function Item($title, $link, $icon, $help) { ?> <div class="fst_main_item fsj_tip" title="<?php echo JText::_($help); ?> "> <div class="fst_main_icon"> <a href="<?php echo FSTRoute::x($link); ?> "> <img src="<?php echo JURI::root(true); ?> /administrator/components/com_fst/assets/images/<?php echo $icon; ?> -48x48.png" width="48" height="48"> </a> </div> <div class="fst_main_text"> <a href="<?php echo FSTRoute::x($link); ?> "> <?php echo JText::_($title); ?> </a> </div> </div> <?php }
function _buildDataObject() { if (empty($this->_viewall)) { $this->_viewall = false; } // Initialize variables $data = new stdClass(); $data->all = new JPaginationObject(JText::_("VIEW_ALL")); if (!$this->_viewall) { $data->all->base = '0'; $data->all->link = FSTRoute::x("&limitstart="); } // Set the start and previous data objects $data->start = new JPaginationObject(JText::_("START")); $data->previous = new JPaginationObject(JText::_("PREV")); if ($this->get('pages.current') > 1) { $page = ($this->get('pages.current') - 2) * $this->limit; $page = $page == 0 ? '' : $page; //set the empty for removal from route $data->start->base = '0'; $data->start->link = "javascript:ChangePage(0);"; $data->previous->base = $page; $data->previous->link = "javascript:ChangePage({$page});"; } // Set the next and end data objects $data->next = new JPaginationObject(JText::_("NEXT")); $data->end = new JPaginationObject(JText::_("END")); if ($this->get('pages.current') < $this->get('')) { $next = $this->get('pages.current') * $this->limit; $end = ($this->get('') - 1) * $this->limit; $data->next->base = $next; $data->next->link = "javascript:ChangePage({$next});"; $data->end->base = $end; $data->end->link = "javascript:ChangePage({$end});"; } $data->pages = array(); $stop = $this->get('pages.stop'); for ($i = $this->get('pages.start'); $i <= $stop; $i++) { $offset = ($i - 1) * $this->limit; $offset = $offset == 0 ? '' : $offset; //set the empty for removal from route $data->pages[$i] = new JPaginationObject($i); if ($i != $this->get('pages.current') || $this->_viewall) { $data->pages[$i]->base = $offset; $data->pages[$i]->link = "javascript:ChangePage({$offset});"; } } return $data; }
function display($tpl = null) { $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $option = JRequest::getVar('option'); if ($option == "com_fst") { $link = FSTRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fst&view=test', false); } else { if ($option == "com_fsf") { $link = FSTRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fst&view=faq', false); } else { $link = FSTRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fst&view=main', false); } } $mainframe->redirect($link); }
function GetCaptcha() { $usecaptcha = FST_Settings::get('captcha_type'); if ($usecaptcha == "") { return ""; } if ($usecaptcha == "fsj") { return "<img src='" . FSTRoute::x("index.php?option=com_fst&task=captcha_image&random=" . rand(0, 65535)) . "' /><input id='security_code' name='security_code' type='text' style='position: relative; left: 3px;'/>"; } if ($usecaptcha == "recaptcha") { require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_fst' . DS . 'helper' . DS . 'recaptcha.php'; $error = ""; global $fst_publickey, $fst_privatekey; return fst_recaptcha_get_html($fst_publickey, $error); } return ""; }
function NoPerm() { //echo "needLogin : Current Layout : " . $this->getLayout() . "<br>"; if (array_key_exists('REQUEST_URI', $_SERVER)) { $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; //JURI::current() . "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } else { $option = JRequest::getString('option', ''); $view = JRequest::getString('view', ''); $layout = JRequest::getString('layout', ''); $Itemid = JRequest::getInt('Itemid', 0); $url = FSTRoute::x("index.php?option=" . $option . "&view=" . $view . "&layout=" . $layout . "&Itemid=" . $Itemid); } $url = str_replace("&what=find", "", $url); $url = base64_encode($url); $this->assignRef('return', $url); $this->setLayout("noperm"); parent::display(); }
function SaveAPI() { $username = JRequest::getVar('username'); $apikey = JRequest::getVar('apikey'); $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $qry = "REPLACE INTO #__fst_settings (setting, value) VALUES ('fsj_username','" . FSTJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $username) . "')"; $db->setQuery($qry); $db->Query(); $qry = "REPLACE INTO #__fst_settings (setting, value) VALUES ('fsj_apikey','" . FSTJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $apikey) . "')"; $db->setQuery($qry); $db->Query(); // update url links if (FSTAdminHelper::Is16()) { $updater = new FSTUpdater(); $updater->SortAPIKey($username, $apikey); } $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $link = FSTRoute::x('index.php?option=com_fst&view=backup', false); $mainframe->redirect($link); }
