<?php define('APP_NAME', 'test'); chdir(getcwd() . '/../'); $conf = (include './conf/conf.php'); $conf['cache']['type'] = 'memcached'; include './xiunophp/xiunophp.php'; $r = cache_get('test2'); x('cache_get test2:', $r, NULL); $r = cache_set('test', array('123')); x('cache_set', $r, true); $r = cache_get('test'); x('cache_get', $r[0], '123'); $r = cache_delete('test'); x('cache_delete', $r, TRUE); $r = cache_get('test'); x('cache_get', $r, NULL); $r = cache_truncate(); x('cache_truncate', $r, TRUE); function x($info, $a, $b) { echo "{$info}: ... " . ($a === $b ? '[ok]' : var_export($a, 1) . ", except:" . var_export($b, 1)) . "\r\n"; }
<?php !defined('DEBUG') and exit('Access Denied.'); $action = param(1); if ($action == 'clear') { if ($method == 'GET') { $header['title'] = '清理缓存'; include "./admin/view/cache_clear.htm"; } elseif ($method == 'POST') { $old = $runtime; $clearcache = param('clearcache', 0); $clearcache and $r = cache_truncate(); // 清空缓存会导致今日发帖丢失 runtime_init(); runtime_set('todayposts', $old['todayposts']); runtime_set('todayusers', $old['todayusers']); runtime_set('todaythreads', $old['todaythreads']); $rebuildmaxid = param('rebuildmaxid', 0); if ($rebuildmaxid) { @ignore_user_abort(TRUE); @set_time_limit(0); table_day_rebuild(); } thread_new_sitemap(); message(0, '清理成功'); } } elseif ($action == 'maxid') { }