public function dAdminPagePreGenerate($context)
     $callback = Administration::instance()->getPageCallback();
     if ($callback['context']['page'] === 'edit') {
         /** @var $cxt XMLElement */
         $cxt = $context['oPage']->Context;
         if (!$cxt instanceof XMLElement) {
         $actions = $cxt->getChildByName('ul', 0);
         // append list of actions if missing
         if (!$actions instanceof XMLElement) {
             $ul = new XMLelement('ul', null, array('class' => 'actions'));
             $actions = $cxt->getChildByName('ul', 0);
         // fetch entries
         $section_id = SectionManager::fetchIDFromHandle($callback['context']['section_handle']);
         $section = SectionManager::fetch($section_id);
         EntryManager::setFetchSorting($section->getSortingField(), $section->getSortingOrder());
         $entries = EntryManager::fetch(null, $section_id, null, null, null, null, null, false, false);
         // get next and prev
         $entry_id = $prev_id = $next_id = $callback['context']['entry_id'];
         $count = count($entries);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
             if ($entries[$i]['id'] == $entry_id) {
                 $prev_id = $i == 0 ? $entries[$count - 1]['id'] : $entries[$i - 1]['id'];
                 $next_id = $i == $count - 1 ? $entries[0]['id'] : $entries[$i + 1]['id'];
         if ($prev_id == $entry_id && $next_id == $entry_id) {
         // add buttons
         $li = new XMLelement('li', null, array('class' => 'entry-nav'));
         if ($prev_id !== $entry_id) {
             $li->appendChild(Widget::Anchor(__('&larr; Previous'), SYMPHONY_URL . $callback['pageroot'] . 'edit/' . $prev_id, null, 'button entry-nav-prev', null, array('accesskey' => 'z')));
         if ($next_id !== $entry_id) {
             $li->appendChild(Widget::Anchor(__('Next &rarr;'), SYMPHONY_URL . $callback['pageroot'] . 'edit/' . $next_id, null, 'button entry-nav-next', null, array('accesskey' => 'x')));
 public function execute(array &$param_pool)
     $result = new XMLElement($this->dsParamROOTELEMENT);
     $this->_param_pool = $param_pool;
     $where = NULL;
     $joins = NULL;
     $group = false;
     include_once TOOLKIT . '/class.entrymanager.php';
     if (!($section = SectionManager::fetch((int) $this->getSource()))) {
         $about = $this->about();
         trigger_error(__('The section associated with the data source %s could not be found.', array('<code>' . $about['name'] . '</code>')), E_USER_ERROR);
     $sectioninfo = new XMLElement('section', General::sanitize($section->get('name')), array('id' => $section->get('id'), 'handle' => $section->get('handle')));
     if ($this->_force_empty_result == true) {
         $this->_force_empty_result = false;
         //this is so the section info element doesn't disappear.
         $result = $this->emptyXMLSet();
     if (is_array($this->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS)) {
         $include_pagination_element = in_array('system:pagination', $this->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS);
     } else {
         $this->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS = array();
     if (isset($this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT) && !is_array($this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT)) {
         $this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT = array($this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT);
     $this->_can_process_system_parameters = $this->canProcessSystemParameters();
     if (!isset($this->dsParamPAGINATERESULTS)) {
         $this->dsParamPAGINATERESULTS = 'yes';
     // Process Filters
     $this->processFilters($where, $joins, $group);
     // Process Sorting
     if ($this->dsParamSORT == 'system:id') {
         EntryManager::setFetchSorting('id', $this->dsParamORDER);
     } else {
         if ($this->dsParamSORT == 'system:date') {
             EntryManager::setFetchSorting('date', $this->dsParamORDER);
         } else {
             EntryManager::setFetchSorting(FieldManager::fetchFieldIDFromElementName($this->dsParamSORT, $this->getSource()), $this->dsParamORDER);
     // combine `INCLUDEDELEMENTS`, `PARAMOUTPUT` and `GROUP` into an
     // array of field handles to optimise the `EntryManager` queries
     $datasource_schema = $this->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS;
     if (is_array($this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT)) {
         $datasource_schema = array_merge($datasource_schema, $this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT);
     if ($this->dsParamGROUP) {
         $datasource_schema[] = FieldManager::fetchHandleFromID($this->dsParamGROUP);
     $entries = EntryManager::fetchByPage($this->dsParamPAGINATERESULTS == 'yes' && $this->dsParamSTARTPAGE > 0 ? $this->dsParamSTARTPAGE : 1, $this->getSource(), $this->dsParamPAGINATERESULTS == 'yes' && $this->dsParamLIMIT >= 0 ? $this->dsParamLIMIT : NULL, $where, $joins, $group, !$include_pagination_element ? true : false, true, array_unique($datasource_schema));
      * Immediately after building entries allow modification of the Data Source entry list
      * @delegate DataSourceEntriesBuilt
      * @param string $context
      * '/frontend/'
      * @param Datasource $datasource
      * @param array $entries
      * @param array $filters
     Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('DataSourceEntriesBuilt', '/frontend/', array('datasource' => &$this, 'entries' => &$entries, 'filters' => $this->dsParamFILTERS));
     if (($entries['total-entries'] <= 0 || $include_pagination_element === true) && (!is_array($entries['records']) || empty($entries['records'])) || $this->dsParamSTARTPAGE == '0') {
         if ($this->dsParamREDIRECTONEMPTY == 'yes') {
             throw new FrontendPageNotFoundException();
         $this->_force_empty_result = false;
         $result = $this->emptyXMLSet();
         if ($include_pagination_element) {
             $pagination_element = General::buildPaginationElement();
             if ($pagination_element instanceof XMLElement && $result instanceof XMLElement) {
     } else {
         if (!$this->_param_output_only) {
             if ($include_pagination_element) {
                 $t = $this->dsParamPAGINATERESULTS == 'yes' && isset($this->dsParamLIMIT) && $this->dsParamLIMIT >= 0 ? $this->dsParamLIMIT : $entries['total-entries'];
                 $pagination_element = General::buildPaginationElement($entries['total-entries'], $entries['total-pages'], $t, $this->dsParamPAGINATERESULTS == 'yes' && $this->dsParamSTARTPAGE > 0 ? $this->dsParamSTARTPAGE : 1);
                 if ($pagination_element instanceof XMLElement && $result instanceof XMLElement) {
         // If this datasource has a Limit greater than 0 or the Limit is not set
         if (!isset($this->dsParamLIMIT) || $this->dsParamLIMIT > 0) {
             if (!isset($this->dsParamASSOCIATEDENTRYCOUNTS) || $this->dsParamASSOCIATEDENTRYCOUNTS == 'yes') {
                 $this->_associated_sections = $section->fetchAssociatedSections();
             // If the datasource require's GROUPING
             if (isset($this->dsParamGROUP)) {
                 self::$_fieldPool[$this->dsParamGROUP] =& FieldManager::fetch($this->dsParamGROUP);
                 $groups = self::$_fieldPool[$this->dsParamGROUP]->groupRecords($entries['records']);
                 foreach ($groups as $element => $group) {
                     foreach ($group as $g) {
                         $result->appendChild($this->processRecordGroup($element, $g));
             } else {
                 if (isset($entries['records'][0])) {
                     $data = $entries['records'][0]->getData();
                     $pool = FieldManager::fetch(array_keys($data));
                     self::$_fieldPool += $pool;
                 foreach ($entries['records'] as $entry) {
                     $xEntry = $this->processEntry($entry);
                     if ($xEntry instanceof XMLElement) {
     $param_pool = $this->_param_pool;
     return $result;
            } else {
                // For deprecated reasons, call the old, typo'd function name until the switch to the
                // properly named buildDSRetrievalSQL function.
