function generatePDFReport($report, $results) { $types = self::get_report_column_types($report->getId()); eval('$managerInstance = ' . $report->getObjectType() . "::instance();"); $externalCols = $managerInstance->getExternalColumns(); $filename = str_replace(' ', '_', $report->getName()) . date('_YmdHis'); $pageLayout = $_POST['pdfPageLayout']; $fontSize = $_POST['pdfFontSize']; include_once LIBRARY_PATH . '/pdf/fpdf.php'; $pdf = new FPDF($pageLayout); $pdf->setTitle($report->getName()); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', $fontSize); $pdf->Cell(80); $report_title = iconv(mb_internal_encoding(), "ISO-8859-1", html_entity_decode($report->getName(), ENT_COMPAT)); $pdf->Cell(30, 10, $report_title); $pdf->Ln(20); $colSizes = array(); $maxValue = array(); $fixed_col_sizes = array(); foreach ($results['rows'] as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($row as $k => $value) { if (!isset($maxValue[$i])) { $maxValue[$i] = ''; } if (strlen(strip_tags($value)) > strlen($maxValue[$i])) { $maxValue[$i] = strip_tags($value); } $i++; } } $k = 0; foreach ($maxValue as $str) { $col_title_len = $pdf->GetStringWidth($results['columns'][$k]); $colMaxTextSize = max($pdf->GetStringWidth($str), $col_title_len); $db_col = $results['columns'][$k]; $colType = array_var($types, array_var($results['db_columns'], $db_col, ''), ''); if ($colType == DATA_TYPE_DATETIME && !($report->getObjectType() == 'ProjectEvents' && $results['db_columns'][$db_col] == 'start')) { $colMaxTextSize = $colMaxTextSize / 2; if ($colMaxTextSize < $col_title_len) { $colMaxTextSize = $col_title_len; } } $fixed_col_sizes[$k] = $colMaxTextSize; $k++; } $fixed_col_sizes = self::fix_column_widths($pageLayout == 'P' ? 172 : 260, $fixed_col_sizes); $max_char_len = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($results['columns'] as $col) { $colMaxTextSize = $fixed_col_sizes[$i]; $colFontSize = $colMaxTextSize + 5; $colSizes[$i] = $colFontSize; $col_name = iconv(mb_internal_encoding(), "ISO-8859-1", html_entity_decode($col, ENT_COMPAT)); $pdf->Cell($colFontSize, 7, $col_name); $max_char_len[$i] = self::get_max_length_from_pdfsize($pdf, $colFontSize); $i++; } $lastColX = $pdf->GetX(); $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->Line($pdf->GetX(), $pdf->GetY(), $lastColX, $pdf->GetY()); foreach ($results['rows'] as $row) { $i = 0; $more_lines = array(); $col_offsets = array(); foreach ($row as $k => $value) { if ($k == 'link') { $value = strip_tags($value); $cell = $value; } else { $cell = $this->format_value_to_print($k, $value, $types[$k], $report->getObjectType()); } $cell = iconv(mb_internal_encoding(), "ISO-8859-1", html_entity_decode($cell, ENT_COMPAT)); $splitted = self::split_column_value($cell, $max_char_len[$i]); $cell = $splitted[0]; if (count($splitted) > 1) { array_shift($splitted); $ml = 0; foreach ($splitted as $sp_val) { if (!isset($more_lines[$ml]) || !is_array($more_lines[$ml])) { $more_lines[$ml] = array(); } $more_lines[$ml][$i] = $sp_val; $ml++; } $col_offsets[$i] = $pdf->x; } $pdf->Cell($colSizes[$i], 7, $cell); $i++; } foreach ($more_lines as $ml_values) { $pdf->Ln(); foreach ($ml_values as $col_idx => $col_val) { $pdf->SetX($col_offsets[$col_idx]); $pdf->Cell($colSizes[$col_idx], 7, $col_val); } } $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->SetDrawColor(220, 220, 220); $pdf->Line($pdf->GetX(), $pdf->GetY(), $lastColX, $pdf->GetY()); $pdf->SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0); } $filename = ROOT . "/tmp/" . gen_id() . ".pdf"; $pdf->Output($filename, "F"); download_file($filename, "application/pdf", $report->getName(), true); unlink($filename); die; }
/** * Process a pull request creation or update event. * * @param object $payload * The received data. */ function handle_pull_request($payload) { $issue_number = get_issue_number($payload->pull_request); if (!$issue_number) { exit; } $pull_request_url = $payload->pull_request->html_url; switch ($payload->action) { case 'synchronize': $comment = '<a href="' . $payload->sender->html_url . '">' . $payload->sender->login . '</a> pushed some commits to the <a href="' . $pull_request_url . '">pull request</a>.' . "\n\nFor an interdiff please see the <a href=\"" . $pull_request_url . "/commits\">list of recent commits</a>."; break; case 'opened': $comment = '<a href="' . $payload->pull_request->user->html_url . '">' . $payload->pull_request->user->login . '</a> opened a <a href="' . $pull_request_url . '">new pull request</a> for this issue.'; break; default: // Unknown action, so we just exit. exit; } // Get node metadata to append comment number to patch file name. $issue_meta = get_issue_meta($issue_number); if (!empty($issue_meta['comment_count'])) { $file_name = $issue_number . '-' . ($issue_meta['comment_count'] + 1) . '.patch'; } else { $file_name = "{$issue_number}.patch"; } $diff_url = $payload->pull_request->diff_url; // Download the patch. $file = download_file($diff_url, $file_name); post_comment($issue_number, $comment, $file); // Cleanup: remove the downloaded file and the temporary directory it is in. unlink($file); rmdir(dirname($file)); }
function get_result($id) { $result = Resources::get_result($id); if ($result["success"] == false) { show_message("Operation failed with status code " . $result['status-code']); return; } download_file($result['data'], $id . ".zip", "application/zip"); }
