 static function getTimeOptions($date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')
     // Get time (not including the final secons)
     $time = substr($date, 11, 5);
     $html = '';
     $config = new JXConfig();
     $tz = $config->getTimezone() != '' ? $config->getTimezone() : JText::_('JXLIB_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE');
     $tz = new DateTimeZone($tz);
     /* create a date for every hour */
     for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) {
         $newDate = new JDate(mktime($i, 0, 0, 7, 1, 2000), $tz);
         $newDate->format(JText::_('H:i'), false);
         /* if the selected is in hours */
         $selected = $time == $newDate->format(JText::_('H:i'), true) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
         /* add the options */
         $html .= '<option ' . $selected . 'value="' . $newDate->format(JText::_('H:i'), true) . '" >' . $newDate->format(JText::_('JXLIB_TIME_SHORT_FORMAT'), true) . '</option>';
         /* and modify for 30 mins between these hours */
         $newDate->modify('+30 minute');
         /* check again to see if its in 30 mins interval */
         $selected = $time == $newDate->format(JText::_('H:i'), true) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
         /* add the options */
         $html .= '<option ' . $selected . 'value="' . $newDate->format(JText::_('H:i'), true) . '" >' . $newDate->format(JText::_('JXLIB_TIME_SHORT_FORMAT'), true) . '</option>';
     return $html;
  * This method should handle any login logic and report back to the subject
  * @param   array $options Array holding options (remember, return, entry_url, action, user, responseType)
  * @return  boolean  True on success
 public function onUserAfterLogin($options)
     if (!$this->app->isAdmin() or !JComponentHelper::isEnabled("com_identityproof")) {
         return true;
     // Get the number of days after the system have to remove records.
     $days = $this->params->get("days", 14);
     if (!empty($days)) {
         $today = new JDate();
         $today->modify("- " . (int) $days . " days");
         $date = $today->format("Y-m-d");
         $db = JFactory::getDbo();
         $query = $db->getQuery(true);
         $query->select("a.filename")->from($db->quoteName("#__identityproof_files", "a"))->where("a.record_date <= " . $db->quote($date));
         $results = $db->loadColumn();
         if (!empty($results)) {
             $params = JComponentHelper::getParams("com_identityproof");
             /** @var  $params Joomla\Registry\Registry */
             // Remove old key files
             foreach ($results as $filename) {
                 $file = JPath::clean($params->get("files_path") . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename);
                 if (JFile::exists($file)) {
             // Remove old records.
             $query = $db->getQuery(true);
             $query->delete($db->quoteName("#__identityproof_files"))->where($db->quoteName("record_date") . " <= " . $db->quote($date));
     return true;
  * Return standardized formatted date
  * Also use only for server generated time, NOT	 
 static function formatDate($date, $long = self::LONG_DATE_FORMAT, $user = null)
     // return original input date that cannot be processed
     if (strtotime($date) === false) {
         return $date;
     $config = new JXConfig();
     // First load account setting (if any) timezone to override timezone in language file
     $defaultTz = $config->getTimezone() != '' ? $config->getTimezone() : JText::_('JXLIB_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE');
     $my = !$user instanceof JUser && !$user instanceof JXUser ? JXFactory::getUser() : $user;
     $timeZoneStr = $my->getParam('timezone');
     // Second load user personalize timezone (if any) to override system default timezone
     $timeZoneStr = empty($timeZoneStr) ? $defaultTz : $timeZoneStr;
     $tz = new DateTimeZone($timeZoneStr);
     if ($date instanceof JDate) {
         $date = $date->format('Y-m-d h:i:s');
     $datenow = new JDate('now', $tz);
     $offset = $datenow->getOffset() / 3600;
     $date = new JDate($date);
     $dateStr = $long == self::LONG_DATE_FORMAT ? $date->format(JText::_('JXLIB_DATE_FORMAT'), true) : $date->format(JText::_('JXLIB_DATE_SHORT_FORMAT'), true);
     if ($long == self::LONG_DATE_FORMAT) {
         // Test for today
         $dmy = $datenow->format(JText::_('JXLIB_DATE_DMY'), true);
         $dateStr = str_replace($dmy, JText::_('JXLIB_DATE_TODAY'), $dateStr);
         // Test for yesterday
         $datenow->modify('-1 day');
         $dmy = $datenow->format(JText::_('JXLIB_DATE_DMY'), true);
         $dateStr = str_replace($dmy, JText::_('JXLIB_DATE_YESTERDAY'), $dateStr);
     return $dateStr;
	<!-- Pagina di riassunto delle recensioni  -->
/* recupero i dati dell'ordine se viene passato*/
$showForm = true;
$name = $user->name;
$email = $user->email;
$ratingError = 0;
$merchantId = $this->item->MerchantId;
$jdate = new JDate('now');
// 3:20 PM, December 1st, 2012
$endjdate = new JDate('now -1 year');
// 3:20 PM, December 1st, 2012
$listDateArray = array();
while ($jdate > $endjdate) {
    $listDateArray[$jdate->format('Ym01')] = $jdate->toFormat('%B %Y');
    $jdate->modify('-1 month');
$selectdate = true;
if (!empty($hashorder)) {
    //	 controllo se ho un ordine
    $orderid = BFCHelper::decrypt($hashorder);
    //	controllo se è un ordine numerico
    if (is_numeric($orderid)) {