<?php if ($this->errors['captcha'] || $this->errors['name'] || $this->errors['body']) { echo "<script>\n\t\t\tjQuery('#commentadd').css('display','block');\n\t\t\tjQuery('#commentaddbutton').css('display','none');\n\t</script>"; } ?> <?php } ?> <?php echo FST_Helper::PageSubTitle2($this->add_a_comment); ?> <form id='addcommentform' action="<?php echo FSTRoute::x('&tmpl=component&task=commentpost'); ?> " method="post"> <input type='hidden' name='comment' value='add' > <input type='hidden' name='uid' value='<?php echo $this->uid; ?> ' > <input type='hidden' name='ident' value='<?php echo $this->ident; ?> ' > <?php if ($this->itemid) { ?> <input type='hidden' name='itemid' value='<?php
{ ShowTab(location.hash.replace('#','')); } else { ShowTab('general'); } <?php if (FST_Helper::Is16()) { ?> jQuery('#test_date_formats').click(function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var url = '<?php echo FSTRoute::x("index.php?option=com_fst&view=settings&what=testdates", false); ?> '; url += '&date_dt_short=' + encodeURIComponent(jQuery('#date_dt_short').val()); url += '&date_dt_long=' + encodeURIComponent(jQuery('#date_dt_long').val()); url += '&date_d_short=' + encodeURIComponent(jQuery('#date_d_short').val()); url += '&date_d_long=' + encodeURIComponent(jQuery('#date_d_long').val()); jQuery.get(url, function (data) { var result = jQuery.parseJSON(data); jQuery('#test_date_dt_short').html("<?php echo JText::_('DATE_TEST_RESULT'); ?> " + ": " + result.date_dt_short); jQuery('#test_date_dt_long').html("<?php
} } // do version check $ver_inst = FSTAdminHelper::GetInstalledVersion(); $ver_files = FSTAdminHelper::GetVersion(); if (FST_Helper::Is16()) { if (!JFactory::getUser()->authorise('core.manage', 'com_fst')) { return JError::raiseWarning(404, JText::_('JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR')); } } // if bad version display warning message if ($ver_files != $ver_inst) { $task = JRequest::getVar('task'); $view = JRequest::getVar('view'); if ($task != "update" || $view != "backup") { JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::sprintf('INCORRECT_VERSION', FSTRoute::x('index.php?option=com_fst&view=backup&task=update'))); } if ($view != "" && $view != "backup") { JRequest::setVar('view', ''); } } // if bad version and controller is not fsts dont display // Create the controller $controllername = $controller; $classname = 'FstsController' . $controller; $controller = new $classname(); $css = JRoute::_(JURI::root() . "index.php?option=com_fst&view=css"); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addStyleSheet($css); $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_fst/assets/css/main.css'); $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::root() . 'components/com_fst/assets/css/popup.css');
<?php if ($offset > $end) { continue; } ?> <?php include $this->tmplpath . DS . 'comment.php'; ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php $pages = ceil(count($this->_data) / $perpage); if ($pages > 1) { echo JText::_("PAGE") . ": "; for ($i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) { if ($i == $page) { echo "<b>{$i}</b> "; } else { echo "<a href='" . FSTRoute::_('&comm_page=' . $i) . "#{$comm_ref}'>{$i}</a> "; } } } ?> <?php $this->IncludeJS();
?> <?php if ($params->get('addlink')) { ?> <a href='<?php echo JRoute::_($params->get('addlink')); ?> ' class='showall'><?php echo JText::_("ADD_A_TESTIMONIAL"); ?> </a> <?php } else { ?> <a href='<?php echo FSTRoute::_('index.php?tmpl=component&option=com_fst&view=test&layout=create&onlyprodid=' . $prodid); ?> ' class='showall' rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 500, y: 500}}"><?php echo JText::_("ADD_A_TESTIMONIAL"); ?> </a> <?php } } ?> </h3> <?php $comments->DisplayComments($dispcount, $listtype, $maxlength); ?> </div>
function IncludeJS() { global $fst_comments_js; if (empty($fst_comments_js)) { //echo "<script>\n"; //include JPATH_SITE.DS.'components'.DS.'com_fst'.DS.'assets'.DS.'js'.DS.'comments.js'; //echo "</script>\n"; $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addScript(JURI::root() . 'components/com_fst/assets/js/comments.js'); $fst_comments_js = 1; echo "<div id='comments_urls' "; echo "url='" . htmlentities(FSTRoute::x('&task=XXTASKXX&commentid=XXCIDXX&uid=XXUIDXX', false)) . "' "; echo "refresh='" . htmlentities(FSTRoute::x('&task=modinner&ident=XXXIDXX&published=XXPXX', false)) . "' "; echo "wait='" . htmlentities(JText::_('PLEASE_WAIT')) . "' "; echo "ident='" . JRequest::getVar("ident", 0) . "' "; echo "published='" . JRequest::getVar("published", 0) . "' "; echo "deleted='" . JText::_("COMMENT_DELETED") . "' "; echo "></div>"; } }
