 function __destruct()
     // Need $admin back if it's already been destroyed
     global $admin;
     $admin = new BigTreeAdmin();
     foreach ($this->AutoSaveSettings as $id => $obj) {
         if (is_object($obj)) {
             $admin->updateSettingValue($id, get_object_vars($obj));
         } else {
             $admin->updateSettingValue($id, $obj);
 function __construct()
     global $cms;
     $geo_service = $cms->getSetting("bigtree-internal-geocoding-service");
     // If for some reason the setting doesn't exist, make one.
     if (!is_array($geo_service) || !$geo_service["service"]) {
         $this->Service = "google";
         $admin = new BigTreeAdmin();
         $admin->createSetting(array("id" => "bigtree-internal-geocoding-service", "encrypted" => "on", "system" => "on"));
         $admin->updateSettingValue("bigtree-internal-geocoding-service", array("service" => "google"));
     } else {
         $this->Service = $geo_service["service"];
         $this->Settings = $geo_service;
     // Yahoo BOSS Geocoding uses the Yahoo BOSS API.
     if ($this->Service == "yahoo-boss") {
         $this->API = new BigTreeYahooBOSSAPI();
 function __destruct()
     foreach ($this->AutoSaveSettings as $id => $obj) {
         if (is_object($obj)) {
             BigTreeAdmin::updateSettingValue($id, get_object_vars($obj));
         } else {
             BigTreeAdmin::updateSettingValue($id, $obj);
 function __construct()
     $s = BigTreeAdmin::getSetting("bigtree-internal-email-service");
     // Setting doesn't exist? Create it.
     if ($s === false) {
         sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_settings (`id`,`system`,`encrypted`) VALUES ('bigtree-internal-email-service','on','on')");
         $s = array("service" => "", "settings" => array());
         BigTreeAdmin::updateSettingValue("bigtree-internal-email-service", $s);
     $this->Service = !empty($s["value"]["service"]) ? $s["value"]["service"] : "local";
     $this->Settings = !empty($s["value"]["settings"]) ? $s["value"]["settings"] : array();
 static function getFilterQuery($view)
     global $admin;
     $module = BigTreeAdmin::getModule(self::getModuleForView($view));
     if (isset($module["gbp"]["enabled"]) && $module["gbp"]["enabled"] && $module["gbp"]["table"] == $view["table"]) {
         $groups = $admin->getAccessGroups($module["id"]);
         if (is_array($groups)) {
             $gfl = array();
             foreach ($groups as $g) {
                 if ($view["type"] == "nested" && $module["gbp"]["group_field"] == $view["options"]["nesting_column"]) {
                     $gfl[] = "`id` = '" . sqlescape($g) . "' OR `gbp_field` = '" . sqlescape($g) . "'";
                 } else {
                     $gfl[] = "`gbp_field` = '" . sqlescape($g) . "'";
             return " AND (" . implode(" OR ", $gfl) . ")";
     return "";
    $_SESSION["bigtree_admin"]["post_max_hit"] = true;
$item = $admin->getSetting($_POST["id"]);
if ($item["system"] || $item["locked"] && $admin->Level < 2) {
    $admin->growl("Settings", "Access Denied", "error");
} else {
    $bigtree["crops"] = array();
    $bigtree["errors"] = array();
    $bigtree["post_data"] = $_POST;
    $bigtree["file_data"] = BigTree::parsedFilesArray();
    // Pretend like we're a normal field
    $field = array("type" => $item["type"], "title" => $item["title"], "key" => "value", "options" => json_decode($item["options"], true), "ignore" => false, "input" => $bigtree["post_data"]["value"], "file_input" => $bigtree["file_data"]["value"]);
    // Process the input
    $output = BigTreeAdmin::processField($field);
    if (!is_null($output)) {
        $admin->updateSettingValue($_POST["id"], $output);
    $admin->growl("Settings", "Updated Setting");
$_SESSION["bigtree_admin"]["form_data"] = array("page" => true, "return_link" => ADMIN_ROOT . "settings/", "edit_link" => ADMIN_ROOT . "settings/edit/" . $_POST["id"] . "/", "errors" => $bigtree["errors"]);
// Track resource allocation
$admin->allocateResources("settings", $_POST["id"]);
if (count($bigtree["crops"])) {
    $_SESSION["bigtree_admin"]["form_data"]["crop_key"] = $cms->cacheUnique("org.bigtreecms.crops", $bigtree["crops"]);
    BigTree::redirect(ADMIN_ROOT . "settings/crop/");
} elseif (count($bigtree["errors"])) {
    BigTree::redirect(ADMIN_ROOT . "settings/error/");
BigTree::redirect(ADMIN_ROOT . "settings/");
			<p>Click "Add Item" to add an item to this list.</p>
    $x = 0;
    foreach ($field["value"] as $item) {
				<input type="hidden" class="bigtree_matrix_data" value="<?php 
        echo base64_encode(json_encode($item));
