/** Grab the values from the form into the conditions array. */ protected function _FromForm() { $Form = new Gdn_Form(); $Px = $this->Prefix; $Types = (array) $Form->GetFormValue($Px . 'Type', array()); $PermissionFields = (array) $Form->GetFormValue($Px . 'PermissionField', array()); $RoleFields = (array) $Form->GetFormValue($Px . 'RoleField', array()); $Fields = (array) $Form->GetFormValue($Px . 'Field', array()); $Expressions = (array) $Form->GetFormValue($Px . 'Expr', array()); $Conditions = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($Types) - 1; $i++) { // last condition always template row. $Condition = array($Types[$i]); switch ($Types[$i]) { case Gdn_Condition::PERMISSION: $Condition[1] = GetValue($i, $PermissionFields, ''); break; case Gdn_Condition::REQUEST: $Condition[1] = GetValue($i, $Fields, ''); $Condition[2] = GetValue($i, $Expressions, ''); break; case Gdn_Condition::ROLE: $Condition[1] = GetValue($i, $RoleFields); break; case '': $Condition[1] = ''; break; default: continue; } $Conditions[] = $Condition; } return $Conditions; }
public function Index($Offset = 0, $Limit = NULL) { $this->AddJsFile('jquery.gardenmorepager.js'); $this->AddJsFile('search.js'); $this->Title(T('Search')); if(!is_numeric($Limit)) $Limit = Gdn::Config('Garden.Search.PerPage', 20); $Search = $this->Form->GetFormValue('Search'); $Mode = $this->Form->GetFormValue('Mode'); if ($Mode) $this->SearchModel->ForceSearchMode = $Mode; try { $ResultSet = $this->SearchModel->Search($Search, $Offset, $Limit); } catch (Gdn_UserException $Ex) { $this->Form->AddError($Ex); $ResultSet = array(); } catch (Exception $Ex) { $ResultSet = array(); } $this->SetData('SearchResults', $ResultSet, TRUE); $this->SetData('SearchTerm', Gdn_Format::Text($Search), TRUE); if($ResultSet) $NumResults = count($ResultSet); else $NumResults = 0; if ($NumResults == $Offset + $Limit) $NumResults++; // Build a pager $PagerFactory = new Gdn_PagerFactory(); $this->Pager = $PagerFactory->GetPager('MorePager', $this); $this->Pager->MoreCode = 'More Results'; $this->Pager->LessCode = 'Previous Results'; $this->Pager->ClientID = 'Pager'; $this->Pager->Configure( $Offset, $Limit, $NumResults, 'dashboard/search/%1$s/%2$s/?Search='.Gdn_Format::Url($Search) ); if ($this->_DeliveryType != DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) { $this->SetJson('LessRow', $this->Pager->ToString('less')); $this->SetJson('MoreRow', $this->Pager->ToString('more')); $this->View = 'results'; } $this->CanonicalUrl(Url('search', TRUE)); $this->Render(); }
public function NotSpam($LogIDs) { $this->Permission('Garden.Moderation.Manage'); if (!$this->Request->IsPostBack()) { throw PermissionException('Javascript'); } $Logs = array(); // Verify the appropriate users. $UserIDs = $this->Form->GetFormValue('UserID', array()); if (!is_array($UserIDs)) { $UserIDs = array(); } foreach ($UserIDs as $UserID) { Gdn::UserModel()->SetField($UserID, 'Verified', TRUE); $Logs = array_merge($Logs, $this->LogModel->GetWhere(array('Operation' => 'Spam', 'RecordUserID' => $UserID))); } // Grab the logs. $Logs = array_merge($Logs, $this->LogModel->GetIDs($LogIDs)); // try { foreach ($Logs as $Log) { $this->LogModel->Restore($Log); } // } catch (Exception $Ex) { // $this->Form->AddError($Ex->getMessage()); // } $this->LogModel->Recalculate(); $this->SetData('Complete'); $this->SetData('Count', count($Logs)); $this->Render('Blank', 'Utility'); }
public function ThemeOptions($Style = NULL) { $this->Permission('Garden.Themes.Manage'); try { $this->AddJsFile('addons.js'); $this->AddSideMenu('dashboard/settings/themeoptions'); $ThemeManager = new Gdn_ThemeManager(); $this->SetData('ThemeInfo', $ThemeManager->EnabledThemeInfo()); if ($this->Form->IsPostBack()) { // Save the styles to the config. $StyleKey = $this->Form->GetFormValue('StyleKey'); SaveToConfig(array('Garden.ThemeOptions.Styles.Key' => $StyleKey, 'Garden.ThemeOptions.Styles.Value' => $this->Data("ThemeInfo.Options.Styles.{$StyleKey}.Basename"))); // Save the text to the locale. $Translations = array(); foreach ($this->Data('ThemeInfo.Options.Text', array()) as $Key => $Default) { $Value = $this->Form->GetFormValue($this->Form->EscapeString('Text_' . $Key)); $Translations['Theme_' . $Key] = $Value; //$this->Form->SetFormValue('Text_'.$Key, $Value); } if (count($Translations) > 0) { try { Gdn::Locale()->SaveTranslations($Translations); Gdn::Locale()->Refresh(); } catch (Exception $Ex) { $this->Form->AddError($Ex); } } $this->StatusMessage = T("Your changes have been saved."); } elseif ($Style) { SaveToConfig(array('Garden.ThemeOptions.Styles.Key' => $Style, 'Garden.ThemeOptions.Styles.Value' => $this->Data("ThemeInfo.Options.Styles.{$Style}.Basename"))); } $this->SetData('ThemeOptions', C('Garden.ThemeOptions')); $StyleKey = $this->Data('ThemeOptions.Styles.Key'); if (!$this->Form->IsPostBack()) { foreach ($this->Data('ThemeInfo.Options.Text', array()) as $Key => $Options) { $Default = GetValue('Default', $Options, ''); $Value = T('Theme_' . $Key, '#DEFAULT#'); if ($Value === '#DEFAULT#') { $Value = $Default; } $this->Form->SetFormValue($this->Form->EscapeString('Text_' . $Key), $Value); } } $this->SetData('ThemeFolder', $ThemeManager->EnabledTheme()); $this->Title(T('Theme Options')); $this->Form->AddHidden('StyleKey', $StyleKey); } catch (Exception $Ex) { $this->Form->AddError($Ex); } $this->Render(); }
/** * Prompts new admins how to get started using new install. * * @since 2.0.0 * @access public */ public function GettingStarted() { $this->Permission('Garden.Settings.Manage'); $this->SetData('Title', T('Getting Started')); $this->AddSideMenu('dashboard/settings/gettingstarted'); $this->TextEnterEmails = T('TextEnterEmails', 'Type email addresses separated by commas here'); if ($this->Form->AuthenticatedPostBack()) { // Do invitations to new members. $Message = $this->Form->GetFormValue('InvitationMessage'); $Message .= "\n\n" . Gdn::Request()->Url('/', TRUE); $Message = trim($Message); $Recipients = $this->Form->GetFormValue('Recipients'); if ($Recipients == $this->TextEnterEmails) { $Recipients = ''; } $Recipients = explode(',', $Recipients); $CountRecipients = 0; foreach ($Recipients as $Recipient) { if (trim($Recipient) != '') { $CountRecipients++; if (!ValidateEmail($Recipient)) { $this->Form->AddError(sprintf(T('%s is not a valid email address'), $Recipient)); } } } if ($CountRecipients == 0) { $this->Form->AddError(T('You must provide at least one recipient')); } if ($this->Form->ErrorCount() == 0) { $Email = new Gdn_Email(); $Email->Subject(T('Check out my new community!')); $Email->Message($Message); foreach ($Recipients as $Recipient) { if (trim($Recipient) != '') { $Email->To($Recipient); try { $Email->Send(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->Form->AddError($ex); } } } } if ($this->Form->ErrorCount() == 0) { $this->InformMessage(T('Your invitations were sent successfully.')); } } $this->Render(); }
