$paymethod = "directPay"; //默认支付方式,四个值可选:bankPay(网银); cartoon(卡通); directPay(余额); CASH(网点支付) $defaultbank = ""; } else { $paymethod = "bankPay"; //默认支付方式,四个值可选:bankPay(网银); cartoon(卡通); directPay(余额); CASH(网点支付) $defaultbank = $pay_mode; //默认网银代号,代号列表见http://club.alipay.com/read.php?tid=8681379 } //扩展功能参数——防钓鱼 $encrypt_key = ''; //防钓鱼时间戳,初始值 $exter_invoke_ip = ''; //客户端的IP地址,初始值 if ($antiphishing == 1) { $encrypt_key = query_timestamp($partner); $exter_invoke_ip = ''; //获取客户端的IP地址,建议:编写获取客户端IP地址的程序 } //扩展功能参数——其他 $extra_common_param = ''; //自定义参数,可存放任何内容(除=、&等特殊字符外),不会显示在页面上 $buyer_email = ''; //默认买家支付宝账号 //扩展功能参数——分润(若要使用,请按照注释要求的格式赋值) $royalty_type = ""; //提成类型,该值为固定值:10,不需要修改 $royalty_parameters = ""; //提成信息集,与需要结合商户网站自身情况动态获取每笔交易的各分润收款账号、各分润金额、各分润说明。最多只能设置10条 //各分润金额的总和须小于等于total_fee //提成信息集格式为:收款方Email_1^金额1^备注1|收款方Email_2^金额2^备注2
/** * Allows modules to alter defined Alipay API transaction parameters. * * The Commerce Alipay module defines by default the necessary properties to * provide support for the "Direct Pay" Alipay service type. * However, Alipay provides other types of services which may require different * properties and parameters to be passed when redirecting users for payment. * This hook allows other modules to alter these parameters to support other * service types, such as "DualFun", by providing additional keyed properties * as requested by the Alipay API. * * A few examples of the possible parameters that could be used along with this * hook are described in the implementation example below. * For more complete information on the Alipay API, please see: * http://club.alipay.com/read-htm-tid-9976972.html * * @param array $data * An array of keyed properties to be passed to Alipay's payment gateway, in * compliance with its API. Some of the possible keyed properties have been * described in the implementation example below. To disable extensions or * any key of the array, unset it or assign the parameter to null. * @param array $settings * An array of the current settings configured for the payment method. * @param stdClass $order * If available, the order object for which the payment should be processed. * * @see commerce_alipay_redirect_form() */ function hook_commerce_alipay_parameter_alter(&$data, $settings, $order) { switch ($data['service']) { // Payment service: Direct Pay (Instant Payment Interface). case 'create_direct_pay_by_user': $data = array('partner' => 'ExamplePartnerID', 'payment_type' => '1', 'notify_url' => 'http://www.example.com/commerce_alipay/notify', 'return_url' => 'http://www.example.com/create_direct_pay_by_user-PHP-UTF-8/return_url.php', 'seller_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'out_trade_no' => 1357884681, 'subject' => 'Order number 1357884681', 'total_fee' => 1234, 'body' => 'Item example 1234', 'show_url' => 'http://www.example.com/myorder.html', 'anti_phishing_key' => query_timestamp(), 'exter_invoke_ip' => '', '_input_charset' => 'UTF-8'); break; // Payment service: Escrow Pay (Secured Transactions Interface). // Payment service: Escrow Pay (Secured Transactions Interface). case 'create_partner_trade_by_buyer': // Payment service: DualFun (Instant Payment and Secured Transactions). // Payment service: DualFun (Instant Payment and Secured Transactions). case 'trade_create_by_buyer': // The PartnerID is a string/key provided by Alipay to use its API. $data['partner'] = 'ExamplePartnerID'; // Payment type is required. $data['payment_type'] = '1'; // Server asynchronous notification page path, required. This is // supposed to be the URL where Alipay's callback notifications should // be received. It should start with http://, without custom parameters // such as ?id+123. $data['notify_url'] = 'http://www.example.com/commerce_alipay/notify'; // Asynchronous redirection notification page path, required. It should // start with http://, not http://localhost/, without custom parameters // such as ?id+123. $data['return_url'] = 'http://www.example.com/create_partner_trade_by_buyer-PHP-UTF-8/return_url.php'; // Alipay account seller's email, required. $data['seller_email'] = '*****@*****.**'; // Merchant unique order number, required. $data['out_trade_no'] = 1357884681; // Order title, required. $data['subject'] = 'Order number 1357884681'; // Total fee, amount to be paid, required. $data['price'] = 100; // Product quantity, required. It is recommended to set the default value // to 1 to consider a transaction as an order rather than a product. $data['quantity'] = 1; // Logistics fee or shipping fee, required. $data['logistics_fee'] = 5.75; // Logistics type, required. Alternatives are EXPRESS, POST and EMS. $data['logistics_type'] = 'EXPRESS'; // Order description: text displayed on Alipay's payment page. $data['body'] = 'Item example 1234'; // Order URL, starting with http://, // for example http://www.www.com/myorder.html. $data['show_url'] = 'http://www.example.com/myorder.html'; // Logistics payment, required. Alternatives are SELLER_PAY (paid by // sellers) and BUYER_PAY (paid by buyers). $data['logistics_payment'] = 'SELLER_PAY'; // Receiver's name. $data['receive_name'] = 'Example Name'; // Receiver's full address, including information about province, city, // district, road, building, room, etc... $data['receive_address'] = 'XX省XXX市XXX区XXX路XXX小区XXX栋XXX单元XXX号'; // Receiver's Postal Code. $data['receive_zip'] = '123456'; // Receiver's telephone number. $data['receive_phone'] = '0571-XXXXXXXX'; // Receiver's mobile phone number. $data['receive_mobile'] = '131XXXXXXXX'; break; // Payment service: SendConfirm (Delivery confirmed Interface). // Payment service: SendConfirm (Delivery confirmed Interface). case 'send_goods_confirm_by_platform': // Alipay trade number, required. $data['trade_no'] = '1357884681'; // Alipay trade number, required. $data['logistics_name'] = 'Example Provider Name'; // Invoice number. $data['invoice_no'] = '1357884681'; // Transportation type. Alternatives are POST, EXPRESS and EMS. $data['transport_type'] = 'POST'; break; // Default configuration from commerce_alipay_redirect_form. // Default configuration from commerce_alipay_redirect_form. default: $data = array('service' => $settings['service'], 'payment_type' => '1', 'partner' => $settings['partner'], 'seller_email' => $settings['seller_email'], 'return_url' => $settings['return'], 'notify_url' => $settings['notify'], '_input_charset' => 'UTF-8', 'show_url' => $settings['return'], 'out_trade_no' => $order->order_number, 'subject' => t('order !order_id', array('!order_id' => $order->order_number)), 'body' => t('order !order_id', array('!order_id' => $order->order_number)), 'total_fee' => commerce_currency_amount_to_decimal($amount, 'CNY'), 'sign_type' => 'MD5'); break; } }