                if (!$fieldPool[$field_id]->buildDSRetrivalSQL($value, $joins, $where, $filter_type == DS_FILTER_AND ? true : false)) {
                    $this->_force_empty_result = true;
                if (!$group) {
                    $group = $fieldPool[$field_id]->requiresSQLGrouping();
if ($this->dsParamSORT == 'system:id') {
    $entryManager->setFetchSorting('id', $this->dsParamORDER);
} elseif ($this->dsParamSORT == 'system:date') {
    $entryManager->setFetchSorting('date', $this->dsParamORDER);
} else {
    $entryManager->setFetchSorting($entryManager->fieldManager->fetchFieldIDFromElementName($this->dsParamSORT, $this->getSource()), $this->dsParamORDER);
// combine INCLUDEDELEMENTS and PARAMOUTPUT into an array of field names
$datasource_schema = $this->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS;
if (!is_array($datasource_schema)) {
    $datasource_schema = array();
if ($this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT) {
    $datasource_schema[] = $this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT;
if ($this->dsParamGROUP) {
    $datasource_schema[] = $entryManager->fieldManager->fetchHandleFromID($this->dsParamGROUP);
 public function __viewEdit()
     if (!($section_id = SectionManager::fetchIDFromHandle($this->_context['section_handle']))) {
         Administration::instance()->customError(__('Unknown Section'), __('The Section you are looking for, %s, could not be found.', array('<code>' . $this->_context['section_handle'] . '</code>')));
     $section = SectionManager::fetch($section_id);
     $entry_id = intval($this->_context['entry_id']);
     EntryManager::setFetchSorting('id', 'DESC');
     if (!($existingEntry = EntryManager::fetch($entry_id))) {
         Administration::instance()->customError(__('Unknown Entry'), __('The entry you are looking for could not be found.'));
     $existingEntry = $existingEntry[0];
     // If there is post data floating around, due to errors, create an entry object
     if (isset($_POST['fields'])) {
         $fields = $_POST['fields'];
         $entry =& EntryManager::create();
         $entry->set('section_id', $existingEntry->get('section_id'));
         $entry->set('id', $entry_id);
         $entry->setDataFromPost($fields, $errors, true);
     } else {
         $entry = $existingEntry;
         if (!$section) {
             $section = SectionManager::fetch($entry->get('section_id'));
      * Just prior to rendering of an Entry edit form.
      * @delegate EntryPreRender
      * @param string $context
      * '/publish/edit/'
      * @param Section $section
      * @param Entry $entry
      * @param array $fields
     Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('EntryPreRender', '/publish/edit/', array('section' => $section, 'entry' => &$entry, 'fields' => $fields));
     if (isset($this->_context['flag'])) {
         $link = 'publish/' . $this->_context['section_handle'] . '/new/';
         list($flag, $field_id, $value) = preg_split('/:/i', $this->_context['flag'], 3);
         if (isset($_REQUEST['prepopulate'])) {
             $link .= '?';
             foreach ($_REQUEST['prepopulate'] as $field_id => $value) {
                 $link .= "prepopulate[{$field_id}]={$value}&amp;";
             $link = preg_replace("/&amp;\$/", '', $link);
         // These flags are only relevant if there are no errors
         if (empty($this->_errors)) {
             switch ($flag) {
                 case 'saved':
                     $this->pageAlert(__('Entry updated at %s.', array(DateTimeObj::getTimeAgo())) . ' <a href="' . SYMPHONY_URL . '/' . $link . '" accesskey="c">' . __('Create another?') . '</a> <a href="' . SYMPHONY_URL . '/publish/' . $this->_context['section_handle'] . '/" accesskey="a">' . __('View all Entries') . '</a>', Alert::SUCCESS);
                 case 'created':
                     $this->pageAlert(__('Entry created at %s.', array(DateTimeObj::getTimeAgo())) . ' <a href="' . SYMPHONY_URL . '/' . $link . '" accesskey="c">' . __('Create another?') . '</a> <a href="' . SYMPHONY_URL . '/publish/' . $this->_context['section_handle'] . '/" accesskey="a">' . __('View all Entries') . '</a>', Alert::SUCCESS);
     // Determine the page title
     $field_id = Symphony::Database()->fetchVar('id', 0, "SELECT `id` FROM `tbl_fields` WHERE `parent_section` = '" . $section->get('id') . "' ORDER BY `sortorder` LIMIT 1");
     $field = FieldManager::fetch($field_id);