function download_fonts($pack) { if (!isset($pack['fonts'])) { return; } foreach ($pack['fonts'] as $font) { download_file(github_or_network_for($font, $pack), get_libs_dir() . $pack['name'] . '/fonts/' . basename($font)); } }
public function pre_process($person) { parent::pre_process($person); $res = false; if ($this->person->isAuth()) { if (isset($_GET['file_cert'])) { $authKey = Input::sanitizeCertKey($_GET['file_cert']); try { $cert = $this->ca->getCert($authKey); if (isset($cert) && $cert->isValid()) { include 'file_download.php'; download_file($cert->getPEMContent(), 'usercert.pem'); exit(0); } } catch (ConfusaGenException $cge) { Framework::error_output($this->translateMessageTag('downl_err_nodownload') . " " . htmlentities($cge->getMessage())); } } else { if (isset($_GET['cert_status'])) { $this->pollCertStatusAJAX(Input::sanitizeCertKey($_GET['cert_status'])); } else { if (isset($_GET['certlist_all'])) { $this->showAll = $_GET['certlist_all'] == "true"; } else { if (isset($_GET['revoke']) && $_GET['revoke'] == 'revoke_single') { $order_number = Input::sanitizeCertKey($_GET['order_number']); /* sanitized by checking inclusion in the REVOCATION_REASONS * array */ if (!array_key_exists('reason', $_GET)) { Framework::error_output($this->translateMessageTag('rev_err_singlenoreason')); return; } $reason = Input::sanitizeText(trim($_GET['reason'])); try { if (!isset($order_number) || !isset($reason)) { Framework::error_output("Revoke Certificate: Errors with parameters, not set properly"); } elseif (!$this->checkRevocationPermissions($order_number)) { Framework::error_output($this->translateMessageTag('rev_err_singlenoperm')); } elseif (!$this->ca->revokeCert($order_number, $reason)) { Framework::error_output($this->translateMessageTag('rev_err_notyet1') . htmlentities($order_number) . $this->translateMessageTag('rev_err_notyet2') . htmlentities($reason)); } else { Framework::message_output($this->translateMessageTag('rev_suc_single1') . htmlentities($order_number) . $this->translateMessageTag('rev_suc_single2')); if (Config::get_config('ca_mode') === CA_COMODO && Config::get_config('capi_test') === true) { Framework::message_output($this->translateTag('l10n_msg_revsim1', 'revocation')); } } } catch (ConfusaGenException $cge) { Framework::error_output($this->translateMessageTag('rev_err_singleunspec') . " " . htmlentities($cge->getMessage())); } } } } } } return false; }
public function download($type = '') { requireadmin(); $q = $this->input->get('q'); if ($type == 'files') { if (is_file('backup/files/' . $q)) { download_file('backup/files/' . $q, $q); } } else { if (is_file('backup/database/' . $q)) { download_file('backup/database/' . $q, $q); } } }
function plug_download($p, $o) { $dir = 'plug/_data/' . ses('qb') . '_'; $f = base64_decode($p); if ($f != "../" && strpos($f, "params") === false && is_file($f)) { //nb_of_dwnl $nm = rednm($f); $nmf = $nm . '.txt'; if (is_file($dir . $nmf)) { $nb = read_file($dir . $nmf); } write_file($dir . $nmf, $nb = $nb ? $nb + 1 : 1); //clients $arr = array($f, hostname()); $dy = date('ymd-hi', time()); download_eye($arr, $dy); download_file($f, $nm); } }
public function file($id = 0) { $myID = getUserID(); $query = $this->mdb->get_attachment($id); if ($query->num_rows()) { $row = $query->row(); if (validate_access('valid_member', array('project_id' => $row->project_id, 'user_id' => $myID)) || $row->uploader == $myID) { $filepath = 'uploads/files/' . $row->uploader . '/' . $row->filepath; if (is_file($filepath)) { download_file($filepath, $row->filename); } else { echo 'File does not exists in server.'; } } else { echo 'You are not allowed to download this file.'; } } else { echo 'file does not exists.'; } }
/** * View single attachment (basically, load it and forward it to the user) * * @param void * @return null */ function view() { if ($this->active_attachment->isNew()) { $this->httpError(HTTP_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } // if if (!$this->active_attachment->canView($this->logged_user)) { $this->httpError(HTTP_ERR_FORBIDDEN); } // if // Fix problem with non-ASCII characters in IE $filename = $this->active_attachment->getName(); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') !== false) { $filename = urlencode($filename); } // if $as_attachment = $this->request->get('disposition', 'attachment') == 'attachment'; download_file($this->active_attachment->getFilePath(), $this->active_attachment->getMimeType(), $filename, $as_attachment); die; }
