo[0]['accesskey'] ) or !isset( $userInfo[0]['secretkey'] ) ) {
			$objectclasses = $userInfo[0]['objectclass'];
			# First entry is a count
			array_shift( $objectclasses );
			if ( !in_array( 'novauser', $objectclasses ) ) {
				$values['objectclass'] = array();
				# ldap_modify for objectclasses requires the array indexes be sequential.
				# It is stupid, yes.
				foreach ( $objectclasses as $objectclass ) {
					$values['objectclass'][] = $objectclass;
				$values['objectclass'][] = 'novauser';
			$values['accesskey'] = OpenStackNovaUser::uuid4();
			$values['secretkey'] = OpenStackNovaUser::uuid4();
			$values['isnovaadmin'] = 'FALSE';

			$success = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_modify( $auth->ldapconn, $auth->userdn, $values );
			if ( $success ) {
				$key = wfMemcKey( 'ldapauthentication', 'userinfo', $auth->userdn );
				$wgMemc->delete( $key );
				$auth->printDebug( "Successfully modified the user's nova attributes", NONSENSITIVE );
				return true;
			} else {
				$auth->printDebug( "Failed to modify the user's nova attributes.", NONSENSITIVE );
				# Always return true, other hooks should still run, even if this fails
				return true;
		} else {
			$auth->printDebug( "User has accesskey and secretkey set.", NONSENSITIVE );
			return true;
 static function AbortNewAccount($user, &$message)
     global $wgRequest;
     global $wgAuth;
     global $wgUser;
     $shellaccountname = $wgRequest->getText('shellaccountname');
     if (!preg_match("/^[a-z][a-z0-9\\-_]*\$/", $shellaccountname)) {
         $wgAuth->printDebug("Invalid shell name {$shellaccountname}", NONSENSITIVE);
         $message = wfMessage('openstackmanager-shellaccountvalidationfail')->parse();
         return false;
     $base = USERDN;
     $result = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_search($wgAuth->ldapconn, $base, "(uid={$shellaccountname})");
     if ($result) {
         $entries = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_get_entries($wgAuth->ldapconn, $result);
         if ((int) $entries['count'] > 0) {
             $wgAuth->printDebug("User {$shellaccountname} already exists.", NONSENSITIVE);
             $message = wfMessage('openstackmanager-shellaccountexists')->parse();
             return false;
     if (class_exists('TitleBlacklist')) {
         return TitleBlacklistHooks::acceptNewUserName($shellaccountname, $wgUser, $message, $override = false, $log = true);
     } else {
         return true;
  * Pulls all projects from LDAP and adds them as MediaWiki namespaces. Also adds
  * associated talk namespaces. This function must be called from LocalSettings.
  * @static
  * @return void
 static function addNamespaces()
     global $wgAuth;
     global $wgOpenStackManagerLDAPProjectBaseDN;
     global $wgExtraNamespaces;
     $result = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_search($wgAuth->ldapconn, $wgOpenStackManagerLDAPProjectBaseDN, 'owner=*');
     $entries = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_get_entries($wgAuth->ldapconn, $result);
     if ($entries) {
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             $id = (int) $entry['gidnumber'][0];
             $talkid = $id + 1;
             $name = ucwords($entry['cn'][0]);
             $wgAuth->printDebug("Adding namespace {$name}", NONSENSITIVE);
             $wgExtraNamespaces[$id] = $name;
             $wgExtraNamespaces[$talkid] = $name . '_talk';
     } else {
         $wgAuth->printDebug("Failed to find projects", NONSENSITIVE);
	 * @static
	 * @param  $rolename
	 * @param  $project OpenStackNovaProject
	 * @return bool
	static function createRole( $rolename, $project ) {
		global $wgAuth;


		$role = array();
		$role['objectclass'][] = 'groupofnames';
		$role['cn'] = $rolename;
		$roledn = 'cn=' . $rolename . ',' . $project->projectDN;
		$success = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_add( $wgAuth->ldapconn, $roledn, $role );
		# TODO: If role addition fails, find a way to fail gracefully
		# Though, if the project was added successfully, it is unlikely
		# that role addition will fail.
		if ( $success ) {
			$wgAuth->printDebug( "Successfully added role $rolename", NONSENSITIVE );
			return true;
		} else {
			$wgAuth->printDebug( "Failed to add role $rolename", NONSENSITIVE );
			return false;
  * Update puppet classes and variables for this host.