     $title = trim(strip_tags($field->prepareTableValue($existingEntry->getData($field->get('id')), NULL, $entry_id)));
     if (trim($title) == '') {
         $title = __('Untitled');
     // Check if there is a field to prepopulate
     if (isset($_REQUEST['prepopulate'])) {
         foreach ($_REQUEST['prepopulate'] as $field_id => $value) {
             $this->Form->prependChild(Widget::Input("prepopulate[{$field_id}]", rawurlencode($value), 'hidden'));
     $this->Form->setAttribute('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');
     $this->Form->setAttribute('class', 'two columns');
     $this->setTitle(__('%1$s &ndash; %2$s &ndash; %3$s', array($title, $section->get('name'), __('Symphony'))));
     // Only show the Edit Section button if the Author is a developer. #938 ^BA
     if (Administration::instance()->Author->isDeveloper()) {
         $this->appendSubheading($title, Widget::Anchor(__('Edit Section'), SYMPHONY_URL . '/blueprints/sections/edit/' . $section_id, __('Edit Section Configuration'), 'button'));
     } else {
     $this->insertBreadcrumbs(array(Widget::Anchor($section->get('name'), SYMPHONY_URL . '/publish/' . $this->_context['section_handle'])));
     $this->Form->appendChild(Widget::Input('MAX_FILE_SIZE', Symphony::Configuration()->get('max_upload_size', 'admin'), 'hidden'));
     $primary = new XMLElement('fieldset');
     $primary->setAttribute('class', 'primary column');
     $sidebar_fields = $section->fetchFields(NULL, 'sidebar');
     $main_fields = $section->fetchFields(NULL, 'main');
     if ((!is_array($main_fields) || empty($main_fields)) && (!is_array($sidebar_fields) || empty($sidebar_fields))) {
         $message = __('Fields must be added to this section before an entry can be created.');
         if (Administration::instance()->Author->isDeveloper()) {
             $message .= ' <a href="' . SYMPHONY_URL . '/blueprints/sections/edit/' . $section->get('id') . '/" accesskey="c">' . __('Add fields') . '</a>';
         $this->pageAlert($message, Alert::ERROR);
     } else {
         if (is_array($main_fields) && !empty($main_fields)) {
             foreach ($main_fields as $field) {
                 $primary->appendChild($this->__wrapFieldWithDiv($field, $entry));
         if (is_array($sidebar_fields) && !empty($sidebar_fields)) {
             $sidebar = new XMLElement('fieldset');
             $sidebar->setAttribute('class', 'secondary column');
             foreach ($sidebar_fields as $field) {
                 $sidebar->appendChild($this->__wrapFieldWithDiv($field, $entry));
         $div = new XMLElement('div');
         $div->setAttribute('class', 'actions');
         $div->appendChild(Widget::Input('action[save]', __('Save Changes'), 'submit', array('accesskey' => 's')));
         $button = new XMLElement('button', __('Delete'));
         $button->setAttributeArray(array('name' => 'action[delete]', 'class' => 'button confirm delete', 'title' => __('Delete this entry'), 'type' => 'submit', 'accesskey' => 'd', 'data-message' => __('Are you sure you want to delete this entry?')));
 public function __viewEdit()
     $sectionManager = new SectionManager($this->_Parent);
     if (!($section_id = $sectionManager->fetchIDFromHandle($this->_context['section_handle']))) {
         Administration::instance()->customError(__('Unknown Section'), __('The Section you are looking for, <code>%s</code>, could not be found.', array($this->_context['section_handle'])));
     $section = $sectionManager->fetch($section_id);
     $entry_id = intval($this->_context['entry_id']);
     $entryManager = new EntryManager($this->_Parent);
     $entryManager->setFetchSorting('id', 'DESC');
     if (!($existingEntry = $entryManager->fetch($entry_id))) {
         Administration::instance()->customError(__('Unknown Entry'), __('The entry you are looking for could not be found.'));
     $existingEntry = $existingEntry[0];
     // If there is post data floating around, due to errors, create an entry object
     if (isset($_POST['fields'])) {
         $fields = $_POST['fields'];
         $entry =& $entryManager->create();
         $entry->set('section_id', $existingEntry->get('section_id'));
         $entry->set('id', $entry_id);
         $entry->setDataFromPost($fields, $error, true);
     } else {
         $entry = $existingEntry;
         if (!$section) {
             $section = $sectionManager->fetch($entry->get('section_id'));
      * Just prior to rendering of an Entry edit form.
