/** * This function returns a new token. * * @access public * @return string a new token */ public function create_token() { do { $token = sha1(uniqid(Text::random('alnum', 32), TRUE)); } while (DB_SQL::select($this->data_source(DB_DataSource::SLAVE_INSTANCE))->from($this->table())->where('token', DB_SQL_Operator::_EQUAL_TO_, $token)->query()->is_loaded()); return $token; }
static function dump() { $result = DB_SQL::db()->connection->prepare('show profiles')->execute(); $rows = $result->fetch_all(); print '<table style="margin: 10px;" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#000"><tr style="background-color: #888;color: #fff"><th style="padding:3px;">ID</th><th style="padding:3px;">Duration</th><th style="padding:3px;">Query</th></tr>'; foreach ($rows as $row) { print '<tr style="background-color: white; color: black;">'; print '<td nowrap style="padding:3px;">' . $row['Query_ID'] . '</td>'; print '<td nowrap style="padding:3px;">' . $row['Duration'] . '</td>'; print '<td style="padding:3px;">' . $row['Query'] . '</td>'; print '</tr'; } print '</table>'; }
/** * This function returns the last insert id. * * @access public * @override * @param string $table the table to be queried * @param string $column the column representing the table's id * @return integer the last insert id * @throws Throwable_SQL_Exception indicates that the query failed * * @see http://www.php.net/manual/en/pdo.lastinsertid.php */ public function get_last_insert_id($table = NULL, $column = 'id') { if (!$this->is_connected()) { throw new Throwable_SQL_Exception('Message: Failed to fetch the last insert id. Reason: Unable to find connection.'); } try { if (is_string($table)) { $sql = $this->sql; $precompiler = DB_SQL::precompiler($this->data_source); $table = $precompiler->prepare_identifier($table); $column = $precompiler->prepare_identifier($column); $alias = $precompiler->prepare_alias('id'); $id = (int) $this->query("SELECT MAX({$column}) AS {$alias} FROM {$table};")->get('id', 0); $this->sql = $sql; return $id; } return (int) $this->query('SELECT LASTVAL() AS "id";')->get('id', 0); } catch (Exception $ex) { throw new Throwable_SQL_Exception('Message: Failed to fetch the last insert id. Reason: :reason', array(':reason' => $ex->getMessage())); } }
/** * This function loads the corresponding model. * * @access protected * @override * @return DB_ORM_Model the corresponding model */ protected function load() { $parent_key = $this->metadata['parent_key']; $child_model = $this->metadata['child_model']; $child_table = $child_model::table(); $child_key = $this->metadata['child_key']; $child_source = $child_model::data_source(DB_DataSource::SLAVE_INSTANCE); $builder = DB_SQL::select($child_source)->all("{$child_table}.*")->from($child_table); $field_count = count($child_key); for ($i = 0; $i < $field_count; $i++) { $builder->where("{$child_table}.{$child_key[$i]}", DB_SQL_Operator::_EQUAL_TO_, $this->model->{$parent_key[$i]}); } $result = $builder->limit(1)->query($child_model); if ($result->is_loaded()) { return $result->fetch(0); } $record = new $child_model(); for ($i = 0; $i < $field_count; $i++) { $record->{$child_key[$i]} = $this->model->{$parent_key[$i]}; } return $record; }
/** * This function adds a lock definition. * * @access public * @override * @param string $table the table to be locked * @param array $hints the hints to be applied * @return DB_SQL_Lock_Builder a reference to the current instance */ public function add($table, array $hints = NULL) { $table = $this->precompiler->prepare_identifier($table); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$table} WITH ("; $modes = array(); if ($hints !== NULL) { foreach ($hints as $hint) { if (preg_match('/^FORCESCAN|HOLDLOCK|NOLOCK|NOWAIT|PAGLOCK|READCOMMITTED|READCOMMITTEDLOCK|READPAST|READUNCOMMITTED|REPEATABLEREAD|ROWLOCK|SERIALIZABLE|TABLOCK|TABLOCKX|UPDLOCK|XLOCK$/i', $hint)) { $modes[] = strtoupper($hint); } else { if (preg_match('/^(INDEX|FORCESEEK).+$/i', $hint)) { $modes[] = DB_SQL::expr($hint); } } } } if (empty($modes)) { $modes[] = 'TABLOCKX'; } $this->data[$table] = $sql . implode(', ', $modes) . ');'; return $this; }