/** * Set where to go after signin. * * @access public * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $Target Where we're requested to go to. * @return string URL to actually go to (validated & safe). */ public function Target($Target = FALSE) { if ($Target === FALSE) { $Target = $this->Form->GetFormValue('Target', FALSE); if (!$Target) { $Target = $this->Request->Get('Target', '/'); } } // Make sure that the target is a valid url. if (!preg_match('`(^https?://)`', $Target)) { $Target = '/' . ltrim($Target, '/'); // Never redirect back to signin. if (preg_match('`^/entry/signin`i', $Target)) { $Target = '/'; } } else { $MyHostname = parse_url(Gdn::Request()->Domain(), PHP_URL_HOST); $TargetHostname = parse_url($Target, PHP_URL_HOST); // Only allow external redirects to trusted domains. $TrustedDomains = C('Garden.TrustedDomains', TRUE); if (is_array($TrustedDomains)) { // Add this domain to the trusted hosts. $TrustedDomains[] = $MyHostname; $this->EventArguments['TrustedDomains'] =& $TrustedDomains; $this->FireEvent('BeforeTargetReturn'); } if ($TrustedDomains === TRUE) { return $Target; } elseif (count($TrustedDomains) == 0) { // Only allow http redirects if they are to the same host name. if ($MyHostname != $TargetHostname) { $Target = ''; } } else { // Loop the trusted domains looking for a match $Match = FALSE; foreach ($TrustedDomains as $TrustedDomain) { if (StringEndsWith($TargetHostname, $TrustedDomain, TRUE)) { $Match = TRUE; } } if (!$Match) { $Target = ''; } } } return $Target; }
/** * Set where to go after signin. * * @access public * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $Target Where we're requested to go to. * @return string URL to actually go to (validated & safe). */ public function Target($Target = FALSE) { if ($Target === FALSE) { $Target = $this->Form->GetFormValue('Target', FALSE); if (!$Target) $Target = $this->Request->Get('Target', '/'); } // Make sure that the target is a valid url. if (!preg_match('`(^https?://)`', $Target)) { $Target = '/'.ltrim($Target, '/'); } else { $MyHostname = parse_url(Gdn::Request()->Domain(),PHP_URL_HOST); $TargetHostname = parse_url($Target, PHP_URL_HOST); // Dont allow external redirects, but fire an event to allow override $AllowExternalRedirect = C('Garden.Target.AllowExternalRedirect', FALSE); $Sender->EventArguments['AllowExternalRedirect'] = &$AllowExternalRedirect; $this->FireEvent('BeforeTargetReturn'); if (!$AllowExternalRedirect && $MyHostname != $TargetHostname) return ''; } return $Target; }
public function SetHourOffset() { $Form = new Gdn_Form(); if ($Form->AuthenticatedPostBack()) { if (!Gdn::Session()->IsValid()) { throw PermissionException('Garden.SignIn.Allow'); } $HourOffset = $Form->GetFormValue('HourOffset'); Gdn::UserModel()->SetField(Gdn::Session()->UserID, 'HourOffset', $HourOffset); $this->SetData('Result', TRUE); $this->SetData('HourOffset', $HourOffset); $time = time(); $this->SetData('UTCDateTime', gmdate('r', $time)); $this->SetData('UserDateTime', gmdate('r', $time + $HourOffset * 3600)); } else { throw ForbiddenException('GET'); } $this->Render('Blank'); }
/** * Create or update a comment. * * @since 2.0.0 * @access public * * @param int $DiscussionID Unique ID to add the comment to. If blank, this method will throw an error. */ public function Comment($DiscussionID = '') { // Get $DiscussionID from RequestArgs if valid if ($DiscussionID == '' && count($this->RequestArgs)) { if (is_numeric($this->RequestArgs[0])) { $DiscussionID = $this->RequestArgs[0]; } } // If invalid $DiscussionID, get from form. $this->Form->SetModel($this->CommentModel); $DiscussionID = is_numeric($DiscussionID) ? $DiscussionID : $this->Form->GetFormValue('DiscussionID', 0); // Set discussion data $this->DiscussionID = $DiscussionID; $this->Discussion = $Discussion = $this->DiscussionModel->GetID($DiscussionID); // Is this an embedded comment being posted to a discussion that doesn't exist yet? $vanilla_type = $this->Form->GetFormValue('vanilla_type', ''); $vanilla_url = $this->Form->GetFormValue('vanilla_url', ''); $vanilla_category_id = $this->Form->GetFormValue('vanilla_category_id', ''); $Attributes = array('ForeignUrl' => $vanilla_url); $vanilla_identifier = $this->Form->GetFormValue('vanilla_identifier', ''); // Only allow vanilla identifiers of 32 chars or less - md5 if larger if (strlen($vanilla_identifier) > 32) { $Attributes['vanilla_identifier'] = $vanilla_identifier; $vanilla_identifier = md5($vanilla_identifier); } if (!$Discussion && $vanilla_url != '' && $vanilla_identifier != '') { $Discussion = $Discussion = $this->DiscussionModel->GetForeignID($vanilla_identifier, $vanilla_type); if ($Discussion) { $this->DiscussionID = $DiscussionID = $Discussion->DiscussionID; $this->Form->SetValue('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID); } } // If so, create it! if (!$Discussion && $vanilla_url != '' && $vanilla_identifier != '') { // Add these values back to the form if they exist! $this->Form->AddHidden('vanilla_identifier', $vanilla_identifier); $this->Form->AddHidden('vanilla_type', $vanilla_type); $this->Form->AddHidden('vanilla_url', $vanilla_url); $this->Form->AddHidden('vanilla_category_id', $vanilla_category_id); $PageInfo = FetchPageInfo($vanilla_url); if (!($Title = $this->Form->GetFormValue('Name'))) { $Title = GetValue('Title', $PageInfo, ''); if ($Title == '') { $Title = T('Undefined discussion subject.'); } } $Description = GetValue('Description', $PageInfo, ''); $Images = GetValue('Images', $PageInfo, array()); $LinkText = T('EmbededDiscussionLinkText', 'Read the full story here'); if (!$Description && count($Images) == 0) { $Body = FormatString('<p><a href="{Url}">{LinkText}</a></p>', array('Url' => $vanilla_url, 'LinkText' => $LinkText)); } else { $Body = FormatString(' <div class="EmbeddedContent">{Image}<strong>{Title}</strong> <p>{Excerpt}</p> <p><a href="{Url}">{LinkText}</a></p> <div class="ClearFix"></div> </div>', array('Title' => $Title, 'Excerpt' => $Description, 'Image' => count($Images) > 0 ? Img(GetValue(0, $Images), array('class' => 'LeftAlign')) : '', 'Url' => $vanilla_url, 'LinkText' => $LinkText)); } if ($Body == '') { $Body = $vanilla_url; } if ($Body == '') { $Body = T('Undefined discussion body.'); } // Validate the CategoryID for inserting. $Category = CategoryModel::Categories($vanilla_category_id); if (!