if (!BigTreeAdmin::urlExists($data)) { $integrity_errors[$field] = array("a" => array($data)); } } // Internal link } elseif (substr($data, 0, 4) == "http") { if (!BigTreeAdmin::urlExists($data)) { $integrity_errors[$field] = array("a" => array($data)); } } // HTML we just run through checkHTML } elseif ($resource["type"] == "html") { $integrity_errors[$field] = BigTreeAdmin::checkHTML($local_path, $data, $external); } elseif ($resource["type"] == "callouts" && is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $callout_data) { $callout = BigTreeAdmin::getCallout($callout_data["type"]); if ($callout) { // We're going to modify the field titles so that it makes more sense when someone is diagnosing the issue $callout_resources = array_filter((array) $callout["resources"]); foreach ($callout_resources as &$column) { // If we have an internal title saved we can give even more context to which matrix entity has the problem if ($callout_data["display_title"]) { $column["title"] = $field . " » " . $callout_data["display_title"] . " » " . $column["title"]; } else { $column["title"] = $field . " » " . $column["title"]; } } $check_data($local_path, $external, $callout["resources"], $callout_data); } } } elseif ($resource["type"] == "matrix" && is_array($data)) {