<?php header("Content-type: application/xml"); define("PATH_TO_CLASSES", "administration/classes"); require PATH_TO_CLASSES . "/cls_db_mysql.php"; // dodawanie pliku konfigurujacego bibliotekê baz danych require PATH_TO_CLASSES . '/cls_fast_template.php'; require "administration/inc/config.php"; require "inc/common_lib.php"; require "inc/main_lib.php"; // mysql_server_version get_mysql_server_version(); $db = new DB_SQL(); $query = sprintf("\r\n SELECT \r\n b.*, a.id, a.title \r\n FROM \r\n %1\$s b \r\n LEFT JOIN \r\n %2\$s a \r\n ON \r\n b.comments_id = a.id \r\n GROUP BY \r\n date \r\n DESC \r\n LIMIT \r\n %3\$d", TABLE_COMMENTS, TABLE_MAIN, 10); $db->query($query); $rewrite = get_config('mod_rewrite'); $lang = get_config('language_set'); $ft = new FastTemplate('./templates/' . $lang . '/main/tpl/'); $ft->define('xml_feed', 'xml_feed.tpl'); $ft->define_dynamic('xml_row', 'xml_feed'); $http_root = get_httproot(); $ft->assign(array('MAINSITE_LINK' => 'http://' . $http_root, 'NEWS_FEED' => false)); if ($db->num_rows() > 0) { while ($db->next_record()) { $date = $db->f("date"); $title = $db->f("title"); $text = $db->f("text"); $author = $db->f("author"); $id = $db->f("id"); $image = $db->f("image"); $comments_allow = $db->f("comments_allow");
$viewbug ? error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE) : error_reporting(0); #[加载字符串处理类] require_once SYSTEM_ROOT . "/class/string.php"; $STR = new PHPOK_STRING(false, false, false); $magic_quotes_gpc = get_magic_quotes_gpc(); @extract($STR->format($_POST)); @extract($STR->format($_GET)); if (!$magic_quotes_gpc) { $_FILES = $STR->format($_FILES); } #[加载文件处理操作] require_once SYSTEM_ROOT . "/class/file.php"; $FS = new files(); #[加载数据库] require_once SYSTEM_ROOT . "/class/db/" . $dbType . ".php"; $DB = new DB_SQL($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass); $DB->Connect($dbData); #[加载工厂类] require_once SYSTEM_ROOT . "/class/factory.php"; $CF = new C_Factory($DB, $prefix, $dbType); #[启用数据库SESSION] require_once SYSTEM_ROOT . "/class/db/" . $dbType . "/session.php"; #[加载常用函数信息] require_once SYSTEM_ROOT . "/include/global.func.php"; #[加载网站常规选项] if (!file_exists(SYSTEM_ROOT . "/data/system.php")) { echo "Not Set System."; exit; } include_once SYSTEM_ROOT . "/data/system.php"; if (!$system["siteurl"] || substr(strtolower($msg), 0, 7) != "http://") {
/** * This function returns a result set of database views. * * +---------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ * | field | data type | description | * +---------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ * | schema | string | The name of the schema that contains the table. | * | table | string | The name of the table. | * | type | string | The type of table. | * +---------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ * * @access public * @override * @param string $like a like constraint on the query * @return DB_ResultSet a result set of database views * * @see http://www.geeksww.com/tutorials/database_management_systems/mysql/tips_and_tricks/mysql_query_to_find_all_views_in_a_database.php */ public function views($like = '') { $builder = DB_SQL::select($this->data_source)->column('TABLE_SCHEMA', 'schema')->column('TABLE_NAME', 'table')->column(DB_SQL::expr("'VIEW'"), 'type')->from('INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES')->where(DB_SQL::expr('UPPER(`TABLE_TYPE`)'), DB_SQL_Operator::_EQUAL_TO_, 'VIEW')->order_by(DB_SQL::expr('UPPER(`TABLE_SCHEMA`)'))->order_by(DB_SQL::expr('UPPER(`TABLE_NAME`)')); if (!empty($like)) { $builder->where('TABLE_NAME', DB_SQL_Operator::_LIKE_, $like); } return $builder->query(); }
