public function dispatchAppServer($context) { $_ENV = $_SERVER = $context['env']; @parse_str($_ENV['QUERY_STRING'], $_GET); $_GET['ak'] = $_ENV['PATH_INFO']; Ak::unsetStaticVar('AkRequestSingleton'); Ak::unsetStaticVar('AkRouterSingleton'); Ak::unsetStaticVar('AkUrlWriterSingleton'); AkConfig::setOption('Request.remote_ip', ''); try { $time_start = microtime(true); AK_ENABLE_PROFILER && AkDebug::profile(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '() call'); $this->Request = AkRequest::getInstance(); $this->Response = new AkResponse(); $path = ltrim(str_replace('..', '.', $context['env']['REQUEST_URI']), '/. '); if (empty($path) && file_exists(AK_PUBLIC_DIR . DS . 'index.html')) { $Controller = new AkActionController(); $Controller->Response = $this->Response; $Controller->renderText(file_get_contents(AK_PUBLIC_DIR . DS . 'index.html')); return $Controller->Response; } elseif (!empty($path) && file_exists(AK_PUBLIC_DIR . DS . $path)) { $Controller = new AkActionController(); $Controller->Response = $this->Response; $Controller->sendFile(AK_PUBLIC_DIR . DS . $path, array('stream' => false)); return $Controller->Response; } else { if ($this->Controller = $this->Request->recognize()) { $this->Controller->ak_time_start = $time_start; AK_ENABLE_PROFILER && AkDebug::profile('Request::recognize() completed'); $this->Controller->process($this->Request, $this->Response); } return $this->Response; } } catch (Exception $e) { if (isset($this->Controller) && method_exists($this->Controller, 'render_error')) { $this->Controller->render_error($e); } else { $ExceptionDispatcher = new AkExceptionDispatcher(); $ExceptionDispatcher->renderException($e); } } }
/** * This file is will include Akelos autoload.php where the framework makes most of Akelos * environment guessing. You can override most Akelos constants by declaring them in * this file. * * You can retrieve a list of current settings by running AkDebug::get_constants(); * * If you're running a high load site you might want to fine tune this options * according to your environment. If you set the options implicitly you might * gain in performance but loose in flexibility when moving to a different * environment. * * If you need to customize the framework default settings or specify * internationalization options, edit the files at config/environments/* */ defined('DS') || define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); defined('AK_BASE_DIR') || define('AK_BASE_DIR', str_replace(DS . 'config' . DS . 'environment.php', '', __FILE__)); defined('AK_FRAMEWORK_DIR') || define('AK_FRAMEWORK_DIR', AK_BASE_DIR . DS . 'vendor' . DS . 'akelos'); defined('AK_TESTING_NAMESPACE') || define('AK_TESTING_NAMESPACE', 'akelos'); include AK_FRAMEWORK_DIR . DS . 'autoload.php'; /** * After including autoload.php, you can override configuration options by calling: * * AkConfig::setOption('option_name', 'value'); */ // Akelos only shows debug messages if accessed from the localhost IP, you can manually tell // Akelos which IP's you consider to be local. // AkConfig::setOption('local_ips', array('', '')); AkConfig::setOption('action_controller.session', array("key" => "_data", "secret" => "[SECRET]"));
private function _rebaseApplicationIfRequired() { if (isset($this->requirements['rebase'])) { AkConfig::setOption('rebase_path', (AK_WIN ? '' : DS) . $this->requirements['rebase']); unset($this->requirements['rebase']); } }
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php'; class ActiveDocumentUnitTest extends AkUnitTest { public function __construct() { AkConfig::setDir('suite', dirname(__FILE__)); $this->rebaseAppPaths(); $this->db = new AkOdbAdapter(); $this->db->connect(array('type' => 'mongo_db', 'database' => 'akelos_testing')); defined('AK_TESTING_MONGO_DB_IS_CONNECTED') || define('AK_TESTING_MONGO_DB_IS_CONNECTED', $this->db->isConnected()); } public function __destruct() { parent::__destruct(); } public function skip() { $this->skipIf(!AK_TESTING_MONGO_DB_IS_CONNECTED, '[' . get_class($this) . '] ' . 'Can\'t connect to MongoDB'); } } AkConfig::setOption('document_connections', array(array('type' => 'mongo_db')));
static function unregister($content_type) { $mime_types = AkMimeType::getRegistered(); unset($mime_types[$content_type]); AkConfig::setOption('_core_mime_types', $mime_types); }