$Category) { $vanilla_category_id = C('Vanilla.Embed.DefaultCategoryID', 0); if ($vanilla_category_id <= 0) { // No default category defined, so grab the first non-root category and use that. $vanilla_category_id = $this->DiscussionModel->SQL->Select('CategoryID')->From('Category')->Where('CategoryID >', 0)->Get()->FirstRow()->CategoryID; // No categories in the db? default to 0 if (!$vanilla_category_id) { $vanilla_category_id = 0; } } } else { $vanilla_category_id = $Category['CategoryID']; } $EmbedUserID = C('Garden.Embed.UserID'); if ($EmbedUserID) { $EmbedUser = Gdn::UserModel()->GetID($EmbedUserID); } if (!$EmbedUserID || !$EmbedUser) { $EmbedUserID = Gdn::UserModel()->GetSystemUserID(); } $EmbeddedDiscussionData = array('InsertUserID' => $EmbedUserID, 'DateInserted' => Gdn_Format::ToDateTime(), 'DateUpdated' => Gdn_Format::ToDateTime(), 'CategoryID' => $vanilla_category_id, 'ForeignID' => $vanilla_identifier, 'Type' => $vanilla_type, 'Name' => $Title, 'Body' => $Body, 'Format' => 'Html', 'Attributes' => serialize($Attributes)); $this->EventArguments['Discussion'] = $EmbeddedDiscussionData; $this->FireEvent('BeforeEmbedDiscussion'); $DiscussionID = $this->DiscussionModel->SQL->Insert('Discussion', $EmbeddedDiscussionData); $ValidationResults = $this->DiscussionModel->ValidationResults(); if (count($ValidationResults) == 0 && $DiscussionID > 0) { $this->Form->AddHidden('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID); // Put this in the form so reposts won't cause new discussions. $this->Form->SetFormValue('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID); // Put this in the form values so it is used when saving comments. $this->SetJson('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID); $this->Discussion = $Discussion = $this->DiscussionModel->GetID($DiscussionID, DATASET_TYPE_OBJECT, array('Slave' => FALSE)); // Update the category discussion count if ($vanilla_category_id > 0) { $this->DiscussionModel->UpdateDiscussionCount($vanilla_category_id, $DiscussionID); } } } // If no discussion was found, error out if (!$Discussion) { $this->Form->AddError(T('Failed to find discussion for commenting.')); } $PermissionCategoryID = GetValue('PermissionCategoryID', $Discussion); // Setup head $this->AddJsFile('jquery.autosize.min.js'); $this->AddJsFile('post.js'); $this->AddJsFile('autosave.js'); // Setup comment model, $CommentID, $DraftID $Session = Gdn::Session(); $CommentID = isset($this->Comment) && property_exists($this->Comment, 'CommentID') ? $this->Comment->CommentID : ''; $DraftID = isset($this->Comment) && property_exists($this->Comment, 'DraftID') ? $this->Comment->DraftID : ''; $this->EventArguments['CommentID'] = $CommentID; $this->EventArguments['DraftID'] = $DraftID; // Determine whether we are editing $Editing = $CommentID > 0 || $DraftID > 0; $this->EventArguments['Editing'] = $Editing; // If closed, cancel & go to discussion if ($Discussion && $Discussion->Closed == 1 && !$Editing && !$Session->CheckPermission('Vanilla.Discussions.Close', TRUE, 'Category', $PermissionCategoryID)) { Redirect(DiscussionUrl($Discussion)); } // Add hidden IDs to form $this->Form->AddHidden('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID); $this->Form->AddHidden('CommentID', $CommentID); $this->Form->AddHidden('DraftID', $DraftID, TRUE); // Check permissions if ($Discussion && $Editing) { // Permisssion to edit if ($this->Comment->InsertUserID != $Session->UserID) { $this->Permission('Vanilla.Comments.Edit', TRUE, 'Category', $Discussion->PermissionCategoryID); } // Make sure that content can (still) be edited. $EditContentTimeout = C('Garden.EditContentTimeout', -1); $CanEdit = $EditContentTimeout == -1 || strtotime($this->Comment->DateInserted) + $EditContentTimeout > time(); if (!$CanEdit) { $this->Permission('Vanilla.Comments.Edit', TRUE, 'Category', $Discussion->PermissionCategoryID); } // Make sure only moderators can edit closed things if ($Discussion->Closed) { $this->Permission('Vanilla.Comments.Edit', TRUE, 'Category', $Discussion->PermissionCategoryID); } $this->Form->SetFormValue('CommentID', $CommentID); } else { if ($Discussion) { // Permission to add $this->Permission('Vanilla.Comments.Add', TRUE, 'Category', $Discussion->PermissionCategoryID); } } if (!$this->Form->IsPostBack()) { // Form was validly submitted if (isset($this->Comment)) { $this->Form->SetData((array) $this->Comment); } } else { // Save as a draft? $FormValues = $this->Form->FormValues(); $FormValues = $this->CommentModel->FilterForm($FormValues); if ($DraftID == 0) { $DraftID = $this->Form->GetFormValue('DraftID', 0); } $Type = GetIncomingValue('Type'); $Draft = $Type == 'Draft'; $this->EventArguments['Draft'] = $Draft; $Preview = $Type == 'Preview'; if ($Draft) { $DraftID = $this->DraftModel->Save($FormValues); $this->Form->AddHidden('DraftID', $DraftID, TRUE); $this->Form->SetValidationResults($this->DraftModel->ValidationResults()); } else { if (!$Preview) { // Fix an undefined title if we can. if ($this->Form->GetFormValue('Name') && GetValue('Name', $Discussion) == T('Undefined discussion subject.')) { $Set = array('Name' => $this->Form->GetFormValue('Name')); if (isset($vanilla_url) && $vanilla_url && strpos(GetValue('Body', $Discussion), T('Undefined discussion subject.')) !== FALSE) { $LinkText = T('EmbededDiscussionLinkText', 'Read the full story here'); $Set['Body'] = FormatString('<p><a href="{Url}">{LinkText}</a></p>', array('Url' => $vanilla_url, 'LinkText' => $LinkText)); } $this->DiscussionModel->SetField(GetValue('DiscussionID', $Discussion), $Set); } $Inserted = !$CommentID; $CommentID = $this->CommentModel->Save($FormValues); // The comment is now half-saved. if (is_numeric($CommentID) && $CommentID > 0) { if ($this->_DeliveryType == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) { $this->CommentModel->Save2($CommentID, $Inserted, TRUE, TRUE); } else { $this->JsonTarget('', Url("/vanilla/post/comment2.json?commentid={$CommentID}&inserted={$Inserted}"), 'Ajax'); } // $Discussion = $this->DiscussionModel->GetID($DiscussionID); $Comment = $this->CommentModel->GetID($CommentID, DATASET_TYPE_OBJECT, array('Slave' => FALSE)); $this->EventArguments['Discussion'] = $Discussion; $this->EventArguments['Comment'] = $Comment; $this->FireEvent('AfterCommentSave'); } elseif ($CommentID === SPAM || $CommentID === UNAPPROVED) { $this->StatusMessage = T('CommentRequiresApprovalStatus', 'Your comment will appear after it is approved.'); } $this->Form->SetValidationResults($this->CommentModel->ValidationResults()); if ($CommentID > 0 && $DraftID > 0) { $this->DraftModel->Delete($DraftID); } } } // Handle non-ajax requests first: if ($this->_DeliveryType == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) { if ($this->Form->ErrorCount() == 0) { // Make sure that this form knows what comment we are editing. if ($CommentID > 0) { $this->Form->AddHidden('CommentID', $CommentID); } // If the comment was not a draft if (!