  * @param  $puppetinfo
  * @return bool
 function modifyPuppetConfiguration($puppetinfo)
     global $wgAuth;
     global $wgOpenStackManagerPuppetOptions;
     $hostEntry = array();
     if ($wgOpenStackManagerPuppetOptions['enabled']) {
         if (isset($puppetinfo['classes'])) {
             foreach ($puppetinfo['classes'] as $class) {
                 $hostEntry['puppetclass'][] = $class;
         if (isset($puppetinfo['variables'])) {
             foreach ($puppetinfo['variables'] as $variable => $value) {
                 $hostEntry['puppetvar'][] = $variable . '=' . $value;
         $oldpuppetinfo = $this->getPuppetConfiguration();
         if (isset($oldpuppetinfo['puppetvar'])) {
             $wgAuth->printDebug("Checking for preexisting variables", NONSENSITIVE);
             foreach ($oldpuppetinfo['puppetvar'] as $variable => $value) {
                 $wgAuth->printDebug("Found {$variable}", NONSENSITIVE);
                 if ($variable === "instanceproject" || $variable === "instancename") {
                     $hostEntry['puppetvar'][] = $variable . '=' . $value;
         if ($hostEntry) {
             $success = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_modify($wgAuth->ldapconn, $this->hostDN, $hostEntry);
             if ($success) {
                 $wgAuth->printDebug("Successfully modified puppet configuration for host", NONSENSITIVE);
                 return true;
             } else {
                 $wgAuth->printDebug("Failed to modify puppet configuration for host", NONSENSITIVE);
                 return false;
         } else {
             $wgAuth->printDebug("No hostEntry when trying to modify puppet configuration", NONSENSITIVE);
             return false;
     return false;
 * Sets up the SSL authentication piece of the LDAP plugin.
 * @access public
function AutoAuthSetup()
    global $LDAPSSLUsername;
    global $Hooks;
    global $Auth;
    global $LDAPAutoAuthMethod;
    $Auth = new LdapAuthenticationPlugin();
    $Auth->printDebug("Entering AutoAuthSetup.", 1);
    //We may add quite a few different auto authenticate methods in the
    //future, let's make it easy to support.
    switch ($LDAPAutoAuthMethod) {
        case "smartcard":
            $Auth->printDebug("Allowing smartcard authentication.", 1);
            $Auth->printDebug("wgLDAPSSLUsername = {$LDAPSSLUsername}", 2);
            if ($LDAPSSLUsername != null) {
                $Auth->printDebug("wgLDAPSSLUsername is not null, adding hooks.", 1);
                $Hooks['AutoAuthenticate'][] = 'SSLAuth';
                /* Hook for magical authN */
                $Hooks['PersonalUrls'][] = 'NoLogout';
                /* Disallow logout link */
            $Auth->printDebug("Not using any AutoAuthentication methods .", 1);
  * Adds a host entry based on the hostname, IP addrss, and a domain. Returns null
  * if the entry already exists, or if the additional fails. This function should be used
  * for adding public DNS entries.
