public function view()
     $section_handle = (string) $this->context[0];
     $page = isset($this->context[1]) ? (int) $this->context[1] : 1;
     if (empty($section_handle)) {
         die('Invalid section handle');
     $config = (object) Symphony::Configuration()->get('elasticsearch');
     $type = ElasticSearch::getTypeByHandle($section_handle);
     if ($page === 1) {
         // delete all documents in this index
         $query = new Elastica_Query(array('query' => array('match_all' => array())));
     // get new entries
     $em = new EntryManager(Symphony::Engine());
     $entries = $em->fetchByPage($page, $type->section->get('id'), (int) $config->{'reindex-batch-size'}, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
     foreach ($entries['records'] as $entry) {
         ElasticSearch::indexEntry($entry, $type->section);
     $entries['total-entries'] = 0;
     // last page, count how many entries in the index
     if ($entries['remaining-pages'] == 0) {
         // wait a few seconds, allow HTTP requests to complete...
         $entries['total-entries'] = $type->type->count();
     header('Content-type: application/json');
     echo json_encode(array('pagination' => array('total-pages' => (int) $entries['total-pages'], 'total-entries' => (int) $entries['total-entries'], 'remaining-pages' => (int) $entries['remaining-pages'], 'next-page' => $page + 1)));
  * Fetch raw recipient data.
  * Usage of the getSlice function, which also parses the XSLT for the name
  * and checks the email is recommended. This function is here mainly for
  * internal reasons.
  * Be advised, this function returns an array of entry objects.
  * @todo bugtesting and error handling
  * @return array
 public function grab()
     $where_and_joins = $this->getWhereJoinsAndGroup();
     $entries = EntryManager::fetchByPage($this->dsParamSTARTPAGE > 0 ? $this->dsParamSTARTPAGE : 1, $this->getSource(), $this->dsParamLIMIT >= 0 ? $this->dsParamLIMIT : NULL, $where_and_joins['where'], $where_and_joins['joins'], false, false, true, array_merge(array($this->emailField), $this->nameFields));
     // The count method of the entrymanager does not work properly, so this hack is needed :(
     $count = $this->getCount();
     $entries['total-entries'] = $count;
     $entries['total-pages'] = ceil($count / $this->dsParamLIMIT);
     $entries['remaining-pages'] = $entries['total-pages'] - $entries['current-page'];
     return $entries;
 public function execute(array &$param_pool)
     $result = new XMLElement($this->dsParamROOTELEMENT);
     $this->_param_pool = $param_pool;
     $where = NULL;
     $joins = NULL;
     $group = false;
     include_once TOOLKIT . '/class.entrymanager.php';
     if (!($section = SectionManager::fetch((int) $this->getSource()))) {
         $about = $this->about();
         trigger_error(__('The section associated with the data source %s could not be found.', array('<code>' . $about['name'] . '</code>')), E_USER_ERROR);
     $sectioninfo = new XMLElement('section', General::sanitize($section->get('name')), array('id' => $section->get('id'), 'handle' => $section->get('handle')));
     if ($this->_force_empty_result == true) {
         $this->_force_empty_result = false;
         //this is so the section info element doesn't disappear.
         $result = $this->emptyXMLSet();
     if (is_array($this->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS)) {
         $include_pagination_element = in_array('system:pagination', $this->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS);
     } else {
         $this->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS = array();
     if (isset($this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT) && !is_array($this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT)) {
         $this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT = array($this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT);
     $this->_can_process_system_parameters = $this->canProcessSystemParameters();
     if (!isset($this->dsParamPAGINATERESULTS)) {
         $this->dsParamPAGINATERESULTS = 'yes';
     // Process Filters
     $this->processFilters($where, $joins, $group);
     // Process Sorting
     if ($this->dsParamSORT == 'system:id') {
         EntryManager::setFetchSorting('id', $this->dsParamORDER);
     } else {
         if ($this->dsParamSORT == 'system:date') {
             EntryManager::setFetchSorting('date', $this->dsParamORDER);
         } else {
             EntryManager::setFetchSorting(FieldManager::fetchFieldIDFromElementName($this->dsParamSORT, $this->getSource()), $this->dsParamORDER);
     // combine `INCLUDEDELEMENTS`, `PARAMOUTPUT` and `GROUP` into an
     // array of field handles to optimise the `EntryManager` queries
     $datasource_schema = $this->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS;
     if (is_array($this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT)) {
         $datasource_schema = array_merge($datasource_schema, $this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT);
     if ($this->dsParamGROUP) {
         $datasource_schema[] = FieldManager::fetchHandleFromID($this->dsParamGROUP);
     $entries = EntryManager::fetchByPage($this->dsParamPAGINATERESULTS == 'yes' && $this->dsParamSTARTPAGE > 0 ? $this->dsParamSTARTPAGE : 1, $this->getSource(), $this->dsParamPAGINATERESULTS == 'yes' && $this->dsParamLIMIT >= 0 ? $this->dsParamLIMIT : NULL, $where, $joins, $group, !$include_pagination_element ? true : false, true, array_unique($datasource_schema));
      * Immediately after building entries allow modification of the Data Source entry list
      * @delegate DataSourceEntriesBuilt
      * @param string $context
      * '/frontend/'
      * @param Datasource $datasource
      * @param array $entries
      * @param array $filters
     Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('DataSourceEntriesBuilt', '/frontend/', array('datasource' => &$this, 'entries' => &$entries, 'filters' => $this->dsParamFILTERS));
     if (($entries['total-entries'] <= 0 || $include_pagination_element === true) && (!is_array($entries['records']) || empty($entries['records'])) || $this->dsParamSTARTPAGE == '0') {
         if ($this->dsParamREDIRECTONEMPTY == 'yes') {
             throw new FrontendPageNotFoundException();
         $this->_force_empty_result = false;
         $result = $this->emptyXMLSet();
         if ($include_pagination_element) {
             $pagination_element = General::buildPaginationElement();
             if ($pagination_element instanceof XMLElement && $result instanceof XMLElement) {
     } else {
         if (!$this->_param_output_only) {
             if ($include_pagination_element) {
                 $t = $this->dsParamPAGINATERESULTS == 'yes' && isset($this->dsParamLIMIT) && $this->dsParamLIMIT >= 0 ? $this->dsParamLIMIT : $entries['total-entries'];
                 $pagination_element = General::buildPaginationElement($entries['total-entries'], $entries['total-pages'], $t, $this->dsParamPAGINATERESULTS == 'yes' && $this->dsParamSTARTPAGE > 0 ? $this->dsParamSTARTPAGE : 1);
                 if ($pagination_element instanceof XMLElement && $result instanceof XMLElement) {
         // If this datasource has a Limit greater than 0 or the Limit is not set
         if (!isset($this->dsParamLIMIT) || $this->dsParamLIMIT > 0) {
             if (!isset($this->dsParamASSOCIATEDENTRYCOUNTS) || $this->dsParamASSOCIATEDENTRYCOUNTS == 'yes') {
                 $this->_associated_sections = $section->fetchAssociatedSections();
             // If the datasource require's GROUPING
             if (isset($this->dsParamGROUP)) {
                 self::$_fieldPool[$this->dsParamGROUP] =& FieldManager::fetch($this->dsParamGROUP);
                 $groups = self::$_fieldPool[$this->dsParamGROUP]->groupRecords($entries['records']);
                 foreach ($groups as $element => $group) {
                     foreach ($group as $g) {
                         $result->appendChild($this->processRecordGroup($element, $g));
             } else {
                 if (isset($entries['records'][0])) {
                     $data = $entries['records'][0]->getData();
                     $pool = FieldManager::fetch(array_keys($data));
                     self::$_fieldPool += $pool;
                 foreach ($entries['records'] as $entry) {
