/** * rank * * @access public * @return string tagdata */ public function rank() { $entry_id = ''; $cat_id = ''; $dynamic = !$this->check_no(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('dynamic')); // ------------------------------------------- // Grab entries // ------------------------------------------- $sql = "FROM \t\t{$this->sc->db->channel_titles} AS t\r\n\t\t\t\t LEFT JOIN \t{$this->sc->db->channels} as c \r\n\t\t\t\t ON \t\t\tc.{$this->sc->db->channel_id} = t.{$this->sc->db->channel_id}"; if (ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('category') or $cat_id != '' and $dynamic) { $sql .= " LEFT JOIN \texp_category_posts \r\n\t\t\t \t\t\t ON \t\tt.entry_id = exp_category_posts.entry_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t LEFT JOIN \texp_categories \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t ON \t\texp_category_posts.cat_id = exp_categories.cat_id"; } $sql .= " WHERE \tt.site_id \r\n\t\t\t\t\t IN \t('" . implode("','", ee()->TMPL->site_ids) . "') "; // ------------------------------------------- // Yes, One Could Potentially Show Nothing... // ------------------------------------------- if (!$this->check_yes(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('show_unfavorited'))) { $sql .= " AND (t.favorites_count_public != 0 \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t AND t.favorites_count_public != '') "; } if ($this->check_no(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('show_favorites'))) { $sql .= " AND (t.favorites_count_public = 0 OR t.favorites_count_public = '') "; } if (ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('favorites_start_on') !== FALSE or ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('favorites_stop_before') !== FALSE) { $asql = "SELECT DISTINCT \tentry_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\t FROM \t\t\texp_favorites\r\n\t\t\t\t\t WHERE \t\t\tsite_id \r\n\t\t\t\t\t IN \t\t\t\t('" . implode("','", ee()->TMPL->site_ids) . "')"; if (ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('favorites_start_on')) { $asql .= " AND exp_favorites.entry_date >= '" . ee()->localize->convert_human_date_to_gmt(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('favorites_start_on')) . "' "; } if (ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('favorites_stop_before')) { $asql .= " AND exp_favorites.entry_date < '" . ee()->localize->convert_human_date_to_gmt(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('favorites_stop_before')) . "' "; } $aquery = ee()->db->query($asql); if ($aquery->num_rows() == 0) { return $this->no_results(); } $entries = array(); foreach ($aquery->result_array() as $row) { $entries[] = $row['entry_id']; } $sql .= " AND t.entry_id IN ('" . implode("','", $entries) . "')"; unset($aquery); unset($entries); } // ------------------------------------------- // We only select un-expired entries // ------------------------------------------- $timestamp = ee()->TMPL->cache_timestamp != '' ? ee()->TMPL->cache_timestamp : ee()->localize->now; if (!$this->check_yes(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('show_future_entries'))) { $sql .= " AND t.entry_date < " . $timestamp . " "; } if (!$this->check_yes(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('show_expired'))) { $sql .= " AND (t.expiration_date = 0 || t.expiration_date > " . $timestamp . ") "; } // ------------------------------------------- // Limit to/exclude specific weblogs // ------------------------------------------- if ($channel = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param($this->sc->channel)) { $xql = "SELECT \t{$this->sc->db->channel_id} \r\n\t\t\t\t FROM \t{$this->sc->db->channels} \r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE \tsite_id \r\n\t\t\t\t\tIN \t\t('" . implode("','", ee()->db->escape_str(ee()->TMPL->site_ids)) . "') "; $xql .= ee()->functions->sql_andor_string($channel, $this->sc->db->channel_name); $query = ee()->db->query($xql); if ($query->num_rows() == 0) { return $this->no_results(); } else { if ($query->num_rows() == 1) { $sql .= "AND t.{$this->sc->db->channel_id} = '" . $query->row($this->sc->db->channel_id) . "' "; } else { $sql .= "AND ("; foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) { $sql .= "t.{$this->sc->db->channel_id} = '" . $row[$this->sc->db->channel_id] . "' OR "; } $sql = substr($sql, 0, -3); $sql .= ") "; } } } // ------------------------------------------- // Limit query by category // ------------------------------------------- if (ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('category')) { $sql .= ee()->functions->sql_andor_string(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('category'), 'exp_categories.cat_id') . " "; } else { if ($cat_id != '' and $dynamic) { $sql .= " AND exp_categories.cat_id = '" . ee()->db->escape_str($cat_id) . "' "; } } // ------------------------------------------- // Add status declaration // ------------------------------------------- if ($status = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('status')) { $status = str_replace('Open', 'open', $status); $status = str_replace('Closed', 'closed', $status); $sstr = ee()->functions->sql_andor_string($status, 't.status'); if (!stristr($sstr, "'closed'")) { $sstr .= " AND t.status != 'closed' "; } $sql .= $sstr; } else { $sql .= "AND t.status = 'open' "; } // ------------------------------------------- // Limit by number of hours // ------------------------------------------- if ($days = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('hours')) { $time = ee()->localize->now - $days * 60 * 60; $sql .= " AND t.entry_date > {$time}"; } // ------------------------------------------- // Order by // ------------------------------------------- if (ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('orderby') == 'random') { $sql .= " ORDER BY rand()"; } else { $sql .= " ORDER BY count DESC"; } // ---------------------------------------- // Pagination! // ---------------------------------------- if (is_numeric(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('limit'))) { $this->p_limit = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('limit'); } // ---------------------------------------- // Favorites Date Required for Ordering? // ---------------------------------------- $sort = in_array(strtoupper(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('sort')), array('DESC', 'ASC')) ? strtoupper(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('sort')) : 'DESC'; if (ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('orderby') == 'favorites_date') { $sql = preg_replace("/ORDER BY.+?(LIMIT|\$)/is", "ORDER BY favorites_date " . $sort . ' \\1', $sql); $ugh = !$this->check_yes(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('show_unfavorited')) ? 'INNER' : 'LEFT'; $sql = preg_replace("/LEFT JOIN\\s+{$this->sc->db->channels}/is", "{$ugh} JOIN \texp_favorites AS f \r\n\t\t\t\t ON \t\t\t(t.entry_id = f.entry_id\r\n \t\t AND \t\t\tf.favorites_id \r\n\t\t\t\t IN\t\t\t\t(SELECT MAX(favorites_id) FROM exp_favorites GROUP BY entry_id))\r\n \t\t LEFT JOIN \t\t{$this->sc->db->channels}", $sql); } // ------------------------------------------- // Run query // ------------------------------------------- $orderby = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('orderby') != '' ? ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('orderby') : 'count'; if ($orderby == 'favorites_date') { $query = ee()->db->query('SELECT t.entry_id, f.entry_date AS favorites_date, t.favorites_count_public AS count ' . $sql); } else { $query = ee()->db->query('SELECT t.entry_id, t.favorites_count_public AS count ' . $sql); } // ------------------------------------------- // Create entries array // ------------------------------------------- $entries = array(); if ($query->num_rows() == 0) { return $this->no_results(); } else { foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) { $entries[] = $row['entry_id']; } // ------------------------------------------- // Pass params // ------------------------------------------- ee()->TMPL->tagparams['entry_id'] = implode("|", $entries); if ($orderby == 'favorites_date' or $orderby == 'count') { if ($sort == 'ASC') { $entries = array_reverse($entries); } ee()->TMPL->tagparams['fixed_order'] = implode("|", $entries); } ee()->TMPL->tagparams['sort'] = $sort; } // ------------------------------------------- // Invoke weblog class // ------------------------------------------- if (APP_VER < 2.0) { if (!class_exists('Weblog')) { require PATH_MOD . '/weblog/mod.weblog' . EXT; } $channel = new Weblog(); } else { if (!class_exists('Channel')) { require PATH_MOD . '/channel/mod.channel' . EXT; } $channel = new Channel(); } // -------------------------------------------- // Invoke Pagination for EE 2.4 and Above // -------------------------------------------- if (APP_VER >= '2.4.0') { ee()->load->library('pagination'); $channel->pagination = new Pagination_object('Channel'); // Used by pagination to determine whether we're coming from the cache $channel->pagination->dynamic_sql = FALSE; } // ---------------------------------------- // Pre-process related data // ---------------------------------------- // TMPL class is coded so that only // one method in the weblog class and one // method in the search class are allowed // to parse related entries tags. This is // no doubt for performance reasons. // ---------------------------------------- ee()->TMPL->tagdata = ee()->TMPL->assign_relationship_data(ee()->TMPL->tagdata); ee()->TMPL->var_single = array_merge(ee()->TMPL->var_single, ee()->TMPL->related_markers); // ---------------------------------------- // Execute needed methods // ---------------------------------------- if (APP_VER < 2.0) { $channel->fetch_custom_weblog_fields(); } else { $channel->fetch_custom_channel_fields(); } $channel->fetch_custom_member_fields(); // -------------------------------------------- // Pagination Tags Parsed Out // -------------------------------------------- if (APP_VER >= '2.4.0') { $channel->pagination->get_template(); } else { $channel->fetch_pagination_data(); } // ---------------------------------------- // Build Weblog Data Query // ---------------------------------------- $channel->build_sql_query(); // -------------------------------------------- // Transfer Pagination Variables Over to Channel object // - Has to go after the building of the query as EE 2.4 does its Pagination work in there // -------------------------------------------- if (APP_VER >= '2.4.0') { $transfer = array('paginate' => 'paginate', 'total_pages' => 'total_pages', 'current_page' => 'current_page', 'offset' => 'offset', 'page_next' => 'page_next', 'page_previous' => 'page_previous', 'page_links' => 'pagination_links', 'total_rows' => 'total_rows', 'per_page' => 'per_page', 'per_page' => 'p_limit', 'offset' => 'p_page'); foreach ($transfer as $from => $to) { $channel->{$to} = $channel->pagination->{$from}; } } // ---------------------------------------- // Empty? // ---------------------------------------- if (trim($channel->sql) == '') { if ($this->check_yes(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('favorites_count'))) { return $this->return_data = str_replace(LD . 'favorites_count' . RD, '0', ee()->TMPL->tagdata); } else { return $this->no_results(); } } // ---------------------------------------- // Pagination // ---------------------------------------- $query = ee()->db->query(preg_replace("/SELECT(.*?)\\s+FROM\\s+/is", 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM ', $channel->sql)); $this->total_rows = $query->row('count'); //pagination request but no entries? if ($query->row('count') == 0 and strpos(ee()->TMPL->tagdata, 'paginate') !== FALSE) { return $this->no_results(); } //$sql_remove = 'SELECT t.entry_id '; //get pagination info $pagination_data = $this->universal_pagination(array('sql' => $channel->sql, 'total_results' => $this->total_rows, 'tagdata' => ee()->TMPL->tagdata, 'limit' => $this->p_limit, 'uri_string' => ee()->uri->uri_string, 'current_page' => $this->current_page)); //if we paginated, sort the data if ($pagination_data['paginate'] === TRUE) { $this->paginate = $pagination_data['paginate']; $this->page_next = $pagination_data['page_next']; $this->page_previous = $pagination_data['page_previous']; $this->p_page = $pagination_data['pagination_page']; $this->current_page = $pagination_data['current_page']; $channel->sql = str_replace($sql_remove, '', $pagination_data['sql']); $this->pagination_links = $pagination_data['pagination_links']; $this->basepath = $pagination_data['base_url']; $this->total_pages = $pagination_data['total_pages']; $this->paginate_data = $pagination_data['paginate_tagpair_data']; ee()->TMPL->tagdata = $pagination_data['tagdata']; } else { $channel->sql .= " LIMIT " . $this->p_limit; } // ---------------------------------------- // Favorites Specific Rewrites! // ---------------------------------------- if ($this->check_yes(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('favorites_count'))) { /*$query = ee()->db->query( preg_replace( "/SELECT(.*?)\s+FROM\s+/is", 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM ', $channel->sql ) );*/ return $this->return_data = str_replace(LD . 'favorites_count' . RD, $this->total_rows, ee()->TMPL->tagdata); } // ---------------------------------------- // Favorites date // ---------------------------------------- if (stristr(ee()->TMPL->tagdata, LD . 'favorites_date ') or ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('orderby') == 'favorites_date') { $channel->favorites_date = TRUE; $channel->sql = preg_replace("/\\s+FROM\\s+/s", ", f.entry_date AS favorites_date FROM ", ltrim($channel->sql)); $channel->sql = preg_replace("/LEFT JOIN\\s+{$this->sc->db->channels}/is", "LEFT JOIN \texp_favorites AS f \r\n\t\t\t\t ON \t\t(t.entry_id = f.entry_id\r\n\t\t\t\t AND \t\tf.favorites_id \r\n\t\t\t\t IN \t\t(SELECT MAX(favorites_id) FROM exp_favorites GROUP BY entry_id))\r\n \t\t LEFT JOIN \t{$this->sc->db->channels}", $channel->sql); } $channel->query = ee()->db->query($channel->sql); if (APP_VER < 2.0) { $channel->query->result = $channel->query->result_array(); } // ---------------------------------------- // Empty? // ---------------------------------------- if (!isset($channel->query) or $channel->query->num_rows() == 0) { return $this->no_results(); } // ---------------------------------------- // typography // ---------------------------------------- if (APP_VER < 2.0) { if (!class_exists('Typography')) { require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT; } $channel->TYPE = new Typography(); $channel->TYPE->convert_curly = FALSE; } else { ee()->load->library('typography'); ee()->typography->initialize(); ee()->typography->convert_curly = FALSE; } $channel->fetch_categories(); // ---------------------------------------- // Parse and return entry data // ---------------------------------------- if (APP_VER < 2.0) { $channel->parse_weblog_entries(); } else { $channel->parse_channel_entries(); } // -------------------------------------------- // Render the Pagination Data // -------------------------------------------- if (APP_VER >= '2.4.0') { $channel->return_data = $channel->pagination->render($channel->return_data); } else { $channel->add_pagination_data(); } // -------------------------------------------- // Reverse and Related Entries // -------------------------------------------- if (count(ee()->TMPL->related_data) > 0 and count($channel->related_entries) > 0) { $channel->parse_related_entries(); } if (count(ee()->TMPL->reverse_related_data) > 0 and count($channel->reverse_related_entries) > 0) { $channel->parse_reverse_related_entries(); } // ---------------------------------------- // Handle problem with pagination segments // in the url // ---------------------------------------- if (preg_match("#(/P\\d+)#", ee()->uri->uri_string, $match)) { $channel->return_data = str_replace($match['1'], "", $channel->return_data); } elseif (preg_match("#(P\\d+)#", ee()->uri->uri_string, $match)) { $channel->return_data = str_replace($match['1'], "", $channel->return_data); } // ---------------------------------------- // Pagination Replace // ---------------------------------------- if ($this->paginate == TRUE) { $this->paginate_data = str_replace(LD . 'current_page' . RD, $this->current_page, $this->paginate_data); $this->paginate_data = str_replace(LD . 'total_pages' . RD, $this->total_pages, $this->paginate_data); $this->paginate_data = str_replace(LD . 'pagination_links' . RD, $this->pagination_links, $this->paginate_data); if (preg_match("/" . LD . "if previous_page" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . preg_quote(T_SLASH, '/') . "if" . RD . "/s", $this->paginate_data, $match)) { if ($this->page_previous == '') { $this->paginate_data = preg_replace("/" . LD . "if previous_page" . RD . ".+?" . LD . preg_quote(T_SLASH, '/') . "if" . RD . "/s", '', $this->paginate_data); } else { $match['1'] = preg_replace("/" . LD . 'path.*?' . RD . "/", $this->page_previous, $match['1']); $match['1'] = preg_replace("/" . LD . 'auto_path' . RD . "/", $this->page_previous, $match['1']); $this->paginate_data = str_replace($match['0'], $match['1'], $this->paginate_data); } } if (preg_match("/" . LD . "if next_page" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . preg_quote(T_SLASH, '/') . "if" . RD . "/s", $this->paginate_data, $match)) { if ($this->page_next == '') { $this->paginate_data = preg_replace("/" . LD . "if next_page" . RD . ".+?" . LD . preg_quote(T_SLASH, '/') . "if" . RD . "/s", '', $this->paginate_data); } else { $match['1'] = preg_replace("/" . LD . 'path.*?' . RD . "/", $this->page_next, $match['1']); $match['1'] = preg_replace("/" . LD . 'auto_path' . RD . "/", $this->page_next, $match['1']); $this->paginate_data = str_replace($match['0'], $match['1'], $this->paginate_data); } } $position = !ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('paginate') ? '' : ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('paginate'); switch ($position) { case "top": $channel->return_data = $this->paginate_data . $channel->return_data; break; case "both": $channel->return_data = $this->paginate_data . $channel->return_data . $this->paginate_data; break; default: $channel->return_data .= $this->paginate_data; break; } } $tagdata = $channel->return_data; return $tagdata; }
