private function getChannelId($name) { $name = trim($name); static $cache = array(); if (!isset($cache[$name])) { $channel = Channel::model()->findByAttributes(array('name' => $name)); if ($channel == null) { $channel = new Channel(); $channel->name = $name; $channel->save(); } $cache[$name] = $channel->id; } return $cache[$name]; }
private function action($form) { $session = session_currentSession(); $p = new Channel(); $p->user = $session->id; $p->label = $form->name; $p->short_label = $form->shortname; $p->key = $this->generateKey(); $p->secret = $this->generateSecret(); $p->domain = $form->domain; // ISO-8601 2005-08-14T16:13:03+0000; $time = time() + $value; $p->created = date('c', $time); $p->save(); //header('location:/account/settings'); }
function update_channel() { global $user; global $CONF; $_SESSION['channel_last_flood_time']=time(); $user = $_SESSION['user']; $channel = new Channel(); if (isset($_GET['channelid_update_channel'])){ $channel->setId($_GET['channelid_update_channel']); $channel->load(); if ( ($user->getId()!=$channel->getUser()->getId()) || ($user->isAnon()) ) return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'you are not the owner'); } else { return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'no id'); } $description = unescape_ampersand($_POST['description']); $description = strip_tags($description, $CONF['permitted_tags_msg']); $description = text_linkify($description); $description = str_replace(' ',' ',$description); $channel->setDescription($description); //system("echo \"$description\" > log.txt"); if (isset($_POST['lang']) && !empty($_POST['lang'])) $channel->setLang($_POST['lang']); if (isset($_POST['asktofollow'])) $channel->setAsktofollow($_POST['asktofollow']); if (isset($_POST['perm_member'])) $channel->setPermMember($_POST['perm_member']); if (isset($_POST['perm_reguser'])) $channel->setPermReguser($_POST['perm_reguser']); if (isset($_POST['perm_anon'])) $channel->setPermAnon($_POST['perm_anon']); if ($channel->save()=='ok'){ return array('ok'=>true, 'error'=>''); } else return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'problems with this channel'); }
function add_channel() { global $CONF; global $LANGALL; $user = $_SESSION['user']; if ($user->getBanned()>0){ return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'banned '.$user->getBanned()); } if (isset($_SESSION['channel_last_flood_time'])){ if ((time() - $_SESSION['channel_last_flood_time']) < $CONF['channel_time_to_wait_flood']){ $time_to_wait = $CONF['channel_time_to_wait_flood'] - (time() - $_SESSION['channel_last_flood_time']); //return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'flood '.$time_to_wait); } } $_SESSION['channel_last_flood_time']=time(); $user = $_SESSION['user']; if ($user->isAnon()) return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'anonymous cannot create channel'); $channel = new Channel(); $channel->setUser($user); $name = strip_tags($_POST['name']); if (strlen(str_replace(' ', '', $name)) < $CONF['channel_min_name']) return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'too short name'); $channel->setName($name); $description = $_POST['description']; $description = strip_tags($description, $CONF['permitted_tags_msg']); $description = text_linkify($description); $description = str_replace(' ',' ',$description); $channel->setDescription($description); if (isset($_POST['lang']) && !empty($_POST['lang'])) $channel->setLang($_POST['lang']); if (!isset($_POST['urlname'])) $channel->setUrlname( Channel::prettyUrlAvailable($_POST['name']) ); else { if ($_POST['urlname']!=Channel::prettyUrlAvailable($_POST['urlname'])) return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'invalid urlname'); else $channel->setUrlname($_POST['urlname']); } if (isset($_POST['asktofollow'])) $channel->setAsktofollow($_POST['asktofollow']); if (isset($_POST['perm_member'])) $channel->setPermMember($_POST['perm_member']); if (isset($_POST['perm_reguser'])) $channel->setPermReguser($_POST['perm_reguser']); if (isset($_POST['perm_anon'])) $channel->setPermAnon($_POST['perm_anon']); $result=$channel->save(); if ($result=='ok'){ $channel->follow(); /*if ($channel->getLang()=='pt_br'){ $title=$LANGALL['pt_br']['addchannel_welcome_title']; $message=$LANGALL['pt_br']['addchannel_welcome_message']; } else { $title=$LANGALL['en_us']['addchannel_welcome_title']; $message=$LANGALL['en_us']['addchannel_welcome_message']; } require_once('class/Topic.php'); require_once('class/User.php'); $user=new RegUser(); $user->setId(1); $topic=new Topic(); $topic->setSubject($title); $topic->setMsg($message); $topic->setChannel($channel); $topic->setUser($user); $topic->save();*/ return array('ok'=>true, 'error'=>'', 'id'=>$channel->getId()); } elseif ($result=='error channel already exists'){ return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'error channel already exists','id'=>null); } elseif ($result=='error you created many channels'){ return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'error you created many channels','id'=>null); } elseif ($result=='error user anon'){ return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'error user anon','id'=>null); } else return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'problems with this channel - '.$result,'id'=>null); }