" />
        BigTreeAdmin::drawArrayLevel(array($x), $item, $field);
				<input type="hidden" name="<?php 
        echo $field["key"];
        echo $x;
][__internal-title]" value="<?php 
        echo BigTree::safeEncode($item["__internal-title"]);
" />
				<input type="hidden" name="<?php 
        echo $field["key"];
             if (!BigTreeAdmin::urlExists($data)) {
                 $integrity_errors[$field] = array("a" => array($data));
         // Internal link
     } elseif (substr($data, 0, 4) == "http") {
         if (!BigTreeAdmin::urlExists($data)) {
             $integrity_errors[$field] = array("a" => array($data));
     // HTML we just run through checkHTML
 } elseif ($resource["type"] == "html") {
     $integrity_errors[$field] = BigTreeAdmin::checkHTML($local_path, $data, $external);
 } elseif ($resource["type"] == "callouts" && is_array($data)) {
     foreach ($data as $callout_data) {
         $callout = BigTreeAdmin::getCallout($callout_data["type"]);
         if ($callout) {
             // We're going to modify the field titles so that it makes more sense when someone is diagnosing the issue
             $callout_resources = array_filter((array) $callout["resources"]);
             foreach ($callout_resources as &$column) {
                 // If we have an internal title saved we can give even more context to which matrix entity has the problem
                 if ($callout_data["display_title"]) {
                     $column["title"] = $field . " &raquo; " . $callout_data["display_title"] . " &raquo; " . $column["title"];
                 } else {
                     $column["title"] = $field . " &raquo; " . $column["title"];
             $check_data($local_path, $external, $callout["resources"], $callout_data);
 } elseif ($resource["type"] == "matrix" && is_array($data)) {
 function update($id, $fields, $values = false, $ignore_cache = false)
     $id = sqlescape($id);
     // Turn a key => value array into pairs
     if ($values === false && is_array($fields)) {
         $values = $fields;
         $fields = array_keys($fields);
     // Multiple columns to update
     if (is_array($fields)) {
         $query_parts = array();
         foreach ($fields as $key) {
             $val = current($values);
             if (is_array($val)) {
                 $val = BigTree::json(BigTree::translateArray($val));
             } else {
                 $val = BigTreeAdmin::autoIPL($val);
             $query_parts[] = "`{$key}` = '" . sqlescape($val) . "'";
         sqlquery("UPDATE `" . $this->Table . "` SET " . implode(", ", $query_parts) . " WHERE id = '{$id}'");
         // Single column to update
     } else {
         if (is_array($values)) {
             $val = json_encode(BigTree::translateArray($values));
         } else {
             $val = BigTreeAdmin::autoIPL($values);
         sqlquery("UPDATE `" . $this->Table . "` SET `{$fields}` = '" . sqlescape($val) . "' WHERE id = '{$id}'");
     if (!$ignore_cache) {
         BigTreeAutoModule::recacheItem($id, $this->Table);
 function oAuthRedirect()
     $this->Settings["token_secret"] = "";
     $admin = new BigTreeAdmin();
     $r = $this->callAPI("http://www.flickr.com/services/oauth/request_token", "GET", array("oauth_callback" => $this->ReturnURL));
     if ($oauth_callback_confirmed) {
         $this->Settings["token"] = $oauth_token;
         $this->Settings["token_secret"] = $oauth_token_secret;
         header("Location: http://www.flickr.com/services/oauth/authorize?perms=delete&oauth_token=" . $oauth_token);
     } else {
         $admin->growl($oauth_problem, "Flickr API", "error");
         BigTree::redirect(ADMIN_ROOT . "developer/services/flickr/");
    // If we haven't failed, we're going to grab our image and set it up for crops and such
    if (!$field["ignore"]) {
        $local_image_copy = SITE_ROOT . "files/" . uniqid("temp-") . ".jpg";
        BigTree::cURL($source_image, false, array(), false, $local_image_copy);
        list($width, $height) = getimagesize($local_image_copy);
        // If this is a YouTube video we don't have video dimensions so we're going to guess them from the image size
        if ($field["output"]["service"] == "youtube") {
            $field["output"]["height"] = $height;
            $field["output"]["width"] = $width;
            $field["output"]["embed"] = '<iframe width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/' . $video_id . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>';
        // Normally we'd fail, but it's not like you can create a higher resolution video clip here.