function displayAllProducts() { $this->products = $this->get('Products'); if (!is_array($this->products)) { $this->products = array(); } FST_Helper::Tr($this->products); $this->showresult = 1; $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $pathway =& $mainframe->getPathway(); if (FST_Helper::NeedBaseBreadcrumb($pathway, array('view' => 'test'))) { $pathway->addItem(JText::_('TESTIMONIALS'), FSTRoute::x('index.php?option=com_fst&view=test')); } if (FST_Settings::get('test_allow_no_product')) { $noproduct = array(); $noproduct['id'] = 0; $noproduct['title'] = JText::_('GENERAL_TESTIMONIALS'); $noproduct['description'] = ''; $noproduct['image'] = '/components/com_fst/assets/images/generaltests.png'; $this->products = array_merge(array($noproduct), $this->products); } if ($this->test_show_prod_mode != "list") { $idlist = array(); if (count($this->products) > 0) { foreach ($this->products as &$prod) { $prod['comments'] = array(); $idlist[] = $prod['id']; } } // not in normal list mode, get comments for each product $this->comments->itemid = $idlist; $this->comments->GetComments(); foreach ($this->comments->_data as &$data) { if ($data['itemid'] > 0) { $this->products[$data['itemid']]['comments'][] =& $data; } } } parent::display(); }
function ParserPopulateTicket(&$parser, $row) { $parser->Clear(); if ($row) { $parser->SetVar('ref', $row['reference']); $parser->SetVar('subject', "<a href='" . FSTRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fst&view=admin&layout=support&ticketid=' . $row['id']) . "'>" . $row['title'] . "</a>"); $parser->SetVar("status", "<span style='color:" . $row['color'] . ";'>" . $row['status'] . "</span>"); if ($row['user_id'] == 0) { $name = $row['unregname'] . " (" . JText::_("UNREG") . ")"; } else { $name = $row['name']; } $parser->SetVar("name", $name); $parser->SetVar("lastactivity", FST_Helper::Date($row['lastupdate'], FST_DATETIME_SHORT)); $parser->SetVar("opened", FST_Helper::Date($row['opened'], FST_DATETIME_SHORT)); $parser->SetVar("closed", FST_Helper::Date($row['closed'], FST_DATETIME_SHORT)); $parser->SetVar("department", $row['department']); $parser->SetVar("category", $row['category']); $parser->SetVar("product", $row['product']); $parser->SetVar("priority", "<span style='color:" . $row['pricolor'] . ";'>" . $row['priority'] . "</span>"); $groups = implode(", ", $row['groups']); $parser->SetVar('groups', $groups); $parser->SetVar('deletebutton', 'deletebutton'); $parser->SetVar('archivebutton', 'archivebutton'); if (array_key_exists("custom", $row)) { $allcustom = array(); if (count($row['custom']) > 0) { foreach ($row['custom'] as $id => $value) { if (array_key_exists($id, $this->customfields)) { $field = $this->customfields[$id]; if ($field['type'] == "plugin") { $aparams = FSTCF::GetValues($field); if (array_key_exists("plugin", $aparams) && array_key_exists("plugindata", $aparams)) { $plugin = FSTCF::get_plugin($aparams['plugin']); $value = $plugin->Display($value, $aparams['plugindata'], array('ticketid' => $row['id'], 'userid' => $row['user_id'], 'ticket' => $row), $field['id']); } } $text = "<span class='fst_support_fieldname'>" . $this->customfields[$id]['description'] . "</span>"; if ($this->customfields[$id]['type'] == "checkbox") { if ($value == "on") { $text .= ": " . JText::_("Yes"); } else { $text .= ": " . JText::_("No"); } } else { $text .= ": " . $value; } $parser->SetVar("custom" . $id, $text); $allcustom[] = $text; } } } //echo "All custom : " . implode(", ",$allcustom) . "<br>"; $parser->SetVar("custom", implode(", ", $allcustom)); } if ($row['assigned'] == '') { $parser->SetVar('handlername', JText::_("UNASSIGNED")); } else { $parser->SetVar('handlername', $row['assigned']); } $parser->SetVar('username', $row['username']); $parser->SetVar('email', $row['useremail']); $parser->SetVar('handlerusername', $row['handlerusername']); $parser->SetVar('handleremail', $row['handleremail']); $icons = ""; if (FST_Settings::get('support_show_msg_counts')) { $icons .= "<span>"; $icons .= "<span style='font-weight:normal;top:-2px;position:relative;padding-right:2px;'>" . $row['msgcount']['total'] . "</span><span style='font-weight:normal;top:-2px;position:relative;padding-right:2px;'>x</span><img src='" . JURI::root(true) . "/components/com_fst/assets/images/messages.png'>"; $icons .= "</span>"; } $cotime = $this->db_time - strtotime($row['checked_out_time']); if ($cotime < FST_Settings::get('support_lock_time') && $row['checked_out'] != $this->userid && $row['checked_out'] > 0) { $html = "<div class='fst_user_tt'>" . $row['co_user']->name . " (" . $row['co_user']->email . ")</div>"; $icons .= "<img class='fsj_tip' src='" . JURI::root(true) . "/components/com_fst/assets/images/lock.png' title=\"" . JText::_('TICKET_LOCKED') . "::" . $html . "\">"; } else { $icons .= "<img src='" . JURI::root(true) . "/components/com_fst/assets/images/blank_16.png'>"; } if (!FST_Settings::get('support_hide_tags')) { if (isset($row['tags'])) { $html = ""; foreach ($row['tags'] as $tag) { $html .= "<div class='fst_tag_tt'>" . $tag['tag'] . "</div>"; } $icons .= "<img class='fsj_tip' src='" . JURI::root(true) . "/components/com_fst/assets/images/tag.png' title=\"" . JText::_('TICKET_TAGS') . "::" . $html . "\">"; } else { $icons .