 function handle(DataObject $model)
     $db = DB::Instance();
     $query = 'SELECT max(complaint_number) FROM ' . $model->getTableName() . ' WHERE usercompanyid=' . EGS_COMPANY_ID . ' AND "type"=' . $db->qstr($model->type);
     $current = $db->GetOne($query);
     return $current + 1;
  * @covers AuthorizationPolicy
 public function testAuthorizationPolicy()
     $policy = new AuthorizationPolicy('some message');
     // Test advice.
     self::assertEquals('some message', $policy->getAdvice(AUTHORIZATION_ADVICE_DENY_MESSAGE));
     // Test authorized context objects.
     $someContextObject = new DataObject();
     $someContextObject->setData('test1', 'test1');
     $policy->addAuthorizedContextObject(ASSOC_TYPE_USER_GROUP, $someContextObject);
     self::assertEquals($someContextObject, $policy->getAuthorizedContextObject(ASSOC_TYPE_USER_GROUP));
     self::assertEquals(array(ASSOC_TYPE_USER_GROUP => $someContextObject), $policy->getAuthorizedContext());
     // Test authorized context.
     $someOtherContextObject = new DataObject();
     $someOtherContextObject->setData('test2', 'test2');
     $authorizedContext = array(ASSOC_TYPE_USER_GROUP => $someOtherContextObject);
     self::assertEquals($authorizedContext, $policy->getAuthorizedContext());
     // Test default policies.
     self::assertEquals(AUTHORIZATION_DENY, $policy->effect());
 public function convert(DataObject $object)
     if ($object->hasMethod('toFilteredMap')) {
         return Convert::raw2json($object->toFilteredMap());
     return Convert::raw2json($object->toMap());
  * @param GridField $gridField
  * @param DataObject $record
  * @param string $columnName
  * @return string - the HTML for the column 
 public function getColumnContent($gridField, $record, $columnName)
     // No permission checks - handled through GridFieldDetailForm
     // which can make the form readonly if no edit permissions are available.
     $data = new ArrayData(array('Link' => $record->CMSEditLink()));
     return $data->renderWith('GridFieldEditButton');
  * @param \GridField $gridField
  * @param \DataObject $record
  * @param string $columnName
  * @return string|null - the HTML for the column
 public function getColumnContent($gridField, $record, $columnName)
     if (!$record instanceof \Payment) {
         return null;
     if (!$record->canRefund()) {
         return null;
     $infoText = '';
     switch (GatewayInfo::refundMode($record->Gateway)) {
         case GatewayInfo::MULTIPLE:
             $infoText = 'MultiRefundInfo';
         case GatewayInfo::PARTIAL:
             $infoText = 'SingleRefundInfo';
         case GatewayInfo::FULL:
             $infoText = 'FullRefundInfo';
     /** @var \Money $money */
     $money = $record->dbObject('Money');
     /** @var \GridField_FormAction $field */
     $field = \GridField_FormAction::create($gridField, 'RefundPayment' . $record->ID, false, 'refundpayment', array('RecordID' => $record->ID))->addExtraClass('gridfield-button-refund payment-dialog-button')->setAttribute('title', _t('GridFieldRefundAction.Title', 'Refund Payment'))->setAttribute('data-icon', 'button-refund')->setAttribute('data-dialog', json_encode(array('maxAmount' => $money->Nice(), 'maxAmountNum' => $money->getAmount(), 'hasAmountField' => $record->canRefund(null, true), 'infoTextKey' => $infoText, 'buttonTextKey' => 'RefundAmount')))->setDescription(_t('GridFieldRefundAction.Description', 'Refund a captured payment'));
     return $field->Field();
 public function scaffoldFormField($title = null, $params = null)
     if (empty($this->object)) {
         return null;
     $relationName = substr($this->name, 0, -2);
     $hasOneClass = $this->object->hasOneComponent($relationName);
     if (empty($hasOneClass)) {
         return null;
     $hasOneSingleton = singleton($hasOneClass);
     if ($hasOneSingleton instanceof File) {
         $field = new UploadField($relationName, $title);
         if ($hasOneSingleton instanceof Image) {
         return $field;
     // Build selector / numeric field
     $titleField = $hasOneSingleton->hasField('Title') ? "Title" : "Name";
     $list = DataList::create($hasOneClass);
     // Don't scaffold a dropdown for large tables, as making the list concrete
     // might exceed the available PHP memory in creating too many DataObject instances