/** ---------------------------------------- /** Show search results /** ----------------------------------------*/ function search_results() { // Fetch the search language file $this->EE->lang->loadfile('search'); // Load Pagination Object $this->EE->load->library('pagination'); $pagination = new Pagination_object(__CLASS__); // Capture Pagination Template $pagination->get_template(); // Check to see if we're using old style pagination // TODO: Remove once old pagination is phased out $old_pagination = strpos($this->EE->TMPL->template, LD . 'if paginate' . RD) !== FALSE ? TRUE : FALSE; // If we are using old pagination, log it as deprecated // TODO: Remove once old pagination is phased out if ($old_pagination) { $this->EE->load->library('logger'); $this->EE->logger->developer('Deprecated template tag {if paginate}. Old style pagination in the Search Module has been deprecated in 2.4 and will be removed soon. Switch to the new Channel style pagination.', TRUE); } // Check search ID number // If the QSTR variable is less than 32 characters long we // don't have a valid search ID number if (strlen($this->EE->uri->query_string) < 32) { return $this->EE->output->show_user_error('off', array(lang('search_no_result')), lang('search_result_heading')); } // Clear old search results $this->EE->db->delete('search', array('site_id' => $this->EE->config->item('site_id'), 'search_date <' => $this->EE->localize->now - $this->cache_expire * 3600)); // Fetch ID number and page number $pagination->offset = 0; $qstring = $this->EE->uri->query_string; // Parse page number if (preg_match("#^P(\\d+)|/P(\\d+)#", $qstring, $match)) { $pagination->offset = isset($match[2]) ? $match[2] : $match[1]; $search_id = trim_slashes(str_replace($match[0], '', $qstring)); } else { $pagination->offset = 0; $search_id = $qstring; } // If there is a slash in the search ID we'll kill everything after it. $search_id = trim($search_id); $search_id = preg_replace("#/.+#", "", $search_id); // Fetch the cached search query $query = $this->EE->db->get_where('search', array('search_id' => $search_id)); if ($query->num_rows() == 0 or $query->row('total_results') == 0) { return $this->EE->output->show_user_error('off', array(lang('search_no_result')), lang('search_result_heading')); } $fields = $query->row('custom_fields') == '' ? array() : unserialize(stripslashes($query->row('custom_fields'))); $sql = unserialize(stripslashes($query->row('query'))); $sql = str_replace('MDBMPREFIX', 'exp_', $sql); $pagination->per_page = (int) $query->row('per_page'); $res_page = $query->row('result_page'); // Run the search query $query = $this->EE->db->query(preg_replace("/SELECT(.*?)\\s+FROM\\s+/is", 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM ', $sql)); if ($query->row('count') == 0) { return $this->EE->output->show_user_error('off', array(lang('search_no_result')), lang('search_result_heading')); } // Calculate total number of pages and add total rows $pagination->current_page = $pagination->offset / $pagination->per_page + 1; $pagination->total_rows = $query->row('count'); // Figure out total number of pages for old style pagination // TODO: Remove once old pagination is phased out if ($old_pagination) { $total_pages = intval($pagination->total_rows / $pagination->per_page); if ($pagination->total_rows % $pagination->per_page) { $total_pages++; } $page_count = lang('page') . ' ' . $pagination->current_page . ' ' . lang('of') . ' ' . $total_pages; $pager = ''; if ($pagination->total_rows > $pagination->per_page) { $this->EE->load->library('pagination'); $config = array('base_url' => $this->EE->functions->create_url($res_page . '/' . $search_id, 0, 0), 'prefix' => 'P', 'total_rows' => $pagination->total_rows, 'per_page' => $pagination->per_page, 'cur_page' => $pagination->offset, 'first_link' => lang('pag_first_link'), 'last_link' => lang('pag_last_link'), 'uri_segment' => 0); $this->EE->pagination->initialize($config); $pager = $this->EE->pagination->create_links(); } } // Build pagination if enabled if ($pagination->paginate === TRUE) { $pagination->build($pagination->total_rows); } // If we're paginating, old or new, limit the query and do it again if ($pagination->paginate === TRUE or $old_pagination) { $sql .= " LIMIT " . $pagination->offset . ", " . $pagination->per_page; } else { if ($pagination->per_page > 0) { $sql .= " LIMIT 0, " . $pagination->per_page; } else { $sql .= " LIMIT 0, 100"; } } $query = $this->EE->db->query($sql); $output = ''; if (!class_exists('Channel')) { require PATH_MOD . 'channel/mod.channel.php'; } unset($this->EE->TMPL->var_single['auto_path']); unset($this->EE->TMPL->var_single['excerpt']); unset($this->EE->TMPL->var_single['id_auto_path']); unset($this->EE->TMPL->var_single['full_text']); unset($this->EE->TMPL->var_single['switch']); foreach ($this->EE->TMPL->var_single as $key => $value) { if (substr($key, 0, strlen('member_path')) == 'member_path') { unset($this->EE->TMPL->var_single[$key]); } } $channel = new Channel(); // This allows the channel {absolute_count} variable to work $channel->pagination->offset = $pagination->per_page * $pagination->current_page - $pagination->per_page; $channel->fetch_custom_channel_fields(); $channel->fetch_custom_member_fields(); $channel->query = $this->EE->db->query($sql); if ($channel->query->num_rows() == 0) { return $this->EE->TMPL->no_results(); } $this->EE->load->library('typography'); $this->EE->typography->initialize(array('convert_curly' => FALSE, 'encode_email' => FALSE)); $channel->fetch_categories(); $channel->parse_channel_entries(); $tagdata = $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata; // Does the tag contain "related entries" that we need to parse out? if (count($this->EE->TMPL->related_data) > 0 and count($channel->related_entries) > 0) { $channel->parse_related_entries(); } if (count($this->EE->TMPL->reverse_related_data) > 0 and count($channel->reverse_related_entries) > 0) { $channel->parse_reverse_related_entries(); } $output = $channel->return_data; $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata = $tagdata; // Fetch member path variable // We do it here in case it's used in multiple places. $m_paths = array(); if (preg_match_all("/" . LD . "member_path(\\s*=.*?)" . RD . "/s", $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata, $matches)) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($matches['0']); $j++) { $m_paths[] = array($matches['0'][$j], $this->EE->functions->extract_path($matches['1'][$j])); } } // Fetch switch param $switch1 = ''; $switch2 = ''; if ($switch = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('switch')) { if (strpos($switch, '|') !== FALSE) { $x = explode("|", $switch); $switch1 = $x['0']; $switch2 = $x['1']; } else { $switch1 = $switch; } } /** ----------------------------- /** Result Loop - Legacy! /** -----------------------------*/ $i = 0; foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) { if (isset($row['field_id_' . $row['search_excerpt']]) and $row['field_id_' . $row['search_excerpt']]) { $format = !isset($row['field_ft_' . $row['search_excerpt']]) ? 'xhtml' : $row['field_ft_' . $row['search_excerpt']]; $full_text = $this->EE->typography->parse_type(strip_tags($row['field_id_' . $row['search_excerpt']]), array('text_format' => $format, 'html_format' => 'safe', 'auto_links' => 'y', 'allow_img_url' => 'n')); $excerpt = trim(strip_tags($full_text)); if (strpos($excerpt, "\r") !== FALSE or strpos($excerpt, "\n") !== FALSE) { $excerpt = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), " ", $excerpt); } $excerpt = $this->EE->functions->word_limiter($excerpt, 50); } else { $excerpt = ''; $full_text = ''; } // Parse permalink path $url = $row['search_results_url'] != '' ? $row['search_results_url'] : $row['channel_url']; $path = $this->EE->functions->remove_double_slashes($this->EE->functions->prep_query_string($url) . '/' . $row['url_title']); $idpath = $this->EE->functions->remove_double_slashes($this->EE->functions->prep_query_string($url) . '/' . $row['entry_id']); $switch = $i++ % 2 ? $switch1 : $switch2; $output = preg_replace("/" . LD . 'switch' . RD . "/", $switch, $output, count(explode(LD . 'switch' . RD, $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata)) - 1); $output = preg_replace("/" . LD . 