      * @delegate EntryPreRender
      * @param string $context
      * '/publish/new/'
      * @param Section $section
      * @param Entry $entry
      * @param array $fields
     Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('EntryPreRender', '/publish/edit/', array('section' => $section, 'entry' => &$entry, 'fields' => $fields));
     if (isset($this->_context['flag'])) {
         $link = 'publish/' . $this->_context['section_handle'] . '/new/';
         list($flag, $field_id, $value) = preg_split('/:/i', $this->_context['flag'], 3);
         if (is_numeric($field_id) && $value) {
             $link .= "?prepopulate[{$field_id}]={$value}";
             $this->Form->prependChild(Widget::Input("prepopulate[{$field_id}]", rawurlencode($value), 'hidden'));
         switch ($flag) {
             case 'saved':
                 $this->pageAlert(__('Entry updated at %1$s. <a href="%2$s" accesskey="c">Create another?</a> <a href="%3$s" accesskey="a">View all Entries</a>', array(DateTimeObj::getTimeAgo(__SYM_TIME_FORMAT__), SYMPHONY_URL . "/{$link}", SYMPHONY_URL . '/publish/' . $this->_context['section_handle'] . '/')), Alert::SUCCESS);
             case 'created':
                 $this->pageAlert(__('Entry created at %1$s. <a href="%2$s" accesskey="c">Create another?</a> <a href="%3$s" accesskey="a">View all Entries</a>', array(DateTimeObj::getTimeAgo(__SYM_TIME_FORMAT__), SYMPHONY_URL . "/{$link}", SYMPHONY_URL . '/publish/' . $this->_context['section_handle'] . '/')), Alert::SUCCESS);
     ### Determine the page title
     $field_id = Symphony::Database()->fetchVar('id', 0, "SELECT `id` FROM `tbl_fields` WHERE `parent_section` = '" . $section->get('id') . "' ORDER BY `sortorder` LIMIT 1");
     $field = $entryManager->fieldManager->fetch($field_id);
     $title = trim(strip_tags($field->prepareTableValue($existingEntry->getData($field->get('id')), NULL, $entry_id)));
     if (trim($title) == '') {
         $title = 'Untitled';
     // Check if there is a field to prepopulate
     if (isset($_REQUEST['prepopulate'])) {
         $field_id = array_shift(array_keys($_REQUEST['prepopulate']));
         $value = stripslashes(rawurldecode(array_shift($_REQUEST['prepopulate'])));
         $this->Form->prependChild(Widget::Input("prepopulate[{$field_id}]", rawurlencode($value), 'hidden'));
     $this->Form->setAttribute('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');
     $this->setTitle(__('%1$s &ndash; %2$s &ndash; %3$s', array(__('Symphony'), $section->get('name'), $title)));
     $this->Form->appendChild(Widget::Input('MAX_FILE_SIZE', Symphony::Configuration()->get('max_upload_size', 'admin'), 'hidden'));
     $primary = new XMLElement('fieldset');
     $primary->setAttribute('class', 'primary');
     $sidebar_fields = $section->fetchFields(NULL, 'sidebar');
     $main_fields = $section->fetchFields(NULL, 'main');
     if ((!is_array($main_fields) || empty($main_fields)) && (!is_array($sidebar_fields) || empty($sidebar_fields))) {
         $primary->appendChild(new XMLElement('p', __('It looks like you\'re trying to create an entry. Perhaps you want fields first? <a href="%s">Click here to create some.</a>', array(SYMPHONY_URL . '/blueprints/sections/edit/' . $section->get('id') . '/'))));
     } else {
         if (is_array($main_fields) && !empty($main_fields)) {
             foreach ($main_fields as $field) {
                 $primary->appendChild($this->__wrapFieldWithDiv($field, $entry));
         if (is_array($sidebar_fields) && !empty($sidebar_fields)) {
             $sidebar = new XMLElement('fieldset');
             $sidebar->setAttribute('class', 'secondary');
             foreach ($sidebar_fields as $field) {
                 $sidebar->appendChild($this->__wrapFieldWithDiv($field, $entry));
     $div = new XMLElement('div');
     $div->setAttribute('class', 'actions');
     $div->appendChild(Widget::Input('action[save]', __('Save Changes'), 'submit', array('accesskey' => 's')));
     $button = new XMLElement('button', __('Delete'));
     $button->setAttributeArray(array('name' => 'action[delete]', 'class' => 'button confirm delete', 'title' => __('Delete this entry'), 'type' => 'submit', 'accesskey' => 'd', 'data-message' => __('Are you sure you want to delete this entry?')));
 public function __viewEdit()
     if (!($section_id = SectionManager::fetchIDFromHandle($this->_context['section_handle']))) {
         Administration::instance()->throwCustomError(__('The Section, %s, could not be found.', array('<code>' . $this->_context['section_handle'] . '</code>')), __('Unknown Section'), Page::HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND);
     $section = SectionManager::fetch($section_id);
     $entry_id = intval($this->_context['entry_id']);
     $base = '/publish/' . $this->_context['section_handle'] . '/';
     $new_link = $base . 'new/';
     $filter_link = $base;
     EntryManager::setFetchSorting('id', 'DESC');
     if (!($existingEntry = EntryManager::fetch($entry_id))) {
         Administration::instance()->throwCustomError(__('Unknown Entry'), __('The Entry, %s, could not be found.', array($entry_id)), Page::HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND);
     $existingEntry = $existingEntry[0];
     // If there is post data floating around, due to errors, create an entry object
     if (isset($_POST['fields'])) {
         $fields = $_POST['fields'];
         $entry = EntryManager::create();
         $entry->set('id', $entry_id);
         $entry->set('author_id', $existingEntry->get('author_id'));
         $entry->set('section_id', $existingEntry->get('section_id'));
         $entry->set('creation_date', $existingEntry->get('creation_date'));
         $entry->set('modification_date', $existingEntry->get('modification_date'));
         $entry->setDataFromPost($fields, $errors, true);
         // Editing an entry, so need to create some various objects
     } else {
         $entry = $existingEntry;
         $fields = array();
         if (!$section) {
             $section = SectionManager::fetch($entry->get('section_id'));
      * Just prior to rendering of an Entry edit form.
