function ie_process_the_data($value, $process_key, $export = true) { global $currencies; switch ($process_key) { case 'real_r2': return $currencies->clean_value($value); case 'date': // assumes m/d/yyyy format if ($export) { return date(DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($value)); } else { return gen_db_date_short($value, $separator = '/'); } case 'date-time': return date(DATE_TIME_FORMAT, strtotime($value)); case 'trim': return trim($value); case 'none': return $value; default: return $value; } }
$order->store_id = db_prepare_input($_POST['store_id']); if ($order->store_id == '') { $order->store_id = 0; } $order->description = constant('GENERAL_JOURNAL_' . JOURNAL_ID . '_DESC'); $order->recur_id = db_prepare_input($_POST['recur_id']); $order->recur_frequency = db_prepare_input($_POST['recur_frequency']); // $order->sales_tax_auths = db_prepare_input($_POST['sales_tax_auths']); $order->admin_id = $_SESSION['admin_id']; $order->rep_id = db_prepare_input($_POST['rep_id']); $order->gl_acct_id = db_prepare_input($_POST['gl_acct_id']); $order->terms = db_prepare_input($_POST['terms']); $order->drop_ship = isset($_POST['drop_ship']) ? $_POST['drop_ship'] : 0; $order->waiting = JOURNAL_ID == 6 || JOURNAL_ID == 7 ? isset($_POST['waiting']) ? 1 : 0 : 0; $order->closed = $_POST['closed'] == '1' ? 1 : 0; $order->terminal_date = gen_db_date_short($_POST['terminal_date']); $order->item_count = db_prepare_input($_POST['item_count']); $order->weight = db_prepare_input($_POST['weight']); $order->printed = db_prepare_input($_POST['printed']); // currency values (convert to DEFAULT_CURRENCY to store in db) $order->currencies_code = db_prepare_input($_POST['currencies_code']); $order->currencies_value = db_prepare_input($_POST['currencies_value']); $order->subtotal = $currencies->clean_value(db_prepare_input($_POST['subtotal']), $order->currencies_code) / $order->currencies_value; // don't need unless for verification $order->disc_gl_acct_id = db_prepare_input($_POST['disc_gl_acct_id']); $order->discount = $currencies->clean_value(db_prepare_input($_POST['discount']), $order->currencies_code) / $order->currencies_value; $order->disc_percent = $order->subtotal ? 1 - ($order->subtotal - $order->discount) / $order->subtotal : 0; $order->ship_gl_acct_id = db_prepare_input($_POST['ship_gl_acct_id']); $order->freight = $currencies->clean_value(db_prepare_input($_POST['freight']), $order->currencies_code) / $order->currencies_value; $order->sales_tax = $currencies->clean_value(db_prepare_input($_POST['sales_tax']), $order->currencies_code) / $order->currencies_value; $order->total_amount = $currencies->clean_value(db_prepare_input($_POST['total']), $order->currencies_code) / $order->currencies_value;
function processCSV($upload_name = '') { global $coa, $db, $currencies, $messageStack; if (!$this->cyberParse($upload_name)) { return false; } // parse the submitted string, check for csv errors //echo 'parsed string = '; print_r($this->records); echo '<br />'; $row_id = 0; while ($row_id < count($this->records)) { $current_order = $this->records[$row_id]; // pre-process and check for errors if (!in_array($current_order['gl_acct'], $coa) || !in_array($current_order['inv_gl_acct'], $coa)) { $messageStack->add(GL_BEG_BAL_ERROR_1 . ($row_id + 1), 'error'); return false; } if (!$current_order['order_id']) { switch (JOURNAL_ID) { case 6: $messageStack->add(GL_BEG_BAL_ERROR_2A . ($row_id + 1) . GL_BEG_BAL_ERROR_2B, 'caution'); $this->records[$row_id]['waiting'] = 1; break; default: $messageStack->add(GL_BEG_BAL_ERROR_3 . ($row_id + 1), 'error'); return false; } } $this->records[$row_id]['post_date'] = gen_db_date_short($current_order['post_date']); // from mm/dd/yyyy to YYYY-MM-DD if (!validate_db_date($this->records[$row_id]['post_date'])) { $messageStack->add(GL_BEG_BAL_ERROR_4A . ($row_id + 1) . GL_BEG_BAL_ERROR_4B . DATE_FORMAT, 'error'); return false; } switch (JOURNAL_ID) { // total amount is calculated for PO/SOs case 6: case 12: $this->records[$row_id]['total_amount'] = $currencies->clean_value($current_order['total_amount']); if ($current_order['total_amount'] == 0) { $messageStack->add(GL_BEG_BAL_ERROR_5 . ($row_id + 1), 'caution'); $this->records[$row_id]['skip_this_record'] = 1; } default: } // TBD check for duplicate so/po/invoice numbers $row_id++; } // start processing if (is_array($this->records)) { // *************** START TRANSACTION ************************* $db->transStart(); if (!$this->submitJournalEntry()) { $db->transRollback(); return false; } $db->transCommit(); // post the chart of account values // *************** END TRANSACTION ************************* } return true; }