     if ($list->count() < 100) {
         $field = new DropdownField($this->name, $title, $list->map('ID', $titleField));
         $field->setEmptyString(' ');
     } else {
         $field = new NumericField($this->name, $title);
     return $field;
 public function testGetLinks()
     $dataObject = new DataObject(array(), array(), array('mockLinkRel' => 'mockLinkUri'));
     $expect = array('mockLinkRel' => 'mockLinkUri');
     $actual = $dataObject->getLinks();
     $this->assertEquals($expect, $actual);
 protected function walkRelationshipChain(DataObject $from, ArrayList $list, array $parts, $lastPart, $lastItem)
     $part = array_shift($parts);
     if (!$from->hasMethod($part)) {
         // error, no such part of relationship chain
         return false;
     if (count($parts)) {
         foreach ($from->{$part}() as $item) {
             $this->walkRelationshipChain($item, $list, $parts, $part, $item);
     } else {
         $images = $from->{$part}()->toNestedArray();
         // mark the images with a source from relationship and ID
         /** @var Image $image */
         foreach ($images as &$image) {
             if ($lastItem instanceof Variation) {
                 $options = $lastItem->Options();
                 foreach ($options as $option) {
                     $image['ProductID'] = $lastItem->Product()->ID;
                     $image['VariationID'] = $lastItem->ID;
                     $image['OptionID'] = $option->ID;
                     $image['AttributeID'] = $option->AttributeID;
         $list->merge(new ArrayList($images));
     return true;
 public function scaffoldFormField($title = null, $params = null)
     if (empty($this->object)) {
         return null;
     $relationName = substr($this->name, 0, -2);
     $hasOneClass = $this->object->hasOneComponent($relationName);
     if ($hasOneClass && singleton($hasOneClass) instanceof Image) {
         $field = new UploadField($relationName, $title);
         $field->getValidator()->setAllowedExtensions(array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'));
     } elseif ($hasOneClass && singleton($hasOneClass) instanceof File) {
         $field = new UploadField($relationName, $title);
     } else {
         $titleField = singleton($hasOneClass)->hasField('Title') ? "Title" : "Name";
         $list = DataList::create($hasOneClass);
         // Don't scaffold a dropdown for large tables, as making the list concrete
         // might exceed the available PHP memory in creating too many DataObject instances
         if ($list->count() < 100) {
             $field = new DropdownField($this->name, $title, $list->map('ID', $titleField));
             $field->setEmptyString(' ');
         } else {
             $field = new NumericField($this->name, $title);
     return $field;
  * Automatically extracts and replaces the category, keywords and entities
  * for a data object.
  * @param DataObject $object
 public function alchemise(DataObject $object)
     if (!$object->hasExtension('Alchemisable')) {
         throw new Exception('The object must have the Alchemisable extension.');
     $text = $object->getContentForAlchemy();
     if (strlen($text) < $this->charLimit) {
     $alchemyInfo = $object->AlchemyMetadata->getValues();
     if (!$alchemyInfo) {
         $alchemyInfo = array();
     $cat = $this->getCategoryFor($text);
     $keywords = $this->getKeywordsFor($text);
     $entities = $this->getEntitiesFor($text);
     $alchemyInfo['Category'] = $cat;
     $alchemyInfo['Keywords'] = $keywords;
     $alchemyInfo['Entities'] = $entities;
     $object->AlchemyMetadata = $alchemyInfo;
     //		foreach (Alchemisable::entity_fields() as $field => $name) {
     //			$name = substr($field, 3);
     //			if (array_key_exists($name, $entities)) {
     //				$object->$field = $entities[$name];
     //			} else {
     //				$object->$field = array();
     //			}
     //		}
  * Send comment notification to a given recipient
  * @param Comment $comment
  * @param DataObject $parent Object with the {@see CommentNotifiable} extension applied
  * @param Member|string $recipient Either a member object or an email address to which notifications should be sent
 public function notifyCommentRecipient($comment, $parent, $recipient)