} else { $ft->assign('ONLYINCAT_NO', 'checked="checked"'); } if ($published == "1") { $ft->assign('CHECKBOX_YES', 'checked="checked"'); } else { $ft->assign('CHECKBOX_NO', 'checked="checked"'); } $ft->assign('OVERWRITE_PHOTO', !empty($image) ? true : false); if (!empty($image)) { $ft->define("form_imageedit", "form_imageedit.tpl"); $ft->assign('IMAGE', $image); $ft->parse('IF_IMAGE_EXIST', ".form_imageedit"); } $query = sprintf("\r\n SELECT \r\n category_id, \r\n category_parent_id, \r\n category_name \r\n FROM \r\n %1\$s \r\n WHERE \r\n category_parent_id = '%2\$d'", TABLE_CATEGORY, 0); $sql = new DB_SQL(); $db->query($query); while ($db->next_record()) { $c_id = $db->f("category_id"); $c_name = $db->f("category_name"); $query = sprintf("\r\n SELECT * FROM \r\n %1\$s \r\n WHERE \r\n category_id = '%2\$d' \r\n AND \r\n news_id = '%3\$d'", TABLE_ASSIGN2CAT, $c_id, $_GET['id']); $sql->query($query); $sql->next_record(); $assigned = $sql->f("category_id"); $ft->assign(array('C_ID' => $c_id, 'C_NAME' => $c_name, 'PAD' => '', 'CURRENT_CAT' => $c_id == $assigned ? 'checked="checked"' : '')); $ft->define("form_noteedit", "form_noteedit.tpl"); $ft->define_dynamic("cat_row", "form_noteedit"); $ft->parse('CAT_ROW', ".cat_row"); get_editnews_assignedcat($c_id, 2); } $ft->parse('ROWS', "form_noteedit");
/** * This function returns a result set of database views. * * +---------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ * | field | data type | description | * +---------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ * | schema | string | The name of the schema that contains the table. | * | table | string | The name of the table. | * | type | string | The type of table. | * +---------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ * * @access public * @override * @param string $like a like constraint on the query * @return DB_ResultSet a result set of database views * * @see http://www.devx.com/dbzone/Article/29585/0/page/4 * @see http://lpetr.org/blog/archives/find-a-list-of-views-marked-inoperative * @see http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/library/techarticle/dm-0411melnyk/ */ public function views($like = '') { $builder = DB_SQL::select($this->data_source)->column('VIEWSCHEMA', 'schema')->column('VIEWNAME', 'table')->column(DB_SQL::expr("'VIEW'"), 'type')->from('SYSCAT.VIEWS')->where('VIEWSCHEMA', DB_SQL_Operator::_NOT_LIKE_, 'SYS%')->where('VALID', DB_SQL_Operator::_NOT_EQUIVALENT_, 'Y')->order_by(DB_SQL::expr('UPPER("VIEWSCHEMA")'))->order_by(DB_SQL::expr('UPPER("VIEWNAME")')); if (!empty($like)) { $builder->where('VIEWNAME', DB_SQL_Operator::_LIKE_, $like); } return $builder->query(); }
require PATH_TO_CLASSES . '/cls_db_mysql.php'; require PATH_TO_CLASSES . '/cls_upload.php'; require PATH_TO_CLASSES . '/cls_rss_parser.php'; require_once 'inc/config.php'; require_once '../inc/common_lib.php'; require_once '../inc/admin_lib.php'; // mysql_server_version get_mysql_server_version(); $lang = get_config('language_set'); require_once 'i18n/' . $lang . '/i18n.php'; require_once PATH_TO_CLASSES . '/cls_fast_template.php'; require_once PATH_TO_CLASSES . '/cls_permissions.php'; // inicjowanie klasy, wkazanie katalogu przechowuj±cego szablony $ft = new FastTemplate('./templates/' . $lang . '/tpl'); // egzemplarz klasy obs³uguj±cej bazê danych Core $db = new DB_SQL(); // pobieramy poziom uprawnieñ $query = sprintf("\r\n SELECT \r\n permission_level \r\n FROM \r\n %1\$s \r\n WHERE \r\n login = '******'", TABLE_USERS, $_SESSION['login']); $db->query($query); $db->next_record(); $privileges = $db->f('permission_level'); // egzemplarz klasy do obs³ugi uprawnieñ $perms = new permissions(); $permarr = $perms->getPermissions($privileges); $ft->assign(array('PERMS_USER' => false, 'PERMS_WRITER' => false, 'PERMS_MODERATOR' => false, 'PERMS_TPLEDITOR' => false, 'PERMS_ADMIN' => false)); switch ($privileges) { case '1': $privilege_level = 1; $ft->assign('PERMS_USER', true); break; case '3':
function set_config($name, $value) { $db = new DB_SQL(); $query = sprintf("\n UPDATE\n %1\$s\n SET\n config_value = '%2\$s'\n WHERE\n config_name = '%3\$s'", TABLE_CONFIG, $value, $name); $db->query($query); return true; }
public function item_id($item) { if ($mapper = $this->orm_mapper()) { $options = $mapper->options; $key = $options['key']; $key = current($key); return $item->{$key}; } if ($tbl = $this->dbtable) { if ($serial = DB_SQL::db()->tables[$tbl]->serial) { return $item->{$serial}; } return $item->id; } return $item->id(); }
