function encrypt($data = '', $encryption = '') { if (empty($data)) { return; } switch (strtoupper($encryption)) { case 'MD5': $text = md5($data); break; case 'SHA1': $text = sha1($data); break; case 'CRC32': $text = crc32($data); break; case 'COMPLEX': //$text = complex($data); for ($i = 0; $i <= 100; $i++) { if (checkComplexString($data = complex($data)) === true) { $text = $data; break; } } break; default: $text = md5($data); break; } return $text; }
public function testComplexHelperFunction() { $this->assertTrue(function_exists('complex')); $this->assertInstanceOf('Math\\Complex', complex(1, 1)); $complex = complex(1, 2); $this->assertEquals($complex->getRealPart()->getValue(), 1); $this->assertEquals($complex->getImagPart()->getValue(), 2); }
function julia_ppm($filename, $size, $depth, $zreal, $zimag) { ## open the file if (file_exists($filename)) { unlink($filename); } $ppm = fopen($filename, "w"); ## write ppm header ppm_write($ppm, "P3\n"); ## write width and height ppm_write($ppm, $size . " " . $size . "\n"); ## write max value ppm_write($ppm, $depth . "\n"); ## write pixel values $z = complex($zreal, $zimag); $real_min = -1.2; $real_max = 1.2; $imag_min = -1.2; $delta = ($real_max - $real_min) / $size; for ($i = 0, $xreal = $real_min; $i < $size; $i++, $xreal = $xreal + $delta) { for ($j = 0, $ximag = $imag_min; $j < $size; $j++, $ximag = $ximag + $delta) { $count = 0; $x = complex($xreal, $ximag); while ($count < $depth && complex_abs($x) < 2.0) { $count++; $x = complex_add(complex_multiply($x, $x), $z); } if (complex_abs($x) <= 2.0) { ppm_write($ppm, "0 0 0\n"); } else { $intensity = $count / $depth; if ($intensity > 0.001) { ppm_write($ppm, round($depth - $depth * $intensity) . " " . round($depth - $depth * $intensity) . " " . $depth . "\n"); } } } } fclose($ppm); }