'auto_path' . RD . "/", $path, $output, count(explode(LD . 'auto_path' . RD, $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata)) - 1); $output = preg_replace("/" . LD . 'id_auto_path' . RD . "/", $idpath, $output, count(explode(LD . 'id_auto_path' . RD, $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata)) - 1); $output = preg_replace("/" . LD . 'excerpt' . RD . "/", preg_quote($excerpt), $output, count(explode(LD . 'excerpt' . RD, $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata)) - 1); $output = preg_replace("/" . LD . 'full_text' . RD . "/", preg_quote($full_text), $output, count(explode(LD . 'full_text' . RD, $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata)) - 1); // Parse member_path if (count($m_paths) > 0) { foreach ($m_paths as $val) { $output = preg_replace("/" . preg_quote($val['0'], '/') . "/", $this->EE->functions->create_url($val['1'] . '/' . $row['member_id']), $output, 1); } } } $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata = $output; // Add new pagination $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata = $pagination->render($this->EE->TMPL->tagdata); // Parse lang variables $swap = array('lang:total_search_results' => lang('search_total_results'), 'lang:search_engine' => lang('search_engine'), 'lang:search_results' => lang('search_results'), 'lang:search' => lang('search'), 'lang:title' => lang('search_title'), 'lang:channel' => lang('search_channel'), 'lang:excerpt' => lang('search_excerpt'), 'lang:author' => lang('search_author'), 'lang:date' => lang('search_date'), 'lang:total_comments' => lang('search_total_comments'), 'lang:recent_comments' => lang('search_recent_comment_date'), 'lang:keywords' => lang('search_keywords')); $this->EE->TMPL->template = $this->EE->functions->var_swap($this->EE->TMPL->template, $swap); // Add Old Style Pagination // TODO: Remove once old pagination is phased out if ($old_pagination) { if ($pager == '') { $this->EE->TMPL->template = preg_replace("#" . LD . "if paginate" . RD . ".*?" . LD . "/if" . RD . "#s", '', $this->EE->TMPL->template); } else { $this->EE->TMPL->template = preg_replace("#" . LD . "if paginate" . RD . "(.*?)" . LD . "/if" . RD . "#s", "\\1", $this->EE->TMPL->template); } $this->EE->TMPL->template = str_replace(LD . 'paginate' . RD, $pager, $this->EE->TMPL->template); $this->EE->TMPL->template = str_replace(LD . 'page_count' . RD, $page_count, $this->EE->TMPL->template); } return $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata; }
function search() { $address = ''; $tagdata = $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata; $prec = !$this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('prec') ? '' : ',' . $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('prec'); $prefix = !$this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('prefix') ? '' : ',' . $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('prefix'); $orderby = !$this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('orderby') ? false : ($this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('orderby') == 'distance' ? false : $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('orderby')); $sort = !$this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('sort') ? 'asc' : $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('sort'); $this->EE->TMPL->tagparams['limit'] = !$this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('limit') ? 99999 : $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('limit'); $address_fields = !$this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('address_fields') ? false : $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('address_fields'); $debug = !$this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('debug') ? false : true; //@delete $reverse_geocoding = !$this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('reverse_geocoding') ? '' : ',' . $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('reverse_geocoding'); if (isset($_POST) and count($_POST) > 0 or isset($_GET) and count($_GET) > 0) { $zipLongitude = $this->EE->security->xss_clean($this->EE->input->get_post('long')); $zipLatitude = $this->EE->security->xss_clean($this->EE->input->get_post('lat')); $unit = $this->EE->security->xss_clean($this->EE->input->get_post('unit')); //@add to site description if ($address_fields) { foreach (explode('|', $address_fields) as $field_name) { $address = $this->EE->input->get_post($field_name) ? $address . $this->EE->security->xss_clean($this->EE->input->get_post($field_name)) . ', ' : ''; } } else { $address = $this->EE->security->xss_clean($this->EE->input->get_post('address')); if (is_array($address)) { $address = implode(",", $address); } } $address = $prefix . $address; $radius = $this->EE->security->xss_clean($this->EE->input->get_post('radius')); } else { $zipLongitude = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('long') != '' ? $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('long') : ""; $zipLatitude = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('lat') != '' ? $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('lat') : ''; $unit = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('unit') != '' ? $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('unit') : 'ml'; $address = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('address') != '' ? $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('address') : ''; $radius = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('radius') != '' ? $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('radius') : $this->default_radius; } $radius = $radius == '' ? $this->default_radius : $radius; $earth_radius = $unit == 'km' ? 6371 : 3959; //earth_radius if (($zipLongitude == "" or $zipLatitude == "") and $address == "") { $zipLongitude = $this->default_long; $zipLatitude = $this->default_lat; $address = $this->default_address; } $entry_id = ''; $points = array(); $entry_id = rtrim($entry_id, '|'); $channel = new Channel(); $LD = '\\{'; $RD = '\\}'; $SLASH = '\\/'; $variable = "entries"; $return_data = ""; if (isset($_POST['categories'])) { $this->EE->TMPL->tagparams['category'] = (isset($this->EE->TMPL->tagparams['category']) ? $this->EE->TMPL->tagparams['category'] : '') . '|' . implode("|", $this->EE->security->xss_clean($_POST['categories'])); } if (preg_match("/" . LD . $variable . ".*?" . RD . "(.*?)" . LD . '\\/' . $variable . RD . "/s", $tagdata, $entries)) { $channel->EE->TMPL->tagdata = $entries[1]; if ($channel->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('related_categories_mode') == 'yes') { return $channel->related_entries(); } $channel->initialize(); $channel->uri = $channel->query_string != '' ? $channel->query_string : 'index.php'; if ($channel->enable['custom_fields'] == TRUE) { $channel->fetch_custom_channel_fields(); } if ($channel->enable['member_data'] == TRUE) { $channel->fetch_custom_member_fields(); } if ($channel->enable['pagination'] == TRUE) { if (version_compare(APP_VER, '2.4', '>=')) { $channel->add_pagination_data(); } else { $channel->fetch_pagination_data(); } } $save_cache = FALSE; $channel->EE->TMPL->tagparams['dynamic'] = 'no'; //$zipLongitude.$zipLatitude.$address if ($channel->EE->config->item('enable_sql_caching') == 'y') { if (FALSE == ($channel->sql = $channel->fetch_cache())) { $save_cache = TRUE; } else { if ($channel->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('dynamic') != 'no') { if (preg_match("#(^|\\/)C(\\d+)#", $channel->query_string, $match) or in_array($channel->reserved_cat_segment, explode("/", $channel->query_string))) { $channel->cat_request = TRUE; } } } if (FALSE !== ($cache = $channel->fetch_cache('pagination_count'))) { if (FALSE !== $channel->fetch_cache('field_pagination')) { if (FALSE !== ($pg_query = $channel->fetch_cache('pagination_query'))) { $channel->paginate = TRUE; $channel->field_pagination = TRUE; $channel->create_pagination(trim($cache), $channel->EE->db->query(trim($pg_query))); } } else { $channel->create_pagination(trim($cache)); } } } if ($channel->sql == '') { $channel->build_sql_query(); } if ($channel->sql == '') { return $channel->EE->TMPL->no_results(); } $sql = ""; //@start geocoding //if don't have the Latitude and Longitude, do query to google.map; ($zipLongitude == "" OR $zipLatitude == "") AND if ($address != "" and ($zipLongitude == "" or $zipLatitude == "")) { $GetLatLong_result = $this->GetLatLong($address, 2); if ($GetLatLong_result != false) { list($zipLongitude, $zipLatitude) = $GetLatLong_result; } else { return $this->EE->TMPL->no_results(); } } if ($reverse_geocoding and $address == "") { $GetLatLong_result = $this->GetLatLong($zipLatitude . ',' . $zipLongitude, $api_key, 1); if ($GetLatLong_result != false) { $address = $GetLatLong_result; } else { return $this->EE->TMPL->no_results(); } } //@END geocoding $conds['radius'] = $radius; $tagdata = $this->EE->functions->prep_conditionals($tagdata, $conds); $tagdata = str_replace(array('{center:long}', '{center:lat}', '{radius}'), array($zipLongitude, $zipLatitude, $radius), $tagdata); $where_strpos = strpos($channel->sql, "WHERE"); if ($where_strpos > 0) { $sql_entry_id = substr($channel->sql, $where_strpos + 5, strpos($channel->sql, "ORDER BY") - $where_strpos - 5); $limit_strpos = strpos($channel->sql, "LIMIT"); $order_by = substr($channel->sql, strpos($channel->sql, "ORDER BY"), $limit_strpos); $limit = substr($channel->sql, strpos($channel->sql, "LIMIT")); $sql = str_replace('FROM', ", gm.