/** * Constructor * * @access public * @param integer $time_1st A timestamp * @param integer $time_2nd A timestamp */ function OLE_PPS_Root($time_1st, $time_2nd, $raChild) { $_ole = new OLE(); $_sys = new System(); $this->_tmp_dir = $_sys->tmpdir(); $this->OLE_PPS(null, $_ole->Asc2Ucs('Root Entry'), OLE_PPS_TYPE_ROOT, null, null, null, $time_1st, $time_2nd, null, $raChild); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function handle(\Input $input) { $this->handleRunOnce(); // PATCH if ($input->post('FORM_SUBMIT') == 'database-update') { $count = 0; $sql = deserialize($input->post('sql')); if (is_array($sql)) { foreach ($sql as $key) { if (isset($_SESSION['sql_commands'][$key])) { $this->Database->query(str_replace('DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;', 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE ' . $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['dbCollation'] . ';', $_SESSION['sql_commands'][$key])); $count++; } } } $_SESSION['sql_commands'] = array(); Messages::addConfirmation(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['composer_client']['databaseUpdated'], $count)); $this->reload(); } /** @var \Contao\Database\Installer $installer */ $installer = \System::importStatic('Database\\Installer'); $form = $installer->generateSqlForm(); if (empty($form)) { Messages::addInfo($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['composer_client']['databaseUptodate']); $this->redirect('contao/main.php?do=composer'); } $form = preg_replace('#(<label for="sql_\\d+")>(CREATE TABLE)#', '$1 class="create_table">$2', $form); $form = preg_replace('#(<label for="sql_\\d+")>(ALTER TABLE `[^`]+` ADD)#', '$1 class="alter_add">$2', $form); $form = preg_replace('#(<label for="sql_\\d+")>(ALTER TABLE `[^`]+` DROP)#', '$1 class="alter_drop">$2', $form); $form = preg_replace('#(<label for="sql_\\d+")>(DROP TABLE)#', '$1 class="drop_table">$2', $form); $template = new \BackendTemplate('be_composer_client_update'); $template->composer = $this->composer; $template->form = $form; return $template->parse(); }
/** * IP of the Host * * @return void */ protected function ip() { if (PSI_USE_VHOST === true) { if ((($result = getenv('SERVER_ADDR')) || ($result = getenv('LOCAL_ADDR'))) && !strstr($result, '.') && strstr($result, ':')) { //is IPv6, quick version of preg_match('/\(([[0-9A-Fa-f\:]+)\)/', $result) $dnsrec = dns_get_record($this->sys->getHostname(), DNS_AAAA); if (isset($dnsrec[0]['ipv6'])) { //is DNS IPv6 record $this->sys->setIp($dnsrec[0]['ipv6']); //from DNS (avoid IPv6 NAT translation) } else { $this->sys->setIp(preg_replace('/^::ffff:/i', '', $result)); //from SERVER_ADDR or LOCAL_ADDR } } else { $this->sys->setIp(gethostbyname($this->sys->getHostname())); //IPv4 only } } else { if (($result = getenv('SERVER_ADDR')) || ($result = getenv('LOCAL_ADDR'))) { $this->sys->setIp(preg_replace('/^::ffff:/i', '', $result)); } else { $this->sys->setIp(gethostbyname($this->sys->getHostname())); } } }
/** * @see AbstractFleetEventHandler::executeImpact() */ public function executeImpact() { // check colonies $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM ugml_planets\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE planetKind = 1\r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND id_owner = " . $this->ownerID; $count = WCF::getDB()->getFirstRow($sql); // get existing planet $system = new System($this->galaxy, $this->system); $planetObj = $system->getPlanet($this->planet); // restricted by planet limit if ($count['count'] >= self::MAX_PLANETS) { $this->message = 'planetLimit'; return; } // planet exists if ($planetObj !== null) { $this->message = 'exists'; return; } // create planet --$this->fleet[self::COLONY_SHIP]; $name = WCF::getLanguage()->get('wot.planet.colony'); $planet = PlanetEditor::create($this->galaxy, $this->system, $this->planet, $name, $this->ownerID, self::DEFAULT_METAL, self::DEFAULT_CRYSTAL, self::DEFAULT_DEUTERIUM, 1, time(), self::DEFAULT_FIELDS, null); $planet->getEditor()->changeResources($this->metal, $this->crystal, $this->deuterium); $planet->getEditor()->changeLevel($this->fleet); $this->getEditor()->delete(); }