= "<img src='" . JURI::root(true) . "/components/com_fst/assets/images/blank_16.png'>"; } } if (isset($row['attach'])) { $html = "<table class='fst_attach_tt'>"; foreach ($row['attach'] as $attach) { $html .= "<tr style='border:0px;'><td nowrap style='border:0px;'>" . $attach['filename'] . " </td><td nowrap style='border:0px;'> " . FST_Helper::display_filesize($attach['size']) . "</td></tr>"; } $html .= "<table>"; $icons .= "<img class='fsj_tip' src='" . JURI::root(true) . "/components/com_fst/assets/images/attach.png' title=\"" . JText::_('TICKET_ATTACHMENTS') . "::" . $html . "\">"; } else { $icons .= "<img src='" . JURI::root(true) . "/components/com_fst/assets/images/blank_16.png'>"; } $parser->SetVar('icons', $icons); $delete = "<a href='" . FSTRoute::x('index.php?option=com_fst&view=admin&layout=support&tickets=' . JRequest::getVar('tickets') . '&delete=' . $row['id']) . "'>"; $delete .= "<img src='" . JURI::root(true) . "/components/com_fst/assets/images/delete_ticket.png'>"; $delete .= JText::_("DELETE") . "</a>"; $archive = "<a href='" . FSTRoute::x('index.php?option=com_fst&view=admin&layout=support&tickets=' . JRequest::getVar('tickets') . '&archive=' . $row['id']) . "'>"; $archive .= "<img src='" . JURI::root(true) . "/components/com_fst/assets/images/archive_ticket.png'>"; $archive .= JText::_("ARCHIVE") . "</a>"; $parser->SetVar('archivebutton', $archive); $parser->SetVar('deletebutton', $delete); // TODO: trhl /*id='ticket_<?php echo $ticket['id'];?>' onmouseover="$('ticket_<?php echo $ticket['id'];?>').style.background = '<?php echo FST_Settings::get('css_hl'); ?>';$('ticket_<?php echo $ticket['id'];?>_2').style.background = '<?php echo FST_Settings::get('css_hl'); ?>';" onmouseout="$('ticket_<?php echo $ticket['id'];?>').style.background = '';$('ticket_<?php echo $ticket['id'];?>_2').style.background = '';"*/ $this->_permissions = FST_Ticket_Helper::getAdminPermissions(); $type = "unassigned"; if ($row['admin_id'] == $this->_permissions['id']) { $type = "mine"; } else { if ($row['admin_id'] > 0) { $type = "other"; } } $style = ""; if (array_key_exists($row['ticket_pri_id'], $this->priorities)) { $pri = $this->priorities[$row['ticket_pri_id']]; if ($pri['backcolor']) { $style .= "background-color: {$pri['backcolor']};"; } } $handler_highlight = "ticket_type_{$type}"; $parser->SetVar('handler_highlight', $handler_highlight); $trhl = " class='ticket_{$row['id']} ' onmouseover='highlightticket({$row['id']})' onmouseout='unhighlightticket({$row['id']})' "; if (FST_Settings::get('support_entire_row')) { $style .= "cursor: pointer;"; $trhl .= " onclick='window.location=\"" . FSTRoute::x('&limitstart=&ticketid=' . $row['id']) . "\"' "; } $trhl .= " style='{$style}' "; $parser->SetVar('trhl', $trhl); } $parser->SetVar("showassigned", $this->showassigned); $parser->SetVar("hidehandler", FST_Settings::get('support_hide_handler')); $parser->SetVar("candelete", FST_Settings::get('support_delete')); $parser->SetVar("view", $this->ticket_view); }
* @license GNU/GPLv3 **/ defined('_JEXEC') or die; ?> <div class="fst_moderate_status"> <ul> <?php if (is_array($this->_moderatecounts)) { foreach ($this->_moderatecounts as $ident => $count) { ?> <li><?php echo $this->handlers[$ident]->GetDesc(); ?> : <b><?php echo $count['count']; ?> </b> - <a href="<?php echo FSTRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fst&view=admin&layout=moderate&ident=' . $ident); ?> "><?php echo JText::_('VIEW_NOW'); ?> </a></li> <?php } } ?> </ul> </div>
require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'controller.php'; require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'helper' . DS . 'helper.php'; require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'helper' . DS . 'settings.php'; // Require specific controller if requested if ($controller = JRequest::getWord('controller')) { $path = JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'controllers' . DS . $controller . '.php'; if (file_exists($path)) { require_once $path; } else { $controller = ''; } } // Create the controller $classname = 'FstController' . $controller; $controller = new $classname(); $css = FSTRoute::x("index.php?option=com_fst&view=css&layout=default"); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addStyleSheet($css); FST_Helper::IncludeJQuery(); // Perform the Request task $task = JRequest::getVar('task'); if ($task == "captcha_image") { ob_clean(); require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_fst' . DS . 'helper' . DS . 'captcha.php'; $cap = new FST_Captcha(); $cap->GetImage(); exit; } else { $controller->execute($task); // Redirect if set by the controller $controller->redirect();
</form> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function () { jQuery('.toggle_me').click(function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var val = jQuery(this).attr('value'); var field = jQuery(this).attr('field'); var rowid = jQuery(this).attr('row'); val = 1 - val; var t = this; jQuery(this).attr('value',val); var url = '<?php echo FSTRoute::x('index.php?option=com_fst&view=prods&what=togglefield', false); ?> &id=' + rowid + '&val=' + val + '&field=' + field; jQuery(t).html('--'); jQuery.ajax({ url: url, context: document.body, success: function(result){ jQuery(t).html(result); } }); }); }); </script>