        //		controllo se esiste già una recensione per quell'ordine altrimenti no la faccio vedere
        $ratingCount = BFCHelper::getTotalRatingsByOrderId($orderid);
        if ($ratingCount > 0) {
            //ordine con già una recensione
            $ratingError = 2;
            $showForm = false;
        } else {
            $order = BFCHelper::getSingleOrderFromService($orderid);
        $checkin = new JDate($pars['checkin']->format('Y-m-d'));
    if (!empty($pars['checkout'])) {
        $checkout = new JDate($pars['checkout']->format('Y-m-d'));
    if (!empty($pars['paxes'])) {
        $paxes = $pars['paxes'];
    if (!empty($pars['merchantCategoryId'])) {
        $merchantCategoryId = $pars['merchantCategoryId'];
    if (!empty($pars['paxages'])) {
        $paxages = $pars['paxages'];
    if ($pars['checkout'] == null) {
$allStaysToView = array();
$allstaysuggested = array();
//used in form to get all data
function pushStay($arr, $resourceid, $resStay, $defaultResource = null, &$staysuggesteds)
    $selected = array_values(array_filter($arr, function ($itm) use($resourceid) {
        return $itm->ResourceId == $resourceid;
    $index = 0;
    if (count($selected) == 0) {
        $obj = new stdClass();
        $obj->ResourceId = $resourceid;
        if (isset($defaultResource) && $defaultResource->ResourceId == $resourceid) {
  *  Save stream
 public function save()
     // Store stream
     $message_id = JRequest::getInt('message_id');
     $streamModel = StreamFactory::getModel('stream');
     $stream = JTable::getInstance('Stream', 'StreamTable');
     $my = JXFactory::getUser();
     if (!$my->authorise('stream.message.edit', $stream)) {
     /* update the activity records */
     $activity = new StreamActivity();
     $activity->update($my->id, $stream->type);
     //	Update attachement there might be addition and removals
     $oldFiles = $stream->getFiles();
     $oldMilestone = isset($stream->getData()->milestone) ? $stream->getData()->milestone : null;
     $stream->bind(JRequest::get('POST', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW));
     // Checking on invalid data type
     if (JRequest::getVar('type') == 'event') {
         /* this rarely happen but will do if somehow javascript validation is skipped */
         $eventModel = StreamFactory::getModel('events');
         $fallbackEventDuration = $eventModel->determinedEventDuration(JRequest::getVar('start_date'), JRequest::getVar('end_date'));
         $stream->start_date = strpos(JRequest::getVar('start_date'), '0000-00-00 00:00') === false ? JRequest::getVar('start_date') : $fallbackEventDuration['startDate']->format('Y-m-d h:i');
         $stream->end_date = strpos(JRequest::getVar('end_date'), '0000-00-00 00:00') === false ? JRequest::getVar('end_date') : $fallbackEventDuration['endDate']->format('Y-m-d h:i');
     // edit should re-save the linkable link
     $stream->setParam('linkable_link', JRequest::getVar('linkable_link'));
     // Custom filtering
     // If location is specified, validate them
     $stream->setParam('loc_valid', 0);
     if (JRequest::getVar('location')) {
         if (JMap::validateAddress(JRequest::getVar('location'))) {
             $stream->setParam('loc_valid', 1);
         $stream->setParam('hide_map', JRequest::getVar('hide_map', '0'));
     } else {
         $rawData = json_decode($stream->raw);
         $rawData->location = "";
         $stream->raw = json_encode($rawData);
     // When edit the stream message, also need to process the tags
     $hashtags = StreamMessage::getHashtags($stream->message);
     $rawData = json_decode($stream->raw);
     foreach ($hashtags as $tag) {
         $unsupportedChars = array(',');
         $tag = str_replace($unsupportedChars, '', $tag);
         $hashedTag = '#' . trim($tag) . '#';
         if (!JXUtility::csvExist($rawData->tags, $hashedTag)) {
             $tagsTrend = new StreamTag();
             $tagsTrend->updateTrending($tag, $stream->group_id, true);
             $rawData->tags = JXUtility::csvInsert($rawData->tags, $hashedTag);
             // only update the hit if it is a newly added tag
             $hashtag = JTable::getInstance('Hashtag', 'StreamTable');
             $hashtag->load(array('hashtag' => $tag));
     $stream->raw = json_encode($rawData);
     $pinTill = JRequest::getString('pinned', 0);
     if ($pinTill) {
         // Update pin to top status
         $pinTillDate = new JDate($stream->created);
         $pinTillDate->modify('+' . $pinTill);
         $stream->updated = $pinTillDate->toMySQL();
     } else {
         // If save is done within 5 mins of last edit, do not update the 'updated' time
         $now = new JDate();
         $updated = new JDate($stream->updated);
         $timediff = JXDate::timeDifference($updated->toUnix(), $now->toUnix());
         $stream->pinned = 0;
         $stream->store($timediff['days'] == 0 && $timediff['hours'] == 0 && $timediff['minutes'] < STREAM_EDIT_INTERVAL);
     // Delete file attachment that are no longer used
     $newFiles = $stream->getFiles();
     $requestFiles = JRequest::getVar('attachment', array());
     foreach ($oldFiles as $file) {
         if (!in_array($file->id, $requestFiles)) {
     if (JRequest::getVar('group_id')) {
         $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'StreamTable');
         if ($group) {
             // the parameter need to be updated otherwise stream will be visible when moved to private group
             $stream->setParam('group_id', $group->id);
