public function create_dbf($filename, $def) { if (!dbase_create($filename, $def)) { return cy_dt(CYE_ERROR, 'create DBF file failed!'); } return cy_dt(0); }
function file0() { $_SESSION['ADPOS'] = 0; $max = $_SESSION['MaxData']; $md = $_SESSION['AD' . $max]; BuatArrayHeader($hdr, $hdrid); $namadbf = "autodebet-{$_SESSION['tahun']}-{$_SESSION['prodi']}.dbf"; $dbfheader = array(array("THSMSTRINA", 'C', 5), array("KDFAKTRINA", 'C', 1), array("KDJURTRINA", 'C', 1), array("NIMHSTRINA", 'C', 9), array("NMMHSTRINA", 'C', 30), array("TAGIHTRINA", 'N', 9, 0), array("STATUTRINA", 'C', 1), array("NLHUTTRINA", 'N', 12, 0), array("NLDENTRINA", 'N', 12, 0), array("NLSEMTRINA", 'N', 12, 0), array("NLKOKTRINA", 'N', 12, 0), array("NLSKSTRINA", 'N', 12, 0), array("NLPRATRINA", 'N', 12, 0), array("NLSKITRINA", 'N', 12, 0), array("TGDEBTRINA", 'D', 8), array("NOBPMTRINA", 'C', 10), array("JMSKSTRINA", 'N', 2, 0), array("JMPRATRINA", 'N', 2, 0)); if (!dbase_create("autodebet/{$namadbf}", $dbfheader)) { echo "Gagal membuat File DBF"; exit; } $gab = array(); //for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($hdr); $i++) $gab[$i] = $hdr[$i] . '(' . $hdrid[$i] . ')'; //$_hdr = implode(';', $gab) . "\n"; //$hdr = "No;NPM;KHS;Nama;Rekening;Biaya;Potongan;Bayar;Tarik;TotalSKS;BPM;Tagih;Status;$_hdr"; $hdr = "THSMSTRINA;KDFAKTRINA;KDJURTRINA;NIMHSTRINA;NMMHSTRINA;TAGIHTRINA;STATUTRINA;NLHUTTRINA(30);NLDENTRINA(35);NLSEMTRINA(11);NLKOKTRINA(8);NLSKSTRINA(5);NLPRATRINA(6);NLSRITRINA(38);TGDEBTRINA;NOBPMTRINA;JMSKSTRINA;JMPRATRINA;\n"; //fwrite($f,"NIM;Nama;Tagihan;Autodebet;BPM;Sumbangan;BPS;Pokok;BPP SKS;Skripsi;Praktikum;Ospek;Hutang;Denda;Status;\n"); // Buat file $nmf = HOME_FOLDER . DS . "tmp/{$_SESSION['_Login']}.autodebet.csv"; $f = fopen($nmf, 'w'); //fwrite($f, $hdr); //fwrite($f,"NIM;Nama;Tagihan;Autodebet;BPM;Sumbangan;BPS;Pokok;BPP SKS;Skripsi;Praktikum;Ospek;Hutang;Denda;Status;\n"); fwrite($f, "THSMSTRINA(5~C);KDFAKTRINA(1~C);KDJURTRINA(1~C);NIMHSTRINA(9~C);NMMHSTRINA(30~C);TAGIHTRINA(9~N);STATUTRINA(1~C);NLHUTTRINA(12~N);NLDENTRINA(12~N);NLSEMTRINA(12~N);NLKOKTRINA(12~N);NLPRATRINA(12~N);NLSKSTRINA(12~N);NLSRITRINA(12~N);TGDEBTRINA(8~D);NOBPMTRINA(10~N);JMSKSTRINA(2~N);JMPRATRINA(2~N);\n"); fclose($f); // Buat file header $nmf = HOME_FOLDER . DS . "tmp/{$_SESSION['_Login']}.autodebet.hdr.csv"; $f = fopen($nmf, 'w'); fwrite($f, $hdr); fclose($f); echo "<p>\r\n Inisialisasi\r\n » Proses Keuangan</font>\r\n » <font size=+2><b>Buat File Bank</b></font>\r\n </p>\r\n <p>Proses ini akan membuat file untuk bank.</p>\r\n <p><IFRAME src='cetak/autodebet1.php?WZRD=file0' frameborder=0 height=300 width=300>\r\n </IFRAME></p>\r\n <p>Setelah proses ini selesai, Anda dapat mendownload file untuk bank.</p>\r\n "; }
/** * Export data * @return boolean */ function export() { $def = array(array('o_id', 'N', 10, 0), array('o_uid', 'N', 10, 0), array('o_date', 'D'), array('o_state', 'N', 1, 0), array('o_ip', 'C', 32), array('o_lastname', 'C', 155), array('o_firstnam', 'C', 155), array('o_adress', 'C', 155), array('o_zip', 'C', 30), array('o_town', 'C', 155), array('o_country', 'C', 3), array('o_telephon', 'C', 30), array('o_email', 'C', 155), array('o_articles', 'N', 10, 0), array('o_total', 'N', 10, 2), array('o_shipping', 'N', 10, 2), array('o_bill', 'L'), array('o_password', 'C', 155), array('o_text', 'C', 155), array('o_cancel', 'C', 155), array('c_id', 'N', 10, 0), array('c_prod_id', 'N', 10, 0), array('c_qte', 'N', 10, 0), array('c_price', 'N', 10, 2), array('c_o_id', 'N', 10, 0), array('c_shipping', 'N', 10, 2), array('c_pass', 'C', 155)); /* * Correspondances * cmd_id o_id * cmd_uid o_uid * cmd_date o_date * cmd_state o_state * cmd_ip o_ip * cmd_lastname o_lastname * cmd_firstname o_firstnam * cmd_adress o_adress * cmd_zip o_zip * cmd_town o_town * cmd_country o_country * cmd_telephone o_telephon * cmd_email o_email * cmd_articles_count o_articles * cmd_total o_total * cmd_shipping o_shipping * cmd_bill o_bill * cmd_password o_password * cmd_text o_text * cmd_cancel o_cancel * caddy_id c_id * caddy_product_id c_prod_id * caddy_qte c_qte * caddy_price c_price * caddy_cmd_id c_o_id * caddy_shipping c_shipping * caddy_pass c_pass */ if (!dbase_create($this->folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->filename, $def)) { $this->success = false; return false; } $dbf = dbase_open($this->folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->filename, 2); if ($dbf === false) { $this->success = false; return false; } $criteria = new CriteriaCompo(); $criteria->add(new Criteria('cmd_id', 0, '<>')); $criteria->add(new Criteria('cmd_state', $this->orderType, '=')); $criteria->setSort('cmd_date'); $criteria->setOrder('DESC'); $orders = $this->handlers->h_myshop_commands->getObjects($criteria); foreach ($orders as $order) { $carts = array(); $carts = $this->handlers->h_myshop_caddy->getObjects(new Criteria('caddy_cmd_id', $order->getVar('cmd_id'), '=')); foreach ($carts as $cart) { dbase_add_record($dbf, array($order->getVar('cmd_id'), $order->getVar('cmd_uid'), date('Ymd', strtotime($order->getVar('cmd_date'))), $order->getVar('cmd_state'), $order->getVar('cmd_ip'), $order->getVar('cmd_lastname'), $order->getVar('cmd_firstname'), $order->getVar('cmd_adress'), $order->getVar('cmd_zip'), $order->getVar('cmd_town'), $order->getVar('cmd_country'), $order->getVar('cmd_telephone'), $order->getVar('cmd_email'), $order->getVar('cmd_articles_count'), $order->getVar('cmd_total'), $order->getVar('cmd_shipping'), $order->getVar('cmd_bill'), $order->getVar('cmd_password'), $order->getVar('cmd_text'), $order->getVar('cmd_cancel'), $cart->getVar('caddy_id'), $cart->getVar('caddy_product_id'), $cart->getVar('caddy_qte'), $cart->getVar('caddy_price'), $cart->getVar('caddy_cmd_id'), $cart->getVar('caddy_shipping'), $cart->getVar('caddy_pass'))); } } dbase_close($dbf); $this->success = true; return true; }
public function criar($array) { $this->conexao = dbase_create($this->caminho, $array); if ($this->conexao == false) { return false; } return $this->conexao; }
