function genStatPieUrl() { $startDate = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2006); global $lang; if (checkField('cache_type', $lang)) { $lang_db = $lang; } else { $lang_db = "en"; } // Get data $rsTypes = sql('SELECT COUNT(`caches`.`type`) `count`, `cache_type`.`&1` AS `type`, `cache_type`.`color` FROM `caches` INNER JOIN `cache_type` ON (`caches`.`type`=`cache_type`.`id`) WHERE `status`=1 GROUP BY `caches`.`type` ORDER BY `count` DESC', $lang_db); $yData = array(); $xData = array(); $colors = array(); $url = ""; $sum = 0; while ($rTypes = mysql_fetch_array($rsTypes)) { $yData[] = ' (' . $rTypes['count'] . ') ' . $rTypes['type']; $xData[] = $rTypes['count']; $colors[] = substr($rTypes['color'], 1); $sum += $rTypes['count']; } mysql_free_result($rsTypes); foreach ($xData as $count) { $url .= normTo100($count, $sum) . ","; } $url = substr($url, 0, -1); $url .= "&cht=p3&chl="; foreach ($yData as $label) { $url .= urlencode($label) . "|"; } $url = substr($url, 0, -1); $url .= "&chco="; foreach ($colors as $color) { $url .= urlencode($color) . ","; } return $url = substr($url, 0, -1); }
$adm4 = sqlValue("SELECT `name` FROM `nuts_codes` WHERE `code`='{$sCode}'", 0); $sCode = mb_substr($sCode, 0, 4); } if (mb_strlen($sCode) == 4) { $code3 = $sCode; $adm3 = sqlvalue("SELECT `name` FROM `nuts_codes` WHERE `code`='{$sCode}'", 0); $sCode = mb_substr($sCode, 0, 3); } if (mb_strlen($sCode) == 3) { $code2 = $sCode; $adm2 = sqlvalue("SELECT `name` FROM `nuts_codes` WHERE `code`='{$sCode}'", 0); $sCode = mb_substr($sCode, 0, 2); } if (mb_strlen($sCode) == 2) { $code1 = $sCode; if (checkField('countries', 'list_default_' . $lang)) { $lang_db = $lang; } else { $lang_db = "en"; } // try to get localised name first $adm1 = sqlvalue("SELECT `countries`.`{$lang}`\n FROM `countries`\n WHERE `countries`.`short`='{$sCode}'", 0); if ($adm1 == null) { $adm1 = sqlvalue("SELECT `name` FROM `nuts_codes` WHERE `code`='{$sCode}'", 0); } } tpl_set_var('country', $adm1); tpl_set_var('region', $adm3); } else { tpl_set_var('country', ""); tpl_set_var('region', "");
$db->multiVariableQuery('INSERT INTO user_settings (user_id, newcaches_no_limit) VALUES (:2, :1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE newcaches_no_limit = :1', $newIgnoreFoundLimit, $user->getUserId()); $db->reset(); unset($user); $user = new \lib\Objects\User\User(array('userId' => $_REQUEST['userid'])); $user->loadExtendedSettings(); } if (isset($_GET['is_active_flag']) && $_GET['is_active_flag'] == 1 && $usr['admin']) { $sql = "UPDATE user SET is_active_flag = 1 - is_active_flag, `activation_code`='' WHERE user_id = " . intval($user_id); mysql_query($sql); } if ($usr['userid'] == $super_admin_id) { tpl_set_var('remove_all_logs', '<p><img src="tpl/stdstyle/images/blue/arrow2.png" alt="" align="middle" /> <a href="removelog.php?userid=' . $user_id . '"><font color="#ff0000">' . tr('admin_users_remove_logs') . '</font></a> <img src="' . $stylepath . '/images/blue/atten-red.png" align="top" alt="" /></p>'); } else { tpl_set_var('remove_all_logs', ''); } if (checkField('countries', $lang)) { $lang_db = $lang; } else { $lang_db = "en"; } $rsuser = sql("SELECT hidden_count, founds_count, log_notes_count, notfounds_count,last_login,\n username, date_created,description, email,is_active_flag,\n stat_ban,activation_code,hide_flag,countries.{$lang_db} country, verify_all\n FROM `user` LEFT JOIN countries ON ( WHERE user_id=&1 ", $user_id); $record = sql_fetch_array($rsuser); if (!$record['activation_code']) { tpl_set_var('activation_codes', tr('account_is_actived')); } else { tpl_set_var('activation_codes', $record['activation_code']); } if ($record['last_login'] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") { $userlogin = tr('NoDataAvailable'); } else { $userlogin = strftime("%d-%m-%Y", strtotime($record['last_login']));
function cache_status_from_id($id, $lang) { global $cache_status; if (checkField('cache_status', $lang)) { $lang_db = $lang; } else { $lang_db = "en"; } foreach ($cache_status as $status) { if ($status['id'] == $id) { return $status[$lang_db]; } } }
function outputSearchForm($options) { global $stylepath, $usr, $error_plz, $error_locidnocoords, $error_ort, $error_noort, $error_nofulltext; global $default_lang, $search_all_countries, $cache_attrib_jsarray_line, $cache_attrib_img_line; global $lang, $language, $config; //simple mode (only one easy filter) $filters = read_file($stylepath . '/search.simple.tpl.php'); tpl_set_var('filters', $filters, false); tpl_set_var('formmethod', 'get'); // checkboxes if (isset($options['sort'])) { $bBynameChecked = $options['sort'] == 'byname'; } else { $bBynameChecked = $usr['userid'] == 0; } tpl_set_var('byname_checked', $bBynameChecked == true ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); if (isset($options['sort'])) { $bBydistanceChecked = $options['sort'] == 'bydistance'; } else { $bBydistanceChecked = $usr['userid'] != 0; } tpl_set_var('bydistance_checked', $bBydistanceChecked == true ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); if (isset($options['sort'])) { $bBycreatedChecked = $options['sort'] == 'bycreated'; } else { $bBycreatedChecked = $usr['userid'] == 0; } tpl_set_var('bycreated_checked', $bBycreatedChecked == true ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); tpl_set_var('hidopt_sort', $options['sort']); tpl_set_var('f_inactive_checked', $options['f_inactive'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); tpl_set_var('hidopt_inactive', $options['f_inactive'] == 1 ? '1' : '0'); tpl_set_var('f_ignored_disabled', $usr['userid'] == 0 ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''); if ($usr['userid'] != 0) { tpl_set_var('f_ignored_disabled', $options['f_ignored'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); } tpl_set_var('hidopt_ignored', $options['f_ignored'] == 1 ? '1' : '0'); tpl_set_var('f_userfound_disabled', $usr['userid'] == 0 ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''); if ($usr['userid'] != 