/** * This function loads the corresponding model(s). * * @access protected * @override * @return DB_ResultSet the corresponding model(s) */ protected function load() { $parent_key = $this->metadata['parent_key']; $child_model = $this->metadata['child_model']; $child_table = $child_model::table(); $child_key = $this->metadata['child_key']; $child_source = $child_model::data_source(DB_DataSource::SLAVE_INSTANCE); if (isset($this->metadata['through_model']) and isset($this->metadata['through_keys'])) { $through_model = $this->metadata['through_model']; $through_table = $through_model::table(); $through_keys = $this->metadata['through_keys']; $through_source = $through_model::data_source(DB_DataSource::SLAVE_INSTANCE); if ($through_source != $child_source) { $builder = DB_SQL::select($through_source)->from($through_table); $field_count = count($through_keys[1]); for ($i = 0; $i < $field_count; $i++) { $builder->column("{$through_table}.{$through_keys[1][$i]}"); } $field_count = count($through_keys[0]); for ($i = 0; $i < $field_count; $i++) { $builder->where("{$through_table}.{$through_keys[0][$i]}", DB_SQL_Operator::_EQUAL_TO_, $this->model->{$parent_key[$i]}); } $records = $builder->query('array'); $builder = DB_SQL::select($child_source)->all("{$child_table}.*")->from($child_table); $field_count = count($child_key); foreach ($records as $record) { $builder->where_block(DB_SQL_Builder::_OPENING_PARENTHESIS_, DB_SQL_Connector::_OR_); for ($i = 0; $i < $field_count; $i++) { $builder->where("{$child_table}.{$child_key[$i]}", DB_SQL_Operator::_EQUAL_TO_, $this->model->{$record[$through_keys[1][$i]]}); } $builder->where_block(DB_SQL_Builder::_CLOSING_PARENTHESIS_); } foreach ($this->metadata['options'] as $option) { call_user_func_array(array($builder, $option[0]), $option[1]); } $result = $builder->query($child_model); } else { $builder = DB_SQL::select($child_source)->all("{$child_table}.*")->from($through_table)->join(DB_SQL_JoinType::_INNER_, $child_table); $field_count = count($child_key); for ($i = 0; $i < $field_count; $i++) { $builder->on("{$child_table}.{$child_key[$i]}", DB_SQL_Operator::_EQUAL_TO_, "{$through_table}.{$through_keys[1][$i]}"); } $field_count = count($through_keys[0]); for ($i = 0; $i < $field_count; $i++) { $builder->where("{$through_table}.{$through_keys[0][$i]}", DB_SQL_Operator::_EQUAL_TO_, $this->model->{$parent_key[$i]}); } foreach ($this->metadata['options'] as $option) { call_user_func_array(array($builder, $option[0]), $option[1]); } $result = $builder->query($child_model); } } else { $builder = DB_SQL::select($child_source)->all("{$child_table}.*")->from($child_table); $field_count = count($child_key); for ($i = 0; $i < $field_count; $i++) { $builder->where("{$child_table}.{$child_key[$i]}", DB_SQL_Operator::_EQUAL_TO_, $this->model->{$parent_key[$i]}); } foreach ($this->metadata['options'] as $option) { call_user_func_array(array($builder, $option[0]), $option[1]); } $result = $builder->query($child_model); } return $result; }
$monit[] = $i18n['edit_links'][7]; foreach ($monit as $error) { $ft->assign('ERROR_MONIT', $error); $ft->parse('ROWS', ".error_row"); } $ft->parse('ROWS', "error_reporting"); } break; case "remark": // zmiana pozycji wybranego linku if ($permarr['moderator']) { $move = intval($_GET['move']); $query = sprintf("\r\n UPDATE \r\n %1\$s \r\n SET \r\n link_order = link_order + '%2\$d' \r\n WHERE \r\n id='%3\$d'", TABLE_LINKS, $move, $_GET['id']); $db->query($query); // instancja potrzebna $sql = new DB_SQL(); $query = sprintf("\r\n SELECT * FROM \r\n %1\$s \r\n ORDER BY \r\n link_order \r\n ASC", TABLE_LINKS); $sql->query($query); $i = 10; $inc = 10; while ($sql->next_record()) { $lid = $sql->f("id"); $query = sprintf("\r\n UPDATE \r\n %1\$s \r\n SET \r\n link_order = '{$i}' \r\n WHERE \r\n id = '{$lid}'", TABLE_LINKS); $db->query($query); $i += 10; } header("Location: main.php?p=12"); exit; } else { $monit[] = $i18n['edit_category'][6]; foreach ($monit as $error) {
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED); include "lib/connect.php"; ob_start(); if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { $name = $_POST["name"]; $email = $_POST["email"]; $subject = $_POST["subject"]; $message = $_POST["message"]; $database = new DB_SQL(); $result = $database->contact($name, $email, $subject, $message); if ($result == true) { echo 'Your message has been sent'; } else { echo 'Failed send message'; } } ?> <h2>Contact Us</h2> "We are happy to answer any question you have or provide you with an estimate. Just send us a message in the form below with any questions you may have." <br> <br> <form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div class="row"> <label for="name">Your Name:</label><br /> <input id="name" class="input" name="name" type="text" value="" size="30" required/><br /> </div> <div class="row"> <label for="email">Your Email:</label><br />