$Draft) { // Redirect to the new comment. if ($CommentID > 0) { Redirect("discussion/comment/{$CommentID}/#Comment_{$CommentID}"); } elseif ($CommentID == SPAM) { $this->SetData('DiscussionUrl', DiscussionUrl($Discussion)); $this->View = 'Spam'; } } elseif ($Preview) { // If this was a preview click, create a comment shell with the values for this comment $this->Comment = new stdClass(); $this->Comment->InsertUserID = $Session->User->UserID; $this->Comment->InsertName = $Session->User->Name; $this->Comment->InsertPhoto = $Session->User->Photo; $this->Comment->DateInserted = Gdn_Format::Date(); $this->Comment->Body = ArrayValue('Body', $FormValues, ''); $this->Comment->Format = GetValue('Format', $FormValues, C('Garden.InputFormatter')); $this->AddAsset('Content', $this->FetchView('preview')); } else { // If this was a draft save, notify the user about the save $this->InformMessage(sprintf(T('Draft saved at %s'), Gdn_Format::Date())); } } } else { // Handle ajax-based requests if ($this->Form->ErrorCount() > 0) { // Return the form errors $this->ErrorMessage($this->Form->Errors()); } else { // Make sure that the ajax request form knows about the newly created comment or draft id $this->SetJson('CommentID', $CommentID); $this->SetJson('DraftID', $DraftID); if ($Preview) { // If this was a preview click, create a comment shell with the values for this comment $this->Comment = new stdClass(); $this->Comment->InsertUserID = $Session->User->UserID; $this->Comment->InsertName = $Session->User->Name; $this->Comment->InsertPhoto = $Session->User->Photo; $this->Comment->DateInserted = Gdn_Format::Date(); $this->Comment->Body = ArrayValue('Body', $FormValues, ''); $this->View = 'preview'; } elseif (!$Draft) { // If the comment was not a draft // If Editing a comment if ($Editing) { // Just reload the comment in question $this->Offset = 1; $Comments = $this->CommentModel->GetIDData($CommentID, array('Slave' => FALSE)); $this->SetData('Comments', $Comments); $this->SetData('Discussion', $Discussion); // Load the discussion $this->ControllerName = 'discussion'; $this->View = 'comments'; // Also define the discussion url in case this request came from the post screen and needs to be redirected to the discussion $this->SetJson('DiscussionUrl', DiscussionUrl($this->Discussion) . '#Comment_' . $CommentID); } else { // If the comment model isn't sorted by DateInserted or CommentID then we can't do any fancy loading of comments. $OrderBy = GetValueR('0.0', $this->CommentModel->OrderBy()); // $Redirect = !in_array($OrderBy, array('c.DateInserted', 'c.CommentID')); // $DisplayNewCommentOnly = $this->Form->GetFormValue('DisplayNewCommentOnly'); // if (!$Redirect) { // // Otherwise load all new comments that the user hasn't seen yet // $LastCommentID = $this->Form->GetFormValue('LastCommentID'); // if (!is_numeric($LastCommentID)) // $LastCommentID = $CommentID - 1; // Failsafe back to this new comment if the lastcommentid was not defined properly // // // Don't reload the first comment if this new comment is the first one. // $this->Offset = $LastCommentID == 0 ? 1 : $this->CommentModel->GetOffset($LastCommentID); // // Do not load more than a single page of data... // $Limit = C('Vanilla.Comments.PerPage', 30); // // // Redirect if the new new comment isn't on the same page. // $Redirect |= !$DisplayNewCommentOnly && PageNumber($this->Offset, $Limit) != PageNumber($Discussion->CountComments - 1, $Limit); // } // if ($Redirect) { // // The user posted a comment on a page other than the last one, so just redirect to the last page. // $this->RedirectUrl = Gdn::Request()->Url("discussion/comment/$CommentID/#Comment_$CommentID", TRUE); // } else { // // Make sure to load all new comments since the page was last loaded by this user // if ($DisplayNewCommentOnly) $this->Offset = $this->CommentModel->GetOffset($CommentID); $Comments = $this->CommentModel->GetIDData($CommentID, array('Slave' => FALSE)); $this->SetData('Comments', $Comments); $this->SetData('NewComments', TRUE); $this->ClassName = 'DiscussionController'; $this->ControllerName = 'discussion'; $this->View = 'comments'; // } // Make sure to set the user's discussion watch records $CountComments = $this->CommentModel->GetCount($DiscussionID); $Limit = is_object($this->Data('Comments')) ? $this->Data('Comments')->NumRows() : $Discussion->CountComments; $Offset = $CountComments - $Limit; $this->CommentModel->SetWatch($this->Discussion, $Limit, $Offset, $CountComments); } } else { // If this was a draft save, notify the user about the save $this->InformMessage(sprintf(T('Draft saved at %s'), Gdn_Format::Date())); } // And update the draft count $UserModel = Gdn::UserModel(); $CountDrafts = $UserModel->GetAttribute($Session->UserID, 'CountDrafts', 0); $this->SetJson('MyDrafts', T('My Drafts')); $this->SetJson('CountDrafts', $CountDrafts); } } } // Include data for FireEvent if (property_exists($this, 'Discussion')) { $this->EventArguments['Discussion'] = $this->Discussion; } if (property_exists($this, 'Comment')) { $this->EventArguments['Comment'] = $this->Comment; } $this->FireEvent('BeforeCommentRender'); if ($this->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_DATA) { $Comment = $this->Data('Comments')->FirstRow(DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY); if ($Comment) { $Photo = $Comment['InsertPhoto']; if (strpos($Photo, '//') === FALSE) { $Photo = Gdn_Upload::Url(ChangeBasename($Photo, 'n%s')); } $Comment['InsertPhoto'] = $Photo; } $this->Data = array('Comment' => $Comment); $this->RenderData($this->Data); } else { require_once $this->FetchViewLocation('helper_functions', 'Discussion'); // Render default view. $this->Render(); } }
