// select_country_tag()
$t->like(select_country_tag('name'), '/' . preg_quote('<select name="name" id="name">') . '/', 'select_country_tag() takes a name as its first argument');
$t->cmp_ok(preg_match_all('/<option/', select_country_tag('name'), $matches), '>', 200, 'select_country_tag() takes a name as its first argument');
$t->like(select_country_tag('name', 'FR'), '/' . preg_quote('<option value="FR" selected="selected">') . '/', 'select_country_tag() takes an ISO code for the selected country as its second argument');
// options
$t->like(select_country_tag('name', null, array('class' => 'foo')), '/' . preg_quote('<select name="name" id="name" class="foo">') . '/', 'select_country_tag() takes an array of options as its third argument');
$t->is(preg_match_all('/<option/', select_country_tag('name', null, array('countries' => array('FR', 'GB'))), $matches), 2, 'select_country_tag() takes a "countries" option');
// select_language_tag()
$t->like(select_language_tag('name'), '/' . preg_quote('<select name="name" id="name">') . '/', 'select_language_tag() takes a name as its first argument');
$t->cmp_ok(preg_match_all('/<option/', select_language_tag('name'), $matches), '>', 200, 'select_language_tag() takes a name as its first argument');
$t->like(select_language_tag('name', 'fr'), '/' . preg_quote('<option value="fr" selected="selected">') . '/', 'select_language_tag() takes an ISO code for the selected language as its second argument');
// option
$t->like(select_language_tag('name', null, array('class' => 'foo')), '/' . preg_quote('<select name="name" id="name" class="foo">') . '/', 'select_language_tag() takes an array of options as its third argument');
$t->is(preg_match_all('/<option/', select_language_tag('name', null, array('languages' => array('fr', 'en'))), $matches), 2, 'select_language_tag() takes a "languages" option');
// input_tag()
$t->is(input_tag('name'), '<input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="" />', 'input_tag() takes a name as its first argument');
$t->is(input_tag('name', 'foo'), '<input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="foo" />', 'input_tag() takes a value as its second argument');
// options
$t->is(input_tag('name', null, array('class' => 'foo')), '<input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="" class="foo" />', 'input_tag() takes an array of attribute options as its third argument');
$t->is(input_tag('name', null, array('type' => 'password')), '<input type="password" name="name" id="name" value="" />', 'input_tag() can override the "type" attribute');
$t->is(input_tag('name', null, array('id' => 'foo')), '<input type="text" name="name" id="foo" value="" />', 'input_tag() can override the "id" attribute');
// input_hidden_tag()
$t->is(input_hidden_tag('name'), '<input type="hidden" name="name" id="name" value="" />', 'input_hidden_tag() takes a name as its first argument');
$t->is(input_hidden_tag('name', 'foo'), '<input type="hidden" name="name" id="name" value="foo" />', 'input_hidden_tag() takes a value as its second argument');
$t->is(input_hidden_tag('name', null, array('class' => 'foo')), '<input type="hidden" name="name" id="name" value="" class="foo" />', 'input_hidden_tag() takes an array of attribute options as its third argument');
// input_file_tag()
function object_select_language_tag($object, $method, $options = array(), $default_value = null)
    $options = _parse_attributes($options);
    $value = _get_object_value($object, $method, $default_value);
    return select_language_tag(_convert_method_to_name($method, $options), $value, $options);

/** @var $sf_user MyUser */
$languages = $sf_user->getAttribute("languages", null);
$language = $schema_property_element->getLanguage();
$CurrentLanguage = $language ? $language : $sf_user->getAttribute("CurrentLanguage", null);
//if the current culture setting isn't in the allowed list, we reset the culture to the default
echo select_language_tag('schema_property_element[language]', $CurrentLanguage, array('id' => 'language', "languages" => $languages));
function object_admin_select_language($object, $method, $options = array(), $default_value = null)
    //$params = array_merge(array('control_name' => $this->getSingularName() . '[' . $column->getName() . ']'), $params);
    $options = _parse_attributes($options);
    $value = _get_object_value($object, $method, $default_value);
    if (isset($options['limitmethod'])) {
        $options['languages'] = _get_object_value($object, $options['limitmethod']);
    return select_language_tag($options['control_name'], $value, $options);
 public function printParam($mandatory, $lable, $param_name, $input_type, $original_extra_params = NULL, $extra_params_for_select = NULL, $should_echo = NULL)
     if ($should_echo == NULL) {
         $should_echo = $this->m_should_echo;
     $res = "";
     if ($this->m_object_type === self::OBJECT_TYPE_MY_BASE_OBJECT) {
         $p = $this->m_current_object->getParamFromObject($param_name);
     } else {
         if ($this->m_object_type === self::OBJECT_TYPE_ORM_BASE_OBJECT) {
             $p = baseObjectUtils::getParamFromObject($this->m_current_object, $param_name);
     // use this so the style=font-size:8pt will always be appended to the original_extra_params
     $extra_params = array();
     //["style"] = "font-size:8pt";
     kArray::associativePush($extra_params, $original_extra_params);
     if (kString::isEmpty($this->m_current_prefix)) {