             $stream->access = $group->access;
             // Upgrade group stats if necessary
             $group->setParam('last_message', $stream->id);
             $group->setParam('message_count', $streamModel->countStream(array('group_id' => $group->id)));
             $group->setParam($stream->type . '_count', $streamModel->countStream(array('group_id' => $group->id, 'type' => $stream->type)));
     // For all new attachment, we need to set their owner
     $fileModel = StreamFactory::getModel('files');
     // Update related milestone
     $this->_updateMilestone($stream, $oldMilestone);
     $data = array();
     $data['html'] = $stream->getHTML();
     $data['id'] = $message_id;
     header('Content-Type: text/json');
     echo json_encode($data);
 public static function getData($profile, array $dimensions, array $metrics, JDate $startDate = null, JDate $endDate = null, array $sort = null, $filter = null, $max = 1000, $offset = 1)
     if ($startDate == null) {
         $startDate = new JDate();
         $startDate->modify('-1 month');
     if ($endDate == null) {
         $endDate = new JDate();
         $endDate->modify('-1 day');
     if ($endDate < $startDate) {
         $endDate = $startDate;
     $newDimensions = '';
     foreach ($dimensions as $dimension) {
         if (strpos($dimension, 'ga:') === 0) {
             $newDimensions .= $dimension . ',';
         } else {
             $newDimensions .= 'ga:' . $dimension . ',';
     $newDimensions = trim($newDimensions, ',');
     $newMetrics = '';
     foreach ($metrics as $metric) {
         if (strpos($metric, 'ga:') === 0) {
             $newMetrics .= $metric . ',';
         } else {
             $newMetrics .= 'ga:' . $metric . ',';
     $newMetrics = trim($newMetrics, ',');
     $newSort = null;
     if ($sort !== null) {
         $newSort = implode(',', $sort);
     try {
         if (GAnalyticsHelper::isPROMode()) {
             $data = GAnalyticsProUtil::getFromCache($profile, $newDimensions, $newMetrics, $startDate, $endDate, $newSort, $filter, $max, $offset);
         } else {
             $client = self::getClient();
             $service = new apiAnalyticsService($client);
             $options = array('dimensions' => $newDimensions, 'start-index' => $offset, 'max-results' => $max);
             if (!empty($filter)) {
                 $options['filters'] = $filter;
             if (!empty($newSort)) {
                 $options['sort'] = $newSort;
             $data = $service->data_ga->get('ga:' . $profile->profileID, $startDate->format('Y-m-d'), $endDate->format('Y-m-d'), $newMetrics, $options);
         if ($data != null && $data->getRows() == null) {
         return $data;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if (!JFactory::getLanguage()->hasKey('COM_GANALYTICS')) {
             JFactory::getLanguage()->load('com_ganalytics', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_ganalytics');
         JError::raiseWarning(500, JText::_('COM_GANALYTICS_IMPORT_VIEW_MODEL_FEED_ERROR') . ' ' . $e->getMessage());
         return null;
 protected function specificDate($data, $fromDate, $toDate)
     $from = strtotime($fromDate) / 86400;
     $to = strtotime($toDate) / 86400;
     // 86400 = (60*60*24)s = 1 day;
     $range = intval($to - $from);
     if ($range <= 0) {
         JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_BOOKPRO_FROM_DATE_GREATER_THAN_TO_DATE'), 'error');
         return false;
     if ($range > 60) {
         JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_BOOKPRO_TIME_IS_TOO_LONG'), 'error');
         return false;
     foreach ($data as $item) {
         $day = new JDate($item->created);
         $item->created = $day->format('Y-m-d');
     $dStart = new JDate($fromDate);
     $dTo = new JDate($toDate);
     $dTo->modify('+1 day');
     $newData = array();
     $i = 0;
     while ($dStart != $dTo) {
         $newData[$i]['date'] = $dStart->format('Y-m-d');
         $newData[$i]['total'] = 0;
         $dStart->modify('+1 day');
     foreach ($data as $row) {
         foreach ($newData as $i => $value) {
             if ($value['date'] == $row->created) {
                 $newData[$i]['total'] += $row->total;
     return $newData;
 public function jsonFormat($object, $time = 'week', $label = '')
     $count = 0;
     $now = new JDate();
     $arrayData = array();
     $dateFormat = 'd/m';
     switch ($time) {
         case 'week':
             $startDate = new JDate(strtotime('this week', time()));
             $endDate = new JDate(strtotime('+1 week', strtotime($startDate->format('Y-m-d'))));
         case 'lastweek':
             $startDate = $now->modify('-1 week');
             $endDate = new JDate(strtotime('+1 week', strtotime($startDate->format('Y-m-d'))));
         case 'month':
             $startDate = $now->modify('first day of this month');
             $endDate = new JDate(strtotime('+1 month', strtotime($startDate->format('Y-m-d'))));
             $dateFormat = 'd';
         case 'lastmonth':
             $startDate = $now->modify('first day of last month');
             $endDate = new JDate(strtotime('+1 month', strtotime($startDate->format('Y-m-d'))));
             $dateFormat = 'd';
     $interval = $startDate->diff($endDate);
     $intervalDays = $interval->days + 1;
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $intervalDays; $i++) {
         if (count($object)) {
             foreach ($object as $key => $data) {