     $subject = $parent->notificationSubject($comment, $recipient);
     $sender = $parent->notificationSender($comment, $recipient);
     $template = $parent->notificationTemplate($comment, $recipient);
     // Validate email
     // Important in case of the owner being a default-admin or a username with no contact email
     $to = $recipient instanceof Member ? $recipient->Email : $recipient;
     if (!$this->isValidEmail($to)) {
     // Prepare the email
     $email = new Email();
     $email->populateTemplate(array('Parent' => $parent, 'Comment' => $comment, 'Recipient' => $recipient));
     if ($recipient instanceof Member) {
         $email->populateTemplate(array('ApproveLink' => $comment->ApproveLink($recipient), 'HamLink' => $comment->HamLink($recipient), 'SpamLink' => $comment->SpamLink($recipient), 'DeleteLink' => $comment->DeleteLink($recipient)));
     // Until invokeWithExtensions supports multiple arguments
     if (method_exists($this->owner, 'updateCommentNotification')) {
         $this->owner->updateCommentNotification($email, $comment, $recipient);
     $this->owner->extend('updateCommentNotification', $email, $comment, $recipient);
     return $email->send();
  * @param GridField $gridField
  * @param DataObject $record
  * @param string $columnName
  * @return string - the HTML for the column
 public function getColumnContent($gridField, $record, $columnName)
     if ($this->removeRelation) {
         $field = GridField_FormAction::create($gridField, 'UnlinkRelation' . $record->ID, false, "unlinkrelation", array('RecordID' => $record->ID))->addExtraClass('gridfield-button-unlink')->setAttribute('title', _t('GridAction.UnlinkRelation', "Unlink"))->setAttribute('data-icon', 'chain--minus');
     } else {
         if (!$record->canDelete()) {
         $field = GridField_FormAction::create($gridField, 'DeleteRecord' . $record->ID, false, "deleterecord", array('RecordID' => $record->ID))->addExtraClass('gridfield-button-delete')->setAttribute('title', _t('GridAction.Delete', "Delete"))->setAttribute('data-icon', 'cross-circle')->setDescription(_t('GridAction.DELETE_DESCRIPTION', 'Delete'));
     //add a class to the field to if it is the last gridfield in the list
     $numberOfRelations = $record->Pages()->Count();
     $field->addExtraClass('dms-delete')->setAttribute('data-pages-count', $numberOfRelations)->removeExtraClass('gridfield-button-delete');
     //remove the base gridfield behaviour
     //set a class telling JS what kind of warning to display when clicking the delete button
     if ($numberOfRelations > 1) {
     } else {
     //set a class to show if the document is hidden
     if ($record->isHidden()) {
     return $field->Field();
 public static function usedBy($search_data = null, &$errors = array(), $defaults = null, $params = array())
     $search = new SelectorItemSearch($defaults);
     $search->addSearchField('target_id', 'Target', 'hidden', '', 'hidden');
     // Search by Product
     $config = SelectorCollection::getTypeDetails($params['type']);
     $search->addSearchField('parent_id', implode('/', $config['itemFields']), 'treesearch', -1, 'basic');
     if (empty($search_data)) {
         $search_data = null;
     $search->setSearchData($search_data, $errors, 'selectProduct');
     // Populate the parent_id field using the last selected value
     // it will be -1 if no previous selected value
     $parent_id = $search->getValue('parent_id');
     $cc = new ConstraintChain();
     if ($parent_id != '-1') {
         $cc->add(new Constraint('parent_id', '=', $parent_id));
     } else {
         $cc->add(new Constraint('parent_id', 'IS', 'NULL'));
     $model = new DataObject('so_product_selector');
     $options = array($parent_id => 'Select an option');
     $options += $model->getAll($cc);
     $search->setOptions('parent_id', $options);
     if ($parent_id != '-1') {
         $data = array('target_id' => $search->getValue('target_id'));
         $search->setBreadcrumbs('parent_id', $model, 'parent_id', $parent_id, 'name', 'description', $data);
     return $search;
  * Gets the form fields as defined through the metadata
  * on {@link $obj} and the custom parameters passed to FormScaffolder.
  * Depending on those parameters, the fields can be used in ajax-context,
  * contain {@link TabSet}s etc.
