  * @param string $remotePath
  * @param string $localPath
  * @param string $errDescription
  * @return boolean
 private function fetchFile($remotePath, $localPath, &$errDescription)
     KalturaLog::debug("Fetch url [{$remotePath}] to file [{$localPath}]");
     try {
         $folder = substr($localPath, 0, strrpos($localPath, '/'));
         if (!file_exists($folder)) {
             mkdir($folder, 777, true);
         $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper();
         $curlHeaderResponse = $curlWrapper->getHeader($remotePath, true);
         $removeServer = isset($curlHeaderResponse->headers['X-Me']) ? $curlHeaderResponse->headers['X-Me'] : "unknown";
         if (!$curlHeaderResponse || $curlWrapper->getError()) {
             $errDescription = "Error: ({$removeServer}) " . $curlWrapper->getError();
             return false;
         if (!$curlHeaderResponse->isGoodCode()) {
             $errDescription = "HTTP Error: ({$removeServer}) " . $curlHeaderResponse->code . " " . $curlHeaderResponse->codeName;
             return false;
         $fileSize = null;
         if (isset($curlHeaderResponse->headers['content-length'])) {
             $fileSize = $curlHeaderResponse->headers['content-length'];
         KalturaLog::debug("Executing curl");
         // overcome a 32bit issue with curl fetching >=4gb files
         if (intval("9223372036854775807") == 2147483647 && $fileSize >= 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) {
             $cmd = "curl -s {$remotePath} -o {$localPath}";
         } else {
             $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper();
             $res = $curlWrapper->exec($remotePath, $localPath);
             KalturaLog::debug("Curl results: {$res}");
             if (!$res || $curlWrapper->getError()) {
                 $errDescription = "Error: ({$removeServer}) " . $curlWrapper->getError();
                 return false;
         if (!file_exists($localPath)) {
             $errDescription = "Error: output file doesn't exist";
             return false;
         if ($fileSize) {
             if (kFile::fileSize($localPath) != $fileSize) {
                 $errDescription = "Error: output file have a wrong size";
                 return false;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errDescription = "Error: " . $ex->getMessage();
         return false;
     return true;
  * @param string $remotePath
  * @param string $localPath
  * @param string $errDescription
  * @return boolean
 private function fetchFile($remotePath, $localPath, &$errDescription)
     KalturaLog::debug("Fetch url [{$remotePath}] to file [{$localPath}]");
     try {
         $folder = substr($localPath, 0, strrpos($localPath, '/'));
         if (!file_exists($folder)) {
             mkdir($folder, 777, true);
         $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper($remotePath);
         $curlHeaderResponse = $curlWrapper->getHeader(true);
         if (!$curlHeaderResponse || $curlWrapper->getError()) {
             $errDescription = "Error: " . $curlWrapper->getError();
             return false;
         if (!$curlHeaderResponse->isGoodCode()) {
             $errDescription = "HTTP Error: " . $curlHeaderResponse->code . " " . $curlHeaderResponse->codeName;
             return false;
         $fileSize = null;
         if (isset($curlHeaderResponse->headers['content-length'])) {
             $fileSize = $curlHeaderResponse->headers['content-length'];
         KalturaLog::debug("Executing curl");
         $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper($remotePath);
         $res = $curlWrapper->exec($localPath);
         KalturaLog::debug("Curl results: {$res}");
         if (!$res || $curlWrapper->getError()) {
             $errDescription = "Error: " . $curlWrapper->getError();
             return false;
         if (!file_exists($localPath)) {
             $errDescription = "Error: output file doesn't exist";
             return false;
         if ($fileSize) {
             if (filesize($localPath) != $fileSize) {
                 $errDescription = "Error: output file have a wrong size";
                 return false;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errDescription = "Error: " . $ex->getMessage();
         return false;
