  * Form action handler for ContactInquiryForm.
  * @param array $data The form request data submitted
  * @param Form $form The {@link Form} this was submitted on
 function dosave(array $data, Form $form, SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     $SQLData = Convert::raw2sql($data);
     $attrs = $form->getAttributes();
     if ($SQLData['Comment'] != '' || $SQLData['Url'] != '') {
         // most probably spam - terminate silently
         Director::redirect(Director::baseURL() . $this->URLSegment . "/success");
     $item = new ContactInquiry();
     // $form->sessionMessage(_t("ContactPage.FORMMESSAGEGOOD", "Your inquiry has been submitted. Thanks!"), 'good');
     $mailFrom = $this->currController->MailFrom ? $this->currController->MailFrom : $SQLData['Email'];
     $mailTo = $this->currController->MailTo ? $this->currController->MailTo : Email::getAdminEmail();
     $mailSubject = $this->currController->MailSubject ? $this->currController->MailSubject . ' - ' . $SQLData['Ref'] : _t('ContactPage.SUBJECT', '[web] New contact inquiry - ') . ' ' . $data['Ref'];
     $email = new Email($mailFrom, $mailTo, $mailSubject);
     // $this->controller->redirectBack();
     if ($email->send()) {
         $this->controller->redirect($this->controller->Link() . "success");
     } else {
         $this->controller->redirect($this->controller->Link() . "error");
     return false;
 public static function SendSSEmail($page = false, $EmailFormTo = false, $post_vars = false, $submission = null)
     $arr_path = explode(".", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
     $email = new Email("forms@" . $arr_path[1] . "." . $arr_path[2], $EmailFormTo, $page->Title . " form submission");
     $email_body = "<html><body>This is a form submission created by this page on your website:<br /><br />" . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . "<br /><br />";
     $email_body .= self::FormDataToArray($post_vars, null, null, $submission);
     $email_body .= "</body></html>";
 public function doSubmit(array $data, Form $form)
     //basic spam protection
     if ($data['EmailMessage']) {
         $form->addErrorMessage('Message', 'We may have mistakenly marked your message as spam, please contact us via phone or email', 'warning');
     if (!class_exists('FormSpamProtectionExtension')) {
         $time = time() - 20;
         if ($data['TimeLog'] <= $time) {
             $form->addErrorMessage('Message', 'We may have mistakenly marked your message as spam, please contact us via phone or email', 'warning');
     $siteConfig = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
     if ($siteConfig->SiteEmail) {
         $From = $siteConfig->SiteEmail;
     } else {
         $From = $siteConfig->MainEmail;
     $To = $siteConfig->SiteEmail;
     $Subject = "Website Contact From " . $data['Name'];
     $Body = $data['Company'] . "<br>\n " . $data['Email'];
     $email = new Email($From, $To, $Subject, $Body);
     $redirect = false;
     if($siteConfig->DefaultThankYouID != 0 && !$data['CustomThankYou']) {
                 $redirect = ThankYouPage::get()->byID($siteConfig->DefaultThankYouID);
             } elseif ($data['CustomThankYou']) {
                 $redirect = ThankYouPage::get()->byID($data['CustomThankYou']);
             } else {
                 $form->addErrorMessage('Message', 'Thank you, someone from our office will contact you shortly', 'success');
     $form->addErrorMessage('Message', 'Thank you, someone from our office will contact you shortly', 'success');
 public function submitenquiry($data, $form)
     $siteconfig = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
     $to = Email::getAdminEmail();
     $subject = $this->emailsubject ? $this->emailsubject : _t("EnquiryForm.SUBJECT", "Website Contact");
     $data = array('Values' => $form->Fields());
     if ($this->extraemaildata) {
         $data = array_merge($data, $this->extraemaildata);
     $email = new Email($to, $to, $subject, $this->customise($data)->renderWith($this->emailtemplate));
     if (isset($data['Email']) && Email::is_valid_address($data['Email'])) {
     $success = $email->send();
     $defaultmessage = "<p class=\"message good\">" . _t("Enquiry.SUCCESS", "Thanks for your contact. We'll be in touch shortly.") . "</p>";
     $content = $siteconfig && $siteconfig->EnquiryContent ? $siteconfig->EnquiryContent : $defaultmessage;
     if (Director::is_ajax()) {
         return "success";
     return new Page_Controller(new Page(array('Title' => _t('Enquiry.Singular', 'Enquiry'), 'Content' => $content, 'EnquiryForm' => '')));
 public function showPopup()
     $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_formbox');
     $objUser = \BackendUser::getInstance();
     if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == 'formbox') {
         $objDate = new \Date();
         $objEmail = new \Email();
         $objEmail->subject = $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['websiteTitle'] . ' - ' . $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['be_formbox_button_text'];
         $strHtml = '<p>User: '******' (' . $objUser->email . ')</p>';
         $strHtml .= '<p>Site: ' . \Input::post('url') . '</p>';
         $strHtml .= '<p>Datum: ' . $objDate->datim . '</p>';
         $strHtml .= '<p>Message: ' . \Input::post('message') . '</p>';
         $objEmail->html = $strHtml;
         $objEmail->replyTo($objUser->name . ' <' . $objUser->email . '>');
         $objTemplate->strMessageSent = $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['be_formbox_message_sent'];
     $objTemplate->strFormUrl = 'contao/main.php?do=undo&key=be-formbox&nb=1&popup=1';
     $objTemplate->strUrl = base64_decode(\Input::get('link'));
     $objTemplate->strFormboxMessage = $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['be_formbox_message'];
     return $objTemplate->parse();
  * Process form data, store it in the session and redirect to the jumpTo page
  * @param array $arrSubmitted
  * @param array $arrLabels
  * @param array $arrFields
 protected function processFormData($arrSubmitted, $arrLabels, $arrFields)
     // HOOK: prepare form data callback
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['prepareFormData']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['prepareFormData'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['prepareFormData'] as $callback) {
             $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($arrSubmitted, $arrLabels, $arrFields, $this);
     // Send form data via e-mail
     if ($this->sendViaEmail) {
         $keys = array();
         $values = array();
         $fields = array();
         $message = '';
         foreach ($arrSubmitted as $k => $v) {
             if ($k == 'cc') {
             $v = deserialize($v);
             // Skip empty fields
             if ($this->skipEmpty && !is_array($v) && !strlen($v)) {
             // Add field to message
             $message .= (isset($arrLabels[$k]) ? $arrLabels[$k] : ucfirst($k)) . ': ' . (is_array($v) ? implode(', ', $v) : $v) . "\n";
             // Prepare XML file
             if ($this->format == 'xml') {
                 $fields[] = array('name' => $k, 'values' => is_array($v) ? $v : array($v));
             // Prepare CSV file
             if ($this->format == 'csv') {
                 $keys[] = $k;
                 $values[] = is_array($v) ? implode(',', $v) : $v;
         $recipients = \StringUtil::splitCsv($this->recipient);
         // Format recipients
         foreach ($recipients as $k => $v) {
             $recipients[$k] = str_replace(array('[', ']', '"'), array('<', '>', ''), $v);
         $email = new \Email();
         // Get subject and message
         if ($this->format == 'email') {
             $message = $arrSubmitted['message'];
             $email->subject = $arrSubmitted['subject'];
         // Set the admin e-mail as "from" address
         $email->from = $GLOBALS['TL_ADMIN_EMAIL'];
         $email->fromName = $GLOBALS['TL_ADMIN_NAME'];
         // Get the "reply to" address
         if (strlen(\Input::post('email', true))) {
             $replyTo = \Input::post('email', true);
             // Add name
             if (strlen(\Input::post('name'))) {
                 $replyTo = '"' . \Input::post('name') . '" <' . $replyTo . '>';
         // Fallback to default subject
         if (!strlen($email->subject)) {
             $email->subject = $this->replaceInsertTags($this->subject, false);
         // Send copy to sender
         if (strlen($arrSubmitted['cc'])) {
             $email->sendCc(\Input::post('email', true));
         // Attach XML file
         if ($this->format == 'xml') {
             /** @var \FrontendTemplate|object $objTemplate */
             $objTemplate = new \FrontendTemplate('form_xml');
             $objTemplate->fields = $fields;
             $objTemplate->charset = \Config::get('characterSet');
             $email->attachFileFromString($objTemplate->parse(), 'form.xml', 'application/xml');
         // Attach CSV file
         if ($this->format == 'csv') {
             $email->attachFileFromString(\StringUtil::decodeEntities('"' . implode('";"', $keys) . '"' . "\n" . '"' . implode('";"', $values) . '"'), 'form.csv', 'text/comma-separated-values');
         $uploaded = '';
         // Attach uploaded files
         if (!empty($_SESSION['FILES'])) {
             foreach ($_SESSION['FILES'] as $file) {
                 // Add a link to the uploaded file
                 if ($file['uploaded']) {
                     $uploaded .= "\n" . \Environment::get('base') . str_replace(TL_ROOT . '/', '', dirname($file['tmp_name'])) . '/' . rawurlencode($file['name']);
                 $email->attachFileFromString(file_get_contents($file['tmp_name']), $file['name'], $file['type']);
         $uploaded = strlen(trim($uploaded)) ? "\n\n---\n" . $uploaded : '';
         $email->text = \StringUtil::decodeEntities(trim($message)) . $uploaded . "\n\n";
         // Send the e-mail
         try {
         } catch (\Swift_SwiftException $e) {
             $this->log('Form "' . $this->title . '" could not be sent: ' . $e->getMessage(), __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
     // Store the values in the database
     if ($this->storeValues && $this->targetTable != '') {
         $arrSet = array();
         // Add the timestamp
         if ($this->Database->fieldExists('tstamp', $this->targetTable)) {
             $arrSet['tstamp'] = time();
         // Fields
         foreach ($arrSubmitted as $k => $v) {
             if ($k != 'cc' && $k != 'id') {