/** * List users and their permissions */ public function actionIndex($p) { $this->bag->tabs = $this->user->inRooms(); $system = new System(); $this->bag->users = $system->userPermissions(); $this->renderAction('listing'); }
public function updateplanAction() { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $planId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('planId'); $this->view->planId = $planId; $planData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SUBSCRIPTIONS . " where plan_id='" . $planId . "'"); $this->view->planImage = $planData[0]['plan_image']; $this->view->pageHeading = "Edit Subscription Plan"; if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $request = $this->getRequest(); $myform = new Form_Subscription($planId); if ($myform->isValid($request->getPost())) { $dataForm = $myform->getValues(); $myObj = new System(); $Result = $myObj->UpdatePlan($dataForm, $planId); if ($Result == 1) { $mySession->errorMsg = "Subscription plan updated successfully."; $this->_redirect('subscription/index'); } else { $mySession->errorMsg = "Subscription plan name you entered is already exists."; $this->view->myform = $myform; $this->render('editplan'); } } else { $this->view->myform = $myform; $this->render('editplan'); } } else { $this->_redirect('subscription/editplan/planId/' . $planId); } }
public function edittemplateAction() { global $mySession; $db = new Db(); $templateId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('templateId'); $this->view->templateId = $templateId; $templateData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . EMAIL_TEMPLATES . " where template_id='" . $templateId . "'"); $myform = new Form_Mailtemplate($templateId); $this->view->myform = $myform; $this->view->pageHeading = "Edit - " . $templateData[0]['template_title']; if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $request = $this->getRequest(); $myform = new Form_Mailtemplate($templateId); if ($myform->isValid($request->getPost())) { $dataForm = $myform->getValues(); $myObj = new System(); $Result = $myObj->UpdateTemplate($dataForm, $templateId); if (isset($_REQUEST['save_or_send']) && $_REQUEST['save_or_send'] == '2') { $mySession->sucessMsg = "Newsletter successfully saved and sent to all subscribed members."; } else { $mySession->sucessMsg = "Email Template updated successfully."; } $this->_redirect('system/emailtemplates'); } } $this->view->myform = $myform; }
/** * @see FleetStartDirectFireAction::readParametersSpec() */ public function readParametersSpec() { $system = new System($this->galaxy, $this->system); $planet = $system->getPlanet($this->planet, 2); $resources = $planet->metal + $planet->crystal; $recyclers = min(ceil($resources / 20000), Spec::getSpecObj(self::RECYCLER)->level); $this->spec[self::RECYCLER] = $recyclers; }
public function run() { if (!($this->from_flavor == 'ce' && $this->toFlavor('pro'))) { return; } $system = new System(); $system->system_key = $this->config['unique_key']; $system->user_id = '1'; $system->last_connect_date = TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb(); $system_id = $system->retrieveNextKey(false, true); $this->db->query("INSERT INTO config (category, name, value) VALUES ( 'system', 'system_id', '" . $system_id . "')"); }
/** * Get User by usrGmail * * @param string $usr_gmail Unique id of User * * return uid * */ public function getUserByEmail($usr_gmail) { //getting the user data require_once PATH_HOME . "engine" . PATH_SEP . "classes" . PATH_SEP . "model" . PATH_SEP . "Users.php"; $oUsers = new \Users(); $response['user'] = $oUsers->loadByUserEmailInArray($usr_gmail); //getting the skin require_once PATH_HOME . "engine" . PATH_SEP . "classes" . PATH_SEP . "class.system.php"; $sysConf = new \System(); $responseSysConfig = $sysConf->getSystemConfiguration(PATH_CONFIG . 'env.ini'); $response['enviroment'] = $responseSysConfig['default_skin']; return $response; }