function DBFCreate($arrDef) { if (is_array($arrDef)) { if (dbase_create($this->DBFFile, $arrDef)) { $ret = TRUE; } else { $ret = FALSE; } } else { die("Tipe data bukan Array nih ye"); } return $ret; }
public static function create($filename, array $fieldDefinitions) { if (!file_exists($filename)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Filename %s not found', $filename)); } if (!function_exists('dbase_create')) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Extension dBase not support with your PHP interpreter')); } $dbaseId = @dbase_create($filename, $fieldDefinitions); if (false === $dbaseId) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Failed to create database file %s', $filename)); } return new self($dbaseId); }
function mspti() { $this->layout = 'ajax'; $this->autoRender = FALSE; // database "definition" $def = array(array("KDYYSMSPTI", "C", 7), array("KDPTIMSPTI", "C", 6), array("NMPTIMSPTI", "C", 50), array("ALMT1MSPTI", "C", 30), array("ALMT2MSPTI", "C", 30), array("KOTAAMSPTI", "C", 20), array("KDPOSMSPTI", "C", 5), array("TELPOMSPTI", "C", 20), array("FAKSIMSPTI", "C", 20), array("TGPTIMSPTI", "D"), array("NOMSKMSPTI", "C", 30), array("EMAILMSPTI", "C", 40), array("HPAGEMSPTI", "C", 40), array("TGAWLMSPTI", "D")); $epsbed_file = EPSBED_DIR . 'MSPTI.dbf'; if (!dbase_create($epsbed_file, $def)) { echo "Error, can't create the database\n"; exit; } else { $db = dbase_open($epsbed_file, 2); if ($db) { $this->loadModel('Configuration'); $yys = $this->Configuration->getPTI(); $yys['YYS_KODE'] = ''; dbase_add_record($db, array($yys['YYS_KODE'], $yys['PTI_KODE'], $yys['PTI_NAMA'], $yys['PTI_ALAMAT_1'], $yys['PTI_ALAMAT_2'], $yys['PTI_KOTA'], $yys['PTI_KODE_POS'], $yys['PTI_TELEPON'], $yys['PTI_FAX'], str_replace('-', '/', $yys['PTI_TANGGAL_SK']), $yys['PTI_NOMOR_SK'], $yys['PTI_EMAIL'], $yys['PTI_WEBSITE'], str_replace('-', '/', $yys['PTI_TANGGAL_BERDIRI']))); echo "<a href='files/epsbed/MSPTI.dbf'>Download file MSPTI.dbf</a>"; dbase_close($db); } } }
function crea_orden_pago() { $this->load->dbforge(); if (extension_loaded('dbase')) { $item_orden = array(array('nro_op', 'N', 8, 0), array('orden_nro', 'C', 8), array('tipo_pres', 'C', 20), array('fecha_op', 'C', 10), array('benef_op', 'C', 50), array('cedb_op', 'C', 15), array('autor1_op', 'C', 50), array('compr_op', 'C', 20), array('monto_op', 'N', 10, 2), array('descrip_op', 'C', 1000)); if (!dbase_create('/tmp/orden_pago.dbf', $item_orden)) { echo "Error, can't create the database\n"; } else { $item_orden = dbase_open('/tmp/orden_pago.dbf', 2); $query = "SELECT a.numero,a.numero numero2,a.fondo,a.fecha,c.nombre,c.rif,c.contacto,a.compromiso,a.total2,a.observa\n\t\t\t\tFROM v_pagos a \n\t\t\t\tJOIN sprv c ON a.cod_prov=c.proveed\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN v_presaldo b ON a.codigoadm=b.codigoadm AND a.fondo=b.fondo AND a.codigopres=b.codigo\n\t\t\t\tWHERE MID(status,2,1) IN (2,3) \n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY a.numero"; $mSQL = $this->db->query($query); $datos = array(); foreach ($mSQL->result() as $row) { $datos[0] = $row->numero; $datos[1] = $row->numero2; $datos[2] = $row->fondo; $datos[3] = $row->fecha; $datos[4] = $row->nombre; $datos[5] = $row->rif; $datos[6] = $row->contacto; $datos[7] = $row->compromiso; $datos[8] = $row->total2; $datos[9] = $row->observa; dbase_add_record($item_orden, $datos); } dbase_close($item_orden); } } $this->load->helper('download'); $data = file_get_contents("/tmp/orden_pago.dbf"); // Read the file's contents $name = 'orden_pago.dbf'; force_download($name, $data); unlink("/tmp/orden_pago.dbf"); }
</form> </div> <? if(isset($_POST['BOK'])){ $year = $_POST['year']; $newyear = $year-543; $yy = substr($newyear,2,2); $mm =$_POST['mon']; //---------------Start Dataset15---------------// $dbname15 = "LVD".$yy.$mm.".dbf"; $def15 = array( array("SEQLVD","C",3), array("AN","C",15), array("DATEOUT","D"), array("TIMEOUT","C",4), array("DATEIN","D"), array("TIMEIN","C",4), array("QTYDAY","C",3) ); // creation if (!dbase_create($dbname15, $def15)) { echo "Error, can't create the database15\n"; }; //---------------End Dataset15---------------// } // if check box »Ô´ÊØ´·éÒÂ ?>
/** * Converte um tipo de regiao em shapefile * @param codigo do tipo de regiao * @return nome do arquivo criado */ function regiao2shp($codigo_tipo_regiao) { $regiao = $this->listaTipoRegiao($codigo_tipo_regiao); $dados = $this->obtemDadosTabelaDB($regiao["codigo_estat_conexao"], $regiao["esquemadb"], $regiao["tabela"], "sim"); $tipol = $this->listaPropGeoRegiao($codigo_tipo_regiao); include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../classesphp/classe_shp.php"; $s = new SHP(); //st_dimension returns 0 for POINT, 1 for LINESTRING, 2 for POLYGON //echo MS_SHP_POINT.", ".MS_SHP_ARC.", ".MS_SHP_POLYGON.", ".MS_SHP_MULTIPOINT; //1, 3, 5, 8 $conv[0] = 1; $conv[1] = 3; $conv[2] = 5; //cria as colunas $cni = 0; foreach ($dados["colunas"] as $t) { $temp = strtoupper($t["field"]); if (strlen($temp) > 10) { $temp = substr($temp, 0, 8) . $cni++; } if ($t["type"] == "varchar" || $t["type"] == "char" || $t["type"] == "character varying" || $t["type"] == "character" || $t["type"] == "text") { $def[] = array($temp, "C", "254"); } else { if ($t["lengthvar"] < 0) { $t["lengthvar"] = 0; } $def[] = array($temp, "N", $t["length"], $t["lengthvar"]); } } $nomeshp = $this->dir_tmp . "/regiao{$codigo_tipo_regiao}" . "_" . $this->nomeRandomico(); $dbaseExiste = false; if (function_exists("dbase_create")) { $dbaseExiste = true; } //para manipular dbf if ($dbaseExiste == false) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../pacotes/phpxbase/api_conversion.php"; $db = xbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def); } else { $db = dbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def); } $dbname = $nomeshp . ".dbf"; $reg = array(); $novoshpf = ms_newShapefileObj($nomeshp . ".shp", $conv[$tipol["st_dimension"]]); $cols = $dados["colunas"]; $nc = count($dados["colunas"]); foreach ($dados["linhas"] as $l) { $reg = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $nc; $i++) { if ($cols[$i]["type"] != "geometry" && $cols[$i]["type"] != "geography") { $reg[] = $l[$i]; } else { $reg[] = 0; if ($cols[$i]["field"] == $regiao["colunageo"]) { $shape = ms_shapeObjFromWkt($l[$i]); } } } $novoshpf->addShape($shape); if ($dbaseExiste == false) { xbase_add_record($db, $reg); } else { dbase_add_record($db, $reg); } } if ($this->dbaseExiste == false) { xbase_close($db); } else { dbase_close($db); } return $nomeshp; }