                 $arrSet[$k] = $v;
                 // Convert date formats into timestamps (see #6827)
                 if ($arrSet[$k] != '' && in_array($arrFields[$k]->rgxp, array('date', 'time', 'datim'))) {
                     $objDate = new \Date($arrSet[$k], \Date::getFormatFromRgxp($arrFields[$k]->rgxp));
                     $arrSet[$k] = $objDate->tstamp;
         // Files
         if (!empty($_SESSION['FILES'])) {
             foreach ($_SESSION['FILES'] as $k => $v) {
                 if ($v['uploaded']) {
                     $arrSet[$k] = str_replace(TL_ROOT . '/', '', $v['tmp_name']);
         // HOOK: store form data callback
         if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['storeFormData']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['storeFormData'])) {
             foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['storeFormData'] as $callback) {
                 $arrSet = $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($arrSet, $this);
         // Set the correct empty value (see #6284, #6373)
         foreach ($arrSet as $k => $v) {
             if ($v === '') {
                 $arrSet[$k] = \Widget::getEmptyValueByFieldType($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->targetTable]['fields'][$k]['sql']);
         // Do not use Models here (backwards compatibility)
         $this->Database->prepare("INSERT INTO " . $this->targetTable . " %s")->set($arrSet)->execute();
     // Store all values in the session
     foreach (array_keys($_POST) as $key) {
         $_SESSION['FORM_DATA'][$key] = $this->allowTags ? \Input::postHtml($key, true) : \Input::post($key, true);
     $arrFiles = $_SESSION['FILES'];
     // HOOK: process form data callback
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['processFormData']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['processFormData'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['processFormData'] as $callback) {
             $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($arrSubmitted, $this->arrData, $arrFiles, $arrLabels, $this);
     $_SESSION['FILES'] = array();
     // Add a log entry
     if (FE_USER_LOGGED_IN) {
         $this->import('FrontendUser', 'User');
         $this->log('Form "' . $this->title . '" has been submitted by "' . $this->User->username . '".', __METHOD__, TL_FORMS);
     } else {
         $this->log('Form "' . $this->title . '" has been submitted by ' . \System::anonymizeIp(\Environment::get('ip')) . '.', __METHOD__, TL_FORMS);
     // Check whether there is a jumpTo page
     if (($objJumpTo = $this->objModel->getRelated('jumpTo')) !== null) {
  * Helper function to send email to member
  * @param Member $member
  * @param Boolean $write Save to database
 public function sendmoderatoremail()
     $config = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
     foreach ($config->Moderators() as $moderator) {
         try {
             $email = new Email();
             $email->setSubject(sprintf(_t('EmailVerifiedMember.NEWMEMBEREMAILSUBJECT', 'New member waiting for moderation at %s'), $config->Title));
             $email->populateTemplate(array('ModerationLink' => Director::absoluteBaseURL() . 'admin/security/EditForm/field/Members/item/' . urlencode($this->owner->ID) . '/edit', 'Moderator' => $moderator, 'Member' => $this->owner, 'SiteTitle' => $config->Title));
             $this->owner->ModerationEmailSent = $email->send();
             //				Debug::Show($email);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     //$this->owner->ModerationEmailSent = $email->send();
  * onsubmit_callback
  * send email
 public function onSubmitCbSendEmail()
     // the save-button is a fileupload-button
     if (!\Input::post('saveNclose')) {
     $email = new Email();
     $fromMail = $this->User->email;
     $subject = \Input::post('subject');
     $email->from = $fromMail;
     $email->subject = $subject;
     $email->html = base64_decode($_POST['content']);
     //save attachment
     $arrFiles = array();
     $db = $this->Database->prepare('SELECT attachment FROM tl_be_email WHERE id=?')->execute(\Input::get('id'));
     // Attachment
     if ($db->attachment != '') {
         $arrFiles = unserialize($db->attachment);
         foreach ($arrFiles as $filekey => $filename) {
             if (file_exists(TL_ROOT . '/' . BE_EMAIL_UPLOAD_DIR . '/' . $filekey)) {
                 $this->Files->copy(BE_EMAIL_UPLOAD_DIR . '/' . $filekey, 'system/tmp/' . $filename);
                 $email->attachFile(TL_ROOT . '/system/tmp/' . $filename);
     // Cc
     $cc_recipients = array_unique($this->validateEmailAddresses(\Input::post('recipientsCc'), 'recipientsCc'));
     if (count($cc_recipients)) {
     // Bcc
     $bcc_recipients = array_unique($this->validateEmailAddresses(\Input::post('recipientsBcc'), 'recipientsBcc'));
     if (count($bcc_recipients)) {
     // To
     $recipients = array_unique($this->validateEmailAddresses(\Input::post('recipientsTo'), 'recipientsTo'));
     if (count($recipients)) {
     // Delete attachment from server
     foreach ($arrFiles as $filekey => $filename) {
         // delete file in the tmp-folder
         if (is_file(TL_ROOT . '/system/tmp/' . $filename)) {
             $this->Files->delete('/system/tmp/' . $filename);
 public function SendEnquiryForm($data, $form)
     $From = $this->EmailFrom;
     $To = $this->EmailTo;
     $Subject = $this->EmailSubject;
     $email = new Email($From, $To, $Subject);
     $replyTo = $this->EnquiryFormFields()->filter(array('FieldType' => 'Email'))->First();
     if ($replyTo) {
         $postField = $this->keyGen($replyTo->FieldName, $replyTo->SortOrder);
         if (isset($data[$postField]) && Email::validEmailAddress($data[$postField])) {
     if ($this->EmailBcc) {
     //abuse / tracking
     $email->addCustomHeader('X-Sender-IP', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     //set template
     //populate template
     $templateData = $this->getTemplateData($data);
     //send mail
     //return to submitted message
     if (Director::is_ajax()) {
         return $this->renderWith('EnquiryPageAjaxSuccess');
  * Process submitted form data
  * Send mail, store data in backend
  * @param array $arrSubmitted Submitted data
  * @param array|bool $arrForm Form configuration
  * @param array|bool $arrFiles Files uploaded
  * @param array|bool $arrLabels Form field labels
  * @return void
 public function processSubmittedData($arrSubmitted, $arrForm = false, $arrFiles = false, $arrLabels = false)
     // Form config
     if (!$arrForm) {
     $arrFormFields = array();
     $this->import('FrontendUser', 'Member');
     $this->strFdDcaKey = 'fd_' . (!empty($arrForm['alias']) ? $arrForm['alias'] : str_replace('-', '_', standardize($arrForm['title'])));
     $this->Formdata->FdDcaKey = $this->strFdDcaKey;
     // Get params of related listing formdata
     $intListingId = intval($_SESSION['EFP']['LISTING_MOD']['id']);
     if ($intListingId > 0) {
         $objListing = \Database::getInstance()->prepare("SELECT * FROM tl_module WHERE id=?")->execute($intListingId);
         if ($objListing->numRows) {
             $arrListing = $objListing->fetchAssoc();
             // Mail delivery defined in frontend listing module
             $arrForm['sendConfirmationMailOnFrontendEditing'] = $arrListing['efg_fe_no_confirmation_mail'] ? false : true;
             $arrForm['sendFormattedMailOnFrontendEditing'] = $arrListing['efg_fe_no_formatted_mail'] ? false : true;
     if (!empty($arrListing['efg_DetailsKey'])) {
         $this->strFormdataDetailsKey = $arrListing['efg_DetailsKey'];
     $blnFEedit = false;
     $intOldId = 0;
     $strRedirectTo = '';
     $strUrl = preg_replace('/\\?.*$/', '', \Environment::get('request'));
     $strUrlParams = '';
     $blnQuery = false;
     foreach (preg_split('/&(amp;)?/', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) as $fragment) {
         if (strlen($fragment)) {
             if (strncasecmp($fragment, $this->strFormdataDetailsKey, strlen($this->strFormdataDetailsKey)) !== 0 && strncasecmp($fragment, 'act', 3) !== 0) {
                 $strUrlParams .= (!$blnQuery ? '' : '&amp;') . $fragment;
                 $blnQuery = true;
     if (in_array($arrListing['efg_fe_edit_access'], array('public', 'groupmembers', 'member'))) {
         if (\Input::get('act') == 'edit') {
             $blnFEedit = true;
             $objCheck = \Database::getInstance()->prepare("SELECT id FROM tl_formdata WHERE id=? OR alias=?")->execute(\Input::get($this->strFormdataDetailsKey), \Input::get($this->strFormdataDetailsKey));
             if ($objCheck->numRows == 1) {
                 $intOldId = intval($objCheck->id);
             } else {
                 $this->log('Could not identify record by ID "' . \Input::get($this->strFormdataDetailsKey) . '"', __METHOD__, TL_GENERAL);
     // Types of form fields with storable data
     $arrFFstorable = $this->Formdata->arrFFstorable;
     if (($arrForm['storeFormdata'] || $arrForm['sendConfirmationMail'] || $arrForm['sendFormattedMail']) && !empty($arrSubmitted)) {
         $timeNow = time();
         $arrFormFields = $this->Formdata->getFormfieldsAsArray($arrForm['id']);
         $arrBaseFields = array();
         $arrDetailFields = array();
         if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_formdata']['tl_formdata']['baseFields'])) {
             $arrBaseFields = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_formdata']['tl_formdata']['baseFields'];
         if (!empty($GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_formdata']['tl_formdata']['detailFields'])) {
             $arrDetailFields = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_formdata']['tl_formdata']['detailFields'];
         $arrHookFields = array_merge($arrBaseFields, $arrDetailFields);
         $arrToSave = array();
         foreach ($arrSubmitted as $k => $varVal) {
             if (in_array($k, array('id'))) {
             } elseif (in_array($k, $arrHookFields) || in_array($k, array_keys($arrFormFields)) || in_array($k, array('FORM_SUBMIT', 'MAX_FILE_SIZE'))) {
                 $arrToSave[$k] = $varVal;
         // HOOK: process efg form data callback
         if (array_key_exists('processEfgFormData', $GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['processEfgFormData'])) {
             foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['processEfgFormData'] as $key => $callback) {
                 $arrResult = $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($arrToSave, $arrFiles, $intOldId, $arrForm, $arrLabels);