                     $xEntry = $this->processEntry($entry);
                     if ($xEntry instanceof XMLElement) {
     $param_pool = $this->_param_pool;
     return $result;
// combine INCLUDEDELEMENTS and PARAMOUTPUT into an array of field names
$datasource_schema = $this->dsParamINCLUDEDELEMENTS;
if (!is_array($datasource_schema)) {
    $datasource_schema = array();
if ($this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT) {
    $datasource_schema[] = $this->dsParamPARAMOUTPUT;
if ($this->dsParamGROUP) {
    $datasource_schema[] = $entryManager->fieldManager->fetchHandleFromID($this->dsParamGROUP);
if (!isset($this->dsParamPAGINATERESULTS)) {
    $this->dsParamPAGINATERESULTS = 'yes';
$entries = $entryManager->fetchByPage($this->dsParamPAGINATERESULTS == 'yes' && $this->dsParamSTARTPAGE > 0 ? $this->dsParamSTARTPAGE : 1, $this->getSource(), $this->dsParamPAGINATERESULTS == 'yes' && $this->dsParamLIMIT >= 0 ? $this->dsParamLIMIT : NULL, $where, $joins, $group, !$include_pagination_element ? true : false, true, $datasource_schema);
 * Immediately after building entries allow modification of the Data Source entry list
 * @delegate DataSourceEntriesBuilt
 * @param string $context
 * '/frontend/'
 * @param Datasource $datasource
 * @param array $entries
 * @param array $filters
Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('DataSourceEntriesBuilt', '/frontend/', array('datasource' => &$this, 'entries' => &$entries, 'filters' => $this->dsParamFILTERS));
if (($entries['total-entries'] <= 0 || $include_pagination_element === true) && (!is_array($entries['records']) || empty($entries['records'])) || $this->dsParamSTARTPAGE == '0') {
    if ($this->dsParamREDIRECTONEMPTY == 'yes') {
        throw new FrontendPageNotFoundException();
 public function __viewIndex()
     if (!($section_id = SectionManager::fetchIDFromHandle($this->_context['section_handle']))) {
         Administration::instance()->customError(__('Unknown Section'), __('The Section you are looking for, %s, could not be found.', array('<code>' . $this->_context['section_handle'] . '</code>')));
     $section = SectionManager::fetch($section_id);
     $this->setTitle(__('%1$s &ndash; %2$s', array($section->get('name'), __('Symphony'))));
     $this->Form->setAttribute("class", $this->_context['section_handle']);
     $filters = array();
     $filter_querystring = $prepopulate_querystring = $where = $joins = NULL;
     $current_page = isset($_REQUEST['pg']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['pg']) ? max(1, intval($_REQUEST['pg'])) : 1;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['filter'])) {
         // legacy implementation, convert single filter to an array
         // split string in the form ?filter=handle:value
         if (!is_array($_REQUEST['filter'])) {
             list($field_handle, $filter_value) = explode(':', $_REQUEST['filter'], 2);
             $filters[$field_handle] = rawurldecode($filter_value);
         } else {
             $filters = $_REQUEST['filter'];
         foreach ($filters as $handle => $value) {
             $field_id = FieldManager::fetchFieldIDFromElementName(Symphony::Database()->cleanValue($handle), $section->get('id'));
             $field = FieldManager::fetch($field_id);
             if ($field instanceof Field) {
                 // For deprecated reasons, call the old, typo'd function name until the switch to the
                 // properly named buildDSRetrievalSQL function.
                 $field->buildDSRetrivalSQL(array($value), $joins, $where, false);
                 $filter_querystring .= sprintf("filter[%s]=%s&amp;", $handle, rawurlencode($value));
                 $prepopulate_querystring .= sprintf("prepopulate[%d]=%s&amp;", $field_id, rawurlencode($value));
             } else {
         $filter_querystring = preg_replace("/&amp;\$/", '', $filter_querystring);
         $prepopulate_querystring = preg_replace("/&amp;\$/", '', $prepopulate_querystring);
     Sortable::initialize($this, $entries, $sort, $order, array('current-section' => $section, 'filters' => $filter_querystring ? "&amp;" . $filter_querystring : '', 'unsort' => isset($_REQUEST['unsort'])));
     $this->Form->setAttribute('action', Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=' . $current_page . ($filter_querystring ? "&amp;" . $filter_querystring : ''));
     $subheading_buttons = array(Widget::Anchor(__('Create New'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . 'new/' . ($filter_querystring ? '?' . $prepopulate_querystring : ''), __('Create a new entry'), 'create button', NULL, array('accesskey' => 'c')));
     // Only show the Edit Section button if the Author is a developer. #938 ^BA
     if (Administration::instance()->Author->isDeveloper()) {
         array_unshift($subheading_buttons, Widget::Anchor(__('Edit Section'), SYMPHONY_URL . '/blueprints/sections/edit/' . $section_id, __('Edit Section Configuration'), 'button'));
     $this->appendSubheading($section->get('name'), $subheading_buttons);
     // Check that the filtered query fails that the filter is dropped and an
     // error is logged. #841 ^BA
     try {
         $entries = EntryManager::fetchByPage($current_page, $section_id, Symphony::Configuration()->get('pagination_maximum_rows', 'symphony'), $where, $joins);
     } catch (DatabaseException $ex) {
         $this->pageAlert(__('An error occurred while retrieving filtered entries. Showing all entries instead.'), Alert::ERROR);
         $filter_querystring = null;
         Symphony::Log()->pushToLog(sprintf('%s - %s%s%s', $section->get('name') . ' Publish Index', $ex->getMessage(), $ex->getFile() ? " in file " . $ex->getFile() : null, $ex->getLine() ? " on line " . $ex->getLine() : null), E_NOTICE, true);
         $entries = EntryManager::fetchByPage($current_page, $section_id, Symphony::Configuration()->get('pagination_maximum_rows', 'symphony'));
     $visible_columns = $section->fetchVisibleColumns();
     $columns = array();
     if (is_array($visible_columns) && !empty($visible_columns)) {
         foreach ($visible_columns as $column) {
             $columns[] = array('label' => $column->get('label'), 'sortable' => $column->isSortable(), 'handle' => $column->get('id'), 'attrs' => array('id' => 'field-' . $column->get('id'), 'class' => 'field-' . $column->get('type')));
     } else {
         $columns[] = array('label' => __('ID'), 'sortable' => true, 'handle' => 'id');
     $aTableHead = Sortable::buildTableHeaders($columns, $sort, $order, $filter_querystring ? "&amp;" . $filter_querystring : '');
     $child_sections = array();
     $associated_sections = $section->fetchAssociatedSections(true);
     if (is_array($associated_sections) && !empty($associated_sections)) {
         foreach ($associated_sections as $key => $as) {
             $child_sections[$key] = SectionManager::fetch($as['child_section_id']);
             $aTableHead[] = array($child_sections[$key]->get('name'), 'col');
      * Allows the creation of custom entries tablecolumns. Called
      * after all the Section Visible columns have been added  as well
      * as the Section Associations
      * @delegate AddCustomPublishColumn
      * @since Symphony 2.2
      * @param string $context
      * '/publish/'
      * @param array $tableHead
      * An array of the current columns, passed by reference
      * @param integer $section_id
      * The current Section ID
     Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AddCustomPublishColumn', '/publish/', array('tableHead' => &$aTableHead, 'section_id' => $section->get('id')));
     // Table Body
     $aTableBody = array();
     if (!is_array($entries['records']) || empty($entries['records'])) {
         $aTableBody = array(Widget::TableRow(array(Widget::TableData(__('None found.'), 'inactive', NULL, count($aTableHead))), 'odd'));
     } else {
         $field_pool = array();
         if (is_array($visible_columns) && !empty($visible_columns)) {
             foreach ($visible_columns as $column) {
                 $field_pool[$column->get('id')] = $column;
         $link_column = end(array_reverse($visible_columns));
         foreach ($entries['records'] as $entry) {
             $tableData = array();
             // Setup each cell
             if (!is_array($visible_columns) || empty($visible_columns)) {