function process_job(&$jobData) { $data = json_decode($jobData->getData()); if (!is_array($data)) { echo "Found bad job:\n"; print_r($data); echo "\n"; bs()->delete($jobData); continue; } echo "===============================================\n"; echo "# Beginning job\n"; print_r($data); foreach ($data as $job) { // Get the instagram access token for this user ID $user = ORM::for_table('users')->where('instagram_user_id', $job->object_id)->find_one(); if ($user) { if ($user->micropub_success) { // Retrieve recent photos for the user after the time specified in the post // $timestamp = $job->time; $media_id = $job->data->media_id; if ($photo = IG\get_photo($user, $media_id)) { $entry = h_entry_from_photo($user, $photo); $photo_url = $photo->images->standard_resolution->url; // Download the photo to a temp folder echo "Downloading photo...\n"; $filename = download_file($photo_url); if (property_exists($photo, 'videos')) { $video_url = $photo->videos->standard_resolution->url; echo "Downloading video...\n"; $video_filename = download_file($video_url, 'mp4'); } else { $video_filename = false; } // Send the photo to the micropub endpoint echo "Sending photo" . ($video_filename ? " and video" : "") . " to micropub endpoint: " . $user->micropub_endpoint . "\n"; // Collapse category to a comma-separated list if they haven't upgraded yet if ($user->send_category_as_array != 1) { if ($entry['category'] && is_array($entry['category']) && count($entry['category'])) { $entry['category'] = implode(',', $entry['category']); } } print_r($entry); echo "\n"; $response = micropub_post($user->micropub_endpoint, $user->micropub_access_token, $entry, $filename, $video_filename); print_r($response); echo "\n"; unlink($filename); if ($video_filename) { unlink($video_filename); } // Store the request and response from the micropub endpoint in the DB so it can be displayed to the user $user->last_micropub_response = json_encode($response); $user->last_instagram_photo = $photo->id; $user->last_photo_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $user->save(); /* // Add the link to the photo caption $comment_text = ''; if($photo->caption && $photo->caption->id) { $comment_id = $photo->caption->id; $comment_text = $photo->caption->text; // Now delete the comment (caption) if there is one $result = IG\delete_comment($user, $media_id, $comment_id); print_r($result); } // Re-add the caption with the citation $canonical = ''; $comment_text .= ' ('.$canonical.')'; $result = IG\add_comment($user, $media_id, $comment_text); print_r($result); */ } } else { echo "This user has not successfully completed a test micropub post yet\n"; } } else { echo "No user account found for Instagram user " . $job->object_id . "\n"; } } echo "# Job Complete\n-----------------------------------------------\n\n"; bs()->delete($jobData); }
function download_exported_file() { $filename = array_var($_SESSION, 'contact_export_filename', ''); if ($filename != '') { $path = ROOT.'/tmp/'.$filename; $size = filesize($path); if (isset($_SESSION['fname'])) { $name = $_SESSION['fname']; unset($_SESSION['fname']); } else $name = (array_var($_SESSION, 'import_type', 'contact') == 'contact' ? 'contacts.csv' : 'companies.csv'); unset($_SESSION['contact_export_filename']); unset($_SESSION['import_type']); download_file($path, 'text/csv', $name, $size, true); unlink($path); die(); } else $this->setTemplate('csv_export'); }
function downloadFromHttp() { $file = basename($this->main->download_url_f); if (!$file) { throw new lxexception('please_type_the_full_url_including_file_name', ''); } $fullpath = $this->main->getFullPath() . "/" . $file; check_file_if_owned_by_and_throw($fullpath, $this->main->__username_o); if (lxfile_exists($fullpath) && !$this->main->isOn('download_overwrite_f')) { throw new lxexception('file_exists', '', $file); } download_file($this->main->download_url_f, $fullpath); return $fullpath; }
<td>' . $row['dia'] . '</td> <td>' . $row['total'] . '</td> <td>' . $row['hr'] . '</td> <td>' . $row['descueto'] . '</td> </tr>'; } $codigoHTML .= ' </table> </div> </body> </html>'; $dompdf = new DOMPDF(); $dompdf->load_html($codigoHTML); $dompdf->render(); file_put_contents('./reportes/reporte.pdf', $dompdf->output()); download_file("reportes/reporte.pdf", "reporte4.pdf"); } else { echo "<script>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t swal(\"!Vacio¡\", \"No hay datos\", \"warning\");\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t </script>"; } $conn->close(); } ?> <hr> <center> <table id="tabla1" border="1" width="100%"> <tr> <th>Nombre</th> <th>Dias laborados</th> <th>Total (Q)</th> <th>Total (hr)</th> <th>Total descuentos(Q)</th>
copy(__DIR__ . "/launcher.cpp", "{$bundle_file}.app/Contents/MacOS/launcher.cpp"); copy(__DIR__ . "/", "{$bundle_file}.app/Contents/MacOS/"); copy(__DIR__ . "/shell_header.txt", "{$bundle_file}.app/Contents/MacOS/shell_header.txt"); chdir(__DIR__); chdir("../../"); copy("artwork/icon.icns", $cwd . "/{$bundle_file}.app/Contents/Resources/icon.icns"); chdir("{$cwd}/{$bundle_file}.app/Contents/MacOS"); // Compile the bundle launcher exec("g++ -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 launcher.cpp -o launcher"); chdir(__DIR__); // Download and compile php if not already compiled if (!is_dir("php")) { $php_src_dir = str_replace(".tar.bz2", "", $php_file); if (!file_exists($php_src_dir)) { print "Downloading php source from {$php_mirror_provider}...\n\n"; download_file($php_mirror, $php_file); print "Uncompressing {$php_file}...\n\n"; exec("tar -xjf {$php_file}"); unlink($php_file); } chdir($php_src_dir); $php_prefix = str_replace($php_src_dir, "php", getcwd()); $php_configure = 'CFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.5" ' . 'CXXFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.5" ' . './configure ' . '--prefix="' . $php_prefix . '" ' . '--disable-cgi ' . '--enable-maintainer-zts ' . '--enable-ftp ' . '--enable-zip ' . '--enable-pcntl ' . '--enable-shmop ' . '--enable-sockets ' . '--enable-sysvmsg ' . '--enable-sysvsem ' . '--enable-sysvshm ' . '--enable-mysqlnd ' . '--enable-mbstring ' . '--with-pdo-mysql ' . '--with-zlib ' . '--with-bz2 ' . '--with-curl '; print "Starting configure script with:\n"; print $php_configure . "\n\n"; exec($php_configure); print "Modifying main/build-defs.h paths to be relative...\n\n"; $build_defs = file_get_contents("main/build-defs.h"); $build_defs = str_replace($php_prefix, "./php", $build_defs); file_put_contents("main/build-defs.h", $build_defs); print "Compiling php...\n\n";