/** * * Enter description here ... * @return multitype:System */ public static function getValue() { $dbh = $GLOBALS['dbh']; $results = array(); $sql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT \n\t\t\t\t*\n\t\t\tFROM \n\t\t\t\tsystem\n\t\t"; foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $r) { $row = new System(); $row->set_var($r['var']); $row->set_val($r['val']); $results[] = $row; } return $results; }
/** * Returns the planet object of the target planet. * * @return Planet */ protected function getTargetPlanet() { if ($this->planetObj === null) { $system = new System($this->galaxy, $this->system); $this->planetObj = $system->getPlanet($this->planet, $this->planetType); $this->fleetQueue->storePlanet($this->planetObj); $this->fleetQueue->galaxy = $this->galaxy; $this->fleetQueue->system = $this->system; $this->fleetQueue->planet = $this->planet; $this->fleetQueue->planetType = $this->planetType; } return $this->planetObj; }
public function formAddNovaCategoria() { $sys = new System(); $params = $sys->getParam(); //VERIFICA SE VEIO ALGUM CÓDIGO DE ERRO OU DE SUCESSO POR PARÂMETRO NA URL $erro = array_key_exists('erro', $params) ? $params['erro'] : 0; $sucesso = array_key_exists('sucesso', $params) ? $params['sucesso'] : 0; $categorias = new categoriaModel(); $categorias->buscaCategoriasOrderBy($categorias, 'datacad', 'desc'); $categorias = $categorias->retornaDados('assoc'); $dados = array('titulo' => NOMESITE, 'tela' => 'produtos/formAddNovaCategoria', 'erro' => $erro, 'sucesso' => $sucesso, 'categorias' => $categorias); $this->view('camadasadmin', $dados); }
public function get() { if (!$this->timeZone) { $net = $this->system->getNetPath(); if ($net) { $command = sprintf('%s time zone -S %s', $net, escapeshellarg($this->host)); $this->timeZone = exec($command); } else { // fallback to server timezone $this->timeZone = date_default_timezone_get(); } } return $this->timeZone; }
/** * Generate the module * * @return string */ public function run() { /** @var BackendTemplate|object $objTemplate */ $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_maintenance_mode'); $objTemplate->action = ampersand(\Environment::get('request')); $objTemplate->headline = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance']['maintenanceMode']; $objTemplate->isActive = $this->isActive(); try { $driver = \System::getContainer()->get('lexik_maintenance.driver.factory')->getDriver(); $isLocked = $driver->isExists(); } catch (\Exception $e) { return ''; } // Toggle the maintenance mode if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == 'tl_maintenance_mode') { if ($isLocked) { $driver->unlock(); } else { $driver->lock(); } $this->reload(); } if ($isLocked) { $objTemplate->class = 'tl_confirm'; $objTemplate->explain = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['maintenanceEnabled']; $objTemplate->submit = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance']['maintenanceDisable']; } else { $objTemplate->class = 'tl_info'; $objTemplate->explain = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['maintenanceDisabled']; $objTemplate->submit = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_maintenance']['maintenanceEnable']; } return $objTemplate->parse(); }
protected function invokeHandler() { $specific = array(); $size = getimagesize($this->file->getAbsPath()); if ($size !== false) { $specific['imagesize'] = $size[0] . ' x ' . $size[1] . ' px'; } else { $specific['imagesize'] = System::getLanguage()->_('Unknown'); } if (extension_loaded('imagick') && class_exists('Imagick')) { try { $i = new Imagick($this->file->getAbsPath()); $specific['format'] = $i->getimageformat(); } catch (Exception $e) { Log::handleException($e, false); if ($this->file->ext == "svg") { Log::sysLog('ImageHandler', '"librsvg" is not installed. Without it Imagick could not handle .svg files!'); } } } else { $specific['format'] = System::getLanguage()->_('Unknown'); } $this->smarty->assign('specific', $specific); $this->smarty->display('handler/image.tpl'); }