                 $tableData[] = Widget::TableData(Widget::Anchor($entry->get('id'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . 'edit/' . $entry->get('id') . '/'));
             } else {
                 $link = Widget::Anchor(__('None'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . 'edit/' . $entry->get('id') . '/', $entry->get('id'), 'content');
                 foreach ($visible_columns as $position => $column) {
                     $data = $entry->getData($column->get('id'));
                     $field = $field_pool[$column->get('id')];
                     $value = $field->prepareTableValue($data, $column == $link_column ? $link : null, $entry->get('id'));
                     if (!is_object($value) && (strlen(trim($value)) == 0 || $value == __('None'))) {
                         $value = $position == 0 ? $link->generate() : __('None');
                     if ($value == __('None')) {
                         $tableData[] = Widget::TableData($value, 'inactive field-' . $column->get('type') . ' field-' . $column->get('id'));
                     } else {
                         $tableData[] = Widget::TableData($value, 'field-' . $column->get('type') . ' field-' . $column->get('id'));
             if (is_array($child_sections) && !empty($child_sections)) {
                 foreach ($child_sections as $key => $as) {
                     $field = FieldManager::fetch((int) $associated_sections[$key]['child_section_field_id']);
                     $parent_section_field_id = (int) $associated_sections[$key]['parent_section_field_id'];
                     if (!is_null($parent_section_field_id)) {
                         $search_value = $field->fetchAssociatedEntrySearchValue($entry->getData($parent_section_field_id), $parent_section_field_id, $entry->get('id'));
                     } else {
                         $search_value = $entry->get('id');
                     if (!is_array($search_value)) {
                         $associated_entry_count = $field->fetchAssociatedEntryCount($search_value);
                         $tableData[] = Widget::TableData(Widget::Anchor(sprintf('%d &rarr;', max(0, intval($associated_entry_count))), sprintf('%s/publish/%s/?filter=%s:%s', SYMPHONY_URL, $as->get('handle'), $field->get('element_name'), rawurlencode($search_value)), $entry->get('id'), 'content'));
              * Allows Extensions to inject custom table data for each Entry
              * into the Publish Index
              * @delegate AddCustomPublishColumnData
              * @since Symphony 2.2
              * @param string $context
              * '/publish/'
              * @param array $tableData
              *	An array of `Widget::TableData`, passed by reference
              * @param integer $section_id
              *	The current Section ID
              * @param integer $entry_id
              *	The Entry ID for this row
             Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AddCustomPublishColumnData', '/publish/', array('tableData' => &$tableData, 'section_id' => $section->get('id'), 'entry_id' => $entry));
             $tableData[count($tableData) - 1]->appendChild(Widget::Input('items[' . $entry->get('id') . ']', NULL, 'checkbox'));
             // Add a row to the body array, assigning each cell to the row
             $aTableBody[] = Widget::TableRow($tableData, NULL, 'id-' . $entry->get('id'));
     $table = Widget::Table(Widget::TableHead($aTableHead), NULL, Widget::TableBody($aTableBody), 'selectable');
     $tableActions = new XMLElement('div');
     $tableActions->setAttribute('class', 'actions');
     $options = array(array(NULL, false, __('With Selected...')), array('delete', false, __('Delete'), 'confirm', null, array('data-message' => __('Are you sure you want to delete the selected entries?'))));
     $toggable_fields = $section->fetchToggleableFields();
     if (is_array($toggable_fields) && !empty($toggable_fields)) {
         $index = 2;
         foreach ($toggable_fields as $field) {
             $options[$index] = array('label' => __('Set %s', array($field->get('label'))), 'options' => array());
             foreach ($field->getToggleStates() as $value => $state) {
                 $options[$index]['options'][] = array('toggle-' . $field->get('id') . '-' . $value, false, $state);
     if ($entries['total-pages'] > 1) {
         $ul = new XMLElement('ul');
         $ul->setAttribute('class', 'page');
         // First
         $li = new XMLElement('li');
         if ($current_page > 1) {
             $li->appendChild(Widget::Anchor(__('First'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=1' . ($filter_querystring ? "&amp;" . $filter_querystring : '')));
         } else {
         // Previous
         $li = new XMLElement('li');
         if ($current_page > 1) {
             $li->appendChild(Widget::Anchor(__('&larr; Previous'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=' . ($current_page - 1) . ($filter_querystring ? "&amp;" . $filter_querystring : '')));
         } else {
             $li->setValue(__('&larr; Previous'));
         // Summary
         $li = new XMLElement('li');
         $li->setAttribute('title', __('Viewing %1$s - %2$s of %3$s entries', array($entries['start'], $current_page != $entries['total-pages'] ? $current_page * Symphony::Configuration()->get('pagination_maximum_rows', 'symphony') : $entries['total-entries'], $entries['total-entries'])));
         $pgform = Widget::Form(Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL(), 'get', 'paginationform');
         $pgmax = max($current_page, $entries['total-pages']);
         $pgform->appendChild(Widget::Input('pg', NULL, 'text', array('data-active' => __('Go to page …'), 'data-inactive' => __('Page %1$s of %2$s', array((string) $current_page, $pgmax)), 'data-max' => $pgmax)));
         // Next
         $li = new XMLElement('li');
         if ($current_page < $entries['total-pages']) {
             $li->appendChild(Widget::Anchor(__('Next &rarr;'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=' . ($current_page + 1) . ($filter_querystring ? "&amp;" . $filter_querystring : '')));
         } else {
             $li->setValue(__('Next &rarr;'));
         // Last
         $li = new XMLElement('li');
         if ($current_page < $entries['total-pages']) {
             $li->appendChild(Widget::Anchor(__('Last'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=' . $entries['total-pages'] . ($filter_querystring ? "&amp;" . $filter_querystring : '')));
         } else {
 public function __viewIndex()
     $sectionManager = new SectionManager($this->_Parent);
     if (!($section_id = $sectionManager->fetchIDFromHandle($this->_context['section_handle']))) {
         Administration::instance()->customError(__('Unknown Section'), __('The Section you are looking, <code>%s</code> for could not be found.', array($this->_context['section_handle'])));
     $section = $sectionManager->fetch($section_id);
     $this->setTitle(__('%1$s &ndash; %2$s', array(__('Symphony'), $section->get('name'))));
     $this->Form->setAttribute("class", $this->_context['section_handle']);
     $entryManager = new EntryManager($this->_Parent);
     $filter = $filter_value = $where = $joins = NULL;
     $current_page = isset($_REQUEST['pg']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['pg']) ? max(1, intval($_REQUEST['pg'])) : 1;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['filter'])) {
         list($field_handle, $filter_value) = explode(':', $_REQUEST['filter'], 2);
         $field_names = explode(',', $field_handle);
         foreach ($field_names as $field_name) {
             $filter_value = rawurldecode($filter_value);
             $filter = Symphony::Database()->fetchVar('id', 0, "SELECT `f`.`id`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  FROM `tbl_fields` AS `f`, `tbl_sections` AS `s`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHERE `s`.`id` = `f`.`parent_section`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  AND f.`element_name` = '{$field_name}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  AND `s`.`handle` = '" . $section->get('handle') . "' LIMIT 1");
             $field =& $entryManager->fieldManager->fetch($filter);
             if ($field instanceof Field) {
                 // For deprecated reasons, call the old, typo'd function name until the switch to the
                 // properly named buildDSRetrievalSQL function.
