public function preDispatch()
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     $store = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $this->_SESSION = new Zend_Session_Namespace();
     if ($facebook->getpageid() != "") {
         @($idpage = $facebook->getpageid());
         $_SESSION['idpage'] = $idpage;
         $this->_SESSION->idpage = $idpage;
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     } else {
         $idpage = isset($_SESSION['idpage']) ? $_SESSION['idpage'] : "";
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     if ($this->_request->getParam("idpage") != "") {
         $idpage = $this->_request->getParam("idpage");
         $_SESSION['idpage'] = $idpage;
         $this->_SESSION->idpage = $idpage;
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     $idpage = '356730004423499';
     $_SESSION['idpage'] = $idpage;
     $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     if (isset($_GET['tabs_added'])) {
         $tabs_added = $_GET['tabs_added'];
         foreach ($tabs_added as $idpage => $status) {
             $link = ROOT_DOMAIN . '/admin?pg=' . $idpage;
         echo "<script>top.location.href = '{$link}'</script>";
     if (!$idpage) {
         $link = ROOT_DOMAIN . '/admin';
         echo "<script>top.location.href = '{$link}'</script>";
     //Khi link có app_data
     if ($facebook->getParameterUrl() != null) {
         $idsp = $facebook->getParameterUrl();
         $idsp = base64_decode($idsp);
         $link = APP_DOMAIN . "/detail?idpage={$idpage}&id={$idsp}";
         //echo "<script>showMessageNotClose('Ðang chuyển trang, vui lòng đợi',5000);</script>";
         echo "<script>setTimeout(function(){window.location = '{$link}'},3000);</script>";
     $config = $store->getConfig($idpage);
     $this->view->config = $config;
     $template = $config['template'] != "" ? $config['template'] : 'bookshop';
     $option = array('layout' => 'layout', 'layoutPath' => LAYOUT_PATH . '/' . $template);
 public function indexAction()
     $fb = new Ishali_Facebook();
     $pageLike = App_Models_PagelikeModel::getInstance();
     $config = Zend_Registry::get(APPLICATION_CONFIG);
     if ($fb->getParameterUrl() == "") {
         $idnoidung = "";
     } else {
         $idnoidung = $fb->getParameterUrl();
     $checkLike = $fb->kiemTraLike();
     //$checkLike = 1;
     if ($checkLike == "") {
         $link = APP_DOMAIN . '/index/yeucaulike';
         header("location: {$link}");
     } else {
         $idUserFB = $_SESSION['idUserFB'];
         $soLuotLike = $pageLike->kiemTraSoLuongLikeUser($idUserFB);
         $data = $pageLike->getConfig();
         $solanlike = $data['solanlike'];
         if ($soLuotLike < $solanlike) {
             $appId = $config->facebook->appid;
             $data = $pageLike->getPageLike();
             if ($data != "") {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
                     $idpage = $data[$i]['idpage'];
                     $likePage = $fb->checkLikePage($idpage);
                     if ($likePage == 0) {
                         $linkAppPage = $data[$i]['linkpage'] . '/app_' . $appId . '?app_data=' . $idnoidung;
                         $this->view->linkAppPage = $linkAppPage;
                 //Truong hop Page nao cung da like
                 $this->view->linkAppPage = "";
                 $linkNoiDung = $pageLike->getLinkNoiDung($idnoidung);
                 $this->view->linkNoiDung = $linkNoiDung;
             } else {
                 $this->view->linkAppPage = "";
                 $linkNoiDung = $pageLike->getLinkNoiDung($idnoidung);
                 $this->view->linkNoiDung = $linkNoiDung;
         } else {
             $this->view->linkAppPage = "";
             $linkNoiDung = $pageLike->getLinkNoiDung($idnoidung);
             $this->view->linkNoiDung = $linkNoiDung;
 public function indexAction()
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     if ($facebook->getParameterUrl() != null) {
         $idPD = $facebook->getParameterUrl();
         $host = APP_DOMAIN;
         header("location: {$host}/product?idPD={$idPD}");
     $idpage = $_SESSION['idpage'];
     $daugia = $this->view->info = App_Models_DaugiaModel::getInstance();
     $ShowAllPhienDau = $daugia->ShowAllPhienDau($idpage);
     $this->view->ShowAllPhienDau = $ShowAllPhienDau;
     $sql = "Select baiviet From ishali_bid_baiviet where idbv = 4 and idpage = '" . $idpage . "'";
     $data = $daugia->ThucThiTruyVan($sql);
     if (count($data) > 0) {
         $this->view->tinthongbao = $data[0]["baiviet"];
     } else {
         $this->view->tinthongbao = "";
 public function indexAction()
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     if ($facebook->getParameterUrl() != null) {
         $param = $facebook->getParameterUrl();
         $data = explode('-', $param);
         $id = $data[0];
         $sp = $data[1];
         $host = APP_DOMAIN;
         header("location: {$host}/product?id={$id}&sp={$sp}");
     //$idpage = $_SESSION['idpage'];
     //$this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     if (isset($_SESSION['idpage']) && $_SESSION['idpage'] != "") {
         $idpage = $_SESSION['idpage'];
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     } else {
         //$idpage = $_GET["idpage"];
         $idpage = $this->_request->getParam("idpage");
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     $sql = "select count(*) as tongsp ";
     $sql .= "from ishali_sanpham ";
     $sql .= "where anhien = 1 and showindex=1 and idpage = " . $idpage;
     $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
     $tongsp = $data[0]['tongsp'];
     $sp1trang = 12;
     if ($tongsp > $sp1trang) {
         $sotrang = ceil($tongsp / $sp1trang);
         if ($this->_request->getParam("page") == "") {
             $sql = "Select idsp, masp, idloaisp, tensp, gia, hinhchinh ";
             $sql .= "from ishali_sanpham ";
             $sql .= "where showindex = 1 and anhien = 1 and idpage = " . $idpage . " order by ngaycapnhat desc ";
             $sql .= "limit 0," . $sp1trang;
             $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
             $this->view->showsp = $data;
         } else {
             $npage = base64_decode($this->_request->getParam("page"));
             $sp_start = $sp1trang * ($npage - 1);
             $sql = "Select idsp, masp, idloaisp, tensp, gia, hinhchinh ";
             $sql .= "from ishali_sanpham ";
             $sql .= "where showindex = 1 and anhien = 1 and idpage = " . $idpage . " order by ngaycapnhat desc ";
             $sql .= "limit " . $sp_start . "," . $sp1trang;
             $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
             $this->view->showsp = $data;
         $this->view->sotrang = $sotrang;
     } else {
         $sql = "Select idsp, masp, idloaisp, tensp, gia, hinhchinh ";
         $sql .= "from ishali_sanpham ";
         $sql .= "where (showindex = 1 || ngaycapnhat < now()) and anhien = 1 and idpage = " . $idpage . " order by ngaycapnhat desc ";
         $sql .= "limit 0,12";
         $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
         $this->view->showsp = $data;
     $sql = "select donvitien from ishali_config where idpage = '" . $idpage . "'";
     $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
     if (count($data) == 0) {
         $donvitien = "VNĐ";
     } else {
         if ($data[0]['donvitien'] == "") {
             $donvitien = "VNĐ";
         } else {
             $donvitien = $data[0]['donvitien'];
     $this->view->donvitien = $donvitien;