public function createWebsite() { $user_id = Auth::user()->id; $rules = array('title' => 'required', 'type' => 'required', 'account_id' => 'required'); $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::to('/websites/new')->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } else { $client = new GuzzleHttp\Client(); $title = Input::get('title'); $tagline = Input::get('tagline'); $about = Input::get('about'); $type = Input::get('type'); $account_id = Input::get('account_id'); $domain_name = Input::get('domain_name'); $is_public = 0; if (Input::has('public')) { $is_public = 1; } $website = new Website(); $website->user_id = $user_id; $website->long_id = Str::slug(substr($title, 0, 160) . '-' . str_random(6)); $website->type = $type; $website->domain_name = $domain_name; $website->title = $title; $website->tagline = $tagline; $website->about = $about; $website->public = $is_public; $website->save(); $website_id = $website->id; if ($type == 'youtube') { $youtube = new Youtube(array('key' => Config::get(''))); $youtube_channel = $youtube->getChannelByName($account_id); $site_channel_id = $youtube_channel->id; $site_channel_title = $youtube_channel->snippet->title; $site_channel_description = $youtube_channel->snippet->description; $site_channel_thumbnail = $youtube_channel->snippet->thumbnails->high->url; } else { if ($type == 'vimeo') { $vimeo = $client->get("{$account_id}/info.json"); $vimeo_channel = json_decode($vimeo->getBody(), true); $site_channel_id = $vimeo_channel['id']; $site_channel_title = $vimeo_channel['display_name']; $site_channel_description = strip_tags($vimeo_channel['bio']); $site_channel_thumbnail = $vimeo_channel['portrait_huge']; } } $channel = new Channel(); $channel->user_id = $user_id; $channel->website_id = $website_id; $channel->channel_id = $site_channel_id; $channel->title = $site_channel_title; $channel->description = $site_channel_description; $channel->thumbnail = $site_channel_thumbnail; $channel->save(); $channel_id = $channel->id; $next_playlisttoken = ''; if ($type == 'youtube') { do { $playlists = $youtube->getPlaylistsByChannelId($youtube_channel->id, array('maxResults' => 50, 'pageToken' => $next_playlisttoken)); $next_playlisttoken = $youtube->page_info; if (!empty($playlists)) { foreach ($playlists as $pl) { //only cached playlists that are public if ($pl->status->privacyStatus == 'public') { $playlist_id = $pl->id; $playlist_params['body'] = array('id' => $playlist_id, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'website_id' => $website_id, 'channel_id' => $channel_id, 'title' => $pl->snippet->title, 'playlist_type' => 'youtube', 'description' => $pl->snippet->description, 'thumbnail' => $pl->snippet->thumbnails->high->url, 'published_at' => $pl->snippet->publishedAt); $playlist_params['index'] = 'video-websites'; $playlist_params['type'] = 'playlist'; $playlist_params['id'] = $playlist_id; $ret = Es::index($playlist_params); $next_videostoken = ''; do { $playlist_items = $youtube->getPlaylistItemsByPlaylistId($playlist_id, array('maxResults' => 50, 'pageToken' => $next_videostoken)); $next_videostoken = $youtube->page_info; if (!empty($playlist_items)) { foreach ($playlist_items as $video) { if ($video->status->privacyStatus == 'public') { $video_id = $video->id; $video_params['body'] = array('id' => $video_id, 'video_id' => $video->contentDetails->videoId, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'website_id' => $website_id, 'channel_id' => $channel_id, 'playlist_id' => $playlist_id, 'video_type' => 'youtube', 'position' => $video->snippet->position, 'title' => $video->snippet->title, 'description' => $video->snippet->description, 'thumbnails' => array('small' => $video->snippet->thumbnails->default->url, 'medium' => $video->snippet->thumbnails->medium->url, 'large' => $video->snippet->thumbnails->high->url), 'published_at' => $video->snippet->publishedAt); $video_params['index'] = 'video-websites'; $video_params['type'] = 'video'; $video_params['id'] = $video_id; $ret = Es::index($video_params); } } } } while (is_string($next_videostoken)); } } } } while (is_string($next_playlisttoken)); } else { if ($type == 'vimeo') { $playlists_response = $client->get("{$account_id}/channels.json"); $playlists = json_decode($playlists_response->getBody(), true); if (!empty($playlists)) { foreach ($playlists as $pl) { $playlist_id = $pl['id']; $playlist_params['body'] = array('id' => $playlist_id, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'website_id' => $website_id, 'channel_id' => $channel_id, 'title' => $pl['name'], 'playlist_type' => 'vimeo', 'description' => $pl['description'], 'thumbnail' => $pl['logo'], 'published_at' => $pl['created_on']); $playlist_params['index'] = 