  * @static
  * @param  $hostname
  * @param  $ip
  * @param  $domain OpenStackNovaDomain
  * @return bool|null|OpenStackNovaHost
 static function addPublicHost($hostname, $ip, $domain)
     global $wgAuth;
     global $wgOpenStackManagerLDAPInstanceBaseDN;
     $domainname = $domain->getFullyQualifiedDomainName();
     $host = OpenStackNovaHost::getHostByPublicIP($ip);
     if ($host) {
         $wgAuth->printDebug("Failed to add public host {$hostname} as the DNS entry already exists", NONSENSITIVE);
         return null;
     $hostEntry = array();
     $hostEntry['objectclass'][] = 'dcobject';
     $hostEntry['objectclass'][] = 'dnsdomain';
     $hostEntry['objectclass'][] = 'domainrelatedobject';
     $hostEntry['dc'] = $ip;
     $hostEntry['arecord'] = $ip;
     $hostEntry['associateddomain'][] = $hostname . '.' . $domainname;
     $dn = 'dc=' . $ip . ',' . $wgOpenStackManagerLDAPInstanceBaseDN;
     $success = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_add($wgAuth->ldapconn, $dn, $hostEntry);
     if ($success) {
         $wgAuth->printDebug("Successfully added public host {$hostname}", NONSENSITIVE);
         return new OpenStackNovaHost(false, null, $ip);
     } else {
         $wgAuth->printDebug("Failed to add public host {$hostname} with dn = {$dn}", NONSENSITIVE);
         return null;
 * Sets up the SSL authentication piece of the LDAP plugin.
 * @access public
function AutoAuthSetup()
    global $wgLDAPAutoAuthUsername;
    global $wgLDAPSSLUsername;
    global $wgLDAPAutoAuthDomain;
    global $wgLDAPSmartcardDomain;
    global $wgHooks;
    global $wgAuth;
    global $wgVersion;
    $wgAuth = new LdapAuthenticationPlugin();
    $wgAuth->printDebug("Entering AutoAuthSetup.", NONSENSITIVE);
    //Set configuration options for backwards compatibility
    if (isset($wgLDAPSSLUsername)) {
        $wgAuth->printDebug('Setting $wgLDAPAutoAuthUsername to $wgLDAPSSLUsername; please change your configuration to fix this deprecated configuration variable.', NONSENSITIVE);
        $wgLDAPAutoAuthUsername = $wgLDAPSSLUsername;
    if (isset($wgLDAPSmartcardDomain)) {
        $wgAuth->printDebug('Setting $wgLDAPAutoAuthDomain to $wgLDAPSmartcardDomain; please change your configuration to fix this deprecated configuration variable.', NONSENSITIVE);
        $wgLDAPAutoAuthDomain = $wgLDAPSmartcardDomain;
    if ($wgLDAPAutoAuthUsername != null) {
        $wgAuth->printDebug("wgLDAPAutoAuthUsername is not null, adding hooks.", NONSENSITIVE);
        if (version_compare($wgVersion, '1.14.0', '<')) {
            $wgHooks['UserLoadFromSession'][] = 'LdapAutoAuthentication::Authenticate';
        } else {
            $wgHooks['UserLoadAfterLoadFromSession'][] = 'LdapAutoAuthentication::Authenticate';
        $wgHooks['PersonalUrls'][] = 'LdapAutoAuthentication::NoLogout';
        /* Disallow logout link */
 public function execute()
     global $wgOpenStackManagerLDAPUsername;
     global $wgAuth;
     $user = new OpenStackNovaUser($wgOpenStackManagerLDAPUsername);
     $projects = OpenStackNovaProject::getAllProjects();
     $failedSync = false;
     $attempt_count = 0;
     $synced_count = 0;
     $failed_count = 0;
      * @var $project OpenStackNovaProject
     foreach ($projects as $project) {
         // actually load the project info from ldap
         // (getAllProjects() doesn't do this)
         $projectName = $project->getProjectName();
         $oldServiceGroupOUDN = 'ou=groups,' . $project->getProjectDN();
         $oldServiceUserOUDN = 'ou=people,' . $project->getProjectDN();
         $result = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_search($wgAuth->ldapconn, $oldServiceGroupOUDN, '(objectclass=groupofnames)');
         if ($result) {
             $this->serviceGroups = array();
             $groupList = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_get_entries($wgAuth->ldapconn, $result);
             if (isset($groupList)) {
                 foreach ($groupList as $groupEntry) {
                     $deleteme = "cn=" . $groupEntry['cn'][0] . "," . $oldServiceGroupOUDN;
                     print "needs deleting: " . $deleteme . "...";
                     $success = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_delete($wgAuth->ldapconn, $deleteme);
                     if ($success) {
                         print "done.\n";
                     } else {
                         print "FAILED\n";
         $result = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_search($wgAuth->ldapconn, $oldServiceUserOUDN, '(objectclass=person)');
         if ($result) {
             $this->serviceGroups = array();
             $groupList = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_get_entries($wgAuth->ldapconn, $result);