  * @return FieldList
 public function getFieldList()
     $fields = new FieldList();
     // tabbed or untabbed
     if ($this->tabbed) {
         $fields->push(new TabSet("Root", $mainTab = new Tab("Main")));
         $mainTab->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABMAIN', "Main"));
     // add database fields
     foreach ($this->obj->db() as $fieldName => $fieldType) {
         if ($this->restrictFields && !in_array($fieldName, $this->restrictFields)) {
         // @todo Pass localized title
         if ($this->fieldClasses && isset($this->fieldClasses[$fieldName])) {
             $fieldClass = $this->fieldClasses[$fieldName];
             $fieldObject = new $fieldClass($fieldName);
         } else {
             $fieldObject = $this->obj->dbObject($fieldName)->scaffoldFormField(null, $this->getParamsArray());
         if ($this->tabbed) {
             $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Main", $fieldObject);
         } else {
     return $fields;
  * @param GridField $gridField
  * @param DataObject $record
  * @param string $columnName
  * @return string - the HTML for the column 
 public function getColumnContent($gridField, $record, $columnName)
     if (!$record->canEdit()) {
     $data = new ArrayData(array('Link' => Controller::join_links($gridField->Link('item'), $record->ID, 'edit')));
     return $data->renderWith('GridFieldEditButton');
  * @param GridField $gridField
  * @param DataObject $record
  * @param string $columnName
  * @return string - the HTML for the column
 public function getColumnContent($gridField, $record, $columnName)
     if (!$record->IsDeletedFromStage && $record->canDelete() && !$record->isPublished()) {
         $field = GridField_FormAction::create($gridField, 'DeleteFromStage' . $record->ID, false, "deletefromstage", array('RecordID' => $record->ID))->addExtraClass('gridfield-button-deletedraft')->setAttribute('title', _t('PublishableGridFieldAction.DELETE', 'Delete draft'))->setAttribute('data-icon', 'decline')->setDescription(_t('PublishableGridFieldAction.DELETE_DESC', 'Remove this item from the draft site'));
         return $field->Field();
  * @param GridField $gridField
  * @param DataObject $record
  * @param string $columnName
  * @return string - the HTML for the column
 public function getColumnContent($gridField, $record, $columnName)
     if (!$record->canDelete()) {
     $field = GridField_FormAction::create($gridField, 'SoftDeleteRecord' . $record->ID, false, "softdeleterecord", array('RecordID' => $record->ID))->addExtraClass('gridfield-button-delete')->setAttribute('title', _t('GridAction.Delete', "Delete"))->setAttribute('data-icon', 'cross-circle')->setDescription(_t('GridAction.DELETE_DESCRIPTION', 'Delete'));
     return $field->Field();
 public function scaffoldFormField($title = null, $params = null)
     $titleField = $this->object->hasField('Title') ? 'Title' : 'Name';
     $map = DataList::create(get_class($this->object))->map('ID', $titleField);
     $field = new DropdownField($this->name, $title, $map);
     $field->setEmptyString(' ');
     return $field;
  * @param GridField $gridField
  * @param DataObject $record
  * @param string $columnName
  * @return string - the HTML for the column 
 public function getColumnContent($gridField, $record, $columnName)
     if (!$record->canEdit()) {
     $data = new ArrayData(array('Link' => Controller::join_links(Director::baseURL(), '/admin/pages/edit/show/', $record->ID)));
     return $data->renderWith('GridFieldEditButton');
  * @param DataObject $record
  * @param int $index
 public function deleteRecord($record, $index)
     if ($record->hasExtension('Versioned')) {
     } else {
文件: helpers.php 项目: utopszkij/lmp
	public static function instance($array=null){
			$return = new DataObject();
			return $return;
		}else {
			return new DataObject();
  * @param GridField $gridField
  * @param DataObject $record
  * @param string $columnName
  * @return string - the HTML for the column
 public function getColumnContent($gridField, $record, $columnName)
     if (!$record->canEdit()) {
     $history_controller = singleton('CMSPageHistoryController');
     $data = new ArrayData(array('Link' => Controller::join_links($history_controller->Link('show'), $record->ID)));
     return $data->renderWith('GridFieldPageHistoryButton');
  * Transform a given form field into a composite field, where the translation is editable and the original value
  * is added as a read-only field.
  * @param FormField $field
  * @return CompositeField
 public function transformFormField(FormField $field)
     $newfield = $field->performReadOnlyTransformation();
     $fieldname = $field->getName();
     if ($this->original->isLocalizedField($fieldname)) {
     return $this->baseTransform($newfield, $field, $fieldname);
文件: Form.php 项目: rchntrl/auth-tt
 public function getValue($field)
     if ($this->record instanceof DataObject) {
         if (property_exists($this->record, $field)) {
             return htmlspecialchars($this->record->{'get' . $field}());
         return in_array($field, $this->record->getDatabaseMap()) ? htmlspecialchars($this->record->{$field}) : '';
     return htmlspecialchars(@$this->record[$field]);
  * @param GridField $gridField
  * @param DataObject $record
  * @param string $columnName
  * @return string - the HTML for the column
 public function getColumnContent($gridField, $record, $columnName)
     if (!$record instanceof Member || !$record->canMasquerade()) {
     // No permission checks, handled through GridFieldDetailForm,
     // which can make the form readonly if no edit permissions are available.