'video-websites'; $playlist_params['type'] = 'playlist'; $playlist_params['id'] = $playlist_id; $ret = Es::index($playlist_params); $video_page = 1; $video_index = 0; do { $videos_response = $client->get("{$playlist_id}/videos.json?page={$video_page}"); $videos = json_decode($videos_response->getBody(), true); if (!empty($videos)) { foreach ($videos as $video) { if ($video['embed_privacy'] == 'anywhere') { $video_id = $video['id']; $video_params['body'] = array('id' => $video_id, 'video_id' => $video_id, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'website_id' => $website_id, 'channel_id' => $channel_id, 'playlist_id' => $playlist_id, 'video_type' => 'vimeo', 'position' => $video_index, 'title' => $video['title'], 'description' => strip_tags($video['description']), 'thumbnails' => array('small' => $video['thumbnail_small'], 'medium' => $video['thumbnail_medium'], 'large' => $video['thumbnail_large']), 'published_at' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($video['upload_date']))); $video_params['index'] = 'video-websites'; $video_params['type'] = 'video'; $video_params['id'] = $video_id; $ret = Es::index($video_params); } $video_index += 1; } } $video_page += 1; } while (!empty($videos) && $video_page <= 3); } } else { $video_page = 1; $video_index = 0; do { $allvideos_response = $client->get("{$account_id}/all_videos.json?page={$video_page}"); $videos = json_decode($allvideos_response->getBody(), true); if (!empty($videos)) { foreach ($videos as $video) { if ($video['embed_privacy'] == 'anywhere') { $video_id = $video['id']; $video_params['body'] = array('id' => $video_id, 'video_id' => $video_id, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'website_id' => $website_id, 'channel_id' => $channel_id, 'video_type' => 'vimeo', 'position' => $video_index, 'title' => $video['title'], 'description' => strip_tags($video['description']), 'thumbnails' => array('small' => $video['thumbnail_small'], 'medium' => $video['thumbnail_medium'], 'large' => $video['thumbnail_large']), 'published_at' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($video['upload_date']))); $video_params['index'] = 'video-websites'; $video_params['type'] = 'video'; $video_params['id'] = $video_id; $ret = Es::index($video_params); } $video_index += 1; } } $video_page += 1; } while (!empty($videos) && $video_page <= 3); } } } return Redirect::to('/websites/new')->with('message', array('type' => 'success', 'text' => 'You have successfully created a website!')); } }
public function AddChannelToPoint($pointId) { $_pointId = $pointId; $model = new Channel(); $res = Channel::model()->findAll('id_point=:id_point ORDER BY internalId ASC', array(':id_point' => $_pointId)); $internalId = 1; if (count($res) > 0) { $internalId = $res[count($res) - 1]['internalId'] + 1; } $model->attributes = array('id_point' => $_pointId, 'internalId' => $internalId); if ($model->validate() && $model->save()) { $id = $model->getPrimaryKey(); return array("status" => true, "id" => $id, "internalId" => $internalId); } else { return array("status" => false, "error" => json_encode($model->getErrors())); } }
public function CreateChannelsForWindows($screenId, $pointId) { $Screen = Screen::model()->findByPk($screenId); $windows = $Screen->windows; Channel::model()->deleteAll("id_point = :id_point AND window_id IS NOT NULL", array('id_point' => $pointId)); $ii = 0; foreach ($windows as $window) { $ii++; $channel = new Channel(); $channel->attributes = array('id_point' => $pointId, 'window_id' => $window->id, 'internalId' => $ii); $channel->save(); } }
public function actionData() { $todo = array(); $filename = './public/friend.txt'; $data = file($filename); $data = array_map('check', $data); $i = 1; $pid = 0; foreach ($data as $item) { $channel = new Channel(); $channel->charge = 1; $channel->uid = Yii::app()->user->id; $channel->type = Channel::CHANNEL_FREIND; $channel->weight = rand(1, 10); if (strpos($item, '.')) { $todo[$i]['pid'] = 0; $todo[$i]['name'] = str_replace('.', '', $item); $channel->pid = 0; $channel->name = str_replace('.', '', $item); $channel->description = '此频道提供' . $channel->name . '相关信息'; if ($channel->save()) { $pid = $channel->id; } else { echo CHtml::errorSummary($channel); } } elseif (strpos($item, ':')) { $todo[$i]['name'] = str_replace(':', '', $item); $todo[$i]['pid'] = $pid; $model = Channel::model()->find(array('condition' => 'pid = :pid', 'order' => 'id DESC', 'params' => array(':pid' => 0))); // UtilHelper::dump($model->attributes); $channel->pid = $model->id; $channel->name = str_replace(':', '', $item); $channel->description = '此频道提供' . $channel->name . '相关信息'; if ($channel->save()) { $pid = $channel->id; } else { echo CHtml::errorSummary($channel); } } else { $todo[$i]['pid'] = $pid; $todo[$i]['name'] = $item; $channel->pid = $pid; $channel->name = $item; $channel->description = '此频道提供' . $channel->name . '相关信息'; if ($channel->save()) { echo CHtml::errorSummary($channel); } } $i++; } UtilHelper::dump($todo); }