         $field_name = $param_name;
     } else {
         $field_name = $this->m_current_prefix . self::PREFIX_NAME_SEPARATOR . $param_name;
     $error = form_error($param_name);
     if ($this->m_create_tr) {
         if ($error) {
             $res .= "<tr><td colspan=2>" . $error . "</td></tr>";
         if ($input_type == "hidden") {
             $res .= "<tr><td></td>";
         } else {
             $res .= " <tr><td valign=top><label for=\"" . $field_name . "\">" . ($mandatory ? "*" : "") . $lable . ":</label></td>";
         $res .= "<td sytle='font-size:8pt'>";
     } else {
         // do nothing - the format will be done externally
     if ($input_type == "text") {
         $res .= input_tag($field_name, $p, $extra_params);
     } elseif ($input_type == "hidden") {
         $res .= input_hidden_tag($field_name, $p, $extra_params);
     } elseif ($input_type == "textarea") {
         $res .= textarea_tag($field_name, $p, $extra_params);
     } elseif ($input_type == "upload") {
         $res .= self::createUploadStructure($field_name, $p, NULL, $extra_params, NULL, $should_echo);
         			 echo tag('input', array_merge(array('name' => $field_name, 'value' => $p ,
         'id' => $field_name, 'READONLY' => '', 'oncomplete' => 'onComplete_'.str_replace('.', '_', $field_name).'()'), $extra_params));
         echo tag('input', array_merge(array('type' => 'button', 'value' => 'MyBrowse...',
         'onclick' => 'uploadBrowse(this)', 'uploadElement' => "$field_name"), $extra_params));
         echo tag('input', array_merge(array('type' => 'button', 'value' => 'Clear',
         'onclick' => 'javascript:{$(\''.$field_name.'\').value = \'\';}'), $extra_params));
         if ( ! kString::isEmpty ( $p ) )
         echo "<img src='/images/file_exists.png' width='16' height='16'>";
     } elseif ($input_type == "file") {
         $res .= input_file_tag($field_name, $p, $extra_params);
     } elseif ($input_type == "date") {
         $extra_params["rich"] = "true";
         $extra_params["style"] = "width:80";
         kArray::associativePush($extra_params, $original_extra_params);
         // TODO - see how to format the date there and back from the DB format "dd/mm/yyyy" to "
         $converted_date = dateUtils::convertFromPhpDate($p);
         // always append the default "rich=true" to the extra_params
         //$extra_params[] = 'rich=true' ;
         $res .= input_date_tag($field_name, $converted_date, $extra_params);
     } elseif ($input_type == "select") {
         $more_extra_params = array("style" => "font-size:8pt");
         kArray::associativePush($more_extra_params, $extra_params_for_select);
         $res .= select_tag($field_name, options_for_select($original_extra_params, $p), $more_extra_params);
     } elseif ($input_type == "radio") {
         // assume the $lable holda the value of the radio
         $res .= radiobutton_tag($field_name, $lable, $p == $lable);
     } elseif ($input_type == "radiogroup") {
         // assume the $extra_params hold a lable-value array
         foreach ($extra_params as $lable => $name) {
             $value = $extra_params[$lable];
             $res .= $lable . " " . radiobutton_tag($field_name, $value, $p == $value);
     } elseif ($input_type == "checkbox") {
         $res .= checkbox_tag($field_name, "true", $p == "true", $extra_params);
     } elseif ($input_type == "color") {
         die("color is no longer supported !");
         //			$res .=    myColorPicker::getPickerHtml( $p , $field_name ); // TODO - pass on $extra_params ?
     } elseif ($input_type == "country") {
         $more_extra_params = array("style" => "font-size:8pt");
         kArray::associativePush($more_extra_params, $extra_params_for_select);
         $res .= select_country_tag($field_name, $p, $more_extra_params);
     } elseif ($input_type == "language") {
         $more_extra_params = array("style" => "font-size:8pt");
         kArray::associativePush($more_extra_params, $extra_params_for_select);
         $res .= select_language_tag($field_name, $p, $more_extra_params);
     } else {
         throw new Exception("Unknown input_type [" . $input_type . "]");
     if ($this->m_create_tr) {
         $res .= "</td></tr>\n";
     if ($should_echo) {
         echo $res;
     } else {
         return $res;
<div class="show-row" style="padding-left: 10px; padding-top: 5px; border-top: 1px solid #DDDDDD;">
 * Created by jonphipps, on 2014-03-29 at 7:19 PM
 * for the registry project
//here we're going to put a select box to change the culture
//it should have an array of potential languages from the schema for list and show
//it should have an array of potential languages from schema_user for edit
//it should append the selected language to the url and change the location onChange
//we'll need to add the array of languages to use to the $sf_user session in the action class
echo form_tag('@schemaprop_language');
echo label_for('culture', __('Current content language') . ':', array("style" => "float: left; width: 148px; padding-top: 5px; font-weight: bold;"));
/** @var $sf_user MyUser */
$languages = $sf_user->getAttribute("languages", null);
$CurrentLanguage = $sf_user->getAttribute("CurrentLanguage", null);
//if the current culture setting isn't in the allowed list, we reset the culture to the default
echo select_language_tag('culture', $CurrentLanguage, array('id' => 'culture', "languages" => $languages));
echo submit_tag('Go');