     return true;
  * @param string $srcFileSyncRemoteUrl
  * @param string $srcFileSyncLocalPath
  * @param string $errDescription
  * @return string
 private function fetchFile($srcFileSyncRemoteUrl, $srcFileSyncLocalPath, &$errDescription = null)
     KalturaLog::debug("fetchFile({$srcFileSyncRemoteUrl}, {$srcFileSyncLocalPath})");
     try {
         $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper($srcFileSyncRemoteUrl);
         $curlHeaderResponse = $curlWrapper->getHeader(true);
         if (!$curlHeaderResponse || $curlWrapper->getError()) {
             $errDescription = "Error: " . $curlWrapper->getError();
             return false;
         if ($curlHeaderResponse->code != KCurlHeaderResponse::HTTP_STATUS_OK) {
             $errDescription = "HTTP Error: " . $curlHeaderResponse->code . " " . $curlHeaderResponse->codeName;
             return false;
         $fileSize = null;
         if (isset($curlHeaderResponse->headers['content-length'])) {
             $fileSize = $curlHeaderResponse->headers['content-length'];
         KalturaLog::debug("Executing curl");
         $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper($srcFileSyncRemoteUrl);
         $res = $curlWrapper->exec($srcFileSyncLocalPath);
         KalturaLog::debug("Curl results: {$res}");
         if (!$res || $curlWrapper->getError()) {
             $errDescription = "Error: " . $curlWrapper->getError();
             return false;
         if (!file_exists($srcFileSyncLocalPath)) {
             $errDescription = "Error: output file doesn't exist";
             return false;
         if ($fileSize) {
             if (filesize($srcFileSyncLocalPath) != $fileSize) {
                 $errDescription = "Error: output file have a wrong size";
                 return false;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errDescription = "Error: " . $ex->getMessage();
         return false;
     return true;
 private function fetchFile(KalturaBatchJob $job, KalturaImportJobData $data)
     $jobSubType = $job->jobSubType;
     if (in_array($jobSubType, array(kFileTransferMgrType::SCP, kFileTransferMgrType::SFTP))) {
         // use SSH file transfer manager for SFTP/SCP
         return $this->fetchFileSsh($job, $data);
     try {
         $sourceUrl = $data->srcFileUrl;
         KalturaLog::debug("sourceUrl [{$sourceUrl}]");
         $this->updateJob($job, 'Downloading file header', KalturaBatchJobStatus::QUEUED, 1);
         $fileSize = null;
         $resumeOffset = 0;
         if ($data->destFileLocalPath && file_exists($data->destFileLocalPath)) {
             $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper($sourceUrl, $this->taskConfig->params->curlVerbose);
             $useNoBody = $job->executionAttempts > 1;
             // if the process crashed first time, tries with no body instead of range 0-0
             $curlHeaderResponse = $curlWrapper->getHeader($useNoBody);
             if (!$curlHeaderResponse || !count($curlHeaderResponse->headers)) {
                 $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::CURL, $curlWrapper->getErrorNumber(), "Error: " . $curlWrapper->getError(), KalturaBatchJobStatus::FAILED);
                 return $job;
             if ($curlWrapper->getError()) {
                 KalturaLog::err("Headers error: " . $curlWrapper->getError());
                 KalturaLog::err("Headers error number: " . $curlWrapper->getErrorNumber());
                 $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper($sourceUrl, $this->taskConfig->params->curlVerbose);
             if (!$curlHeaderResponse->isGoodCode()) {
                 $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::HTTP, $curlHeaderResponse->code, "HTTP Error: " . $curlHeaderResponse->code . " " . $curlHeaderResponse->codeName, KalturaBatchJobStatus::FAILED);
                 return $job;
             if (isset($curlHeaderResponse->headers['content-length'])) {
                 $fileSize = $curlHeaderResponse->headers['content-length'];
             if ($fileSize) {
                 $actualFileSize = kFile::fileSize($data->destFileLocalPath);
                 if ($actualFileSize >= $fileSize) {
                     return $this->moveFile($job, $data->destFileLocalPath, $fileSize);
                 } else {