     $data = new ArrayData(array('Link' => Controller::join_links($gridField->Link('item'), $record->ID, 'masquerade')));
     return $data->renderWith('GridFieldMasqueradeButton');
 function handle(DataObject $model)
     $jn = $model->job_no;
     if (empty($jn)) {
         $db = DB::Instance();
         $query = 'SELECT max(despatch_number) FROM ' . $model->getTableName() . ' WHERE usercompanyid=' . EGS_COMPANY_ID;
         $current = $db->GetOne($query);
         return $current + 1;
 public function convert(DataObject $object)
     if ($object->hasMethod('toFilteredMap')) {
         $data = $object->toFilteredMap();
     } else {
         $data = $object->toMap();
     $converter = new ArrayToXml('item');
     return $converter->convertArray($data);
 public function testBind()
     $data = array('test' => 't1');
     $ref = 't2';
     $obj = new DataObject();
     $obj->bind('test', $ref);
     $this->assertNotEquals($data, $obj->data());
     $ref = 't1';
     $this->assertEquals($data, $obj->data());
 * Set created_ properties for a given object if not set
 * @param DataObject $object
 * @return null
function system_handle_on_before_object_insert($object)
    if ($object->fieldExists('created_on')) {
        if (!isset($object->values['created_on'])) {
            $object->setCreatedOn(new DateTimeValue());
        // if
    // if
    $user =& get_logged_user();
    if (!instance_of($user, 'User')) {
    // if
    if ($object->fieldExists('created_by_id') && !isset($object->values['created_by_id'])) {
    // if
    if ($object->fieldExists('created_by_name') && !isset($object->values['created_by_name'])) {
    // if
    if ($object->fieldExists('created_by_email') && !isset($object->values['created_by_email'])) {
    // if
 function dataedit()
     $this->rapyd->load('dataobject', 'datadetails');
     $do = new DataObject("doc_tablas");
     $do->rel_one_to_many('doc_campos', 'doc_campos', array('nombre' => 'tabla'));
     $edit = new DataDetails("Documentaci&oacute;n de Tablas", $do);
     $edit->back_url = site_url($this->url . "filteredgrid");
     $edit->set_rel_title('doc_campos', 'Rubro <#o#>');
     $edit->pre_process('insert', '_valida');
     $edit->pre_process('update', '_valida');
     $edit->nombre = new inputField("Nombre", "nombre");
     $edit->nombre->mode = "autohide";
     $edit->nombre->size = 15;
     $edit->referen = new textareaField("Descripcion", "referen");
     $edit->referen->size = 50;
     $edit->referen->rows = 2;
     $edit->referen->cols = 90;
     $edit->itcampo = new inputField("(<#o#>) Campo", "itcampo_<#i#>");
     $edit->itcampo->db_name = 'campo';
     $edit->itcampo->rel_id = 'doc_campos';
     $edit->itcampo->rule = 'required|callback_chexiste';
     $edit->itcampo->size = 15;
     $edit->ittype = new inputField("(<#o#>) Type", "ittype_<#i#>");
     $edit->ittype->db_name = 'dtype';
     $edit->ittype->rel_id = 'doc_campos';
     $edit->ittype->size = 15;
     $edit->itnull = new inputField("(<#o#>) Null", "itnull_<#i#>");
     $edit->itnull->db_name = 'dnull';
     $edit->itnull->rel_id = 'doc_campos';
     $edit->itnull->size = 3;
     $edit->itkey = new inputField("(<#o#>) key", "itkey_<#i#>");
     $edit->itkey->db_name = 'dkey';
     $edit->itkey->rel_id = 'doc_campos';
     $edit->itkey->size = 3;
     $edit->itdefault = new inputField("(<#o#>) Default", "itdefault_<#i#>");
     $edit->itdefault->db_name = 'ddefault';
     $edit->itdefault->rel_id = 'doc_campos';
     $edit->itdefault->size = 5;
     $edit->itextra = new inputField("(<#o#>) Extra", "itextra_<#i#>");
     $edit->itextra->db_name = 'dextra';
     $edit->itextra->rel_id = 'doc_campos';
     $edit->itextra->size = 10;
     $edit->itdcomment = new textareaField("(<#o#>) Comentario", "itdcomment_<#i#>");
     $edit->itdcomment->db_name = 'dcomment';
     $edit->itdcomment->rel_id = 'doc_campos';
     $edit->itdcomment->cols = 40;
     $edit->itdcomment->rows = 2;
     $edit->buttons("modify", "save", "undo", "back", "add_rel");
     $conten["form"] =& $edit;
     $data['content'] = $this->load->view('view_tablas', $conten, true);
     $data['title'] = "Documentaci&oacute;n de Tablas";
     $data["head"] = $this->rapyd->get_head() . script('jquery.js');
     $this->load->view('view_ventanas', $data);