/** * Editing a category. * * @since 2.0.0 * @access public * * @param int $CategoryID Unique ID of the category to be updated. */ public function EditCategory($CategoryID = '') { // Check permission $this->Permission('Garden.Settings.Manage'); // Set up models $RoleModel = new RoleModel(); $PermissionModel = Gdn::PermissionModel(); $this->Form->SetModel($this->CategoryModel); if (!$CategoryID && $this->Form->IsPostBack()) { if ($ID = $this->Form->GetFormValue('CategoryID')) { $CategoryID = $ID; } } // Get category data $this->Category = $this->CategoryModel->GetID($CategoryID); $this->Category->CustomPermissions = $this->Category->CategoryID == $this->Category->PermissionCategoryID; // Set up head $this->AddJsFile('jquery.alphanumeric.js'); $this->AddJsFile('categories.js'); $this->AddJsFile('jquery.gardencheckboxgrid.js'); $this->Title(T('Edit Category')); $this->AddSideMenu('vanilla/settings/managecategories'); // Make sure the form knows which item we are editing. $this->Form->AddHidden('CategoryID', $CategoryID); $this->SetData('CategoryID', $CategoryID); // Load all roles with editable permissions $this->RoleArray = $RoleModel->GetArray(); $this->FireEvent('AddEditCategory'); if ($this->Form->IsPostBack() == FALSE) { $this->Form->SetData($this->Category); $this->SetupDiscussionTypes($this->Category); $this->Form->SetValue('CustomPoints', $this->Category->PointsCategoryID == $this->Category->CategoryID); } else { $this->SetupDiscussionTypes($this->Category); $Upload = new Gdn_Upload(); $TmpImage = $Upload->ValidateUpload('PhotoUpload', FALSE); if ($TmpImage) { // Generate the target image name $TargetImage = $Upload->GenerateTargetName(PATH_UPLOADS); $ImageBaseName = pathinfo($TargetImage, PATHINFO_BASENAME); // Save the uploaded image $Parts = $Upload->SaveAs($TmpImage, $ImageBaseName); $this->Form->SetFormValue('Photo', $Parts['SaveName']); } $this->Form->SetFormValue('CustomPoints', (bool) $this->Form->GetFormValue('CustomPoints')); if ($this->Form->Save()) { $Category = CategoryModel::Categories($CategoryID); $this->SetData('Category', $Category); if ($this->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) { Redirect('vanilla/settings/managecategories'); } } } // Get all of the currently selected role/permission combinations for this junction. $Permissions = $PermissionModel->GetJunctionPermissions(array('JunctionID' => $CategoryID), 'Category', '', array('AddDefaults' => !$this->Category->CustomPermissions)); $Permissions = $PermissionModel->UnpivotPermissions($Permissions, TRUE); if ($this->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) { $this->SetData('PermissionData', $Permissions, TRUE); } // Render default view $this->Render(); }
public function SSO($UserID = FALSE) { $this->Permission('Garden.Users.Edit'); $ProviderModel = new Gdn_AuthenticationProviderModel(); $Form = new Gdn_Form(); if ($this->Request->IsPostBack()) { // Make sure everything has been posted. $Form->ValidateRule('ClientID', 'ValidateRequired'); $Form->ValidateRule('UniqueID', 'ValidateRequired'); if (!ValidateRequired($Form->GetFormValue('Username')) && !ValidateRequired($Form->GetFormValue('Email'))) { $Form->AddError('Username or Email is required.'); } $Provider = $ProviderModel->GetProviderByKey($Form->GetFormValue('ClientID')); if (!$Provider) { $Form->AddError(sprintf('%1$s "%2$s" not found.', T('Provider'), $Form->GetFormValue('ClientID'))); } if ($Form->ErrorCount() > 0) { throw new Gdn_UserException($Form->ErrorString()); } // Grab the user. $User = FALSE; if ($Email = $Form->GetFormValue('Email')) { $User = Gdn::UserModel()->GetByEmail($Email); } if (!$User && ($Username = $Form->GetFormValue('Username'))) { $User = Gdn::UserModel()->GetByUsername($Username); } if (!$User) { throw new Gdn_UserException(sprintf(T('User not found.'), strtolower(T(UserModel::SigninLabelCode()))), 404); } // Validate the user's password. $PasswordHash = new Gdn_PasswordHash(); $Password = $this->Form->GetFormValue('Password', NULL); if ($Password !== NULL && !$PasswordHash->CheckPassword($Password, GetValue('Password', $User), GetValue('HashMethod', $User))) { throw new Gdn_UserException(T('Invalid password.'), 401); } // Okay. We've gotten this far. Let's save the authentication. $User = (array) $User; Gdn::UserModel()->SaveAuthentication(array('UserID' => $User['UserID'], 'Provider' => $Form->GetFormValue('ClientID'), 'UniqueID' => $Form->GetFormValue('UniqueID'))); $Row = Gdn::UserModel()->GetAuthentication($Form->GetFormValue('UniqueID'), $Form->GetFormValue('ClientID')); if ($Row) { $this->SetData('Result', $Row); } else { throw new Gdn_UserException(T('There was an error saving the data.')); } } else { $User = Gdn::UserModel()->GetID($UserID); if (!$User) { throw NotFoundException('User'); } $Result = Gdn::SQL()->Select('ua.ProviderKey', '', 'ClientID')->Select('ua.ForeignUserKey', '', 'UniqueID')->Select('ua.UserID')->Select('p.Name')->Select('p.AuthenticationSchemeAlias', '', 'Type')->From('UserAuthentication ua')->Join('UserAuthenticationProvider p', 'ua.ProviderKey = p.AuthenticationKey')->Where('UserID', $UserID)->Get()->ResultArray(); $this->SetData('Result', $Result); } $this->Render('Blank', 'Utility', 'Dashboard'); }
/** * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender * @param array $Args */ protected function Settings_AddEdit($Sender, $Args) { $client_id = $Sender->Request->Get('client_id'); Gdn::Locale()->SetTranslation('AuthenticationKey', 'Client ID'); Gdn::Locale()->SetTranslation('AssociationSecret', 'Secret'); Gdn::Locale()->SetTranslation('AuthenticateUrl', 'Authentication Url'); $Form = new Gdn_Form(); $Sender->Form = $Form; if ($Form->AuthenticatedPostBack()) { if ($Form->GetFormValue('Generate') || $Sender->Request->Post('Generate')) { $Form->SetFormValue('AuthenticationKey', mt_rand()); $Form->SetFormValue('AssociationSecret', md5(mt_rand())); $Sender->SetFormSaved(FALSE); } else { $Form->ValidateRule('AuthenticationKey', 'ValidateRequired'); // $Form->ValidateRule('AuthenticationKey', 'regex:`^[a-z0-9_-]+$`i', T('The client id must contain only letters, numbers and dashes.')); $Form->ValidateRule('AssociationSecret', 'ValidateRequired'); $Form->ValidateRule('AuthenticateUrl', 'ValidateRequired'); $Values = $Form->FormValues(); // $Values = ArrayTranslate($Values, array('Name', 'AuthenticationKey', 'URL', 'AssociationSecret', 'AuthenticateUrl', 'SignInUrl', 'RegisterUrl', 'SignOutUrl', 'IsDefault')); $Values['AuthenticationSchemeAlias'] = 'jsconnect'; $Values['AssociationHashMethod'] = 'md5'; $Values['Attributes'] = serialize(array('HashType' => $Form->GetFormValue('HashType'), 'TestMode' => $Form->GetFormValue('TestMode'), 'Trusted' => $Form->GetFormValue('Trusted', 0))); if ($Form->ErrorCount() == 0) { if ($client_id) { Gdn::SQL()->Put('UserAuthenticationProvider', $Values, array('AuthenticationKey' => $client_id)); } else { Gdn::SQL()->Options('Ignore', TRUE)->Insert('UserAuthenticationProvider', $Values); } $Sender->RedirectUrl = Url('/settings/jsconnect'); } } } else { if ($client_id) { $Provider = self::GetProvider($client_id); TouchValue('Trusted', $Provider, 1); } else { $Provider = array(); } $Form->SetData($Provider); } $Sender->SetData('Title', sprintf(T($client_id ? 'Edit %s' : 'Add %s'), T('Connection'))); $Sender->Render('Settings_AddEdit', '', 'plugins/jsconnect'); }