        if ($width < $min_width || $height < $min_height) {
            BigTree::createUpscaledImage($local_image_copy, $local_image_copy, $min_width, $min_height);
        // Pretend to be a normal image field and process it
        $field_copy = $field;
        $field_copy["file_input"] = array("name" => $field["output"]["service"] . "-video-" . $video_id . ".jpg", "tmp_name" => $local_image_copy, "error" => false);
        $field["output"]["image"] = BigTreeAdmin::processImageUpload($field_copy);
    // Either this field has never been used or was explicitly deleted
} elseif (empty($field["input"])) {
    $field["output"] = array();
    // Using existing value
} else {
    if ($field["input"]["existing"]) {
        $field["output"] = json_decode($field["input"]["existing"], true);
    } else {
        $field["ignore"] = true;
 static function translateArray($array)
     foreach ($array as &$piece) {
         if (is_array($piece)) {
             $piece = static::translateArray($piece);
         } else {
             $piece = BigTreeAdmin::autoIPL($piece);
     return $array;
	<div class="contain">
$x = 0;
foreach ($field["value"] as $callout) {
    $type = $admin->getCallout($callout["type"]);
			<input type="hidden" class="callout_data" value="<?php 
    echo base64_encode(json_encode($callout));
" />
    BigTreeAdmin::drawArrayLevel(array($x), $callout);
    echo BigTree::safeEncode($callout["display_title"]);
				<input type="hidden" name="<?php 
    echo $field["key"];
    echo $x;
][display_title]" value="<?php 
    echo BigTree::safeEncode($callout["display_title"]);
" />
 function installFTP($ftp_root)
     $ftp_root = "/" . trim($ftp_root, "/") . "/";
     // Create backups folder
     $this->Connection->createDirectory($ftp_root . "backups/");
     // Doing a core upgrade
     if ($this->Extension === false) {
         // Backup database
         BigTreeAdmin::backupDatabase(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/backup.sql");
         $this->Connection->rename($ftp_root . "cache/backup.sql", $ftp_root . "backups/core-" . BIGTREE_VERSION . "/backup.sql");
         // Backup old core
         $this->Connection->rename($ftp_root . "core/", $ftp_root . "backups/core-" . BIGTREE_VERSION . "/");
         // Move new core into place
         $this->Connection->rename($ftp_root . "cache/update/core/", $ftp_root . "core/");
         // Doing an extension upgrade
     } else {
         $extension = $this->Extension;
         // Create a backups folder for this extension
         $this->Connection->createDirectory($ftp_root . "backups/extensions/");
         $this->Connection->createDirectory($ftp_root . "backups/extensions/{$extension}/");
         // Read manifest file for current version
         $current_manifest = json_decode(file_get_contents(SERVER_ROOT . "extensions/{$extension}/manifest.json"), true);
         $old_version = $current_manifest["version"];
         // Get a unique directory name
         $old_version = BigTree::getAvailableFileName(SERVER_ROOT . "backups/extensions/{$extension}/", $old_version);
         // Move old extension into backups
         $this->Connection->rename($ftp_root . "extensions/{$extension}/", $ftp_root . "backups/extensions/{$extension}/{$old_version}/");
         // Move new extension into place
         $this->Connection->rename($ftp_root . "cache/update/", $ftp_root . "extensions/{$extension}/");
			<p>Click "Add Item" to add an item to this list.</p>
    $x = 0;
    foreach ($field["value"] as $item) {
				<input type="hidden" class="bigtree_matrix_data" value="<?php 
        echo base64_encode(json_encode($item));
" />
        BigTreeAdmin::drawArrayLevel(array($x), $item);
				<input type="hidden" name="<?php 
        echo $field["key"];
        echo $x;
][__internal-title]" value="<?php 
        echo BigTree::safeEncode($item["__internal-title"]);
" />
				<input type="hidden" name="<?php 
        echo $field["key"];
 function saveSettings()
     $admin = new BigTreeAdmin();
     $admin->updateSettingValue("bigtree-internal-payment-gateway", array("service" => $this->Service, "settings" => $this->Settings));

$server_root = str_replace("core/cron.php", "", strtr(__FILE__, "\\", "/"));
include $server_root . "custom/environment.php";
include $server_root . "custom/settings.php";
include $server_root . "core/bootstrap.php";
    include BigTree::path(BIGTREE_CUSTOM_ADMIN_CLASS_PATH);
    // Can't instantiate class from a constant name, so we use a variable then unset it.