                 $field->buildDSRetrivalSQL(array($filter_value), $joins, $where, false);
                 $filter_value = rawurlencode($filter_value);
         if (!is_null($where)) {
             $where = str_replace('AND', 'OR', $where);
             // multiple fields need to be OR
             $where = trim($where);
             $where = ' AND (' . substr($where, 2, strlen($where)) . ')';
             // replace leading OR with AND
     if (isset($_REQUEST['sort']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['sort'])) {
         $sort = intval($_REQUEST['sort']);
         $order = $_REQUEST['order'] ? strtolower($_REQUEST['order']) : 'asc';
         if ($section->get('entry_order') != $sort || $section->get('entry_order_direction') != $order) {
             $sectionManager->edit($section->get('id'), array('entry_order' => $sort, 'entry_order_direction' => $order));
             redirect(Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . ($filter ? "?filter={$field_handle}:{$filter_value}" : ''));
     } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['unsort'])) {
         $sectionManager->edit($section->get('id'), array('entry_order' => NULL, 'entry_order_direction' => NULL));
     $this->Form->setAttribute('action', Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=' . $current_page . ($filter ? "&amp;filter={$field_handle}:{$filter_value}" : ''));
     $this->appendSubheading($section->get('name'), Widget::Anchor(__('Create New'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . 'new/' . ($filter ? '?prepopulate[' . $filter . ']=' . $filter_value : ''), __('Create a new entry'), 'create button', NULL, array('accesskey' => 'c')));
     if (is_null($entryManager->getFetchSorting()->field) && is_null($entryManager->getFetchSorting()->direction)) {
     $entries = $entryManager->fetchByPage($current_page, $section_id, Symphony::Configuration()->get('pagination_maximum_rows', 'symphony'), $where, $joins);
     $aTableHead = array();
     $visible_columns = $section->fetchVisibleColumns();
     if (is_array($visible_columns) && !empty($visible_columns)) {
         foreach ($visible_columns as $column) {
             $label = $column->get('label');
             if ($column->isSortable()) {
                 if ($column->get('id') == $section->get('entry_order')) {
                     $link = Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=' . $current_page . '&amp;sort=' . $column->get('id') . '&amp;order=' . ($section->get('entry_order_direction') == 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc') . ($filter ? "&amp;filter={$field_handle}:{$filter_value}" : '');
                     $anchor = Widget::Anchor($label, $link, __('Sort by %1$s %2$s', array($section->get('entry_order_direction') == 'desc' ? __('ascending') : __('descending'), strtolower($column->get('label')))), 'active');
                 } else {
                     $link = Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=' . $current_page . '&amp;sort=' . $column->get('id') . '&amp;order=asc' . ($filter ? "&amp;filter={$field_handle}:{$filter_value}" : '');
                     $anchor = Widget::Anchor($label, $link, __('Sort by %1$s %2$s', array(__('ascending'), strtolower($column->get('label')))));
                 $aTableHead[] = array($anchor, 'col', array('id' => 'field-' . $column->get('id'), 'class' => 'field-' . $column->get('type')));
             } else {
                 $aTableHead[] = array($label, 'col', array('id' => 'field-' . $column->get('id'), 'class' => 'field-' . $column->get('type')));
     } else {
         $aTableHead[] = array(__('ID'), 'col');
     $child_sections = array();
     $associated_sections = $section->fetchAssociatedSections(true);
     if (is_array($associated_sections) && !empty($associated_sections)) {
         foreach ($associated_sections as $key => $as) {
             $child_sections[$key] = $sectionManager->fetch($as['child_section_id']);
             $aTableHead[] = array($child_sections[$key]->get('name'), 'col');
      * Allows the creation of custom entries tablecolumns. Called
      * after all the Section Visible columns have been added  as well
      * as the Section Associations
      * @delegate AddCustomPublishColumn
      * @since Symphony 2.2
      * @param string $context
      * '/publish/'
      * @param array $tableHead
      * An array of the current columns, passed by reference
      * @param integer $section_id
      * The current Section ID
     Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AddCustomPublishColumn', '/publish/', array('tableHead' => &$aTableHead, 'section_id' => $section->get('id')));
     ## Table Body
     $aTableBody = array();
     if (!is_array($entries['records']) || empty($entries['records'])) {
         $aTableBody = array(Widget::TableRow(array(Widget::TableData(__('None found.'), 'inactive', NULL, count($aTableHead))), 'odd'));
     } else {
         $field_pool = array();
         if (is_array($visible_columns) && !empty($visible_columns)) {
             foreach ($visible_columns as $column) {
                 $field_pool[$column->get('id')] = $column;
         foreach ($entries['records'] as $entry) {
             $tableData = array();
             ## Setup each cell
             if (!is_array($visible_columns) || empty($visible_columns)) {
                 $tableData[] = Widget::TableData(Widget::Anchor($entry->get('id'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . 'edit/' . $entry->get('id') . '/'));
             } else {
                 $link = Widget::Anchor('None', Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . 'edit/' . $entry->get('id') . '/', $entry->get('id'), 'content');
                 foreach ($visible_columns as $position => $column) {
                     $data = $entry->getData($column->get('id'));
                     $field = $field_pool[$column->get('id')];
                     $value = $field->prepareTableValue($data, $position == 0 ? $link : null, $entry->get('id'));
                     if (!is_object($value) && strlen(trim($value)) == 0) {
                         $value = $position == 0 ? $link->generate() : __('None');
                     if ($value == 'None') {
                         $tableData[] = Widget::TableData($value, 'inactive field-' . $column->get('type') . ' field-' . $column->get('id'));
                     } else {
                         $tableData[] = Widget::TableData($value, 'field-' . $column->get('type') . ' field-' . $column->get('id'));
             if (is_array($child_sections) && !empty($child_sections)) {
                 foreach ($child_sections as $key => $as) {
                     $field = $entryManager->fieldManager->fetch((int) $associated_sections[$key]['child_section_field_id']);
                     $parent_section_field_id = (int) $associated_sections[$key]['parent_section_field_id'];
                     if (!is_null($parent_section_field_id)) {
                         $search_value = $field->fetchAssociatedEntrySearchValue($entry->getData($parent_section_field_id), $parent_section_field_id, $entry->get('id'));
                     } else {
                         $search_value = $entry->get('id');
                     if (!is_array($search_value)) {
                         $associated_entry_count = $field->fetchAssociatedEntryCount($search_value);
                         $tableData[] = Widget::TableData(Widget::Anchor(sprintf('%d &rarr;', max(0, intval($associated_entry_count))), sprintf('%s/publish/%s/?filter=%s:%s', SYMPHONY_URL, $as->get('handle'), $field->get('element_name'), rawurlencode($search_value)), $entry->get('id'), 'content'));
              * Allows Extensions to inject custom table data for each Entry
              * into the Publish Index
              * @delegate AddCustomPublishColumnData
              * @since Symphony 2.2
              * @param string $context
              * '/publish/'
              * @param array $tableData
              *  An array of `Widget::TableData`, passed by reference
              * @param integer $section_id
              *  The current Section ID
              * @param integer $entry_id
              *  The Entry ID for this row
             Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AddCustomPublishColumnData', '/publish/', array('tableData' => &$tableData, 'section_id' => $section->get('id'), 'entry_id' => $entry));