define('AUDIT_LOG_DESC', BNK_20_ENTER_BILLS); $post_success = false; $error = false; $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : $_POST['todo']; $post_date = $_POST['post_date'] ? gen_db_date_short($_POST['post_date']) : ($_GET['post_date'] ? $_GET['post_date'] : date('Y-m-d', time())); $_GET['post_date'] = $post_date; $period = gen_calculate_period($post_date); if (!$period) { // bad post_date was submitted $action = ''; $post_date = date('Y-m-d', time()); $period = 0; } $invoice_date = $_POST['invoice_date'] ? gen_db_date_short($_POST['invoice_date']) : ($_GET['invoice_date'] ? $_GET['invoice_date'] : date('Y-m-d', time())); $_GET['invoice_date'] = $invoice_date; $discount_date = $_POST['discount_date'] ? gen_db_date_short($_POST['discount_date']) : ($_GET['discount_date'] ? $_GET['discount_date'] : date('Y-m-d', time())); $_GET['discount_date'] = $discount_date; $gl_acct_id = $_POST['gl_acct_id'] ? db_prepare_input($_POST['gl_acct_id']) : ($_GET['gl_acct_id'] ? $_GET['gl_acct_id'] : AP_PURCHASE_INVOICE_ACCOUNT); $_GET['gl_acct_id'] = $gl_acct_id; $gl_disc_acct_id = $_POST['gl_disc_acct_id'] ? db_prepare_input($_POST['gl_disc_acct_id']) : ($_GET['gl_disc_acct_id'] ? $_GET['gl_disc_acct_id'] : AP_DISCOUNT_PURCHASE_ACCOUNT); $_GET['gl_disc_acct_id'] = $gl_disc_acct_id; $purch_order_id = db_prepare_input($_POST['purch_order_id']); // reference text $purchase_invoice_id = db_prepare_input($_POST['purchase_invoice_id']); // PhreeBooks starting check number if (!$purchase_invoice_id) { $result = $db->Execute("select next_check_num from " . TABLE_CURRENT_STATUS); $purchase_invoice_id = $result->fields['next_check_num']; } /*************** hook for custom actions ***************************/ $custom_path = DIR_FS_MY_FILES . 'custom/banking/bills/extra_actions.php';
// | file: /doc/manual/ch01-Introduction/license.html. | // | If not, see | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // Path: /modules/services/pages/ship_mgr/pre_process.php // /************** Check user security *****************************/ $security_level = $_SESSION['admin_security'][SECURITY_ID_SHIPPING_MANAGER]; if ($security_level == 0) { // no permission to enter page, error and redirect to home page $messageStack->add_session(ERROR_NO_PERMISSION, 'error'); gen_redirect(html_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, '', 'SSL')); } /************** include page specific files *********************/ require DIR_FS_WORKING . 'shipping/language/' . $_SESSION['language'] . '/language.php'; /************** page specific initialization *************************/ $date = $_GET['search_date'] ? gen_db_date_short($_GET['search_date']) : date('Y-m-d', time()); $search_text = $_GET['search_text'] == TEXT_SEARCH ? '' : db_input(db_prepare_input($_GET['search_text'])); $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : $_POST['todo']; $module_id = isset($_POST['module_id']) ? $_POST['module_id'] : ''; $row_seq = isset($_POST['rowSeq']) ? $_POST['rowSeq'] : ''; $file_extension = substr($PHP_SELF, strrpos($PHP_SELF, '.')); $directory_array = array(); // load standard modules define('DEFAULT_MOD_DIR', DIR_FS_WORKING . 'shipping/'); if ($dir = @dir(DEFAULT_MOD_DIR . 'modules/')) { while ($file = $dir->read()) { if (!is_dir(DEFAULT_MOD_DIR . 'modules/' . $file)) { if (substr($file, strrpos($file, '.')) == $file_extension) { $directory_array[] = $file; } }
$asset_path = substr($asset_path, 0, strlen($asset_path) - 1); } // remove trailing '/' if there $asset_type = db_prepare_input($_POST['asset_type']); $sql_data_array = array(); $asset_fields = $db->Execute("select field_name, entry_type from " . TABLE_ASSETS_FIELDS); while (!$asset_fields->EOF) { $field_name = $asset_fields->fields['field_name']; if (!isset($_POST[$field_name]) && $asset_fields->fields['entry_type'] == 'check_box') { $sql_data_array[$field_name] = '0'; // special case for unchecked check boxes } elseif (isset($_POST[$field_name]) && $field_name != 'id') { $sql_data_array[$field_name] = db_prepare_input($_POST[$field_name]); } if ($asset_fields->fields['entry_type'] == 'date_time') { $sql_data_array[$field_name] = $sql_data_array[$field_name] ? gen_db_date_short($sql_data_array[$field_name]) : ''; } $asset_fields->MoveNext(); } // special cases for checkboxes of system fields (don't return a POST value if unchecked) $remove_image = $_POST['remove_image'] == '1' ? true : false; unset($sql_data_array['remove_image']); // this is not a db field, just an action $sql_data_array['inactive'] = $sql_data_array['inactive'] == '1' ? '1' : '0'; // special cases for monetary values in system fields $sql_data_array['full_price'] = $currencies->clean_value($sql_data_array['full_price']); $sql_data_array['asset_cost'] = $currencies->clean_value($sql_data_array['asset_cost']); // TBD - validate input if ($remove_image) { // update the image with relative path $_POST['image_with_path'] = '';
// | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | // | GNU General Public License for more details. | // | | // | The license that is bundled with this package is located in the | // | file: /doc/manual/ch01-Introduction/license.html. | // | If not, see | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // Path: /modules/banking/ajax/acct_balance.php // /************** Check user security *****************************/ // None /************** include page specific files *********************/ require DIR_FS_MODULES . 'banking/functions/banking.php'; /************** page specific initialization *************************/ $gl_acct_id = $_GET['gl_acct_id'] ? db_prepare_input($_GET['gl_acct_id']) : AP_PURCHASE_INVOICE_ACCOUNT; $post_date = $_GET['post_date'] ? gen_db_date_short($_GET['post_date']) : date('Y-m-d', time()); $period = gen_calculate_period($post_date); if (!$period) { // bad post_date was submitted $post_date = date('Y-m-d', time()); $period = 0; } $xml = xmlEntry("value", load_cash_acct_balance($post_date, $gl_acct_id, $period)); // error check //put it all together $str = createXmlHeader('acctbal'); $str .= $xml; $str .= createXmlFooter(); echo $str; die;
if (file_exists($custom_path)) { include $custom_path; } /*************** Act on the action request *************************/ switch ($action) { case 'save': case 'update': if ($security_level < 2) { $messageStack->add_session(ERROR_NO_PERMISSION, 'error'); gen_redirect(html_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, gen_get_all_get_params(array('action')), 'SSL')); break; } $id = db_prepare_input($_POST['id']); $sheet_name = db_prepare_input($_POST['sheet_name']); $revision = db_prepare_input($_POST['revision']); $effective_date = gen_db_date_short($_POST['effective_date']); $default_sheet = isset($_POST['default_sheet']) ? 1 : 0; $encoded_prices = array(); for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $i < MAX_NUM_PRICE_LEVELS; $i++, $j++) { $price = $currencies->clean_value(db_prepare_input($_POST['price_' . $j])); $adj = db_prepare_input($_POST['adj_' . $j]); $adj_val = $currencies->clean_value(db_prepare_input($_POST['adj_val_' . $j])); $rnd = db_prepare_input($_POST['rnd_' . $j]); $rnd_val = $currencies->clean_value(db_prepare_input($_POST['rnd_val_' . $j])); $level_data = $_POST['price_' . $j] ? $price : '0'; $level_data .= ':' . db_prepare_input($_POST['qty_' . $j]); $level_data .= ':' . db_prepare_input($_POST['src_' . $j]); $level_data .= ':' . ($_POST['adj_' . $j] ? $adj : '0'); $level_data .= ':' . ($_POST['adj_val_' . $j] ? $adj_val : '0'); $level_data .= ':' . ($_POST['rnd_' . $j] ? $rnd : '0'); $level_data .= ':' . ($_POST['rnd_val_' . $j] ? $rnd_val : '0');
/************** include page specific files *********************/ require DIR_FS_WORKING . 'language/' . $_SESSION['language'] . '/language.php'; require DIR_FS_WORKING . 'functions/rma.php'; /************** page specific initialization *************************/ // make sure the module is installed $result = $db->Execute("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . TABLE_RMA . "'"); if ($result->RecordCount() == 0) { $messageStack->add_session(RMA_MGR_NOT_INSTALLED, 'caution'); gen_redirect(html_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'cat=rma&module=admin', 'SSL')); } $error = false; $processed = false; $cInfo = new objectInfo(array()); $creation_date = $_POST['creation_date'] ? gen_db_date_short($_POST['creation_date']) : date('Y-m-d', time()); $receive_date = $_POST['receive_date'] ? gen_db_date_short($_POST['receive_date']) : ''; $closed_date = $_POST['closed_date'] ? gen_db_date_short($_POST['closed_date']) : ''; $search_text = $_POST['search_text'] ? db_input(db_prepare_input($_POST['search_text'])) : db_input(db_prepare_input($_GET['search_text'])); if ($search_text == TEXT_SEARCH) { $search_text = ''; } $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : $_POST['todo']; if (!$action && $search_text != '') { $action = 'search'; } // if enter key pressed and search not blank /*************** hook for custom actions ***************************/ $custom_path = DIR_FS_MY_FILES . 'custom/rma/main/extra_actions.php'; if (file_exists($custom_path)) { include $custom_path; } /*************** Act on the action request *************************/
