
 * @package    mahara
 * @subpackage core
 * @author     Stacey Walker
 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL version 3 or later
 * @copyright  For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software.
define('INTERNAL', 1);
define('MENUITEM', '');
define('SECTION_PLUGINTYPE', 'core');
require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/init.php';
require_once 'institution.php';
if (!is_logged_in()) {
    throw new AccessDeniedException();
$inst = param_alpha('institution');
$institution = new Institution($inst);
$admins = $institution->admins();
$staff = $institution->staff();
build_stafflist_html($admins, 'institution', 'admin', $inst);
build_stafflist_html($staff, 'institution', 'staff', $inst);
define('TITLE', $institution->displayname);
$smarty = smarty();
$smarty->assign('admins', $admins);
$smarty->assign('staff', $staff);
$smarty->assign('PAGEHEADING', get_string('institutioncontacts', 'mahara', TITLE));
function auth_register_submit(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $SESSION;
    safe_require('auth', 'internal');
    $values['key'] = get_random_key();
    $values['lang'] = $SESSION->get('lang');
    // If the institution requires approval, mark the record as pending
    // @todo the expiry date should be configurable
    if ($confirm = get_config('requireregistrationconfirm') || get_field('institution', 'registerconfirm', 'name', $values['institution'])) {
        if (isset($values['authtype']) && $values['authtype'] != 'internal') {
            $authinstance = get_record('auth_instance', 'institution', $values['institution'], 'authname', $values['authtype'] ? $values['authtype'] : 'internal');
            $auth = AuthFactory::create($authinstance->id);
            $confirm = !$auth->weautocreateusers;
        if ($confirm) {
            $values['pending'] = 1;
            $values['expiry'] = db_format_timestamp(time() + 86400 * 14);
            // now + 2 weeks
        } else {
            $values['pending'] = 0;
            $values['expiry'] = db_format_timestamp(time() + 86400);
    } else {
        $values['pending'] = 0;
        $values['expiry'] = db_format_timestamp(time() + 86400);
    if (function_exists('local_register_submit')) {
    try {
        if (!record_exists('usr_registration', 'email', $values['email'])) {
            insert_record('usr_registration', $values);
        } else {
            update_record('usr_registration', $values, array('email' => $values['email']));
        $user = (object) $values;
        $user->admin = 0;
        $user->staff = 0;
        // If the institution requires approval, notify institutional admins.
        if ($confirm) {
            $fullname = sprintf("%s %s", trim($user->firstname), trim($user->lastname));
            $institution = new Institution($values['institution']);
            $pendingregistrationslink = sprintf("%sadmin/users/pendingregistrations.php?institution=%s", get_config('wwwroot'), $values['institution']);
            // list of admins for this institution
            if (count($institution->admins()) > 0) {
                $admins = $institution->admins();
            } else {
                // use site admins if the institution doesn't have any
                $admins = get_column('usr', 'id', 'admin', 1, 'deleted', 0);
            require_once get_config('libroot') . 'pieforms/pieform/elements/expiry.php';
            $expirytime = pieform_element_expiry_get_expiry_from_seconds(get_config('defaultregistrationexpirylifetime'));
            if ($expirytime == null) {
                $expirystring = get_config('defaultregistrationexpirylifetime') . ' ' . get_string('seconds', 'performance');
            } else {
                if ($expirytime['units'] == 'noenddate') {
                    $expirystring = get_string('element.expiry.noenddate', 'pieforms');
                } else {
                    $expirystring = $expirytime['number'] . ' ' . get_string('element.expiry.' . $expirytime['units'], 'pieforms');
            // email each admin
            // @TODO Respect the notification preferences of the admins.
