public function test_get_with_and_without_cache() { $expectedConfig = array('value1' => 1, 'value2' => 2, 'value3' => array('subvalue1' => 1, 'subvalue2' => 2, 'subvalue3' => 5, 'subvalue4' => array('subsubvalue1' => 2))); $config = $this->Config->get('testconfig1', 'testing'); $this->assertEqual($expectedConfig, $config); $expectedConfig = array('value1' => 100, 'value2' => 2, 'value3' => array('subvalue1' => 1, 'subvalue2' => 2, 'subvalue3' => 7, 'subvalue4' => array('subsubvalue1' => 13))); $reader = new AkConfig(array('skip_cache' => true)); $config = $reader->get('testconfig1', 'production'); $this->assertEqual($expectedConfig, $config); }
/** * Returns YAML settings from config/$namespace.yml */ function getSettings($namespace, $raise_error_if_config_file_not_found = true, $environment = AK_ENVIRONMENT) { static $_config; if (!in_array($environment, Ak::toArray(AK_AVAILABLE_ENVIRONMENTS))) { trigger_error('The environment ' . $environment . ' is not allowed. Allowed environments: ' . AK_AVAILABLE_ENVIRONMENTS); return false; } if (!isset($_config)) { require_once AK_LIB_DIR . DS . 'AkConfig.php'; $_config = new AkConfig(); } return $_config->get($namespace, $environment, $raise_error_if_config_file_not_found); }
function _checkDbConfig($type, $settings = array()) { $this->debug('Checking if database config for "' . $type . '" is available'); require_once AK_BASE_DIR . DS . 'lib' . DS . 'AkActiveRecord' . DS . 'AkDbAdapter.php'; require_once AK_LIB_DIR . DS . 'Ak.php'; if (empty($settings)) { require_once AK_BASE_DIR . DS . 'lib' . DS . 'AkConfig.php'; $config = new AkConfig(); $settings = $config->get($type, 'testing'); } $db = new AkDbAdapter($settings); $db->connect(false); if (!($res = $db->connected())) { $this->error("[{$type}] " . 'Cannot connect to DB'); } else { $this->info("[{$type}] " . 'Successfully connected to database ' . ($settings['type'] == 'sqlite' ? $settings['database_file'] : $settings['database_name'])); $createRes = $db->execute('CREATE table ci_test_dummy(id integer)'); if (!$createRes) { $res = false; $this->error("[{$type}] " . 'Could not create test table: ci_test_dummy'); } else { $res = true; $this->info("[{$type}] " . 'Successfully created test table: ci_test_dummy'); $db->execute('DROP table ci_test_dummy'); } } return $res; }
/** * Returns YAML settings from config/$namespace.yml */ static function getSettings($namespace, $raise_error_if_config_file_not_found = true, $environment = AK_ENVIRONMENT) { static $_config; if ($raise_error_if_config_file_not_found && !in_array($environment, Ak::toArray(AK_AVAILABLE_ENVIRONMENTS))) { trigger_error('The environment ' . $environment . ' is not allowed. Allowed environments: ' . AK_AVAILABLE_ENVIRONMENTS, E_USER_ERROR); return false; } if (!isset($_config)) { $_config = new AkConfig(); } return $_config->get($namespace, $environment, $raise_error_if_config_file_not_found); }
private function load_config(){ if(empty($this->config)){ $config = new AkConfig(); $this->config = $config->get('tpv',TPV_MODE); $unknown_properties = array(); foreach($this->config as $conf => $value){ if(in_array($conf,Payment::getProperties())){ ($conf=='language' || $conf=='currency') && !is_numeric($value) && $value=constant($value); $this->$conf = $value; }else{ $this->unknown_properties[] = $conf; } } } is_array($this->unknown_properties) && $this->unknown_properties = count($this->unknown_properties); return $this->unknown_properties; }