                 if (!empty($arrResult)) {
                     $arrSubmitted = $arrResult;
                     $arrToSave = $arrSubmitted;
     // Formdata storage
     if ($arrForm['storeFormdata'] && !empty($arrSubmitted)) {
         $blnStoreOptionsValue = $arrForm['efgStoreValues'] ? true : false;
         // Get old record on frontend editing
         if ($intOldId > 0) {
             $arrOldData = $this->Formdata->getFormdataAsArray($intOldId);
             $arrOldFormdata = $arrOldData['fd_base'];
             $arrOldFormdataDetails = $arrOldData['fd_details'];
         // Prepare record tl_formdata
         $arrSet = array('form' => $arrForm['title'], 'tstamp' => $timeNow, 'date' => $timeNow, 'ip' => \System::anonymizeIp(\Environment::get('ip')), 'published' => $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_formdata']['fields']['published']['default'] ? '1' : '', 'fd_member' => intval($this->Member->id), 'fd_member_group' => intval($this->Member->groups[0]), 'fd_user' => intval($this->User->id), 'fd_user_group' => intval($this->User->groups[0]));
         // Keep some values from existing record on frontend editing
         if ($intOldId > 0) {
             $arrSet['form'] = $arrOldFormdata['form'];
             $arrSet['be_notes'] = $arrOldFormdata['be_notes'];
             $arrSet['fd_member'] = $arrOldFormdata['fd_member'];
             $arrSet['fd_member_group'] = $arrOldFormdata['fd_member_group'];
             if (intval($this->Member->id) > 0) {
                 $arrSet['fd_member'] = intval($this->Member->id);
                 if (count($this->Member->groups) == 1 && intval($this->Member->groups[0]) > 0) {
                     $arrSet['fd_member_group'] = intval($this->Member->groups[0]);
             } else {
                 $arrSet['fd_member'] = 0;
             $arrSet['fd_user'] = $arrOldFormdata['fd_user'];
             $arrSet['fd_user_group'] = $arrOldFormdata['fd_user_group'];
             // Set published to value of old record, if no default value is defined
             if (!isset($GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_formdata']['fields']['published']['default'])) {
                 $arrSet['published'] = $arrOldFormdata['published'];
         // Store formdata: Update or insert and delete
         if ($blnFEedit && strlen($arrListing['efg_fe_keep_id'])) {
             $intNewId = $intOldId;
             \Database::getInstance()->prepare("UPDATE tl_formdata %s WHERE id=?")->set($arrSet)->execute($intOldId);
             \Database::getInstance()->prepare("DELETE FROM tl_formdata_details WHERE pid=?")->execute($intOldId);
         } else {
             $objNewFormdata = \Database::getInstance()->prepare("INSERT INTO tl_formdata %s")->set($arrSet)->execute();
             $intNewId = $objNewFormdata->insertId;
             // Update related comments
             if (in_array('comments', \ModuleLoader::getActive())) {
                 \Database::getInstance()->prepare("UPDATE tl_comments %s WHERE `source` = 'tl_formdata' AND parent=?")->set(array('parent' => $intNewId))->execute($intOldId);
         // Store details data
         foreach ($arrFormFields as $k => $arrField) {
             $strType = $arrField['formfieldType'];
             $strVal = '';
             if (in_array($strType, $arrFFstorable)) {
                 if ($blnStoreOptionsValue) {
                     $arrField['eval']['efgStoreValues'] = true;
                 } else {
                     $arrField['eval']['efgStoreValues'] = false;
                 // Set rgxp 'date' for field type 'calendar' if not set
                 if ($strType == 'calendar') {
                     if (!isset($arrField['rgxp'])) {
                         $arrField['rgxp'] = 'date';
                 } elseif ($strType == 'xdependentcalendarfields') {
                     $arrField['rgxp'] = 'date';
                     $arrField['dateFormat'] = $arrField['xdateformat'];
                 $strVal = $this->Formdata->preparePostValueForDatabase($arrSubmitted[$k], $arrField, $arrFiles[$k]);
                 // Special treatment for type upload
                 // Keep old file on frontend editing, if no new file has been uploaded
                 if ($strType == 'upload') {
                     if ($intOldId) {
                         if (!$arrFiles[$k]['name']) {
                             if (strlen($arrOldFormdataDetails[$k]['value'])) {
                                 $strVal = $arrOldFormdataDetails[$k]['value'];
                 if (isset($arrSubmitted[$k]) || $strType == 'upload' && strlen($strVal)) {
                     // Prepare data
                     $arrFieldSet = array('pid' => $intNewId, 'sorting' => $arrField['sorting'], 'tstamp' => $timeNow, 'ff_id' => $arrField['id'], 'ff_name' => $arrField['name'], 'value' => $strVal);
                     $objNewFormdataDetails = \Database::getInstance()->prepare("INSERT INTO tl_formdata_details %s")->set($arrFieldSet)->execute();
         // Delete old record after frontend editing
         if ($blnFEedit) {
             if (!isset($arrListing['efg_fe_keep_id']) || $arrListing['efg_fe_keep_id'] != "1") {
                 if ($intNewId > 0 && intval($intOldId) > 0 && intval($intNewId) != intval($intOldId)) {
                     \Database::getInstance()->prepare("DELETE FROM tl_formdata_details WHERE pid=?")->execute($intOldId);
                     \Database::getInstance()->prepare("DELETE FROM tl_formdata WHERE id=?")->execute($intOldId);
             $strRedirectTo = preg_replace('/\\?.*$/', '', \Environment::get('request'));
         // Auto-generate alias
         $strAlias = $this->Formdata->generateAlias($arrOldFormdata['alias'], $arrForm['title'], $intNewId);
         if (strlen($strAlias)) {
             $arrUpd = array('alias' => $strAlias);
             \Database::getInstance()->prepare("UPDATE tl_formdata %s WHERE id=?")->set($arrUpd)->execute($intNewId);
     // Store data in the session to display on confirmation page
     $blnSkipEmptyFields = $arrForm['confirmationMailSkipEmpty'] ? true : false;
     foreach ($arrFormFields as $k => $arrField) {
         $strType = $arrField['formfieldType'];
         $strVal = '';
         if (in_array($strType, $arrFFstorable)) {
             $strVal = $this->Formdata->preparePostValueForMail($arrSubmitted[$k], $arrField, $arrFiles[$k], $blnSkipEmptyFields);
         $_SESSION['EFP']['FORMDATA'][$k] = $strVal;
     $_SESSION['EFP']['FORMDATA']['_formId_'] = $arrForm['id'];
     // Confirmation Mail
     if ($blnFEedit && !$arrForm['sendConfirmationMailOnFrontendEditing']) {
         $arrForm['sendConfirmationMail'] = false;
     if ($arrForm['sendConfirmationMail']) {
         $objMailProperties = new \stdClass();
         $objMailProperties->subject = '';
         $objMailProperties->sender = '';
         $objMailProperties->senderName = '';
         $objMailProperties->replyTo = '';
         $objMailProperties->recipients = array();
         $objMailProperties->messageText = '';
         $objMailProperties->messageHtmlTmpl = '';
         $objMailProperties->messageHtml = '';
         $objMailProperties->attachments = array();
         $objMailProperties->skipEmptyFields = false;
         $objMailProperties->skipEmptyFields = $arrForm['confirmationMailSkipEmpty'] ? true : false;
         // Set the sender as given in form configuration
         list($senderName, $sender) = \String::splitFriendlyEmail($arrForm['confirmationMailSender']);
         $objMailProperties->sender = $sender;
         $objMailProperties->senderName = $senderName;
         // Set the 'reply to' address, if given in form configuration
         if (!empty($arrForm['confirmationMailReplyto'])) {
             list($replyToName, $replyTo) = \String::splitFriendlyEmail($arrForm['confirmationMailReplyto']);
             $objMailProperties->replyTo = strlen($replyToName) ? $replyToName . ' <' . $replyTo . '>' : $replyTo;
         // Set recipient(s)
         $recipientFieldName = $arrForm['confirmationMailRecipientField'];
         $varRecipient = $arrSubmitted[$recipientFieldName];
         if (is_array($varRecipient)) {
             $arrRecipient = $varRecipient;
         } else {
             $arrRecipient = trimsplit(',', $varRecipient);
         if (!empty($arrForm['confirmationMailRecipient'])) {
             $varRecipient = $arrForm['confirmationMailRecipient'];
             $arrRecipient = array_merge($arrRecipient, trimsplit(',', $varRecipient));
         $arrRecipient = array_filter(array_unique($arrRecipient));
         if (!empty($arrRecipient)) {
             foreach ($arrRecipient as $kR => $recipient) {
                 list($recipientName, $recipient) = \String::splitFriendlyEmail($this->replaceInsertTags($recipient, false));
                 $arrRecipient[$kR] = strlen($recipientName) ? $recipientName . ' <' . $recipient . '>' : $recipient;
         $objMailProperties->recipients = $arrRecipient;
         // Check if we want custom attachments... (Thanks to Torben Schwellnus)
         if ($arrForm['addConfirmationMailAttachments']) {
             if ($arrForm['confirmationMailAttachments']) {
                 $arrCustomAttachments = deserialize($arrForm['confirmationMailAttachments'], true);
                 if (!empty($arrCustomAttachments)) {
                     foreach ($arrCustomAttachments as $varFile) {
                         $objFileModel = \FilesModel::findById($varFile);
                         if ($objFileModel !== null) {
                             $objFile = new \File($objFileModel->path);
                             if ($objFile->size) {
                                 $objMailProperties->attachments[TL_ROOT . '/' . $objFile->path] = array('file' => TL_ROOT . '/' . $objFile->path, 'name' => $objFile->basename, 'mime' => $objFile->mime);
         $objMailProperties->subject = \String::decodeEntities($arrForm['confirmationMailSubject']);
         $objMailProperties->messageText = \String::decodeEntities($arrForm['confirmationMailText']);
         $objMailProperties->messageHtmlTmpl = $arrForm['confirmationMailTemplate'];
         // Replace Insert tags and conditional tags
         $objMailProperties = $this->Formdata->prepareMailData($objMailProperties, $arrSubmitted, $arrFiles, $arrForm, $arrFormFields);
         // Send Mail
         $blnConfirmationSent = false;
         if (!empty($objMailProperties->recipients)) {
             $objMail = new \Email();
             $objMail->from = $objMailProperties->sender;
             if (!empty($objMailProperties->senderName)) {
