function item_info_from_identity($identity, $specific = null) { $item_id = query_item('SELECT item_id FROM item WHERE item_internal_name = :identity', array(':identity' => $identity)); // Uses the item_info function once the item_id is determined. return item_info($item_id, $specific); }
/** * Get an input display name and turn it into the internal name for use in the actual script. */ private function itemIdentityFromDisplayName($item_display_name) { return item_info(item_id_from_display_name($item_display_name), 'item_internal_name'); }
function item_identity_from_display_name($item_display_name) { return item_info(item_id_from_display_name($item_display_name), 'item_internal_name'); }
$body->set("skilltypes", $skilltypes); $body->set("bodytypes", $bodytypes); $body->set("itemraces", $races); $body->set("itemsaugrestrict", $itemsaugrestrict); $body->set("itembagsize", $itembagsize); $body->set("world_containers", $world_containers); $body->set("itembardtype", $itembardtype); $body->set("itempointtype", $itempointtype); $body->set("itemcasttype", $itemcasttype); $body->set("proccasttype", $proccasttype); $body->set("worncasttype", $worncasttype); $body->set("focuscasttype", $focuscasttype); $body->set("scrollcasttype", $scrollcasttype); $body->set("equipslots", $equipslots); $body->set("factions", factions_array()); $vars = item_info(); if ($vars) { foreach ($vars as $key => $value) { $body->set($key, $value); } } $date_vars = getdate(); if ($date_vars) { foreach ($date_vars as $key => $value) { $body->set($key, $value); } } $errors = array(); if ($vars['stackable'] == 0 && $vars['stacksize'] > 1) { $errors[] = "<u>Stacking Error</u><br>Item is not stackable but stack size is " . $vars['stacksize']; }
if (isset($_GET['elemdmg_scale'])) { $body->set('elemdmg_scale', $_GET['elemdmg_scale']); } if (isset($_GET['attack_scale'])) { $body->set('attack_scale', $_GET['attack_scale']); } if (isset($_GET['spelldmg_scale'])) { $body->set('spelldmg_scale', $_GET['spelldmg_scale']); } if (isset($_GET['healamt_scale'])) { $body->set('healamt_scale', $_GET['healamt_scale']); } if (isset($_GET['mods_scale'])) { $body->set('mods_scale', $_GET['mods_scale']); } $tiered_vars = item_info(); if ($tiered_vars) { foreach ($tiered_vars as $key => $value) { $body->set($key, $value); } } } else { $body->set('newid', get_max_id()); } $body->set("factions", factions_array()); $vars = getdate(); if ($vars) { foreach ($vars as $key => $value) { $body->set($key, $value); } }