function perform_search($service, $descr, $tags, $crs) { Error::generate('debug', "perform_search({$service},{$descr},{$tags},crs)"); switch (strtolower($service)) { case 'youtube': return youtube_search($descr, $tags, $crs); case 'google': return google_search($descr); case 'itunesu': return itunesu_search($descr); case 'wikipedia': return wikipedia_search($descr); case 'khanacad': return khanacad_search($descr); } }
$action = $key;*/ /** Identify course, populate fields */ if ($ACTIONS['search']->wasCalled()) { $params = $ACTIONS['search']->getParams(); $gcourse_code = $gtitle = $params[0]; $crs = new CourseDefn($gtitle); if (!$crs->load()) { Error::generate(Error::$PRIORITY['warn'], 'Course not found.'); } $gdescr = $crs->descr; $tags = split('[,]', $gtags); $procd_descr = process_description($gdescr); foreach ($procd_descr as $descr) { array_push($search_results, array('subject' => $descr, 'google' => google_search($descr), 'youtube' => youtube_search($descr, $tags), 'itunesu' => itunesu_search($descr), 'khanacad' => khanacad_search($descr))); } } /* else if(isset($_POST['save_name'])) { $crs = new Course( urlencode($_POST['save_name']), urlencode($_POST['course_prof']), $_SESSION['google'], $_SESSION['youtube']); $crs->save(); } else if(isset($_GET['course'])) { $crs = new Course($_GET['course'], $_GET['prof'], null, null); $crs->load(); $_SESSION['google'] = $crs->goog_res; $_SESSION['youtube'] = $crs->youtube_res; } else $first_load = true; */ $args = array('pagetitle' => 'Homepage', 'pageurl' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'course' => array('title' => $gtitle, 'code' => $gcourse_code, 'descr' => $gdescr), 'courses' => CourseDefn::ListAll(), 'searchresults' => $search_results, 'actions' => $ACTIONS); if ($CONFIG['debug']) {
exit; } if (isset($_GET["youtube"])) { youtube(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["youtube-graphs"])) { youtube_graphs(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["youtube-table"])) { youtube_table(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["youtube-search"])) { youtube_search(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["youtube-videos"])) { youtube_videos(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["youtube-videos-search"])) { youtube_videos_search(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["rescan"])) { rescan_js(); exit; } if (isset($_POST["rescan"])) {
exec:~youtube|20|0|0|1|||||php scripts/youtube.php %%trailing%% exec:~yt|20|0|0|1|||||php scripts/youtube.php %%trailing%% help: ~youtube | syntax: ~youtube <query> help: ~youtube | returns first result URL for a youtube search help: ~yt | syntax: ~youtube <query> help: ~yt | returns first result URL for a youtube search */ ##################################################################################################### require_once "lib.php"; $trailing = trim($argv[1]); if ($trailing == "") { privmsg("syntax: ~youtube <query>"); privmsg("returns first result URL for a youtube search"); return; } $results = youtube_search($trailing); if ($results !== False) { if (count($results) > 0) { if (strlen($results[0]) > 300) { return; } privmsg($results[0]); } } ##################################################################################################### function youtube_search($query) { $agent = ICEWEASEL_UA; $host = ""; $uri = "/results"; $port = 443;
function youtube_search($query, $max_results, $next_page_token = '') { $client = new Google_Client(); $client->setDeveloperKey(YOUTUBE_API_KEY); $youtube = new Google_Service_YouTube($client); $params = array('playlistId' => $query, 'maxResults' => $max_results); // if next_page_token exist add 'pageToken' to $params if (!empty($next_page_token)) { $params['pageToken'] = $next_page_token; } // than first loop $searchResponse = $youtube->playlistItems->listPlaylistItems('id,snippet,contentDetails', $params); $videoPos = 0; foreach ($searchResponse['items'] as $searchResult) { $videoPos = $searchResult['snippet']['position'] + 1; $videoId = $searchResult['snippet']['resourceId']['videoId']; $videoTitle = $searchResult['snippet']['title']; $videoThumb = $searchResult['snippet']['thumbnails']['high']['url']; $videoDesc = $searchResult['snippet']['description']; //$watchUrl = '' . $videoId .'?autoplay=1&rel=0">'; $watchUrl = '' . $videoId; print '<div id="video' . $videoPos . '"><a target="_blank" href="' . $watchUrl . '">' . $videoPos . '. ' . $videoTitle . '<br/><br/><img src="' . $videoThumb . '" /><br/>' . $videoId . '<br/>' . '<pre>' . $videoDesc . '</pre><br/>' . '</a></div><br/><br/>'; //. //'<script>$("html,body").animate({scrollTop:$("#video'.$videoPos.'").offset().top});</script>'; ob_flush(); flush(); } if ($videoPos != 0) { echo '<script>$("html,body").animate({scrollTop:$("#video' . $videoPos . '").offset().top});</script>'; ob_flush(); flush(); } // checking if nextPageToken exist than return our function and // insert $next_page_token with value inside nextPageToken if (isset($searchResponse['nextPageToken'])) { // return to our function and loop again return youtube_search($query, $max_results, $searchResponse['nextPageToken']); } }