                 $objMail->fromName = $objMailProperties->senderName;
             if (!empty($objMailProperties->replyTo)) {
             $objMail->subject = $objMailProperties->subject;
             if (!empty($objMailProperties->attachments)) {
                 foreach ($objMailProperties->attachments as $strFile => $varParams) {
                     $strContent = file_get_contents($varParams['file'], false);
                     $objMail->attachFileFromString($strContent, $varParams['name'], $varParams['mime']);
             if (!empty($objMailProperties->messageText)) {
                 $objMail->text = $objMailProperties->messageText;
             if (!empty($objMailProperties->messageHtml)) {
                 $objMail->html = $objMailProperties->messageHtml;
             foreach ($objMailProperties->recipients as $recipient) {
                 $blnConfirmationSent = true;
         if ($blnConfirmationSent && isset($intNewId) && intval($intNewId) > 0) {
             $arrUpd = array('confirmationSent' => '1', 'confirmationDate' => $timeNow);
             $res = \Database::getInstance()->prepare("UPDATE tl_formdata %s WHERE id=?")->set($arrUpd)->execute($intNewId);
     // Information (formatted) Mail
     if ($blnFEedit && !$arrForm['sendFormattedMailOnFrontendEditing']) {
         $arrForm['sendFormattedMail'] = false;
     if ($arrForm['sendFormattedMail']) {
         $objMailProperties = new \stdClass();
         $objMailProperties->subject = '';
         $objMailProperties->sender = '';
         $objMailProperties->senderName = '';
         $objMailProperties->replyTo = '';
         $objMailProperties->recipients = array();
         $objMailProperties->messageText = '';
         $objMailProperties->messageHtmlTmpl = '';
         $objMailProperties->messageHtml = '';
         $objMailProperties->attachments = array();
         $objMailProperties->skipEmptyFields = false;
         $objMailProperties->skipEmptyFields = $arrForm['formattedMailSkipEmpty'] ? true : false;
         // Set the admin e-mail as "from" address
         $objMailProperties->sender = $GLOBALS['TL_ADMIN_EMAIL'];
         $objMailProperties->senderName = $GLOBALS['TL_ADMIN_NAME'];
         // Get 'reply to' address, if form contains field named 'email'
         if (isset($arrSubmitted['email']) && !empty($arrSubmitted['email']) && !is_bool(strpos($arrSubmitted['email'], '@'))) {
             $replyTo = $arrSubmitted['email'];
             // add name
             if (isset($arrSubmitted['name']) && !empty($arrSubmitted['name'])) {
                 $replyTo = '"' . $arrSubmitted['name'] . '" <' . $arrSubmitted['email'] . '>';
             $objMailProperties->replyTo = $replyTo;
         // Set recipient(s)
         $varRecipient = $arrForm['formattedMailRecipient'];
         if (is_array($varRecipient)) {
             $arrRecipient = $varRecipient;
         } else {
             $arrRecipient = trimsplit(',', $varRecipient);
         $arrRecipient = array_filter(array_unique($arrRecipient));
         if (!empty($arrRecipient)) {
             foreach ($arrRecipient as $kR => $recipient) {
                 list($recipientName, $recipient) = \String::splitFriendlyEmail($this->replaceInsertTags($recipient, false));
                 $arrRecipient[$kR] = strlen($recipientName) ? $recipientName . ' <' . $recipient . '>' : $recipient;
         $objMailProperties->recipients = $arrRecipient;
         // Check if we want custom attachments... (Thanks to Torben Schwellnus)
         if ($arrForm['addFormattedMailAttachments']) {
             if ($arrForm['formattedMailAttachments']) {
                 $arrCustomAttachments = deserialize($arrForm['formattedMailAttachments'], true);
                 if (is_array($arrCustomAttachments)) {
                     foreach ($arrCustomAttachments as $varFile) {
                         $objFileModel = \FilesModel::findById($varFile);
                         if ($objFileModel !== null) {
                             $objFile = new \File($objFileModel->path);
                             if ($objFile->size) {
                                 $objMailProperties->attachments[TL_ROOT . '/' . $objFile->path] = array('file' => TL_ROOT . '/' . $objFile->path, 'name' => $objFile->basename, 'mime' => $objFile->mime);
         $objMailProperties->subject = \String::decodeEntities($arrForm['formattedMailSubject']);
         $objMailProperties->messageText = \String::decodeEntities($arrForm['formattedMailText']);
         $objMailProperties->messageHtmlTmpl = $arrForm['formattedMailTemplate'];
         // Replace Insert tags and conditional tags
         $objMailProperties = $this->Formdata->prepareMailData($objMailProperties, $arrSubmitted, $arrFiles, $arrForm, $arrFormFields);
         // Send Mail
         $blnInformationSent = false;
         if (!empty($objMailProperties->recipients)) {
             $objMail = new \Email();
             $objMail->from = $objMailProperties->sender;
             if (!empty($objMailProperties->senderName)) {
                 $objMail->fromName = $objMailProperties->senderName;
             if (!empty($objMailProperties->replyTo)) {
             $objMail->subject = $objMailProperties->subject;
             if (!empty($objMailProperties->attachments)) {
                 foreach ($objMailProperties->attachments as $strFile => $varParams) {
                     $strContent = file_get_contents($varParams['file'], false);
                     $objMail->attachFileFromString($strContent, $varParams['name'], $varParams['mime']);
             if (!empty($objMailProperties->messageText)) {
                 $objMail->text = $objMailProperties->messageText;
             if (!empty($objMailProperties->messageHtml)) {
                 $objMail->html = $objMailProperties->messageHtml;
             foreach ($objMailProperties->recipients as $recipient) {
                 $blnInformationSent = true;
     // Redirect after frontend editing
     if ($blnFEedit) {
         if (!empty($strRedirectTo)) {
             $strRed = preg_replace(array('/\\/' . $this->strFormdataDetailsKey . '\\/' . \Input::get($this->strFormdataDetailsKey) . '/i', '/' . $this->strFormdataDetailsKey . '=' . \Input::get($this->strFormdataDetailsKey) . '/i', '/act=edit/i'), array('', '', ''), $strUrl) . (!empty($strUrlParams) ? '?' . $strUrlParams : '');
文件: Efp.php 项目: jens-wetzel/use2
  * Optional confirmation mail, optional store data in backend
  * @param array	Submitted data
  * @param array	Form configuration
  * @param array Files uploaded
  * @param array	Form field labels
 public function processSubmittedData($arrSubmitted, $arrForm = false, $arrFiles = false, $arrLabels = false)
     // Form config
     if (!$arrForm) {
     $arrFormFields = array();
     // NOTE: maybe use form alias instead in upcoming release
     $this->strFdDcaKey = 'fd_' . (strlen($arrForm['formID']) ? $arrForm['formID'] : str_replace('-', '_', standardize($arrForm['title'])));
     $this->FormData->FdDcaKey = $this->strFdDcaKey;
     $this->import('FrontendUser', 'Member');
     $dirImages = '';
     // get params of related listing formdata
     $intListingId = intval($_SESSION['EFP']['LISTING_MOD']['id']);
     if ($intListingId) {
         $objListing = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM tl_module WHERE id=?")->execute($intListingId);
         if ($objListing->numRows) {
             $arrListing = $objListing->fetchAssoc();
             // mail delivery defined in frontend listing module
             $arrForm['sendConfirmationMailOnFrontendEditing'] = $arrListing['efg_fe_no_confirmation_mail'] ? false : true;
             $arrForm['sendFormattedMailOnFrontendEditing'] = $arrListing['efg_fe_no_formatted_mail'] ? false : true;
     if (strlen($arrListing['efg_DetailsKey'])) {
         $this->strFormdataDetailsKey = $arrListing['efg_DetailsKey'];
     $blnFEedit = false;
     $intOldId = 0;
     $strRedirectTo = '';
     $strUrl = preg_replace('/\\?.*$/', '', $this->Environment->request);
     $strUrlParams = '';
     $blnQuery = false;
     foreach (preg_split('/&(amp;)?/', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) as $fragment) {
         if (strlen($fragment)) {
             if (strncasecmp($fragment, $this->strFormdataDetailsKey, strlen($this->strFormdataDetailsKey)) !== 0 && strncasecmp($fragment, 'act', 3) !== 0) {
                 $strUrlParams .= (!$blnQuery ? '' : '&amp;') . $fragment;
                 $blnQuery = true;
     if (in_array($arrListing['efg_fe_edit_access'], array('public', 'groupmembers', 'member'))) {
         if ($this->Input->get('act') == 'edit') {
             $blnFEedit = true;
             $objCheck = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT id FROM tl_formdata WHERE id=? OR alias=?")->execute($this->Input->get($this->strFormdataDetailsKey), $this->Input->get($this->strFormdataDetailsKey));
             if ($objCheck->numRows == 1) {
                 $intOldId = intval($objCheck->id);
             } else {
                 $this->log('Could not identify record by ID "' . $this->Input->get($this->strFormdataDetailsKey) . '"', 'Efp processSubmittedData()', TL_GENERAL);
     // Types of form fields with storable data
     $arrFFstorable = $this->FormData->arrFFstorable;
     if (($arrForm['storeFormdata'] || $arrForm['sendConfirmationMail'] || $arrForm['sendFormattedMail']) && count($arrSubmitted) > 0) {
         $timeNow = time();
         $arrFormFields = $this->FormData->getFormfieldsAsArray($arrForm['id']);
         $arrBaseFields = array();
         $arrDetailFields = array();
         if (count($GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_formdata']['tl_formdata']['baseFields'])) {
             $arrBaseFields = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_formdata']['tl_formdata']['baseFields'];
         if (count($GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_formdata']['tl_formdata']['detailFields'])) {
             $arrDetailFields = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_formdata']['tl_formdata']['detailFields'];
         $arrHookFields = array_merge($arrBaseFields, $arrDetailFields);
         $arrToSave = array();
         foreach ($arrSubmitted as $k => $varVal) {
             if (in_array($k, array('id'))) {
             } elseif (in_array($k, $arrHookFields) || in_array($k, array_keys($arrFormFields)) || in_array($k, array('FORM_SUBMIT', 'MAX_FILE_SIZE'))) {
                 $arrToSave[$k] = $varVal;
         // HOOK: process efg form data callback