static function &ParseTemplate($template, &$ticket, $subject, $body, $ishtml) { $handler = FST_EMail::GetHandler($ticket['admin_id']); $custrec = FST_EMail::GetUser($ticket['user_id']); $subject = trim(str_ireplace("re:", "", $subject)); $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('subject', $subject); /*if ($ishtml) { $body = str_replace("\n","<br />\n",$body); }*/ $body = FST_Helper::ParseBBCode($body); $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('body', $body); $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('reference', $ticket['reference']); $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('password', $ticket['password']); if ($ticket['user_id'] == 0) { $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('user_name', $ticket['unregname']); $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('user_username', JText::_("UNREGISTERED")); $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('user_email', $ticket['email']); } else { $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('user_name', $custrec['name']); $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('user_username', $custrec['username']); $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('user_email', $custrec['email']); } $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('handler_name', $handler['name']); $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('handler_username', $handler['username']); $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('handler_email', $handler['email']); $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('ticket_id', $ticket['id']); $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('status', FST_EMail::GetStatus($ticket['ticket_status_id'])); $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('priority', FST_EMail::GetPriority($ticket['ticket_pri_id'])); $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('category', FST_EMail::GetCategory($ticket['ticket_cat_id'])); $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('department', FST_EMail::GetDepartment($ticket['ticket_dept_id'])); $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('product', FST_EMail::GetProduct($ticket['prod_id'])); if (strpos($template['body'], "{messagehistory}") > 0) { //echo "Get message history<br>"; $messages = FST_EMail::GetMessageHist($ticket['id']); // need to load in the messagerow template and parse it $text = FST_EMail::ParseMessageRows($messages, $ishtml); $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('messagehistory', $text); //print_p($messages); } $uri = JURI::getInstance(); $baseUrl = $uri->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port')); $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('ticket_link', $baseUrl . FSTRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fst&view=ticket&ticketid=' . $ticket['id'], false)); $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('admin_link', $baseUrl . FSTRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fst&view=admin&layout=support&ticketid=' . $ticket['id'], false)); $config = JFactory::getConfig(); if (FSTJ3Helper::IsJ3()) { $sitename = $config->get('sitename'); } else { $sitename = $config->getValue('sitename'); } if (FST_Settings::get('support_email_site_name') != "") { $sitename = FST_Settings::get('support_email_site_name'); } $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar('websitetitle', $sitename); // need to add the tickets custom fields to the output here $fields = FSTCF::GetAllCustomFields(true); $values = FSTCF::GetTicketValues($ticket['id'], $ticket); foreach ($fields as $fid => &$field) { $name = "custom_" . $fid; $value = ""; if (array_key_exists($fid, $values)) { $value = $values[$fid]['value']; } //echo "$name -> $value<br>"; $fieldvalues = array(); $fieldvalues[0]['field_id'] = $fid; $fieldvalues[0]['value'] = $value; // only do area output processing if we are in html mode if ($field['type'] != "area" || $ishtml) { $value = FSTCF::FieldOutput($field, $fieldvalues, ''); } $vars[] = FST_EMail::BuildVar($name, $value); } $email['subject'] = FST_EMail::ParseText($template['subject'], $vars); $email['body'] = FST_EMail::ParseText($template['body'], $vars); //print_p($vars); //print_p($email); if ($template['ishtml']) { //$email['subject'] = str_replace("\n","<br />\n",$email['subject']); $email['body'] = FST_EMail::MaxLineLength($email['body']); } else { // strip bbcode out of subject or parse it to html depending on template type $email['body'] = str_replace("<br />", "\n", $email['body']); $email['body'] = html_entity_decode($email['body']); $email['body'] = preg_replace_callback("/(&#[0-9]+;)/", array($this, "email_decode_utf8"), $email['body']); $email['body'] = strip_tags($email['body']); } return $email; }