             if (isset($groupList)) {
                 foreach ($groupList as $groupEntry) {
                     $deleteme = "uid=" . $groupEntry['cn'][0] . "," . $oldServiceUserOUDN;
                     print "user needs deleting: " . $deleteme . "...";
                     $success = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_delete($wgAuth->ldapconn, $deleteme);
                     if ($success) {
                         print "done.\n";
                     } else {
                         print "FAILED\n";
         $deleteme = $oldServiceGroupOUDN;
         print "ou needs deleting: " . $deleteme . "...";
         $success = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_delete($wgAuth->ldapconn, $deleteme);
         if ($success) {
             print "done.\n";
         } else {
             print "FAILED\n";
         $deleteme = $oldServiceUserOUDN;
         print "ou needs deleting: " . $deleteme . "...";
         $success = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_delete($wgAuth->ldapconn, $deleteme);
         if ($success) {
             print "done.\n";
         } else {
             print "FAILED\n";
     $this->output("{$attempt_count} items needed cleanup. {$synced_count} removed, {$failed_count} failed.\n");
     return $failed_count == 0;
	 * Deletes a domain based on the domain's short name. Will fail to
	 * delete the domain if any host entries still exist in the domain.
	 * @static
	 * @param  $domainname
	 * @return bool
	static function deleteDomain( $domainname ) {
		global $wgAuth;


		$domain = new OpenStackNovaDomain( $domainname );
		if ( ! $domain ) {
			$wgAuth->printDebug( "Domain $domainname does not exist", NONSENSITIVE );
			return false;
		$dn = $domain->domainDN;

		# Domains can have records as sub entries. If sub-entries exist, fail.
		$result = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_list( $wgAuth->ldapconn, $dn, 'objectclass=*' );
		$hosts = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_get_entries( $wgAuth->ldapconn, $result );
		if ( $hosts['count'] != "0" ) {
			$wgAuth->printDebug( "Failed to delete domain $domainname, since it had sub entries", NONSENSITIVE );
			return false;

		$success = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_delete( $wgAuth->ldapconn, $dn );
		if ( $success ) {
			$wgAuth->printDebug( "Successfully deleted domain $domainname", NONSENSITIVE );
			return true;
		} else {
			$wgAuth->printDebug( "Failed to delete domain $domainname, since it had sub entries", NONSENSITIVE );
			return false;
  * Deletes a project group based on project name.
  * @param  $projectname String
  * @return bool
 static function deleteProjectGroup($projectname)
     global $wgAuth;
     global $wgOpenStackManagerLDAPProjectGroupBaseDN;
     $projectGroupName = self::$prefix . $projectname;
     $projectGroupDN = 'cn=' . $projectGroupName . ',' . $wgOpenStackManagerLDAPProjectGroupBaseDN;
     $success = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_delete($wgAuth->ldapconn, $projectGroupDN);
     if ($success) {
         $wgAuth->printDebug("Successfully deleted project group {$projectGroupDN}", NONSENSITIVE);
     } else {
         $wgAuth->printDebug("Failed to delete project group {$projectGroupDN}: " . ldap_error($wgAuth->ldapconn), NONSENSITIVE);
     return $success;
  * @static
  * @param  $groupName
  * @param  $project OpenStackNovaProject
  * @return bool
 static function deleteServiceGroup($groupName, $project)
     global $wgAuth;
     global $wgMemc;
     $group = self::getServiceGroupByName($groupName, $project);
     if (!$group) {
         $wgAuth->printDebug("We are trying to delete a nonexistent service group, {$groupName}", NONSENSITIVE);
         return false;
     # Delete our special member.
     $success = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_delete($wgAuth->ldapconn, $group->getSpecialUserDN());
     if ($success) {
         $wgAuth->printDebug("Successfully deleted service user {$groupName}", NONSENSITIVE);
     } else {
         $wgAuth->printDebug("Failed to delete service user {$groupName}", NONSENSITIVE);
         return false;
     # Now delete the group.
     $success = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_delete($wgAuth->ldapconn, $group->groupDN);
     if ($success) {
         $wgAuth->printDebug("Successfully deleted service group {$groupName}", NONSENSITIVE);
         $key = wfMemcKey('openstackmanager', 'servicegroup', $groupName);
     } else {
         $wgAuth->printDebug("Failed to delete service group {$groupName}", NONSENSITIVE);
         return false;
     return true;
	 * Deletes a sudo policy based on the policy name.