$newcredit = "¨èÒµç Í»·."; } //--------------------Start DataSet3-------------------------// $dbname3 = "OPD".$yy.$mm.".dbf"; $def3 = array( array("HN","C",15), array("CLINIC","C",4), array("DATEOPD","D"), array("TIMEOPD","C",4), array("SEQ","C",15), array("UUC","C",1) ); // creation if (!dbase_create($dbname3, $def3)) { echo "Error, can't create the database OPD\n"; } if($day=="00"){ $sqlop3 ="select hn, txdate from opacc where credit like '$newcredit%' and (date between '".$_POST['year']."-".$_POST['mon']."-"."01"." 00:00:00' and '".$_POST['year']."-".$_POST['mon']."-"."31"." 23:59:59') group by substring(date,1,10), hn"; //echo "test-->".$sqlop3."<br>"; }else{ $sqlop3 ="select hn, txdate from opacc where credit like '$newcredit%' and (date between '".$_POST['year']."-".$_POST['mon']."-".$_POST['day']." 00:00:00' and '".$_POST['year']."-".$_POST['mon']."-".$_POST['day']." 23:59:59') group by substring(date,1,10), hn"; //echo "test-->".$sqlop3."<br>"; } $resultop3 = mysql_query($sqlop3) or die("Query failed3"); while($rowsop3 = mysql_fetch_array($resultop3)){ $hnop=$rowsop3["hn"]; $datetime=$rowsop3["txdate"]; $dateopacc = substr($datetime,0,10);
* * Developer : Erwin Kooi * released at : Jan 2005 * last modified by : Erwin Kooi * date modified : Jan 2005 * * Info? Mail to * * -------------------------------------------------------------- * * R/W with api demonstration / compare with PHP integrated dbase functions * **/ require_once "api_conversion.php"; $fields = array(array("bool", DBFFIELD_TYPE_LOGICAL), array("memo", DBFFIELD_TYPE_MEMO), array("date", DBFFIELD_TYPE_DATE), array("number", DBFFIELD_TYPE_NUMERIC, 3, 0), array("string", DBFFIELD_TYPE_CHAR, 50)); $di = dbase_create("test/dbase.dbf", $fields); $xi = xbase_create("test/xbase.dbf", $fields); dbase_add_record($di, array("T", "abc", "20060120", 123, "string one")); dbase_add_record($di, array("F", "def", "20060121", 321, "string two")); dbase_add_record($di, array("F", "ghi", "20060121", 111, "string trio")); xbase_add_record($xi, array("T", "abc", "20060120", 123, "string one")); xbase_add_record($xi, array("F", "def", "20060121", 321, "string two")); xbase_add_record($xi, array("F", "ghi", "20060121", 111, "string trio")); dbase_close($di); xbase_close($xi); $di = dbase_open("test/dbase.dbf", 2); $xi = xbase_open("test/xbase.dbf", 2); dbase_delete_record($di, 2); xbase_delete_record($xi, 2); dbase_pack($di); xbase_pack($xi);
$month = date('m'); } if (strlen($day) == 0) { $day = date('d'); } $ts = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, 2000); $sqlDate = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $ts); $filePre = strftime('%m%d', $ts) . "_coop"; $pgcon = iemdb("coop"); $rs = pg_exec($pgcon, "select c.*, \n to_char(c.valid, 'YYYYMMDD') as cvalid from \n climate c WHERE c.valid = '" . $sqlDate . "' "); pg_close($pgcon); @mkdir("/tmp/cli2shp"); chdir("/tmp/cli2shp"); $shpFname = $filePre; $shpFile = ms_newShapeFileObj($shpFname, MS_SHP_POINT); $dbfFile = dbase_create($shpFname . ".dbf", array(array("SITE", "C", 6), array("NAME", "C", 50), array("CRECORD", "N", 5, 0), array("DATE", "D"), array("AVG_HIGH", "N", 3, 0), array("AVG_LOW", "N", 3, 0), array("AVG_PREC", "N", 8, 2), array("MAX_PREC", "N", 8, 2), array("MAX_PR_YR", "N", 4, 0), array("MAX_HIGH", "N", 3, 0), array("MAX_LOW", "N", 3, 0), array("MIN_HIGH", "N", 3, 0), array("MIN_LOW", "N", 3, 0), array("MAX_HI_YR", "N", 4, 0), array("MAX_LO_YR", "N", 4, 0), array("MIN_HI_YR", "N", 4, 0), array("MIN_LO_YR", "N", 4, 0))); for ($i = 0; $row = @pg_fetch_array($rs, $i); $i++) { addPoint($row, $cities[strtoupper($row["station"])]["lon"], $cities[strtoupper($row["station"])]["lat"], $cities[strtoupper($row["station"])]["name"]); } // End of for $shpFile->free(); dbase_close($dbfFile); // Generate zip file copy("/mesonet/www/apps/iemwebsite/data/gis/meta/4326.prj", $filePre . ".prj"); popen("zip " . $filePre . ".zip " . $filePre . ".shp " . $filePre . ".shx " . $filePre . ".dbf " . $filePre . ".prj", 'r'); header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$filePre}.zip"); readfile("{$filePre}.zip"); unlink("{$filePre}.zip"); unlink("{$filePre}.shp"); unlink("{$filePre}.prj");
function incmapageometrias($dir_tmp, $imgdir, $lista, $tipoLista = "stringArquivos") { $dir = $dir_tmp . "/" . $imgdir . "/"; $tituloTema = " geometria"; if ($tipoLista == "stringArquivos") { $lista = explode(",", $lista); $shapes = array(); $valoresoriginais = array(); foreach ($lista as $l) { $geos = $this->unserializeGeo($dir . $l); // pega todas as geometrias foreach ($geos["dados"] as $geo) { // echo $geo["wkt"]."