/** * Initialize the controller * * 1. Import the user * 2. Call the parent constructor * 3. Authenticate the user * 4. Load the language files * DO NOT CHANGE THIS ORDER! */ public function __construct() { $this->import('BackendUser', 'User'); parent::__construct(); $this->User->authenticate(); \System::loadLanguageFile('default'); }
public static function getInstance() { if (!self::$instance instanceof self) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; }
public function upimage() { //System::load_app_class('Uploader','','no'); //上传图片框中的描述表单名称, //$title = htmlspecialchars($_POST['pictitle'], ENT_QUOTES); //$path = htmlspecialchars($_POST['dir'], ENT_QUOTES); if (!isset($_POST['pictitle']) && !isset($_FILES['upfile'])) { exit; } $title = $_POST['pictitle']; $path = G_UPLOAD . 'shopimg/'; System::load_sys_class('upload', 'sys', 'no'); upload::upload_config(array('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'), 500000, 'shopimg'); upload::go_upload($_FILES['upfile']); if (!upload::$ok) { $url = ''; $title = $title; $originalName = ''; $state = upload::$error; } else { $url = G_UPLOAD_PATH . '/shopimg/' . upload::$filedir . "/" . upload::$filename; $title = $title; $originalName = ''; $state = 'SUCCESS'; } echo "{'url':'" . $url . "','title':'" . $title . "','original':'" . $originalName . "','state':'" . $state . "'}"; //{'url':'upload/20130728/13749880933714.jpg','title':'梨花.jpg','original':'梨花.jpg','state':'SUCCESS'} }
/** * Handles an error. * * @param integer $errno Number of the error. * @param string $errstr Error message. * @param string $errfile Filename where the error occurred. * @param integer $errline Line of the error. * @param string $errcontext Context of the error. * * @return boolean */ public function handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile = '', $errline = 0, $errcontext = null) { $this->setupHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext); // Notify all loggers $this->eventManager->notify($this->event->setArgs(array('trace' => $this->trace, 'type' => $this->type, 'errno' => $this->errno, 'errstr' => $this->errstr, 'errfile' => $this->errfile, 'errline' => $this->errline, 'errcontext' => $this->errcontext))); if ($this->isPHPError() && System::isDevelopmentMode() && $this->showPHPErrorHandler()) { // allow PHP to return error $this->resetHandler(); return false; } if (!$this->isDisplayErrorTemplate()) { // prevent PHP from handling the event after we return $this->resetHandler(); return true; } // obey reporing level if (abs($this->getType()) > $this->serviceManager['log.display_level']) { return false; } // unless in development mode, exit. if (!$this->serviceManager['log.display_template']) { return false; } // if we get this far, display template echo ModUtil::func('Errors', 'user', 'system', array('type' => $this->errno, 'message' => $this->errstr, 'file' => $this->errfile, 'line' => $this->errline)); Zikula_View_Theme::getInstance()->themefooter(); System::shutDown(); }
function skinList() { G::loadClass('system'); $skinList = System::getSkingList(); $wildcard = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['activeskin'])) { $wildcard = '@'; } $filterList = array(); if (defined('PARTNER_FLAG')) { $filterList = array('00000000000000000000000000000001', '00000000000000000000000000000002'); } foreach ($skinList['skins'] as $key => $value) { if (!isset($value['SKIN_ID']) || !in_array($value['SKIN_ID'], $filterList)) { if ($value['SKIN_FOLDER_ID'] != 'simplified' && $value['SKIN_FOLDER_ID'] != 'uxs' && $value['SKIN_FOLDER_ID'] != 'uxmodern') { if ($skinList['currentSkin'] == $value['SKIN_FOLDER_ID']) { $value['SKIN_STATUS'] = $wildcard . G::LoadTranslation('ID_ACTIVE'); $value['SKIN_NAME'] = $wildcard . $value['SKIN_NAME']; $value['SKIN_WORKSPACE'] = $wildcard . $value['SKIN_WORKSPACE']; $value['SKIN_DESCRIPTION'] = $wildcard . $value['SKIN_DESCRIPTION']; $value['SKIN_AUTHOR'] = $wildcard . $value['SKIN_AUTHOR']; $value['SKIN_CREATEDATE'] = $wildcard . $value['SKIN_CREATEDATE']; $value['SKIN_MODIFIEDDATE'] = $wildcard . $value['SKIN_MODIFIEDDATE']; } else { $value['SKIN_STATUS'] = G::LoadTranslation('ID_INACTIVE'); } $skinListArray['skins'][] = $value; } } } $skinListArray['currentSkin'] = $skinList['currentSkin']; echo G::json_encode($skinListArray); }
