} include APPLICATION_INCPATH . 'htmlfooter.inc.php'; } elseif ($action == 'reassign') { // External variables $incidentid = cleanvar($_REQUEST['incidentid']); $uid = cleanvar($_REQUEST['userid']); $nextaction = cleanvar($_REQUST['nextaction']); include APPLICATION_INCPATH . 'htmlheader.inc.php'; echo "<h2>{$strIncidentAdded} - {$strSummary}</h2>"; echo "<p align='center'>"; $incidentnum = "<a href=\"javascript:incident_details_window('{$incidentid}','incident{$incidentid}');\">{$strIncident} {$incidentid}</a>"; $queuename = "<strong style='color: red'>{$strActionNeeded}</strong>"; $name = user_realname($uid); printf($strHasBeenAutoMovedToX, $incidentnum, $name, $queuename); echo help_link('AutoAssignIncidents') . "</p><br /><br />"; $userphone = user_phone($userid); if ($userphone != '') { echo "<p align='center'>{$strTelephone}: {$userphone}</p>"; } $sql = "UPDATE `{$dbIncidents}` SET owner='{$uid}', lastupdated='{$now}' WHERE id='{$incidentid}'"; mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()) { trigger_error("MySQL Query Error " . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); } trigger('TRIGGER_INCIDENT_ASSIGNED', array('userid' => $uid, 'incidentid' => $incidentid)); // add update $sql = "INSERT INTO `{$dbUpdates}` (incidentid, userid, type, timestamp, currentowner, currentstatus, nextaction) "; $sql .= "VALUES ('{$incidentid}', '{$sit[2]}', 'reassigning', '{$now}', '{$uid}', '1', '{$nextaction}')"; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_error()) { trigger_error("MySQL Query Error " . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
if (!empty($inventory->identifier)) { echo " ({$inventory->identifier})"; } elseif (!empty($inventory->address)) { echo " ({$inventory->address})"; } } $tags = list_tags($id, TAG_INCIDENT, TRUE); if (!empty($tags)) { echo "{$tags}\n"; } echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; // Second column, Product and Incident details if ($incident->owner != $sit[2] or $incident->towner > 0 and $incident->towner != $incident->owner) { echo "{$strOwner}: <strong>" . user_realname($incident->owner, TRUE) . "</strong> "; $incidentowner_phone = user_phone($incident->owner); if ($incidentowner_phone != '') { echo "({$strTel}: {$incidentowner_phone}) "; } if ($incident->towner > 0 and $incident->towner != $incident->owner) { echo "({$strTemp}: " . user_realname($incident->towner, TRUE) . ")"; } echo "<br />"; } if ($software_name != '' or $incident->productversion != '' or $incident->productservicepacks != '') { echo $software_name; if ($incident->productversion != '' or $incident->productservicepacks != '') { echo " (" . $incident->productversion; if ($incident->productservicepacks != '') { echo $incident->productservicepacks; }