function display($tpl = null) { JHTML::_('behavior.modal'); $what = JRequest::getString('what', ''); $this->tab = JRequest::getVar('tab'); if (JRequest::getVar('task') == "cancellist") { $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $link = FSTRoute::x('index.php?option=com_fst&view=fsts', false); $mainframe->redirect($link); return; } $settings = FST_Settings::GetAllViewSettings(); // CHANGE $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); if ($what == "save") { $data = JRequest::get('POST', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW); foreach ($data as $setting => $value) { if (array_key_exists($setting, $settings)) { $settings[$setting] = $value; } } foreach ($settings as $setting => $value) { if (!array_key_exists($setting, $data)) { $settings[$setting] = 0; $value = 0; } // skip any setting that is in the templates list if (array_key_exists($setting, $templates)) { continue; } if (array_key_exists($setting, $large)) { continue; } $qry = "REPLACE INTO #__fst_settings_view (setting, value) VALUES ('"; $qry .= FSTJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $setting) . "','"; $qry .= FSTJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $value) . "')"; $db->setQuery($qry); $db->Query(); //echo $qry."<br>"; } $link = 'index.php?option=com_fst&view=settingsview#' . $this->tab; if (JRequest::getVar('task') == "save") { $link = 'index.php?option=com_fst'; } //exit; $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $mainframe->redirect($link, JText::_("View_Settings_Saved")); exit; } else { $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_fst/assets/css/js_color_picker_v2.css'); $document->addScript(JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_fst/assets/js/color_functions.js'); $document->addScript(JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_fst/assets/js/js_color_picker_v2.js'); $this->assignRef('settings', $settings); JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_("FREESTYLE_TESTIMONIALS") . ' - ' . JText::_("VIEW_SETTINGS"), 'fst_viewsettings'); JToolBarHelper::apply(); JToolBarHelper::save(); JToolBarHelper::cancel('cancellist'); FSTAdminHelper::DoSubToolbar(); parent::display($tpl); } }
<h1><?php echo JText::_("RESTORE_DATABASE"); ?> </h1> <div style="color:red; font-size:150%"><?php echo JText::_("PLEASE_NOTE_THE_WILL_OVERWRITE_AND_EXISTING_DATA_FOR_FREESTYLE_TESTIMONIALS"); ?> </div> <?php // ?> <form action="<?php echo FSTRoute::x("index.php?option=com_fst&view=backup&task=restore"); ?> " method="post" name="adminForm2" id="adminForm2" enctype="multipart/form-data"></::> <input type="file" id="filedata" name="filedata" /><input type="submit" name="Restore" value="<?php echo JText::_("RESTORE"); ?> "> </form> <form action="index.php" method="post" name="adminForm" id="adminForm"> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_fst" /> <input type="hidden" name="task" id="task" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="view" value="backup" /> </form> <?php }
if (FSTAdminHelper::IsFAQs()) { ?> <h3>If you like Freestyle FAQs please vote or review us at the <a href='' target="_blank">Joomla extensions directory</a></h3> <?php } elseif (FSTAdminHelper::IsTests()) { ?> <h3>If you like Freestyle Testimonials please vote or review us at the <a href='' target="_blank">Joomla extensions directory</a></h3> <?php } else { ?> <h3>If you like Freestyle Testimonials, please vote or review us at the <a href='' target="_blank">Joomla extensions directory</a></h3> <?php } echo "<h4>Currently Installed Verison : <b>{$ver_files}</b></h4>"; if ($ver_files != $ver_inst) { echo "<h4>" . JText::sprintf('INCORRECT_VERSION', FSTRoute::x('index.php?option=com_fst&view=backup&task=update')) . "</h4>"; } ?> <div id="please_wait">Please wait while fetching latest version information...</div> <iframe id="frame_version" height="300" width="100%" frameborder="0" border="0"></iframe> <?php echo $pane->endPanel(); $title = "Announcements"; echo $pane->startPanel($title, 'cpanel-panel-' . $title); ?> <iframe id="frame_announce" height="600" width="100%" frameborder="0" border="0"></iframe> <?php echo $pane->endPanel(); $title = "Help"; echo $pane->startPanel($title, 'cpanel-panel-' . $title);
var curimg = src.split("/").pop(); src = src.replace(curimg, "declined.png"); img.attr('src',src); var url = "<?php echo FSTRoute::x('index.php?option=com_fst&view=tests&task=removecomment&commentid=XXCIDXX', false); ?> "; url = url.replace("XXCIDXX",commentid); jQuery.get(url); } function fst_approve_comment(commentid) { var obj = jQuery('#comment_' + commentid); obj.attr('current',1); var img = jQuery('#comment_' + commentid + ' img'); var src = img.attr('src'); var curimg = src.split("/").pop(); src = src.replace(curimg, "accepted.png"); img.attr('src',src); var url = "<?php echo FSTRoute::x('index.php?option=com_fst&view=tests&task=approvecomment&commentid=XXCIDXX', false); ?> "; url = url.replace("XXCIDXX",commentid); jQuery.get(url); } </script>