0) { tpl_set_var('f_userfound_disabled', $options['f_userfound'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); } tpl_set_var('hidopt_userfound', $options['f_userfound'] == 1 ? '1' : '0'); tpl_set_var('f_userowner_disabled', $usr['userid'] == 0 ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''); if ($usr['userid'] != 0) { tpl_set_var('f_userowner_disabled', $options['f_userowner'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); } tpl_set_var('hidopt_userowner', $options['f_userowner'] == 1 ? '1' : '0'); tpl_set_var('f_watched_disabled', $usr['userid'] == 0 ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''); if ($usr['userid'] != 0) { tpl_set_var('f_watched_disabled', $options['f_watched'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); } tpl_set_var('hidopt_watched', $options['f_watched'] == 1 ? '1' : '0'); tpl_set_var('f_geokret_checked', $options['f_geokret'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); tpl_set_var('hidopt_geokret', $options['f_geokret'] == 1 ? '1' : '0'); if (isset($options['cacherating'])) { tpl_set_var('all_caches_checked', $options['cacherating'] == 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); tpl_set_var('recommended_caches_checked', $options['cacherating'] > 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); tpl_set_var('cache_min_rec', $options['cacherating'] > 0 ? $options['cacherating'] : 0); tpl_set_var('min_rec_caches_disabled', $options['cacherating'] == 0 ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''); } if (isset($options['cacherating'])) { tpl_set_var('cacherating', htmlspecialchars($options['cacherating'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cacherating', ''); } if (isset($options['region'])) { tpl_set_var('region', htmlspecialchars($options['region'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('region', ''); } if (isset($options['country'])) { tpl_set_var('country', htmlspecialchars($options['country'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('country', ''); } if (isset($options['cachetype'])) { tpl_set_var('cachetype', htmlspecialchars($options['cachetype'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachetype', ''); } if (isset($options['cachesize_1'])) { tpl_set_var('cachesize_1', htmlspecialchars($options['cachesize_1'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachesize_1', ''); } if (isset($options['cachesize_2'])) { tpl_set_var('cachesize_2', htmlspecialchars($options['cachesize_2'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachesize_2', ''); } if (isset($options['cachesize_3'])) { tpl_set_var('cachesize_3', htmlspecialchars($options['cachesize_3'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachesize_3', ''); } if (isset($options['cachesize_4'])) { tpl_set_var('cachesize_4', htmlspecialchars($options['cachesize_4'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachesize_4', ''); } if (isset($options['cachesize_5'])) { tpl_set_var('cachesize_5', htmlspecialchars($options['cachesize_5'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachesize_5', ''); } if (isset($options['cachesize_6'])) { tpl_set_var('cachesize_6', htmlspecialchars($options['cachesize_6'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachesize_6', ''); } if (isset($options['cachesize_7'])) { tpl_set_var('cachesize_7', htmlspecialchars($options['cachesize_7'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachesize_7', ''); } if (isset($options['cachevote_1']) && isset($options['cachevote_2'])) { tpl_set_var('cachevote_1', htmlspecialchars($options['cachevote_1'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); tpl_set_var('cachevote_2', htmlspecialchars($options['cachevote_2'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachevote_1', ''); tpl_set_var('cachevote_2', ''); } if (isset($options['cachenovote'])) { tpl_set_var('cachenovote', htmlspecialchars($options['cachenovote'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachenovote', ''); } if (isset($options['cachedifficulty_1']) && isset($options['cachedifficulty_2'])) { tpl_set_var('cachedifficulty_1', htmlspecialchars($options['cachedifficulty_1'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); tpl_set_var('cachedifficulty_2', htmlspecialchars($options['cachedifficulty_2'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cachedifficulty_1', ''); tpl_set_var('cachedifficulty_2', ''); } if (isset($options['cacheterrain_1']) && isset($options['cacheterrain_2'])) { tpl_set_var('cacheterrain_1', htmlspecialchars($options['cacheterrain_1'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); tpl_set_var('cacheterrain_2', htmlspecialchars($options['cacheterrain_2'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); } else { tpl_set_var('cacheterrain_1', ''); tpl_set_var('cacheterrain_2', ''); } // cachename tpl_set_var('cachename', isset($options['cachename']) ? htmlspecialchars($options['cachename'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') : ''); // koordinaten if (!isset($options['lat_h'])) { if ($usr !== false) { $rs = sql('SELECT `latitude`, `longitude` FROM `user` WHERE `user_id`=\'' . sql_escape($usr['userid']) . '\''); $record = sql_fetch_array($rs); $lon = $record['longitude']; $lat = $record['latitude']; mysql_free_result($rs); if ($lon < 0) { tpl_set_var('lonE_sel', ''); tpl_set_var('lonW_sel', ' selected="selected"'); $lon = -$lon; } else { tpl_set_var('lonE_sel', ' selected="selected"'); tpl_set_var('lonW_sel', ''); } if ($lat < 0) { tpl_set_var('latN_sel', ''); tpl_set_var('latS_sel', ' selected="selected"'); $lat = -$lat; } else { tpl_set_var('latN_sel', ' selected="selected"'); tpl_set_var('latS_sel', ''); } $lon_h = floor($lon); $lat_h = floor($lat); $lon_min = ($lon - $lon_h) * 60; $lat_min = ($lat - $lat_h) * 60; tpl_set_var('lat_h', $lat_h); tpl_set_var('lon_h', $lon_h); tpl_set_var('lat_min', sprintf("%02.3f", $lat_min)); tpl_set_var('lon_min', sprintf("%02.3f", $lon_min)); } else { tpl_set_var('lat_h', '00'); tpl_set_var('lon_h', '000'); tpl_set_var('lat_min', '00.000'); tpl_set_var('lon_min', '00.000'); tpl_set_var('latN_sel', ' selected="selected"'); tpl_set_var('latS_sel', ''); tpl_set_var('lonE_sel', ' selected="selected"'); tpl_set_var('lonW_sel', ''); } } else { tpl_set_var('lat_h', isset($options['lat_h']) ? $options['lat_h'] : '00'); tpl_set_var('lon_h', isset($options['lon_h']) ? $options['lon_h'] : '000'); tpl_set_var('lat_min', isset($options['lat_min']) ? $options['lat_min'] : '00.000'); tpl_set_var('lon_min', isset($options['lon_min']) ? $options['lon_min'] : '00.000'); if ($options['lonEW'] == 'W') { tpl_set_var('lonE_sel', ''); tpl_set_var('lonW_sel', 'selected="selected"'); } else { tpl_set_var('lonE_sel', 'selected="selected"'); tpl_set_var('lonW_sel', ''); } if ($options['latNS'] == 'S') { tpl_set_var('latS_sel', 'selected="selected"'); tpl_set_var('latN_sel', ''); } else { tpl_set_var('latS_sel', ''); tpl_set_var('latN_sel', 'selected="selected"'); } } tpl_set_var('distance', isset($options['distance']) ? $options['distance'] : 20); if (!isset($options['unit'])) { $options['unit'] = 'km'; } if ($options['unit'] == 'km') { tpl_set_var('sel_km', 'selected="selected"'); tpl_set_var('sel_sm', ''); tpl_set_var('sel_nm', ''); } else { if ($options['unit'] == 'sm') { tpl_set_var('sel_km', ''); tpl_set_var('sel_sm', 'selected="selected"'); tpl_set_var('sel_nm', ''); } else { if ($options['unit'] == 'nm') { tpl_set_var('sel_km', ''); tpl_set_var('sel_sm', ''); tpl_set_var('sel_nm', 'selected="selected"'); } } } // plz tpl_set_var('plz', isset($options['plz']) ? htmlspecialchars($options['plz'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') : ''); tpl_set_var('ort', isset($options['ort']) ? htmlspecialchars($options['ort'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') : ''); // owner tpl_set_var('owner', isset($options['owner']) ? htmlspecialchars($options['owner'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') : ''); // finder tpl_set_var('finder', isset($options['finder']) ? htmlspecialchars($options['finder'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') : ''); //countryoptions $countriesoptions = $search_all_countries; $rs = sql('SELECT `short` FROM `countries` WHERE `short` IN (SELECT DISTINCT `country` FROM `caches`) '); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($rs); $i++) { $record = sql_fetch_array($rs); if ($record['short'] == $options['country']) { $countriesoptions .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($record['short'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" selected="selected">' . htmlspecialchars(tr($record['short']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</option>'; } else { $countriesoptions .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($record['short'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '">' . htmlspecialchars(tr($record['short']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</option>'; } $countriesoptions .= "\n"; } tpl_set_var('countryoptions', $countriesoptions); //regionoptions $regionsoptions = '<option value="" selected="selected">' . tr('all_regions') . '</option>'; tpl_set_var('regionoptions', $regionsoptions); // Typ skrzynki $cachetype_options = ''; if (checkField('cache_type', $lang)) { $lang_db = $lang; } else { $lang_db = "en"; } $rs = sql('SELECT `id`, `&1`, `icon_large` FROM `cache_type` ORDER BY `sort`', $lang_db); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($rs); $i++) { $record = sql_fetch_array($rs); /* if ($record['id'] == $options['cachetype']) $cachetype_options .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" selected="selected">' . htmlspecialchars($record[$default_lang], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</option>'; else $cachetype_options .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '">' . htmlspecialchars($record[$default_lang], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</option>'; */ $c_rec_id = $record['id'] - 1; $cachetype_icon = $record['icon_large']; // if ($options['cachetype'][$c_rec_id] == '1') { // $cachetype_options .= '<input type="checkbox" name="cachetype_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" value="1" id="l_cachetype_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" class="checkbox" onclick="javascript:sync_options(this)" checked="checked" /><label for="l_cachetype_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '">' . htmlspecialchars($record[$default_lang], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</label>'; // } else { // $cachetype_options .= '<input type="checkbox" name="cachetype_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" value="1" id="l_cachetype_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" class="checkbox" onclick="javascript:sync_options(this)" /><label for="l_cachetype_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '">' . htmlspecialchars($record[$default_lang], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</label>'; // } $cachetype_icon = str_replace("mystery", "quiz", $cachetype_icon); // mystery is an outdated name, we use 'quiz' now :-) $cachetype_icon_bw = $cachetype_icon; $cachetype_icon = str_replace(".png", "-i.png", $cachetype_icon); $cachetype_icon_bw = str_replace(".png", "-i-bw.png", $cachetype_icon_bw); $cachetype_icon = str_replace(".gif", "-i.png", $cachetype_icon); $cachetype_icon_bw = str_replace(".gif", "-i-bw.png", $cachetype_icon_bw); $hidden_css = "position: absolute; visibility: hidden;"; // css required to hide an image // this marks saved user preference for searching, if 1, the cache is by default searched // and thus making the colour image visibile if (isset($options['cachetype'][$c_rec_id]) && $options['cachetype'][$c_rec_id] == '1') { $icon_hidden = ""; $icon_bw_hidden = $hidden_css; } else { $icon_hidden = $hidden_css; $icon_bw_hidden = ""; } $hidden_css = "position: absolute; visibility: hidden;"; $cachetype_options .