                 $date = new JDate($data->created);
                 if ($startDate->format('Y-m-d') === $date->format('Y-m-d') && $data->count > 0) {
                     $arrayData[$i] = '[\'' . $date->format($dateFormat) . '\',' . $data->count . ']';
                     $count += $data->count;
                 } else {
                     if (empty($arrayData[$i])) {
                         $arrayData[$i] = '[\'' . $startDate->format($dateFormat) . '\',0]';
         } else {
             $arrayData[$i] = '[\'' . $startDate->format($dateFormat) . '\',0]';
         $startDate = $startDate->modify('+1 day');
     $string = '[' . implode(',', $arrayData) . ']';
     $obj = new stdClass();
     $obj->json = $string;
     $obj->count = $count;
     $obj->label = $label;
     return $obj;
文件: helper.php 项目: JKoelman/JEM-3
  * takes care of the recurrence of events
 static function generate_events($table, $exdates = false, $holidays = false)
     # include route
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . '/helpers/route.php';
     $jemsettings = JemHelper::config();
     $weekstart = $jemsettings->weekdaystart;
     $anticipation = $jemsettings->recurrence_anticipation;
     ## Reference table ##
     # this is the events-table and will be used as base
     # define variables
     $id = $table->id;
     $times = $table->times;
     $endtimes = $table->endtimes;
     $dates = $table->dates;
     $enddates = $table->enddates;
     $recurrence_count = $table->recurrence_count;
     $recurrence_freq = $table->recurrence_freq;
     $recurrence_interval = $table->recurrence_interval;
     $recurrence_until = $table->recurrence_until;
     $recurrence_weekday = $table->recurrence_weekday;
     $recurrence_group = $table->recurrence_group;
     # select all the data from the event and make an array of it
     # this info will be used for the generated events.
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     $query->where('id = ' . $table->id);
     $reference = $db->loadAssoc();
     $rruledatetime1 = new DateTime($dates);
     $rruledatetime2 = new DateTime($recurrence_until);
     $rruleinterval = $rruledatetime1->diff($rruledatetime2);
     $rruleDiff = $rruleinterval->format('%a');
     if ($anticipation <= $rruleDiff) {
         $jdate2 = new JDate($dates);
         $var9 = '+' . $anticipation . ' days';
         $anticipationDate = $jdate2->modify($var9);
         $rruleUntilLimit = $anticipationDate;
     } else {
         $rruleUntilLimit = $recurrence_until;
     # Check if startdate is before limitdate
     if (strtotime($dates) <= strtotime($rruleUntilLimit)) {
         # combine startdate + time
         if (empty($times)) {
             $times = '00:00:00';
         $startDateTime = $dates . ' ' . $times;
         if (empty($enddates)) {
             $enddates = $dates;
         # combine enddate + time
         if (empty($endtimes)) {
             $endtimes = '00:00:00';
         $endDateTime = $enddates . ' ' . $endtimes;
         # Calculate time difference, for enddate
         $datetime1 = new DateTime($startDateTime);
         $datetime2 = new DateTime($endDateTime);
         $interval = $datetime1->diff($datetime2);
         $diffYear = $interval->format('%y');
         $diffMonth = $interval->format('%m');
         $diffDay = $interval->format('%d');
         $diffHour = $interval->format('%h');
         $diffMinutes = $interval->format('%i');
         $diffSeconds = $interval->format('%s');
         $diffDays = $interval->format('days');
         $formatDifference = 'P' . $diffYear . 'Y' . $diffMonth . 'M' . $diffDay . 'DT' . $diffHour . 'H' . $diffMinutes . 'M' . $diffSeconds . 'S';
         $jdate1 = new JDate($rruleUntilLimit);
         $year1 = $jdate1->format('Y');
         $month1 = $jdate1->format('m');
         $day1 = $jdate1->format('d');
         $hour1 = $jdate1->format('H');
         $minutes1 = $jdate1->format('i');
         $seconds1 = $jdate1->format('s');
         $limit_date2 = $year1 . $month1 . $day1 . 'T235959Z';
         # Define FREQ
         switch ($recurrence_freq) {
             case "1":
                 $freq = 'DAILY';
             case "2":
                 $freq = 'WEEKLY';
             case "3":
                 $freq = 'MONTHLY';
             case "4":
                 $freq = 'YEARLY';
                 $freq = '';
         # let's check if the user did select a weekday
         if ($recurrence_weekday) {
             $rrule = 'FREQ=' . $freq . ';INTERVAL=' . $recurrence_interval . ';UNTIL=' . $limit_date2 . ';BYDAY=' . $recurrence_weekday;
         } else {
             $rrule = 'FREQ=' . $freq . ';INTERVAL=' . $recurrence_interval . ';UNTIL=' . $limit_date2;
         # Get new dates
         $timezone = JemHelper::getTimeZoneName();
         $startDate = new DateTime($startDateTime, new DateTimeZone($timezone));
         ## RECURR - CLASS ##
         $rule = new RecurrenceRule($rrule, $startDate, $timezone);
         $transformer = new RecurrenceRuleTransformer($rule);
         # here we've the new dates
         $newEventArray = $transformer->getComputedArray();
         # output is like:
         # array
         # 	- public 'Date'
         # 	- public 'timezone_type'
         # 	- public 'timezone'
         ## END ##
         $newArray = array();
         foreach ($newEventArray as $newEvent) {
             $date = $newEvent->format('Y-m-d');
             $enddate = new DateTime($date);
             $enddate->add(new DateInterval($formatDifference));