      * @delegate EntryPreRender
      * @param string $context
      * '/publish/edit/'
      * @param Section $section
      * @param Entry $entry
      * @param array $fields
     Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('EntryPreRender', '/publish/edit/', array('section' => $section, 'entry' => &$entry, 'fields' => $fields));
     // Iterate over the `prepopulate` parameters to build a URL
     // to remember this state for Create New, View all Entries and
     // Breadcrumb links. If `prepopulate` doesn't exist, this will
     // just use the standard pages (ie. no filtering)
     if (isset($_REQUEST['prepopulate'])) {
         $new_link .= $this->getPrepopulateString();
         $filter_link .= $this->getFilterString();
     if (isset($this->_context['flag'])) {
         // These flags are only relevant if there are no errors
         if (empty($this->_errors)) {
             $time = Widget::Time();
             switch ($this->_context['flag']) {
                 case 'saved':
                     $message = __('Entry updated at %s.', array($time->generate()));
                 case 'created':
                     $message = __('Entry created at %s.', array($time->generate()));
             $this->pageAlert($message . ' <a href="' . SYMPHONY_URL . $new_link . '" accesskey="c">' . __('Create another?') . '</a> <a href="' . SYMPHONY_URL . $filter_link . '" accesskey="a">' . __('View all Entries') . '</a>', Alert::SUCCESS);
     // Determine the page title
     $field_id = Symphony::Database()->fetchVar('id', 0, sprintf("\n            SELECT `id`\n            FROM `tbl_fields`\n            WHERE `parent_section` = %d\n            ORDER BY `sortorder` LIMIT 1", $section->get('id')));
     if (!is_null($field_id)) {
         $field = FieldManager::fetch($field_id);
     if ($field) {
         $title = $field->prepareReadableValue($existingEntry->getData($field->get('id')), $entry_id, true);
     } else {
         $title = '';
     if (trim($title) == '') {
         $title = __('Untitled');
     // Check if there is a field to prepopulate
     if (isset($_REQUEST['prepopulate'])) {
         foreach ($_REQUEST['prepopulate'] as $field_id => $value) {
             $this->Form->prependChild(Widget::Input("prepopulate[{$field_id}]", rawurlencode($value), 'hidden'));
     $this->Form->setAttribute('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');
     $this->setTitle(__('%1$s &ndash; %2$s &ndash; %3$s', array($title, $section->get('name'), __('Symphony'))));
     $sidebar_fields = $section->fetchFields(null, 'sidebar');
     $main_fields = $section->fetchFields(null, 'main');
     if (!empty($sidebar_fields) && !empty($main_fields)) {
         $this->Form->setAttribute('class', 'two columns');
     } else {
         $this->Form->setAttribute('class', 'columns');
     // Only show the Edit Section button if the Author is a developer. #938 ^BA
     if (Symphony::Author()->isDeveloper()) {
         $this->appendSubheading($title, Widget::Anchor(__('Edit Section'), SYMPHONY_URL . '/blueprints/sections/edit/' . $section_id . '/', __('Edit Section Configuration'), 'button'));
     } else {
     $this->insertBreadcrumbs(array(Widget::Anchor($section->get('name'), SYMPHONY_URL . (isset($filter_link) ? $filter_link : $base))));
     $this->Form->appendChild(Widget::Input('MAX_FILE_SIZE', Symphony::Configuration()->get('max_upload_size', 'admin'), 'hidden'));
     $primary = new XMLElement('fieldset');
     $primary->setAttribute('class', 'primary column');
     if ((!is_array($main_fields) || empty($main_fields)) && (!is_array($sidebar_fields) || empty($sidebar_fields))) {
         $message = __('Fields must be added to this section before an entry can be created.');
         if (Symphony::Author()->isDeveloper()) {
             $message .= ' <a href="' . SYMPHONY_URL . '/blueprints/sections/edit/' . $section->get('id') . '/" accesskey="c">' . __('Add fields') . '</a>';
         $this->pageAlert($message, Alert::ERROR);
     } else {
         if (is_array($main_fields) && !empty($main_fields)) {
             foreach ($main_fields as $field) {
                 $primary->appendChild($this->__wrapFieldWithDiv($field, $entry));
         if (is_array($sidebar_fields) && !empty($sidebar_fields)) {
             $sidebar = new XMLElement('fieldset');
             $sidebar->setAttribute('class', 'secondary column');
             foreach ($sidebar_fields as $field) {
                 $sidebar->appendChild($this->__wrapFieldWithDiv($field, $entry));
         $div = new XMLElement('div');
         $div->setAttribute('class', 'actions');
         $div->appendChild(Widget::Input('action[save]', __('Save Changes'), 'submit', array('accesskey' => 's')));
         $button = new XMLElement('button', __('Delete'));
         $button->setAttributeArray(array('name' => 'action[delete]', 'class' => 'button confirm delete', 'title' => __('Delete this entry'), 'type' => 'submit', 'accesskey' => 'd', 'data-message' => __('Are you sure you want to delete this entry?')));
         // Create a Drawer for Associated Sections
 protected function findRelatedValues(array $relation_id = array())
     // 1. Get the field instances from the SBL's related_field_id's
     // FieldManager->fetch doesn't take an array of ID's (unlike other managers)
     // so instead we'll instead build a custom where to emulate the same result
     // We also cache the result of this where to prevent subsequent calls to this
     // field repeating the same query.
     $where = ' AND id IN (' . implode(',', $this->get('related_field_id')) . ') ';
     $hash = md5($where);
     if (!isset(self::$cache[$hash]['fields'])) {
         $fields = FieldManager::fetch(null, null, 'ASC', 'sortorder', null, null, $where);
         if (!is_array($fields)) {
             $fields = array($fields);
         self::$cache[$hash]['fields'] = $fields;
     } else {
         $fields = self::$cache[$hash]['fields'];
     if (empty($fields)) {
         return array();
     // 2. Find all the provided `relation_id`'s related section
     // We also cache the result using the `relation_id` as identifier
     // to prevent unnecessary queries
     $relation_id = array_filter($relation_id);
     if (empty($relation_id)) {
         return array();
     $hash = md5(serialize($relation_id) . $this->get('element_name'));
     if (!isset(self::$cache[$hash]['relation_data'])) {
         $relation_ids = Symphony::Database()->fetch(sprintf("SELECT, e.section_id,, s.handle\n                 FROM `tbl_entries` AS `e`\n                 LEFT JOIN `tbl_sections` AS `s` ON ( = e.section_id)\n                 WHERE IN (%s)", implode(',', $relation_id)));
         // 3. Group the `relation_id`'s by section_id
         $section_ids = array();
         $section_info = array();
         foreach ($relation_ids as $relation_information) {
             $section_ids[$relation_information['section_id']][] = $relation_information['id'];
             if (!array_key_exists($relation_information['section_id'], $section_info)) {
                 $section_info[$relation_information['section_id']] = array('name' => $relation_information['name'], 'handle' => $relation_information['handle']);
         // 4. Foreach Group, use the EntryManager to fetch the entry information
         // using the schema option to only return data for the related field
         $relation_data = array();
         foreach ($section_ids as $section_id => $entry_data) {
             $schema = array();
             // Get schema
             foreach ($fields as $field) {
                 if ($field->get('parent_section') == $section_id) {
                     $schema = array($field->get('element_name'));
             $section = SectionManager::fetch($section_id);
             if ($section instanceof Section === false) {
             EntryManager::setFetchSorting($section->getSortingField(), $section->getSortingOrder());
             $entries = EntryManager::fetch(array_values($entry_data), $section_id, null, null, null, null, false, true, $schema);
             foreach ($entries as $entry) {
                 $field_data = $entry->getData($field->get('id'));
                 if (is_array($field_data) === false || empty($field_data)) {
                 // Get unformatted content:
                 if ($field instanceof ExportableField && in_array(ExportableField::UNFORMATTED, $field->getExportModes())) {
                     $value = $field->prepareExportValue($field_data, ExportableField::UNFORMATTED, $entry->get('id'));
                 } else {
                     if ($field instanceof ExportableField && in_array(ExportableField::VALUE, $field->getExportModes())) {
                         // Get values:
                         $value = $field->prepareExportValue($field_data, ExportableField::VALUE, $entry->get('id'));
                     } else {
                         // Handle fields that are not exportable:
                         $value = $field->getParameterPoolValue($field_data, $entry->get('id'));
                         if (is_array($value) && count($value) === 1) {
                             $value = implode($value);
                  * To ensure that the output is 'safe' for whoever consumes this function,
                  * we will sanitize the value. Before sanitizing, we will reverse sanitise
                  * the value to handle the scenario where the Field has been good and
                  * has already sanitized the value.
