/** * Invite visitor by operator * * Triggers {@link \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::INVITATION_CREATE} event. * * @param int $visitor_id ID of the visitor, who must be invited. * @param array $operator Info for operator who invite the visitor * @return Thread|boolean Thread object related with invitation or boolean * false on failure */ function invitation_invite($visitor_id, $operator) { // Check if visitor already invited $invitation_state = invitation_state($visitor_id); if ($invitation_state['invited']) { return false; } // Get visitor info $visitor = track_get_visitor_by_id($visitor_id); // Get last page visited by the visitor $visitor_path = track_get_path($visitor); ksort($visitor_path); $last_visited_page = array_pop($visitor_path); // Get visitor details $visitor_details = track_retrieve_details($visitor); // Get some operator's info $operator_name = get_operator_name($operator); // Create thread for invitation $thread = new Thread(); // Populate thread and save it $thread->agentId = $operator['operatorid']; $thread->agentName = $operator_name; $thread->userName = $visitor['username']; $thread->remote = $visitor_details['remote_host']; $thread->referer = $last_visited_page; // User's locale is unknown, set operator locale to the thread $thread->locale = get_current_locale(); $thread->userId = $visitor['userid']; $thread->userAgent = $visitor_details['user_agent']; $thread->state = Thread::STATE_INVITED; $thread->invitationState = Thread::INVITATION_WAIT; $thread->save(); $db = Database::getInstance(); $db->query("UPDATE {sitevisitor} set " . "invitations = invitations + 1, " . "threadid = :thread_id " . "WHERE visitorid = :visitor_id", array(':thread_id' => $thread->id, ':visitor_id' => $visitor_id)); // Send some messages $thread->postMessage(Thread::KIND_FOR_AGENT, getlocal('Operator {0} invites visitor at {1} page', array($operator_name, $last_visited_page), get_current_locale(), true)); $thread->postMessage(Thread::KIND_AGENT, getlocal('Hello, how can I help you?', null, get_current_locale(), true), array('name' => $operator_name, 'operator_id' => $operator['operatorid'])); // Let plugins know about the invitation. $args = array('invitation' => $thread); EventDispatcher::getInstance()->triggerEvent(Events::INVITATION_CREATE, $args); return $thread; }
/** * Return updated visitors list. API function. * * Triggers * {@link \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::USERS_UPDATE_VISITORS_LOAD} and * {@link \Mibew\EventDispatcher\Events::USERS_UPDATE_VISITORS_ALTER} * events. * * @param array $args Associative array of arguments. It must contains the * following keys: * - 'agentId': Id of the agent related to users window * * @return array Array of results. It contains the following keys: * - 'visitors': array of visitors on the site */ protected function apiUpdateVisitors($args) { // Check access $this->checkOperator($args['agentId']); // Close old invitations invitation_close_old(); // Remove old visitors track_remove_old_visitors(); // Get instance of event dispatcher $dispatcher = EventDispatcher::getInstance(); // Trigger load event $arguments = array('visitors' => false); $dispatcher->triggerEvent(Events::USERS_UPDATE_VISITORS_LOAD, $arguments); // Check if visiors list loaded by plugins if (!is_array($arguments['visitors'])) { // Load visitors list $db = Database::getInstance(); // Load visitors $query = "SELECT v.visitorid, " . "v.userid, " . "v.username, " . "v.firsttime, " . "v.lasttime, " . "v.entry, " . "v.details, " . "t.invitationstate, " . "t.dtmcreated AS invitationtime, " . "t.agentId AS invitedby, " . "v.invitations, " . "v.chats " . "FROM {sitevisitor} v " . "LEFT OUTER JOIN {thread} t " . "ON t.threadid = v.threadid " . "WHERE v.threadid IS NULL " . "OR (t.istate = :state_invited " . "AND t.invitationstate = :invitation_wait)" . "ORDER BY t.invitationstate, v.lasttime DESC, v.invitations"; $query .= Settings::get('visitors_limit') == '0' ? "" : " LIMIT " . Settings::get('visitors_limit'); $rows = $db->query($query, array(':state_invited' => Thread::STATE_INVITED, ':invitation_wait' => Thread::INVITATION_WAIT), array('return_rows' => Database::RETURN_ALL_ROWS)); $visitors = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { // Get visitor details $details = track_retrieve_details($row); // Get user agent $user_agent = get_user_agent_version($details['user_agent']); // Get user ip if (preg_match("/(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)/", $details['remote_host'], $matches) != 0) { $user_ip = $matches[1]; } else { $user_ip = false; } // Get invitation info $row['invited'] = $row['invitationstate'] == Thread::INVITATION_WAIT; if ($row['invited']) { $agent_name = get_operator_name(operator_by_id($row['invitedby'])); $invitation_info = array('time' => $row['invitationtime'], 'agentName' => $agent_name); } else { $invitation_info = false; } // Create resulting visitor structure $visitors[] = array('id' => (int) $row['visitorid'], 'userId' => $row['userid'], 'userName' => $row['username'], 'userAgent' => $user_agent, 'userIp' => $user_ip, 'remote' => $details['remote_host'], 'firstTime' => $row['firsttime'], 'lastTime' => $row['lasttime'], 'invitations' => (int) $row['invitations'], 'chats' => (int) $row['chats'], 'invitationInfo' => $invitation_info); } } else { $visitors = $arguments['visitors']; } // Provide ability to alter visitors list $arguments = array('visitors' => $visitors); $dispatcher->triggerEvent(Events::USERS_UPDATE_VISITORS_ALTER, $arguments); // Send results back to the client. "array_values" function should be // used to avoid problems with JSON conversion. If there will be gaps in // keys (the keys are not serial) JSON Object will be produced instead // of an Array. return array('visitors' => array_values($arguments['visitors'])); }