             $tableData[count($tableData) - 1]->appendChild(Widget::Input('items[' . $entry->get('id') . ']', NULL, 'checkbox'));
             ## Add a row to the body array, assigning each cell to the row
             $aTableBody[] = Widget::TableRow($tableData, NULL, 'id-' . $entry->get('id'));
     $table = Widget::Table(Widget::TableHead($aTableHead), NULL, Widget::TableBody($aTableBody), 'selectable');
     $tableActions = new XMLElement('div');
     $tableActions->setAttribute('class', 'actions');
     $options = array(array(NULL, false, __('With Selected...')), array('delete', false, __('Delete'), 'confirm', null, array('data-message' => __('Are you sure you want to delete the selected entries?'))));
     $toggable_fields = $section->fetchToggleableFields();
     if (is_array($toggable_fields) && !empty($toggable_fields)) {
         $index = 2;
         foreach ($toggable_fields as $field) {
             $options[$index] = array('label' => __('Set %s', array($field->get('label'))), 'options' => array());
             foreach ($field->getToggleStates() as $value => $state) {
                 $options[$index]['options'][] = array('toggle-' . $field->get('id') . '-' . $value, false, $state);
     $tableActions->appendChild(Widget::Select('with-selected', $options));
     $tableActions->appendChild(Widget::Input('action[apply]', __('Apply'), 'submit'));
     if ($entries['total-pages'] > 1) {
         $ul = new XMLElement('ul');
         $ul->setAttribute('class', 'page');
         ## First
         $li = new XMLElement('li');
         if ($current_page > 1) {
             $li->appendChild(Widget::Anchor(__('First'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=1' . ($filter ? "&amp;filter={$field_handle}:{$filter_value}" : '')));
         } else {
         ## Previous
         $li = new XMLElement('li');
         if ($current_page > 1) {
             $li->appendChild(Widget::Anchor(__('&larr; Previous'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=' . ($current_page - 1) . ($filter ? "&amp;filter={$field_handle}:{$filter_value}" : '')));
         } else {
             $li->setValue(__('&larr; Previous'));
         ## Summary
         $li = new XMLElement('li', __('Page %1$s of %2$s', array($current_page, max($current_page, $entries['total-pages']))));
         $li->setAttribute('title', __('Viewing %1$s - %2$s of %3$s entries', array($entries['start'], $current_page != $entries['total-pages'] ? $current_page * Symphony::Configuration()->get('pagination_maximum_rows', 'symphony') : $entries['total-entries'], $entries['total-entries'])));
         ## Next
         $li = new XMLElement('li');
         if ($current_page < $entries['total-pages']) {
             $li->appendChild(Widget::Anchor(__('Next &rarr;'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=' . ($current_page + 1) . ($filter ? "&amp;filter={$field_handle}:{$filter_value}" : '')));
         } else {
             $li->setValue(__('Next &rarr;'));
         ## Last
         $li = new XMLElement('li');
         if ($current_page < $entries['total-pages']) {
             $li->appendChild(Widget::Anchor(__('Last'), Administration::instance()->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=' . $entries['total-pages'] . ($filter ? "&amp;filter={$field_handle}:{$filter_value}" : '')));
         } else {
  * Prepare a Drawer to visualize section associations
  * @param  Section $section The current Section object
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws Exception
 private function prepareAssociationsDrawer($section)
     $entry_id = !is_null($this->_context['entry_id']) ? $this->_context['entry_id'] : null;
     $show_entries = Symphony::Configuration()->get('association_maximum_rows', 'symphony');
     if (is_null($entry_id) && !isset($_GET['prepopulate']) || is_null($show_entries) || $show_entries == 0) {
     $parent_associations = SectionManager::fetchParentAssociations($section->get('id'), true);
     $child_associations = SectionManager::fetchChildAssociations($section->get('id'), true);
     $content = null;
     $drawer_position = 'vertical-right';
      * Prepare Associations Drawer from an Extension
      * @since Symphony 2.3.3
      * @delegate PrepareAssociationsDrawer
      * @param string $context
      * '/publish/'
      * @param integer $entry_id
      *  The entry ID or null
      * @param array $parent_associations
      *  Array of Sections
      * @param array $child_associations
      *  Array of Sections
      * @param string $drawer_position
      *  The position of the Drawer, defaults to `vertical-right`. Available
      *  values of `vertical-left, `vertical-right` and `horizontal`
     Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('PrepareAssociationsDrawer', '/publish/', array('entry_id' => $entry_id, 'parent_associations' => &$parent_associations, 'child_associations' => &$child_associations, 'content' => &$content, 'drawer-position' => &$drawer_position));
     // If there are no associations, return now.
     if ((is_null($parent_associations) || empty($parent_associations)) && (is_null($child_associations) || empty($child_associations))) {
     if (!$content instanceof XMLElement) {
         $content = new XMLElement('div', null, array('class' => 'content'));
         // Process Parent Associations
         if (!is_null($parent_associations) && !empty($parent_associations)) {
             foreach ($parent_associations as $as) {
                 if ($field = FieldManager::fetch($as['parent_section_field_id'])) {
                     if (isset($_GET['prepopulate'])) {
                         $prepopulate_field = key($_GET['prepopulate']);
                     // get associated entries if entry exists,
                     if ($entry_id) {
                         $entry_ids = $field->findParentRelatedEntries($as['child_section_field_id'], $entry_id);
                         // get prepopulated entry otherwise
                     } elseif (isset($_GET['prepopulate'])) {
                         $entry_ids = array(intval(current($_GET['prepopulate'])));
                     } else {
                         $entry_ids = array();
                     // Use $schema for perf reasons
                     $schema = array($field->get('element_name'));
                     $where = !empty($entry_ids) ? sprintf(' AND `e`.`id` IN (%s)', implode(', ', $entry_ids)) : null;
                     $entries = !empty($entry_ids) || isset($_GET['prepopulate']) && $field->get('id') === $prepopulate_field ? EntryManager::fetchByPage(1, $as['parent_section_id'], $show_entries, $where, null, false, false, true, $schema) : array();
                     $has_entries = !empty($entries) && $entries['total-entries'] != 0;
                     if ($has_entries) {
                         $element = new XMLElement('section', null, array('class' => 'association parent'));
                         $header = new XMLElement('header');
                         $header->appendChild(new XMLElement('p', __('Linked to %s in', array('<a class="association-section" href="' . SYMPHONY_URL . '/publish/' . $as['handle'] . '/">' . $as['name'] . '</a>'))));
                         $ul = new XMLElement('ul', null, array('class' => 'association-links', 'data-section-id' => $as['child_section_id'], 'data-association-ids' => implode(', ', $entry_ids)));
                         foreach ($entries['records'] as $e) {
                             // let the field create the mark up
                             $li = $field->prepareAssociationsDrawerXMLElement($e, $as);
                             // add it to the unordered list
         // Process Child Associations
         if (!is_null($child_associations) && !empty($child_associations)) {
             foreach ($child_associations as $as) {
                 // Get the related section
                 $child_section = SectionManager::fetch($as['child_section_id']);
                 if (!$child_section instanceof Section) {
                 // Get the visible field instance (using the sorting field, this is more flexible than visibleColumns())
                 // Get the link field instance
                 $visible_field = current($child_section->fetchVisibleColumns());
                 $relation_field = FieldManager::fetch($as['child_section_field_id']);
                 // Get entries, using $schema for performance reasons.