                  * @see
                 $value = General::sanitize(General::reverse_sanitize($value));
                 $relation_data[] = array('id' => $entry->get('id'), 'section_handle' => $section_info[$section_id]['handle'], 'section_name' => $section_info[$section_id]['name'], 'value' => $value);
         self::$cache[$hash]['relation_data'] = $relation_data;
     } else {
         $relation_data = self::$cache[$hash]['relation_data'];
     // 6. Return the resulting array containing the id, section_handle, section_name and value
     return $relation_data;
 function __viewEdit()
     $sectionManager = new SectionManager($this->_Parent);
     if (!($section_id = $sectionManager->fetchIDFromHandle($this->_context['section_handle']))) {
         $this->_Parent->customError(E_USER_ERROR, __('Unknown Section'), __('The Section you are looking for, <code>%s</code>, could not be found.', array($this->_context['section_handle'])), false, true);
     $section = $sectionManager->fetch($section_id);
     $entry_id = intval($this->_context['entry_id']);
     $entryManager = new EntryManager($this->_Parent);
     $entryManager->setFetchSorting('id', 'DESC');
     if (!($existingEntry = $entryManager->fetch($entry_id))) {
         $this->_Parent->customError(E_USER_ERROR, __('Unknown Entry'), __('The entry you are looking for could not be found.'), false, true);
     $existingEntry = $existingEntry[0];
     // If there is post data floating around, due to errors, create an entry object
     if (isset($_POST['fields'])) {
         $fields = $_POST['fields'];
         $entry =& $entryManager->create();
         $entry->set('section_id', $existingEntry->get('section_id'));
         $entry->set('id', $entry_id);
         $entry->setDataFromPost($fields, $error, true);
     } else {
         $entry = $existingEntry;
         if (!$section) {
             $section = $sectionManager->fetch($entry->get('section_id'));
     if (isset($this->_context['flag'])) {
         $link = 'publish/' . $this->_context['section_handle'] . '/new/';
         list($flag, $field_id, $value) = preg_split('/:/i', $this->_context['flag'], 3);
         if (is_numeric($field_id) && $value) {
             $link .= "?prepopulate[{$field_id}]={$value}";
         switch ($flag) {
             case 'saved':
                 $this->pageAlert(__('Entry updated at %1$s. <a href="%2$s">Create another?</a> <a href="%3$s">View all Entries</a>', array(DateTimeObj::getTimeAgo(__SYM_TIME_FORMAT__), URL . "/symphony/{$link}", URL . '/symphony/publish/' . $this->_context['section_handle'] . '/')), Alert::SUCCESS);
             case 'created':
                 $this->pageAlert(__('Entry created at %1$s. <a href="%2$s">Create another?</a> <a href="%3$s">View all Entries</a>', array(DateTimeObj::getTimeAgo(__SYM_TIME_FORMAT__), URL . "/symphony/{$link}", URL . '/symphony/publish/' . $this->_context['section_handle'] . '/')), Alert::SUCCESS);
     ### Determine the page title
     $field_id = $this->_Parent->Database->fetchVar('id', 0, "SELECT `id` FROM `tbl_fields` WHERE `parent_section` = '" . $section->get('id') . "' ORDER BY `sortorder` LIMIT 1");
     $field = $entryManager->fieldManager->fetch($field_id);
     $title = trim(strip_tags($field->prepareTableValue($existingEntry->getData($field->get('id')), NULL, $entry_id)));
     if (trim($title) == '') {
         $title = 'Untitled';
     $this->Form->setAttribute('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');
     $this->setTitle(__('%1$s &ndash; %2$s &ndash; %3$s', array(__('Symphony'), $section->get('name'), $title)));
     $this->Form->appendChild(Widget::Input('MAX_FILE_SIZE', $this->_Parent->Configuration->get('max_upload_size', 'admin'), 'hidden'));
     $primary = new XMLElement('fieldset');
     $primary->setAttribute('class', 'primary');
     $sidebar_fields = $section->fetchFields(NULL, 'sidebar');
     $main_fields = $section->fetchFields(NULL, 'main');
     if ((!is_array($main_fields) || empty($main_fields)) && (!is_array($sidebar_fields) || empty($sidebar_fields))) {
         $primary->appendChild(new XMLElement('p', __('It looks like your trying to create an entry. Perhaps you want custom fields first? <a href="%s">Click here to create some.</a>', array(URL . '/symphony/blueprints/sections/edit/' . $section->get('id') . '/'))));
     } else {
         if (is_array($main_fields) && !empty($main_fields)) {
             foreach ($main_fields as $field) {
                 $primary->appendChild($this->__wrapFieldWithDiv($field, $entry));
         if (is_array($sidebar_fields) && !empty($sidebar_fields)) {
             $sidebar = new XMLElement('fieldset');
             $sidebar->setAttribute('class', 'secondary');
             foreach ($sidebar_fields as $field) {
                 $sidebar->appendChild($this->__wrapFieldWithDiv($field, $entry));
     $div = new XMLElement('div');
     $div->setAttribute('class', 'actions');
     $div->appendChild(Widget::Input('action[save]', __('Save Changes'), 'submit', array('accesskey' => 's')));
     $button = new XMLElement('button', __('Delete'));
     $button->setAttributeArray(array('name' => 'action[delete]', 'class' => 'confirm delete', 'title' => __('Delete this entry')));
 public static function run(SymQLQuery $query, $output = SymQL::RETURN_XML)
     // stores all config locally so that the same SymQL instance can be used for mutliple queries
     $section = NULL;
     $section_fields = array();
     $where = NULL;
     $joins = NULL;
     $entry_ids = array();
     // get a section's ID if it was specified by its handle
     if (!is_numeric($query->section)) {
         $query->section = SectionManager::fetchIDFromHandle($query->section);
     // get the section
     $section = SectionManager::fetch($query->section);
     if (!$section instanceof Section) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf("%s: section '%s' does not not exist", __CLASS__, $query->section));
     // cache the section's fields
     $fields = $section->fetchFields();
