if ($res = mysql_query($sql)) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($res); } echo "<tr><td>"; echo "<a href='index.php?sec=users&sec2=operation/users/user_edit&id={$nombre}' class='tip'> <span>"; $usuario = get_db_row("tusuario", "id_usuario", $nombre); echo "<b>" . $usuario["nombre_real"] . "</b><br>"; echo "<i>" . $usuario["comentarios"] . "</i><br>"; // TODO - Move this to enterprise code. if ($config["enteprise"] == 1) { echo "<font size=1px>"; $sql1 = 'SELECT * FROM tusuario_perfil WHERE id_usuario = "' . $nombre . '"'; $result1 = mysql_query($sql1); if (mysql_num_rows($result1)) { while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) { echo dame_perfil($row1["id_perfil"]) . "/ "; echo dame_grupo($row1["id_grupo"]) . "<br>"; } } else { echo __('This user doesn\'t have any assigned profile/group'); } } echo "</font></span></a>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; if (give_acl($config["id_user"], 0, "UM")) { echo "<a href='index.php?sec=users&sec2=godmode/usuarios/configurar_usuarios&update_user={$nombre}'>"; } if (strlen(safe_output($nombre)) > 21) { echo "" . ucfirst(substr(safe_output($nombre), 0, 21)) . "..</b>"; } else {
function user_search_result($filter, $ajax, $size_page, $offset, $clickin, $search_text, $disabled_user, $level, $group, $from_tickets = false) { global $config; if ($filter != 0) { $offset = $filter['offset']; $search_text = $filter['search_text']; $disabled_user = $filter['disabled_user']; $level = $filter['level']; $group = $filter['group']; } $search = "WHERE 1=1 "; if ($search_text != "") { $search .= " AND (id_usuario LIKE '%{$search_text}%' OR comentarios LIKE '%{$search_text}%' OR nombre_real LIKE '%{$search_text}%' OR direccion LIKE '%{$search_text}%')"; } if ($disabled_user > -1) { $search .= " AND disabled = {$disabled_user}"; } if ($level > -10) { $search .= " AND nivel = {$level}"; } if ($group == -1) { $search .= " AND tusuario.id_usuario NOT IN (select id_usuario from tusuario_perfil)"; } else { if ($group > 0) { $search .= " AND tusuario.id_usuario = ANY (SELECT id_usuario FROM tusuario_perfil WHERE id_grupo = {$group})"; } } $query1 = "SELECT * FROM tusuario {$search} ORDER BY id_usuario"; if ($from_tickets) { $query1 = users_get_allowed_users_query($config['id_user'], $filter); } $count = get_db_sql("SELECT COUNT(id_usuario) FROM tusuario {$search} "); $sql1 = "{$query1} LIMIT {$offset}, " . $size_page; echo "<div class='divresult'>"; pagination($count, "index.php?sec=users&sec2=godmode/usuarios/lista_usuarios&search_text=" . $search_text . "&disabled_user="******"&level=" . $level . "&group=" . $group, $offset, true); $resq1 = process_sql($sql1); if (!$resq1) { echo ui_print_error_message(__("No users"), '', true, 'h3', true); } else { echo '<table width="100%" class="listing">'; if ($filter == 0) { echo '<th>' . print_checkbox('all_user_checkbox', 1, false, true); echo '<th title="' . __('Enabled/Disabled') . '">' . __('E/D'); echo '<th title="' . __('Enabled login') . '">' . __('Enabled login'); } echo '<th>' . __('User ID'); echo '<th>' . __('Name'); echo '<th>' . __('Company'); echo '<th>' . __('Last contact'); echo '<th>' . __('Profile'); if ($filter == 0) { echo '<th>' . __('Delete'); } // Init vars $nombre = ""; $nivel = ""; $comentarios = ""; $fecha_registro = ""; if ($resq1) { foreach ($resq1 as $rowdup) { $nombre = $rowdup["id_usuario"]; $nivel = $rowdup["nivel"]; $realname = $rowdup["nombre_real"]; $fecha_registro = $rowdup["fecha_registro"]; $avatar = $rowdup["avatar"]; if ($rowdup["nivel"] == 0) { $nivel = "<img src='images/group.png' title='" . __("Grouped user") . "'>"; } elseif ($rowdup["nivel"] == 1) { $nivel = "<img src='images/integria_mini_logo.png' title='" . __("Administrator") . "'>"; } else { $nivel = "<img src='images/user_gray.png' title='" . __("Standalone user") . "'>"; } $disabled = $rowdup["disabled"]; $id_company = $rowdup["id_company"]; $enabled_login = $rowdup["enable_login"]; echo "<tr>"; if ($filter == 0) { echo "<td>"; echo print_checkbox_extended("user-" . $rowdup["id_usuario"], $rowdup["id_usuario"], false, false, "", "class='user_checkbox'", true); echo "<td>"; if ($disabled == 1) { echo "<img src='images/lightbulb_off.png' title='" . __("Disabled") . "'> "; } echo "<td>"; if ($enabled_login == 1) { echo "<img src='images/accept.png' title='" . __("Enabled login") . "'> "; } else { echo "<img src='images/fail.png' title='" . __("Disabled login") . "'> "; } } echo "<td>"; if ($filter == 0) { echo "<a href='index.php?sec=users&sec2=godmode/usuarios/configurar_usuarios&update_user="******"'>" . ucfirst($nombre) . "</a>"; } else { $url = "javascript:loadContactUser(\"" . $nombre . "\",\"" . $clickin . "\");"; echo "<a href='" . $url . "'>" . ucfirst($nombre) . "</a>"; } echo "<td style=''>" . $realname; $company_name = (string) get_db_value('name', 'tcompany', 'id', $id_company); echo "<td>" . $company_name . "</td>"; echo "<td style=''>" . human_time_comparation($fecha_registro); echo "<td>"; print_user_avatar($nombre, true); echo " "; if ($config["enteprise"] == 1) { $sql1 = 'SELECT * FROM tusuario_perfil WHERE id_usuario = "' . $nombre . '"'; $result = mysql_query($sql1); echo "<a href='#' class='tip'> <span>"; if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo dame_perfil($row["id_perfil"]) . "/ "; echo dame_grupo($row["id_grupo"]) . "<br>"; } } else { echo __('This user doesn\'t have any assigned profile/group'); } echo "</span></a>"; } echo $nivel; if ($filter == 0) { echo '<td align="center">'; echo '<a href="index.php?sec=users&sec2=godmode/usuarios/lista_usuarios&borrar_usuario=' . $nombre . '" onClick="if (!confirm(\'' . __('Are you sure?') . '\')) return false;"><img src="images/cross.png"></a>'; echo '</td>'; } } } echo "</table>"; } echo "</div>"; }