/** * Allows the configuration of basic setup information in Garden. This * should not be functional after the application has been set up. * * @since 2.0.0 * @access public * @param string $RedirectUrl Where to send user afterward. */ private function configure($RedirectUrl = '') { // Create a model to save configuration settings $Validation = new Gdn_Validation(); $ConfigurationModel = new Gdn_ConfigurationModel($Validation); $ConfigurationModel->setField(array('Garden.Locale', 'Garden.Title', 'Garden.WebRoot', 'Garden.Cookie.Salt', 'Garden.Cookie.Domain', 'Database.Name', 'Database.Host', 'Database.User', 'Database.Password', 'Garden.Registration.ConfirmEmail', 'Garden.Email.SupportName')); // Set the models on the forms. $this->Form->setModel($ConfigurationModel); // Load the locales for the locale dropdown // $Locale = Gdn::locale(); // $AvailableLocales = $Locale->GetAvailableLocaleSources(); // $this->LocaleData = array_combine($AvailableLocales, $AvailableLocales); // If seeing the form for the first time... if (!$this->Form->IsPostback()) { // Force the webroot using our best guesstimates $ConfigurationModel->Data['Database.Host'] = 'localhost'; $this->Form->setData($ConfigurationModel->Data); } else { // Define some validation rules for the fields being saved $ConfigurationModel->Validation->applyRule('Database.Name', 'Required', 'You must specify the name of the database in which you want to set up Vanilla.'); // Let's make some user-friendly custom errors for database problems $DatabaseHost = $this->Form->getFormValue('Database.Host', '~~Invalid~~'); $DatabaseName = $this->Form->getFormValue('Database.Name', '~~Invalid~~'); $DatabaseUser = $this->Form->getFormValue('Database.User', '~~Invalid~~'); $DatabasePassword = $this->Form->getFormValue('Database.Password', '~~Invalid~~'); $ConnectionString = GetConnectionString($DatabaseName, $DatabaseHost); try { $Connection = new PDO($ConnectionString, $DatabaseUser, $DatabasePassword); } catch (PDOException $Exception) { switch ($Exception->getCode()) { case 1044: $this->Form->addError(t('The database user you specified does not have permission to access the database. Have you created the database yet? The database reported: <code>%s</code>'), strip_tags($Exception->getMessage())); break; case 1045: $this->Form->addError(t('Failed to connect to the database with the username and password you entered. Did you mistype them? The database reported: <code>%s</code>'), strip_tags($Exception->getMessage())); break; case 1049: $this->Form->addError(t('It appears as though the database you specified does not exist yet. Have you created it yet? Did you mistype the name? The database reported: <code>%s</code>'), strip_tags($Exception->getMessage())); break; case 2005: $this->Form->addError(t("Are you sure you've entered the correct database host name? Maybe you mistyped it? The database reported: <code>%s</code>"), strip_tags($Exception->getMessage())); break; default: $this->Form->addError(sprintf(t('ValidateConnection'), strip_tags($Exception->getMessage()))); break; } } $ConfigurationModel->Validation->applyRule('Garden.Title', 'Required'); $ConfigurationFormValues = $this->Form->formValues(); if ($ConfigurationModel->validate($ConfigurationFormValues) !== true || $this->Form->errorCount() > 0) { // Apply the validation results to the form(s) $this->Form->setValidationResults($ConfigurationModel->validationResults()); } else { $Host = array_shift(explode(':', Gdn::request()->RequestHost())); $Domain = Gdn::request()->Domain(); // Set up cookies now so that the user can be signed in. $ExistingSalt = c('Garden.Cookie.Salt', false); $ConfigurationFormValues['Garden.Cookie.Salt'] = $ExistingSalt ? $ExistingSalt : RandomString(10); $ConfigurationFormValues['Garden.Cookie.Domain'] = ''; // Don't set this to anything by default. # Tim - 2010-06-23 // Additional default setup values. $ConfigurationFormValues['Garden.Registration.ConfirmEmail'] = true; $ConfigurationFormValues['Garden.Email.SupportName'] = $ConfigurationFormValues['Garden.Title']; $ConfigurationModel->save($ConfigurationFormValues, true); // If changing locale, redefine locale sources: $NewLocale = 'en-CA'; // $this->Form->getFormValue('Garden.Locale', false); if ($NewLocale !== false && Gdn::config('Garden.Locale') != $NewLocale) { $ApplicationManager = new Gdn_ApplicationManager(); $Locale = Gdn::locale(); $Locale->set($NewLocale, $ApplicationManager->EnabledApplicationFolders(), Gdn::pluginManager()->EnabledPluginFolders(), true); } // Install db structure & basic data. $Database = Gdn::database(); $Database->Init(); $Drop = false; // Gdn::config('Garden.Version') === FALSE ? TRUE : FALSE; $Explicit = false; try { include PATH_APPLICATIONS . DS . 'dashboard' . DS . 'settings' . DS . 'structure.php'; } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->Form->addError($ex); } if ($this->Form->errorCount() > 0) { return false; } // Create the administrative user $UserModel = Gdn::userModel(); $UserModel->defineSchema(); $UsernameError = t('UsernameError', 'Username can only contain letters, numbers, underscores, and must be between 3 and 20 characters long.'); $UserModel->Validation->applyRule('Name', 'Username', $UsernameError); $UserModel->Validation->applyRule('Name', 'Required', t('You must specify an admin username.')); $UserModel->Validation->applyRule('Password', 'Required', t('You must specify an admin password.')); $UserModel->Validation->applyRule('Password', 'Match'); $UserModel->Validation->applyRule('Email', 'Email'); if (!($AdminUserID = $UserModel->SaveAdminUser($ConfigurationFormValues))) { $this->Form->setValidationResults($UserModel->validationResults()); } else { // The user has been created successfully, so sign in now. saveToConfig('Garden.Installed', true, array('Save' => false)); Gdn::session()->start($AdminUserID, true); saveToConfig('Garden.Installed', false, array('Save' => false)); } if ($this->Form->errorCount() > 0) { return false; } // Assign some extra settings to the configuration file if everything succeeded. $ApplicationInfo = array(); include CombinePaths(array(PATH_APPLICATIONS . DS . 'dashboard' . DS . 'settings' . DS . 'about.php')); // Detect Internet connection for CDNs $Disconnected = !(bool) @fsockopen('ajax.googleapis.com', 80); saveToConfig(array('Garden.Version' => val('Version', val('Dashboard', $ApplicationInfo, array()), 'Undefined'), 'Garden.Cdns.Disable' => $Disconnected, 'Garden.CanProcessImages' => function_exists('gd_info'), 'EnabledPlugins.GettingStarted' => 'GettingStarted', 'EnabledPlugins.HtmLawed' => 'HtmLawed')); } } return $this->Form->errorCount() == 0 ? true : false; }