     self::$_debug['queries']['Resolve section and fields'] = self::getQueryCount();
     // cache list of field objects in this section (id => object)
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $section_fields[] = $field->get('id');
     $section_fields = self::indexFieldsByID($section_fields, $fields, TRUE);
     // resolve list of fields from SELECT statement
     if ($query->fields == '*') {
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             $select_fields[] = $field->get('element_name');
     } else {
         $select_fields = $query->fields;
     $select_fields = self::indexFieldsByID($select_fields, $fields);
     // resolve list of fields from WHERE statements (filters)
     $filters = array();
     if (is_array($query->filters)) {
         foreach ($query->filters as $i => $filter) {
             $field = self::indexFieldsByID($filter['field'], $fields);
             if ($field) {
                 $filters[$i][reset(array_keys($field))]['value'] = $filter['value'];
                 $filters[$i][reset(array_keys($field))]['type'] = $filter['type'];
     // resolve sort field
     if (in_array($query->sort_field, self::$_reserved_fields)) {
         $handle_exploded = explode(':', $query->sort_field);
         if (count($handle_exploded) == 2) {
             EntryManager::setFetchSorting(end($handle_exploded), $query->sort_direction);
     } else {
         $sort_field = self::indexFieldsByID($query->sort_field, $fields);
         $sort_field = $section_fields[reset(array_keys($sort_field))];
         if ($sort_field && $sort_field->isSortable()) {
             EntryManager::setFetchSorting($sort_field->get('id'), $query->sort_direction);
     $where = NULL;
     $joins = NULL;
     foreach ($filters as $filter) {
         $field_id = reset(array_keys($filter));
         $filter = reset($filter);
         if ($field_id == 'system:id') {
             $entry_ids[] = (int) $filter['value'];
         // get the cached field object
         $field = $section_fields[$field_id];
         if (!$field) {
             throw new Exception(sprintf("%s: field '%s' does not not exist", __CLASS__, $field_id));
         if (!$field->canFilter() || !method_exists($field, 'buildDSRetrievalSQL')) {
             throw new Exception(sprintf("%s: field '%s' can not be used as a filter", __CLASS__, $field_id));
         // local
         $_where = NULL;
         $_joins = NULL;
         $filter_type = FALSE === strpos($filter['value'], '+') ? self::DS_FILTER_OR : self::DS_FILTER_AND;
         $value = preg_split('/' . ($filter_type == self::DS_FILTER_AND ? '\\+' : ',') . '\\s*/', $filter['value'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         $value = array_map('trim', $value);
         // Get the WHERE and JOIN from the field
         $where_before = $_where;
         $field->buildDSRetrievalSQL(array($filter['value']), $_joins, $_where, $filter_type == self::DS_FILTER_AND ? TRUE : FALSE);
         // HACK: if this is an OR statement, strip the first AND from the returned SQL
         // and replace with OR. This is quite brittle, but the only way I could think of
         if ($filter['type'] == SymQL::DS_FILTER_OR) {
             // get the most recent SQL added
             $_where_after = substr($_where, strlen($_where_before), strlen($where));
             // replace leading AND with OR
             $_where_after = preg_replace('/^AND/', 'OR', trim($_where_after));
             // re-append
             $_where = $_where_before . ' ' . $_where_after;
         $joins .= $_joins;
         $where .= $_where;
     // resolve the SELECT type and fetch entries
     if (reset(array_keys($select_fields)) == 'system:count') {
         $select_type = SymQL::SELECT_COUNT;
         $fetch_result = (int) EntryManager::fetchCount($section->get('id'), $where, $joins);
     } else {
         if (count($entry_ids) > 0) {
             $select_type = SymQL::SELECT_ENTRY_ID;
             $fetch_result = EntryManager::fetch($entry_ids, $section->get('id'), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, TRUE, array_values($select_fields));
         } else {
             $select_type = SymQL::SELECT_ENTRIES;
             $fetch_result = EntryManager::fetchByPage($query->page, $section->get('id'), $query->per_page, $where, $joins, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, array_values($select_fields));
     self::$_debug['sql']['joins'] = $joins;
     self::$_debug['sql']['where'] = $where;
     self::$_debug['queries']['Fetch entries'] = self::getQueryCount();
     // section metadata
     $section_metadata = array('name' => $section->get('name'), 'id' => $section->get('id'), 'handle' => $section->get('handle'));
     // build pagination metadata
     if ($select_type == SymQL::SELECT_ENTRIES) {
         $pagination = array('total-entries' => (int) $fetch_result['total-entries'], 'total-pages' => (int) $fetch_result['total-pages'], 'per-page' => (int) $fetch_result['limit'], 'current-page' => (int) $query->page);
     // find the array of entries returned from EntryManager fetch
     $entries = array();
     switch ($select_type) {
         case SymQL::SELECT_ENTRY_ID:
             $entries = $fetch_result;
         case SymQL::SELECT_ENTRIES:
             $entries = $fetch_result['records'];
         case SymQL::SELECT_COUNT:
             $count = $fetch_result;
     // set up result container depending on return type
     switch ($output) {
         case SymQL::RETURN_ARRAY:
         case SymQL::RETURN_RAW_COLUMNS:
         case SymQL::RETURN_ENTRY_OBJECTS:
             $result = array();
             $result['section'] = $section_metadata;
             if ($pagination) {
                 $result['pagination'] = $pagination;
         case SymQL::RETURN_XML:
             $result = new XMLElement($query->root_element ? $query->root_element : 'symql');
             $result->appendChild(new XMLElement('section', $section_metadata['name'], array('id' => $section_metadata['id'], 'handle' => $section_metadata['handle'])));