= '<img id="cachetype_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" src="' . htmlspecialchars($stylepath . "/images/" . $cachetype_icon, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($record[$lang_db], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" alt="' . htmlspecialchars($record[$lang_db], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" onmousedown="javascript:switchCacheType(\'cachetype_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '\')" style="cursor: pointer;' . $icon_hidden . '" />'; $cachetype_options .= '<img id="cachetype_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '_bw" src="' . htmlspecialchars($stylepath . "/images/" . $cachetype_icon_bw, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($record[$lang_db], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" alt="' . htmlspecialchars($record[$lang_db], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" onmousedown="javascript:switchCacheType(\'cachetype_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '\')" style="cursor: pointer;' . $icon_bw_hidden . '" />'; if ($i == 2) { $cachetype_options .= ' '; } $cachetype_options .= "\n"; } tpl_set_var('cachetype_options', $cachetype_options); //Rozmiar skrzynki $cachesize_options = ''; if (checkField('cache_size', $lang)) { $lang_db = $lang; } else { $lang_db = "en"; } $rs = sql('SELECT `id`, `&1` FROM `cache_size` ORDER BY `id`', $lang_db); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($rs); $i++) { $record = sql_fetch_array($rs); $cachesize_options .= '<input type="checkbox" name="cachesize_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" value="1" id="l_cachesize_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" class="checkbox" onclick="javascript:sync_options(this)" checked="checked" /><label for="l_cachesize_' . htmlspecialchars($record['id'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '">' . htmlspecialchars($record[$lang_db], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</label>'; $cachesize_options .= "\n"; } tpl_set_var('cachesize_options', $cachesize_options); // gpxlogLimit if ($options['gpxLogLimit'] == false) { tpl_set_var('gpxLogLimitUserChoice', 5); } else { tpl_set_var('gpxLogLimitUserChoice', $options['gpxLogLimit']); } function attr_jsline($tpl, $options, $id, $textlong, $iconlarge, $iconno, $iconundef, $category) { $line = $tpl; $line = mb_ereg_replace('{id}', $id, $line); if (array_search($id, $options['cache_attribs']) === false) { if (array_search($id, $options['cache_attribs_not']) === false) { $line = mb_ereg_replace('{state}', 0, $line); } else { $line = mb_ereg_replace('{state}', 2, $line); } } else { $line = mb_ereg_replace('{state}', 1, $line); } $line = mb_ereg_replace('{text_long}', addslashes($textlong), $line); $line = mb_ereg_replace('{icon}', $iconlarge, $line); $line = mb_ereg_replace('{icon_no}', $iconno, $line); $line = mb_ereg_replace('{icon_undef}', $iconundef, $line); $line = mb_ereg_replace('{category}', $category, $line); return $line; } function attr_image($tpl, $options, $id, $textlong, $iconlarge, $iconno, $iconundef, $category) { $line = $tpl; $line = mb_ereg_replace('{id}', $id, $line); $line = mb_ereg_replace('{text_long}', $textlong, $line); if (array_search($id, $options['cache_attribs']) === false) { if (array_search($id, $options['cache_attribs_not']) === false) { $line = mb_ereg_replace('{icon}', $iconundef, $line); } else { $line = mb_ereg_replace('{icon}', $iconno, $line); } } else { $line = mb_ereg_replace('{icon}', $iconlarge, $line); } return $line; } // cache-attributes $attributes_jsarray = ''; $attributes_img = ''; $attributesCat2_img = ''; // select attributes depend on specified language. $database = new dataBase(false); $query = "SELECT `id`, `text_long`, `icon_large`, `icon_no`, `icon_undef`, `category` FROM `cache_attrib` WHERE `language` LIKE :1 ORDER BY `id`"; $database->multiVariableQuery($query, strtoupper($lang)); // if specified language is in database if ($database->rowCount() <= 0) { // if we have not specified language in db, just use english. $database->multiVariableQuery($query, 'EN'); } $rs = $database->dbResultFetchAll(); unset($database); foreach ($rs as $record) { // icon specified $line = attr_jsline($cache_attrib_jsarray_line, $options, $record['id'], $record['text_long'], $record['icon_large'], $record['icon_no'], $record['icon_undef'], $record['category']); if ($attributes_jsarray != '') { $attributes_jsarray .= ",\n"; } $attributes_jsarray .= $line; $line = attr_image($cache_attrib_img_line, $options, $record['id'], $record['text_long'], $record['icon_large'], $record['icon_no'], $record['icon_undef'], $record['category']); if ($record['category'] != 1) { $attributesCat2_img .= $line; } else { $attributes_img .= $line; } } $line = attr_jsline($cache_attrib_jsarray_line, $options, "99", tr("with_password"), $config['search-attr-icons']['password'][0], $config['search-attr-icons']['password'][1], $config['search-attr-icons']['password'][2], 0); $attributes_jsarray .= ",\n" . $line; $line = attr_image($cache_attrib_img_line, $options, "99", tr("with_password"), $config['search-attr-icons']['password'][0], $config['search-attr-icons']['password'][1], $config['search-attr-icons']['password'][2], 0); $attributes_img .= $line; tpl_set_var('cache_attrib_list', $attributes_img); tpl_set_var('cache_attribCat2_list', $attributesCat2_img); tpl_set_var('attributes_jsarray', $attributes_jsarray); tpl_set_var('hidopt_attribs', implode(';', $options['cache_attribs'])); tpl_set_var('hidopt_attribs_not', implode(';', $options['cache_attribs_not'])); tpl_set_var('fulltext', ''); tpl_set_var('ft_name_checked', 'checked="checked"'); tpl_set_var('ft_desc_checked', ''); tpl_set_var('ft_logs_checked', ''); tpl_set_var('ft_pictures_checked', ''); // fulltext options if ($options['searchtype'] == 'byfulltext') { if (!isset($options['fulltext'])) { $options['fulltext'] = ''; } tpl_set_var('fulltext', htmlspecialchars($options['fulltext'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); if (isset($options['ft_name']) && $options['ft_name'] == 1) { tpl_set_var('ft_name_checked', 'checked="checked"'); } else { tpl_set_var('ft_name_checked', ''); } if (isset($options['ft_desc']) && $options['ft_desc'] == 1) { tpl_set_var('ft_desc_checked', 'checked="checked"'); } else { tpl_set_var('ft_desc_checked', ''); } if (isset($options['ft_logs']) && $options['ft_logs'] == 1) { tpl_set_var('ft_logs_checked', 'checked="checked"'); } else { tpl_set_var('ft_logs_checked', ''); } if (isset($options['ft_pictures']) && $options['ft_pictures'] == 1) { tpl_set_var('ft_pictures_checked', 'checked="checked"'); } else { tpl_set_var('ft_pictures_checked', ''); } } // errormeldungen tpl_set_var('ortserror', ''); if (isset($options['error_plz'])) { tpl_set_var('ortserror', $error_plz); } else { if (isset($options['error_ort'])) { tpl_set_var('ortserror', $error_ort); } else { if (isset($options['error_locidnocoords'])) { tpl_set_var('ortserror', $error_locidnocoords); } else { if (isset($options['error_noort'])) { tpl_set_var('ortserror', $error_noort); } } } } tpl_set_var('fulltexterror', isset($options['error_nofulltext']) ? $error_nofulltext : ''); tpl_BuildTemplate(); exit; }
function checkFields() { global $data, $errors; checkField('db_name', _('Please supply the Database Name.'), 'phpdevdbname'); checkField('db_username', _('Please supply the Database Username.'), 'phpdev'); checkField('db_password', _('Please supply the Database Password.'), 'phpdev'); checkField('db_server', _('Please supply the Database Server Address.'), 'localhost'); checkField('db_prefix', _('Please supply theDatabase Prefix.'), 'pds_'); checkField('config_file', _('Please supply the Config File.'), 'single-site.config.php'); return count($errors) == 0; }
/** 댓글 수정 * @class write * @param $data: 댓글 data, 이미 check와 가공이 끝난 데이터여야 함 $board_data: 게시판 설정 data -id: 게시판 아이디. 게시판 설정 data가 없을 때 아이디를 토대로 설정을 로드한다. -no: 대상 댓글번호 지정. (댓글 번호를 지정할 수 있다. 없다면 data에 저장되어 있는 자료를 수정) -is_update: 회원정보 업데이트 여부 -is_ex: 이전정보 로드 여부 -is_check: 입력변수 체크 여부 */ function editCmt(&$data, $board_data = '', $param = '') { global $mini; $param = param($param); iss($param['id']); iss($param['no']); iss($data['no']); def($param['is_update'], 1); def($param['is_ex'], 1); def($param['is_check'], 1); $trackback = $trackback_excerpt = $trackback_charset = ''; if (!empty($data['trackback'])) { $trackback = $data['trackback']; } if (!empty($data['trackback_excerpt'])) { $trackback_excerpt = $data['trackback_excerpt']; } if (!empty($data['trackback_charset'])) { $trackback_charset = $data['trackback_charset']; } $is_saveImage = !empty($data['saveImage']) ? 1 : 0; unset($data['pass']); unset($data['target_member']); unset($data['report']); unset($data['ip']); unset($data['vote']); unset($data['hate']); unset($data['download']); unset($data['date']); unset($data['date_last']); unset($data['parent']); unset($data['history_vote']); unset($data['point_count']); unset($data['point_sum']); if (empty($mini['member']['level_admin'])) { unset($data['is_del']); unset($data['trackback']); unset($data['ment_advice']); unset($data['is_lock']); unset($data['admit_file']); unset($data['admit_post']); } //// 게시판 설정 if (!is_array($board_data)) { if ($param['id']) { $board_data = getBoard($param['id'], 1); } else { __error('게시판 설정이 없습니다'); } } //// 게시물 번호 $no = $param['no'] ? $param['no'] : $data['no']; unset($data['no']); check($no, "type:num, name:댓글번호"); //// 데이터 로드 if ($param['is_ex']) { $data_ex = sql("SELECT * FROM {$board_data['table_cmt']} WHERE no={$no}"); if (!is_array($data_ex)) { __error('해당 댓글이 존재하지 않습니다'); } } //// 잠긴댓글 if (empty($mini['member']['level_admin']) && !empty($data_ex['is_lock'])) { __error('댓글이 잠겨 있어 수정, 삭제를 할 수 없습니다'); } //// 회원정보 로드 if (!empty($data_ex['target_member'])) { $mdata = sql("SELECT * FROM {$mini['name']['member']} WHERE no={$data_ex['target_member']}"); // 회원정보 업데이트 여부 if ($param['is_update'] && $param['is_ex'] && $data_ex['target_member']) { if (is_array($mdata)) { parseMember($mdata); $data['name'] = $mdata['name']; } else { $data_ex['target_member'] = $data['target_member'] = 0; $data['pass'] = md5(); } } } //// 권한 체크 if (empty($data_ex['trackback'])) { if (!empty($data_ex['target_member'])) { if (empty($mini['log'])) { __error('권한이 없습니다. [로그인이 필요합니다]'); } if (empty($mini['member']['level_admin']) && $mdata['no'] != $mini['member']['no']) { __error('권한이 없습니다. [자신이 쓴 댓글만 수정할 수 있습니다]'); } if (!empty($mini['member']['level_admin']) && $mdata['no'] != $mini['member']['no'] && $mdata['level_admin'] >= $mini['member']['level_admin']) { __error('권한이 없습니다. [자신보다 높거나 같은 권한의 관리자가 쓴 댓글 입니다]'); } } else { if (empty($mini['member']['level_admin'])) { if (empty($data['pass_encode'])) { __error('비밀번호가 없습니다'); } if (!empty($mini['log']) && empty($mini['member']['level_admin'])) { __error('권한이 없습니다. [비회원이 쓴댓글 입니다]'); } if (empty($mini['member']['level_admin']) && $data['pass_encode'] != md5("{$data_ex['pass']}|{$mini['ip']}|" . session_id())) { __error("권한이 없습니다. [비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다]"); } } } } //// 추가필드 권한 체크 if (!empty($board_data['field'])) { foreach ($board_data['field'] as $key => $val) { if (!empty($data['field'][$key]) && !empty($val['is_admin']) && empty($mini['member']['level_admin'])) { __error("[{$val['name']}]은 관리자만 입력하실 수 있습니다"); } if (empty($data['field'][$key]) && !empty($val['is_req'])) { __error("[{$val['name']}]을 입력해 주세요"); } } } //// 수정 시간제한 if (!empty($board_data['limit_edit_comment']) && empty($mini['member']['level_admin'])) { if (!empty($data_ex) && strtotime($data_ex['date']) + $board_data['limit_edit_comment'] * 60 < $mini['time']) { __error("작성 후 {$board_data['limit_edit_comment']}분이 지난 댓글을 수정할 수 없습니다"); } } //// 대상 게시물 정보 로드 check($data['target_post'], "type:num, name:대상게시물번호"); $data_post = sql("SELECT * FROM {$board_data['table']} WHERE no={$data['target_post']}"); //// 답변 댓글일 때 원본 댓글 정보 로드 if (!empty($data_ex['parent'])) { $data_reply = sql("SELECT * FROM {$board_data['table_cmt']} WHERE no=" . end(getStr($data_ex['parent']))); if (is_array($data_reply)) { // 원본 댓글이 비밀일 때 답변들도 비밀 유지 if (!empty($data_reply['secret'])) { $data['secret'] = 1; } // 공지댓글에 댓글 금지 if (!empty($data_reply['notice'])) { __error('공지댓글에는 