$action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : $_POST['todo']; /*************** hook for custom actions ***************************/ $custom_path = DIR_FS_MY_FILES . 'custom/accounts/popup_accts/extra_actions.php'; if (file_exists($custom_path)) { include $custom_path; } /*************** Act on the action request *************************/ switch ($action) { case 'save': $i = 1; while (true) { if (!isset($_POST['eta_date_' . $i])) { break; } if ($_POST['eta_date_' . $i] != '') { $new_date = gen_db_date_short($_POST['eta_date_' . $i]); $rID = $_POST['id_' . $i]; $db->Execute("update " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " set date_1 = '" . $new_date . "' where id = " . $rID); } $i++; } gen_add_audit_log(ORD_DELIVERY_DATES . TEXT_EDIT, $result->fields['purchase_invoice_id']); break; default: } /***************** prepare to display templates *************************/ $gl_type = JOURNAL_ID == 4 || JOURNAL_ID == 6 ? 'poo' : 'soo'; $sql = " select m.purchase_invoice_id,, i.sku, i.qty, i.description, i.date_1 \r\n\tfrom " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " m inner join " . TABLE_JOURNAL_ITEM . " i on = i.ref_id \r\n\twhere i.ref_id = " . $oID . " and i.gl_type = '" . $gl_type . "'"; $ordr_items = $db->Execute($sql); $num_items = $ordr_items->RecordCount(); $include_header = false;
/*************** hook for custom actions ***************************/ $custom_path = DIR_FS_MY_FILES . 'custom/inventory/assemblies/extra_actions.php'; if (file_exists($custom_path)) { include $custom_path; } /*************** Act on the action request *************************/ switch ($action) { case 'save': // security check if ($security_level < 2) { $messageStack->add_session(ERROR_NO_PERMISSION, 'error'); gen_redirect(html_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, gen_get_all_get_params(array('action')), 'SSL')); break; } // retrieve and clean input values $glEntry->post_date = gen_db_date_short($_POST['post_date']); $glEntry->purchase_invoice_id = db_prepare_input($_POST['purchase_invoice_id']); $glEntry->admin_id = $_SESSION['admin_id']; $sku = db_prepare_input($_POST['sku_1']); $qty = db_prepare_input($_POST['qty_1']); $desc = db_prepare_input($_POST['desc_1']); $stock = db_prepare_input($_POST['stock_1']); $serial = db_prepare_input($_POST['serial_1']); // check for errors and prepare extra values $glEntry->period = gen_calculate_period($glEntry->post_date); if (!$glEntry->period) { $error = true; } // if unbuild, test for stock to go negative $result = $db->Execute("select account_inventory_wage, quantity_on_hand \r\n\t from " . TABLE_INVENTORY . " where sku = '" . $sku . "'"); $sku_inv_acct = $result->fields['account_inventory_wage'];
if ($security_level == 0) { // no permission to enter page, error and redirect to home page $messageStack->add_session(ERROR_NO_PERMISSION, 'error'); gen_redirect(html_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, '', 'SSL')); } /************** include page specific files *********************/ require DIR_FS_WORKING . 'language/' . $_SESSION['language'] . '/language.php'; require DIR_FS_MODULES . 'gen_ledger/language/' . $_SESSION['language'] . '/language.php'; require DIR_FS_MODULES . 'gen_ledger/classes/gen_ledger.php'; require DIR_FS_WORKING . 'functions/inventory.php'; /************** page specific initialization *************************/ define('JOURNAL_ID', 16); // Adjustment Journal define('GL_TYPE', ''); $error = false; $post_date = $_POST['post_date'] ? gen_db_date_short($_POST['post_date']) : date('Y-m-d'); $period = gen_calculate_period($post_date); if (!$period) { $error = true; } $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : $_POST['todo']; /*************** hook for custom actions ***************************/ $custom_path = DIR_FS_MY_FILES . 'custom/inventory/transfer/extra_actions.php'; if (file_exists($custom_path)) { include $custom_path; } /*************** Act on the action request *************************/ switch ($action) { case 'save': // security check if ($security_level < 2) {
if (DEBUG) { $messageStack->write_debug(); } gen_add_audit_log(GL_LOG_ADD_JOURNAL . TEXT_DELETE, $delGL->purchase_invoice_id); gen_redirect(html_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, gen_get_all_get_params(array('action')), 'SSL')); } // *************** END TRANSACTION ************************* } $db->transRollback(); $messageStack->add(GL_ERROR_NO_DELETE, 'error'); if (DEBUG) { $messageStack->write_debug(); } $cInfo = new objectInfo($_POST); // if we are here, there was an error, reload page $cInfo->post_date = gen_db_date_short($_POST['post_date']); break; case 'edit': $oID = (int) $_GET['oID']; if ($security_level < 2) { $messageStack->add_session(ERROR_NO_PERMISSION, 'error'); gen_redirect(html_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, gen_get_all_get_params(array('action')), 'SSL')); break; } $cInfo = new objectInfo(array()); break; default: } /***************** prepare to display templates *************************/ // load gl accounts $gl_array_list = gen_coa_pull_down();