	 * @static
	 * @param  $sudoername
	 * @return bool
	static function deleteSudoer( $sudoername ) {
		global $wgAuth;


		$sudoer = new OpenStackNovaSudoer( $sudoername );
		if ( ! $sudoer ) {
			$wgAuth->printDebug( "Sudoer $sudoername does not exist", NONSENSITIVE );
			return false;
		$dn = $sudoer->sudoerDN;

		$success = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_delete( $wgAuth->ldapconn, $dn );
		if ( $success ) {
			$wgAuth->printDebug( "Successfully deleted sudoer $sudoername", NONSENSITIVE );
			return true;
		} else {
			$wgAuth->printDebug( "Failed to delete sudoer $sudoername", NONSENSITIVE );
			return false;
  * Deletes a project based on project name. This function will also delete all roles
  * associated with the project.
  * @param  $projectname String
  * @return bool
 static function deleteProject($projectname)
     global $wgAuth;
     $project = new OpenStackNovaProject($projectname);
     if (!$project) {
         return false;
     $dn = $project->projectDN;
     # Projects can have roles as sub-entries, we need to delete them first
     $result = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_list($wgAuth->ldapconn, $dn, 'objectclass=*');
     $roles = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_get_entries($wgAuth->ldapconn, $result);
     foreach ($roles as $role) {
         $roledn = $role['dn'];
         $success = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_delete($wgAuth->ldapconn, $roledn);
         if ($success) {
             $wgAuth->printDebug("Successfully deleted role {$roledn}", NONSENSITIVE);
         } else {
             $wgAuth->printDebug("Failed to delete role {$roledn}", NONSENSITIVE);
     # Projects can have a separate group entry.  If so, delete it now.
     if (OpenStackNovaProject::useProjectGroup()) {
     # Projects have a sudo OU and sudoers entries below that OU, we must delete them first
     $sudoers = OpenStackNovaSudoer::getAllSudoersByProject($project->getProjectName());
     foreach ($sudoers as $sudoer) {
         $success = OpenStackNovaSudoer::deleteSudoer($sudoer->getSudoerName(), $project->getProjectName());
         if ($success) {
             $wgAuth->printDebug("Successfully deleted sudoer " . $sudoer->getSudoerName(), NONSENSITIVE);
         } else {
             $wgAuth->printDebug("Failed to delete sudoer " . $sudoer->getSudoerName(), NONSENSITIVE);
     $success = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_delete($wgAuth->ldapconn, $project->getSudoersDN());
     if ($success) {
         $wgAuth->printDebug("Successfully deleted sudoers OU " . $project->getSudoersDN(), NONSENSITIVE);
     } else {
         $wgAuth->printDebug("Failed to delete sudoers OU " . $project->getSudoersDN(), NONSENSITIVE);
     # And, we need to clean up service groups.
     $servicegroups = $project->getServiceGroups();
     foreach ($servicegroups as $group) {
         $groupName = $group->groupName;
         $success = OpenStackNovaServiceGroup::deleteServiceGroup($groupName, $project);
         if ($success) {
             $wgAuth->printDebug("Successfully deleted service group " . $groupName, NONSENSITIVE);
         } else {
             $wgAuth->printDebug("Failed to delete servie group " . $groupName, NONSENSITIVE);
     $success = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_delete($wgAuth->ldapconn, $dn);
     if ($success) {
         $wgAuth->printDebug("Successfully deleted project {$projectname}", NONSENSITIVE);
         return true;
     } else {
         $wgAuth->printDebug("Failed to delete project {$projectname}", NONSENSITIVE);
         return false;