                     $resumeOffset = $actualFileSize;
         $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper($sourceUrl, $this->taskConfig->params->curlVerbose);
         if ($resumeOffset) {
         } else {
             // creates a temp file path
             $destFile = $this->getTempFilePath($sourceUrl);
             KalturaLog::debug("destFile [{$destFile}]");
             $data->destFileLocalPath = $destFile;
             $this->updateJob($job, "Downloading file, size: {$fileSize}", KalturaBatchJobStatus::PROCESSING, 2, $data);
         KalturaLog::debug("Executing curl");
         $res = $curlWrapper->exec($data->destFileLocalPath);
         KalturaLog::debug("Curl results: {$res}");
         if (!$res || $curlWrapper->getError()) {
             $errNumber = $curlWrapper->getErrorNumber();
             if ($errNumber != CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEOUTED) {
                 $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::CURL, $errNumber, "Error: " . $curlWrapper->getError(), KalturaBatchJobStatus::RETRY);
                 return $job;
             } else {
                 $actualFileSize = kFile::fileSize($data->destFileLocalPath);
                 if ($actualFileSize == $resumeOffset) {
                     $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::CURL, $errNumber, "Error: " . $curlWrapper->getError(), KalturaBatchJobStatus::RETRY);
                     return $job;
         if (!file_exists($data->destFileLocalPath)) {
             $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::APP, KalturaBatchJobAppErrors::OUTPUT_FILE_DOESNT_EXIST, "Error: output file doesn't exist", KalturaBatchJobStatus::RETRY);
             return $job;
         // check the file size only if its first or second retry
         // in case it failed few times, taks the file as is
         if ($fileSize) {
             $actualFileSize = kFile::fileSize($data->destFileLocalPath);
             if ($actualFileSize < $fileSize) {
                 $percent = floor($actualFileSize * 100 / $fileSize);
                 $this->updateJob($job, "Downloaded size: {$actualFileSize}({$percent}%)", KalturaBatchJobStatus::PROCESSING, $percent, $data);
                 $this->kClient->batch->resetJobExecutionAttempts($job->id, $this->getExclusiveLockKey(), $job->jobType);
                 //					$this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::APP, KalturaBatchJobAppErrors::OUTPUT_FILE_WRONG_SIZE, "Expected file size[$fileSize] actual file size[$actualFileSize]", KalturaBatchJobStatus::RETRY);
                 return $job;
         $this->updateJob($job, 'File imported, copy to shared folder', KalturaBatchJobStatus::PROCESSED, 90);
         $job = $this->moveFile($job, $data->destFileLocalPath, $fileSize);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::RUNTIME, $ex->getCode(), "Error: " . $ex->getMessage(), KalturaBatchJobStatus::FAILED);
     return $job;
  * Fetches the header for the given $url and closes the job on any errors
  * @param KalturaBatchJob $job
  * @param string $url
  * @return false|KCurlHeaderResponse
 private function fetchHeader(KalturaBatchJob &$job, $url)
     KalturaLog::debug('Fetching header for [' . $url . ']');
     $this->updateJob($job, 'Downloading header for [' . $url . ']', KalturaBatchJobStatus::PROCESSING);
     // fetch the http headers
     $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper($url);
     $curlHeaderResponse = $curlWrapper->getHeader();
     $curlError = $curlWrapper->getError();
     if (!$curlHeaderResponse || $curlError) {
         // error fetching headers
         $msg = 'Error: ' . $curlWrapper->getError();
         $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::CURL, $curlWrapper->getErrorNumber(), $msg, KalturaBatchJobStatus::FAILED);
         return false;
     if (!$curlHeaderResponse->isGoodCode()) {
         // some error exists in the response
         $msg = 'HTTP Error: ' . $curlHeaderResponse->code . ' ' . $curlHeaderResponse->codeName;
         $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::HTTP, $curlHeaderResponse->code, $msg, KalturaBatchJobStatus::FAILED);
         return false;
     // header fetched successfully - return it
     return $curlHeaderResponse;
