  * This function creates a new root node in the specified scope.
  * @access public
  * @static
  * @param integer $scope                            the new scope to be create
  * @param string $name                              the name to given to the node
  * @param array $fields                             an associated array of additional field
  *                                                  name/value pairs
  * @return DB_ORM_MPTT                              the newly created root node
 public static function add_root($scope, $name, array $fields = NULL)
     $data_source = static::data_source(DB_DataSource::MASTER_INSTANCE);
     $table = static::table();
     $connection = DB_Connection_Pool::instance()->get_connection($data_source);
     $builder = DB_SQL::insert($data_source)->into($table)->column('scope', $scope)->column('name', $name)->column('parent_id', NULL)->column('lft', 1)->column('rgt', 2);
     if (is_array($fields)) {
         foreach ($fields as $field => $value) {
             $builder->column($field, $value);
     $insert = $builder->statement();
     $id = $connection->get_last_insert_id();
     $model = get_called_class();
     $root = new $model();
     $root->id = $id;
     $root->scope = $scope;
     $root->name = $name;
     $root->parent_id = NULL;
     $root->lft = 1;
     $root->rgt = 2;
     if (is_array($fields)) {
         foreach ($fields as $field => $value) {
             $root->{$field} = $value;
     return $root;
  * This function saves the record matching using the primary key.
  * @access public
  * @param boolean $reload                       whether the model should be reloaded
  *                                              after the save is done
  * @param boolean $mode                         TRUE=save, FALSE=update, NULL=automatic
  * @throws Throwable_Marshalling_Exception      indicates that model could not be saved
 public function save($reload = FALSE, $mode = NULL)
     if (!static::is_savable()) {
         throw new Throwable_Marshalling_Exception('Message: Failed to save record to database. Reason: Model is not savable.', array(':class' => get_called_class()));
     $primary_key = static::primary_key();
     if (empty($primary_key) or !is_array($primary_key)) {
         throw new Throwable_Marshalling_Exception('Message: Failed to save record to database. Reason: No primary key has been declared.');
     $data_source = static::data_source(DB_DataSource::MASTER_INSTANCE);
     $table = static::table();
     $columns = array_keys($this->fields);
     $hash_code = $this->hash_code();
     // Set saving mode
     $do_insert = $mode === NULL ? $hash_code === NULL : (bool) $mode;
     if (!$do_insert) {
         // Check if we have to detect saving mode automatically
         if ($mode === NULL) {
             // Check if the model has been already saved
             $do_insert = ($this->metadata['saved'] === NULL or $hash_code != $this->metadata['saved']);
             // Check if the record exists in database
             if ($do_insert) {
                 $builder = DB_SQL::select($data_source)->column(DB_SQL::expr(1), 'IsFound')->from($table);
                 foreach ($primary_key as $column) {
                     $builder->where($column, DB_SQL_Operator::_EQUAL_TO_, $this->fields[$column]->value);
                 $do_insert = !$builder->limit(1)->query()->is_loaded();
         if (!$do_insert) {
             if (!empty($columns)) {
                 $builder = DB_SQL::update($data_source)->table($table);
                 // Is there any data to save and it's worth to execute the query?
                 $is_worth = FALSE;
                 foreach ($columns as $column) {
                     if ($this->fields[$column]->savable and $this->fields[$column]->modified) {
                         // Add column values to the query builder
                         $builder->set($column, $this->fields[$column]->value);
                         if (in_array($column, $primary_key) or $this->fields[$column]->value instanceof DB_SQL_Expression) {
                             // Reloading required because primary key has been changed or an SQL expression has been used
                             $reload = TRUE;
                         // It's worth do execute the query.
                         $is_worth = TRUE;
                     // Mark field as not modified
                     $this->fields[$column]->modified = FALSE;
                 // Execute the query only if there is data to save
                 if ($is_worth) {
                     foreach ($primary_key as $column) {
                         $builder->where($column, DB_SQL_Operator::_EQUAL_TO_, $this->fields[$column]->value);
                 $this->metadata['saved'] = $hash_code;
     if ($do_insert) {
         if (!empty($columns)) {
             $builder = DB_SQL::insert($data_source)->into($table);
             // Is any data to save and it's worth to execute the query?
             $is_worth = FALSE;
             foreach ($columns as $column) {
                 if ($this->fields[$column]->savable and $this->fields[$column]->modified) {
                     // It's worth executing the query.
                     $is_worth = TRUE;
                     // Add column values to the query builder
                     $builder->column($column, $this->fields[$column]->value);
                     if ($this->fields[$column]->value instanceof DB_SQL_Expression) {
                         // Reloading required, if using SQL expressions
                         $reload = TRUE;
                 // Mark field as not modified
                 $this->fields[$column]->modified = FALSE;
             // Execute the query only if there is data to save
             if ($is_worth) {
                 if (static::is_auto_incremented() and $hash_code === NULL) {
                     // Execute the query and assign the result to the primary key field
                     $this->fields[$primary_key[0]]->value = $builder->execute(TRUE);
                     // Mark the primary key field as not modified
                     $this->fields[$primary_key[0]]->modified = FALSE;
                 } else {
             $this->metadata['saved'] = $this->hash_code();
     if ($reload) {
         $primary_key = static::primary_key();
         //set the primary keys in a temp variable
         $temp = new stdClass();
         foreach ($primary_key as $column) {
             $temp->{$column} = $this->{$column};
         //Force reset and then you can reload the model with relations
         foreach ($primary_key as $column) {
             $this->{$column} = $temp->{$column};
         // Reload the record, if it's required