         if (array_key_exists('processEfgFormData', $GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['processEfgFormData'])) {
             foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['processEfgFormData'] as $key => $callback) {
                 $arrResult = $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($arrToSave, $arrFiles, $intOldId, $arrForm, $arrLabels);
                 if (is_array($arrResult) && count($arrResult) > 0) {
                     $arrSubmitted = $arrResult;
                     $arrToSave = $arrSubmitted;
     // Formdata storage
     if ($arrForm['storeFormdata'] && count($arrSubmitted) > 0) {
         $blnStoreOptionsValue = $arrForm['efgStoreValues'] == "1" ? true : false;
         // if frontend editing, get old record
         if ($intOldId > 0) {
             $arrOldData = $this->FormData->getFormdataAsArray($intOldId);
             $arrOldFormdata = $arrOldData['fd_base'];
             $arrOldFormdataDetails = $arrOldData['fd_details'];
         // Prepare record tl_formdata
         if ($arrFormFields['name']) {
             $strUserName = $arrSubmitted['name'];
         if ($arrFormFields['email']) {
             $strUserEmail = $arrSubmitted['email'];
         if ($arrFormFields['confirmationMailRecipientField']) {
             $strUserEmail = $arrSubmitted[$arrForm['confirmationMailRecipientField']];
         if ($arrFormFields['message']) {
             $strUserMessage = $arrSubmitted['message'];
         $arrSet = array('form' => $arrForm['title'], 'tstamp' => $timeNow, 'date' => $timeNow, 'ip' => $this->Environment->ip, 'published' => $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_formdata']['fields']['published']['default'] == '1' ? '1' : '', 'fd_member' => intval($this->Member->id), 'fd_member_group' => intval($this->Member->groups[0]), 'fd_user' => intval($this->User->id), 'fd_user_group' => intval($this->User->groups[0]));
         // if frontend editing keep some values from existing record
         if ($intOldId > 0) {
             $arrSet['form'] = $arrOldFormdata['form'];
             $arrSet['be_notes'] = $arrOldFormdata['be_notes'];
             $arrSet['fd_member'] = $arrOldFormdata['fd_member'];
             $arrSet['fd_member_group'] = $arrOldFormdata['fd_member_group'];
             if (intval($this->Member->id) > 0) {
                 $arrSet['fd_member'] = intval($this->Member->id);
                 if (count($this->Member->groups) == 1 && intval($this->Member->groups[0]) > 0) {
                     $arrSet['fd_member_group'] = intval($this->Member->groups[0]);
             } else {
                 $arrSet['fd_member'] = 0;
             $arrSet['fd_user'] = $arrOldFormdata['fd_user'];
             $arrSet['fd_user_group'] = $arrOldFormdata['fd_user_group'];
             // set published to value of old record, if NO default value is defined
             if (!isset($GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_formdata']['fields']['published']['default'])) {
                 $arrSet['published'] = $arrOldFormdata['published'];
         // store formdata
         // update or insert and delete
         if ($blnFEedit && strlen($arrListing['efg_fe_keep_id'])) {
             $intNewId = $intOldId;
             $this->Database->prepare("UPDATE tl_formdata %s WHERE id=?")->set($arrSet)->execute($intOldId);
             $this->Database->prepare("DELETE FROM tl_formdata_details WHERE pid=?")->execute($intOldId);
         } else {
             $objNewFormdata = $this->Database->prepare("INSERT INTO tl_formdata %s")->set($arrSet)->execute();
             $intNewId = $objNewFormdata->insertId;
             // update related comments
             if (in_array('comments', $this->Config->getActiveModules())) {
                 $this->Database->prepare("UPDATE tl_comments %s WHERE `source` = 'tl_formdata' AND parent=?")->set(array('parent' => $intNewId))->execute($intOldId);
         // store details data
         foreach ($arrFormFields as $k => $arrField) {
             $strType = $arrField['type'];
             $strVal = '';
             if (in_array($strType, $arrFFstorable)) {
                 if ($blnStoreOptionsValue && in_array($strType, array('checkbox', 'radio', 'select'))) {
                     $arrField['eval']['efgStoreValues'] = true;
                 // set rgxp 'date' for field type 'calendar' if not set
                 if ($arrField['type'] == 'calendar') {
                     if (!isset($arrField['rgxp'])) {
                         $arrField['rgxp'] = 'date';
                 } elseif ($arrField['type'] == 'xdependentcalendarfields') {
                     $arrField['rgxp'] = 'date';
                     $arrField['dateFormat'] = $arrField['xdateformat'];
                 $strVal = $this->FormData->preparePostValForDb($arrSubmitted[$k], $arrField, $arrFiles[$k]);
                 // special treatment for type upload
                 // if frontend editing and no new upload, keep old file
                 if ($strType == 'upload') {
                     if ($intOldId) {
                         if (!$arrFiles[$k]['name']) {
                             if (strlen($arrOldFormdataDetails[$k]['value'])) {
                                 $strVal = $arrOldFormdataDetails[$k]['value'];
                 if ($arrSubmitted[$k] || $strType == 'upload' && strlen($strVal)) {
                     // prepare data
                     $arrFieldSet = array('pid' => $intNewId, 'sorting' => $arrField['sorting'], 'tstamp' => $timeNow, 'ff_id' => $arrField['id'], 'ff_type' => $strType, 'ff_label' => $arrField['label'], 'ff_name' => $arrField['name'], 'value' => $strVal);
                     $objNewFormdataDetails = $this->Database->prepare("INSERT INTO tl_formdata_details %s")->set($arrFieldSet)->execute();
                     if (strlen($_SESSION['EFP_ERROR'])) {
         // end foreach $arrFormFields
         // after frontend editing delete old record
         if ($blnFEedit) {
             if (!isset($arrListing['efg_fe_keep_id']) || $arrListing['efg_fe_keep_id'] != "1") {
                 if ($intNewId > 0 && intval($intOldId) > 0 && intval($intNewId) != intval($intOldId)) {
                     $this->Database->prepare("DELETE FROM tl_formdata_details WHERE pid=?")->execute($intOldId);
                     $this->Database->prepare("DELETE FROM tl_formdata WHERE id=?")->execute($intOldId);
             $strRedirectTo = preg_replace('/\\?.*$/', '', $this->Environment->request);
         // auto generate alias
         $strAlias = $this->FormData->generateAlias($arrOldFormdata['alias'], $arrForm['title'], $intNewId);
         if (strlen($strAlias)) {
             $arrUpd = array('alias' => $strAlias);
             $this->Database->prepare("UPDATE tl_formdata %s WHERE id=?")->set($arrUpd)->execute($intNewId);
     // end form data storage
     // store data in session to display on confirmation page
     $blnSkipEmpty = $arrForm['confirmationMailSkipEmpty'] ? true : false;
     foreach ($arrFormFields as $k => $arrField) {
         $strType = $arrField['type'];
         $strVal = '';
         if (in_array($strType, $arrFFstorable)) {
             $strVal = $this->FormData->preparePostValForMail($arrSubmitted[$k], $arrField, $arrFiles[$k], $blnSkipEmpty);
         $_SESSION['EFP']['FORMDATA'][$k] = $strVal;
     $_SESSION['EFP']['FORMDATA']['_formId_'] = $arrForm['id'];
     // end store data in session
     // Confirmation Mail
     if ($blnFEedit && !$arrForm['sendConfirmationMailOnFrontendEditing']) {
         $arrForm['sendConfirmationMail'] = false;
     if ($arrForm['sendConfirmationMail']) {
         $messageText = '';
         $messageHtml = '';
         $messageHtmlTmpl = '';
         $recipient = '';
         $arrRecipient = array();
         $sender = '';
         $senderName = '';
         $replyTo = '';
         $attachments = array();
         $blnSkipEmpty = $arrForm['confirmationMailSkipEmpty'] ? true : false;
         $sender = $arrForm['confirmationMailSender'];
         if (strlen($sender)) {
             $sender = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('<', '>'), $sender);
             if (strpos($sender, '<') > 0) {
                 preg_match('/(.*)?<(\\S*)>/si', $sender, $parts);
                 $sender = $parts[2];
                 $senderName = trim($parts[1]);
         $recipientFieldName = $arrForm['confirmationMailRecipientField'];
         $varRecipient = $arrSubmitted[$recipientFieldName];
         if (is_array($varRecipient)) {
             $arrRecipient = $varRecipient;
         } else {
             $arrRecipient = trimsplit(',', $varRecipient);
         if (strlen($arrForm['confirmationMailRecipient'])) {
             $varRecipient = $arrForm['confirmationMailRecipient'];
             $arrRecipient = array_merge($arrRecipient, trimsplit(',', $varRecipient));
         $arrRecipient = array_unique($arrRecipient);
         $subject = $this->String->decodeEntities($arrForm['confirmationMailSubject']);
         $messageText = $this->String->decodeEntities($arrForm['confirmationMailText']);
         $messageHtmlTmpl = $arrForm['confirmationMailTemplate'];
         if ($messageHtmlTmpl != '') {
             $fileTemplate = new File($messageHtmlTmpl);
             if ($fileTemplate->mime == 'text/html') {
                 $messageHtml = $fileTemplate->getContent();
         // prepare insert tags to handle separate from 'condition tags'
         if (strlen($messageText)) {
             $messageText = preg_replace(array('/\\{\\{/', '/\\}\\}/'), array('__BRCL__', '__BRCR__'), $messageText);
         if (strlen($messageHtml)) {
             $messageHtml = preg_replace(array('/\\{\\{/', '/\\}\\}/'), array('__BRCL__', '__BRCR__'), $messageHtml);
         if (strlen($subject)) {
             $subject = preg_replace(array('/\\{\\{/', '/\\}\\}/'), array('__BRCL__', '__BRCR__'), $subject);
         if (strlen($sender)) {
             $sender = preg_replace(array('/\\{\\{/', '/\\}\\}/'), array('__BRCL__', '__BRCR__'), $sender);
         if (strlen($senderName)) {
             $senderName = preg_replace(array('/\\{\\{/', '/\\}\\}/'), array('__BRCL__', '__BRCR__'), $senderName);
         foreach ($arrRecipient as $keyRcpt => $recipient) {
             $arrRecipient[$keyRcpt] = preg_replace(array('/\\{\\{/', '/\\}\\}/'), array('__BRCL__', '__BRCR__'), $recipient);
         $blnEvalSubject = $this->FormData->replaceConditionTags($subject);
         $blnEvalMessageText = $this->FormData->replaceConditionTags($messageText);
         $blnEvalMessageHtml = $this->FormData->replaceConditionTags($messageHtml);
         // Replace tags in messageText, messageHtml ...