    $admin = new $c();
} else {
    include BigTree::path("inc/bigtree/admin.php");
    $admin = new BigTreeAdmin();
// Send out Daily Digests and Content Alerts
// Cache Google Analytics Information
$analytics = new BigTreeGoogleAnalyticsAPI();
if ($analytics->API && $analytics->Profile) {
// Let the CMS know we're running cron properly
if (!$admin->settingExists("bigtree-internal-cron-last-run")) {
    $admin->createSetting(array("id" => "bigtree-internal-cron-last-run", "system" => "on"));
// Tell the admin we've ran cron recently.
$admin->updateSettingValue("bigtree-internal-cron-last-run", time());
 static function translateArray($array)
     $admin = new BigTreeAdmin();
     foreach ($array as &$piece) {
         if (is_array($piece)) {
             $piece = self::translateArray($piece);
         } else {
             $piece = $admin->autoIPL($piece);
     return $array;
function _local_bigtree_update_200()
    global $cms, $admin;
    // Drop unused comments column
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_pending_changes DROP COLUMN `comments`");
    // Add extension columns
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_callouts ADD COLUMN `extension` VARCHAR(255)");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_callouts ADD FOREIGN KEY (extension) REFERENCES `bigtree_extensions` (id) ON DELETE CASCADE");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_feeds ADD COLUMN `extension` VARCHAR(255)");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_feeds ADD FOREIGN KEY (extension) REFERENCES `bigtree_extensions` (id) ON DELETE CASCADE");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_field_types ADD COLUMN `extension` VARCHAR(255)");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_field_types ADD FOREIGN KEY (extension) REFERENCES `bigtree_extensions` (id) ON DELETE CASCADE");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_modules ADD COLUMN `extension` VARCHAR(255)");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_modules ADD FOREIGN KEY (extension) REFERENCES `bigtree_extensions` (id) ON DELETE CASCADE");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_module_groups ADD COLUMN `extension` VARCHAR(255)");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_module_groups ADD FOREIGN KEY (extension) REFERENCES `bigtree_extensions` (id) ON DELETE CASCADE");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_settings ADD COLUMN `extension` VARCHAR(255)");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_settings ADD FOREIGN KEY (extension) REFERENCES `bigtree_extensions` (id) ON DELETE CASCADE");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_templates ADD COLUMN `extension` VARCHAR(255)");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_templates ADD FOREIGN KEY (extension) REFERENCES `bigtree_extensions` (id) ON DELETE CASCADE");
    // New publish_hook column, consolidate other hooks into one column
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_pending_changes ADD COLUMN `publish_hook` VARCHAR(255)");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_module_forms ADD COLUMN `hooks` TEXT");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_module_embeds ADD COLUMN `hooks` TEXT");
    $q = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_module_forms");
    while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
        $hooks = array();
        $hooks["pre"] = $f["preprocess"];
        $hooks["post"] = $f["callback"];
        $hooks["publish"] = "";
        sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_module_forms SET hooks = '" . BigTree::json($hooks, true) . "' WHERE id = '" . $f["id"] . "'");
    $q = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_module_embeds");
    while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
        $hooks = array();
        $hooks["pre"] = $f["preprocess"];
        $hooks["post"] = $f["callback"];
        $hooks["publish"] = "";
        sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_module_embeds SET hooks = '" . BigTree::json($hooks, true) . "' WHERE id = '" . $f["id"] . "'");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_module_forms DROP COLUMN `preprocess`");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_module_forms DROP COLUMN `callback`");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_module_embeds DROP COLUMN `preprocess`");
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_module_embeds DROP COLUMN `callback`");
    // Adjust groups/callouts for multi-support -- first we drop the foreign key
    $table_desc = BigTree::describeTable("bigtree_callouts");
    foreach ($table_desc["foreign_keys"] as $name => $definition) {
        if ($definition["local_columns"][0] === "group") {
            sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_callouts DROP FOREIGN KEY `{$name}`");
    // Add the field to the groups
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_callout_groups ADD COLUMN `callouts` TEXT AFTER `name`");
    // Find all the callouts in each group
    $q = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_callout_groups");
    while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
        $callouts = array();
        $qq = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_callouts WHERE `group` = '" . $f["id"] . "' ORDER BY position DESC, id ASC");
        while ($ff = sqlfetch($qq)) {
            $callouts[] = $ff["id"];
        sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_callout_groups SET `callouts` = '" . BigTree::json($callouts, true) . "' WHERE id = '" . $f["id"] . "'");
    // Drop the group column
    sqlquery("ALTER TABLE bigtree_callouts DROP COLUMN `group`");
    // Security policy setting
    sqlquery("INSERT INTO `bigtree_settings` (`id`,`value`,`system`) VALUES ('bigtree-internal-security-policy','{}','on')");
    sqlquery("CREATE TABLE `bigtree_login_attempts` (`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ip` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `user` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `timestamp` timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8");
    sqlquery("CREATE TABLE `bigtree_login_bans` (`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ip` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `user` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `created` timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `expires` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8");
    // Media settings
    sqlquery("INSERT INTO `bigtree_settings` (`id`,`value`,`system`) VALUES ('bigtree-internal-media-settings','{}','on')");
    // New field types
    @unlink(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/bigtree-form-field-types.json");
    // Setup an anonymous function for converting a resource set
    $resource_converter = function ($resources) {
        $new_resources = array();
        foreach ($resources as $item) {
            // Array of Items no longer exists, switching to Matrix
            if ($item["type"] == "array") {
                $item["type"] = "matrix";
                $item["columns"] = array();
                $x = 0;
                foreach ($item["fields"] as $field) {
                    $item["columns"][] = array("id" => $field["key"], "type" => $field["type"], "title" => $field["title"], "display_title" => $x == 1 ? "on" : "");
            $r = array("id" => $item["id"], "type" => $item["type"], "title" => $item["title"], "subtitle" => $item["subtitle"], "options" => array());
            foreach ($item as $key => $val) {
                if ($key != "id" && $key != "title" && $key != "subtitle" && $key != "type") {
                    $r["options"][$key] = $val;
            $new_resources[] = $r;
        return BigTree::json($new_resources, true);
    $field_converter = function ($fields) {
        $new_fields = array();
        foreach ($fields as $id => $field) {
            // Array of Items no longer exists, switching to Matrix
            if ($field["type"] == "array") {
                $field["type"] = "matrix";
                $field["columns"] = array();
                $x = 0;
                foreach ($field["fields"] as $subfield) {
                    $field["columns"][] = array("id" => $subfield["key"], "type" => $subfield["type"], "title" => $subfield["title"], "display_title" => $x == 1 ? "on" : "");
            $r = array("column" => $id, "type" => $field["type"], "title" => $field["title"], "subtitle" => $field["subtitle"], "options" => array());
            foreach ($field as $key => $val) {
                if ($key != "id" && $key != "title" && $key != "subtitle" && $key != "type") {
                    $r["options"][$key] = $val;
            $new_fields[] = $r;
        return $new_fields;
    // New resource format to be less restrictive on option names
    $q = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_callouts");
    while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
        $resources = $resource_converter(json_decode($f["resources"], true));
        sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_callouts SET resources = '{$resources}' WHERE id = '" . $f["id"] . "'");
    $q = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_templates");
    while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
        $resources = $resource_converter(json_decode($f["resources"], true));
        sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_templates SET resources = '{$resources}' WHERE id = '" . $f["id"] . "'");