/** * Smarty function to return first image src from given HTML content. * * Examples * {getImage htmlcontent=$item.body} * {getImage htmlcontent=$item.body putbaseurl=true} * {getImage htmlcontent=$item.body putbaseurl=true assign='imagesrc'} * * @return string */ function smarty_function_getImage($params, Zikula_View $view) { $result = $params['htmlcontent']; if (isset($params['htmlcontent']) && $params['htmlcontent']) { if (strpos($params['htmlcontent'], '<img ') === false) { // image is not found in content } else { // get image src $posstart = strpos($params['htmlcontent'], ' src="', $posstart) + 6; $posend = strpos($params['htmlcontent'], '"', $posstart); $result = substr($params['htmlcontent'], $posstart, $posend - $posstart); if (isset($params['putbaseurl']) && $params['putbaseurl']) { // put base url, if not if (substr($result, 0, 7) != 'http://' || substr($result, 0, 8) != 'https://') { $result = System::getBaseUrl() . ltrim($result, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } } } } if (isset($params['assign'])) { $view->assign($params['assign'], $result); } else { return $result; } }
public static function read($pin, $automode = false) { if ($automode) { self::mode($pin, 'in'); } return System::commandSilent(self::GPIO_DEFAULT_PATH . ' read ' . $pin); }
function PlayGame() { // Validation to make sure one of the RadioButtons was Selected if ($this->DifficultyGroup->SelectedValue != null) { /*Clearing the Controls removes from the screen everything that has been added to this Panel so far*/ $this->Controls->Clear(); /* Sets the number of chances based on the selected difficulty. It will be 10, 5, or 3 because those were the three Values of the Items passed into the difficulty RadioButtons when they were instantiated.*/ $this->Chances = $this->DifficultyGroup->SelectedValue; //Create more necessary Controls $makeGuess = new Label('Please Make a Guess:', 15, 60, 200); $this->ChancesLeftLabel = new Label("You have made {$this->BadGuesses} bad guesses out of a maximum of {$this->Chances}.", 15, 178, 350); $giveUp = new Link(null, 'Give up', 15, 250, 60); $giveUp->Click = new ServerEvent($this, 'EndGame', 'You Lose!'); $guess = new Label('Guess:', $this->ChancesLeftLabel->Left, $this->ChancesLeftLabel->Bottom + 20, 60); //Add these new Controls $this->Controls->AddRange($makeGuess, $this->ChancesLeftLabel, $giveUp, $guess); // Create Labels for all the letters from A to Z $this->CreateLetters(); // Get a random word that the user will try to guess $this->GetWord(); // Automatically call VannaWhite to open all the spaces of the word $this->VannaWhite('-'); } else { System::Alert('You must choose a difficulty level before playing.'); } }
/** * Generate the content element */ protected function compile() { $rows = deserialize($this->tableitems); $this->Template->id = 'table_' . $this->id; $this->Template->summary = specialchars($this->summary); $this->Template->useHeader = $this->thead ? true : false; $this->Template->useFooter = $this->tfoot ? true : false; $this->Template->useLeftTh = $this->tleft ? true : false; $this->Template->sortable = $this->sortable ? true : false; $arrHeader = array(); $arrBody = array(); $arrFooter = array(); // Table header if ($this->thead) { foreach ($rows[0] as $i => $v) { // Set table sort cookie if ($this->sortable && $i == $this->sortIndex) { $co = 'TS_TABLE_' . $this->id; $so = $this->sortOrder == 'descending' ? 'desc' : 'asc'; if (\Input::cookie($co) == '') { \System::setCookie($co, $i . '|' . $so, 0); } } // Add cell $arrHeader[] = array('class' => 'head_' . $i . ($i == 0 ? ' col_first' : '') . ($i == count($rows[0]) - 1 ? ' col_last' : '') . ($i == 0 && $this->tleft ? ' unsortable' : ''), 'content' => $v != '' ? nl2br_html5($v) : ' '); } array_shift($rows); } $this->Template->header = $arrHeader; $limit = $this->tfoot ? count($rows) - 1 : count($rows); // Table body for ($j = 0; $j < $limit; $j++) { $class_tr = ''; if ($j == 0) { $class_tr .