         $tags = array();
         preg_match_all('/__BRCL__.*?__BRCR__/si', $messageText . $messageHtml . $subject . $sender . $senderName . implode(' ', $arrRecipient), $tags);
         // Replace tags of type {{form::<form field name>}}
         // .. {{form::uploadfieldname?attachment=true}}
         // .. {{form::fieldname?label=Label for this field: }}
         foreach ($tags[0] as $tag) {
             $elements = explode('::', preg_replace(array('/^__BRCL__/i', '/__BRCR__$/i'), array('', ''), $tag));
             switch (strtolower($elements[0])) {
                 // Form
                 case 'form':
                     $strKey = $elements[1];
                     $arrKey = explode('?', $strKey);
                     $strKey = $arrKey[0];
                     $arrTagParams = null;
                     if (isset($arrKey[1]) && strlen($arrKey[1])) {
                         $arrTagParams = $this->FormData->parseInsertTagParams($tag);
                     $arrField = $arrFormFields[$strKey];
                     $arrField['efgMailSkipEmpty'] = $blnSkipEmpty;
                     $strType = $arrField['type'];
                     $strLabel = '';
                     $strVal = '';
                     if ($arrTagParams && strlen($arrTagParams['label'])) {
                         $strLabel = $arrTagParams['label'];
                     if (in_array($strType, $arrFFstorable)) {
                         if ($strType == 'efgImageSelect') {
                             $strVal = '';
                             $varVal = $this->FormData->preparePostValForMail($arrSubmitted[$strKey], $arrField, $arrFiles[$strKey]);
                             $varTxt = array();
                             $varHtml = array();
                             if (is_string($varVal)) {
                                 $varVal = array($varVal);
                             if (count($varVal)) {
                                 foreach ($varVal as $strVal) {
                                     if (strlen($strVal)) {
                                         $varTxt[] = $this->Environment->base . $strVal;
                                         $varHtml[] = '<img src="' . $strVal . '" />';
                             if (!count($varTxt) && $blnSkipEmpty) {
                                 $strLabel = '';
                             $messageText = str_replace($tag, $strLabel . implode(', ', $varTxt), $messageText);
                             $messageHtml = str_replace($tag, $strLabel . implode(' ', $varHtml), $messageHtml);
                         } elseif ($strType == 'upload') {
                             if ($arrTagParams && (array_key_exists('attachment', $arrTagParams) && $arrTagParams['attachment'] == true || array_key_exists('attachement', $arrTagParams) && $arrTagParams['attachement'] == true)) {
                                 if (strlen($arrFiles[$strKey]['tmp_name']) && is_file($arrFiles[$strKey]['tmp_name'])) {
                                     if (!isset($attachments[$arrFiles[$strKey]['tmp_name']])) {
                                         $attachments[$arrFiles[$strKey]['tmp_name']] = array('name' => $arrFiles[$strKey]['name'], 'file' => $arrFiles[$strKey]['tmp_name'], 'mime' => $arrFiles[$strKey]['type']);
                                 $strVal = '';
                             } else {
                                 $strVal = $this->FormData->preparePostValForMail($arrSubmitted[$strKey], $arrField, $arrFiles[$strKey]);
                             if (!is_array($strVal) && !strlen($strVal) && $blnSkipEmpty) {
                                 $strLabel = '';
                             $messageText = str_replace($tag, $strLabel . $strVal, $messageText);
                             $messageHtml = str_replace($tag, $strLabel . $strVal, $messageHtml);
                         } else {
                             $strVal = $this->FormData->preparePostValForMail($arrSubmitted[$strKey], $arrField, $arrFiles[$strKey]);
                             if (!is_array($strVal) && !strlen($strVal) && $blnSkipEmpty) {
                                 $strLabel = '';
                             $messageText = str_replace($tag, $strLabel . $strVal, $messageText);
                             if (is_string($strVal) && strlen($strVal) && !is_bool(strpos($strVal, "\n"))) {
                                 $strVal = preg_replace('/(<\\/|<)(h\\d|p|div|ul|ol|li)([^>]*)(>)(\\n)/si', "\\1\\2\\3\\4", $strVal);
                                 $strVal = nl2br($strVal);
                                 $strVal = preg_replace('/(<\\/)(h\\d|p|div|ul|ol|li)([^>]*)(>)/si', "\\1\\2\\3\\4\n", $strVal);
                             $messageHtml = str_replace($tag, $strLabel . $strVal, $messageHtml);
                     // replace insert tags in subject
                     if (strlen($subject)) {
                         $subject = str_replace($tag, $strVal, $subject);
                     // replace insert tags in sender
                     if (strlen($sender)) {
                         $sender = str_replace($tag, $strVal, $sender);
                     // replace insert tags in sender name
                     if (strlen($senderName)) {
                         $senderName = str_replace($tag, $strVal, $senderName);
                     // replace insert tags in recipients
                     foreach ($arrRecipient as $keyRcpt => $recipient) {
                         $arrRecipient[$keyRcpt] = str_replace($tag, $strVal, $recipient);
         // foreach tags
         // Replace standard insert tags
         if (strlen($messageText)) {
             $messageText = preg_replace(array('/__BRCL__/', '/__BRCR__/'), array('{{', '}}'), $messageText);
             $messageText = $this->replaceInsertTags($messageText);
             if ($blnEvalMessageText) {
                 $messageText = $this->FormData->evalConditionTags($messageText, $arrSubmitted, $arrFiles, $arrForm);
             $messageText = strip_tags($messageText);
         if (strlen($messageHtml)) {
             $messageHtml = preg_replace(array('/__BRCL__/', '/__BRCR__/'), array('{{', '}}'), $messageHtml);
             $messageHtml = $this->replaceInsertTags($messageHtml);
             if ($blnEvalMessageHtml) {
                 $messageHtml = $this->FormData->evalConditionTags($messageHtml, $arrSubmitted, $arrFiles, $arrForm);
         // replace insert tags in subject
         if (strlen($subject)) {
             $subject = preg_replace(array('/__BRCL__/', '/__BRCR__/'), array('{{', '}}'), $subject);
             $subject = $this->replaceInsertTags($subject);
             if ($blnEvalSubject) {
                 $subject = $this->FormData->evalConditionTags($subject, $arrSubmitted, $arrFiles, $arrForm);
         // replace insert tags in sender
         if (strlen($sender)) {
             $sender = preg_replace(array('/__BRCL__/', '/__BRCR__/'), array('{{', '}}'), $sender);
             $sender = trim($this->replaceInsertTags($sender));
         // replace insert tags in sender name
         if (strlen($senderName)) {
             $senderName = preg_replace(array('/__BRCL__/', '/__BRCR__/'), array('{{', '}}'), $senderName);
             $senderName = trim($this->replaceInsertTags($senderName));
         // replace insert tags in replyto
         if (strlen($arrForm['confirmationMailReplyto'])) {
             $replyTo = $this->replaceInsertTags($arrForm['confirmationMailReplyto']);
         // replace insert tags in recipients
         foreach ($arrRecipient as $keyRcpt => $recipient) {
             $arrRecipient[$keyRcpt] = preg_replace(array('/__BRCL__/', '/__BRCR__/'), array('{{', '}}'), $recipient);
             $arrRecipient[$keyRcpt] = trim($this->replaceInsertTags($arrRecipient[$keyRcpt]));
         $confEmail = new Email();
         $confEmail->from = $sender;
         if (strlen($senderName)) {
             $confEmail->fromName = $senderName;
         if (strlen($replyTo)) {
         $confEmail->subject = $subject;
         // Thanks to Torben Schwellnus
         // check if we want custom attachments...
         if ($arrForm['addConfirmationMailAttachments']) {
             // check if we have custom attachments...