 private function fetchFile(KalturaBatchJob $job, KalturaImportJobData $data)
     try {
         $sourceUrl = $data->srcFileUrl;
         KalturaLog::debug("sourceUrl [{$sourceUrl}]");
         $this->updateJob($job, 'Downloading file header', KalturaBatchJobStatus::QUEUED, 1);
         $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper($sourceUrl);
         $useNoBody = $job->executionAttempts > 1;
         // if the process crashed first time, tries with no body instead of range 0-0
         $curlHeaderResponse = $curlWrapper->getHeader($useNoBody);
         if (!$curlHeaderResponse || $curlWrapper->getError()) {
             $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::CURL, $curlWrapper->getErrorNumber(), "Error: " . $curlWrapper->getError(), KalturaBatchJobStatus::FAILED);
             return $job;
         if (!$curlHeaderResponse->isGoodCode()) {
             $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::HTTP, $curlHeaderResponse->code, "HTTP Error: " . $curlHeaderResponse->code . " " . $curlHeaderResponse->codeName, KalturaBatchJobStatus::FAILED);
             return $job;
         $fileSize = null;
         if (isset($curlHeaderResponse->headers['content-length'])) {
             $fileSize = $curlHeaderResponse->headers['content-length'];
         $resumeOffset = 0;
         if ($fileSize && $data->destFileLocalPath && file_exists($data->destFileLocalPath)) {
             $actualFileSize = filesize($data->destFileLocalPath);
             if ($actualFileSize >= $fileSize) {
                 return $this->moveFile($job, $data->destFileLocalPath, $fileSize);
             } else {
                 $resumeOffset = $actualFileSize;
         $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper($sourceUrl);
         if ($resumeOffset) {
         } else {
             // creates a temp file path
             $rootPath = $this->taskConfig->params->localTempPath;
             $res = self::createDir($rootPath);
             if (!$res) {
                 KalturaLog::err("Cannot continue import without temp directory");
             $uniqid = uniqid('import_');
             $destFile = realpath($rootPath) . "/{$uniqid}";
             KalturaLog::debug("destFile [{$destFile}]");
             // in case the url has added arguments, remove them (and reveal the URL path)
             // in order to find the file extension
             $urlPathEndIndex = strpos($sourceUrl, "?");
             if ($urlPathEndIndex !== false) {
                 $sourceUrlPath = substr($sourceUrl, 0, $urlPathEndIndex);
             } else {
                 $sourceUrlPath = $sourceUrl;
             $ext = pathinfo($sourceUrlPath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
             if (strlen($ext)) {
                 $destFile .= ".{$ext}";
             $data->destFileLocalPath = $destFile;
             $this->updateJob($job, "Downloading file, size: {$fileSize}", KalturaBatchJobStatus::PROCESSING, 2, $data);
         KalturaLog::debug("Executing curl");
         $res = $curlWrapper->exec($data->destFileLocalPath);
         KalturaLog::debug("Curl results: {$res}");
         if (!$res || $curlWrapper->getError()) {
             $errNumber = $curlWrapper->getErrorNumber();
             if ($errNumber != CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEOUTED) {
                 $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::CURL, $errNumber, "Error: " . $curlWrapper->getError(), KalturaBatchJobStatus::RETRY);
                 return $job;
             } else {
                 $actualFileSize = filesize($data->destFileLocalPath);
                 if ($actualFileSize == $resumeOffset) {
                     $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::CURL, $errNumber, "Error: " . $curlWrapper->getError(), KalturaBatchJobStatus::RETRY);
                     return $job;
         if (!file_exists($data->destFileLocalPath)) {
             $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::APP, KalturaBatchJobAppErrors::OUTPUT_FILE_DOESNT_EXIST, "Error: output file doesn't exist", KalturaBatchJobStatus::RETRY);
             return $job;
         // check the file size only if its first or second retry
         // in case it failed few times, taks the file as is
         if ($fileSize) {
             $actualFileSize = filesize($data->destFileLocalPath);