             if ($pagination) {
                 $result->appendChild(General::buildPaginationElement($pagination['total-entries'], $pagination['total-pages'], $pagination['per-page'], $pagination['current-page']));
     // append returned entries to results container
     if ($select_type == SymQL::SELECT_ENTRY_ID || $select_type == SymQL::SELECT_ENTRIES) {
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             switch ($output) {
                 case SymQL::RETURN_RAW_COLUMNS:
                     $fields = array();
                     foreach ($entry->getData() as $field_id => $values) {
                         $field = $section_fields[$field_id];
                         $fields[$field->get('element_name')] = $values;
                     $result['entries'][$entry->get('id')] = $fields;
                 case SymQL::RETURN_ENTRY_OBJECTS:
                     $result['entries'][$entry->get('id')] = $entry;
                 case SymQL::RETURN_XML:
                 case SymQL::RETURN_ARRAY:
                     $xml_entry = new XMLElement('entry');
                     $xml_entry->setAttribute('id', $entry->get('id'));
                     foreach ($entry->getData() as $field_id => $values) {
                         $field = $section_fields[$field_id];
                         $handle = $field->get('element_name');
                         $handle_exploded = explode(':', $select_fields[$field_id]);
                         if (count($handle_exploded) == 2) {
                             $mode = end($handle_exploded);
                         $field->appendFormattedElement($xml_entry, $values, $encode, $mode);
                     if ($output == SymQL::RETURN_ARRAY) {
                         $result['entries'][] = XMLToArray::convert($xml_entry->generate());
                     } else {
     } elseif ($select_type == SymQL::SELECT_COUNT) {
         switch ($output) {
             case SymQL::RETURN_ARRAY:
             case SymQL::RETURN_RAW_COLUMNS:
             case SymQL::RETURN_ENTRY_OBJECTS:
                 $result['count'] = $count;
             case SymQL::RETURN_XML:
                 $xml_entry = new XMLElement('count', $count);
     self::$_debug['queries']['Total'] = Symphony::Database()->queryCount() - self::$_base_querycount;
     // reset for the next query
     EntryManager::setFetchSorting(NULL, NULL);
     self::$_base_querycount = NULL;
     self::$_cumulative_querycount = NULL;
     return $result;
 public function prepareTableValue($data, XMLElement $link = null, $entry_id = null)
     header('content-type: text/plain');
     $sectionManager = new SectionManager($this->_engine);
     $section = $sectionManager->fetch($this->get('linked_section_id'));
     $entryManager = new EntryManager($this->_engine);
     $fieldManager = new FieldManager($this->_engine);
     $linked = $fieldManager->fetch($this->get('linked_field_id'));
     $custom_link = null;
     $more_link = null;
     // Not setup correctly:
     if (!$section instanceof Section) {
         return parent::prepareTableValue(array(), $link, $entry_id);
     if ($section instanceof Section) {
         $field = current($section->fetchVisibleColumns());
         $data = $this->prepareData($data);
         if (!is_null($field)) {
             if ($this->get('column_mode') != 'count') {
                 if ($this->get('column_mode') == 'last-item') {
                     $order = 'ASC';
                 } else {
                     $order = 'DESC';
                 $entryManager->setFetchSorting('date', $order);
                 $entries = $entryManager->fetch($data['linked_entry_id'], $this->get('linked_section_id'), 1);
                 if (is_array($entries) and !empty($entries)) {
                     $entry = current($entries);
                     $value = $field->prepareTableValue($entry->getData($field->get('id')), new XMLElement('span'));
                     $custom_link = new XMLElement('a');
                     $custom_link->setAttribute('href', sprintf('%s/symphony/publish/%s/edit/%s/', URL, $section->get('handle'), $entry->get('id')));
                     if ($value instanceof XMLElement) {
                         $value = $value->generate();
                     $more_link = new XMLElement('a');
                     $more_link->setValue(__('more →'));
                     $more_link->setAttribute('href', sprintf('%s/symphony/publish/%s/?filter=%s:%s', URL, $section->get('handle'), $linked->get('element_name'), $entry_id));
             } else {
                 $joins = null;
                 $where = null;
                 $linked->buildDSRetrivalSQL(array($entry_id), $joins, $where, false);
                 $count = $entryManager->fetchCount($this->get('linked_section_id'), $where, $joins);
                 if ($count > 0) {
                     $custom_link = new XMLElement('a');
                     $custom_link->setValue($count . __(' →'));
                     $custom_link->setAttribute('href', sprintf('%s/symphony/publish/%s/?filter=%s:%s', URL, $section->get('handle'), $linked->get('element_name'), $entry_id));
     if (is_null($custom_link)) {
         $custom_link = new XMLElement('a');
         $custom_link->setValue(__('0 →'));
         $custom_link->setAttribute('href', sprintf('%s/symphony/publish/%s/?filter=%s:%s', URL, $section->get('handle'), $linked->get('element_name'), $entry_id));
         if ($this->get('column_mode') != 'count') {
             $more_link = $custom_link;
             $more_link->setValue(__('more →'));
             $custom_link = new XMLElement('span');
             $custom_link->setAttribute('class', 'inactive');
     if ($link) {
         return $link->generate();
     if ($this->get('column_mode') != 'count') {
         $wrapper = new XMLElement('span');
         $wrapper->setValue(sprintf('%s, %s', $custom_link->generate(), $more_link->generate()));
         return $wrapper;
     return $custom_link;