                 $entry_ids = $relation_field->findRelatedEntries($entry_id, $as['parent_section_field_id']);
                 $schema = $visible_field ? array($visible_field->get('element_name')) : array();
                 $where = sprintf(' AND `e`.`id` IN (%s)', implode(', ', $entry_ids));
                 $entries = !empty($entry_ids) ? EntryManager::fetchByPage(1, $as['child_section_id'], $show_entries, $where, null, false, false, true, $schema) : array();
                 $has_entries = !empty($entries) && $entries['total-entries'] != 0;
                 // Build the HTML of the relationship
                 $element = new XMLElement('section', null, array('class' => 'association child'));
                 $header = new XMLElement('header');
                 $filter = '?filter[' . $relation_field->get('element_name') . ']=' . $entry_id;
                 $prepopulate = '?prepopulate[' . $as['child_section_field_id'] . ']=' . $entry_id;
                 // Create link with filter or prepopulate
                 $link = SYMPHONY_URL . '/publish/' . $as['handle'] . '/' . $filter;
                 $a = new XMLElement('a', $as['name'], array('class' => 'association-section', 'href' => $link));
                 // Create new entries
                 $create = new XMLElement('a', __('Create New'), array('class' => 'button association-new', 'href' => SYMPHONY_URL . '/publish/' . $as['handle'] . '/new/' . $prepopulate));
                 // Display existing entries
                 if ($has_entries) {
                     $header->appendChild(new XMLElement('p', __('Links in %s', array($a->generate()))));
                     $ul = new XMLElement('ul', null, array('class' => 'association-links', 'data-section-id' => $as['child_section_id'], 'data-association-ids' => implode(', ', $entry_ids)));
                     foreach ($entries['records'] as $key => $e) {
                         // let the first visible field create the mark up
                         if ($visible_field) {
                             $li = $visible_field->prepareAssociationsDrawerXMLElement($e, $as, $prepopulate);
                         } else {
                             $li = Field::createAssociationsDrawerXMLElement($e->get('id'), $e, $as, $prepopulate);
                         // add it to the unordered list
                     // If we are only showing 'some' of the entries, then show this on the UI
                     if ($entries['total-entries'] > $show_entries) {
                         $pagination = new XMLElement('li', null, array('class' => 'association-more', 'data-current-page' => '1', 'data-total-pages' => ceil($entries['total-entries'] / $show_entries), 'data-total-entries' => $entries['total-entries']));
                         $counts = new XMLElement('a', __('Show more entries'), array('href' => $link));
                     // No entries
                 } else {
                     $element->setAttribute('class', 'association child empty');
                     $header->appendChild(new XMLElement('p', __('No links in %s', array($a->generate()))));
     $drawer = Widget::Drawer('section-associations', __('Show Associations'), $content);
     $this->insertDrawer($drawer, $drawer_position, 'prepend');
 function __viewIndex()
     $sectionManager = new SectionManager($this->_Parent);
     if (!($section_id = $sectionManager->fetchIDFromHandle($this->_context['section_handle']))) {
         $this->_Parent->customError(E_USER_ERROR, __('Unknown Section'), __('The Section you are looking, <code>%s</code> for could not be found.', array($this->_context['section_handle'])), false, true);
     $section = $sectionManager->fetch($section_id);
     $this->setTitle(__('%1$s &ndash; %2$s', array(__('Symphony'), $section->get('name'))));
     $this->Form->setAttribute("class", $this->_context['section_handle']);
     $entryManager = new EntryManager($this->_Parent);
     $authors = AuthorManager::fetch();
     $filter = $filter_value = $where = $joins = NULL;
     $current_page = isset($_REQUEST['pg']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['pg']) ? max(1, intval($_REQUEST['pg'])) : 1;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['filter'])) {
         list($field_handle, $filter_value) = explode(':', $_REQUEST['filter'], 2);
         $field_names = explode(',', $field_handle);
         foreach ($field_names as $field_name) {
             $filter_value = rawurldecode($filter_value);
             $filter = Symphony::Database()->fetchVar('id', 0, "SELECT `f`.`id` \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   FROM `tbl_fields` AS `f`, `tbl_sections` AS `s` \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   WHERE `s`.`id` = `f`.`parent_section` \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   AND f.`element_name` = '{$field_name}' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   AND `s`.`handle` = '" . $section->get('handle') . "' LIMIT 1");
             $field =& $entryManager->fieldManager->fetch($filter);
             if (is_object($field)) {
                 $field->buildDSRetrivalSQL(array($filter_value), $joins, $where, false);
                 $filter_value = rawurlencode($filter_value);
         if ($where != null) {
             $where = str_replace('AND', 'OR', $where);
             // multiple fields need to be OR
             $where = trim($where);
             $where = ' AND (' . substr($where, 2, strlen($where)) . ')';
             // replace leading OR with AND
     if (isset($_REQUEST['sort']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['sort'])) {
         $sort = intval($_REQUEST['sort']);
         $order = $_REQUEST['order'] ? strtolower($_REQUEST['order']) : 'asc';
         if ($section->get('entry_order') != $sort || $section->get('entry_order_direction') != $order) {
             $sectionManager->edit($section->get('id'), array('entry_order' => $sort, 'entry_order_direction' => $order));
             redirect($this->_Parent->getCurrentPageURL() . ($filter ? "?filter={$field_handle}:{$filter_value}" : ''));
     } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['unsort'])) {
         $sectionManager->edit($section->get('id'), array('entry_order' => NULL, 'entry_order_direction' => NULL));
     $this->Form->setAttribute('action', $this->_Parent->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=' . $current_page . ($filter ? "&amp;filter={$field_handle}:{$filter_value}" : ''));
     ## Remove the create button if there is a section link field, and no filtering set for it
     $section_links = $section->fetchFields('sectionlink');
     if (count($section_links) > 1 || !$filter && $section_links || is_object($section_links[0]) && $filter != $section_links[0]->get('id')) {
     } else {
         $this->appendSubheading($section->get('name'), Widget::Anchor(__('Create New'), $this->_Parent->getCurrentPageURL() . 'new/' . ($filter ? '?prepopulate[' . $filter . ']=' . $filter_value : ''), __('Create a new entry'), 'create button'));
     if (is_null($entryManager->getFetchSorting()->field) && is_null($entryManager->getFetchSorting()->direction)) {
     $entries = $entryManager->fetchByPage($current_page, $section_id, Symphony::Configuration()->get('pagination_maximum_rows', 'symphony'), $where, $joins);
     $aTableHead = array();
     $visible_columns = $section->fetchVisibleColumns();
     if (is_array($visible_columns) && !empty($visible_columns)) {
         foreach ($visible_columns as $column) {
             $label = $column->get('label');
             if ($column->isSortable()) {
                 if ($column->get('id') == $section->get('entry_order')) {
                     $link = $this->_Parent->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=' . $current_page . '&amp;sort=' . $column->get('id') . '&amp;order=' . ($section->get('entry_order_direction') == 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc') . ($filter ? "&amp;filter={$field_handle}:{$filter_value}" : '');
                     $anchor = Widget::Anchor($label, $link, __('Sort by %1$s %2$s', array($section->get('entry_order_direction') == 'desc' ? __('ascending') : __('descending'), strtolower($column->get('label')))), 'active');
                 } else {
                     $link = $this->_Parent->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=' . $current_page . '&amp;sort=' . $column->get('id') . '&amp;order=asc' . ($filter ? "&amp;filter={$field_handle}:{$filter_value}" : '');
                     $anchor = Widget::Anchor($label, $link, __('Sort by %1$s %2$s', array(__('ascending'), strtolower($column->get('label')))));
                 $aTableHead[] = array($anchor, 'col');
             } else {
                 $aTableHead[] = array($label, 'col');
     } else {
         $aTableHead[] = array(__('ID'), 'col');
     $child_sections = NULL;
     $associated_sections = $section->fetchAssociatedSections();
     if (is_array($associated_sections) && !empty($associated_sections)) {
         $child_sections = array();
         foreach ($associated_sections as $key => $as) {
             $child_sections[$key] = $sectionManager->fetch($as['child_section_id']);
             $aTableHead[] = array($child_sections[$key]->get('name'), 'col');