*, ROUND( {$earth_radius} * acos( cos( radians({$zipLatitude}) ) * cos( radians( gm.latitude ) ) * cos( radians( gm.longitude ) - radians({$zipLongitude}) ) + sin( radians({$zipLatitude}) ) * sin( radians( gm.latitude ) ) ) {$prec} ) AS distance FROM ", $channel->sql); $sql = substr($sql, 0, strpos($sql, "WHERE")) . "RIGHT JOIN exp_mx_google_map AS gm ON t.entry_id = gm.entry_id HAVING distance < {$radius} AND " . $sql_entry_id; if ($orderby) { $sql = $sql . $order_by; } else { $sql = $sql . " ORDER BY distance " . $sort; } $channel->sql = $sql; } if ($save_cache == TRUE) { $channel->save_cache($channel->sql); } $channel->query = $channel->EE->db->query($channel->sql); if ($channel->query->num_rows() == 0) { return $channel->EE->TMPL->no_results(); } foreach ($channel->query->result_array() as $row) { $points[$row['point_id']] = $row['distance']; } $channel->EE->TMPL->tagparams['points'] = $points; if ($channel->EE->config->item('relaxed_track_views') === 'y' && $channel->query->num_rows() == 1) { $channel->hit_tracking_id = $channel->query->row('entry_id'); } $channel->track_views(); $channel->EE->load->library('typography'); $channel->EE->typography->initialize(); $channel->EE->typography->convert_curly = FALSE; if ($channel->enable['categories'] == TRUE) { $channel->fetch_categories(); } $channel->parse_channel_entries(); if ($channel->enable['pagination'] == TRUE) { if (version_compare(APP_VER, '2.4', '>=')) { $channel->add_pagination_data(); } else { $channel->fetch_pagination_data(); } } if (count($channel->EE->TMPL->related_data) > 0 && count($channel->related_entries) > 0) { $channel->parse_related_entries(); } if (count($channel->EE->TMPL->reverse_related_data) > 0 && count($channel->reverse_related_entries) > 0) { $channel->parse_reverse_related_entries(); } $return_data = str_replace($entries[0], $channel->return_data, $tagdata); } return $return_data; }
/** * Prepare occurrences output * * @param string $tagdata Tagdata * @param array $data Array of data * @param bool $include_default Include the default entry_id when fetching weblog data? * @return string */ protected function prep_occurrences_output($tagdata, $data, $include_default = TRUE) { // ------------------------------------- // Ensure $this->CDT is ready // ------------------------------------- $this->load_calendar_datetime(); if (empty($data->dates)) { return $tagdata; } $output = ''; // ------------------------------------- // Put the items in order // ------------------------------------- foreach ($data->dates as $ymd => $times) { ksort($data->dates[$ymd]); } ksort($data->dates); //-------------------------------------------- // order arrays for later multi sorting //-------------------------------------------- $calendar_orderby_params = array('event_start_date', 'occurrence_start_date'); $orders = explode('|', $this->P->value('orderby')); $sorts = explode('|', $this->P->value('sort')); $calendar_orders = array(); $calendar_order_data = array(); foreach ($orders as $k => $order) { if (in_array($order, $calendar_orderby_params)) { $sort = isset($sorts[$k]) ? $sorts[$k] : 'desc'; $calendar_orders[$order] = $sort; $calendar_order_data[$order] = array(); } } // ------------------------------------- // Are prior_ or upcoming_ limits in effect? // ------------------------------------- $prior_limit = $this->P->value('prior_occurrences_limit') !== FALSE ? $this->P->value('prior_occurrences_limit') : FALSE; $upcoming_limit = $this->P->value('upcoming_occurrences_limit') !== FALSE ? $this->P->value('upcoming_occurrences_limit') : FALSE; if ($prior_limit !== FALSE or $upcoming_limit !== FALSE) { $priors = array(); $upcoming = array(); //set date to current $this->CDT->set_date_to_now(); foreach ($data->dates as $ymd => $info) { //yeterday or before if ($ymd < $this->CDT->ymd) { $priors[$ymd] = $info; } elseif ($ymd == $this->CDT->ymd) { //we need to check all hours and minutes :/ foreach ($info as $time => $time_data) { $temp_end_hour = $time_data['end_date']['hour'] + ($time_data['end_date']['pm'] ? 12 : 0); $temp_end_minute = $time_data['end_date']['minute']; //if this is an all day item and we are still in this day, its current if ($time_data['all_day'] == TRUE) { $upcoming[$ymd][$time] = $time_data; } else { if ($temp_end_hour > $this->CDT->hour() or $temp_end_hour == $this->CDT->hour() and $temp_end_minute > $this->CDT->minute()) { $upcoming[$ymd][$time] = $time_data; } else { $priors[$ymd][$time] = $time_data; } } } } else { $upcoming[$ymd] = $info; } } //slice out our limits if ($prior_limit !== FALSE) { $priors = $this->apply_occurrences_limit($priors, $prior_limit, 0, 'prior'); //$priors = array_slice(array_reverse($priors, TRUE), 0, $prior_limit, TRUE); } if ($upcoming_limit !== FALSE) { $upcoming = $this->apply_occurrences_limit($upcoming, $upcoming_limit, 0, 'upcoming'); //$upcoming = array_slice($upcoming, 0, $upcoming_limit, TRUE); } //this has to be recursive because we can have the same $YMD happening if its today's date $data->dates = array_merge_recursive($priors, $upcoming); } //-------------------------------------------- // get default data from parent entry_id //-------------------------------------------- if (!isset($this->cache['entry_info'])) { $this->cache['entry_info'] = array(); } //we need some extra data about this entry so we can parse occurrences items if (!isset($this->cache['entry_info'][$data->default_data['entry_id']])) { $entry_info_query = ee()->db->query("SELECT \tct.title, ct.url_title, ct.author_id, ct.status, m.screen_name, m.username\n\t\t\t\t FROM\t\t{$this->sc->db->channel_titles} as ct\n\t\t\t\t LEFT JOIN\texp_members as m\n\t\t\t\t ON\t\t\tct.author_id = m.member_id\n\t\t\t\t WHERE\t\tct.entry_id = " . ee()->db->escape_str($data->default_data['entry_id'])); if ($entry_info_query->num_rows() > 0) { $this->cache['entry_info'][$data->default_data['entry_id']] = $entry_info_query->row_array(); } else { $this->cache['entry_info'][$data->default_data['entry_id']] = array(); } } $entry_info = $this->cache['entry_info'][$data->default_data['entry_id']]; // ------------------------------------- // Grab entry IDs from the occurrences // ------------------------------------- foreach ($data->occurrences as $ymd => $times) { foreach ($times as $time => $info) { if ($info['entry_id'] != $data->default_data['entry_id'] and !isset($ids[$info['entry_id']])) { $ids[$ymd] = $info['entry_id']; } } } $tagdatas = array(); $tagdatas[$data->default_data['entry_id']] = $tagdata; //this will probably only happen for edited occurrences if (!empty($ids)) { // ------------------------------------- // Add the "parent" entry id for default data // ------------------------------------- $ids[0] = $data->default_data['entry_id']; //ee()->TMPL_orig = clone ee()->TMPL; $tagdata = LD . 'occurrences id="' . LD . 'entry_id' . RD . '"' . RD . $tagdata . LD . T_SLASH . 'occurrences' . RD; // ---------------------------------------- // Invoke Channel class // ---------------------------------------- if (APP_VER < 2.0) { if (!class_exists('Weblog')) { require PATH_MOD . '/weblog/mod.weblog' . EXT; } $channel = new Weblog(); } else { if (!class_exists('Channel')) { require PATH_MOD . '/channel/mod.channel' . EXT; } $channel = new Channel(); } //default is 100 and that could limit events when there are very many to be shown $channel->limit = 500; // -------------------------------------------- // Invoke Pagination for EE 2.4 and Above // -------------------------------------------- if (APP_VER >= '2.4.0') { ee()->load->library('pagination'); $channel->pagination = new Pagination_object('Channel'); // Used by pagination to determine whether we're coming from the cache $channel->pagination->dynamic_sql = FALSE; } // ------------------------------------- // Prepare parameters // ------------------------------------- ee()->TMPL->tagparams['entry_id'] = implode('|', $ids); ee()->TMPL->tagparams['weblog'] = CALENDAR_EVENTS_CHANNEL_NAME; ee()->TMPL->tagparams['channel'] = CALENDAR_EVENTS_CHANNEL_NAME; // ------------------------------------- // Pre-process related data // ------------------------------------- ee()->TMPL->tagdata = ee()->TMPL->assign_relationship_data($tagdata); ee()->TMPL->var_single = array_merge(ee()->TMPL->var_single, ee()->TMPL->related_markers); ee()->TMPL->var_single['entry_id'] = 'entry_id'; // ------------------------------------- // Execute needed methods // ------------------------------------- if (APP_VER < 2.0) { $channel->fetch_custom_weblog_fields(); } else { $channel->fetch_custom_channel_fields(); } $channel->fetch_custom_member_fields(); // -------------------------------------------- // Pagination Tags Parsed Out // -------------------------------------------- if (APP_VER >= '2.4.0') { $channel->pagination->get_template(); } else { $channel->fetch_pagination_data(); } // ------------------------------------- // Add occurrence_ prefix to custom fields // ------------------------------------- foreach ($channel->cfields as $sid => $fields) { foreach ($fields as $name => $fid) { $channel->cfields[$sid]['occurrence_' . $name] = $fid; unset($channel->cfields[$sid][$name]); } } // ------------------------------------- // Querification // ------------------------------------- $channel->build_sql_query(); if ($channel->sql == '') { return $this->no_results(); } $channel->query = ee()->db->query($channel->sql); if ($channel->query->num_rows() == 0) { //ee()->TMPL->log_item('Calendar: Channel module says no results, bailing'); return $this->no_results(); } $channel->query->result = $channel->query->result_array(); // ------------------------------------- // Trim IDs and build events // ------------------------------------- $new_ids = array(); foreach ($channel->query->result as $k => $row) { $new_ids[$row['entry_id']] = $row['entry_id']; } if (empty($new_ids)) { return $this->no_results(); } $occurrence_data = $this->data->fetch_event_occurrences($data->default_data['entry_id']); // ------------------------------------- // Turn these IDs into events // ------------------------------------- $events = array(); if (!class_exists('Calendar_event')) { require_once CALENDAR_PATH . 'calendar.event' . EXT; } $calendars = array(); $start_ymd = $this->P->value('date_range_start') !== FALSE ? $this->P->value('date_range_start', 'ymd') : ''; $end_ymd = $this->P->value('date_range_end') !== FALSE ? $this->P->value('date_range_end', 'ymd') : ''; foreach ($occurrence_data[$data->default_data['entry_id']] as $times) { foreach ($times as $k => $odata) { $temp = new Calendar_event($odata, $start_ymd, $end_ymd); if (!empty($temp->dates)) { $temp->prepare_for_output(); $events[$odata['entry_id']] = $temp; $calendars[$events[$odata['entry_id']]->default_data['calendar_id']] = array(); } } } // ------------------------------------- // Fetch information about the calendars // ------------------------------------- $calendars = $this->data->fetch_calendar_data_by_id(array_keys($calendars)); // ------------------------------------- // Prep variable aliases // ------------------------------------- $variables = array('title' => 'occurrence_title', 'url_title' => 'occurrence_url_title', 'entry_id' => 'occurrence_id', 'author_id' => 'occurrence_author_id', 'author' => 'occurrence_author', 'status' => 'occurrence_status'); // ------------------------------------- // Add variables to the query result // ------------------------------------- foreach ($channel->query->result as $k => $row) { $channel->query->result[$k]['author'] = $row['screen_name'] != '' ? $row['screen_name'] : $row['username']; $entry_id = $row['entry_id']; if (isset($ids[0]) and $entry_id == $ids[0]) { $events[$entry_id] = $data; } elseif (!isset($events[$entry_id])) { unset($channel->query->result[$k]); continue; } // ------------------------------------- // Alias // ------------------------------------- foreach ($variables as $old => $new) { $channel->query->result[$k][$new] = $channel->query->result[$k][$old]; } // ------------------------------------- // Occurrence variables // ------------------------------------- foreach ($events[$entry_id]->default_data as $key => $val) { if (!is_array($val)) { if ($val == 'y' or $val == 'n') { $channel->query->result[$k]['occurrence_' . $key] = $val == 'y' ? TRUE : FALSE; } else { $channel->query->result[$k]['occurrence_' . $key] = $val; } } else { foreach ($val as $vkey => $vval) { if ($vval === 'y' or $vval === 'n') { $channel->query->result[$k]['occurrence_' . $key . '_' . $vkey] = $vval == 'y' ? TRUE : FALSE; } else { $channel->query->result[$k]['occurrence_' . $key . '_' . $vkey] = $vval; } } } } } unset($CDT); // ---------------------------------------- // Redeclare // ---------------------------------------- // We will reassign the $channel->query->result with our // reordered array of values. Thank you PHP for being so fast with array loops. // ---------------------------------------- if (APP_VER < 2.0) { $channel->query->result = $channel->query->result; } else { $channel->query->result_array = $channel->query->result; } // -------------------------------------------- // Typography // -------------------------------------------- if (APP_VER < 2.0) { if (!class_exists('Typography')) { require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT; } $channel->TYPE = new Typography(); $channel->TYPE->convert_curly = FALSE; } else { ee()->load->library('typography'); ee()->typography->initialize(); ee()->typography->convert_curly = FALSE; } $channel->fetch_categories(); // ------------------------------------- // Parse // ------------------------------------- //ee()->TMPL->log_item('Calendar: Parsing, via channel module'); if (APP_VER < 2.0) { $channel->parse_weblog_entries(); } else { $channel->parse_channel_entries(); } // ------------------------------------- // Paginate // ------------------------------------- //$channel->add_pagination_data(); // ------------------------------------- // Related entries // ------------------------------------- if (count(ee()->TMPL->related_data) > 0 and count($channel->related_entries) > 0) { $channel->parse_related_entries(); } if (count(ee()->TMPL->reverse_related_data) > 0 and count($channel->reverse_related_entries) > 0) { $channel->parse_reverse_related_entries(); } // ------------------------------------- // Send 'em home // ------------------------------------- $tagdata = $channel->return_data; // ------------------------------------- // Collect the tagdata // ------------------------------------- preg_match_all("/" . LD . 'occurrences id="(\\d+)"' . RD . '(.*?)' . LD . preg_quote(T_SLASH, '/') . 'occurrences' . RD . '/s', $tagdata, $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $k => $id) { $tagdatas[$id] = $matches[2][$k]; } //ee()->TMPL = ee()->TMPL_orig; } // ------------------------------------- // Date and time variables // ------------------------------------- $dt_vars = array('start_date', 'end_date', 'start_time', 'end_time'); $count = 1; $total = 0; foreach ($data->dates as $date) { $total += count($date); } if (empty($data->dates)) { return $this->no_results(); } //-------------------------------------------- // reverse sorting //-------------------------------------------- if ($this->parent_method == 'occurrences' and ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('reverse') and strtolower(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('reverse')) === 'true') { krsort($data->dates); } //-------------------------------------------- // orderby sorting //-------------------------------------------- /*if ($this->parent_method == 'occurrences' AND ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('orderby')) { $sort = (ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('sort') AND strtolower(ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('sort')) === 'DESC') ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'; }*/ //-------------------------------------------- // pagination //-------------------------------------------- if ($this->parent_method === 'occurrences') { $this->paginate = FALSE; } $limit = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('occurrences_limit') ? ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('occurrences_limit') : $this->limit; if ($limit > 0 and $this->parent_method === 'occurrences' and $total > $limit) { //get pagination info $pagination_data = $this->universal_pagination(array('total_results' => $total, 'tagdata' => $tagdata . $this->paginate_tagpair_data, 'limit' => $limit, 'uri_string' => ee()->uri->uri_string, 'paginate_prefix' => 'calendar_')); //if we paginated, sort the data if ($pagination_data['paginate'] === TRUE) { $this->paginate = $pagination_data['paginate']; $this->page_next = $pagination_data['page_next']; $this->page_previous = $pagination_data['page_previous']; $this->p_page = $pagination_data['pagination_page']; $this->current_page = $pagination_data['current_page']; $this->pager = $pagination_data['pagination_links']; $this->basepath = $pagination_data['base_url']; $this->total_pages = $pagination_data['total_pages']; $this->paginate_data = $pagination_data['paginate_tagpair_data']; $this->page_count = $pagination_data['page_count']; //$tagdata = $pagination_data['tagdata']; } } //-------------------------------------------- // event limiter //-------------------------------------------- $offset = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('occurrences_offset') ? ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('occurrences_offset') : 0; $page = ($this->current_page - 1) * $limit; if ($this->parent_method === 'occurrences' and $page > 0) { $offset += $page; } //-------------------------------------------- // Add final variables and swap out, // then add tagdata to return variable //-------------------------------------------- $offset_counter = 0; foreach ($data->dates as $ymd => $times) { foreach ($times as $time => $info) { //offset and limiting if ($this->parent_method === 'occurrences' and ++$offset_counter <= $offset) { continue; } if ($this->parent_method === 'occurrences' and $offset_counter > $limit + $offset) { break 2; } //-------------------------------------------- // output variables //-------------------------------------------- $tdata = isset($data->occurrences[$ymd][$time]['entry_id']) ? $tagdatas[$data->occurrences[$ymd][$time]['entry_id']] : $tagdatas[$data->default_data['entry_id']]; if ($info['all_day'] === TRUE or $info['all_day'] == 'y') { $info['date']['time'] = '0000'; $info['date']['hour'] = '00'; $info['date']['minute'] = '00'; $info['end_date']['time'] = '2400'; $info['end_date']['hour'] = '24'; $info['end_date']['minute'] = '00'; $info['duration']['hours'] = '24'; } $vars = array('single' => array('occurrence_duration_minutes' => $info['duration']['minutes'], 'occurrence_duration_hours' => $info['duration']['hours'], 'occurrence_duration_days' => $info['duration']['days'], 'occurrence_id' => isset($data->occurrences[$ymd][$time]['entry_id']) ? $data->occurrences[$ymd][$time]['entry_id'] : $data->default_data['entry_id'], 'occurrence_start_year' => $info['date']['year'], 'occurrence_start_month' => $info['date']['month'], 'occurrence_start_day' => $info['date']['day'], 'occurence_start_hour' => $info['date']['hour'], 'occurrence_start_minute' => $info['date']['minute'], 'occurrence_end_year' => $info['end_date']['year'], 'occurrence_end_month' => $info['end_date']['month'], 'occurrence_end_day' => $info['end_date']['day'], 'occurrence_end_hour' => $info['end_date']['hour'], 'occurrence_end_minute' => $info['end_date']['minute'], 'occurrence_count' => $count, 'occurrence_total' => $total, 'occurrence_author_id' => isset($entry_info['author_id']) ? $entry_info['author_id'] : '', 'occurrence_author' => isset($entry_info['screen_name']) ? $entry_info['screen_name'] : (isset($entry_info['username']) ? $entry_info['username'] : ''), 'occurrence_title' => isset($entry_info['title']) ? $entry_info['title'] : '', 'occurrence_url_title' => isset($entry_info['url_title']) ? $entry_info['url_title'] : '', 'occurrence_status' => isset($entry_info['status']) ? $entry_info['status'] : ''), 'conditional' => array('occurrence_all_day' => $info['all_day'], 'occurrence_multi_day' => $info['multi_day'], 'occurrence_status' => isset($entry_info['status']) ? $entry_info['status'] : '', 'occurrence_author_id' => isset($entry_info['author_id']) ? $entry_info['author_id'] : ''), 'date' => array('occurrence_start_date' => $info['date'], 'occurrence_start_time' => $info['date'], 'occurrence_end_date' => $info['end_date'], 'occurrence_end_time' => $info['end_date'])); $output .= $this->swap_vars($vars, $tdata); $count++; } } //-------------------------------------------- // offset too much? buh bye //-------------------------------------------- if (trim($output) === '') { return $this->no_results(); } return $output; }
/** * List of Entires for an Author, Sub-Processing for entries() method * * @access private * @param array * @return string */ private function _entries($params = array()) { /** ---------------------------------------- /** Execute? /** ----------------------------------------*/ if ($this->entry_id == '') { return FALSE; } /** ---------------------------------------- /** Invoke Channel/Weblog class /** ----------------------------------------*/ if (APP_VER < 2.0) { if (!class_exists('Weblog')) { require PATH_MOD . 'weblog/mod.weblog' . EXT; } $channel = new Weblog(); } else { if (!class_exists('Channel')) { require PATH_MOD . 'channel/mod.channel.php'; } $channel = new Channel(); } // -------------------------------------------- // Invoke Pagination for EE 2.4 and Above // -------------------------------------------- if (APP_VER >= '2.4.0') { ee()->load->library('pagination'); $channel->pagination = new Pagination_object('Channel'); // Used by pagination to determine whether we're coming from the cache $channel->pagination->dynamic_sql = FALSE; } /** ---------------------------------------- /** Pass params /** ----------------------------------------*/ ee()->TMPL->tagparams['entry_id'] = $this->entry_id; ee()->TMPL->tagparams['inclusive'] = ''; if (isset($params['dynamic']) and $params['dynamic'] == "off") { if (APP_VER < 2.0) { ee()->TMPL->tagparams['dynamic'] = 'off'; } else { ee()->TMPL->tagparams['dynamic'] = 'no'; } } /** ---------------------------------------- /** Pre-process related data /** ----------------------------------------*/ ee()->TMPL->tagdata = ee()->TMPL->assign_relationship_data(ee()->TMPL->tagdata); ee()->TMPL->var_single = array_merge(ee()->TMPL->var_single, ee()->TMPL->related_markers); /** ---------------------------------------- /** Execute needed methods /** ----------------------------------------*/ if (APP_VER < 2.0) { $channel->fetch_custom_weblog_fields(); } else { $channel->fetch_custom_channel_fields(); } $channel->fetch_custom_member_fields(); // -------------------------------------------- // Pagination Tags Parsed Out // -------------------------------------------- if (APP_VER >= '2.4.0') { $channel->pagination->get_template(); } else { $channel->fetch_pagination_data(); } if (APP_VER >= '2.4.0') { $channel->pagination->cfields = $channel->cfields; $channel->pagination->build(); } else { $channel->create_pagination(); } /** ---------------------------------------- /** Grab entry data /** ----------------------------------------*/ //$channel->create_pagination(); $channel->build_sql_query(); if ($channel->sql == '') { return $this->no_results(); } $channel->query = ee()->db->query($channel->sql); if (APP_VER < 2.0) { $channel->query->result = $channel->query->result_array(); } if (!isset($channel->query) or $channel->query->num_rows() == 0) { return $this->no_results(); } if (APP_VER < 2.0) { if (!class_exists('Typography')) { require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT; } $channel->TYPE = new Typography(); $channel->TYPE->convert_curly = FALSE; } else { ee()->load->library('typography'); ee()->typography->initialize(); ee()->typography->convert_curly = FALSE; } $channel->fetch_categories(); /** ---------------------------------------- /** Parse and return entry data /** ----------------------------------------*/ if (APP_VER < 2.0) { $channel->parse_weblog_entries(); } else { $channel->parse_channel_entries(); } if (APP_VER >= '2.4.0') { $channel->return_data = $channel->pagination->render($channel->return_data); } else { $channel->add_pagination_data(); } /** ---------------------------------------- /** Count tag /** ----------------------------------------*/ if (count(ee()->TMPL->related_data) > 0 and count($channel->related_entries) > 0) { $channel->parse_related_entries(); } if (count(ee()->TMPL->reverse_related_data) > 0 and count($channel->reverse_related_entries) > 0) { $channel->parse_reverse_related_entries(); } // ---------------------------------------- // Handle problem with pagination segments in the url // ---------------------------------------- if (preg_match("#(/P\\d+)#", ee()->uri->uri_string, $match)) { $channel->return_data = str_replace($match['1'], "", $channel->return_data); } elseif (preg_match("#(P\\d+)#", ee()->uri->uri_string, $match)) { $channel->return_data = str_replace($match['1'], "", $channel->return_data); } $tagdata = $channel->return_data; return $tagdata; }