             if ($arrForm['confirmationMailAttachments']) {
                 $arrCustomAttachments = deserialize($arrForm['confirmationMailAttachments'], true);
                 if (is_array($arrCustomAttachments)) {
                     foreach ($arrCustomAttachments as $strFile) {
                         if (is_file($strFile)) {
                             if (is_readable($strFile)) {
                                 $objFile = new File($strFile);
                                 if ($objFile->size) {
                                     $attachments[$objFile->value] = array('file' => TL_ROOT . '/' . $objFile->value, 'name' => $objFile->basename, 'mime' => $objFile->mime);
         if (is_array($attachments) && count($attachments) > 0) {
             foreach ($attachments as $strFile => $varParams) {
                 $strContent = file_get_contents($strFile, false);
                 $confEmail->attachFileFromString($strContent, $varParams['name'], $varParams['mime']);
         if ($dirImages != '') {
             $confEmail->imageDir = $dirImages;
         if ($messageText != '') {
             $confEmail->text = $messageText;
         if ($messageHtml != '') {
             $confEmail->html = $messageHtml;
         // Send e-mail
         $blnConfirmationSent = false;
         if (count($arrRecipient) > 0) {
             foreach ($arrRecipient as $recipient) {
                 if (strlen($recipient)) {
                     $recipient = $this->replaceInsertTags($recipient);
                     $recipient = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('<', '>'), $recipient);
                     $recipientName = '';
                     if (strpos($recipient, '<') > 0) {
                         preg_match('/(.*)?<(\\S*)>/si', $recipient, $parts);
                         $recipientName = trim($parts[1]);
                         $recipient = strlen($recipientName) ? $recipientName . ' <' . $parts[2] . '>' : $parts[2];
                 $blnConfirmationSent = true;
         if ($blnConfirmationSent && isset($intNewId) && intval($intNewId) > 0) {
             $arrUpd = array('confirmationSent' => '1', 'confirmationDate' => $timeNow);
             $res = $this->Database->prepare("UPDATE tl_formdata %s WHERE id=?")->set($arrUpd)->execute($intNewId);
     // End confirmation mail
     // Information (formatted) Mail
     if ($blnFEedit && !$arrForm['sendFormattedMailOnFrontendEditing']) {
         $arrForm['sendFormattedMail'] = false;
     if ($arrForm['sendFormattedMail']) {
         $messageText = '';
         $messageHtml = '';
         $messageHtmlTmpl = '';
         $recipient = '';
         $arrRecipient = array();
         $sender = '';
         $senderName = '';
         $attachments = array();
         $blnSkipEmpty = $arrForm['formattedMailSkipEmpty'] ? true : false;
         // Set the admin e-mail as "from" address
         $sender = $GLOBALS['TL_ADMIN_EMAIL'];
         if (strlen($sender)) {
             $sender = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('<', '>'), $sender);
             if (strpos($sender, '<') > 0) {
                 preg_match('/(.*)?<(\\S*)>/si', $sender, $parts);
                 $sender = $parts[2];
                 $senderName = trim($parts[1]);
         $varRecipient = $arrForm['formattedMailRecipient'];
         if (is_array($varRecipient)) {
             $arrRecipient = $varRecipient;
         } else {
             $arrRecipient = trimsplit(',', $varRecipient);
         $arrRecipient = array_unique($arrRecipient);
         $subject = $this->String->decodeEntities($arrForm['formattedMailSubject']);
         $messageText = $this->String->decodeEntities($arrForm['formattedMailText']);
         $messageHtmlTmpl = $arrForm['formattedMailTemplate'];
         if ($messageHtmlTmpl != '') {
             $fileTemplate = new File($messageHtmlTmpl);
             if ($fileTemplate->mime == 'text/html') {
                 $messageHtml = $fileTemplate->getContent();
         // prepare insert tags to handle separate from 'condition tags'
         if (strlen($messageText)) {
             $messageText = preg_replace(array('/\\{\\{/', '/\\}\\}/'), array('__BRCL__', '__BRCR__'), $messageText);
         if (strlen($messageHtml)) {
             $messageHtml = preg_replace(array('/\\{\\{/', '/\\}\\}/'), array('__BRCL__', '__BRCR__'), $messageHtml);
         if (strlen($subject)) {
             $subject = preg_replace(array('/\\{\\{/', '/\\}\\}/'), array('__BRCL__', '__BRCR__'), $subject);
         if (strlen($sender)) {
             $sender = preg_replace(array('/\\{\\{/', '/\\}\\}/'), array('__BRCL__', '__BRCR__'), $sender);
         if (strlen($senderName)) {
             $senderName = preg_replace(array('/\\{\\{/', '/\\}\\}/'), array('__BRCL__', '__BRCR__'), $senderName);
         foreach ($arrRecipient as $keyRcpt => $recipient) {
             $arrRecipient[$keyRcpt] = preg_replace(array('/\\{\\{/', '/\\}\\}/'), array('__BRCL__', '__BRCR__'), $recipient);
         $blnEvalSubject = $this->FormData->replaceConditionTags($subject);
         $blnEvalMessageText = $this->FormData->replaceConditionTags($messageText);
         $blnEvalMessageHtml = $this->FormData->replaceConditionTags($messageHtml);
         // Replace tags in messageText, messageHtml ...
         $tags = array();
         preg_match_all('/__BRCL__.*?__BRCR__/si', $messageText . $messageHtml . $subject . $sender . $senderName . implode(' ', $arrRecipient), $tags);
         // Replace tags of type {{form::<form field name>}}
         // .. {{form::uploadfieldname?attachment=true}}
         // .. {{form::fieldname?label=Label for this field: }}
         foreach ($tags[0] as $tag) {
             $elements = explode('::', trim(str_replace(array('__BRCL__', '__BRCR__'), array('', ''), $tag)));
             switch (strtolower($elements[0])) {
                 // Form
                 case 'form':
                     $strKey = $elements[1];
                     $arrKey = explode('?', $strKey);
                     $strKey = $arrKey[0];
                     $arrTagParams = null;
                     if (isset($arrKey[1]) && strlen($arrKey[1])) {
                         $arrTagParams = $this->FormData->parseInsertTagParams($tag);
                     $arrField = $arrFormFields[$strKey];
                     $arrField['efgMailSkipEmpty'] = $blnSkipEmpty;
                     $strType = $arrField['type'];
                     $strLabel = '';
                     $strVal = '';
                     if ($arrTagParams && strlen($arrTagParams['label'])) {
                         $strLabel = $arrTagParams['label'];
                     if (in_array($strType, $arrFFstorable)) {
                         if ($strType == 'efgImageSelect') {
                             $strVal = '';
                             $varVal = $this->FormData->preparePostValForMail($arrSubmitted[$strKey], $arrField, $arrFiles[$strKey]);
                             $varTxt = array();
                             $varHtml = array();
                             if (is_string($varVal)) {
                                 $varVal = array($varVal);
                             if (count($varVal)) {
                                 foreach ($varVal as $strVal) {
                                     if (strlen($strVal)) {
                                         $varTxt[] = $this->Environment->base . $strVal;
                                         $varHtml[] = '<img src="' . $strVal . '" />';
                             if (!count($varTxt) && $blnSkipEmpty) {
                                 $strLabel = '';
                             $messageText = str_replace($tag, $strLabel . implode(', ', $varTxt), $messageText);
                             $messageHtml = str_replace($tag, $strLabel . implode(' ', $varHtml), $messageHtml);
                         } elseif ($strType == 'upload') {
                             if ($arrTagParams && (array_key_exists('attachment', $arrTagParams) && $arrTagParams['attachment'] == true || array_key_exists('attachement', $arrTagParams) && $arrTagParams['attachement'] == true)) {
                                 if (strlen($arrFiles[$strKey]['tmp_name']) && is_file($arrFiles[$strKey]['tmp_name'])) {
                                     if (!isset($attachments[$arrFiles[$strKey]['tmp_name']])) {
                                         $attachments[$arrFiles[$strKey]['tmp_name']] = array('name' => $arrFiles[$strKey]['name'], 'file' => $arrFiles[$strKey]['tmp_name'], 'mime' => $arrFiles[$strKey]['type']);
                                 $strVal = '';
                             } else {
                                 $strVal = $this->FormData->preparePostValForMail($arrSubmitted[$strKey], $arrField, $arrFiles[$strKey]);
                             if (!is_array($strVal) && !strlen($strVal) && $blnSkipEmpty) {
                                 $strLabel = '';
                             $messageText = str_replace($tag, $strLabel . $strVal, $messageText);
                             $messageHtml = str_replace($tag, $strLabel . $strVal, $messageHtml);
                         } else {
                             $strVal = $this->FormData->preparePostValForMail($arrSubmitted[$strKey], $arrField, $arrFiles[$strKey]);
                             if (!is_array($strVal) && !strlen($strVal) && $blnSkipEmpty) {
                                 $strLabel = '';
                             $messageText = str_replace($tag, $strLabel . $strVal, $messageText);
                             if (is_string($strVal) && strlen($strVal) && !is_bool(strpos($strVal, "\n"))) {
                                 $strVal = preg_replace('/(<\\/|<)(h\\d|p|div|ul|ol|li)([^>]*)(>)(\\n)/si', "\\1\\2\\3\\4", $strVal);
                                 $strVal = nl2br($strVal);
                                 $strVal = preg_replace('/(<\\/)(h\\d|p|div|ul|ol|li)([^>]*)(>)/si', "\\1\\2\\3\\4\n", $strVal);
                             $messageHtml = str_replace($tag, $strLabel . $strVal, $messageHtml);
                     // replace insert tags in subject
                     if (strlen($subject)) {
                         $subject = str_replace($tag, $strVal, $subject);
                     // replace insert tags in sender
                     if (strlen($sender)) {
                         $sender = str_replace($tag, $strVal, $sender);
                     // replace insert tags in sender name
                     if (strlen($senderName)) {
                         $senderName = str_replace($tag, $strVal, $senderName);
                     // replace insert tags in recipients
                     foreach ($arrRecipient as $keyRcpt => $recipient) {
                         $arrRecipient[$keyRcpt] = str_replace($tag, $strVal, $recipient);
         // Replace standard insert tags
         if (strlen($messageText)) {
             $messageText = preg_replace(array('/__BRCL__/', '/__BRCR__/'), array('{{', '}}'), $messageText);
             $messageText = $this->replaceInsertTags($messageText);
             if ($blnEvalMessageText) {
                 $messageText = $this->FormData->evalConditionTags($messageText, $arrSubmitted, $arrFiles, $arrForm);
             $messageText = strip_tags($messageText);
         if (strlen($messageHtml)) {
             $messageHtml = preg_replace(array('/__BRCL__/', '/__BRCR__/'), array('{{', '}}'), $messageHtml);
             $messageHtml = $this->replaceInsertTags($messageHtml);
             if ($blnEvalMessageHtml) {
                 $messageHtml = $this->FormData->evalConditionTags($messageHtml, $arrSubmitted, $arrFiles, $arrForm);
         // replace insert tags in subject
         if (strlen($subject)) {
             $subject = preg_replace(array('/__BRCL__/', '/__BRCR__/'), array('{{', '}}'), $subject);
             $subject = $this->replaceInsertTags($subject);
             if ($blnEvalSubject) {
                 $subject = $this->FormData->evalConditionTags($subject, $arrSubmitted, $arrFiles, $arrForm);
         // replace insert tags in sender
         if (strlen($sender)) {
             $sender = preg_replace(array('/__BRCL__/', '/__BRCR__/'), array('{{', '}}'), $sender);
             $sender = trim($this->replaceInsertTags($sender));
         // replace insert tags in sender name
         if (strlen($senderName)) {
             $senderName = preg_replace(array('/__BRCL__/', '/__BRCR__/'), array('{{', '}}'), $senderName);
             $senderName = trim($this->replaceInsertTags($senderName));
         // replace insert tags in recipients
         foreach ($arrRecipient as $keyRcpt => $recipient) {
             $arrRecipient[$keyRcpt] = preg_replace(array('/__BRCL__/', '/__BRCR__/'), array('{{', '}}'), $recipient);
             $arrRecipient[$keyRcpt] = trim($this->replaceInsertTags($arrRecipient[$keyRcpt]));
         $infoEmail = new Email();
         $infoEmail->from = $sender;
         if (strlen($senderName)) {
             $infoEmail->fromName = $senderName;
         $infoEmail->subject = $subject;
         // Get "reply to" address, if form contains field named 'email'
         if (isset($arrSubmitted['email']) && strlen($arrSubmitted['email']) && !is_bool(strpos($arrSubmitted['email'], '@'))) {
             $replyTo = $arrSubmitted['email'];
             // add name
             if (isset($arrSubmitted['name']) && strlen($arrSubmitted['name'])) {
                 $replyTo = '"' . $arrSubmitted['name'] . '" <' . $arrSubmitted['email'] . '>';
         // check if we want custom attachments...