/** * Create or update a comment. * * @since 2.0.0 * @access public * * @param int $DiscussionID Unique ID to add the comment to. If blank, this method will throw an error. */ public function Comment($DiscussionID = '') { // Get $DiscussionID from RequestArgs if valid if ($DiscussionID == '' && count($this->RequestArgs)) if (is_numeric($this->RequestArgs[0])) $DiscussionID = $this->RequestArgs[0]; // If invalid $DiscussionID, get from form. $this->Form->SetModel($this->CommentModel); $DiscussionID = is_numeric($DiscussionID) ? $DiscussionID : $this->Form->GetFormValue('DiscussionID', 0); // Set discussion data $this->DiscussionID = $DiscussionID; $this->Discussion = $Discussion = $this->DiscussionModel->GetID($DiscussionID); // If closed, cancel & go to discussion if ($Discussion->Closed == 1) Redirect('discussion/'.$DiscussionID.'/'.Gdn_Format::Url($Discussion->Name)); // Setup head $this->AddJsFile('jquery.autogrow.js'); $this->AddJsFile('post.js'); $this->AddJsFile('autosave.js'); // Setup comment model, $CommentID, $DraftID $Session = Gdn::Session(); $CommentID = isset($this->Comment) && property_exists($this->Comment, 'CommentID') ? $this->Comment->CommentID : ''; $DraftID = isset($this->Comment) && property_exists($this->Comment, 'DraftID') ? $this->Comment->DraftID : ''; $this->EventArguments['CommentID'] = $CommentID; $this->EventArguments['DraftID'] = $DraftID; // Determine whether we are editing $Editing = $CommentID > 0 || $DraftID > 0; $this->EventArguments['Editing'] = $Editing; // Add hidden IDs to form $this->Form->AddHidden('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID); $this->Form->AddHidden('CommentID', $CommentID); $this->Form->AddHidden('DraftID', $DraftID, TRUE); // Check permissions if ($Editing) { // Permisssion to edit if ($this->Comment->InsertUserID != $Session->UserID) $this->Permission('Vanilla.Comments.Edit', TRUE, 'Category', $Discussion->PermissionCategoryID); // Make sure that content can (still) be edited. $EditContentTimeout = C('Garden.EditContentTimeout', -1); $CanEdit = $EditContentTimeout == -1 || strtotime($this->Comment->DateInserted) + $EditContentTimeout > time(); if (!$CanEdit) $this->Permission('Vanilla.Comments.Edit', TRUE, 'Category', $Discussion->PermissionCategoryID); } else { // Permission to add $this->Permission('Vanilla.Comments.Add', TRUE, 'Category', $Discussion->PermissionCategoryID); } if ($this->Form->AuthenticatedPostBack() === FALSE) { // Form was validly submitted if (isset($this->Comment)) $this->Form->SetData($this->Comment); } else { // Save as a draft? $FormValues = $this->Form->FormValues(); if ($DraftID == 0) $DraftID = $this->Form->GetFormValue('DraftID', 0); $Type = GetIncomingValue('Type'); $Draft = $Type == 'Draft'; $this->EventArguments['Draft'] = $Draft; $Preview = $Type == 'Preview'; if ($Draft) { $DraftID = $this->DraftModel->Save($FormValues); $this->Form->AddHidden('DraftID', $DraftID, TRUE); $this->Form->SetValidationResults($this->DraftModel->ValidationResults()); } else if (!$Preview) { $Inserted = !$CommentID; $CommentID = $this->CommentModel->Save($FormValues); // The comment is now half-saved. if (is_numeric($CommentID) && $CommentID > 0) { if ($this->_DeliveryType == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) { $this->CommentModel->Save2($CommentID, $Inserted, TRUE, TRUE); } else { $this->JsonTarget('', Url("/vanilla/post/comment2/$CommentID/$Inserted"), 'Ajax'); } // $Discussion = $this->DiscussionModel->GetID($DiscussionID); $Comment = $this->CommentModel->GetID($CommentID); $this->EventArguments['Discussion'] = $Discussion; $this->EventArguments['Comment'] = $Comment; $this->FireEvent('AfterCommentSave'); } elseif ($CommentID === SPAM) { $this->StatusMessage = T('Your post has been flagged for moderation.'); } $this->Form->SetValidationResults($this->CommentModel->ValidationResults()); if ($CommentID > 0 && $DraftID > 0) $this->DraftModel->Delete($DraftID); } // Handle non-ajax requests first: if ($this->_DeliveryType == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) { if ($this->Form->ErrorCount() == 0) { // Make sure that this form knows what comment we are editing. if ($CommentID > 0) $this->Form->AddHidden('CommentID', $CommentID); // If the comment was not a draft if (!$Draft) { // Redirect to the new comment. if ($CommentID > 0) Redirect("discussion/comment/$CommentID/#Comment_$CommentID"); elseif ($CommentID == SPAM) { $this->SetData('DiscussionUrl', '/discussion/'.$DiscussionID.'/'.Gdn_Format::Url($Discussion->Name)); $this->View = 'Spam'; } } elseif ($Preview) { // If this was a preview click, create a comment shell with the values for this comment $this->Comment = new stdClass(); $this->Comment->InsertUserID = $Session->User->UserID; $this->Comment->InsertName = $Session->User->Name; $this->Comment->InsertPhoto = $Session->User->Photo; $this->Comment->DateInserted = Gdn_Format::Date(); $this->Comment->Body = ArrayValue('Body', $FormValues, ''); $this->AddAsset('Content', $this->FetchView('preview')); } else { // If this was a draft save, notify the user about the save $this->InformMessage(sprintf(T('Draft saved at %s'), Gdn_Format::Date())); } } } else { // Handle ajax-based requests if ($this->Form->ErrorCount() > 0) { // Return the form errors $this->ErrorMessage($this->Form->Errors()); } else { // Make sure that the ajax request form knows about the newly created comment or draft id $this->SetJson('CommentID', $CommentID); $this->SetJson('DraftID', $DraftID); if ($Preview) { // If this was a preview click, create a comment shell with the values for this comment $this->Comment = new stdClass(); $this->Comment->InsertUserID = $Session->User->UserID; $this->Comment->InsertName = $Session->User->Name; $this->Comment->InsertPhoto = $Session->User->Photo; $this->Comment->DateInserted = Gdn_Format::Date(); $this->Comment->Body = ArrayValue('Body', $FormValues, ''); $this->View = 'preview'; } elseif (!