댓글을 달 수 없습니다'); } } } //// 입력정보 체크 if (isset($data['name'])) { check($data['name'], "min:1, max:16, name:이름"); } if (isset($data['mail'])) { check($data['mail'], "type:mail, name:메일, is_not:1"); } //// 입력변수 체크 if ($param['is_check']) { // 입력변수 체크 checkField($data, $board_data['table_cmt'], $param); // 글 가공 checkPost($data, $board_data, 'cmt'); } //// 직접 수정이 안되는 정보는 제외시킨다 unset($data['no']); unset($data['reply']); unset($data['pass']); unset($data['vote']); unset($data['hate']); unset($data['ip']); unset($data['date']); unset($data['target_member']); //// trackback if (!empty($param['trackback'])) { $data['trackback'] = $param['trackback']; } //+ 권한별로 제외하는 필드를 지정한다. (이를테면 target_member 같은거 바꿀 수 없으니깐) //// 쿼리 sql("UPDATE {$board_data['table_cmt']} SET " . query($data, 'update') . " WHERE no={$no}"); $data['no'] = $data_ex['no']; //// 검색어 수정 if ($param['is_ex']) { if (!empty($data['ment']) && $data_ex['ment'] != $data['ment']) { $data_ex['ment'] = $data['ment']; } if (!empty($data['name']) && $data_ex['name'] != $data['name']) { $data_ex['name'] = $data['name']; } if (!empty($data['tag']) && $data_ex['tag'] != $data['tag']) { $data_ex['tag'] = $data['tag']; } delIndex($data_post['num'], $data_ex['no']); addIndex($data_ex, "\n\t\t\t\tid: {$board_data['no']}\n\t\t\t\tnum: {$data_post['num']}\n\t\t\t\tcmt_no: {$data_ex['no']}\n\t\t\t\tdate: {$data_ex['date']}\n\t\t\t\tip: {$data_ex['ip']}\n\t\t\t"); } //// 트랙백 댓글 주소 설정 if (!empty($data_reply) && !empty($data_reply['trackback'])) { $tmp_data = getSocket("\n\t\t\t\turl: {$data_reply['trackback']}\n\t\t\t\tskip_header: 1\n\t\t\t"); if (!empty($tmp_data) && strpos($tmp_data, "<rdf:RDF") !== false) { preg_match("/\\<rdf\\:Description.+trackback\\:ping\\=\"([^\"]+)\" \\/\\>/is", $tmp_data, $mat); if (!empty($mat[1])) { $trackback = $mat[1]; } } } //// 트랙백 보내기 if (!empty($trackback)) { $result = ''; $result = sendTrackback($trackback, $trackback_excerpt, $trackback_charset, $data, $board_data, 'cmt'); if ($result) { __error("댓글 수정에 성공했지만 트랙백을 보내지 못했습니다. ({$result})"); } } //// 이미지 치환 if (!empty($is_saveImage) && !empty($data['ment'])) { $data['ment'] = saveImage($data_ex['no'], $data['ment'], $board_data, 'cmt'); sql("UPDATE {$board_data['table_cmt']} SET ment='{$data['ment']}' WHERE no={$data_ex['no']}"); } }
function run() { global $dblink, $lang; /* begin db connect */ db_connect(); if ($dblink === false) { echo 'Unable to connect to database'; exit; } /* end db connect */ // global $opt; $rsCache = sql("SELECT `caches`.`cache_id`, `caches`.`latitude`, `caches`.`longitude` FROM `caches` LEFT JOIN `cache_location` ON `caches`.`cache_id`=`cache_location`.`cache_id` WHERE ISNULL(`cache_location`.`cache_id`) UNION SELECT `caches`.`cache_id`, `caches`.`latitude`, `caches`.`longitude` FROM `caches` INNER JOIN `cache_location` ON `caches`.`cache_id`=`cache_location`.`cache_id` WHERE `caches`.`country`!='PL' AND `caches`.`last_modified`>`cache_location`.`last_modified`"); while ($rCache = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsCache)) { $sCode = ''; $rsLayers = sql("SELECT `level`, `code`, AsText(`shape`) AS `geometry` FROM `nuts_layer` WHERE WITHIN(GeomFromText('&1'), `shape`) ORDER BY `level` DESC", 'POINT(' . $rCache['longitude'] . ' ' . $rCache['latitude'] . ')'); while ($rLayers = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsLayers)) { if (gis::ptInLineRing($rLayers['geometry'], 'POINT(' . $rCache['longitude'] . ' ' . $rCache['latitude'] . ')')) { $sCode = $rLayers['code']; break; } } mysql_free_result($rsLayers); if ($sCode != '') { $adm1 = null; $code1 = null; $adm2 = null; $code2 = null; $adm3 = null; $code3 = null; $adm4 = null; $code4 = null; if (mb_strlen($sCode) > 5) { $sCode = mb_substr($sCode, 0, 5); } if (mb_strlen($sCode) == 5) { $code4 = $sCode; $adm4 = sqlValue("SELECT `name` FROM `nuts_codes` WHERE `code`='{$sCode}'", 0); $sCode = mb_substr($sCode, 0, 4); } if (mb_strlen($sCode) == 4) { $code3 = $sCode; $adm3 = sqlvalue("SELECT `name` FROM `nuts_codes` WHERE `code`='{$sCode}'", 0); $sCode = mb_substr($sCode, 0, 3); } if (mb_strlen($sCode) == 3) { $code2 = $sCode; $adm2 = sqlvalue("SELECT `name` FROM `nuts_codes` WHERE `code`='{$sCode}'", 0); $sCode = mb_substr($sCode, 0, 2); } if (mb_strlen($sCode) == 2) { $code1 = $sCode; if (checkField('countries', 'list_default_' . $lang)) { $lang_db = $lang; } else { $lang_db = "en"; } // try to get localised name first $adm1 = sqlvalue("SELECT `countries`.`{$lang}`\n FROM `countries`\n WHERE `countries`.`short`='{$sCode}'", 0); if ($adm1 == null) { $adm1 = sqlvalue("SELECT `name` FROM `nuts_codes` WHERE `code`='{$sCode}'", 0); } } $sql = sql("INSERT INTO `cache_location` (`cache_id`, `adm1`, `adm2`, `adm3`, `adm4`, `code1`, `code2`, `code3`, `code4`) VALUES ('&1', '&2', '&3', '&4', '&5', '&6', '&7', '&8', '&9') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `adm1`='&2', `adm2`='&3', `adm3`='&4', `adm4`='&5', `code1`='&6', `code2`='&7', `code3`='&8', `code4`='&9'", $rCache['cache_id'], $adm1, $adm2, $adm3, $adm4, $code1, $code2, $code3, $code4); mysql_query($sql); } else { if (checkField('countries', 'list_default_' . $lang)) { $lang_db = $lang; } else { $lang_db = "en"; } $sCountry = sqlvalue("SELECT `countries`.`pl`\n FROM `caches`\n INNER JOIN `countries` ON `caches`.`country`=`countries`.`short`\n WHERE `caches`.`cache_id`='{$rCache['cache_id']}'", 0); $sCode1 = sqlvalue("SELECT `caches`.`country` FROM `caches` WHERE `caches`.`cache_id`='&1'", null, $rCache['cache_id']); $sql = sql("INSERT INTO `cache_location` (`cache_id`, `adm1`, `code1`) VALUES ('&1', '&2', '&3') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `adm1`='&2', `adm2`=NULL, `adm3`=NULL, `adm4`=NULL, `code1`='&3', `code2`=NULL, `code3`=NULL, `code4`=NULL", $rCache['cache_id'], $sCountry, $sCode1); mysql_query($sql); } } mysql_free_result($rsCache); db_disconnect(); }