/** * This function returns the last insert id. * * @access public * @override * @param string $table the table to be queried * @param string $column the column representing the table's id * @return integer the last insert id * @throws Throwable_SQL_Exception indicates that the query failed * * @see http://www.firebirdfaq.org/faq243/ */ public function get_last_insert_id($table = NULL, $column = 'id') { if (!$this->is_connected()) { throw new Throwable_SQL_Exception('Message: Failed to fetch the last insert id. Reason: Unable to find connection.'); } try { if (is_string($table)) { $sql = $this->sql; $precompiler = DB_SQL::precompiler($this->data_source); $table = $precompiler->prepare_identifier($table); $column = $precompiler->prepare_identifier($column); $id = (int) $this->query("SELECT MAX({$column}) AS \"id\" FROM {$table};")->get('id', 0); $this->sql = $sql; return $id; } else { $sql = $this->sql; if (preg_match('/^INSERT\\s+INTO\\s+(.*?)\\s+/i', $sql, $matches)) { if (isset($matches[1])) { $table = $matches[1]; $id = (int) $this->query("SELECT \"ID\" AS \"id\" FROM {$table} ORDER BY \"ID\" DESC ROWS 1;")->get('id', 0); $this->sql = $sql; return $id; } } return 0; } } catch (Exception $ex) { throw new Throwable_SQL_Exception(preg_replace('/Failed to query SQL statement./', 'Failed to fetch the last insert id.', $ex->getMessage())); } }
/** * This function returns the last insert id. * * @access public * @override * @param string $table the table to be queried * @param string $column the column representing the table's id * @return integer the last insert id * @throws Throwable_SQL_Exception indicates that the query failed * * @see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.pg-last-oid.php * @see https://github.com/spadefoot/kohana-orm-leap/issues/44 */ public function get_last_insert_id($table = NULL, $column = 'id') { if (!$this->is_connected()) { throw new Throwable_SQL_Exception('Message: Failed to fetch the last insert id. Reason: Unable to find connection.'); } if (is_string($table)) { $sql = $this->sql; $precompiler = DB_SQL::precompiler($this->data_source); $table = $precompiler->prepare_identifier($table); $column = $precompiler->prepare_identifier($column); $id = (int) $this->query("SELECT MAX({$column}) AS \"id\" FROM {$table};")->get('id', 0); $this->sql = $sql; return $id; } else { // Option #1: Using 'SELECT LASTVAL();' $command = @pg_query($this->resource, 'SELECT LASTVAL();'); if ($command === FALSE) { throw new Throwable_SQL_Exception('Message: Failed to fetch the last insert id. Reason: :reason', array(':reason' => @pg_last_error($this->resource))); } $record = @pg_fetch_row($command); if ($record === FALSE) { throw new Throwable_SQL_Exception('Message: Failed to fetch the last insert id. Reason: :reason', array(':reason' => @pg_last_error($this->resource))); } return $record[0]; // Option #2: Using pg_last_oid($this->resource) //$id = @pg_last_oid($this->resource); //if ($id === FALSE) { // throw new Throwable_SQL_Exception('Message: Failed to fetch the last insert id. Reason: :reason', array(':reason' => @pg_last_error($this->resource))); //} //return $id; } }
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED); include "lib/connect.php"; ob_start(); session_start(); if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { $Username = $_POST["Username"]; $Password = $_POST["Password"]; $database = new DB_SQL(); if (mysql_num_rows($database->login($Username, $Password)) > 0) { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($database->login($Username, $Password)); if (password_verify($Password, $row['Password'])) { echo ' You are now logged in'; $_SESSION["user"] = ['username' => $row['Username']]; header("Location: index.php"); } else { echo "Wrong username and password"; } } else { echo "User does not exist"; } } ?> <h2>Login</h2> <br> <br> <form action ="" method="POST">