            foreach ($admins as $admin) {
                $adminuser = new User();
                email_user($adminuser, null, get_string('pendingregistrationadminemailsubject', 'auth.internal', $institution->displayname, get_config('sitename')), get_string('pendingregistrationadminemailtext', 'auth.internal', $adminuser->firstname, $institution->displayname, $pendingregistrationslink, $expirystring, $fullname, $values['email'], $values['reason'], get_config('sitename')), get_string('pendingregistrationadminemailhtml', 'auth.internal', $adminuser->firstname, $institution->displayname, $pendingregistrationslink, $pendingregistrationslink, $expirystring, $fullname, $values['email'], $values['reason'], get_config('sitename')));
            email_user($user, null, get_string('approvalemailsubject', 'auth.internal', get_config('sitename')), get_string('approvalemailmessagetext', 'auth.internal', $values['firstname'], get_config('sitename'), get_config('sitename')), get_string('approvalemailmessagehtml', 'auth.internal', $values['firstname'], get_config('sitename'), get_config('sitename')));
            $_SESSION['registeredokawaiting'] = true;
        } else {
            if (isset($values['authtype']) && $values['authtype'] == 'browserid') {
                redirect('/register.php?key=' . $values['key']);
            } else {
                email_user($user, null, get_string('registeredemailsubject', 'auth.internal', get_config('sitename')), get_string('registeredemailmessagetext', 'auth.internal', $values['firstname'], get_config('sitename'), get_config('wwwroot'), $values['key'], get_config('sitename')), get_string('registeredemailmessagehtml', 'auth.internal', $values['firstname'], get_config('sitename'), get_config('wwwroot'), $values['key'], get_config('wwwroot'), $values['key'], get_config('sitename')));
            // Add a marker in the session to say that the user has registered
            $_SESSION['registered'] = true;
    } catch (EmailException $e) {
        die_info(get_string('registrationunsuccessful', 'auth.internal'));
    } catch (SQLException $e) {
        die_info(get_string('registrationunsuccessful', 'auth.internal'));
文件: lib.php 项目: vohung96/mahara
 * cron job to process the export queue
 * @param string $id  Specify which row of export_queue table you want to run - could be used for debugging purposes
function export_process_queue($id = false)
    $where = 'starttime IS NULL';
    $values = array();
    if ($id) {
        $where .= ' AND id = ?';
        $values = array($id);
    // Try getting the first 100 items in queue - TODO; work out a good number to get at once
    if (!($ready = get_records_select_array('export_queue', $where, $values, 'ctime', '*', 0, 100))) {
        return true;
    $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
    foreach ($ready as $row) {
        // If there server is getting too busy we abort and wait for next cron run.
        if (server_busy()) {
            log_info('too busy');
            return true;
        $errors = array();
        // update the item with start process time
        execute_sql('UPDATE {export_queue} SET starttime = ? WHERE id = ?', array($now, $row->id));
        $items = get_records_select_array('export_queue_items', 'exportqueueid = ?', array($row->id), 'id');
        if (!$items && $row->type == 'all') {
            $items = array();
            $row->what = 'all';
        $views = array();
        // To make sure we process the item with this id only once we keep a track of the $lastid
        // We don't know if the $item will be a collection or view (or artefact possibly in the future)
        // In the case of a user exporting to leap2a there can be a number of collections/views to deal
        // with so we want to deal with each collection or view only once.
        $lastid = '';
        $submitted = false;
        foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
            if (!empty($item->collection) && $lastid != 'collection_' . $item->collection) {
                $row->what = 'collections';
                $lastid = 'collection_' . $item->collection;
                $views = array_merge($views, get_column('collection_view', 'view', 'collection', $item->collection));
                $submitted = get_record('collection', 'id', $item->collection);
            } else {
                if (empty($item->collection) && !empty($item->view) && $lastid != 'view_' . $item->view) {
                    $row->what = 'views';
                    $lastid = 'view_' . $item->view;
                    $views = array_merge($views, array($item->view));
                    $submitted = get_record('view', 'id', $item->view);
        $views = array_unique($views);
        // Bail if we don't have enough data to do an export
        if (!isset($row->exporttype) || !isset($row->what) || !isset($views)) {
            $errors[] = get_string('unabletogenerateexport', 'export');
            log_warn(get_string('unabletogenerateexport', 'export'));
        safe_require('export', $row->exporttype);
        $user = new User();
        $class = generate_class_name('export', $row->exporttype);
        switch ($row->what) {
            case 'all':
                $exporter = new $class($user, PluginExport::EXPORT_ALL_VIEWS, PluginExport::EXPORT_ALL_ARTEFACTS);
            case 'views':
                $exporter = new $class($user, $views, PluginExport::EXPORT_ARTEFACTS_FOR_VIEWS);
            case 'collections':
                $exporter = new $class($user, $views, PluginExport::EXPORT_COLLECTIONS);
                $errors[] = get_string('unabletoexportportfoliousingoptionsadmin', 'export');
                log_warn(get_string('unabletoexportportfoliousingoptionsadmin', 'export'));
        $exporter->includefeedback = false;
        // currently only doing leap2a exports and they can't handle feedback
        // Get an estimate of how big the unzipped export file would be
        // so we can check that we have enough disk space for it
