public function testUsername() { $username = '******'; $review = new Review(); $review->setUsername($username); $this->assertEquals($username, $review->getUsername()); }
private static function parseReviews($item, $type) { $crawler = new Crawler($item); $review = new Review(); $avatar = $crawler->filterXPath('//td[1]//img'); if ($avatar->count() > 0) { $avatar = $avatar->attr('data-src'); $avatar = str_replace('_thumb', '', $avatar); $avatar = str_replace('/thumbs', '', $avatar); $review->setAvatarUrl($avatar); } $review->setUsername($crawler->filterXPath('//td[2]/a')->text()); $review->setHelpful($crawler->filterXPath('//td[2]/div//span')->text()); $review->setHelpfulTotal($crawler->filterXPath('//td[2]/div//span')->text()); //Set to same as helpful for now, as the total votes are removed. $review->setDate($crawler->filterXPath('//td[3]/div[1]')->text()); //Progress $progress = $crawler->filterXPath('//td[3]/div[2]')->text(); if (preg_match('/(\\d+) of (\\d+|\\?)/', $progress, $matches)) { if ($type === 'anime') { $review->setWatchedEpisodes((int) $matches[1]); if ($matches[2] != '?') { $review->setEpisodes((int) $matches[2]); } } else { $review->setChaptersRead((int) $matches[1]); if ($matches[2] != '?') { $review->setChapters((int) $matches[2]); } } } //Rating $rating = $crawler->filterXPath('//td[3]/div[3]')->text(); if (preg_match('/(\\d+)/', $rating, $matches)) { $review->setRating((int) $matches[1]); } //Review Body $reviewBody = $crawler->filterXPath('//div[contains(@class,"textReadability")]'); //The review text is split up a bit, and has some hidden data, so we will need to clean things up. $reviewBlock = trim($reviewBody->html()); //Select which expression to use for stripping text. //Some longer reviews will have a "read more" link, others are short and do not. if (strpos($reviewBlock, 'reviewToggle') === false) { //Short Review, no hidden text preg_match('/<div .*?>.*?<\\/div>(.*)/s', $reviewBlock, $reviewParts); $review->setReview($reviewParts[1]); } else { //Long review, split text, second half hidden preg_match('/<div .*?>.*?<\\/div>(.*?)<span .*?>(.*?)<\\/span>/s', $reviewBlock, $reviewParts); $reviewText = $reviewParts[1] . $reviewParts[2]; $review->setReview($reviewText); } return $review; }