include $custom_path; } /*************** Act on the action request *************************/ switch ($action) { case 'update': if ($security_level < 3) { $messageStack->add_session(ERROR_NO_PERMISSION, 'error'); gen_redirect(html_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, gen_get_all_get_params(array('action')), 'SSL')); break; } // propagate into remaining fiscal years if the last date was changed. $fy_array = array(); $x = 0; while (isset($_POST['start_' . $x])) { $update_period = db_prepare_input($_POST['per_' . $x]); $fy_array = array('start_date' => gen_db_date_short(db_prepare_input($_POST['start_' . $x])), 'end_date' => gen_db_date_short(db_prepare_input($_POST['end_' . $x]))); db_perform(TABLE_ACCOUNTING_PERIODS, $fy_array, 'update', 'period = ' . (int) $update_period); $x++; } // see if there is a disconnect between fiscal years $next_period = $update_period + 1; $next_start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($fy_array['end_date']) + 60 * 60 * 24); $result = $db->Execute("select start_date from " . TABLE_ACCOUNTING_PERIODS . " where period = " . $next_period); if ($result->RecordCount() > 0) { // next FY exists, check it if ($next_start_date != $result->fields['start_date']) { $fy_array = array('start_date' => $next_start_date); db_perform(TABLE_ACCOUNTING_PERIODS, $fy_array, 'update', 'period = ' . (int) $next_period); $messageStack->add(GL_ERROR_FISCAL_YEAR_SEQ, 'caution'); $fy++; }
function gen_build_sql_date($date_prefs, $df) { global $db; $dates = gen_get_dates(); $DateArray = explode(':', $date_prefs); $t = time(); $ds = '0000-00-00'; // pick a start date a long time ago $de = '2199-00-00'; // pick an end date a long time from now switch ($DateArray[0]) { // based on the date choice selected default: case "a": // All, skip the date addition to the where statement, all dates in db $d = ''; $fildesc = ''; break; case "b": // Date Range $d = ''; $fildesc = RW_RPT_DATERANGE; if ($DateArray[1] != '') { $ds = gen_db_date_short($DateArray[1]); $d .= $df . " >= '" . $ds . "'"; $fildesc .= ' ' . TEXT_FROM . ' ' . $DateArray[1]; } if ($DateArray[2] != '') { // a value entered, check if (strlen($d) > 0) { $d .= ' and '; } $de = gen_specific_date(gen_db_date_short($DateArray[2]), 1); $d .= $df . " < '" . $de . "'"; $fildesc .= ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . $DateArray[2]; } $fildesc .= '; '; break; case "c": // Today (specify range for datetime type fields to match for time parts) $ds = $dates['Today']; $de = gen_specific_date($dates['Today'], 1); $d = $df . " >= '" . $ds . "' and " . $df . " < '" . $de . "'"; $fildesc = RW_RPT_DATERANGE . ' = ' . gen_date_short($dates['Today']) . '; '; break; case "d": // This Week $ds = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $dates['ThisMonth'], date('j', $t) - date('w', $t), $dates['ThisYear'])); $de = gen_specific_date(date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $dates['ThisMonth'], date('j', $t) - date('w', $t) + 6, $dates['ThisYear'])), 1); $d = $df . " >= '" . $ds . "' and " . $df . " < '" . $de . "'"; $fildesc = RW_RPT_DATERANGE . ' ' . TEXT_FROM . ' ' . gen_date_short($ds) . ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . gen_date_short(gen_specific_date($de, -1)) . '; '; break; case "e": // This Week to Date $ds = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $dates['ThisMonth'], date('j', $t) - date('w', $t), $dates['ThisYear'])); $de = gen_specific_date($dates['Today'], 1); $d = $df . " >= '" . $ds . "' and " . $df . " < '" . $de . "'"; $fildesc = RW_RPT_DATERANGE . ' ' . TEXT_FROM . ' ' . gen_date_short($ds) . ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . gen_date_short($dates['Today']) . '; '; break; case "f": // This Month $ds = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $dates['ThisMonth'], 1, $dates['ThisYear'])); $de = gen_specific_date(date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $dates['ThisMonth'], $dates['TotalDays'], $dates['ThisYear'])), 1); $d = $df . " >= '" . $ds . "' and " . $df . " < '" . $de . "'"; $fildesc = RW_RPT_DATERANGE . ' ' . TEXT_FROM . ' ' . gen_date_short($ds) . ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . gen_date_short(gen_specific_date($de, -1)) . '; '; break; case "g": // This Month to Date $ds = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $dates['ThisMonth'], 1, $dates['ThisYear'])); $de = gen_specific_date($dates['Today'], 1); $d = $df . " >= '" . $ds . "' and " . $df . " < '" . $de . "'"; $fildesc = RW_RPT_DATERANGE . ' ' . TEXT_FROM . ' ' . gen_date_short($ds) . ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . gen_date_short($dates['Today']) . '; '; break; case "h": // This Quarter $QtrStrt = CURRENT_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD - (CURRENT_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD - 1) % 3; $temp = gen_calculate_fiscal_dates($QtrStrt); $ds = $temp['start_date']; $temp = gen_calculate_fiscal_dates($QtrStrt + 2); $de = gen_specific_date($temp['end_date'], 1); $d = $df . " >= '" . $ds . "' and " . $df . " < '" . $de . "'"; $fildesc = RW_RPT_DATERANGE . ' ' . TEXT_FROM . ' ' . gen_date_short($ds) . ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . gen_date_short($temp['end_date']) . '; '; break; case "i": // Quarter to Date $QtrStrt = CURRENT_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD - (CURRENT_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD - 1) % 3; $temp = gen_calculate_fiscal_dates($QtrStrt); $ds = $temp['start_date']; $de = gen_specific_date($dates['Today'], 1); $d = $df . " >= '" . $ds . "' and " . $df . " < '" . $de . "'"; $fildesc = RW_RPT_DATERANGE . ' ' . TEXT_FROM . ' ' . gen_date_short($ds) . ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . gen_date_short($dates['Today']) . '; '; break; case "j": // This Year $YrStrt = CURRENT_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD - (CURRENT_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD - 1) % 12; $temp = gen_calculate_fiscal_dates($YrStrt); $ds = $temp['start_date']; $temp = gen_calculate_fiscal_dates($YrStrt + 11); $de = gen_specific_date($temp['end_date'], 1); $d = $df . " >= '" . $ds . "' and " . $df . " < '" . $de . "'"; $fildesc = RW_RPT_DATERANGE . ' ' . TEXT_FROM . ' ' . gen_date_short($ds) . ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . gen_date_short($temp['end_date']) . '; '; break; case "k": // Year to Date $YrStrt = CURRENT_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD - (CURRENT_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD - 1) % 12; $temp = gen_calculate_fiscal_dates($YrStrt); $ds = $temp['start_date']; $de = gen_specific_date($dates['Today'], 1); $d = $df . " >= '" . $ds . "' and " . $df . " < '" . $de . "'"; $fildesc = RW_RPT_DATERANGE . ' ' . TEXT_FROM . ' ' . gen_date_short($ds) . ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . gen_date_short($dates['Today']) . '; '; break; case "l": // This Period $ds = CURRENT_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_START; $de = gen_specific_date(CURRENT_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_END, 1); $d = $df . " >= '" . $ds . "' and " . $df . " < '" . $de . "'"; $fildesc = TEXT_PERIOD . ' ' . CURRENT_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD . ' (' . gen_date_short(CURRENT_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_START) . ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . gen_date_short(CURRENT_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_END) . '); '; break; case "z": // date by period $temp = gen_calculate_fiscal_dates($DateArray[1]); $ds = $temp['start_date']; $de = $temp['end_date']; $d = 'period = ' . $DateArray[1]; $fildesc = TEXT_PERIOD . ' ' . $DateArray[1] . ' (' . gen_date_short($ds) . ' ' . TEXT_TO . ' ' . gen_date_short($de) . '); '; break; } $dates = array('sql' => $d, 'description' => $fildesc, 'start_date' => $ds, 'end_date' => $de); return $dates; }
require DIR_FS_MY_FILES . 'custom/services/shipping/modules/' . $module_name . '.php'; } $subject_module = new $module_name(); $sID = $_GET['sID'] ? (int) $_GET['sID'] : 0; $carrier = $module_name ? $module_name : ''; $ship_date = date('Y-m-d'); $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : $_POST['todo']; /*************** hook for custom actions ***************************/ $custom_path = DIR_FS_MY_FILES . 'custom/services/popup_tracking/extra_actions.php'; if (file_exists($custom_path)) { include $custom_path; } /*************** Act on the action request *************************/ switch ($action) { case 'save': $sql_data_array = array('carrier' => db_prepare_input($_POST['carrier']), 'ref_id' => db_prepare_input($_POST['ref_id']), 'method' => db_prepare_input($_POST['method']), 'ship_date' => gen_db_date_short($_POST['ship_date']), 'deliver_date' => gen_db_date_short($_POST['deliver_date']), 'tracking_id' => db_prepare_input($_POST['tracking_id']), 'cost' => $currencies->clean_value($_POST['cost'])); if (!$sID) { // it's a new entry $result = $db->Execute("select next_shipment_num from " . TABLE_CURRENT_STATUS); $sql_data_array['shipment_id'] = $result->fields['next_shipment_num']; db_perform(TABLE_SHIPPING_LOG, $sql_data_array, 'insert'); $db->Execute("update " . TABLE_CURRENT_STATUS . " set next_shipment_num = next_shipment_num + 1"); gen_add_audit_log(SHIPPING_SHIPMENT_DETAILS . ' - ' . TEXT_INSERT, $sID); } else { // update db_perform(TABLE_SHIPPING_LOG, $sql_data_array, 'update', "id = " . $sID); gen_add_audit_log(SHIPPING_SHIPMENT_DETAILS . ' - ' . TEXT_UPDATE, $sID); } $close_popup = true; break; default:
$security_level = $_SESSION['admin_security'][SECURITY_ID_GEN_ADMIN_TOOLS]; if ($security_level == 0) { // no permission to enter page, error and redirect to home page $messageStack->add_session(ERROR_NO_PERMISSION, 'error'); gen_redirect(html_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, '', 'SSL')); } /************** include page specific files *********************/ require DIR_FS_WORKING . 'language/' . $_SESSION['language'] . '/admin_tools.php'; require DIR_FS_MODULES . 'gen_ledger/language/' . $_SESSION['language'] . '/language.php'; require DIR_FS_WORKING . 'functions/general.php'; require DIR_FS_MODULES . 'gen_ledger/classes/gen_ledger.php'; /************** page specific initialization *************************/ // determine what button was pressed, if any $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : $_POST['todo']; $start_date = $_POST['start_date'] ? gen_db_date_short($_POST['start_date']) : CURRENT_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_START; $end_date = $_POST['end_date'] ? gen_db_date_short($_POST['end_date']) : CURRENT_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_END; $error = false; /*************** hook for custom actions ***************************/ $custom_path = DIR_FS_MY_FILES . 'custom/general/admin_tools/extra_actions.php'; if (file_exists($custom_path)) { include $custom_path; } /*************** Act on the action request *************************/ switch ($action) { case 'backup_log': require DIR_FS_MODULES . 'install/functions/install.php'; if (ini_get('max_execution_time') < 20000) { set_time_limit(20000); } $dest_dir = DIR_FS_MY_FILES . 'backups/'; $company_dir = DIR_FS_MY_FILES . $_SESSION['company'] . '/';
function calculate_terms_due_dates($post_date, $terms_encoded, $type = 'AR') { $terms = explode(':', $terms_encoded); $date_details = gen_get_dates($post_date); $result = array(); switch ($terms[0]) { default: case '0': // Default terms $result['discount'] = constant($type . '_PREPAYMENT_DISCOUNT_PERCENT') / 100; $result['net_date'] = gen_specific_date($post_date, constant($type . '_NUM_DAYS_DUE')); if ($result['discount'] != 0) { $result['early_date'] = gen_specific_date($post_date, constant($type . '_PREPAYMENT_DISCOUNT_DAYS')); } else { $result['early_date'] = gen_specific_date($post_date, 1000); // move way out } break; case '1': // Cash on Delivery (COD) // Cash on Delivery (COD) case '2': // Prepaid $result['discount'] = 0; $result['early_date'] = $post_date; $result['net_date'] = $post_date; break; case '3': // Special terms $result['discount'] = $terms[1] / 100; $result['early_date'] = gen_specific_date($post_date, $terms[2]); $result['net_date'] = gen_specific_date($post_date, $terms[3]); break; case '4': // Due on day of next month $result['discount'] = $terms[1] / 100; $result['early_date'] = gen_specific_date($post_date, $terms[2]); $result['net_date'] = gen_db_date_short($terms[3]); break; case '5': // Due at end of month $result['discount'] = $terms[1] / 100; $result['early_date'] = gen_specific_date($post_date, $terms[2]); $result['net_date'] = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $date_details['ThisMonth'], $date_details['TotalDays'], $date_details['ThisYear'])); break; } return $result; }
require DIR_FS_WORKING . 'shipping/language/' . $_SESSION['language'] . '/modules/' . $shipping_module . '.php'; require DIR_FS_WORKING . 'shipping/functions/shipping.php'; require DIR_FS_WORKING . 'shipping/classes/shipping.php'; require DIR_FS_WORKING . 'shipping/modules/' . $shipping_module . '.php'; /************** page specific initialization *************************/ $error = false; $sInfo = new shipment(); // load defaults $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : $_POST['todo']; /*************** Act on the action request *************************/ switch ($action) { case 'save': $sInfo->purchase_invoice_id = db_prepare_input($_POST['purchase_invoice_id']); $sInfo->ship_method = db_prepare_input($_POST['ship_method']); $sInfo->ship_date = gen_db_date_short($_POST['ship_date']); $sInfo->deliver_date = gen_db_date_short($_POST['deliver_date']); $sInfo->tracking_id = db_prepare_input($_POST['tracking_id']); $sInfo->cost = $currencies->clean_value($_POST['cost']); $temp = $db->Execute("select next_shipment_num from " . TABLE_CURRENT_STATUS); $sql_array = array('ref_id' => $sInfo->purchase_invoice_id, 'shipment_id' => $temp->fields['next_shipment_num'], 'carrier' => $shipping_module, 'method' => $sInfo->ship_method, 'ship_date' => $sInfo->ship_date, 'deliver_date' => $sInfo->deliver_date, 'tracking_id' => $sInfo->tracking_id, 'cost' => $sInfo->cost); db_perform(TABLE_SHIPPING_LOG, $sql_array, 'insert'); $db->Execute("update " . TABLE_CURRENT_STATUS . " set next_shipment_num = next_shipment_num + 1"); gen_add_audit_log(SHIPPING_LOG_FEDEX_LABEL_PRINTED, $sInfo->purchase_invoice_id); break; case 'delete': $shipment_id = db_prepare_input($_GET['sID']); $result = $db->Execute("select method, ship_date from " . TABLE_SHIPPING_LOG . " where shipment_id = " . (int) $shipment_id); $ship_method = $result->fields['method']; if ($result->RecordCount() == 0 || !$shipment_id) { $messageStack->add(SHIPPING_FEDEX_DELETE_ERROR, 'error'); $error = true;