$start = isset($_GET['start']) ? intval($_GET['start']) : 0; // inicjowanie klasy, wkazanie katalogu przechowuj±cego szablony $ft = new fast_template('./templates/' . $lang . '/tpl'); $ft->define(array('main' => "main.tpl", 'main_loader' => "main_loader.tpl", 'rows' => "rows.tpl", 'form_login' => "form_login.tpl")); $ft->assign(array('TITLE' => $i18n['index'][0], 'ERROR_MSG' => '', 'CSS_HREF' => 'templates/' . $lang . '/css/style.css')); // deklaracja zmiennej $p $p = empty($_GET['p']) ? '' : $_GET['p']; if ($p == "log") { $login = trim($_POST['login']); $password = trim(md5($_POST['password'])); if (empty($login) or empty($password)) { // U¿ytkownik nie uzupe³ni³ wszystkich pól::form $ft->assign('ERROR_MSG', $i18n['index'][1]); $ft->parse('ROWS', ".form_login"); } else { $db = new DB_SQL(); $query = sprintf("\r\n SELECT \r\n active \r\n FROM \r\n %1\$s \r\n WHERE \r\n login = '******' \r\n AND \r\n password = '******'", TABLE_USERS, $login, $password); $db->query($query); if ($db->num_rows()) { if ($db->f("active") != "N") { // Rejestrujemy zmienne sesyjne $_SESSION["login"] = $login; $_SESSION["loggedIn"] = TRUE; header("Location: main.php"); break; } else { // U¿ytkownik nie zaaktywowa³ konta::db $ft->assign('ERROR_MSG', $i18n['index'][2]); $ft->parse('ROWS', ".form_login"); } } else {
$start = isset($_GET['start']) ? intval($_GET['start']) : 0; // inicjowanie klasy, wkazanie katalogu przechowuj�cego szablony $ft = new FastTemplate('./templates/' . $lang . '/tpl'); $ft->define(array('main' => 'main.tpl', 'main_loader' => 'main_loader.tpl', 'rows' => 'rows.tpl', 'form_login' => 'form_login.tpl')); $ft->assign(array('TITLE' => $i18n['index'][0], 'ERROR_MSG' => '', 'LANG' => $lang)); // deklaracja zmiennej $p $p = empty($_GET['p']) ? '' : $_GET['p']; if ($p == 'log') { $login = trim($_POST['login']); $password = trim(md5($_POST['password'])); if (empty($login) || empty($password)) { // U�ytkownik nie uzupe�ni� wszystkich p�l::form $ft->assign('ERROR_MSG', $i18n['index'][1]); $ft->parse('ROWS', '.form_login'); } else { $db = new DB_SQL(); $query = sprintf("\n SELECT \n active \n FROM \n %1\$s \n WHERE \n login = '******' \n AND \n password = '******'", TABLE_USERS, $login, $password); $db->query($query); if ($db->num_rows()) { if ($db->f('active') != 'N') { // Rejestrujemy zmienne sesyjne $_SESSION['login'] = $login; $_SESSION['loggedIn'] = TRUE; header('Location: main.php'); break; } else { // U�ytkownik nie zaaktywowa� konta::db $ft->assign('ERROR_MSG', $i18n['index'][2]); $ft->parse('ROWS', '.form_login'); } } else {
$simple = 1; $replacement = array('&', '<br />', '<', '>'); $pattern = array(' & ', '<br />', '<', '>'); $data = str_replace($pattern, $replacement, $data); $rss = new rss_parser($data, $simple); $allItems = $rss->getAllItems(); $itemCount = count($allItems); $ft->define_dynamic('rss_row', 'main_site'); for ($y = 0; $y < 5; $y++) { $ft->assign(array('PERMA_LINK' => $allItems[$y]['LINK'], 'NEWS_TITLE' => $allItems[$y]['TITLE'], 'DATE' => $allItems[$y]['DATE'], 'NEWS_TEXT' => str_cut(strip_tags($allItems[$y]['DESCRIPTION'])) . '...')); $ft->parse('ROWS', '.rss_row'); } } else { $ft->assign('GET_RSS', false); } // Inicjowanie egzemplarza klasy do obs³ugi Bazy Danych $db = new DB_SQL(); // Zliczenie wszystkich publikowanych wpisów $query = sprintf("\r\n SELECT \r\n count(*) AS id \r\n FROM \r\n %1\$s \r\n WHERE \r\n published = '%2\$d' \r\n ORDER BY \r\n date", TABLE_MAIN, 1); $db->query($query); $db->next_record(); $published_items = $db->f('id'); // Zliczenie wszystkich nie publikowanych wpisów $query = sprintf("\r\n SELECT \r\n count(*) AS id \r\n FROM \r\n %1\$s \r\n WHERE \r\n published = '%2\$d' \r\n ORDER BY \r\n date", TABLE_MAIN, -1); $db->query($query); $db->next_record(); $nonpublished_items = $db->f('id'); // Zliczenie wszystkich wpisów $num_items = $published_items + $nonpublished_items; $ft->assign(array('COUNT_NOTES' => $num_items, 'PUBLISHED_NOTES' => $published_items, 'NONPUBLISHED_NOTES' => $nonpublished_items)); $ft->parse('ROWS', 'main_site');