<br>"; $shapes[] = ms_shapeObjFromWkt(str_replace("'", "", $geo["wkt"])); foreach ($geo["valores"] as $v) { $valorestemp[] = $v["item"] . "=" . $v["valor"]; } $valoresoriginais[] = implode(" ", $valorestemp); } } } if ($tipoLista == "arraywkt") { $shapes = array(); $valoresoriginais = array(); foreach ($lista as $l) { $shapes[] = ms_shapeObjFromWkt($l); } } if ($tipoLista == "marcadores") { $shapes = array(); $valoresoriginais = array(); foreach ($lista as $l) { $valoresoriginais[] = $l["nome"]; $p = explode(" ", $l["ext"]); $l = "POLYGON ((" . $p[0] . " " . $p[1] . "," . $p[0] . " " . $p[3] . "," . $p[2] . " " . $p[3] . "," . $p[2] . " " . $p[1] . "," . $p[0] . " " . $p[1] . "))"; $shapes[] = ms_shapeObjFromWkt($l); } $tituloTema = " marcadores"; } // verifica o tipo if (count($shapes) == 0) { return "erro."; } $tiposhape = $shapes[0]->type; $tiposhapefile = MS_SHP_POLYGON; if ($tiposhape == 0) { $tiposhapefile = MS_SHP_MULTIPOINT; } if ($tiposhape == 1) { $tiposhapefile = MS_SHP_ARC; } // cria o shapefile if ($this->dbaseExiste == false) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../pacotes/phpxbase/api_conversion.php"; } $diretorio = dirname($this->arquivo); $novonomelayer = nomeRandomico(); $nomeshp = $diretorio . "/" . $novonomelayer; $l = criaLayer($this->mapa, $tiposhape, MS_DEFAULT, "Ins", "SIM"); $novoshpf = ms_newShapefileObj($nomeshp, $tiposhapefile); $def[] = array("ID", "C", "250"); if ($this->dbaseExiste == false) { $db = xbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def); xbase_close($db); } else { $db = dbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def); dbase_close($db); } // acrescenta os pontos no novo shapefile $dbname = $nomeshp . ".dbf"; if ($this->dbaseExiste == false) { $db = xbase_open($dbname, 2); } else { $db = dbase_open($dbname, 2); } $conta = 0; foreach ($shapes as $s) { $reg = array(); $reg[] = $valoresoriginais[$conta]; if ($this->dbaseExiste == false) { xbase_add_record($db, $reg); } else { dbase_add_record($db, $reg); } $novoshpf->addshape($s); $conta = $conta + 1; } if ($this->dbaseExiste == false) { xbase_close($db); } else { dbase_close($db); } $l->set("opacity", 80); $l->setmetadata("tema", $novonomelayer . $tituloTema); $l->setmetadata("TEMALOCAL", "SIM"); $l->setmetadata("DOWNLOAD", "sim"); $l->set("data", $nomeshp); $l->set("name", $novonomelayer); $classe = $l->getclass(0); $estilo = $classe->getstyle(0); if ($tiposhape == 0) { $estilo->set("symbolname", "ponto"); $estilo->set("size", 6); } $cor = $estilo->color; $cor->setrgb(255, 210, 0); $cor = $estilo->outlinecolor; $cor->setrgb(255, 0, 0); $this->salva(); return $novonomelayer; }
//--------------------Start DataSet6-------------------------// $dbname6 = "OOP".$yy.$mm.".dbf"; $def6 = array( array("HN","C",15), array("DATEOPD","D"), array("CLINIC","C", 4), array("OPER","C",7), array("DROPID","C",6), array("PERSON_ID","C",13), array("SEQ","C",15) ); // creation if (!dbase_create($dbname6, $def6)) { echo "Error, can't create the database6\n"; } $sql6 ="select * from opicd9cm where (svdate between '".$_POST['year']."-".$_POST['mon']."-"."01"." 00:00:00' and '".$_POST['year']."-".$_POST['mon']."-"."31"." 23:59:59') order by row_id"; $result6 = mysql_query($sql6) or die("Query failed6"); while($rows6 = mysql_fetch_array($result6)){ $hn6=$rows6["hn"]; // HN Ц╙И╣ягА╩ц╧уИ╧сЮ╒Ир╒Имаые $oper6=$rows6["icd9cm"]; // OPER Ц╙И╣ягА╩ц╧уИ╧сЮ╒Ир╒Имаые //DATEOPD $dateopd6=$rows6["svdate"]; $date6 = substr($dateopd6,0,10); $date =explode("-",$date6); $newdate=$date[0]-543; $newdateopd =$newdate.$date[1].$date[2]; // DATEOPD Ц╙И╣ягА╩ц╧уИ╧сЮ╒Ир╒Имаые
function criaSHP($tema, $map_file, $locaplic, $dir_tmp, $nomeRand = TRUE, $prj = "", $projetaToMap = true, $shapesSel = false) { include dirname(__FILE__) . "/../ms_configura.php"; $versao = versao(); $versao = $versao["principal"]; //para manipular dbf if (file_exists($locaplic . "/pacotes/phpxbase/api_conversion.php")) { include_once $locaplic . "/pacotes/phpxbase/api_conversion.php"; } else { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../pacotes/phpxbase/api_conversion.php"; } $map = @ms_newMapObj($map_file); $nameMapfile = $map->name; substituiConObj($map, $postgis_mapa); $layer = $map->getlayerbyname($tema); //e necessario abrir ou nao vai projetar $layer->open(); $prjMapa = $map->getProjection(); $prjTema = $layer->getProjection(); if ($prjTema != "") { $projInObj = new projectionObj($prjTema); $projOutObj = new projectionObj($prjMapa); } else { $projInObj = ""; $projOutObj = ""; $projetaToMap = false; } $layer->set("template", "none.htm"); $diretorio = dirname($dir_tmp); $tipol = MS_SHP_POINT; if ($layer->type == MS_LAYER_LINE) { $tipol = MS_SHP_ARC; } if ($layer->type == MS_LAYER_POLYGON) { $tipol = MS_SHP_POLYGON; } if ($nomeRand == true) { $novonomelayer = $tema . "_" . nomeRandomico(5); } else { $novonomelayer = $tema; } $novonomelayer = str_replace(".", "-", $novonomelayer); $nomeshp = $dir_tmp . "/" . $nameMapfile . "_" . $novonomelayer; if (file_exists($nomeshp . ".shp")) { return $nomeshp; } $novoshpf = ms_newShapefileObj($nomeshp, $tipol); //se for do tipo features $data = $layer->data; $resultadoFinal = true; if ($data == "") { $def[] = array("ID", "C", "50"); $reg[] = 0; if (!function_exists("dbase_create")) { $db = xbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def); xbase_add_record($db, $reg); xbase_close($db); } else { $db = dbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def); dbase_add_record($db, $reg); dbase_close($db); } if ($versao >= 6) { $shape = $layer->getshape(new resultObj(0)); } else { $s = $layer->getfeature(0, -1); $result = $layer->getResult(0); $shpi = $result->shapeindex; $shape = $layer->getfeature($shpi, -1); } $novoshpf = ms_newShapefileObj($nomeshp . ".shp", -2); $novoshpf->addShape($shape); $resultadoFinal = true; } else { if ($shapesSel == false) { $shapesSel = retornaShapesSelecionados($layer, $map_file, $map, false); } $items = pegaItens($layer); // cria o dbf $def = array(); $cni = 0; foreach ($items as $ni) { $temp = strtoupper($ni); $temp = substr($temp, 0, 8) . $cni; // //nao tem como descobrir o tamanho e tipo do campo // $def[] = array($temp, "C", "254"); $cni = $cni + 1; } if (!function_exists("dbase_create")) { $db = xbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def); } else { $db = dbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def); } $dbname = $nomeshp . ".dbf"; $reg = array(); $novoshpf = ms_newShapefileObj($nomeshp . ".shp", -2); $res_count = count($shapesSel); if ($res_count > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $res_count; ++$i) { $shape = $shapesSel[$i]; if ($projetaToMap == true) { $shape->project($projInObj, $projOutObj); } foreach ($items as $ni) { $vreg = $shape->values[$ni]; if (strlen($vreg) > 255) { $vreg = substr($vreg, 0, 255); } $reg[] = $vreg; } $novoshpf->addShape($shape); if (!function_exists("dbase_create")) { xbase_add_record($db, $reg); } else { dbase_add_record($db, $reg); } $reg = array(); } if (!function_exists("dbase_create")) { xbase_close($db); } else { dbase_close($db); } // //verifica a quantidade de registros no final // if (function_exists("dbase_open")) { $db = dbase_open($nomeshp . ".dbf", 0); } else { $db = xbase_open($nomeshp . ".dbf", 0); } if (function_exists("dbase_numrecords")) { $record_numbers = dbase_numrecords($db); } else { $record_numbers = xbase_numrecords($db); } if (function_exists("dbase_close")) { dbase_close($db); } else { xbase_close($db); } if ($record_numbers != $res_count) { if (file_exists($nomeshp . ".dbf")) { unlink($nomeshp . ".dbf"); } if (file_exists($nomeshp . ".shp")) { unlink($nomeshp . ".shp"); } if (file_exists($nomeshp . ".shx")) { unlink($nomeshp . ".shx"); } if (file_exists($nomeshp . ".prj")) { unlink($nomeshp . ".prj"); } $resultadoFinal = false; } } else { $resultadoFinal = false; } } if ($resultadoFinal == false) { return false; } else { //gera o arquivo prj if ($prj != "") { gravaDados(array($prj), $nomeshp . ".prj"); } elseif ($projetaToMap == false) { $nomePrjOriginal = str_replace(".shp", ".prj", $layer->data); $nomeDestino = $nomeshp . ".prj"; if (file_exists($nomePrjOriginal) && !file_exists($nomeDestino)) { copy($nomePrjOriginal, $nomeDestino); } } return $nomeshp; } }
//---------------Start Dataset10---------------// $dbname10 = "IOP".$yy.$mm.".dbf"; $def10 = array( array("AN","C",15), array("OPER","C",7), array("OPTYPE","C",1), array("DROPID","C",6), array("DATEIN","D"), array("TIMEIN","C",4), array("DATEOUT","D"), array("TIMEOUT","C",4) ); // creation if (!dbase_create($dbname10, $def10)) { echo "Error, can't create the database10\n"; } $sqliop ="select * from ipcard where dcdate between '".$_POST['year']."-".$_POST['mon']."-"."01"." 00:00:00' and '".$_POST['year']."-".$_POST['mon']."-"."31"." 23:59:59'"; // Query ��Ң����Ũҡ���ҧ ipcard $resultiop = mysql_query($sqliop) or die("Query IOP Failed"); while($rowsiop = mysql_fetch_array($resultiop)){ $aniop=$rowsiop["an"]; // AN �����ù�����Ң����� //$dateidx = substr($rowsiop["dcdate"],0,10); $sql10 ="select * from ipicd9cm where an ='".$aniop."' "; // Query ��Ң����Ũҡ���ҧ ipicd9cm $result10 = mysql_query($sql10) or die("Query failed10"); $num10 =mysql_num_rows($result10); //echo "�ӹǹ : $num10"; if($num10 > 1 ){
$def14 = array( array("HN","C",15), array("AN","C",15), array("DATEOPD","D"), array("TYPE","C",2), array("CODE","C",11), array("QTY","N",3,0), array("RATE","N",7, 0), array("SEQ","C",15), array("CAGCODE","C",10), array("DOSE","C",10), array("CA_TYPE","C",1) ); // creation if (!dbase_create($dbname14, $def14)) { echo "Error, can't create the database14\n"; } //--------------------------------- �������¼������ ---------------------------------// $dbsql ="select * from ipcard where dcdate between '".$_POST['year']."-".$_POST['mon']."-"."01"." 00:00:00' and '".$_POST['year']."-".$_POST['mon']."-"."31"." 23:59:59'"; $dbresult = mysql_query($dbsql) or die("Query ipcard failed14"); while($rowsdb = mysql_fetch_array($dbresult)){ $hn14=$rowsdb["hn"]; // HN �����ù�����Ң����� $an14=$rowsdb["an"]; // AN �����ù�����Ң�����
function inserePoligonosUrl() { global $tamanhosimbolo, $simbolo, $corsimbolo, $poligonos, $nometemapoligonos, $dir_tmp, $imgdir, $tmpfname, $locaplic; include_once "pacotes/phpxbase/api_conversion.php"; if (!isset($nometemapoligonos)) { $nometemapoligonos = "Poligonos"; } if ($nometemapoligonos == "") { $nometemapoligonos = "Poligonos"; } // //cria o shape file // $tipol = MS_SHP_POLYGON; $nomeshp = $dir_tmp . "/" . $imgdir . "/poligonosins"; // cria o dbf $def = array(); $items = array("COORD"); foreach ($items as $ni) { $def[] = array($ni, "C", "254"); } if (!function_exists(dbase_create)) { xbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def); } else { dbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def); } $dbname = $nomeshp . ".dbf"; $db = xbase_open($dbname, 2); $novoshpf = ms_newShapefileObj($nomeshp, $tipol); $linhas = explode(",", trim($poligonos)); $pontosLinhas = array(); //guarda os pontos de cada linha em arrays foreach ($linhas as $l) { $tempPTs = explode(" ", trim($l)); $temp = array(); foreach ($tempPTs as $p) { if (is_numeric($p)) { $temp[] = $p; } } $pontosLinhas[] = $temp; } foreach ($pontosLinhas as $ptsl) { $linhas = $ptsl; $shape = ms_newShapeObj($tipol); $linha = ms_newLineObj(); $reg = array(); $reg[] = ""; for ($ci = 0; $ci < count($linhas); $ci = $ci + 2) { $linha->addXY($linhas[$ci], $linhas[$ci + 1]); } $shape->add($linha); $novoshpf->addShape($shape); xbase_add_record($db, $reg); } $novoshpf->free(); xbase_close($db); //adiciona o layer $mapa = ms_newMapObj($tmpfname); $layer = ms_newLayerObj($mapa); $layer->set("name", "linhains"); $layer->set("data", $nomeshp . ".shp"); $layer->setmetadata("DOWNLOAD", "sim"); $layer->setmetadata("temalocal", "sim"); $layer->setmetadata("tema", $nometemapoligonos); $layer->setmetadata("classe", "sim"); $layer->setmetadata("ATLAS", "nao"); $layer->set("type", MS_LAYER_POLYGON); $layer->set("opacity", "50"); $layer->set("status", MS_DEFAULT); $classe = ms_newClassObj($layer); $classe->set("name", " "); $estilo = ms_newStyleObj($classe); $cor = $estilo->color; if (!isset($corsimbolo)) { $corsimbolo = "255,0,0"; } $corsimbolo = str_replace(" ", ",", $corsimbolo); $corsimbolo = explode(",", $corsimbolo); $cor->setRGB($corsimbolo[0], $corsimbolo[1], $corsimbolo[2]); $salvo = $mapa->save($tmpfname); erroCriacao(); }