if ($user = require_login($app)) { $user->send_category_as_array = 1; $user->save(); $app->response()->body(json_encode(array('result' => 'ok'))); } }); $app->post('/micropub/test', function () use($app) { if ($user = require_login($app)) { $params = $app->request()->params(); if ($user->send_category_as_array != 1) { if (is_array($params['category'])) { $params['category'] = implode(',', $params['category']); } } // Download the file to a temp folder $filename = download_file($params['url']); // Now send to the micropub endpoint $r = micropub_post($user->micropub_endpoint, $user->micropub_access_token, $params, $filename); $response = $r['response']; #unlink($filename); $user->last_micropub_response = json_encode($r); // Check the response and look for a "Location" header containing the URL if ($response && preg_match('/Location: (.+)/', $response, $match)) { $location = $match[1]; $user->micropub_success = 1; } else { $location = false; } $user->save(); $app->response()->body(json_encode(array('response' => htmlspecialchars($response), 'location' => $location, 'error' => $r['error'], 'curlinfo' => $r['curlinfo'], 'filename' => $filename))); }
function install_playtomic($gameid) { $table = ''; $pre = 'ptomic'; global $mysqli; $categories = array('Action' => 2, 'Adventure' => 3, 'Strategy' => 10, 'Multiplayer' => 2, 'Puzzle' => 1, 'Rhythm' => 7, 'Shooter' => 5, 'Sports' => 4, 'Other' => 7, 'RPG' => 3, 'Arcade' => 9, 'Driving' => 4, 'Defense' => 10, 'Rhythm' => 7, 'Education' => 7, 'Gadgets' => 1, 'Fighting' => 2, 'Dress Up' => 8, 'Board Game' => 7, 'Pimp & Customize' => 8, 'Pimp & Customize' => 8); $query = yasDB_select("SELECT * FROM `playtomicfeed` WHERE `id` = '{$gameid}'", false); $result = $query->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC); $gamename = $result['name']; $thumburl = $result['thumburl']; $thumburl_200 = $result['thumbnail_200x200']; $screen1_thumb = ''; $screen2_thumb = ''; $screen3_thumb = ''; $screen4_thumb = ''; $gameurl = $result['gameurl']; $c = explode(",", $result['categories']); // Remove comma delimiter and seperate categories into array in order to insert single category. $category = $categories[$c[0]]; $slug = str_replace(array('-', '_'), '', $result['slug']); // Download and save game file $game_file = $pre . "_" . $slug . "." . GetFileExtension($result['gameurl']); $game_url = '../swf/' . $game_file; download_file($gameurl, $game_url); $gamefile = 'swf/' . $game_file; // Download and save 100x100 thumbnail pic $smallthumb = $pre . "_" . $slug . "." . GetFileExtension($result['thumburl']); $sm_thumb = '../img/' . $smallthumb; download_file($thumburl, $sm_thumb); $gamethumb = 'img/' . $smallthumb; // Download and save 200x200 thumbnail pic $gamethumb200 = ''; /*if(!empty($result['thumbnail_200x200']) || $type == 0) { $t_url = str_replace("..", "", $result['thumbnail_200x200']); $mediumthumb = $pre."_200_" . $slug . "." . GetFileExtension($result['thumbnail_200x200']); $med_thumb = '../img/' . $mediumthumb; download_file($t_url, $med_thumb); $gamethumb200 = 'img/' . $mediumthumb; } else { $gamethumb200 = ''; }*/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remove code comment to download the game screen images - depends on availabilty in the feed // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* // Download and save screen 1 pic if($result['screenthumburl1']) { $t_url = str_replace("..", "", $result['screenthumburl1']); $largethumb = $pre."_screen1_" . $slug . "." . GetFileExtension($result['screenthumburl1']); $screen1_thumb = '../img/' . $largethumb; download_file($t_url, $screen1_thumb); } // Download and save screen 2 pic if($result['screenthumburl2']) { $t_url = str_replace("..", "", $result['screenthumburl2']); $largethumb = $pre."_screen2_" . $slug . "." . GetFileExtension($result['screenthumburl2']); $screen2_thumb = '../img/' . $largethumb; download_file($t_url, $screen2_thumb); } // Download and save screen 3 pic if($result['screenthumburl3']) { $t_url = str_replace("..", "", $result['screenthumburl3']); $largethumb = $pre."_screen3_" . $slug . "." . GetFileExtension($result['screenthumburl3']); $screen3_thumb = '../img/' . $largethumb; download_file($t_url, $screen3_thumb); } // Download and save screen 4 pic if($result['screenthumburl2']) { $t_url = str_replace("..", "", $result['screenthumburl4']); $largethumb = $pre."