             $var2 = $enddate->format('Y-m-d');
             if ($date != $dates) {
                 $item = array('startDate' => $date, 'endDate' => $var2);
                 $newArray[] = $item;
         $newArray2 = array();
         foreach ($newEventArray as $newEvent2) {
             $date2 = $newEvent2->format('Y-m-d');
             $enddate2 = new DateTime($date2);
             $enddate2->add(new DateInterval($formatDifference));
             $var22 = $enddate2->format('Y-m-d');
             if ($date2 != $dates) {
                 $newArray2[] = $date2;
         # retrieve first+last startdate of the array
         $date_first_calculated_occurrence = reset($newArray2);
         $date_last_calculated_occurrence = end($newArray2);
         ## IGNORE DATES: HOLIDAY ##
         $currenttime	= new JDate();
         $year 			= $currenttime->format('Y');
         if ($holidays) {
             $currenttime = new JDate();
             $year = $currenttime->format('Y');
             $format = 'd-m-Y';
             $holiday_array = array();
             foreach ($holidays as $holiday) {
                 $db = JFactory::getDbo();
                 $query = $db->getQuery(true);
                 $query->where(array('id = ' . $holiday, 'holiday =' . $db->quote('1')));
                 $reference2 = $db->loadAssoc();
                 if ($reference2['date_startdate_range']) {
                     # If we're dealing with a range we've to calculate things
                     $start_range_input = $reference2['date_startdate_range'];
                     $end_range_input = $reference2['date_enddate_range'];
                     $start_range_parsed = date_parse($start_range_input);
                     $end_range_parsed = date_parse($end_range_input);
                     if (checkdate($start_range_parsed["month"], $start_range_parsed["day"], $start_range_parsed["year"]) && !$start_range_parsed["errors"] && checkdate($end_range_parsed["month"], $end_range_parsed["day"], $end_range_parsed["year"]) && !$end_range_parsed["errors"]) {
                         # at this point we made sure we're dealing with valid start+enddates
                         # now we're making a DateTimeperiod
                         $begin2 = new DateTime($start_range_input);
                         $end2 = new DateTime($end_range_input);
                         $end2 = $end2->modify('+1 day');
                         $interval2 = new DateInterval('P1D');
                         $daterange2 = new DatePeriod($begin2, $interval2, $end2);
                         foreach ($daterange2 as $exdate2) {
                             $holiday_array[] = $exdate2->format("Y-m-d");
                 } else {
                     # If we're dealing with a single_date we can use the date supplied
                     $holiday_array[] = $reference2['date'];
             // end foreach
             # it's possible to have duplicates so we've to make the array Unique
             $holiday_array = array_unique($holiday_array);
         // end holiday-check
         ## IGNORE DATES: FORM FIELD (exdates), NO HOLIDAY ##
         # basically we add all occurrences of the set to the database but the unneeded ones will
         # get a 1 in the ignore field. Those events will get an exdate in the iCal RRULE output
         # dates provided in the exdate field
         if ($exdates) {
             # remove white space
             $exdates = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $exdates);
             # put the dates into an array
             $form_exdates_array = explode(",", $exdates);
             $form_exdate_output = array();
             foreach ($form_exdates_array as $form_exdate) {
                 $form_exdate_splits = explode(":", $form_exdate);
                 $form_exdate_splits2 = array();
                 foreach ($form_exdate_splits as $ignoredate) {
                     $form_exdate_splits2[] = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($ignoredate));
                 foreach ($form_exdate_splits2 as $form_exdate_split) {
                     $date = date_parse($form_exdate_split);
                     if (checkdate($date["month"], $date["day"], $date["year"]) && !$date["errors"]) {
                         # retrieve first+last value of the created array
                         $first_form_exdate = reset($form_exdate_splits2);
                         $last_form_exdate = end($form_exdate_splits2);
                         # now we're making a DateTimeperiod
                         $begin = new DateTime($first_form_exdate);
                         $end = new DateTime($last_form_exdate);
                         $end = $end->modify('+1 day');
                         $interval = new DateInterval('P1D');
                         $daterange = new DatePeriod($begin, $interval, $end);
                         foreach ($daterange as $exdate) {
                             $form_exdate_output[] = $exdate->format("Y-m-d");
             # check for duplicates
             $form_exdate_output = array_unique($form_exdate_output);
         // end check exdates
         ## select dates from the date-table, within the calculated range
         $db = JFactory::getDbo();
         $query = $db->getQuery(true);
         $query->where(array('enabled = 1', 'holiday <> 1', 'date >= ' . $db->Quote($date_first_calculated_occurrence), 'date <= ' . $db->Quote($date_last_calculated_occurrence)));
         $dateTable = $db->loadColumn();