= ' row_first'; } if ($j == $limit - 1) { $class_tr .= ' row_last'; } $class_eo = $j % 2 == 0 ? ' odd' : ' even'; foreach ($rows[$j] as $i => $v) { $class_td = ''; if ($i == 0) { $class_td .= ' col_first'; } if ($i == count($rows[$j]) - 1) { $class_td .= ' col_last'; } $arrBody['row_' . $j . $class_tr . $class_eo][] = array('class' => 'col_' . $i . $class_td, 'content' => $v != '' ? nl2br_html5($v) : ' '); } } $this->Template->body = $arrBody; // Table footer if ($this->tfoot) { foreach ($rows[count($rows) - 1] as $i => $v) { $arrFooter[] = array('class' => 'foot_' . $i . ($i == 0 ? ' col_first' : '') . ($i == count($rows[count($rows) - 1]) - 1 ? ' col_last' : ''), 'content' => $v != '' ? nl2br_html5($v) : ' '); } } $this->Template->footer = $arrFooter; }
public function executePostActionsHook($strAction, \DataContainer $dc) { if ($strAction !== static::$uploadAction) { return false; } // Check whether the field is allowed for regular users if (!isset($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][\Input::post('field')]) || $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][\Input::post('field')]['exclude'] && !\BackendUser::getInstance()->hasAccess($dc->table . '::' . \Input::post('field'), 'alexf')) { \System::log('Field "' . \Input::post('field') . '" is not an allowed selector field (possible SQL injection attempt)', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR); $objResponse = new ResponseError(); $objResponse->setMessage('Bad Request'); $objResponse->output(); } $this->name = \Input::post('field'); $this->id = \Input::post('field'); $this->field = \Input::post('field'); if ($dc->activeRecord === null) { $dc->activeRecord = General::getModelInstance($dc->table, $dc->id); } // add dca attributes $this->addAttributes(\Widget::getAttributesFromDca($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['fields'][$this->name], $this->name)); $objResponse = $this->upload(); /** @var Response */ if ($objResponse instanceof Response) { $objResponse->output(); } }
/** * Displays a particular model. */ public function actionView($id) { $this->layout = '//layouts/templates/admin'; $model = System::loadModel('User', $id); $this->seo(Yii::t('admin', 'View user') . ' ' . $model->username); $this->render('view', array('model' => $model)); }
/** * Generate a list for the dcaWizard displaying the languages * @param \Database_Result * @param string * @return string */ public function generateWizardList($objRecords, $strId, $widget) { $strReturn = ' <table class="tl_listing showColumns"> <thead> <td class="tl_folder_tlist">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_nc_language']['language'][0] . '</td> <td class="tl_folder_tlist">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_nc_language']['fallback'][0] . '</td> <td class="tl_folder_tlist"></td> </thead> <tbody>'; $arrLanguages = \System::getLanguages(); while ($objRecords->next()) { $row = $objRecords->row(); $strReturn .= ' <tr> <td class="tl_file_list">' . $arrLanguages[$objRecords->language] . '</td> <td class="tl_file_list">' . ($objRecords->fallback ? '✔' : '') . '</td> <td class="tl_file_list">' . $widget->generateRowOperation('edit', $row) . '</td> </tr> '; } $strReturn .= ' </tbody> </table>'; return $strReturn; }
/** * Zikula_View function to create manual link. * * This function creates a manual link from some parameters. * * Available parameters: * - manual: name of manual file, manual.html if not set * - chapter: an anchor in the manual file to jump to * - newwindow: opens the manual in a new window using javascript * - width: width of the window if newwindow is set, default 600 * - height: height of the window if newwindow is set, default 400 * - title: name of the new window if newwindow is set, default is modulename * - class: class for use in the <a> tag * - assign: if set, the results ( array('url', 'link') are assigned to the corresponding variable instead of printed out * * Example * {manuallink newwindow=1 width=400 height=300 title=rtfm } * * @param array $params All attributes passed to this function from the template. * @param Zikula_View $view Reference to the Zikula_View object. * * @return string|void */ function smarty_function_manuallink($params, Zikula_View $view) { LogUtil::log(__f('Warning! Template plugin {%1$s} is deprecated.', array('manuallink')), E_USER_DEPRECATED); $userlang = ZLanguage::transformFS(ZLanguage::getLanguageCode()); $stdlang = System::getVar('language_i18n'); $title = isset($params['title']) ? $params['title'] : 'Manual'; $manual = isset($params['manual']) ? $params['manual'] : 'manual.html'; $chapter = isset($params['chapter']) ? '#' . $params['chapter'] : ''; $class = isset($params['class']) ? 