     ## Table Body
     $aTableBody = array();
     if (!is_array($entries['records']) || empty($entries['records'])) {
         $aTableBody = array(Widget::TableRow(array(Widget::TableData(__('None found.'), 'inactive', NULL, count($aTableHead))), 'odd'));
     } else {
         $bOdd = true;
         $field_pool = array();
         if (is_array($visible_columns) && !empty($visible_columns)) {
             foreach ($visible_columns as $column) {
                 $field_pool[$column->get('id')] = $column;
         foreach ($entries['records'] as $entry) {
             $tableData = array();
             ## Setup each cell
             if (!is_array($visible_columns) || empty($visible_columns)) {
                 $tableData[] = Widget::TableData(Widget::Anchor($entry->get('id'), $this->_Parent->getCurrentPageURL() . 'edit/' . $entry->get('id') . '/'));
             } else {
                 $link = Widget::Anchor('None', $this->_Parent->getCurrentPageURL() . 'edit/' . $entry->get('id') . '/', $entry->get('id'), 'content');
                 foreach ($visible_columns as $position => $column) {
                     $data = $entry->getData($column->get('id'));
                     $field = $field_pool[$column->get('id')];
                     $value = $field->prepareTableValue($data, $position == 0 ? $link : null, $entry->get('id'));
                     if (!is_object($value) && strlen(trim($value)) == 0) {
                         $value = $position == 0 ? $link->generate() : __('None');
                     if ($value == 'None') {
                         $tableData[] = Widget::TableData($value, 'inactive');
                     } else {
                         $tableData[] = Widget::TableData($value);
             if (is_array($child_sections) && !empty($child_sections)) {
                 foreach ($child_sections as $key => $as) {
                     $field = $entryManager->fieldManager->fetch((int) $associated_sections[$key]['child_section_field_id']);
                     $parent_section_field_id = (int) $associated_sections[$key]['parent_section_field_id'];
                     if (!is_null($parent_section_field_id)) {
                         $search_value = $field->fetchAssociatedEntrySearchValue($entry->getData($parent_section_field_id), $parent_section_field_id, $entry->get('id'));
                     } else {
                         $search_value = $entry->get('id');
                     $associated_entry_count = $field->fetchAssociatedEntryCount($search_value);
                     $tableData[] = Widget::TableData(Widget::Anchor(sprintf('%d &rarr;', max(0, intval($associated_entry_count))), sprintf('%s/symphony/publish/%s/?filter=%s:%s', URL, $as->get('handle'), $field->get('element_name'), rawurlencode($search_value)), $entry->get('id'), 'content'));
             $tableData[count($tableData) - 1]->appendChild(Widget::Input('items[' . $entry->get('id') . ']', NULL, 'checkbox'));
             ## Add a row to the body array, assigning each cell to the row
             $aTableBody[] = Widget::TableRow($tableData, $bOdd ? 'odd' : NULL);
             $bOdd = !$bOdd;
     $table = Widget::Table(Widget::TableHead($aTableHead), NULL, Widget::TableBody($aTableBody));
     $tableActions = new XMLElement('div');
     $tableActions->setAttribute('class', 'actions');
     $options = array(array(NULL, false, __('With Selected...')), array('delete', false, __('Delete')));
     $toggable_fields = $section->fetchToggleableFields();
     if (is_array($toggable_fields) && !empty($toggable_fields)) {
         $index = 2;
         foreach ($toggable_fields as $field) {
             $options[$index] = array('label' => __('Set %s', array($field->get('label'))), 'options' => array());
             foreach ($field->getToggleStates() as $value => $state) {
                 $options[$index]['options'][] = array('toggle-' . $field->get('id') . '-' . $value, false, $state);
     $tableActions->appendChild(Widget::Select('with-selected', $options));
     $tableActions->appendChild(Widget::Input('action[apply]', __('Apply'), 'submit'));
     if ($entries['total-pages'] > 1) {
         $ul = new XMLElement('ul');
         $ul->setAttribute('class', 'page');
         ## First
         $li = new XMLElement('li');
         if ($current_page > 1) {
             $li->appendChild(Widget::Anchor(__('First'), $this->_Parent->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=1' . ($filter ? "&amp;filter={$field_handle}:{$filter_value}" : '')));
         } else {
         ## Previous
         $li = new XMLElement('li');
         if ($current_page > 1) {
             $li->appendChild(Widget::Anchor(__('&larr; Previous'), $this->_Parent->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=' . ($current_page - 1) . ($filter ? "&amp;filter={$field_handle}:{$filter_value}" : '')));
         } else {
             $li->setValue(__('&larr; Previous'));
         ## Summary
         $li = new XMLElement('li', __('Page %1$s of %2$s', array($current_page, max($current_page, $entries['total-pages']))));
         $li->setAttribute('title', __('Viewing %1$s - %2$s of %3$s entries', array($entries['start'], min($entries['limit'], max(1, $entries['remaining-entries'])), $entries['total-entries'])));
         ## Next
         $li = new XMLElement('li');
         if ($current_page < $entries['total-pages']) {
             $li->appendChild(Widget::Anchor(__('Next &rarr;'), $this->_Parent->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=' . ($current_page + 1) . ($filter ? "&amp;filter={$field_handle}:{$filter_value}" : '')));
         } else {
             $li->setValue(__('Next &rarr;'));
         ## Last
         $li = new XMLElement('li');
         if ($current_page < $entries['total-pages']) {
             $li->appendChild(Widget::Anchor(__('Last'), $this->_Parent->getCurrentPageURL() . '?pg=' . $entries['total-pages'] . ($filter ? "&amp;filter={$field_handle}:{$filter_value}" : '')));
         } else {
 public static function run(SymQLQuery $query, $output = SymQL::RETURN_XML)
     // stores all config locally so that the same SymQL instance can be used for mutliple queries
     $section = NULL;
     $section_fields = array();
     $where = NULL;
     $joins = NULL;
     $entry_ids = array();
     // get a section's ID if it was specified by its handle
     if (!is_numeric($query->section)) {
         $query->section = SectionManager::fetchIDFromHandle($query->section);
     // get the section
     $section = SectionManager::fetch($query->section);
     if (!$section instanceof Section) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf("%s: section '%s' does not not exist", __CLASS__, $query->section));
     // cache the section's fields
     $fields = $section->fetchFields();
     self::$_debug['queries']['Resolve section and fields'] = self::getQueryCount();
     // cache list of field objects in this section (id => object)
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $section_fields[] = $field->get('id');
     $section_fields = self::indexFieldsByID($section_fields, $fields, TRUE);
     // resolve list of fields from SELECT statement
     if ($query->fields == '*') {
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             $select_fields[] = $field->get('element_name');
     } else {
         $select_fields = $query->fields;
     $select_fields = self::indexFieldsByID($select_fields, $fields);
     // resolve list of fields from WHERE statements (filters)
     $filters = array();
     if (is_array($query->filters)) {
         foreach ($query->filters as $i => $filter) {
             $field = self::indexFieldsByID($filter['field'], $fields);
             if ($field) {
                 $filters[$i][reset(array_keys($field))]['value'] = $filter['value'];
                 $filters[$i][reset(array_keys($field))]['type'] = $filter['type'];
     // resolve sort field
     if (in_array($query->sort_field, self::$_reserved_fields)) {
         $handle_exploded = explode(':', $query->sort_field);
         if (count($handle_exploded) == 2) {
             EntryManager::setFetchSorting(end($handle_exploded), $query->sort_direction);
     } else {
         $sort_field = self::indexFieldsByID($query->sort_field, $fields);
         $sort_field = $section_fields[reset(array_keys($sort_field))];
         if ($sort_field && $sort_field->isSortable()) {
             EntryManager::setFetchSorting($sort_field->get('id'), $query->sort_direction);
     $where = NULL;
     $joins = NULL;
     foreach ($filters as $filter) {
         $field_id = reset(array_keys($filter));
         $filter = reset($filter);
         if ($field_id == 'system:id') {
             $entry_ids[] = (int) $filter['value'];
         // get the cached field object
         $field = $section_fields[$field_id];
         if (!$field) {
             throw new Exception(sprintf("%s: field '%s' does not not exist", __CLASS__, $field_id));
         if (!$field->canFilter() || !method_exists($field, 'buildDSRetrievalSQL')) {
             throw new Exception(sprintf("%s: field '%s' can not be used as a filter", __CLASS__, $field_id));
         // local
         $_where = NULL;
         $_joins = NULL;
         $filter_type = FALSE === strpos($filter['value'], '+') ? self::DS_FILTER_OR : self::DS_FILTER_AND;