         if ($dateTable) {
             $excluded_dates = $dateTable;
         } else {
             $excluded_dates = array();
         ## $newArray2 = generated values // Y-m-d
         ## $excluded_dates = single-dates from table, no holiday
         # we will be making an array that contains the values that are present in exluded_dates + generated_dates
         # this makes sure that the excluded dates are actually in the range of the generating part
         $exclude_date_array = array_intersect($newArray2, $excluded_dates);
         # if the exdate form is field we will do a second round
         if ($exdates) {
             $exclude_exdate_form = array_intersect($newArray2, $form_exdate_output);
         } else {
             $exclude_exdate_form = false;
         # If a holiday has been selected we will even do a third round
         if ($holidays) {
             $exclude_exdate_holiday = array_intersect($newArray2, $holiday_array);
         } else {
             $exclude_exdate_holiday = false;
         # create array with only the dates we want to have
         $array_input = $newArray2;
         $array_to_remove = $exclude_date_array;
         $array_output = array_diff($array_input, $array_to_remove);
         if ($exdates && !$holidays) {
             # exdate field has been filled
             $array_input_form = $array_output;
             $array_to_remove_form = $exclude_exdate_form;
             $generating_array = array_diff($array_input_form, $array_to_remove_form);
         if (!$exdates && $holidays) {
             # holiday field has been filled
             $array_input_form = $array_output;
             $array_to_remove_form = $exclude_exdate_holiday;
             $generating_array = array_diff($array_input_form, $array_to_remove_form);
         if ($exdates && $holidays) {
             # both fields have been filled
             # in this case we've to merge both arrays and check for duplicates
             $exdates_holidays_combined = array_merge($exclude_exdate_holiday, $exclude_exdate_form);
             $exdates_holidays_combined_unique = array_unique($exdates_holidays_combined);
             $array_input_form = $array_output;
             $array_to_remove_form = $exdates_holidays_combined_unique;
             $generating_array = array_diff($array_input_form, $array_to_remove_form);
         if (!$exdates && !$holidays) {
             # no fields have been filled
             $generating_array = $array_output;
         $new_generating_array = array();
         foreach ($generating_array as $generated) {
             $generated_enddate = new DateTime($generated);
             $generated_enddate->add(new DateInterval($formatDifference));
             $var2a = $generated_enddate->format('Y-m-d');
             $item2 = array('startDate' => $generated, 'endDate' => $var2a);
             $new_generating_array[] = $item2;
         ## EXDATES ##
         # do we have an array with dates to ignore?
         # if yes we need to input the dates as exdate value in the master-table
         if ($exclude_date_array) {
             $exdate_date_array = $exclude_date_array;
         } else {
             $exdate_date_array = array();
         if ($exclude_exdate_form) {
             $exdate_exdate_form = $exclude_exdate_form;
         } else {
             $exdate_exdate_form = array();
         if ($exclude_exdate_holiday) {
             $exdate_exdate_holiday = $exclude_exdate_holiday;
         } else {
             $exdate_exdate_holiday = array();
         $exdates_input = array_merge($exdate_date_array, $exdate_exdate_form, $exdate_exdate_holiday);
         $exdates_unique = array_unique($exdates_input);
         if ($exdates_unique) {
             $exdates = json_encode($exdates_unique);
         } else {
             $exdates = '';
         ## Store the first occurence to the Recurrence table ##
         $first_event_recurrence = JTable::getInstance('Recurrence', 'JEMTable');
         $first_event_recurrence->itemid = $table->id;
         $first_event_recurrence->groupid = $table->recurrence_group;
         $first_event_recurrence->groupid_ref = $table->recurrence_group;
         $first_event_recurrence->interval = $table->recurrence_interval;
         $first_event_recurrence->freq = $freq;
         $first_event_recurrence->startdate_org = $startDateTime;
         $first_event_recurrence->enddate_org = $endDateTime;
         $first_event_recurrence->wholeday = $table->wholeday;
         $var2 = $first_event_recurrence->startdate_org;
         $var3 = new JDate($var2);
         $var4 = $var3->format('Ymd\\THis\\Z');
         $first_event_recurrence->recurrence_id = $var4;
         ## Store the first occurence to the Recurrence-Master table ##
         # define link
         $master_link = JRoute::_(JURI::root() . JemHelperRoute::getEventRoute($table->id . ':' . $table->alias));
         # Retrieve venue + countryname
         $db = JFactory::getDbo();
         $query = $db->getQuery(true);
         $query->select('l.venue, l.city, l.state, l.url, l.street,ct.name AS countryname');
         $query->from($db->quoteName('#__jem_events', 'a'));
         $query->join('LEFT', '#__jem_venues AS l ON l.id = a.locid');
         $query->join('LEFT', '#__jem_countries AS ct ON ct.iso2 = l.country');
         $query->join('LEFT', '#__jem_cats_event_relations AS rel ON rel.itemid = a.id');
         $query->join('LEFT', '#__jem_categories AS c ON c.id = rel.catid');
         $query->where(array('a.id =' . $table->id));