$Draft) { // If the comment was not a draft // If Editing a comment if ($Editing) { // Just reload the comment in question $this->Offset = 1; $this->SetData('CommentData', $this->CommentModel->GetIDData($CommentID), TRUE); // Load the discussion $this->ControllerName = 'discussion'; $this->View = 'comments'; // Also define the discussion url in case this request came from the post screen and needs to be redirected to the discussion $this->SetJson('DiscussionUrl', Url('/discussion/'.$DiscussionID.'/'.Gdn_Format::Url($this->Discussion->Name).'/#Comment_'.$CommentID)); } else { // If the comment model isn't sorted by DateInserted or CommentID then we can't do any fancy loading of comments. $OrderBy = GetValueR('0.0', $this->CommentModel->OrderBy()); $Redirect = !in_array($OrderBy, array('c.DateInserted', 'c.CommentID')); $DisplayNewCommentOnly = $this->Form->GetFormValue('DisplayNewCommentOnly'); if (!$Redirect) { // Otherwise load all new comments that the user hasn't seen yet $LastCommentID = $this->Form->GetFormValue('LastCommentID'); if (!is_numeric($LastCommentID)) $LastCommentID = $CommentID - 1; // Failsafe back to this new comment if the lastcommentid was not defined properly // Don't reload the first comment if this new comment is the first one. $this->Offset = $LastCommentID == 0 ? 1 : $this->CommentModel->GetOffset($LastCommentID); // Do not load more than a single page of data... $Limit = C('Vanilla.Comments.PerPage', 50); // Redirect if the new new comment isn't on the same page. $Redirect |= !$DisplayNewCommentOnly && PageNumber($this->Offset, $Limit) != PageNumber($Discussion->CountComments - 1, $Limit); } if ($Redirect) { // The user posted a comment on a page other than the last one, so just redirect to the last page. $this->RedirectUrl = Gdn::Request()->Url("discussion/comment/$CommentID/#Comment_$CommentID", TRUE); $this->CommentData = NULL; } else { // Make sure to load all new comments since the page was last loaded by this user if ($DisplayNewCommentOnly) $this->SetData('CommentData', $this->CommentModel->GetIDData($CommentID), TRUE); else $this->SetData('CommentData', $this->CommentModel->GetNew($DiscussionID, $LastCommentID), TRUE); $this->SetData('NewComments', TRUE); $this->ControllerName = 'discussion'; $this->View = 'comments'; } // Make sure to set the user's discussion watch records $CountComments = $this->CommentModel->GetCount($DiscussionID); $Limit = is_object($this->CommentData) ? $this->CommentData->NumRows() : $Discussion->CountComments; $Offset = $CountComments - $Limit; $this->CommentModel->SetWatch($this->Discussion, $Limit, $Offset, $CountComments); } } else { // If this was a draft save, notify the user about the save $this->InformMessage(sprintf(T('Draft saved at %s'), Gdn_Format::Date())); } // And update the draft count $UserModel = Gdn::UserModel(); $CountDrafts = $UserModel->GetAttribute($Session->UserID, 'CountDrafts', 0); $this->SetJson('MyDrafts', T('My Drafts')); $this->SetJson('CountDrafts', $CountDrafts); } } } // Include data for FireEvent if (property_exists($this,'Discussion')) $this->EventArguments['Discussion'] = $this->Discussion; if (property_exists($this,'Comment')) $this->EventArguments['Comment'] = $this->Comment; $this->FireEvent('BeforeCommentRender'); // Render default view $this->Render(); }
protected function _AddEdit($Sender, $PocketID = FALSE) { $Form = new Gdn_Form(); $PocketModel = new Gdn_Model('Pocket'); $Form->SetModel($PocketModel); $Sender->ConditionModule = new ConditionModule($Sender); $Sender->Form = $Form; if ($Form->AuthenticatedPostBack()) { // Save the pocket. if ($PocketID !== FALSE) { $Form->SetFormValue('PocketID', $PocketID); } // Convert the form data into a format digestable by the database. $Repeat = $Form->GetFormValue('RepeatType'); switch ($Repeat) { case Pocket::REPEAT_EVERY: $PocketModel->Validation->ApplyRule('EveryFrequency', 'Integer'); $PocketModel->Validation->ApplyRule('EveryBegin', 'Integer'); $Frequency = $Form->GetFormValue('EveryFrequency', 1); if (!$Frequency || !ValidateInteger($Frequency) || $Frequency < 1) { $Frequency = 1; } $Repeat .= ' ' . $Frequency; if ($Form->GetFormValue('EveryBegin', 1) > 1) { $Repeat .= ',' . $Form->GetFormValue('EveryBegin'); } break; case Pocket::REPEAT_INDEX: $PocketModel->Validation->AddRule('IntegerArray', 'function:ValidateIntegerArray'); $PocketModel->Validation->ApplyRule('Indexes', 'IntegerArray'); $Indexes = explode(',', $Form->GetFormValue('Indexes', '')); $Indexes = array_map('trim', $Indexes); $Repeat .= ' ' . implode(',', $Indexes); break; default: break; } $Form->SetFormValue('Repeat', $Repeat); $Form->SetFormValue('Sort', 0); $Form->SetFormValue('Format', 'Raw'); $Condition = Gdn_Condition::ToString($Sender->ConditionModule->Conditions(TRUE)); $Form->SetFormValue('Condition', $Condition); if ($Form->GetFormValue('Ad', 0)) { $Form->SetFormValue('Type', Pocket::TYPE_AD); } else { $Form->SetFormValue('Type', Pocket::TYPE_DEFAULT); } $Saved = $Form->Save(); if ($Saved) { $Sender->StatusMessage = T('Your changes have been saved.'); $Sender->RedirectUrl = Url('settings/pockets'); } } else { if ($PocketID !== FALSE) { // Load the pocket. $Pocket = $PocketModel->GetWhere(array('PocketID' => $PocketID))->FirstRow(DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY); if (!$Pocket) { return Gdn::Dispatcher()->Dispatch('Default404'); } // Convert some of the pocket data into a format digestable by the form. list($RepeatType, $RepeatFrequency) = Pocket::ParseRepeat($Pocket['Repeat']); $Pocket['RepeatType'] = $RepeatType; $Pocket['EveryFrequency'] = GetValue(0, $RepeatFrequency, 1); $Pocket['EveryBegin'] = GetValue(1, $RepeatFrequency, 1); $Pocket['Indexes'] = implode(',', $RepeatFrequency); $Pocket['Ad'] = $Pocket['Type'] == Pocket::TYPE_AD; $Sender->ConditionModule->Conditions(Gdn_Condition::FromString($Pocket['Condition'])); $Form->SetData($Pocket); } else { // Default the repeat. $Form->SetFormValue('RepeatType', Pocket::REPEAT_ONCE); } } $Sender->Form = $Form; $Sender->SetData('Locations', $this->Locations); $Sender->SetData('LocationsArray', $this->GetLocationsArray()); $Sender->SetData('Pages', array('' => '(' . T('All') . ')', 'activity' => 'activity', 'comments' => 'comments', 'dashboard' => 'dashboard', 'discussions' => 'discussions', 'inbox' => 'inbox', 'profile' => 'profile')); return $Sender->Render('AddEdit', '', 'plugins/Pockets'); }