array("DATE_SERV","D"), array("DID","C",30), array("DIDNAME","C",255), array("AMOUNT","C",12), array("DRUGPRIC","C",14), array("DRUGCOST","C",14), array("DIDSTD","C",24), array("UNIT","C",20), array("UNIT_PACK","C",20), array("SEQ","C",15), array("DRUGREMARK","C",2), array("PA_NO","C",9) ); // creation if (!dbase_create($dbname16, $def16)) { echo "Error, can't create the database16\n"; } $sql16 ="select * from drugrx where date between '".$_POST['year']."-".$_POST['mon']."-"."01"." 00:00:00' and '".$_POST['year']."-".$_POST['mon']."-"."31"." 23:59:59' and (an='' or an is null)"; $result16 = mysql_query($sql16) or die("Query failed16"); $num16= mysql_num_rows($result16); while($rows16 = mysql_fetch_array($result16)){ $hcode16 ="11512"; $hn16=$rows16["hn"]; // HN �����ù�����Ң����� $an16=$rows16["an"]; // AN �����ù�����Ң����� $drugcode16=$rows16["drugcode"]; // DID �����ù�����Ң����� $drugname16=$rows16["tradname"]; // DIDNAME �����ù�����Ң����� $amount16=$rows16["amount"]; // AMOUNT �����ù�����Ң����� $datetimedrg=$rows16["date"];
array("HN","C",15), array("AN","C",15), array("DATEADM","D"), array("TIMEADM","C",4), array("DATEDSC","D"), array("TIMEDSC","C",4), array("DISCHS","C",1), array("DISCHT","C",1), array("WARDDSC","C",4), array("DEPT","C",2), array("ADM_W","C",7), array("UUC","C",1), ); // creation if (!dbase_create($dbname7, $def7)) { echo "Error, can't create the database7\n"; }; $sql7 ="select * from ipcard where dcdate between '".$_POST['year']."-".$_POST['mon']."-"."01"." 00:00:00' and '".$_POST['year']."-".$_POST['mon']."-"."31"." 23:59:59'"; // Query ��Ң����Ũҡ���ҧ ipcard $result7 = mysql_query($sql7) or die("Query IPD Failed"); while($rows7 = mysql_fetch_array($result7)){ $hn7=$rows7["hn"]; // HN �����ù�����Ң����� $an7=$rows7["an"]; // AN �����ù�����Ң����� //datetimeADM $datetimead=$rows7["date"]; $datead7 = substr($datetimead,0,10); $datead =explode("-",$datead7); $newdatead=$datead[0]-543; $newdateadm =$newdatead.$datead[1].$datead[2]; // DATEADM�����ù�����Ң�����
$mm =$_POST['mon']; //---------------Start Dataset12---------------// $dbname12 = "CHA".$yy.$mm.".dbf"; $def12 = array( array("HN","C",15), array("AN","C",15), array("DATE","D"), array("CHRGITEM","C",2), array("AMOUNT","N",7,0), array("PERSON_ID","C",13), array("SEQ","C",15) ); // creation if (!dbase_create($dbname12, $def12)) { echo "Error, can't create the database11\n"; } //--------------------------------- �������¼����¹͡ ---------------------------------// $sql12 ="select * from opacc where (date between '".$_POST['year']."-".$_POST['mon']."-"."01"." 00:00:00' and '".$_POST['year']."-".$_POST['mon']."-"."31"." 23:59:59') and an=' '"; $result12 = mysql_query($sql12) or die("Query failed12"); while($rows12 = mysql_fetch_array($result12)){ $hnopacc=$rows12["hn"]; // HN �����ù�����Ң����� $anopacc=$rows12["an"]; // AN �����ù�����Ң����� $chrgitem =$rows12["depart"]; if($chrgitem=="PHAR"){ $chrgitem12 ="41"; }elseif($chrgitem=="PATHO"){
/** * Connect to the database and create it if it doesn't exist * * Don't call this method directly. Use DB::connect() instead. * * PEAR DB's dbase driver supports the following extra DSN options: * + mode An integer specifying the read/write mode to use * (0 = read only, 1 = write only, 2 = read/write). * Available since PEAR DB 1.7.0. * + fields An array of arrays that PHP's dbase_create() function needs * to create a new database. This information is used if the * dBase file specified in the "database" segment of the DSN * does not exist. For more info, see the PHP manual's * {@link dbase_create()} page. * Available since PEAR DB 1.7.0. * * Example of how to connect and establish a new dBase file if necessary: * <code> * require_once 'DB.php'; * * $dsn = array( * 'phptype' => 'dbase', * 'database' => '/path/and/name/of/dbase/file', * 'mode' => 2, * 'fields' => array( * array('a', 'N', 5, 0), * array('b', 'C', 40), * array('c', 'C', 255), * array('d', 'C', 20), * ), * ); * $options = array( * 'debug' => 2, * 'portability' => DB_PORTABILITY_ALL, * ); * * $db = DB::connect($dsn, $options); * if (PEAR::isError($db)) { * die($db->getMessage()); * } * </code> * * @param array $dsn the data source name * @param bool $persistent should the connection be persistent? * * @return int DB_OK on success. A DB_Error object on failure. */ function connect($dsn, $persistent = false) { if (!PEAR::loadExtension('dbase')) { return $this->raiseError(DB_ERROR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND); } $this->dsn = $dsn; if ($dsn['dbsyntax']) { $this->dbsyntax = $dsn['dbsyntax']; } /* * Turn track_errors on for entire script since $php_errormsg * is the only way to find errors from the dbase extension. */ @ini_set('track_errors', 1); $php_errormsg = ''; if (!file_exists($dsn['database'])) { $this->dsn['mode'] = 2; if (empty($dsn['fields']) || !is_array($dsn['fields'])) { return $this->raiseError(DB_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED, null, null, null, 'the dbase file does not exist and ' . 'it could not be created because ' . 'the "fields" element of the DSN ' . 'is not properly set'); } $this->connection = @dbase_create($dsn['database'], $dsn['fields']); if (!$this->connection) { return $this->raiseError(DB_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED, null, null, null, 'the dbase file does not exist and ' . 'the attempt to create it failed: ' . $php_errormsg); } } else { if (!isset($this->dsn['mode'])) { $this->dsn['mode'] = 0; } $this->connection = @dbase_open($dsn['database'], $this->dsn['mode']); if (!$this->connection) { return $this->raiseError(DB_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED, null, null, null, $php_errormsg); } } return DB_OK; }
function createDBF($fullpath_filename, $field_structure, $data, $file_mode = '0') { # Constants for dbf field types /* L = BOOLEAN C = CHAR D = DATE N = NUMBER */ # Constants for dbf file mode /* '0' = 'READ_ONLY'; '1' = 'WRITE_ONLY'; '2' = 'READ_WRITE'; */ # Path to dbf file $db_file = $fullpath_filename; if (is_dir($db_file)) { unlink($db_file); } # create dbf file using the $create = dbase_create($db_file, $field_structure); # open dbf file for reading and writing $id = @dbase_open($db_file, $file_mode) or die("Could not open dbf file <i>{$db_file}</i>."); if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $dt) { dbase_add_record($id, $dt) or die("Could not add record {$dt['0']} to dbf file <i>{$db_file}</i>."); } } # close the dbf file dbase_close($id); }