         $event_venuecountry = $db->loadObject();
         # define location array
         $location = array();
         if (isset($event_venuecountry->venue) && !empty($event_venuecountry->venue)) {
             $location[] = $event_venuecountry->venue;
         if (isset($event_venuecountry->city) && !empty($event_venuecountry->city)) {
             $location[] = $event_venuecountry->city;
         if (isset($event_venuecountry->state) && !empty($event_venuecountry->state)) {
             $location[] = $event_venuecountry->state;
         if (isset($event_venuecountry->url) && !empty($event_venuecountry->url)) {
             $location[] = $event_venuecountry->url;
         if (isset($event_venuecountry->street) && !empty($event_venuecountry->street)) {
             $location[] = $event_venuecountry->street;
         if (isset($event_venuecountry->countryname) && !empty($event_venuecountry->countryname)) {
             $exp = explode(",", $event_venuecountry->countryname);
             $location[] = $exp[0];
         $location = implode(",", $location);
         # retrieve categories
         $db = JFactory::getDbo();
         $query = $db->getQuery(true);
         $query->from($db->quoteName('#__jem_events', 'a'));
         $query->join('LEFT', '#__jem_venues AS l ON l.id = a.locid');
         $query->join('LEFT', '#__jem_countries AS ct ON ct.iso2 = l.country');
         $query->join('LEFT', '#__jem_cats_event_relations AS rel ON rel.itemid = a.id');
         $query->join('LEFT', '#__jem_categories AS c ON c.id = rel.catid');
         $query->where(array('a.id =' . $table->id));
         $event_categories = $db->loadObjectList();
         # create array with category id's
         $categories = array();
         foreach ($event_categories as $c) {
             $categories[] = $c->id;
         # define fields
         $rec_master = JTable::getInstance('Recurrence_master', 'JEMTable');
         $rec_master->itemid = $table->id;
         $rec_master->groupid = $table->recurrence_group;
         $rec_master->groupid_ref = $table->recurrence_group;
         $rec_master->interval = $table->recurrence_interval;
         $rec_master->freq = $freq;
         $rec_master->startdate_org = $startDateTime;
         $rec_master->enddate_org = $endDateTime;
         $rec_master->exdates = $exdates;
         ## Bind & Store the generated values ##
         foreach ($new_generating_array as $value) {
             # load tables
             $new_event = JTable::getInstance('Events', 'JEMTable');
             $new_event_recurrence = JTable::getInstance('Recurrence', 'JEMTable');
             # bind reference-values + strip out individual fields
             $new_event->bind($reference, array('id', 'hits', 'dates', 'enddates', 'checked_out_time', 'checked_out'));
             # define new startdate + enddate
             $new_event->dates = $value['startDate'];
             $new_event->enddates = $value['endDate'];
             # define ical settings
             $new_event->recurrence_until = $rruleUntilLimit;
             $new_event->recurrence_count = $recurrence_count;
             $new_event->recurrence_interval = $recurrence_interval;
             $new_event->recurrence_freq = $freq;
             if ($recurrence_weekday) {
                 $new_event->recurrence_weekday = $recurrence_weekday;
             # store event
             if ($new_event->store()) {
                 # combine startdate+time
                 if (empty($new_event->times)) {
                     $new_event->times = '00:00:00';
                 $newevent_startDateTime = $new_event->dates . ' ' . $new_event->times;
                 if (empty($new_event->enddates)) {
                     $new_event->enddates = $new_event->dates;
                 # combine enddate + time
                 if (empty($new_event->endtimes)) {
                     $new_event->endtimes = '00:00:00';
                 $newevent_endDateTime = $new_event->enddates . ' ' . $new_event->endtimes;
                 # store generated event-info into recurrence_table
                 $new_event_recurrence->itemid = $new_event->id;
                 $new_event_recurrence->groupid = $recurrence_group;
                 $new_event_recurrence->groupid_ref = $recurrence_group;
                 $new_event_recurrence->interval = $recurrence_interval;
                 $new_event_recurrence->startdate_org = $newevent_startDateTime;
                 $new_event_recurrence->enddate_org = $newevent_endDateTime;
                 $new_event_recurrence->freq = $freq;
                 $new_event_recurrence->wholeday = $new_event->wholeday;
                 $var5 = $new_event_recurrence->startdate_org;
                 $var6 = new JDate($var5);
                 $var7 = $var3->format('Ymd\\THis\\Z');
                 $new_event_recurrence->recurrence_id = $var7;
                 $db = JFactory::getDbo();
                 $query = $db->getQuery(true);
                 $query->where('itemid = ' . $table->id);
                 $cats = $db->loadColumn(0);
                 foreach ($cats as $cat) {
                     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
                     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
                     // Insert columns.
                     $columns = array('catid', 'itemid');
                     // Insert values.
                     $values = array($cat, $new_event->id);
                     // Prepare the insert query.