/** * Set user's photo (avatar). * * @since 2.0.0 * @access public * @param mixed $UserReference Unique identifier, possible username or ID. * @param string $Username. */ public function Picture($UserReference = '', $Username = '', $UserID = '') { if (!C('Garden.Profile.EditPhotos', TRUE)) { throw ForbiddenException('@Editing user photos has been disabled.'); } // Permission checks $this->Permission(array('Garden.Profiles.Edit', 'Moderation.Profiles.Edit', 'Garden.ProfilePicture.Edit'), FALSE); $Session = Gdn::Session(); if (!$Session->IsValid()) { $this->Form->AddError('You must be authenticated in order to use this form.'); } // Check ability to manipulate image $ImageManipOk = FALSE; if (function_exists('gd_info')) { $GdInfo = gd_info(); $GdVersion = preg_replace('/[a-z ()]+/i', '', $GdInfo['GD Version']); if ($GdVersion < 2) { throw new Exception(sprintf(T("This installation of GD is too old (v%s). Vanilla requires at least version 2 or compatible."), $GdVersion)); } } else { throw new Exception(sprintf(T("Unable to detect PHP GD installed on this system. Vanilla requires GD version 2 or better."))); } // Get user data & prep form. if ($this->Form->IsPostBack() && $this->Form->GetFormValue('UserID')) { $UserID = $this->Form->GetFormValue('UserID'); } $this->GetUserInfo($UserReference, $Username, $UserID, TRUE); $this->Form->SetModel($this->UserModel); if ($this->Form->AuthenticatedPostBack() === TRUE) { $this->Form->SetFormValue('UserID', $this->User->UserID); $UploadImage = new Gdn_UploadImage(); try { // Validate the upload $TmpImage = $UploadImage->ValidateUpload('Picture'); // Generate the target image name. $TargetImage = $UploadImage->GenerateTargetName(PATH_UPLOADS, '', TRUE); $Basename = pathinfo($TargetImage, PATHINFO_BASENAME); $Subdir = StringBeginsWith(dirname($TargetImage), PATH_UPLOADS . '/', FALSE, TRUE); // Delete any previously uploaded image. $UploadImage->Delete(ChangeBasename($this->User->Photo, 'p%s')); // Save the uploaded image in profile size. $Props = $UploadImage->SaveImageAs($TmpImage, "userpics/{$Subdir}/p{$Basename}", C('Garden.Profile.MaxHeight', 1000), C('Garden.Profile.MaxWidth', 250), array('SaveGif' => C('Garden.Thumbnail.SaveGif'))); $UserPhoto = sprintf($Props['SaveFormat'], "userpics/{$Subdir}/{$Basename}"); // // Save the uploaded image in preview size // $UploadImage->SaveImageAs( // $TmpImage, // 'userpics/t'.$ImageBaseName, // Gdn::Config('Garden.Preview.MaxHeight', 100), // Gdn::Config('Garden.Preview.MaxWidth', 75) // ); // Save the uploaded image in thumbnail size $ThumbSize = Gdn::Config('Garden.Thumbnail.Size', 40); $UploadImage->SaveImageAs($TmpImage, "userpics/{$Subdir}/n{$Basename}", $ThumbSize, $ThumbSize, array('Crop' => TRUE, 'SaveGif' => C('Garden.Thumbnail.SaveGif'))); } catch (Exception $Ex) { $this->Form->AddError($Ex); } // If there were no errors, associate the image with the user if ($this->Form->ErrorCount() == 0) { if (!$this->UserModel->Save(array('UserID' => $this->User->UserID, 'Photo' => $UserPhoto), array('CheckExisting' => TRUE))) { $this->Form->SetValidationResults($this->UserModel->ValidationResults()); } else { $this->User->Photo = $UserPhoto; } } // If there were no problems, redirect back to the user account if ($this->Form->ErrorCount() == 0) { $this->InformMessage(Sprite('Check', 'InformSprite') . T('Your changes have been saved.'), 'Dismissable AutoDismiss HasSprite'); Redirect($this->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_VIEW ? UserUrl($this->User) : UserUrl($this->User, '', 'picture')); } } if ($this->Form->ErrorCount() > 0) { $this->DeliveryType(DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL); } $this->Title(T('Change Picture')); $this->_SetBreadcrumbs(T('Change My Picture'), UserUrl($this->User, '', 'picture')); $this->Render(); }
/** * Allows user to bookmark or unbookmark a discussion. * * If the discussion isn't bookmarked by the user, this bookmarks it. * If it is already bookmarked, this unbookmarks it. * * @since 2.0.0 * @access public * * @param int $DiscussionID Unique discussion ID. */ public function Bookmark($DiscussionID = NULL) { // Make sure we are posting back. if (!$this->Request->IsPostBack()) { throw PermissionException('Javascript'); } $Session = Gdn::Session(); if (!$Session->UserID) { throw PermissionException('SignedIn'); } // Check the form to see if the data was posted. $Form = new Gdn_Form(); $DiscussionID = $Form->GetFormValue('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID); $Bookmark = $Form->GetFormValue('Bookmark', NULL); $UserID = $Form->GetFormValue('UserID', $Session->UserID); // Check the permission on the user. if ($UserID != $Session->UserID) { $this->Permission('Garden.Moderation.Manage'); } $Discussion = $this->DiscussionModel->GetID($DiscussionID); if (!$Discussion) { throw NotFoundException('Discussion'); } $Bookmark = $this->DiscussionModel->Bookmark($DiscussionID, $UserID, $Bookmark); // Set the new value for api calls and json targets. $this->SetData(array('UserID' => $UserID, 'DiscussionID' => $DiscussionID, 'Bookmarked' => (bool) $Bookmark)); SetValue('Bookmarked', $Discussion, (int) $Bookmark); // Update the user's bookmark count $CountBookmarks = $this->DiscussionModel->SetUserBookmarkCount($UserID); $this->JsonTarget('.User-CountBookmarks', (string) $CountBookmarks); // Short circuit if this is an api call. if ($this->DeliveryType() === DELIVERY_TYPE_DATA) { $this->Render('Blank', 'Utility', 'Dashboard'); return; } // Return the appropriate bookmark. require_once $this->FetchViewLocation('helper_functions', 'Discussions'); $Html = BookmarkButton($Discussion); // $this->JsonTarget(".Section-DiscussionList #Discussion_$DiscussionID .Bookmark,.Section-Discussion .PageTitle .Bookmark", $Html, 'ReplaceWith'); $this->JsonTarget("!element", $Html, 'ReplaceWith'); // Add the bookmark to the bookmarks module. if ($Bookmark) { // Grab the individual bookmark and send it to the client. $Bookmarks = new BookmarkedModule($this); if ($CountBookmarks == 1) { // When there is only one bookmark we have to get the whole module. $Target = '#Panel'; $Type = 'Append'; $Bookmarks->GetData(); $Data = $Bookmarks->ToString(); } else { $Target = '#Bookmark_List'; $Type = 'Prepend'; $Loc = $Bookmarks->FetchViewLocation('discussion'); ob_start(); include $Loc; $Data = ob_get_clean(); } $this->JsonTarget($Target, $Data, $Type); } else { // Send command to remove bookmark html. if ($CountBookmarks == 0) { $this->JsonTarget('#Bookmarks', NULL, 'Remove'); } else { $this->JsonTarget('#Bookmark_' . $DiscussionID, NULL, 'Remove'); } } $this->Render('Blank', 'Utility', 'Dashboard'); }