tpl_set_var('hidemp3_start', ''); tpl_set_var('hidemp3_end', ''); } else { tpl_set_var('mp3files', $nomp3); tpl_set_var('def_seq_m', 1); //set default sequence to 1 for add mp3 link (in case there is no mp3 at all yet)) tpl_set_var('hidemp3_start', ''); tpl_set_var('hidemp3_end', ''); } } else { tpl_set_var('mp3files', '<br />'); tpl_set_var('hidemp3_start', '<!--'); tpl_set_var('hidemp3_end', '-->'); } //Add Waypoint if (checkField('waypoint_type', $lang)) { $lang_db = $lang; } else { $lang_db = "en"; } $cache_type = $cache_record['type']; if ($cache_type != GeoCache::TYPE_MOVING) { tpl_set_var('waypoints_start', ''); tpl_set_var('waypoints_end', ''); $wp_rs = sql("SELECT `wp_id`, `type`, `longitude`, `latitude`, `desc`, `status`, `stage`, `waypoint_type`.`&1` wp_type, waypoint_type.icon wp_icon FROM `waypoints` INNER JOIN waypoint_type ON (waypoints.type = WHERE `cache_id`='&2' ORDER BY `stage`,`wp_id`", $lang_db, $cache_id); if (mysql_num_rows($wp_rs) != 0) { $waypoints = '<table id="gradient" cellpadding="5" width="97%" border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 11px; line-height: 1.6em; color: #000000; ">'; $waypoints .= '<tr>'; if ($cache_type == GeoCache::TYPE_OTHERTYPE || $cache_type == GeoCache::TYPE_MULTICACHE || $cache_type == GeoCache::TYPE_QUIZ) { $waypoints .= '<th align="center" valign="middle" width="30"><b>' . tr('stage_wp') . '</b></th>'; }
//prepare the templates and include all neccessary // require_once('./lib/'); //Preprocessing if ($error == false) { require "../lib/jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php"; require "../lib/jpgraph/src/jpgraph_pie.php"; require "../lib/jpgraph/src/jpgraph_pie3d.php"; $year = ''; // check for old-style parameters if (isset($_REQUEST['userid']) && isset($_REQUEST['t'])) { $user_id = $_REQUEST['userid']; $tit = $_REQUEST['t']; } $y = array(); $x = array(); if (checkField('cache_type', $lang)) { $lang_db = $lang; } else { $lang_db = "en"; } if ($tit == "cc") { // Ustawic sprawdzanie jezyka w !!!! $rsCreateCachesYear = sql("SELECT COUNT(`caches`.`type`) `count`, `cache_type`.`&1` `type` FROM `caches` INNER JOIN `cache_type` ON (`caches`.`type`=`cache_type`.`id`) WHERE `user_id`=&2 AND status <> 4 AND status <>5 GROUP BY `caches`.`type` ORDER BY `count` DESC", $lang_db, $user_id); if ($rsCreateCachesYear !== false) { $xtitle = ""; while ($ry = mysql_fetch_array($rsCreateCachesYear)) { $y[] = $ry['count']; $x[] = $ry['type']; } } mysql_free_result($rsCreateCachesYear);
$file = file("{$fn}"); //делаю из файла массив echo ' оличество записей в KFFD - '; echo count($file) . '<br />'; foreach ($file as $k => $item) { $item = explode('', $item); //разбиваю ¤чейки массива на массивы array_shift($item); //удал¤ю из второго массива 3 первых ¤чейки //array_shift($item); //array_shift($item); $author = mysql_real_escape_string(checkField($item, "100", "author")); //присваеваю переменным значени¤ ¤чеек второго массива $title = mysql_real_escape_string(checkField($item, "245", "title")); $rubric = mysql_real_escape_string(checkField($item, "650", "rubric")); $keyword = mysql_real_escape_string(checkField($item, "653", "keyword")); $rubric = str_replace('a', '; ', $rubric); //мен¤ю символы на розделительные знаки $rubric = str_replace('x', '-', $rubric); $rubric = str_replace('z', ' ', $rubric); $rubric = str_replace('y', ' ', $rubric); $title = str_replace('b', ' ', $title); $title = str_replace('h', ' ', $title); $keyword = str_replace('a', ' ', $keyword); $person = str_replace('x', ' ', $person); $person = str_replace('z', ' ', $person); $sql = "INSERT INTO kffd (author, title, rubric, keyword)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('{$author}', '{$title}', '{$rubric}', '{$keyword}')"; //формирую запросс бд mysql_query($sql) or die('Add error!'); } mysql_close();
function db_CountryFromShort($countrycode) { global $dblink, $lang; //no databse connection? if ($dblink === false) { return false; } //select the right record if (checkField('cache_status', $lang)) { $lang_db = $lang; } else { $lang_db = "en"; } $rs = sql("SELECT `short`, `&1` FROM `countries` WHERE `short`='&2'", $lang_db, $countrycode); if (mysql_num_rows($rs) > 0) { $record = sql_fetch_array($rs); //return the country return $record[$lang_db]; } else { //country not found return false; } }
foreach ($file as $k => $item) { $item = strip_tags($item); $item = explode('', $item); //разбиваю ¤чейки массива на массивы array_shift($item); //удал¤ю из второго массива 3 первых ¤чейки array_shift($item); array_shift($item); $author = mysql_real_escape_string(checkField($item, "100", "author")); //присваеваю переменным значени¤ ¤чеек второго массива $title = mysql_real_escape_string(checkField($item, "245", "title")); $rubric = mysql_real_escape_string(checkField($item, "650", "rubric")); $keyword = mysql_real_escape_string(checkField($item, "653", "keyword")); $person = mysql_real_escape_string(checkField($item, "600", "person")); $geograf = mysql_real_escape_string(checkField($item, "651", "geograf")); $sourse = mysql_real_escape_string(checkField($item, "773", "sourse")); $rubric = str_replace('a', '; ', $rubric); //мен¤ю символы на розделительные знаки $rubric = str_replace('x', '-', $rubric); $rubric = str_replace('z', ' ', $rubric); $rubric = str_replace('y', ' ', $rubric); $title = str_replace('b', ' ', $title); $title = str_replace('h', ' ', $title); $keyword = str_replace('a', ' ', $keyword); $person = str_replace('x', ' ', $person); $person = str_replace('z', ' ', $person); $geograf = str_replace('x', ' ', $geograf); $geograf = str_replace('z', ' ', $geograf); $sourse = str_replace('d', '.-', $sourse); $sourse = str_replace('g', '.-', $sourse); $person = str_replace('31;a', '', $person);