function GetItemLink($itemid) { return FSTRoute::x(str_replace("{id}", $itemid, $this->article_link)); }
jQuery('#toolbar-save a').attr('onclick',''); jQuery('#toolbar-save a').click(function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); if (checkFormOK()) submitbutton('save'); }); }); function change_section() { var ident = jQuery('#ident'); var newval = ident.val(); var url = '<?php echo FSTRoute::x('index.php?option=com_fst&controller=test&task=ident&ident=XXX', false); ?> '; url = url.replace("XXX",newval); jQuery('#type_label').html(""); jQuery('#tr_items').html("<?php echo JText::_('PLEASE_WAIT'); ?> "); jQuery.get(url, function (data) { jsonObj = JSON.decode(data); jQuery('#type_label').html(jsonObj.title + ":"); jQuery('#tr_items').html(; }); }
static function _($url, $xhtml = true, $ssl = null) { if (FST_Helper::Is16()) { return FSTRoute::_16($url, $xhtml, $ssl); } else { return FSTRoute::_15($url, $xhtml, $ssl); } }
</p> <?php $user = JFactory::getUser(); if ($user->id == 0) { ?> <div class="fst_ticket_login_head"><?php echo JText::_("LOGIN"); ?> </div> <div class="fst_ticket_login_subtext"><?php echo JText::_("LOG_IN_TO_AN_EXISTING_ACCOUNT"); ?> </div> <form action="<?php echo FSTRoute::x("index.php?option=com_user"); ?> " method="post" name="fst_login" id="fst_login"> <table class="fst_table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <th><?php echo JText::_("USERNAME"); ?> </th> <td><input name="username" id="username" class="inputbox" alt="username" size="18" type="text" /></td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php echo JText::_("PASSWORD"); ?> </th>
</th> <!-- --> <th width="8%"> <?php echo JHTML::_('grid.sort', 'MODERATOR', 'mod_kb', @$this->lists['order_Dir'], @$this->lists['order']); ?> </th> <!-- --> </tr> </thead> <?php $k = 0; for ($i = 0, $n = count($this->data); $i < $n; $i++) { $row =& $this->data[$i]; $checked = JHTML::_('', $i, $row->id); $link = FSTRoute::x('index.php?option=com_fst&controller=fuser&task=edit&cid[]=' . $row->id); if ($row->mod_kb) { $kb_img = "tick"; } else { $kb_img = "cross"; } if ($row->mod_test) { $test_img = "tick"; } else { $test_img = "cross"; } if ($row->support) { $supp_img = "tick"; } else { $supp_img = "cross"; }
function display($tpl = null) { JHTML::_('behavior.modal'); if (JRequest::getVar('task') == "cancellist") { $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $link = FSTRoute::x('index.php?option=com_fst&view=fsts', false); $mainframe->redirect($link); return; } $what = JRequest::getString('what', ''); $this->tab = JRequest::getVar('tab'); $settings = FST_Settings::GetAllSettings(); $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); if ($what == "testref") { return $this->TestRef(); } else { if ($what == "save") { $large = FST_Settings::GetLargeList(); $templates = FST_Settings::GetTemplateList(); $intpltable = FST_Settings::StoreInTemplateTable(); // save support custom setting $head = JRequest::getVar('support_list_head', '', 'post', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW); $row = JRequest::getVar('support_list_row', '', 'post', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW); $qry = "REPLACE INTO #__fst_templates (template, tpltype, value) VALUES ('custom', 1, '" . FSTJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $head) . "')"; $db->setQuery($qry); $db->Query(); $qry = "REPLACE INTO #__fst_templates (template, tpltype, value) VALUES ('custom', 0, '" . FSTJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $row) . "')"; $db->setQuery($qry); $db->Query(); unset($_POST['support_list_head']); unset($_POST['support_list_row']); // save templates $intpltable = FST_Settings::StoreInTemplateTable(); foreach ($intpltable as $template) { $value = JRequest::getVar($template, '', 'post', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW); $qry = "REPLACE INTO #__fst_templates (template, tpltype, value) VALUES ('" . FSTJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $template) . "', 2, '" . FSTJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $value) . "')"; $db->setQuery($qry); $db->Query(); } // large settings foreach ($large as $setting) { if (!array_key_exists($setting, $templates)) { continue; } $value = JRequest::getVar($setting, '', 'post', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW); $qry = "REPLACE INTO #__fst_settings_big (setting, value) VALUES ('"; $qry .= FSTJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $setting) . "','"; $qry .= FSTJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $value) . "')"; //echo $qry."<br>"; $db->setQuery($qry); $db->Query(); $qry = "DELETE FROM #__fst_settings WHERE setting = '" . FSTJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $setting) . "'"; //echo $qry."