public function run() { $binds = count($args = func_get_args()) > 1 ? $args : $args[0]; $run_callbacks = $binds instanceof DB_SQL_Entity && $this->view && $binds instanceof $this->view->prototype; $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . ($this->table ? $this->table : $this->view->table->name) . "\n"; if (count($where = Core_Arrays::merge($this->view ? $this->view->__get('where') : array(), $this->where))) { $sql .= 'WHERE (' . Core_Arrays::join_with(') AND (', $where) . ')'; } if ($run_callbacks ? $binds->before_delete() : true) { $rc = DB_SQL::db()->connection->prepare($sql)->bind($binds)->execute(); } if ($run_callbacks && $rc) { $binds->after_delete(); } return $rc; }
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED); include "lib/connect.php"; ob_start(); if (isset($_POST["product"])) { $Productname = $_POST["Productname"]; $Productdescription = $_POST["Productdescription"]; $Productprice = $_POST["Productprice"]; $Productquantity = $_POST["Productquantity"]; $Image = $_POST["Image"]; } $database = new DB_SQL(); $products = $database->products(); ?> <h2>Display Product<h2> <?php $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM product"); ?> <table id='products'width="1000" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="0"> <?php while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($products)) { ?> <img src="products.php?id=1" /> <tr> <td width="250"><a href="#"><?php
* by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ require_once 'inc/i18n.php'; require_once 'inc/common_lib.php'; define('PATH_TO_CLASSES', get_root() . '/administration/classes'); require PATH_TO_CLASSES . '/cls_db_mysql.php'; // dodawanie pliku konfigurujacego bibliotekê baz danych require 'administration/inc/config.php'; $db = new DB_SQL(); $sql = new DB_SQL(); $query = sprintf("\n CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXIST \n %1\$s (\n id int(7) NOT NULL auto_increment, \n news_id int(7) NOT NULL default '0', \n category_id int(7) NOT NULL default '0', \n PRIMARY KEY (id), \n KEY news_id (news_id, category_id)", TABLE_ASSIGN2CAT); $db->query($query); $db->next_record(); $query = sprintf("\n SELECT \n id, c_id \n FROM \n %1\$s", TABLE_MAIN); $db->query($query); while ($db->next_record()) { $id = $db->f('id'); $c_id = $db->f('c_id'); $query = sprintf("\n INSERT INTO \n %1\$s \n VALUES('', '%2\$d', '%3\$d')", TABLE_ASSIGN2CAT, $id, $c_id); $sql->query($query); $sql->next_record(); } $query = sprintf("\n ALTER TABLE \n %1\$s \n DROP \n c_id", TABLE_MAIN); $db->query($query); $db->next_record();
$monit[] = $i18n['edit_category'][6]; foreach ($monit as $error) { $ft->assign('ERROR_MONIT', $error); $ft->parse('ROWS', ".error_row"); } $ft->parse('ROWS', "error_reporting"); } break; case "remark": // zmiana pozycji wybranej kategorii if ($permarr['moderator']) { $move = intval($_GET['move']); $query = sprintf("\n UPDATE \n %1\$s \n SET \n category_order = category_order + '%2\$d' \n WHERE \n category_id='%3\$d'", TABLE_CATEGORY, $move, $_GET['id']); $db->query($query); // instancja potrzebna $sql = new DB_SQL(); $query = sprintf("\n SELECT * FROM \n %1\$s \n WHERE \n category_parent_id = '0' \n ORDER BY \n category_order \n ASC", TABLE_CATEGORY); $sql->query($query); $i = 10; $inc = 10; while ($sql->next_record()) { $cid = $sql->f("category_id"); $query = sprintf("\n UPDATE \n %1\$s \n SET \n category_order = '{$i}' \n WHERE \n category_id = '{$cid}'", TABLE_CATEGORY); $db->query($query); $i += 10; } header("Location: main.php?p=9"); exit; } else { $monit[] = $i18n['edit_category'][6]; foreach ($monit as $error) {
/** * This function returns the last insert id. * * @access public * @override * @param string $table the table to be queried * @param string $column the column representing the table's id * @return integer the last insert id * @throws Throwable_SQL_Exception indicates that the query failed */ public function get_last_insert_id($table = NULL, $column = 'id') { if (!$this->is_connected()) { throw new Throwable_SQL_Exception('Message: Failed to fetch the last insert id. Reason: Unable to find connection.'); } if (is_string($table)) { $sql = $this->sql; $precompiler = DB_SQL::precompiler($this->data_source); $table = $precompiler->prepare_identifier($table); $column = $precompiler->prepare_identifier($column); $id = (int) $this->query("SELECT MAX({$column}) AS `id` FROM {$table};")->get('id', 0); $this->sql = $sql; return $id; } else { $id = @mysqli_insert_id($this->resource); if ($id === FALSE) { throw new Throwable_SQL_Exception('Message: Failed to fetch the last insert id. Reason: :reason', array(':reason' => @mysqli_error($this->resource))); } return $id; } }