         $value = preg_split('/' . ($filter_type == self::DS_FILTER_AND ? '\\+' : ',') . '\\s*/', $filter['value'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         $value = array_map('trim', $value);
         // Get the WHERE and JOIN from the field
         $where_before = $_where;
         $field->buildDSRetrievalSQL(array($filter['value']), $_joins, $_where, $filter_type == self::DS_FILTER_AND ? TRUE : FALSE);
         // HACK: if this is an OR statement, strip the first AND from the returned SQL
         // and replace with OR. This is quite brittle, but the only way I could think of
         if ($filter['type'] == SymQL::DS_FILTER_OR) {
             // get the most recent SQL added
             $_where_after = substr($_where, strlen($_where_before), strlen($where));
             // replace leading AND with OR
             $_where_after = preg_replace('/^AND/', 'OR', trim($_where_after));
             // re-append
             $_where = $_where_before . ' ' . $_where_after;
         $joins .= $_joins;
         $where .= $_where;
     // resolve the SELECT type and fetch entries
     if (reset(array_keys($select_fields)) == 'system:count') {
         $select_type = SymQL::SELECT_COUNT;
         $fetch_result = (int) EntryManager::fetchCount($section->get('id'), $where, $joins);
     } else {
         if (count($entry_ids) > 0) {
             $select_type = SymQL::SELECT_ENTRY_ID;
             $fetch_result = EntryManager::fetch($entry_ids, $section->get('id'), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, TRUE, array_values($select_fields));
         } else {
             $select_type = SymQL::SELECT_ENTRIES;
             $fetch_result = EntryManager::fetchByPage($query->page, $section->get('id'), $query->per_page, $where, $joins, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, array_values($select_fields));
     self::$_debug['sql']['joins'] = $joins;
     self::$_debug['sql']['where'] = $where;
     self::$_debug['queries']['Fetch entries'] = self::getQueryCount();
     // section metadata
     $section_metadata = array('name' => $section->get('name'), 'id' => $section->get('id'), 'handle' => $section->get('handle'));
     // build pagination metadata
     if ($select_type == SymQL::SELECT_ENTRIES) {
         $pagination = array('total-entries' => (int) $fetch_result['total-entries'], 'total-pages' => (int) $fetch_result['total-pages'], 'per-page' => (int) $fetch_result['limit'], 'current-page' => (int) $query->page);
     // find the array of entries returned from EntryManager fetch
     $entries = array();
     switch ($select_type) {
         case SymQL::SELECT_ENTRY_ID:
             $entries = $fetch_result;
         case SymQL::SELECT_ENTRIES:
             $entries = $fetch_result['records'];
         case SymQL::SELECT_COUNT:
             $count = $fetch_result;
     // set up result container depending on return type
     switch ($output) {
         case SymQL::RETURN_ARRAY:
         case SymQL::RETURN_RAW_COLUMNS:
         case SymQL::RETURN_ENTRY_OBJECTS:
             $result = array();
             $result['section'] = $section_metadata;
             if ($pagination) {
                 $result['pagination'] = $pagination;
         case SymQL::RETURN_XML:
             $result = new XMLElement($query->root_element ? $query->root_element : 'symql');
             $result->appendChild(new XMLElement('section', $section_metadata['name'], array('id' => $section_metadata['id'], 'handle' => $section_metadata['handle'])));
             if ($pagination) {
                 $result->appendChild(General::buildPaginationElement($pagination['total-entries'], $pagination['total-pages'], $pagination['per-page'], $pagination['current-page']));
     // append returned entries to results container
     if ($select_type == SymQL::SELECT_ENTRY_ID || $select_type == SymQL::SELECT_ENTRIES) {
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             switch ($output) {
                 case SymQL::RETURN_RAW_COLUMNS:
                     $fields = array();
                     foreach ($entry->getData() as $field_id => $values) {
                         $field = $section_fields[$field_id];
                         $fields[$field->get('element_name')] = $values;
                     $result['entries'][$entry->get('id')] = $fields;
                 case SymQL::RETURN_ENTRY_OBJECTS:
                     $result['entries'][$entry->get('id')] = $entry;
                 case SymQL::RETURN_XML:
                 case SymQL::RETURN_ARRAY:
                     $xml_entry = new XMLElement('entry');
                     $xml_entry->setAttribute('id', $entry->get('id'));
                     foreach ($entry->getData() as $field_id => $values) {
                         $field = $section_fields[$field_id];
                         $handle = $field->get('element_name');
                         $handle_exploded = explode(':', $select_fields[$field_id]);
                         if (count($handle_exploded) == 2) {
                             $mode = end($handle_exploded);
                         $field->appendFormattedElement($xml_entry, $values, $encode, $mode);
                     if ($output == SymQL::RETURN_ARRAY) {
                         $result['entries'][] = XMLToArray::convert($xml_entry->generate());
                     } else {
     } elseif ($select_type == SymQL::SELECT_COUNT) {
         switch ($output) {
             case SymQL::RETURN_ARRAY:
             case SymQL::RETURN_RAW_COLUMNS:
             case SymQL::RETURN_ENTRY_OBJECTS:
                 $result['count'] = $count;
             case SymQL::RETURN_XML:
                 $xml_entry = new XMLElement('count', $count);
     self::$_debug['queries']['Total'] = Symphony::Database()->queryCount() - self::$_base_querycount;
     // reset for the next query
     EntryManager::setFetchSorting(NULL, NULL);
     self::$_base_querycount = NULL;
     self::$_cumulative_querycount = NULL;
     return $result;
            if (!$group) {
                $group = $fieldPool[$field_id]->requiresSQLGrouping();
if ($this->dsParamSORT == 'system:id') {
    $entryManager->setFetchSorting('id', $this->dsParamORDER);
} elseif ($this->dsParamSORT == 'system:date') {
    $entryManager->setFetchSorting('date', $this->dsParamORDER);
} else {
    $entryManager->setFetchSorting($entryManager->fieldManager->fetchFieldIDFromElementName($this->dsParamSORT, $this->getSource()), $this->dsParamORDER);
$entries = $entryManager->fetchByPage($this->dsParamSTARTPAGE, $this->getSource(), $this->dsParamLIMIT >= 0 ? $this->dsParamLIMIT : NULL, $where, $joins, $group, !$include_pagination_element ? true : false, true);
if (!($section = $entryManager->sectionManager->fetch($this->getSource()))) {
    $about = $this->about();
    trigger_error(__('The section associated with the data source <code>%s</code> could not be found.', array($about['name'])), E_USER_ERROR);
$sectioninfo = new XMLElement('section', $section->get('name'), array('id' => $section->get('id'), 'handle' => $section->get('handle')));
$key = 'ds-' . $this->dsParamROOTELEMENT;
if ($entries['total-entries'] <= 0 && (!is_array($entries['records']) || empty($entries['records']))) {
    if ($this->dsParamREDIRECTONEMPTY == 'yes') {
    $this->_force_empty_result = false;
    $result = $this->emptyXMLSet();
    if ($include_pagination_element) {
        $pagination_element = General::buildPaginationElement();
 public function dashboardPanelRender($context)
     if ($context['type'] != 'piwik') {
     $config = $context['config'];
     $panel = $context['panel'];
     $panel->setAttribute('class', 'panel-inner piwik');
     $em = new EntryManager();
     $sm = new SectionManager();
     // Get section information:
     $section = $sm->fetch($config['section']);
     $fields = $section->fetchVisibleColumns();
     $fields = array_splice($fields, 0, isset($config['columns']) ? $config['columns'] : 4);
     $section_url = sprintf('%s/publish/%s/', SYMPHONY_URL, $section->get('handle'));
     // Get entry information:
     $entries = $em->fetchByPage(1, $section->get('id'), isset($config['entries']) ? $config['entries'] : 4);
     // Build table:
     $table = new XMLElement('table');
     $table_head = new XMLElement('thead');
     $table_body = new XMLElement('tbody');
     // Add table headers:
     $row = new XMLElement('tr');
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $cell = new XMLElement('th');
     // Add table body:
     foreach ($entries['records'] as $entry) {
         $row = new XMLElement('tr');
         $entry_url = $section_url . 'edit/' . $entry->get('id') . '/';
         foreach ($fields as $position => $field) {
             $data = $entry->getData($field->get('id'));
             $cell = new XMLElement('td');
             $link = $position === 0 ? Widget::Anchor(__('None'), $entry_url, $entry->get('id'), 'content') : null;
             $value = $field->prepareTableValue($data, $link, $entry->get('id'));
             if (isset($link)) {
                 $value = $link->generate();
             if ($value == 'None' || strlen($value) === 0) {
                 $cell->setAttribute('class', 'inactive');
             } else {