defined('AK_BASE_DIR') || define('AK_BASE_DIR', str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php', '', substr(AK_TEST_DIR, 0, -5))); defined('AK_LOG_EVENTS') || define('AK_LOG_EVENTS', true); defined('DS') || define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); defined('AK_FRAMEWORK_DIR') || define('AK_FRAMEWORK_DIR', AK_BASE_DIR); defined('AK_TESTING_NAMESPACE') || define('AK_TESTING_NAMESPACE', 'akelos'); defined('AK_TESTING_URL') || define('AK_TESTING_URL', 'http://akelos.tests'); include_once AK_FRAMEWORK_DIR . DS . 'autoload.php'; if (AK_CLI && !AK_WIN) { // will try to set the right mode for tmp folders, git does not kee trac of this for us foreach ((array) glob(AK_BASE_DIR . DS . 'tmp' . DS . '*' . DS . '*/') as $__folder) { `chmod 777 {$__folder}`; } unset($__folder); } if (!AkConfig::getOption('testing_url', false)) { AkConfig::setOption('testing_url', AK_TESTING_URL); } AkUnitTestSuite::checkIfTestingWebserverIsAccesible(array('base_path' => AK_TEST_DIR . DS . AK_TESTING_NAMESPACE)); AkUnitTestSuite::createTestingDatabaseIfNotAvailable(); AkUnitTestSuite::ensureTmpDirPermissions(); try { ob_start(); if (!class_exists('BaseActionController')) { class BaseActionController extends AkActionController { } } if (!class_exists('ApplicationController')) { class ApplicationController extends BaseActionController { public $layout = false;
public function test_member_when_changed_default_restful_actions_and_path_names_not_specified() { $controller = 'messages'; $default_path_names = AkConfig::getOption('resources_path_names', array('add' => 'add', 'edit' => 'edit')); AkConfig::setOption('resources_path_names', array('add' => 'nuevo', 'edit' => 'editar')); $add_options = array('action' => 'add', 'controller' => $controller); $add_path = '/' . $controller . '/nuevo'; $edit_options = array('action' => 'edit', 'id' => 1, 'controller' => $controller); $edit_path = '/' . $controller . '/1/editar'; $this->useRestfulRoutingMapper($controller); $this->assertRestfulRoutesFor($controller, array('path' => $add_path, 'method' => 'get')); $this->assertRestfulRoutesFor($controller, array('path' => $edit_path, 'method' => 'get')); AkConfig::setOption('resources_path_names', $default_path_names); }
public function logError($Exception) { if (!($Logger = Ak::getLogger())) { return; } $message = $Exception->getMessage() . "\n" . $Exception->getTraceAsString(); $original_faltal_setting = AkConfig::getOption('logger.exit_on_fatal', true); $original_display_setting = AkConfig::getOption('logger.display_message', true); $original_mail_setting = AkConfig::getOption('logger.send_mails', true); AkConfig::setOption('logger.exit_on_fatal', false); AkConfig::setOption('logger.display_message', false); AkConfig::setOption('logger.send_mails', false); $Logger->fatal("\n" . get_class($Exception) . (empty($message) ? '' : ': (' . $message . ")") . "\n "); AkConfig::setOption('logger.exit_on_fatal', $original_faltal_setting); AkConfig::setOption('logger.display_message', $original_display_setting); AkConfig::setOption('logger.send_mails', $original_mail_setting); }
static function checkIfTestingWebserverIsAccesible($options = array()) { if (AkConfig::getOption('webserver_enabled', false)) { return; } if (!AK_WEB_REQUEST && file_exists($options['base_path'] . DS . 'ping.php')) { $uuid = Ak::uuid(); file_put_contents($options['base_path'] . DS . 'akelos_test_ping_uuid.txt', $uuid); AkConfig::setOption('webserver_enabled', @file_get_contents(AkConfig::getOption('testing_url') . '/' . basename($options['base_path']) . '/ping.php') == $uuid); unlink($options['base_path'] . DS . 'akelos_test_ping_uuid.txt'); } else { AkConfig::setOption('webserver_enabled', false); } }
public function test_should_get_not_get_default_option_if_already_set() { AkConfig::setOption('valid', 'yes'); $this->assertEqual(AkConfig::getOption('valid', 'default'), 'yes'); }
public function __destruct() { unlink(AkConfig::getDir('config') . DS . 'admin_testing.yml'); AkConfig::setOption('test_mode_settings_namespace', null); parent::__destruct(); }
<?php if (!defined('AK_BASE_DIR') && !defined('AK_FRAMEWORK_DIR')) { define('AK_FRAMEWORK_DIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../')); if (is_dir(AK_FRAMEWORK_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'app_layout')) { define('AK_BASE_DIR', AK_FRAMEWORK_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'app_layout'); } } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../shared/config/config.php'; AkConfig::setOption('testing_url', 'http://akelos.tests/akelos'); AkConfig::setOption('action_controller.session', array("key" => "_myapp_session", "secret" => "c1ef4792-42c5-b484-819e-16750c71cddb")); AkUnitTestSuite::checkIfTestingWebserverIsAccesible(array('base_path' => dirname(__FILE__))); AkConfig::setOption('memcached_enabled', AkMemcache::isServerUp()); if (AK_WEB_REQUEST && !(AK_REMOTE_IP == '' || AK_REMOTE_IP == '::1')) { die('Web tests can only be called from localhost(, you can change this beahviour in ' . __FILE__); }