                     $query->insert($db->quoteName('#__jem_cats_event_relations'))->columns($db->quoteName($columns))->values(implode(',', $values));
                     // Reset the query using our newly populated query object.
     // end adding new Events
  * Process payment transaction.
  * @param string                   $context
  * @param object                   $item
  * @param Joomla\Registry\Registry $params
  * @return null|array
 public function onPaymentsCheckout($context, &$item, &$params)
     if (strcmp("com_crowdfunding.payments.checkout.paypal", $context) != 0) {
         return null;
     if ($this->app->isAdmin()) {
         return null;
     $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
     /**  @var $doc JDocumentHtml */
     // Check document type
     $docType = $doc->getType();
     if (strcmp("html", $docType) != 0) {
         return null;
     $output = array();
     $notifyUrl = $this->getCallbackUrl();
     $cancelUrl = $this->getCancelUrl($item->slug, $item->catslug);
     $returnUrl = $this->getReturnUrl($item->slug, $item->catslug);
     // DEBUG DATA
     JDEBUG ? $this->log->add(JText::_($this->textPrefix . "_DEBUG_NOTIFY_URL"), $this->debugType, $notifyUrl) : null;
     JDEBUG ? $this->log->add(JText::_($this->textPrefix . "_DEBUG_RETURN_URL"), $this->debugType, $returnUrl) : null;
     JDEBUG ? $this->log->add(JText::_($this->textPrefix . "_DEBUG_CANCEL_URL"), $this->debugType, $cancelUrl) : null;
     // Get country and locale code.
     $countryId = $this->params->get("paypal_country");
     $country = new Crowdfunding\Country(JFactory::getDbo());
     // Create transport object.
     $options = new Joomla\Registry\Registry();
     /** @var  $options Joomla\Registry\Registry */
     $transport = new JHttpTransportCurl($options);
     $http = new JHttp($options, $transport);
     // Create payment object.
     $options = new Joomla\Registry\Registry();
     /** @var  $options Joomla\Registry\Registry */
     $options->set("urls.cancel", $cancelUrl);
     $options->set("urls.return", $returnUrl);
     $options->set("urls.notify", $notifyUrl);
     // Get server IP address.
     /*$serverIP = $this->app->input->server->get("SERVER_ADDR");
       $options->set("credentials.ip_address", $serverIP);*/
     // Prepare starting and ending date.
     if (!$this->params->get("paypal_starting_date", 0)) {
         // End date of the campaign.
         $startingDate = new JDate();
         // Today
         $startingDate->setTime(0, 0, 0);
         // At 00:00:00
     } else {
         $startingDate = new JDate($item->ending_date);
         $startingDate->modify("+1 day");
         $startingDate->setTime(0, 0, 0);
         // At 00:00:00
     $endingDate = new JDate($item->ending_date);
     $endingDate->modify("+10 days");
     $options->set("payment.starting_date", $startingDate->format(DATE_ATOM));
     $options->set("payment.ending_date", $endingDate->format(DATE_ATOM));
     $options->set("payment.max_amount", $item->amount);
     $options->set("payment.max_total_amount", $item->amount);
     $options->set("payment.number_of_payments", 1);
     $options->set("payment.currency_code", $item->currencyCode);
     $options->set("payment.fees_payer", $this->params->get("paypal_fees_payer"));
     $options->set("payment.ping_type", "NOT_REQUIRED");
     $title = JText::sprintf($this->textPrefix . "_INVESTING_IN_S", htmlentities($item->title, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"));
     $options->set("payment.memo", $title);
     $options->set("request.envelope", $this->envelope);
     // Get payment session.
     $paymentSessionContext = Crowdfunding\Constants::PAYMENT_SESSION_CONTEXT . $item->id;
     $paymentSessionLocal = $this->app->getUserState($paymentSessionContext);
     $paymentSession = $this->getPaymentSession(array("session_id" => $paymentSessionLocal->session_id));
     // Get API url.
     $apiUrl = $this->getApiUrl();
     // DEBUG DATA
     JDEBUG ? $this->log->add(JText::_($this->textPrefix . "_DEBUG_PAYPAL_ADAPTIVE_OPTIONS"), $this->debugType, $options->toArray()) : null;
     $adaptive = new Prism\Payment\PayPal\Adaptive($apiUrl, $options);
     $response = $adaptive->doPreppproval();
     // DEBUG DATA
     JDEBUG ? $this->log->add(JText::_($this->textPrefix . "_DEBUG_PAYPAL_ADAPTIVE_RESPONSE"), $this->debugType, $response) : null;
     $preapprovalKey = $response->getPreApprovalKey();
     if (!$preapprovalKey) {
         return null;
     // Store token to the payment session.
     // Get paypal checkout URL.
     if (!$this->params->get('paypal_sandbox', 1)) {
         $output["redirect_url"] = $this->params->get("paypal_url") . "?cmd=_ap-preapproval&preapprovalkey=" . rawurlencode($preapprovalKey);
     } else {
         $output["redirect_url"] = $this->params->get("paypal_sandbox_url") . "?cmd=_ap-preapproval&preapprovalkey=" . rawurlencode($preapprovalKey);
     return $output;