             if ($actualFileSize < $fileSize) {
                 $percent = floor($actualFileSize * 100 / $fileSize);
                 $this->updateJob($job, "Downloaded size: {$actualFileSize}({$percent}%)", KalturaBatchJobStatus::PROCESSING, $percent, $data);
                 $this->kClient->batch->resetJobExecutionAttempts($job->id, $this->getExclusiveLockKey(), $job->jobType);
                 //					$this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::APP, KalturaBatchJobAppErrors::OUTPUT_FILE_WRONG_SIZE, "Expected file size[$fileSize] actual file size[$actualFileSize]", KalturaBatchJobStatus::RETRY);
                 return $job;
         $this->updateJob($job, 'File imported, copy to shared folder', KalturaBatchJobStatus::PROCESSED, 90);
         $job = $this->moveFile($job, $data->destFileLocalPath, $fileSize);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::RUNTIME, $ex->getCode(), "Error: " . $ex->getMessage(), KalturaBatchJobStatus::FAILED);
     return $job;
  * @param string $srcFileSyncRemoteUrl
  * @param string $srcFileSyncLocalPath
  * @param string $errDescription
  * @return string
 private function fetchFile($srcFileSyncRemoteUrl, $srcFileSyncLocalPath, &$errDescription = null)
     KalturaLog::debug("fetchFile({$srcFileSyncRemoteUrl}, {$srcFileSyncLocalPath})");
     try {
         $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper($srcFileSyncRemoteUrl);
         $curlHeaderResponse = $curlWrapper->getHeader(true);
         if (!$curlHeaderResponse || $curlWrapper->getError()) {
             $errDescription = "Error: " . $curlWrapper->getError();
             return false;
         if ($curlHeaderResponse->code != KCurlHeaderResponse::HTTP_STATUS_OK) {
             $errDescription = "HTTP Error: " . $curlHeaderResponse->code . " " . $curlHeaderResponse->codeName;
             return false;
         $fileSize = null;
         KalturaLog::debug("Headers:\n" . print_r($curlHeaderResponse->headers, true));
         if (isset($curlHeaderResponse->headers['content-length'])) {
             $fileSize = $curlHeaderResponse->headers['content-length'];
         if ($fileSize && file_exists($srcFileSyncLocalPath)) {
             $actualFileSize = filesize($srcFileSyncLocalPath);
             if ($actualFileSize == $fileSize) {
                 KalturaLog::log("File [{$srcFileSyncLocalPath}] already exists with right size[{$fileSize}]");
                 return true;
             KalturaLog::log("File [{$srcFileSyncLocalPath}] already exists with wrong size[{$actualFileSize}] expected size[{$fileSize}]");
             KalturaLog::debug("Unlink file[{$srcFileSyncLocalPath}]");
         KalturaLog::debug("Executing curl");
         $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper($srcFileSyncRemoteUrl);
         $res = $curlWrapper->exec($srcFileSyncLocalPath);
         KalturaLog::debug("Curl results: {$res}");
         if (!$res || $curlWrapper->getError()) {
             $errDescription = "Error: " . $curlWrapper->getError();
             return false;
         if (!file_exists($srcFileSyncLocalPath)) {
             $errDescription = "Error: output file[{$srcFileSyncLocalPath}] doesn't exist";
             return false;
         $actualFileSize = filesize($srcFileSyncLocalPath);
         KalturaLog::debug("Fetched file to [{$srcFileSyncLocalPath}] size[{$actualFileSize}]");
         if ($fileSize) {
             if ($actualFileSize != $fileSize) {
                 $errDescription = "Error: output file[{$srcFileSyncLocalPath}] have a wrong size[{$actualFileSize}] expected size[{$fileSize}]";
                 return false;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errDescription = "Error: " . $ex->getMessage();
         return false;
     return true;
  * This Function can work in two ways if destFilePath is provided it will copy the url to the dest file else will return the file as string as an output
  * @param string $url - URL to get data from
  * @param $destFilePath - Optional URL to copy data to
  * @param int $maxFileSize - Optional max file size allowed for the retrieval action
  * @throws Exception | file as string | if $destFilePath provide - true or false
 public static function getDataFromFile($url, $destFilePath = null, $maxFileSize = null)