    // Forms and Embedded Forms
    $q = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_module_forms");
    while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
        $fields = $field_converter(json_decode($f["fields"], true));
        sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_module_forms SET fields = '" . BigTree::json($fields, true) . "' WHERE id = '" . $f["id"] . "'");
    $q = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_module_embeds");
    while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
        $fields = $field_converter(json_decode($f["fields"], true));
        sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_module_embeds SET fields = '" . BigTree::json($fields, true) . "' WHERE id = '" . $f["id"] . "'");
    // Settings
    $q = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_settings WHERE type = 'array'");
    while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
        // Update settings options to turn array into matrix
        $options = json_decode($f["options"], true);
        $options["columns"] = array();
        $x = 0;
        foreach ($options["fields"] as $field) {
            $options["columns"][] = array("id" => $field["key"], "type" => $field["type"], "title" => $field["title"], "display_title" => $x == 1 ? "on" : "");
            if ($x == 1) {
                $display_key = $field["key"];
        // Update the value to set an internal title key
        $value = BigTreeCMS::getSetting($f["id"]);
        foreach ($value as &$entry) {
            $entry["__internal-title"] = $entry[$display_key];
        // Update type/options
        sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_settings SET type = 'matrix', options = '" . BigTree::json($options, true) . "' WHERE id = '" . $f["id"] . "'");
        // Update value separately
        BigTreeAdmin::updateSettingValue($f["id"], $value);
				<img src="<?php 
    echo $preview_image;
" alt="" />
			<input type="hidden" class="bigtree_matrix_data" value="<?php 
    echo base64_encode(json_encode($item));
" />
    BigTreeAdmin::drawArrayLevel(array($current), $item);
			<a href="#" class="icon_edit"></a>
			<a href="#" class="icon_delete"></a>
	<footer class="btx_media_gallery_footer">
if (!$field["options"]["disable_photos"]) {
		<a href="#" class="add_item button" data-type="photo"><span class="icon_small icon_small_picture"></span>Add Photo</a>
<p class="error_message" style="display: none;">Errors found! Please fix the highlighted fields before submitting.</p>
<div class="form_fields">
$bigtree["html_fields"] = array();
$bigtree["simple_html_fields"] = array();
$bigtree["tabindex"] = 1;
$bigtree["field_namespace"] = uniqid("template_field_");
$bigtree["field_counter"] = 0;
// We alias $bigtree["entry"] to $bigtree["resources"] so that information is in the same place for field types.
$bigtree["entry"] =& $bigtree["resources"];
if (is_array($bigtree["template"]["resources"]) && count($bigtree["template"]["resources"])) {
    foreach ($bigtree["template"]["resources"] as $resource) {
        $field = array("type" => $resource["type"], "title" => $resource["title"], "subtitle" => $resource["subtitle"], "key" => "resources[" . $resource["id"] . "]", "value" => isset($bigtree["resources"][$resource["id"]]) ? $bigtree["resources"][$resource["id"]] : "", "tabindex" => $bigtree["tabindex"], "options" => $resource["options"]);
} else {
    echo '<p>There are no resources for the selected template.</p>';
$bigtree["html_editor_width"] = 898;
$bigtree["html_editor_height"] = 365;
include BigTree::path("admin/layouts/_html-field-loader.php");
$bigtree["tinymce_fields"] = array_merge($bigtree["html_fields"], $bigtree["simple_html_fields"]);
	BigTree.TinyMCEFields = <?php 
echo json_encode($bigtree["tinymce_fields"]);
  * Import data from GatherContent
  * @param int $settingsId The gcontent record id
  * @param Object $data GatherContent data object
 public static function import($settingsId, $data)
     $data = json_decode($data);
     $data = $data->data;
     $btAdmin = new BigTreeAdmin();
     // remove the existing site pages
     sqlquery("delete from bigtree_pages where id > 0");
     // get the settings
     $gContent = new GatherContent();
     $gContent = $gContent->get($settingsId);
     $dataMap = $gContent["data_map"];
     // gatherContentPageId => bigtreePageId
     $newStructure = array();
     $homeId = -1;
     foreach ($data as $dCounter => $pageData) {
         if ($pageData->parent_id == 0) {
             $homeId = $pageData->id;
         // get the page content data
         $c = curl_init();
         curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC);
         curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Accept: application/vnd.gathercontent.v0.5+json'));
         curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $gContent["username"] . ":" . $gContent["apikey"]);
         curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, "https://api.gathercontent.com/items/" . $pageData->id);
         curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
         $contentData = json_decode(curl_exec($c));
         $contentData = $contentData->data;
         $btPage = array();
         $btPage["trunk"] = "";
         if ($pageData->parent_id == 0) {
             $btPage["parent"] = 0;
         } else {
             if (array_key_exists($pageData->parent_id, $newStructure)) {
                 $btPage["parent"] = $newStructure[$pageData->parent_id];
             } else {
                 $btPage["parent"] = 0;
         $btPage["in_nav"] = "on";
         $btPage["meta_description"] = "";
         $btPage["meta_keywords"] = "";
         $btPage["seo_invisible"] = "";
         $btPage["template"] = "content";
         $btPage["external"] = "";
         $btPage["new_window"] = "";
         $btPage["resources"] = "";
         $btPage["archived"] = "";
         $btPage["archived_inherited"] = "";
         $btPage["max_age"] = 0;
         $btPage["last_edited_by"] = $_SESSION["bigtree_admin"]["id"];
         $btPage["ga_page_views"] = 0;
         $btPage["position"] = 0;
         // store the data fields
         $hasResources = false;
         foreach ($dataMap as $fieldCounter => $fieldData) {
             switch (strtolower($fieldData["bigTreeField"])) {
                 case "resource":
                     $hasResources = true;
                     $btPage[$fieldData["bigTreeField"]] = trim(strip_tags(GatherContent::getFieldData($contentData->config, $fieldData["gatherContentTab"], $fieldData["gatherContentField"])));
         // store the page resource fields
         // these are stored as a JSON string
         if ($hasResources) {
             $btPage["resources"] = "{";
             foreach ($dataMap as $fieldCounter => $fieldData) {
                 switch (strtolower($fieldData["bigTreeField"])) {
                     case "resource":
                         // add data to the JSON string in format: "name": "value"
                         $btPage["resources"] .= "\"" . $fieldData["resourceField"] . "\": \"" . trim(strip_tags(GatherContent::getFieldData($contentData->config, $fieldData["gatherContentTab"], $fieldData["gatherContentField"]))) . "\",";
             // remove the last comma
             $btPage["resources"] = trim($btPage["resources"], ",");
             $btPage["resources"] .= "}";
         if (empty($btPage["title"])) {
             $btPage["title"] = trim(strip_tags($pageData->name));
         if (empty($btPage["nav_title"])) {
             $btPage["nav_title"] = trim(strip_tags($pageData->name));
         // create bigtree page
         $newId = $btAdmin->createPage($btPage);
         // store both page ids in $newStructure
         if (!empty($newId)) {
             $newStructure[$pageData->id] = $newId;
} else {
    $bigtree["js"] = array();
if (isset($bigtree["config"]["admin_css"]) && is_array($bigtree["config"]["admin_css"])) {
    $bigtree["css"] = $bigtree["config"]["admin_css"];
} else {
    $bigtree["css"] = array();
// Instantiate the $admin var with either a custom class or the normal BigTreeAdmin.
    // Can't instantiate class from a constant name, so we use a variable then unset it.
    $admin = new $c();
} else {
    $admin = new BigTreeAdmin();
// Load the default layout.
$bigtree["layout"] = "default";
$bigtree["subnav_extras"] = array();
// If we're not logged in and we're not trying to login or access an embedded form, redirect to the login page.
if (!isset($admin->ID) && $bigtree["path"][1] != "login") {
    if (implode(array_slice($bigtree["path"], 1), "/") != "ajax/auto-modules/embeddable-form") {
        $_SESSION["bigtree_login_redirect"] = DOMAIN . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
        BigTree::redirect(ADMIN_ROOT . "login/");
// Developer Mode On?
if (isset($admin->ID) && !empty($bigtree["config"]["developer_mode"]) && $admin->Level < 2) {
    include BigTree::path("admin/pages/developer-mode.php");
	<div class="contain">
$x = 0;
foreach ($field["value"] as $callout) {
    $type = $admin->getCallout($callout["type"]);
			<input type="hidden" class="callout_data" value="<?php 
    echo base64_encode(json_encode($callout));
" />
    BigTreeAdmin::drawArrayLevel(array($x), $callout, $field);
    echo BigTree::safeEncode($callout["display_title"]);
				<input type="hidden" name="<?php 
    echo $field["key"];
    echo $x;
][display_title]" value="<?php 
    echo BigTree::safeEncode($callout["display_title"]);
" />