/** * This function returns a result set of database views. * * +---------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ * | field | data type | description | * +---------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ * | schema | string | The name of the schema that contains the table. | * | table | string | The name of the table. | * | type | string | The type of table. | * +---------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ * * @access public * @override * @param string $like a like constraint on the query * @return DB_ResultSet a result set of database views * * @see http://infolab.stanford.edu/~ullman/fcdb/oracle/or-nonstandard.html * @see http://www.razorsql.com/articles/oracle_system_queries.html */ public function views($like = '') { $builder = DB_SQL::select($this->data_source)->column('OWNER', 'schema')->column('VIEW_NAME', 'table')->column(DB_SQL::expr("'VIEW'"), 'type')->from('SYS.ALL_VIEWS')->order_by(DB_SQL::expr('UPPER("OWNER")'))->order_by(DB_SQL::expr('UPPER("VIEW_NAME")')); if (!empty($like)) { $builder->where('VIEW_NAME', DB_SQL_Operator::_LIKE_, $like); } return $builder->query(); }
/** * This function returns a result set of database views. * * +---------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ * | field | data type | description | * +---------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ * | schema | string | The name of the schema that contains the table. | * | table | string | The name of the table. | * | type | string | The type of table. | * +---------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ * * @access public * @override * @param string $like a like constraint on the query * @return DB_ResultSet a result set of database views * * @see http://www.alberton.info/sql_server_meta_info.html */ public function views($like = '') { $builder = DB_SQL::select($this->data_source)->column('[TABLE_SCHEMA]', 'schema')->column('[TABLE_NAME]', 'table')->column(DB_SQL::expr("'VIEW'"), 'type')->from('[INFORMATION_SCHEMA].[TABLES]')->where('[TABLE_TYPE]', DB_SQL_Operator::_EQUAL_TO_, 'VIEW')->where(DB_SQL::expr("OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID([TABLE_NAME]), 'IsMsShipped')"), DB_SQL_Operator::_EQUAL_TO_, 0)->order_by(DB_SQL::expr('UPPER([TABLE_SCHEMA])'))->order_by(DB_SQL::expr('UPPER([TABLE_NAME])')); if (!empty($like)) { $builder->where('[TABLE_NAME]', DB_SQL_Operator::_LIKE_, $like); } return $builder->query(); }
/** * This function creates a new root node in the specified scope. * * @access public * @static * @param integer $scope the new scope to be create * @param string $name the name to given to the node * @param array $fields an associated array of additional field * name/value pairs * @return DB_ORM_MPTT the newly created root node **/ public static function add_root($scope, $name, array $fields = NULL) { $data_source = static::data_source(DB_DataSource::MASTER_INSTANCE); $table = static::table(); $connection = DB_Connection_Pool::instance()->get_connection($data_source); $connection->lock->add($table)->acquire(); $builder = DB_SQL::insert($data_source)->into($table)->column('scope', $scope)->column('name', $name)->column('parent_id', NULL)->column('lft', 1)->column('rgt', 2); if (is_array($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $field => $value) { $builder->column($field, $value); } } $insert = $builder->statement(); $connection->execute($insert); $id = $connection->get_last_insert_id(); $connection->lock->release(); $model = get_called_class(); $root = new $model(); $root->id = $id; $root->scope = $scope; $root->name = $name; $root->parent_id = NULL; $root->lft = 1; $root->rgt = 2; if (is_array($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $field => $value) { $root->{$field} = $value; } } return $root; }