_screen4_" . $slug . "." . GetFileExtension($result['screenthumburl4']); $screen4_thumb = '../img/' . $largethumb; download_file($t_url, $screen4_thumb); } */ $desc = yasDB_clean($result['description']); // Prep for DB insert $instructions = yasDB_clean($result['instructions']); $keywords = $result['keywords']; $keywords = yasDB_clean($keywords); $gamename = yasDB_clean($gamename); $gamefile = yasDB_clean($gamefile); $gamethumb = yasDB_clean($gamethumb); $height = $result['height']; $width = $result['width']; $query->close(); $query = yasDB_insert("INSERT INTO `games` (`id`, `title`, `description`, `instructions`, `keywords`, `file`, `height`, `width`, `category`, `plays`, `code`, `type`, `source`, `sourceid`, `thumbnail`, `thumbnail_200`, `screen1`, `screen2`, `screen3`, `screen4`) VALUES (NULL, '{$gamename}', '{$desc}', '{$instructions}', '{$keywords}', '{$gamefile}', '{$height}', '{$width}', {$category}, 0, '', 'SWF', 'PLAYTOMIC', {$gameid}, '{$gamethumb}', '{$gamethumb200}', '{$screen1_thumb}', '{$screen2_thumb}','{$screen3_thumb}','{$screen4_thumb}')", false); if (!$query) { echo 'Error updating Games database'; return false; } $query = yasDB_update("UPDATE `playtomicfeed` SET isinstalled = 1 WHERE id = '{$result['id']}'", false); if (!query) { echo 'Error updating $table database'; return false; } return true; }
$tn = $data['thumbnail']; $title = yasDB_clean($data['title']); $desc = yasDB_clean($data['description']); $keywords = yasDB_clean($data['keywords']); if (isset($_POST['name'])) { $name = yasDB_clean($_POST['name']); } else { if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) { $name = $_SESSION['user']; } else { $name = ''; } } if (remoteFileExists($tn) === true) { $thumb = 'img/' . preg_replace('#\\W#', '', $title) . rand(0, pow(10, 5)) . '.' . get_file_extension($tn); download_file($tn, $setting['sitepath'] . '/' . $thumb); } else { $thumb = ''; } } yasDB_insert("INSERT INTO games (title, description, category, thumbnail, keywords, file, height, width, type, active) values ('{$title}', '{$desc}', " . intval($_POST['category']) . ", '{$thumb}', '{$keywords}', '{$file}', {$height}, {$width}, '" . yasDB_clean($_POST['type']) . "', 1)", false); if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) { $user = yasDB_clean($_SESSION['user']); //yasDB_update("UPDATE `user` set videos = videos +1 WHERE username = '******'"); // add a video to users profile } echo '<center>Media successfully added!</font><br/>'; echo '<a href="index.php?">Click here to proceed</a></center>'; } else { ?> <div class="table"> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" method="post">
/** * @method download * * @author 云小印[] * * @param $pid,$fid * @return $download_url */ public function download() { $pid = pri_id(U('Index/index')); $fid = I('fid', null, 'intval'); $map['pri_id'] = $pid; $map['id'] = $fid; $map['status'] = array('gt', 0); $File = M('File'); $info = $File->where($map)->field('url,status,copies,ppt_layout,color,double_side,name')->find(); if ($info) { if ($info['copies']) { $file_name = $info['copies'] . '份_' . ($info['double_side'] ? '双面_' : '单面_') . ($info['color'] ? '彩印_' : '黑白_'); if ($ppt_layout = $info['ppt_layout']) { $layouts = C('PPT_LAYOUT'); $file_name .= $layouts[$ppt_layout] . '版_'; } } else { $file_name = '到店打印_'; } $file_name = $file_name . "[{$fid}]" . $info['name']; redirect(download_file($info['url'], 'attname=' . urlencode($file_name))); } else { $this->error('文件已删除,不能再下载!'); } }
} $message = ""; //set action to delete if delete was pressed instead of submit if ($var['submit'] == _('Download') && $var['action'] == 'backup_list') { $var['action'] = 'download'; } //set action to view if only id is set if ($var['action'] == '' && $var['id']) { $var['action'] = 'browseserver'; } //action actions switch ($var['action']) { case 'download': $var['restore_path'] = backup_restore_locate_file($var['id'], $var['restore_path']); $_SESSION['backup_restore_path'] = $var['restore_path']; download_file($var['restore_path']); break; case 'upload': //make sure our file was uploaded if (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'])) { $message = _('Error uploading file!'); $var['action'] = ''; break; } //ensure uploaded file is a valid tar file exec(fpbx_which('tar') . ' -tf ' . $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $array, $ret_code); if ($ret_code !== 0) { $message = _('Error verifying uploaded file!'); $var['action'] = ''; break; }
function install_mgfgame($gameid) { global $mysqli; $query = yasDB_select("SELECT * FROM `mgffeed` WHERE `id` = '{$gameid}'", false); $result = $query->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC); // Download and save game file if ($result['file']) { $g_url = str_replace("..", "", $result['file']); $game_file = basename($g_url); $game_file = "mgf_" . $result['title'] . "." . GetFileExtension($result['file']); $game_url = '../swf/' . $game_file; download_file($g_url, $game_url); } else { return false; } // Download and save thumbnail pic if ($result['thumbnail']) { $t_url = str_replace("..", "", $result['thumbnail']); $smallthumb = "mgf_" . $result['title'] . "." . GetFileExtension($result['thumbnail']); $sm_thumb = '../img/' . $smallthumb; download_file($t_url, $sm_thumb); } $desc = yasDB_clean($result['description']); // Prep for DB insert $gamename = yasDB_clean($result['title']); $keywords = yasDB_clean($result['keywords']); $gamefile = yasDB_clean(str_replace("../", "", $game_url)); $gamethumb = yasDB_clean(str_replace("../", "", $sm_thumb)); $gamethumb200 = yasDB_clean(str_replace("../", "", $med_thumb)); $height = intval($result['height']); $width = intval($result['width']); $instructions = yasDB_clean($result['instructions']); $keywords = yasDB_clean($result['keywords']); $category = $result['category']; $review = yasDB_clean($result['review']); $query->close(); $query = yasDB_insert("INSERT INTO `games` (`id`, `title`, `description`, `instructions`, `keywords`, `file`, `height`, `width`, `category`, `plays`, `code`, `type`, `source`, `sourceid`, `thumbnail`, `ismochi`, `thumbnail_200`, `screen1`, `screen2`, `screen3`, `screen4`, `review`, `active`) VALUES (NULL, '{$gamename}', '{$desc}', '{$instructions}', '{$keywords}', '{$gamefile}', {$height}, {$width}, {$category}, 0, '', 'SWF', 'OTHER', {$gameid}, '{$gamethumb}', 0, '{$gamethumb200}', '', '','','', '{$review}', 1)", false); if (!$query) { echo 'Error updating Games database'; return false; } $query = yasDB_update("UPDATE mgffeed SET installed = '1' WHERE id = {$result['id']}", false); if (!$query) { echo 'Error updating mgffeed database'; return false; } return true; }
} else { $filename = BACKUP_PATH . clean_file_name(get_post('backups')); if (in_ajax()) { $Ajax->popup($filename); } else { header('Content-type: text/plain'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($filename)); header("Content-Disposition: inline"); readfile($filename); exit; } } } if (get_post('download')) { if (get_post('backups')) { download_file(BACKUP_PATH . clean_file_name(get_post('backups'))); exit; } else { display_error(_("Select backup file first.")); } } page(_($help_context = "Backup and Restore Database"), false, false, '', ''); check_paths(); function check_paths() { if (!file_exists(BACKUP_PATH)) { display_error(_("Backup paths have not been set correctly.") . _("Please contact System Administrator.") . "<br>" . _("cannot find backup directory") . " - " . BACKUP_PATH . "<br>"); end_page(); exit; } }
$final_address_details[] = sprintf(gettext("Entry added %s"), date('r')); } } } else { if ($_POST['type'] == "url" || $_POST['type'] == "url_ports") { $desc_fmt_err_found = false; /* item is a url type */ for ($x = 0; $x < $max_alias_addresses - 1; $x++) { $_POST['address' . $x] = trim($_POST['address' . $x]); if ($_POST['address' . $x]) { /* fetch down and add in */ $temp_filename = tempnam("{$g['tmp_path']}/", "alias_import"); unlink_if_exists($temp_filename); $verify_ssl = isset($config['system']['checkaliasesurlcert']); mkdir($temp_filename); download_file($_POST['address' . $x], $temp_filename . "/aliases", $verify_ssl); /* if the item is tar gzipped then extract */ if (stristr($_POST['address' . $x], ".tgz")) { process_alias_tgz($temp_filename); } else { if (stristr($_POST['address' . $x], ".zip")) { process_alias_unzip($temp_filename); } } if (!isset($alias['aliasurl'])) { $alias['aliasurl'] = array(); } $alias['aliasurl'][] = $_POST['address' . $x]; if ($_POST["detail{$x}"] != "") { if (strpos($_POST["detail{$x}"], "||") === false && substr($_POST["detail{$x}"], 0, 1) != "|" && substr($_POST["detail{$x}"], -1, 1) != "|") { $final_address_details[] = $_POST["detail{$x}"];
case 'cdr_audio': include_once "{$action}.php"; exit; break; case 'download_audio': $file = $dbcdr->getOne('SELECT recordingfile FROM ' . $db_name . '.' . $db_table_name . ' WHERE uniqueid = ?', array($_REQUEST['cdr_file'])); db_e($file); if ($file) { $rec_parts = explode('-', $file); $fyear = substr($rec_parts[3], 0, 4); $fmonth = substr($rec_parts[3], 4, 2); $fday = substr($rec_parts[3], 6, 2); $monitor_base = $amp_conf['MIXMON_DIR'] ? $amp_conf['MIXMON_DIR'] : $amp_conf['ASTSPOOLDIR'] . '/monitor'; $file = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'wav49' ? pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME) . '.WAV' : $file; $file = "{$monitor_base}/{$fyear}/{$fmonth}/{$fday}/" . $file; download_file($file, '', '', true); } exit; break; default: break; } // FREEPBX-8845 foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $_POST[$k] = preg_replace('/;/', ' ', $dbcdr->escapeSimple($v)); } $h_step = 30; if (!isset($_POST['need_csv'])) { ?> <h3><?php echo _('CDR Reports');
function update() { if (!PRODUCTION) { // Don't want to ever run this in development die('good'); } App::import('Vendor', 'bradleyboy/updater'); $old_mask = umask(0); // Move these to off position in case we need to rollback $movers = array('app', 'm', 'cron.php', 'images.php', 'index.php', 'p.php', 'popup.php'); foreach ($movers as $m) { $path = ROOT . DS . $m; $to = $path . '.off'; if (is_dir($path)) { $f = new Folder($path); $f->move($to); if (is_dir($path)) { umask($old_mask); rollback($movers); die('permfail'); } } else { if (file_exists($path)) { rename($path, $to); if (file_exists($path)) { umask($old_mask); rollback($movers); die('permfail'); } } } } $version = trim($this->Pigeon->version(true)); if ((strpos($version, 'b') !== false || strpos($version, 'a') !== false) && BETA_TEST) { $core = ''; } else { $core = ''; } $zip_helper = ''; $local_core = ROOT . DS . ''; $local_helper = ROOT . DS . 'pclzip.lib.php'; if (download_file($core, $local_core) && download_file($zip_helper, $local_helper)) { require $local_helper; $archive = new PclZip(''); $archive->extract(PCLZIP_CB_POST_EXTRACT, 'extract_callback'); } else { umask($old_mask); rollback($movers); die('permfail'); } foreach ($movers as $m) { $path = ROOT . DS . $m; $to = $path . '.off'; if (is_dir($to)) { $f = new Folder($path); $f->delete($to); } else { if (file_exists($to)) { unlink($to); } } } unlink($local_core); unlink($local_helper); umask($old_mask); die('good'); }