<br>"; $db->setQuery($qry); $db->Query(); unset($_POST[$setting]); } $data = JRequest::get('POST', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW); foreach ($data as $setting => $value) { if (array_key_exists($setting, $settings)) { $settings[$setting] = $value; } } foreach ($settings as $setting => $value) { if (!array_key_exists($setting, $data)) { $settings[$setting] = 0; $value = 0; } if (!array_key_exists($setting, $templates)) { continue; } if (array_key_exists($setting, $large)) { continue; } $qry = "REPLACE INTO #__fst_settings (setting, value) VALUES ('"; $qry .= FSTJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $setting) . "','"; $qry .= FSTJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $value) . "')"; $db->setQuery($qry); $db->Query(); //echo $qry."<br>"; } //exit; $link = 'index.php?option=com_fst&view=templates#' . $this->tab; if (JRequest::getVar('task') == "save") { $link = 'index.php?option=com_fst'; } $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $mainframe->redirect($link, JText::_("Settings_Saved")); exit; } else { if ($what == "customtemplate") { $this->CustomTemplate(); exit; } else { // load other templates $intpltable = FST_Settings::StoreInTemplateTable(); $tpls = array(); foreach ($intpltable as $template) { $settings[$template] = ''; $settings[$template . '_default'] = ''; $tpls[] = FSTJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $template); } $tpllist = "'" . implode("', '", $tpls) . "'"; $qry = "SELECT * FROM #__fst_templates WHERE template IN ({$tpllist})"; $db->setQuery($qry); $rows = $db->loadAssocList(); if (count($rows) > 0) { foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($row['tpltype'] == 2) { $settings[$row['template']] = $row['value']; } else { if ($row['tpltype'] == 3) { $settings[$row['template'] . '_default'] = $row['value']; } } } } // load ticket template stuff $qry = "SELECT * FROM #__fst_templates WHERE template = 'custom'"; $db->setQuery($qry); $rows = $db->loadAssocList(); if (count($rows) > 0) { foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($row['tpltype'] == 1) { $settings['support_list_head'] = $row['value']; } else { if ($row['tpltype'] == 0) { $settings['support_list_row'] = $row['value']; } } } } else { $settings['support_list_head'] = ''; $settings['support_list_row'] = ''; } $qry = "SELECT * FROM #__fst_templates WHERE tpltype = 2"; $db->setQuery($qry); $rows = $db->loadAssocList(); if (count($rows) > 0) { foreach ($rows as $row) { $settings[$row['template']] = $row['value']; } } $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_fst/assets/css/js_color_picker_v2.css'); $document->addScript(JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_fst/assets/js/color_functions.js'); $document->addScript(JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_fst/assets/js/js_color_picker_v2.js'); $document->addScript(JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_fst/assets/js/codemirror/codemirror.js'); $document->addScript(JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_fst/assets/js/codemirror/modes/css/css.js'); $document->addScript(JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_fst/assets/js/codemirror/modes/javascript/javascript.js'); $document->addScript(JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_fst/assets/js/codemirror/modes/xml/xml.js'); $document->addScript(JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_fst/assets/js/codemirror/modes/htmlmixed/htmlmixed.js'); $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_fst/assets/css/codemirror/codemirror.css'); $this->assignRef('settings', $settings); JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_("FREESTYLE_TESTIMONIALS") . ' - ' . JText::_("TEMPLATES"), 'fst_templates'); JToolBarHelper::apply(); JToolBarHelper::save(); JToolBarHelper::cancel('cancellist'); FSTAdminHelper::DoSubToolbar(); parent::display($tpl); } } } }
?> <div class="fst_edit_comment"><?php echo JText::_('EDIT_COMMENT'); ?> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var RecaptchaOptions = { theme : '<?php echo FST_Settings::get('recaptcha_theme'); ?> ' }; </script> <form id='editcommentform' action="<?php echo FSTRoute::x('&tmpl=component&task=savecomment'); ?> " method="post"> <input type='hidden' name='comment' value='add' > <input type='hidden' name='ident' value='<?php echo $this->ident; ?> ' > <?php if ($this->itemid) { ?> <input type='hidden' name='itemid' value='<?php echo $this->itemid; ?> ' > <?php
<?php $endlink = false; if (empty($hideprodlink)) { ?> <?php if ($this->test_show_prod_mode == "accordian") { ?> <a class="fst_highlight" href="#" onclick='return false;'> <?php $endlink = true; ?> <?php } elseif ($this->test_show_prod_mode != "inline") { ?> <a class='fst_highlight' href='<?php echo FSTRoute::x('&prodid=' . $product['id']); ?> '> <?php $endlink = true; ?> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php echo $product['title'];