
 * Created on Mar 15, 2006 by Aaron Zeckoski (aaronz@vt.edu)
// get institution information
$Inst = new Institution($User->institution_pk);
$isPartner = $Inst->isPartner();
// this means the user is in a partner inst
$INST = $Inst->toArray();
// get the current info out if it exists for this user
$conf_sql = "select * from conferences where users_pk='{$User->pk}' and confID='{$CONF_ID}'";
$result = mysql_query($conf_sql) or die('Conf fetch query failed: ' . mysql_error());
$CONF = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
// first result is all we care about
$isRegistered = false;
// this means the user is already registered for the current conference
if ($CONF) {
    $isRegistered = true;
    $transID = $CONF['transID'];
    $fee = $CONF['fee'];
    $Message = "<span style='color:red;'>You have already filled out a registration form for this conference.</span>";
    if (!$isPartner) {
        if ($transID) {
            //non-member payment transaction received from Verisign
            $Message .= "<span style='color:red;'><br />Your payment confirmation number is: {$transID} </span><br/>" . "<span style='color:red;'><br />Registration fee paid: &#36;{$fee} </span><br/><br/>";
        } else {
            $Message .= "<span style='color:red;'><br />However, <strong>you have not completed the payment process.</strong>" . " <br/><br/></span><strong>Please go to" . " the <a href='payment.php'>Payment page</a> to complete the registration process.</strong>" . "<div class=padding50>&nbsp;</div><div class=padding50>&nbsp;</div> ";