'class="' . $params['class'] . '"' : ''; $width = isset($params['width']) ? $params['width'] : 600; $height = isset($params['height']) ? $params['height'] : 400; $modname = ModUtil::getName(); $possibleplaces = array("modules/{$modname}/docs/{$userlang}/manual/{$manual}", "modules/{$modname}/docs/{$stdlang}/manual/{$manual}", "modules/{$modname}/docs/en/manual/{$manual}", "modules/{$modname}/docs/{$userlang}/{$manual}", "modules/{$modname}/docs/{$stdlang}/{$manual}", "modules/{$modname}/docs/lang/en/{$manual}"); foreach ($possibleplaces as $possibleplace) { if (file_exists($possibleplace)) { $url = $possibleplace . $chapter; break; } } if (isset($params['newwindow'])) { $link = "<a {$class} href='#' onclick=\"window.open( '" . DataUtil::formatForDisplay($url) . "' , '" . DataUtil::formatForDisplay($modname) . "', 'status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width={$width},height={$height}'); picwin.focus();\">" . DataUtil::formatForDisplayHTML($title) . "</a>"; } else { $link = "<a {$class} href=\"" . DataUtil::formatForDisplay($url) . "\">" . DataUtil::formatForDisplayHTML($title) . "</a>"; } if (isset($params['assign'])) { $ret = array('url' => $url, 'link' => $link); $view->assign($params['assign'], $ret); return; } else { return $link; } }
/** * Run the controller and parse the login template */ public function run() { $this->Template = new BackendTemplate('be_login'); // Show a cookie warning if (Input::get('referer', true) != '' && empty($_COOKIE)) { $this->Template->noCookies = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['noCookies']; } $strHeadline = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['loginTo'], Config::get('websiteTitle')); $this->Template->theme = Backend::getTheme(); $this->Template->messages = Message::generate(); $this->Template->base = Environment::get('base'); $this->Template->language = $GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE']; $this->Template->languages = System::getLanguages(true); $this->Template->title = specialchars($strHeadline); $this->Template->charset = Config::get('characterSet'); $this->Template->action = ampersand(Environment::get('request')); $this->Template->userLanguage = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_user']['language'][0]; $this->Template->headline = $strHeadline; $this->Template->curLanguage = Input::post('language') ?: str_replace('-', '_', $GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE']); $this->Template->curUsername = Input::post('username') ?: ''; $this->Template->uClass = $_POST && empty($_POST['username']) ? ' class="login_error"' : ''; $this->Template->pClass = $_POST && empty($_POST['password']) ? ' class="login_error"' : ''; $this->Template->loginButton = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['loginBT']); $this->Template->username = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_user']['username'][0]; $this->Template->password = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['password'][0]; $this->Template->feLink = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['feLink']; $this->Template->frontendFile = Environment::get('base'); $this->Template->disableCron = Config::get('disableCron'); $this->Template->ie6warning = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['ie6warning'], '<a href="http://ie6countdown.com">', '</a>'); $this->Template->default = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['default']; $this->Template->output(); }