/** ---------------------------------------- /** Show search results /** ----------------------------------------*/ function search_results() { // Fetch the search language file $this->EE->lang->loadfile('search'); // Check search ID number // If the QSTR variable is less than 32 characters long we // don't have a valid search ID number if (strlen($this->EE->uri->query_string) < 32) { return $this->EE->output->show_user_error('off', array($this->EE->lang->line('search_no_result')), $this->EE->lang->line('search_result_heading')); } // Clear old search results $expire = time() - ($this->cache_expire * 3600); $this->EE->db->query("DELETE FROM exp_search WHERE site_id = '".$this->EE->db->escape_str($this->EE->config->item('site_id'))."' AND search_date < '$expire'"); // Fetch ID number and page number $cur_page = 0; $qstring = $this->EE->uri->query_string; // Parse page number if (preg_match("#^P(\d+)|/P(\d+)#", $qstring, $match)) { $cur_page = (isset($match[2])) ? $match[2] : $match[1]; $search_id = trim_slashes(str_replace($match[0], '', $qstring)); } else { $search_id = $qstring; } // If there is a slash in the search ID we'll kill everything after it. $search_id = trim($search_id); $search_id = preg_replace("#/.+#", "", $search_id); // Fetch the cached search query $query = $this->EE->db->get_where('search', array('search_id' => $search_id)); if ($query->num_rows() == 0 OR $query->row('total_results') == 0) { return $this->EE->output->show_user_error('off', array($this->EE->lang->line('search_no_result')), $this->EE->lang->line('search_result_heading')); } $fields = ($query->row('custom_fields') == '') ? array() : unserialize(stripslashes($query->row('custom_fields') )); $sql = unserialize(stripslashes($query->row('query'))); $sql = str_replace('MDBMPREFIX', 'exp_', $sql); $per_page = $query->row('per_page'); $res_page = $query->row('result_page'); // Run the search query $query = $this->EE->db->query(preg_replace("/SELECT(.*?)\s+FROM\s+/is", 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM ', $sql)); if ($query->row('count') == 0) { return $this->EE->output->show_user_error('off', array($this->EE->lang->line('search_no_result')), $this->EE->lang->line('search_result_heading')); } // Calculate total number of pages $current_page = ($cur_page / $per_page) + 1; $total_pages = intval($query->row('count') / $per_page); if ($query->row('count') % $per_page) { $total_pages++; } $page_count = $this->EE->lang->line('page').' '.$current_page.' '.$this->EE->lang->line('of').' '.$total_pages; // Do we need pagination? // If so, we'll add the LIMIT clause to the SQL statement and run the query again $pager = ''; if ($query->row('count') > $per_page) { $this->EE->load->library('pagination'); $config = array( 'base_url' => $this->EE->functions->create_url($res_page.'/'.$search_id, 0, 0), 'prefix' => 'P', 'total_rows' => $query->row('count'), 'per_page' => $per_page, 'cur_page' => $cur_page, 'first_link' => $this->EE->lang->line('pag_first_link'), 'last_link' => $this->EE->lang->line('pag_last_link'), 'uri_segment' => 0 // Allows $config['cur_page'] to override ); $this->EE->pagination->initialize($config); $pager = $this->EE->pagination->create_links(); $sql .= " LIMIT ".$cur_page.", ".$per_page; } $query = $this->EE->db->query($sql); $output = ''; if ( ! class_exists('Channel')) { require PATH_MOD.'channel/mod.channel'.EXT; } unset($this->EE->TMPL->var_single['auto_path']); unset($this->EE->TMPL->var_single['excerpt']); unset($this->EE->TMPL->var_single['id_auto_path']); unset($this->EE->TMPL->var_single['full_text']); unset($this->EE->TMPL->var_single['switch']); foreach($this->EE->TMPL->var_single as $key => $value) { if (substr($key, 0, strlen('member_path')) == 'member_path') { unset($this->EE->TMPL->var_single[$key]); } } $channel = new Channel; // This allows the channel {absolute_count} variable to work $channel->p_page = ($per_page * $current_page) - $per_page; $channel->fetch_custom_channel_fields(); $channel->fetch_custom_member_fields(); $channel->query = $this->EE->db->query($sql); if ($channel->query->num_rows() == 0) { return $this->EE->TMPL->no_results(); } $this->EE->load->library('typography'); $this->EE->typography->initialize(); $this->EE->typography->convert_curly = FALSE; $this->EE->typography->encode_email = FALSE; $channel->fetch_categories(); $channel->parse_channel_entries(); $tagdata = $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata; // Does the tag contain "related entries" that we need to parse out? if (count($this->EE->TMPL->related_data) > 0 AND count($channel->related_entries) > 0) { $channel->parse_related_entries(); } if (count($this->EE->TMPL->reverse_related_data) > 0 AND count($channel->reverse_related_entries) > 0) { $channel->parse_reverse_related_entries(); } $output = $channel->return_data; $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata = $tagdata; // Fetch member path variable // We do it here in case it's used in multiple places. $m_paths = array(); if (preg_match_all("/".LD."member_path(\s*=.*?)".RD."/s", $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata, $matches)) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($matches['0']); $j++) { $m_paths[] = array($matches['0'][$j], $this->EE->functions->extract_path($matches['1'][$j])); } } // Fetch switch param $switch1 = ''; $switch2 = ''; if ($switch = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('switch')) { if (strpos($switch, '|') !== FALSE) { $x = explode("|", $switch); $switch1 = $x['0']; $switch2 = $x['1']; } else { $switch1 = $switch; } } /** ----------------------------- /** Result Loop - Legacy! /** -----------------------------*/ $i = 0; foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) { if (isset($row['field_id_'.$row['search_excerpt']]) AND $row['field_id_'.$row['search_excerpt']]) { $format = ( ! isset($row['field_ft_'.$row['search_excerpt']])) ? 'xhtml' : $row['field_ft_'.$row['search_excerpt']]; $full_text = $this->EE->typography->parse_type(strip_tags($row['field_id_'.$row['search_excerpt']]), array( 'text_format' => $format, 'html_format' => 'safe', 'auto_links' => 'y', 'allow_img_url' => 'n' )); $excerpt = trim(strip_tags($full_text)); if (strpos($excerpt, "\r") !== FALSE OR strpos($excerpt, "\n") !== FALSE) { $excerpt = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), " ", $excerpt); } $excerpt = $this->EE->functions->word_limiter($excerpt, 50); } else { $excerpt = ''; $full_text = ''; } // Parse permalink path $url = ($row['search_results_url'] != '') ? $row['search_results_url'] : $row['channel_url']; $path = $this->EE->functions->remove_double_slashes($this->EE->functions->prep_query_string($url).'/'.$row['url_title']); $idpath = $this->EE->functions->remove_double_slashes($this->EE->functions->prep_query_string($url).'/'.$row['entry_id']); $switch = ($i++ % 2) ? $switch1 : $switch2; $output = preg_replace("/".LD.'switch'.RD."/", $switch, $output, count(explode(LD.'switch'.RD, $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata)) - 1); $output = preg_replace("/".LD.'auto_path'.RD."/", $path, $output, count(explode(LD.'auto_path'.RD, $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata)) - 1); $output = preg_replace("/".LD.'id_auto_path'.RD."/", $idpath, $output, count(explode(LD.'id_auto_path'.RD, $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata)) - 1); $output = preg_replace("/".LD.'excerpt'.RD."/", preg_quote($excerpt), $output, count(explode(LD.'excerpt'.RD, $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata)) - 1); $output = preg_replace("/".LD.'full_text'.RD."/", preg_quote($full_text), $output, count(explode(LD.'full_text'.RD, $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata)) - 1); // Parse member_path if (count($m_paths) > 0) { foreach ($m_paths as $val) { $output = preg_replace("/".preg_quote($val['0'], '/')."/", $this->EE->functions->create_url($val['1'].'/'.$row['member_id']), $output, 1); } } } $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata = $output; /** ---------------------------------------- /** Parse variables /** ----------------------------------------*/ $swap = array( 'lang:total_search_results' => $this->EE->lang->line('search_total_results'), 'lang:search_engine' => $this->EE->lang->line('search_engine'), 'lang:search_results' => $this->EE->lang->line('search_results'), 'lang:search' => $this->EE->lang->line('search'), 'lang:title' => $this->EE->lang->line('search_title'), 'lang:channel' => $this->EE->lang->line('search_channel'), 'lang:excerpt' => $this->EE->lang->line('search_excerpt'), 'lang:author' => $this->EE->lang->line('search_author'), 'lang:date' => $this->EE->lang->line('search_date'), 'lang:total_comments' => $this->EE->lang->line('search_total_comments'), 'lang:recent_comments' => $this->EE->lang->line('search_recent_comment_date'), 'lang:keywords' => $this->EE->lang->line('search_keywords') ); $this->EE->TMPL->template = $this->EE->functions->var_swap($this->EE->TMPL->template, $swap); /** ---------------------------------------- /** Add Pagination /** ----------------------------------------*/ if ($pager == '') { $this->EE->TMPL->template = preg_replace("#".LD."if paginate".RD.".*?".LD."/if".RD."#s", '', $this->EE->TMPL->template); } else { $this->EE->TMPL->template = preg_replace("#".LD."if paginate".RD."(.*?)".LD."/if".RD."#s", "\\1", $this->EE->TMPL->template); } $this->EE->TMPL->template = str_replace(LD.'paginate'.RD, $pager, $this->EE->TMPL->template); $this->EE->TMPL->template = str_replace(LD.'page_count'.RD, $page_count, $this->EE->TMPL->template); return stripslashes($this->EE->TMPL->tagdata); }