if ($dlinfo[2] == "this") { $mr = $MYSITE; } else { $mr = "http://{$dlinfo[2]}/"; } // Check if that mirror really exists if not, bail out if (!isset($MIRRORS[$mr])) { error_nomirror($mr); exit; } // Start the download process include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/include/"; $filename = get_actual_download_file($df); if ($filename) { status_header(200); download_file($mr, $filename); } else { status_header(404); /* The file didn't exist on this server.. ask the user to pick another mirror */ include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/include/"; } exit; } // --> likely a bug number if (is_numeric($URI)) { mirror_redirect("{$URI}"); } // ============================================================================ // Redirect if the entered URI was a PHP page name (except some pages, // which we display in the mirror's language or the explicitly specified // language [see below])
function process_content($article) { $image_types = array('jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', 'gif' => 'image/gif', 'png' => 'image/png', 'bmp' => 'image/bmp'); if (!empty($article->content)) { $md5 = md5($article->url); $article->md5 = $md5; $content = $article->content; unset($article->content); $json = json_encode($article); $domain = str_replace('www.', '', $article->domain); $domain = "<a href=\"{$article->url}\">{$domain}</a>"; $meta = $article->author ? "By {$article->author}<span class=\"short-url\"> / {$domain}</span><div class=\"full-url\">{$article->url}</div>" : "<div class=\"short-url\">{$domain}</div><div class=\"full-url\">{$article->url}</div>"; $content = <<<END <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>{$article->title}</title> <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" name="viewport"> <style> body { text-align: center; margin: 0; } #article-{$md5} { font: 16px/24px serif; width: 100%; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding-bottom: 25px; } #article-{$md5} a { color: #03C; } #article-{$md5} img { display: block; max-width: 100%; width: auto; height: auto; } #article-{$md5} > h1 { font: bold 24px/24px helvetica neue, helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 25px 0 10px 0; } #article-{$md5} > .meta { color: #666; font: 11px verdana, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; border-top: 1px solid #ccc; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; } #article-{$md5} > .meta .full-url { display: none; } #article-{$md5} > .meta a { color: #666; } #article-{$md5} > h1, #article-{$md5} > .meta, #article-{$md5} p { padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; } #article-{$md5}-links { display: none; font-size: 9px; text-align: left; padding-left: 0; list-style-position: inside; border-top: 1px dotted #ccc; padding-top: 10px; margin-top: 20px; } #article-{$md5}-links li { margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 0; } @media only screen and (min-width: 580px) { #article-{$md5} { width: 550px; padding-bottom: 50px; } #article-{$md5} > h1 { font: bold 30px/30px helvetica neue, helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 50px 0 10px 0; } #article-{$md5} { font: 16px/24px serif; } #article-{$md5} > h1, #article-{$md5} > .meta, #article-{$md5} p { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } } @media print { #article-{$md5} { font: 12px/18px serif; padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; column-count: 2; column-gap: 20px; -moz-column-count: 2; -moz-column-gap: 20px; -webkit-column-count: 2; -webkit-column-gap: 20px; counter-reset: link; } #article-{$md5}-links { display: block; } #article-{$md5} a[href] { color: #000; text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 1px dotted #ccc; } #article-{$md5} a[href]:after { counter-increment: link; content: counter(link); vertical-align: super; font-size: 50%; line-height: 0; } #article-{$md5} > h1 { font: bold 18px/18px helvetica neue, helvetica, sans-serif; margin-top: 0; } #article-{$md5} > .meta { font-size: 9px; text-transform: none; } #article-{$md5} > .meta .short-url { display: none; } #article-{$md5} > .meta .full-url { display: block; } #article-{$md5} > h1, #article-{$md5} > .meta, #article-{$md5} p { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } } </style> </head> <body> <!-- meta start --> <script id="meta"> var meta = {$json}; </script> <!-- meta end --> <div id="article-{$md5}"> <!-- article start --> <h1>{$article->title}</h1> <div class="meta"> {$meta} </div> <div class="content"> {$content} </div> <!-- article end --> </div> <ol id="article-{$md5}-links" class="article-links"> </ol> </body> </html> END; $html = new simple_html_dom(); $html->load($content, true, false); $images = array(); foreach ($html->find('img') as $img) { $images[] = urldecode($img->src); } $image_data = array(); foreach ($images as $url) { if (!preg_match('/\\.