     if (!is_null($maxFileSize)) {
         $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper();
         $curlHeaderResponse = $curlWrapper->getHeader($url, true);
         if (!$curlHeaderResponse || $curlWrapper->getError()) {
             throw new Exception("Failed to retrive Curl header response from file path [{$url}] with Error " . $curlWrapper->getError());
         if (!$curlHeaderResponse->isGoodCode()) {
             throw new Exception("Non Valid Error: {$curlHeaderResponse->code}" . " " . $curlHeaderResponse->codeName);
         if (isset($curlHeaderResponse->headers['content-length'])) {
             $fileSize = $curlHeaderResponse->headers['content-length'];
             if ($fileSize > $maxFileSize) {
                 throw new Exception("File size [{$fileSize}] Excedded Max Siae Allowed [{$maxFileSize}]");
             KalturaLog::debug("File size [{$fileSize}] validated");
         } else {
             KalturaLog::debug("File size validation skipped");
     $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper();
     $res = $curlWrapper->exec($url, $destFilePath);
     return $res;
 private function fetchFile(KalturaBatchJob $job, KalturaImportJobData $data)
     $jobSubType = $job->jobSubType;
     $sshProtocols = array(kFileTransferMgrType::SCP, kFileTransferMgrType::SFTP);
     if (in_array($jobSubType, $sshProtocols)) {
         // use SSH file transfer manager for SFTP/SCP
         return $this->fetchFileSsh($job, $data);
     try {
         $sourceUrl = $data->srcFileUrl;
         $this->updateJob($job, 'Downloading file header', KalturaBatchJobStatus::QUEUED);
         $fileSize = null;
         $resumeOffset = 0;
         if ($data->destFileLocalPath && file_exists($data->destFileLocalPath)) {
             $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper(self::$taskConfig->params);
             $useNoBody = $job->executionAttempts > 1;
             // if the process crashed first time, tries with no body instead of range 0-0
             $curlHeaderResponse = $curlWrapper->getHeader($sourceUrl, $useNoBody);
             if (!$curlHeaderResponse || !count($curlHeaderResponse->headers)) {
                 $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::CURL, $curlWrapper->getErrorNumber(), "Couldn't read file. Error: " . $curlWrapper->getError(), KalturaBatchJobStatus::FAILED);
                 return $job;
             if ($curlWrapper->getError()) {
                 KalturaLog::err("Headers error: " . $curlWrapper->getError());
                 KalturaLog::err("Headers error number: " . $curlWrapper->getErrorNumber());
                 $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper(self::$taskConfig->params);
             if (!$curlHeaderResponse->isGoodCode()) {
                 $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::HTTP, $curlHeaderResponse->code, "Failed while reading file. HTTP Error: " . $curlHeaderResponse->code . " " . $curlHeaderResponse->codeName, KalturaBatchJobStatus::FAILED);
                 return $job;
             if (isset($curlHeaderResponse->headers['content-length'])) {
                 $fileSize = $curlHeaderResponse->headers['content-length'];
             if ($fileSize) {
                 $actualFileSize = kFile::fileSize($data->destFileLocalPath);
                 if ($actualFileSize >= $fileSize) {
                     return $this->moveFile($job, $data->destFileLocalPath, $fileSize);
                 } else {
                     $resumeOffset = $actualFileSize;
         $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper(self::$taskConfig->params);
         if (is_null($fileSize)) {
             // Read file size
             $curlHeaderResponse = $curlWrapper->getHeader($sourceUrl, true);
             if ($curlHeaderResponse && count($curlHeaderResponse->headers) && !$curlWrapper->getError() && isset($curlHeaderResponse->headers['content-length'])) {
                 $fileSize = $curlHeaderResponse->headers['content-length'];
             //Close the curl used to fetch the header and create a new one.
             //When fetching headers we set curl options that than are not reset once header is fetched.
             //Not all servers support all the options so we need to remove them from our headers.