         if ($arrForm['addFormattedMailAttachments']) {
             // check if we have custom attachments...
             if ($arrForm['formattedMailAttachments']) {
                 $arrCustomAttachments = deserialize($arrForm['formattedMailAttachments'], true);
                 if (is_array($arrCustomAttachments)) {
                     foreach ($arrCustomAttachments as $strFile) {
                         if (is_file($strFile)) {
                             if (is_readable($strFile)) {
                                 $objFile = new File($strFile);
                                 if ($objFile->size) {
                                     $attachments[$objFile->value] = array('file' => TL_ROOT . '/' . $objFile->value, 'name' => $objFile->basename, 'mime' => $objFile->mime);
         if (is_array($attachments) && count($attachments) > 0) {
             foreach ($attachments as $strFile => $varParams) {
                 $strContent = file_get_contents($strFile, false);
                 $infoEmail->attachFileFromString($strContent, $varParams['name'], $varParams['mime']);
         if ($dirImages != '') {
             $infoEmail->imageDir = $dirImages;
         if ($messageText != '') {
             $infoEmail->text = $messageText;
         if ($messageHtml != '') {
             $infoEmail->html = $messageHtml;
         // Send e-mail
         if (count($arrRecipient) > 0) {
             foreach ($arrRecipient as $recipient) {
                 if (strlen($recipient)) {
                     $recipient = $this->replaceInsertTags($recipient);
                     $recipient = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('<', '>'), $recipient);
                     $recipientName = '';
                     if (strpos($recipient, '<') > 0) {
                         preg_match('/(.*)?<(\\S*)>/si', $recipient, $parts);
                         $recipientName = trim($parts[1]);
                         $recipient = strlen($recipientName) ? $recipientName . ' <' . $parts[2] . '>' : $parts[2];
     // End information mail
     // redirect after frontend editing
     if ($blnFEedit) {
         if (strlen($strRedirectTo)) {
             $strRed = preg_replace(array('/\\/' . $this->strFormdataDetailsKey . '\\/' . $this->Input->get($this->strFormdataDetailsKey) . '/i', '/' . $this->strFormdataDetailsKey . '=' . $this->Input->get($this->strFormdataDetailsKey) . '/i', '/act=edit/i'), array('', '', ''), $strUrl) . (strlen($strUrlParams) ? '?' . $strUrlParams : '');
  * Process form data, store it in the session and redirect to the jumpTo page
  * @param array
  * @param array
 protected function processFormData($arrSubmitted, $arrLabels)
     // Send form data via e-mail
     if ($this->sendViaEmail) {
         $keys = array();
         $values = array();
         $fields = array();
         $message = '';
         foreach ($arrSubmitted as $k => $v) {
             if ($k == 'cc') {
             $v = deserialize($v);
             // Skip empty fields
             if ($this->skipEmpty && !is_array($v) && !strlen($v)) {
             // Add field to message
             $message .= (isset($arrLabels[$k]) ? $arrLabels[$k] : ucfirst($k)) . ': ' . (is_array($v) ? implode(', ', $v) : $v) . "\n";
             // Prepare XML file
             if ($this->format == 'xml') {
                 $fields[] = array('name' => $k, 'values' => is_array($v) ? $v : array($v));
             // Prepare CSV file
             if ($this->format == 'csv') {
                 $keys[] = $k;
                 $values[] = is_array($v) ? implode(',', $v) : $v;
         $recipients = $this->String->splitCsv($this->recipient);
         // Format recipients
         foreach ($recipients as $k => $v) {
             $recipients[$k] = str_replace(array('[', ']', '"'), array('<', '>', ''), $v);
         $email = new Email();
         // Get subject and message
         if ($this->format == 'email') {
             $message = $arrSubmitted['message'];
             $email->subject = $arrSubmitted['subject'];
         // Set the admin e-mail as "from" address
         $email->from = $GLOBALS['TL_ADMIN_EMAIL'];
         $email->fromName = $GLOBALS['TL_ADMIN_NAME'];
         // Get the "reply to" address
         if (strlen($this->Input->post('email', true))) {
             $replyTo = $this->Input->post('email', true);
             // Add name
             if (strlen($this->Input->post('name'))) {
                 $replyTo = '"' . $this->Input->post('name') . '" <' . $replyTo . '>';
         // Fallback to default subject
         if (!strlen($email->subject)) {
             $email->subject = $this->replaceInsertTags($this->subject);
         // Send copy to sender
         if (strlen($arrSubmitted['cc'])) {
             $email->sendCc($this->Input->post('email', true));
         // Attach XML file
         if ($this->format == 'xml') {
             $objTemplate = new FrontendTemplate('form_xml');
             $objTemplate->fields = $fields;
             $objTemplate->charset = $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['characterSet'];
             $email->attachFileFromString($objTemplate->parse(), 'form.xml', 'application/xml');
         // Attach CSV file
         if ($this->format == 'csv') {
             $email->attachFileFromString($this->String->decodeEntities('"' . implode('";"', $keys) . '"' . "\n" . '"' . implode('";"', $values) . '"'), 'form.csv', 'text/comma-separated-values');
         $uploaded = '';
         // Attach uploaded files
         if (count($_SESSION['FILES'])) {
             foreach ($_SESSION['FILES'] as $file) {
                 // Add a link to the uploaded file
                 if ($file['uploaded']) {
                     $uploaded .= "\n" . $this->Environment->base . str_replace(TL_ROOT . '/', '', dirname($file['tmp_name'])) . '/' . rawurlencode($file['name']);
                 $email->attachFileFromString(file_get_contents($file['tmp_name']), $file['name'], $file['type']);
         $uploaded = strlen(trim($uploaded)) ? "\n\n---\n" . $uploaded : '';
         // Send e-mail
         $email->text = $this->String->decodeEntities(trim($message)) . $uploaded . "\n\n";
     // Store values in the database
     if ($this->storeValues && strlen($this->targetTable)) {
         $arrSet = array();
         // Add timestamp
         if ($this->Database->fieldExists('tstamp', $this->targetTable)) {
             $arrSet['tstamp'] = time();
         // Fields
         foreach ($arrSubmitted as $k => $v) {
             if ($k != 'cc' && $k != 'id') {
                 $arrSet[$k] = $v;
         // Files
         if (count($_SESSION['FILES'])) {
             foreach ($_SESSION['FILES'] as $k => $v) {
                 if ($v['uploaded']) {
                     $arrSet[$k] = str_replace(TL_ROOT . '/', '', $v['tmp_name']);
         $this->Database->prepare("INSERT INTO " . $this->targetTable . " %s")->set($arrSet)->execute();
     // Store all values in the session
     foreach (array_keys($_POST) as $key) {
         $_SESSION['FORM_DATA'][$key] = $this->allowTags ? $this->Input->postHtml($key, true) : $this->Input->post($key, true);
     $arrFiles = $_SESSION['FILES'];
     $arrData = $_SESSION['FORM_DATA'];
     // HOOK: process form data callback
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['processFormData']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['processFormData'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['processFormData'] as $callback) {
             $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($arrData, $this->arrData, $arrFiles, $arrLabels);
     // Reset form data in case it has been modified in a callback function
     $_SESSION['FORM_DATA'] = $arrData;
     $_SESSION['FILES'] = array();
     // Add a log entry
     if (FE_USER_LOGGED_IN) {
         $this->import('FrontendUser', 'User');
         $this->log('Form "' . $this->title . '" has been submitted by "' . $this->User->username . '".', 'Form processFormData()', TL_FORMS);
     } else {
         $this->log('Form "' . $this->title . '" has been submitted by ' . $this->Environment->ip . '.', 'Form processFormData()', TL_FORMS);
  * Send a personal message
  * @param object
  * @param object
 protected function sendPersonalMessage(Database_Result $objMember, Widget $objWidget)
     $objEmail = new Email();
     $objEmail->from = $GLOBALS['TL_ADMIN_EMAIL'];
     $objEmail->fromName = 'TYPOlight mailer';
     $objEmail->text = $objWidget->value;
     // Add reply to
     if (FE_USER_LOGGED_IN) {
         $this->import('FrontendUser', 'User');
         $replyTo = $this->User->email;
         // Add name
         if (strlen($this->User->firstname)) {
             $replyTo = $this->User->firstname . ' ' . $this->User->lastname . ' <' . $replyTo . '>';
         $objEmail->subject = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['subjectFeUser'], $this->User->username, $this->Environment->host);
         $objEmail->text .= "\n\n---\n\n" . sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['sendersProfile'], $this->Environment->base . preg_replace('/show=[0-9]+/', 'show=' . $this->User->id, $this->Environment->request));
     } else {
         $objEmail->subject = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['subjectUnknown'], $this->Environment->host);
     // Send e-mail
     $_SESSION['TL_EMAIL_SENT'] = true;