function writeDbf($dbfFileName, $dbfFieldList, $valueList) { $defList = array(); foreach ($dbfFieldList as $name => $def) { $defList[] = array_merge(array(substr($name, 0, 10)), $def); } pm_logDebug(3, $defList, 'defList'); $dbfFile = dbase_create($dbfFileName, $defList); //array(array('PROG_ID', 'N', 5, 0))); foreach ($valueList as $row) { pm_logDebug(3, $row, 'row'); dbase_add_record($dbfFile, $row); } dbase_close($dbfFile); }
$_GET['end_date'] = date('Y-m-d'); } if (array_key_exists('service', $_GET)) { $vService = $_GET['service']; } else { $vService = defautService; } if (!array_key_exists('paytype', $_GET)) { $_GET['paytype'] = 0; } // creation $DBFName = tempnam('/tmp', 'stats'); rename($DBFName, $DBFName . '.dbf'); $DBFName = $DBFName . '.dbf'; $DBFDef = array(array('SURNAME', 'C', 18), array('NAME1', 'C', 15), array('NAME2', 'C', 15), array('BIRTHDAY', 'D'), array('SEX', 'C', 1), array('ORDER', 'C', 1), array('POLIS_S', 'C', 10), array('POLIS_N', 'C', 20), array('POLIS_W', 'C', 5), array('PAYER', 'C', 5), array('STREET', 'C', 45), array('STREETYPE', 'C', 2), array('AREA', 'C', 3), array('HOUSE', 'C', 7), array('KORP', 'C', 2), array('FLAT', 'C', 15), array('PROFILE', 'C', 6), array('PROFILENET', 'C', 1), array('DATEIN', 'D'), array('DATEOUT', 'D'), array('AMOUNT', 'N', 15, 5), array('DIAGNOSIS', 'C', 5), array('SEND', 'L'), array('ERROR', 'C', 25), array('TYPEDOC', 'C', 1), array('SER1', 'C', 10), array('SER2', 'C', 10), array('NPASP', 'C', 10), array('LONGADDR', 'C', 120), array('MYCASEID', 'C', 8), array('CASE_CAST', 'N', 2, 0), array('AMOUNT_D', 'N', 3, 0), array('ID_EXITUS', 'N', 2, 0), array('ILLHISTORY', 'C', 20), array('ID_PRMP', 'N', 3, 0), array('ID_PRMP_C', 'N', 3, 0), array('DIAG_C', 'C', 5), array('DIAG_S_C', 'C', 5), array('DIAG_P_C', 'C', 5), array('QRESULT', 'N', 3, 0), array('ID_PRVS', 'N', 10, 0), array('ID_PRVS_C', 'N', 10, 0), array('ID_SP_PAY', 'N', 2, 0), array('ID_ED_PAY', 'N', 5, 2), array('ID_VMP', 'N', 2, 0), array('ID_DOC', 'C', 20), array('ID_DOC_C', 'C', 20), array('ID_DEPT', 'C', 20), array('ID_DEPT_C', 'C', 20), array('ID_LPU_D', 'N', 20, 0), array('IDSERVDATA', 'N', 10, 0), array('IDSERVMADE', 'N', 1, 0), array('IDSERVLPU', 'N', 10, 0), array('ID_GOAL', 'N', 5, 0), array('ID_GOAL_C', 'N', 5, 0), array('ID_GOSP', 'N', 5, 0), array('IDVIDVME', 'N', 2, 0), array('IDFORPOM', 'N', 2, 0), array('IDVIDHMP', 'N', 2, 0), array('IDMETHMP', 'N', 2, 0), array('ID_PRVS_D', 'N', 10, 0), array('ID_GOAL_D', 'N', 5, 0)); if (!($vDBF = dbase_create($DBFName, $DBFDef))) { print "<strong>can't create {$DBFName}!</strong>"; exit; } $vDB = GetDB(); list($vTable, $vFilter, $vOrder) = ConstructQuery($vDB, $_GET); $vCaseID = 'not an id'; $vCase = array(); $vRecords = $vDB->Select($vTable, '*', $vFilter, $vOrder); while ($vRecord = $vRecords->Fetch()) { $vRecCaseID = $vRecord['case_id']; if ($vCaseID !== $vRecCaseID) { $vCaseID = $vRecCaseID; $vCase = $vDB->GetById('emst_cases', $vCaseID); } if ($vCase['paytype'] == $_GET['paytype']) {
function adicionaTemaGeoRSS($servico, $dir_tmp, $locaplic, $canal) { $xml = simplexml_load_file($servico); $conta = 0; foreach ($xml->channel as $c) { if ($conta == $canal) { $canal = $c; } } $nos = $canal->item; //verifica se o canal faz referencia a elementos externos //se sim, usa todos os elementos do xml no lugar do canal foreach ($canal->items as $t) { foreach ($t->xpath('rdf:Seq') as $x) { foreach ($x->xpath('rdf:li') as $z) { $nos = $xml->item; } } } $resultado = array(); $tipog = ""; foreach ($nos as $item) { $env = array(); //define o tipo if ($item->xpath('geo:lat')) { $tipog = "geo"; } if ($item->xpath('georss:point')) { $tipog = "georsspoint"; } if ($item->xpath('georss:where')) { $tipog = "envelope"; } if ($tipog == "envelope") { foreach ($item->xpath('georss:where') as $w) { foreach ($w->xpath('gml:Envelope') as $e) { //$lc = $e->xpath('gml:lowerCorner'); $lc = (string) $e->children('gml', TRUE)->lowerCorner; //$uc = $e->xpath('gml:upperCorner'); $uc = (string) $e->children('gml', TRUE)->upperCorner; $lc = explode(" ", $lc); $uc = explode(" ", $uc); if (is_numeric($lc[0])) { $ymin = $lc[0]; $ymax = $uc[0]; $xmin = $lc[1]; $xmax = $uc[1]; if ($ymin != "") { $env = array($xmin, $ymin, $xmax, $ymax); } } } } } if ($tipog == "geo") { if ($item->xpath('geo:lon')) { $x = (string) $item->children('geo', TRUE)->lon; } else { $x = (string) $item->children('geo', TRUE)->long; } //$y = $item->xpath('geo:lat'); $y = (string) $item->children('geo', TRUE)->lat; $env = array($y, $x); } if ($tipog == "georsspoint") { //$temp = $item->xpath('georss:point'); $temp = (string) $item->children('georss', TRUE)->point; $env = explode(" ", $temp); } if (count($env) > 0) { $resultado[] = array(ixml($item, "title"), ixml($item, "link"), ixml($item, "description"), ixml($item, "category"), $env); } } //cria o shapefile com os dados if (count($resultado) > 0) { //para manipular dbf include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../pacotes/phpxbase/api_conversion.php"; $diretorio = dirname($this->arquivo); $tipol = MS_SHP_POLYGON; if ($tipog == "georsspoint") { $tipol = MS_SHP_POINT; } if ($tipog == "geo") { $tipol = MS_SHP_POINT; } $novonomelayer = nomeRandomico(10) . "georss"; $nomeshp = $diretorio . "/" . $novonomelayer; $novoshpf = ms_newShapefileObj($nomeshp, $tipol); $def[] = array("TITULO", "C", "254"); $def[] = array("LINK", "C", "254"); $def[] = array("DESC", "C", "254"); $def[] = array("CATEGORIA", "C", "254"); if (!function_exists(dbase_create)) { $db = xbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def); xbase_close($db); } else { $db = dbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def); dbase_close($db); } //acrescenta os pontos no novo shapefile $dbname = $nomeshp . ".dbf"; $db = xbase_open($dbname, 