function checkFields() { global $data, $errors; checkField('application_name', _('Please supply the Application Name.'), _('Your Application Name V-1.0.0')); checkField('admin_username', _('Please supply the Admin Login Username.'), _('root')); checkField('admin_password', _('Please supply the Admin Login Password.'), _('root')); checkField('admin_email', _('Please supply the Admin Email.'), _('*****@*****.**')); checkField('db_name', _('Please supply the Database Name.'), 'phpdevdbname'); checkField('db_username', _('Please supply the Database Username.'), 'phpdev'); checkField('db_password', _('Please supply the Database Password.'), 'phpdev'); checkField('db_server', _('Please supply the Database Server Address.'), 'localhost'); checkField('db_prefix', _('Please supply the Database Prefix.'), 'pds_'); checkField('config_file', _('Please supply the Config File.'), 'single-site.config.php'); if (filter_var($data['admin_email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) == FALSE) { addError('admin_email', _('Your email address seems to be invalid. Please make sure you entered your email address correctly.')); } return count($errors) == 0; }
$record_logs = sql_fetch_array($rs_caches2); $tmp_cache = $cache_line; $tmp_cache = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheimage}', icon_cache_status($record_logs['status'], $record_logs['cache_status_text']), $tmp_cache); $tmp_cache = mb_ereg_replace('{cachestatus}', htmlspecialchars($record_logs['cache_status_text'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $tmp_cache); $tmp_cache = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheid}', htmlspecialchars(urlencode($record_logs['cache_id']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $tmp_cache); $tmp_cache = mb_ereg_replace('{date}', $record_logs['date'], $tmp_cache); $tmp_cache = mb_ereg_replace('{cachename}', htmlspecialchars($record_logs['name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $tmp_cache); $tmp_cache = mb_ereg_replace('{wpname}', htmlspecialchars($record_logs['wp_name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $tmp_cache); $content .= "\n" . $tmp_cache; } mysql_free_result($rs_caches2); $content .= '</ul></div>'; } //get blocked caches by OC Team //get last hidden caches if (checkField('cache_status', $lang)) { $lang_db = $lang; } else { $lang_db = "en"; } $rs_caches3 = sql(" SELECT `cache_id`, `name`, DATE_FORMAT(`date_hidden`,'%d-%m-%Y') AS `date`, `status`,\n `cache_status`.`id` AS `cache_status_id`, `cache_status`.`&1` AS `cache_status_text`, `caches`.`wp_oc` AS `wp_name`\n FROM `caches`, `cache_status`\n WHERE `user_id`='&2'\n AND `cache_status`.`id`=`caches`.`status`\n AND `caches`.`status` = 6\n ORDER BY `date_hidden` DESC, `caches`.`date_created` DESC", $lang_db, $user_id); if (mysql_num_rows($rs_caches3) != 0) { $content .= '<br /><p><span class="content-title-noshade txt-blue08">' . tr('caches_blocked') . ':</span></p><br /><div><ul style="margin: -0.9em 0px 0.9em 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; list-style-type: none; line-height: 1.2em; font-size: 115%;">'; for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($rs_caches3); $i++) { $record_logs = sql_fetch_array($rs_caches3); $tmp_cache = $cache_line; $tmp_cache = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheimage}', icon_cache_status($record_logs['status'], $record_logs['cache_status_text']), $tmp_cache); $tmp_cache = mb_ereg_replace('{cachestatus}', htmlspecialchars($record_logs['cache_status_text'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $tmp_cache); $tmp_cache = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheid}', htmlspecialchars(urlencode($record_logs['cache_id']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $tmp_cache); $tmp_cache = mb_ereg_replace('{date}', $record_logs['date'], $tmp_cache); $tmp_cache = mb_ereg_replace('{cachename}', htmlspecialchars($record_logs['name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $tmp_cache);
require '../lib/'; global $lang; //prepare the templates and include all neccessary // require_once('./lib/'); //Preprocessing if ($error == false) { require "../lib/jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php"; require "../lib/jpgraph/src/jpgraph_pie.php"; require "../lib/jpgraph/src/jpgraph_pie3d.php"; // check for old-style parameters if (isset($_REQUEST['cacheid'])) { $cache_id = $_REQUEST['cacheid']; } $y = array(); $x = array(); if (checkField('log_types', $lang)) { $lang_db = $lang; } else { $lang_db = "en"; } // Ustawic sprawdzanie jezyka w !!!! $rsCSF = sql("SELECT COUNT(`cache_logs`.`type`) `count`, `log_types`.`&2` AS `type` FROM `cache_logs` INNER JOIN `log_types` ON (`cache_logs`.`type`=`log_types`.`id`) WHERE type=1 AND cache_logs.deleted=0 AND cache_logs.cache_id=&1 GROUP BY `cache_logs`.`type` ORDER BY `log_types`.`pl` ASC", $cache_id, $lang_db); if ($rsCSF !== false) { $xtitle = ""; $ry = mysql_fetch_array($rsCSF); $y[] = $ry['count']; $x[] = $ry['type']; } else { $x[] = tr("found"); } $rsCSNF = sql("SELECT COUNT(`cache_logs`.`type`) `count`, `log_types`.`&2` AS `type` FROM `cache_logs` INNER JOIN `log_types` ON (`cache_logs`.`type`=`log_types`.`id`) WHERE type=2 AND cache_logs.deleted=0 AND cache_logs.cache_id=&1 GROUP BY `cache_logs`.`type` ORDER BY `log_types`.`pl` ASC", $cache_id, $lang_db);
<?php // Form Submit //On form submit contact form should be shown $showForm = isset($_GET["contactForm"]) && $_GET["contactForm"] !== null ? "style='top: -2em;' " : "style='top: -70em;'"; $who = $why = $what = null; //Form Fields //Check if submitted via submit button $mailCheck; if ($_POST["submit"] === "Submit") { $where = "*****@*****.**"; $who = checkField($_POST["user-email"]); $why = checkField($_POST["user-subject"]); $what = checkField($_POST["user-message"]); $what = "From " . $who . ":\r\n\r\n" . $what; $headers = 'From:' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Reply-To:' . "\r\n"; // $headers .= 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); $mail = mail($where, $why, $what); //Adding the headers are not working for the moment $mailResult = "Your Address: " . $who . "<br/>The Subject: " . $why . "<br/>Your Message: " . $what . "."; if ($mail) { $mailCheck = "Your message has been received. I will get back to you during business hours."; } else { $mailCheck = "There was an problem and your message was not sent, if the problem persists you may email me directly at"; } } else { } ?> <!-- Frame of Form -->