        $space = $exporter->is_diskspace_available();
        if (!$space) {
            $errors[] = get_string('exportfiletoobig', 'mahara');
            log_warn(get_string('exportfiletoobig', 'mahara'));
        try {
            $zipfile = $exporter->export();
        } catch (SystemException $e) {
            $errors[] = get_string('exportzipfileerror', 'export', $e->getMessage());
        $filepath = $exporter->get('exportdir');
        // If export is a submission we need to save this from being deleted by the export_cleanup_old_exports cron
        // so we need to put it somewhere safe
        if (!empty($submitted->submittedtime)) {
            // Now set up the export submission directories
            $submissiondir = get_config('dataroot') . 'submission/' . $row->usr . '/';
            if (!check_dir_exists($submissiondir)) {
                $errors[] = get_string('submissiondirnotwritable', 'export', $submissiondir);
            } else {
                copy($filepath . $zipfile, $submissiondir . $zipfile);
                $filepath = $submissiondir;
        $filetitle = '';
        if (!empty($row->type)) {
            switch ($row->type) {
                case 'all':
                    $filetitle = get_string('allmydata', 'export');
                    $filetitle = get_string('exporting' . $row->type, 'export');
        } else {
            $filetitle = !empty($submitted->name) ? $submitted->name : $submitted->title;
        $externalhost = !empty($submitted->submittedhost) ? $submitted->submittedhost : null;
        // Need to record this in the export_archive table so one can fetch the file via a download link
        $archiveid = insert_record('export_archive', (object) array('usr' => $row->usr, 'filename' => $zipfile, 'filetitle' => $filetitle, 'filepath' => $filepath, 'submission' => !empty($submitted->submittedtime) ? 1 : 0, 'ctime' => db_format_timestamp(time())), 'id', true);
        if (!$archiveid) {
            $errors[] = get_string('exportarchivesavefailed', 'export');
        // If the export row is for a submitted view/collection
        if (!empty($submitted->submittedtime)) {
            $inserted = insert_record('archived_submissions', (object) array('archiveid' => $archiveid, 'group' => $submitted->submittedgroup, 'externalhost' => $externalhost, 'externalid' => $row->externalid));
            if (!$inserted) {
                $errors[] = get_string('archivedsubmissionfailed', 'export');
            require_once get_config('docroot') . 'lib/view.php';
            if ($submitted->submittedstatus == View::PENDING_RELEASE) {
                // we are running this export as part of the releasing submission process
                if ($row->what == 'collections') {
                    require_once get_config('docroot') . 'lib/collection.php';
                    $id = substr($lastid, strlen('collection_'));
                    $collection = new Collection($id);
                    try {
                    } catch (SystemException $e) {
                        $errors[] = get_string('submissionreleasefailed', 'export');
                } else {
                    if ($row->what == 'views') {
                        $id = substr($lastid, strlen('view_'));
                        $view = new View($id);
                        try {
                        } catch (SystemException $e) {
                            $errors[] = get_string('submissionreleasefailed', 'export');
                    } else {
                        $errors[] = get_string('submissionreleasefailed', 'export');
        } else {
            // Need to send emails with the download link in them - so we add the data to the activity_queue table
            $arg = display_name($row->usr);
            $data = (object) array('subject' => false, 'message' => false, 'strings' => (object) array('subject' => (object) array('key' => 'exportdownloademailsubject', 'section' => 'admin', 'args' => array($filetitle)), 'message' => (object) array('key' => 'exportdownloademailmessage', 'section' => 'admin', 'args' => array(hsc($arg), $filetitle)), 'urltext' => (object) array('key' => 'exportdownloadurl', 'section' => 'admin')), 'users' => array($row->usr), 'url' => get_config('webroot') . 'downloadarchive.php?id=' . $archiveid);
            activity_occurred('maharamessage', $data);
        // finally delete the queue item
        if (!delete_records('export_queue_items', 'exportqueueid', $row->id)) {
            $errors[] = get_string('deleteexportqueueitems', 'export', $row->id);
            log_warn('Unable to delete export queue items for ID: ' . $row->id);
        if (!delete_records('export_queue', 'id', $row->id)) {
            $errors[] = get_string('deleteexportqueuerow', 'export', $row->id);
            log_warn('Unable to delete export queue row ID: ' . $row->id);
        // if there are any errors then we need to alert the site and institution admins
        if (!empty($errors)) {
            $admins = get_column('usr', 'id', 'admin', 1, 'deleted', 0);
            $institutions = $user->get('institutions');
            if (!empty($institutions)) {
                foreach ($institutions as $key => $value) {
                    require_once get_config('docroot') . 'lib/institution.php';
                    $institution = new Institution($key);
                    $admins = array_merge($admins, $institution->admins());
            $arg = "\n\n -" . implode("\n - ", $errors);
            $data = (object) array('subject' => false, 'message' => false, 'strings' => (object) array('subject' => (object) array('key' => 'exportqueueerrorsadminsubject', 'section' => 'export'), 'message' => (object) array('key' => 'exportqueueerrorsadminmessage', 'section' => 'export', 'args' => array(hsc($row->id), hsc($arg))), 'urltext' => (object) array('key' => 'exportdownloadurl', 'section' => 'admin')), 'users' => $admins, 'url' => get_config('webroot') . 'admin/users/exportqueue.php');
            activity_occurred('maharamessage', $data);
        } else {
    return true;