             $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper(self::$taskConfig->params);
         if ($resumeOffset) {
         } else {
             // creates a temp file path
             $destFile = $this->getTempFilePath($sourceUrl);
             KalturaLog::debug("destFile [{$destFile}]");
             $data->destFileLocalPath = $destFile;
             $data->fileSize = is_null($fileSize) ? -1 : $fileSize;
             $this->updateJob($job, "Downloading file, size: {$fileSize}", KalturaBatchJobStatus::PROCESSING, $data);
         $res = $curlWrapper->exec($sourceUrl, $data->destFileLocalPath);
         KalturaLog::debug("Curl results: {$res}");
         if (!$res || $curlWrapper->getError()) {
             $errNumber = $curlWrapper->getErrorNumber();
             if ($errNumber != CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEOUTED) {
                 $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::CURL, $errNumber, "Error: " . $curlWrapper->getError(), KalturaBatchJobStatus::RETRY);
                 return $job;
             } else {
                 $actualFileSize = kFile::fileSize($data->destFileLocalPath);
                 if ($actualFileSize == $resumeOffset) {
                     $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::CURL, $errNumber, "No new information. Error: " . $curlWrapper->getError(), KalturaBatchJobStatus::RETRY);
                     return $job;
                 if (!$fileSize) {
                     $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::CURL, $errNumber, "Received timeout, but no filesize available. Completed size [{$actualFileSize}]" . $curlWrapper->getError(), KalturaBatchJobStatus::RETRY);
                     return $job;
         if (!file_exists($data->destFileLocalPath)) {
             $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::APP, KalturaBatchJobAppErrors::OUTPUT_FILE_DOESNT_EXIST, "Error: output file doesn't exist", KalturaBatchJobStatus::RETRY);
             return $job;
         // check the file size only if its first or second retry
         // in case it failed few times, taks the file as is
         if ($fileSize) {
             $actualFileSize = kFile::fileSize($data->destFileLocalPath);
             if ($actualFileSize < $fileSize) {
                 $percent = floor($actualFileSize * 100 / $fileSize);
                 $this->updateJob($job, "Downloaded size: {$actualFileSize}({$percent}%)", KalturaBatchJobStatus::PROCESSING, $data);
                 self::$kClient->batch->resetJobExecutionAttempts($job->id, $this->getExclusiveLockKey(), $job->jobType);
                 //					$this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::APP, KalturaBatchJobAppErrors::OUTPUT_FILE_WRONG_SIZE, "Expected file size[$fileSize] actual file size[$actualFileSize]", KalturaBatchJobStatus::RETRY);
                 return $job;
             KalturaLog::info("headers " . print_r($curlHeaderResponse, true));
             $pluginInstances = KalturaPluginManager::getPluginInstances('IKalturaImportHandler');
             foreach ($pluginInstances as $pluginInstance) {
                 /* @var $pluginInstance IKalturaImportHandler */
                 $data = $pluginInstance->handleImportContent($curlHeaderResponse, $data, KBatchBase::$taskConfig->params);
         $this->updateJob($job, 'File imported, copy to shared folder', KalturaBatchJobStatus::PROCESSED);
         $job = $this->moveFile($job, $data->destFileLocalPath);
     } catch (kTemporaryException $tex) {
         $data->destFileLocalPath = KalturaClient::getKalturaNullValue();
         throw $tex;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $data->destFileLocalPath = KalturaClient::getKalturaNullValue();
         if ($ex->getMessage() == KCurlWrapper::COULD_NOT_CONNECT_TO_HOST_ERROR) {
             throw new kTemporaryException($ex->getMessage(), $ex->getCode(), $data);
         $this->closeJob($job, KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes::RUNTIME, $ex->getCode(), "Error: " . $ex->getMessage(), KalturaBatchJobStatus::FAILED, $data);
     return $job;
 public function testRedirectFileSize()
     $curlWrapper = new KCurlWrapper('http://scoregolf.com/Web-Media/Video/2008/May/pumafinal.flv');
     $curlHeaderResponse = $curlWrapper->getHeader();