2); $reg = array(); $novoshpf = ms_newShapefileObj($nomeshp . ".shp", -2); //acrescenta os shapes foreach ($resultado as $r) { $pts = $r[4]; if ($tipol == MS_SHP_POLYGON) { $shp = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHP_POLYGON); $linha = ms_newLineObj(); $linha->addXY($pts[0], $pts[3]); $linha->addXY($pts[2], $pts[3]); $linha->addXY($pts[2], $pts[1]); $linha->addXY($pts[0], $pts[1]); $linha->addXY($pts[0], $pts[3]); } else { $shp = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHP_POINT); $linha = ms_newLineObj(); $linha->addXY($pts[1], $pts[0]); } $shp->add($linha); $novoshpf->addShape($shp); $reg = array($r[0], $r[1], $r[2], $r[3]); xbase_add_record($db, $reg); $reg = array(); } xbase_close($db); if ($tipog == "georsspoint" || $tipog == "geo") { $tipol = MS_LAYER_POINT; } else { $tipol = MS_LAYER_POLYGON; } $layer = criaLayer($this->mapa, $tipol, MS_DEFAULT, "GeoRSS", "SIM"); $layer->set("data", $nomeshp . ".shp"); $layer->set("name", basename($nomeshp)); $layer->setmetadata("DOWNLOAD", "sim"); $layer->setmetadata("TEMALOCAL", "SIM"); //evita problemas no modo tile if ($this->v > 5) { $layer->setprocessing("LABEL_NO_CLIP=True"); $layer->setprocessing("POLYLINE_NO_CLIP=True"); } if ($tipol == MS_LAYER_POLYGON) { $classe = $layer->getclass(0); $estilo = $classe->getstyle(0); $estilo->set("symbolname", "p4"); $estilo->set("size", 5); $cor = $estilo->color; $cor->setrgb(255, 0, 0); $coro = $estilo->outlinecolor; $coro->setrgb(255, 0, 0); } //$layer->set("transparency",50); $layer->setmetadata("nomeoriginal", basename($nomeshp)); //echo $tipol; return "ok"; } return "erro"; }
function _openDBFFile($toWrite = false) { $checkFunction = $toWrite ? "is_writable" : "is_readable"; if ($toWrite && !file_exists(str_replace('.*', '.dbf', $this->FileName))) { if (!@dbase_create(str_replace('.*', '.dbf', $this->FileName), $this->DBFHeader)) { return $this->setError(sprintf("It wasn't possible to create the DBase file '%s'", str_replace('.*', '.dbf', $this->FileName))); } } if ($checkFunction(str_replace('.*', '.dbf', $this->FileName))) { $this->DBFFile = dbase_open(str_replace('.*', '.dbf', $this->FileName), $toWrite ? 2 : 0); if (!$this->DBFFile) { return $this->setError(sprintf("It wasn't possible to open the DBase file '%s'", str_replace('.*', '.dbf', $this->FileName))); } } else { return $this->setError(sprintf("It wasn't possible to find the DBase file '%s'", str_replace('.*', '.dbf', $this->FileName))); } return TRUE; }
} if (!$nohtml) { $table .= "</pre>\n"; } } else { if ($format == "shapefile") { /* Create SHP,DBF bases */ $filePre = "{$network}_locs"; if (!is_file("/var/webtmp/{$filePre}.zip")) { $shpFname = "/var/webtmp/{$filePre}"; @unlink($shpFname . ".shp"); @unlink($shpFname . ".shx"); @unlink($shpFname . ".dbf"); @unlink($shpFname . ".zip"); $shpFile = ms_newShapeFileObj($shpFname, MS_SHP_POINT); $dbfFile = dbase_create($shpFname . ".dbf", array(array("ID", "C", 6), array("NAME", "C", 50), array("NETWORK", "C", 20), array("BEGINTS", "C", 16))); for ($i = 0; $row = @pg_fetch_array($result, $i); $i++) { $pt = ms_newPointobj(); $pt->setXY($row["longitude"], $row["latitude"], 0); $shpFile->addPoint($pt); dbase_add_record($dbfFile, array($row["id"], $row["name"], $row["network"], substr($row["archive_begin"], 0, 16))); } unset($shpFile); dbase_close($dbfFile); chdir("/var/webtmp/"); copy("/mesonet/www/apps/iemwebsite/data/gis/meta/4326.prj", $filePre . ".prj"); popen("zip " . $filePre . ".zip " . $filePre . ".shp " . $filePre . ".shx " . $filePre . ".dbf " . $filePre . ".prj", 'r'); } $table .= "Shapefile Generation Complete.<br>"; $table .= "Please download this <a href=\"/tmp/" . $filePre . ".zip\">zipfile</a>."; chdir("/mesonet/www/apps/iemwebsite/htdocs/sites/");
/** * Export the data for a specific mouse over s specified time range to a dbase file * * @returns url of created dbase file */ function exportToDbase($rfid, $from, $to) { $parameters['rfid'] = $rfid; $parameters['from'] = $from; $parameters['to'] = $to; $parameters["all"] = 1; list($summary, $data) = $this->getRfidData($parameters); if (sizeof($data) == 0) { return null; } // boxes $boxes = $summary['boxes']; // where to store the files $downloadXML = $this->configXML->xpath("//downloaddir"); $downloadDir = implode('', $downloadXML); $downloadUrlXML = $this->configXML->xpath("//downloadurl"); $downloadURL = implode('', $downloadUrlXML); // Adding data to dbf files // definition for the dbf files $def = array(array("ID", "N", 5, 0), array("RFID", "C", 10), array("YEAR", "C", 4), array("MONTH", "C", 2), array("TIME", "C", 8), array("DATETIME", "C", 19), array("BOX", "C", 2), array("ANTENNA", "C", 2), array("X", "N", 3, 0), array("Y", "N", 3, 0)); // create a dbf_file //$dbf_file = $downloadDir.$rfid . "_" . $year . "_" . $month . ".dbf"; // $dbf_file = "data_for_" . $rfid . "_" . $from . "_" . $to . ".csv"; $filename = "data_for_" . $rfid . "_" . $from . "_" . $to . ".dbf"; $dbf_file = $downloadDir . $filename; if (!dbase_create($dbf_file, $def)) { return "Error, can't create the database: {$dbf_file}\n"; } // open dbf file for reading and writing $dbf_file = dbase_open($dbf_file, 2); //$fh = fopen ($downloadDir.$dbf_file, "w"); // write data // the datasets have the form: [rfid, antenna, box, time] $id = 0; foreach ($data as $dataset) { list($rfid, $antenna, $unix_time) = $dataset; $box = substr($antenna, 0, 2); $datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $unix_time); $month = date('m', $unix_time); $year = date('Y', $unix_time); $time = date('H:i:s', $unix_time); $x = $boxes["{$box}"]['x']; $y = $boxes[$box]['y']; $dataset_converted = array($id, $rfid, $year, $month, $time, $datetime, $antenna, $box, $x, $y); $str = implode(',', $dataset_converted) . "\n"; //fwrite($fh, $str); dbase_add_record($dbf_file, $dataset_converted) or die("Could not add record to dbf file {$dbase_file}."); $id++; } dbase_close($dbf_file); //fclose($fh); // returning url return $downloadURL . $filename; }