(\\w+)$/', $url, $matches)) { continue; } list(, $ext) = $matches; $ext = strtolower($ext); if (empty($image_types[$ext])) { continue; } $type = $image_types[$ext]; $data = download_file($url); $tmp = tempnam(GRID_DIR . "/public/uploads/tmp", basename($url)); file_put_contents($tmp, $data); list($width, $height) = getimagesize($tmp); unlink($tmp); $base64 = base64_encode($data); $data_url = "data:{$type};base64,{$base64}"; if (!empty($data)) { $img_list = $html->find("img[src={$url}]"); foreach ($img_list as $img) { $img->src = $data_url; $img->width = $width; $img->height = $height; } } } $links = array(); foreach ($html->find("#article-{$md5} .content a[href]") as $link) { $links[] = urldecode($link->href); } if (!empty($links)) { $links = '<li>' . implode("</li>\n<li>", $links) . "</li>\n"; list($ol) = $html->find("#article-{$md5}-links"); $ol->innertext = $links; } else { list($ol) = $html->find("#article-{$md5}-links"); $ol->outertext = ''; } return $html->save(); } }
echo mysql_error(); } } } } if (!login_varify()) { exit; } if (isset($_POST['action'])) { if ($_POST['action'] == 'manage_blob') { main_menu(); upload_download_delete_blob(); } if ($_POST['action'] == 'upload_file') { main_menu(); upload_file(); } if ($_POST['action'] == 'download_file') { download_file(); } if ($_POST['action'] == 'delete_file') { main_menu(); delete_file(); } } /* echo '<pre>'; print_r($GLOBALS); echo '</pre>'; */
echo "</pre>\n"; } $user = get_logged_in_user(); //print_r($user); $user_submit = BoincUserSubmit::lookup_userid($user->id); if (!$user_submit) { error_page("no job submission access"); } $action = get_str('action', true); if (!$action) { $action = post_str('action', true); } switch ($action) { case '': list_files($user, ""); break; case 'upload_file': upload_file($user); break; case 'delete_file': delete_file($user); break; case 'download_file': download_file($user); break; case 'view_file': view_file($user); break; default: error_page("no such action: {$action}"); }
if (isset($_GET['file'])) { $file = $_GET['file']; $id_ebook = $_GET['id_ebook']; include "../admin_digilib/config/koneksi.php"; $file_download = substr($file, 17); //menampilkan id_userlogin $select_id = mysql_query("SELECT * from digilib_userlogin where member_id='{$member_id}'"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($select_id); $id = $row['id_userlogin']; //menampilkan id_ebook echo $file_download; $ip = ambil_ip(); $date = date("Y-m-d h:i:s"); $member_id = $_SESSION['member_id']; mysql_query("INSERT INTO digilib_statistikdownload values ('','{$date}','{$id}','{$id_ebook}','{$ip}','browser')"); download_file($file); } function download_file($fullPath) { if (headers_sent()) { die('Headers Sent'); } if (ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) { ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off'); } if (file_exists($fullPath)) { $fsize = filesize($fullPath); $path_parts = pathinfo($fullPath); $ext = strtolower($path_parts["extension"]); switch ($ext) { case "pdf":
function install_vascogame($gameid) { global $mysqli; $query = yasDB_select("SELECT * FROM `vascogames` WHERE `id` = '{$gameid}'", false); $result = $query->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC); $categories = array('action games' => 2, 'adventure games' => 3, 'strategy games' => 10, 'skill games' => 10, 'puzzle games' => 1, 'arcade games' => 9, 'shooting games' => 5, 'sports games' => 4, 'misc games' => 7, 'car games' => 4); //Strategy // Download and save game file if ($result['file']) { $g_url = str_replace("..", "", $result['file']); $game_file = basename($g_url); $game_file = "vasco_" . preg_replace('#\\W#', '', $result['title']) . "." . GetFileExtension($result['file']); $game_url = '../swf/' . $game_file; download_file($g_url, $game_url); } else { return false; } // Download and save thumbnail pic if ($result['thumbnail']) { $t_url = str_replace("..", "", $result['thumbnail']); $smallthumb = "vasco_" . preg_replace('#\\W#', '', $result['title']) . "." . GetFileExtension($result['thumbnail']); $thumb = '../img/' . $smallthumb; download_file($t_url, $thumb); } $desc = yasDB_clean($result['description']); // Prep for DB insert $gamename = yasDB_clean($result['title']); $gamefile = yasDB_clean(str_replace("../", "", $game_url)); $gamethumb = yasDB_clean(str_replace("../", "", $thumb)); $height = $result['height']; $width = $result['width']; $c = $result['category']; $category = $categories[$c]; $query->close(); if ($category == null || $category == '' || $category == 0) { $category == 7; } $query = yasDB_insert("INSERT INTO `games` (`id`, `title`, `description`, `instructions`, `keywords`, `file`, `height`, `width`, `category`, `plays`, `code`, `type`, `source`, `sourceid`, `thumbnail`, `thumbnail_200`, `screen1`, `screen2`, `screen3`, `screen4`) VALUES (NULL, '{$gamename}', '{$desc}', '', '', '{$gamefile}', {$height}, {$width}, {$category}, 0, '', 'SWF', 'VASCOGAMES', {$gameid}, '{$gamethumb}', '', '', '','','')", false); if (!$query) { echo 'Error updating Games database'; return false; } $query = yasDB_update("UPDATE `vascogames` SET `installed` = 1 WHERE `id` = {$result['id']}", false); if (!query) { echo 'Error updating vascogames database'; return false; } return true; }