// pull the current config info, if it is there @(include_once DIR_FS_WORKING . 'language/' . $_SESSION['language'] . '/language.php'); require_once DIR_FS_MODULES . 'services/shipping/language/' . $_SESSION['language'] . '/language.php'; require_once DIR_FS_WORKING . 'functions/zencart.php'; require_once DIR_FS_MODULES . 'inventory/functions/inventory.php'; require_once DIR_FS_WORKING . 'classes/parser.php'; require_once DIR_FS_WORKING . 'classes/zencart.php'; require_once DIR_FS_WORKING . 'classes/bulk_upload.php'; /************** page specific initialization *************************/ // make sure the module is installed if (!defined('ZENCART_URL')) { $messageStack->add_session(ZENCART_MOD_NOT_INSTALLED, 'caution'); gen_redirect(html_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'cat=zencart&module=admin', 'SSL')); } $error = false; $ship_date = $_POST['ship_date'] ? gen_db_date_short($_POST['ship_date']) : date('Y-m-d'); $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : $_POST['todo']; /*************** hook for custom actions ***************************/ $custom_path = DIR_FS_MY_FILES . 'custom/zencart/main/extra_actions.php'; if (file_exists($custom_path)) { include $custom_path; } /*************** Act on the action request *************************/ switch ($action) { case 'upload': $upXML = new zencart(); $id = db_prepare_input($_POST['rowSeq']); if ($upXML->submitXML($id, 'product_ul')) { gen_add_audit_log(ZENCART_UPLOAD_PRODUCT, $upXML->sku); } break;
$order->id = $_POST['id'] != '' ? $_POST['id'] : ''; // will be null unless opening an existing purchase/receive $messageStack->add(GL_ERROR_NO_POST, 'error'); } gen_add_audit_log(AUDIT_LOG_DESC, $order->purchase_invoice_id, $order->total_amount); if (DEBUG) { $messageStack->write_debug(); } if ($action == 'save') { gen_redirect(html_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, gen_get_all_get_params(array('action')), 'SSL')); } // else print or print_update, fall through and load javascript to call form_popup and clear form } else { // else there was a post error, display and re-display form $order = new objectInfo($_POST); $order->post_date = gen_db_date_short($_POST['post_date']); // fix the date to original format $order->id = $_POST['id'] != '' ? $_POST['id'] : ''; // will be null unless opening an existing purchase/receive $messageStack->add(GL_ERROR_NO_POST, 'error'); } break; default: } /***************** prepare to display templates *************************/ // load the gl account beginning balance $acct_balance = load_cash_acct_balance($post_date, $gl_acct_id, $period); // load gl accounts $gl_array_list = gen_coa_pull_down(); // generate the list of gl accounts and fill js arrays for dynamic pull downs $js_gl_array = 'var js_gl_array = new Array(' . count($gl_array_list) . ');' . chr(10);
break; } $shipment = new fedex(); if ($shipment->deleteLabel($ship_method, $shipment_id)) { $db->Execute("delete from " . TABLE_SHIPPING_LOG . " where shipment_id = " . $shipment_id); gen_add_audit_log(SHIPPING_FEDEX_LABEL_DELETED, $shipment_id); $messageStack->convert_add_to_session(); // save any messages for reload } else { $error = true; } break; case 'close': $date = $_GET['date'] ? $_GET['date'] : date('Y-m-d', time()); $shipment = new fedex(); $shipment->close_date = $_POST['search_date'] ? gen_db_date_short($_POST['search_date']) : date('Y-m-d', time()); $shipment->closeFedEx($date); gen_add_audit_log(SHIPPING_FEDEX_END_OF_DAY, $tracking_id); break; case 'report': $date = $_GET['date'] ? $_GET['date'] : date('Y-m-d'); break; default: $oID = db_prepare_input($_GET['oID']); $sql = "select shipper_code, ship_primary_name, ship_contact, ship_address1, ship_address2, \r\n\t\tship_city_town, ship_state_province, ship_postal_code, ship_country_code, ship_telephone1, \r\n\t\tship_email, purchase_invoice_id, purch_order_id, total_amount \r\n\t\tfrom " . TABLE_JOURNAL_MAIN . " where id = " . (int) $oID; $result = $db->Execute($sql); if (is_array($result->fields)) { while (list($key, $value) = each($result->fields)) { $sInfo->{$key} = $value; } $temp = explode(':', $result->fields['shipper_code']);