  * Return all active companys for today or a submitted date
  * Krillo 12-09-10
  * @global type $db
  * @param type $date
  * @return array of all companys 
 public static function getAllActiveCompanys($date = false)
     global $db;
     $jDate = new JDate($date);
     $theDate = $jDate->getDate();
     $sql = "SELECT count(n.id) AS count, f.id id, namn, startdatum, slutdatum FROM mm_foretag f, mm_foretagsnycklar n WHERE f.id = n.foretag_id AND isvalid = 1 AND '{$theDate}' BETWEEN startdatum AND slutdatum group by f.id order by namn asc";
     return $db->allValuesAsArray($sql);